#addressed in any kind of reasonable timeframe
illogicalvulcans · 1 year
suffering (submitting a reasonable maintenance request for a problem that is absolutely my landlord's responsibility to fix)
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punkasshunter · 2 years
Punkasshunter's Calligraphy Commission Sheet
What it is:
These projects are mostly basic calligraphy, but I am now offering some simple letter illumination! I'm able to work in both copperplate (pointed pen/"script") and broad-edge hands, and am most practiced in blackletter ("gothic", broad nib).
Mostly, I've done silly video game-related quotes and memes, but am willing to do anything not specified in my "will NOT do" within reason.
Here are some examples of my work, more of which can be found in my calligraphy tag!
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I have a good variety of inks and mediums, including solids in most basic colors, a few pearlescents, and even watercolors, and this will likely be updated soon with a swatch guide! If I don't have a particular color that's desired, I can likely obtain it with some additional time.
What I WON'T do:
• Hate speech of any kind
• Explicit sexual stuff within discretion, fetish
• That's about it, but I reserve the right to decline if anything else uncomfortable.
This pricing may be subject to change in the future to reflect the significant amount of work that goes into these and to not undercut other artists, but I'm going to try to keep pricing low as I gain experience.
For reference, here are my Rhodia Dotpad A5 and A4 notepads next to each other!
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A5 (smaller) sheet
• Base rate: $4 for dot grid paper, $5 for blank
• Per additional page: $1
A4 (larger) sheet:
• Base rate: $5 for dot grid paper, $6 for blank
• Per additional page: $1.50
Illuminated letters are an upcharge of $.20 per letter.
For an additional $1 on any, I can physically mail the completed work to you with an address! Otherwise, I will just send a scan of the completed work to you digitally.
I will also discount $.50 if you don't wish to choose your ink color.
While an individual piece may not take long, I am a disabled creator and also an alive human person. Your piece may be quicker, but please give a buffer time of about 3 days from the time of commission.
Please send communications through dm on here! I'm able to accept payment via Venmo, PayPal, or Ko-fi.
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anonnie-in-wonderland · 10 months
hi! i recently came across the Home Calls the Heart series and i really love it! but i wanted to know when would you be posting the remaining chapters. i mean to not pressure you but i just noticed that you stopped the series in december 2022 and i have really gotten hooked on the series so i just wanted to know.
thank you! <3
Since you took the time to send an ask I want to be sure I’m answering as well as I can. I do understand being really excited to know when more of a story is coming, as I’m a reader as well as a writer. I do understand it’s been a while, and honestly I never expected Home Calls the Heart to get the feedback and attention that it did, it was kind of written out of whimsy because of a prompt I couldn’t get out of my head.
But…I do want to say kindly that while it might not be your intention, there is pressure associated with asking someone when they will post the rest of their work. These chapters sort of require me to get in a writing mood, to sit down and type out each scene according to my outlines, to edit the finished product, post on tumblr, etc…well, you get the gist. They require a commitment. It would require me giving a timeframe, and that’s something I’ve always been upfront in saying I just don’t feel comfortable doing.
Too many things fluctuate for me in real life, and it would put me in a position to either let down readers, or stress myself out by rushing to meet a deadline even when that’s not feasible for me. I am a full time college student and I also work and also write and maintain an AO3 account with non k-pop stories so for all those reasons I can’t give you any answers other than saying assume everything is going to be continued in time, whenever it can be, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Also, I am happy you like my story, and a humble suggestion to show support and keep me motivated would be reblogging from time to time as it could help the story reach others. Also, chatting about what you enjoyed about the story either in the comments of the post or in an ask (such as this one!) is always welcomed! I get so very few asks and comments related to the contents of my fics as 98% of them are about wanting to be put on a tag list or wanting to know when and if updates are coming.
And this is not me scolding you or angry in anyway, just offering up suggestions about how we can sort of help each other out. 😊 This goes for all my readers and anyone who enjoys my blog, because you are not the first person whose asked me and likely won’t be the last so I’m just addressing everyone via your ask here but you are not being singled out.
So, yes…engagement is really motivating for me personally! There’s nothing like the rush of motivation I get when someone tells me specifically what they liked about what I wrote, what they expect will happen next, things like that.
Anyway, I probably didn’t give the answers you were looking for, but I do hope you continue to enjoy my writing~
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boozye · 2 years
alright, deepdive on solomon's reasoning here as requested! this is probably going to be LONG (popping back in after saying everything I wanted to, it is definitely long. there's no need to post or even read this, just turned out I had more to explain than I thought.) but it should stay mostly within the realms of s1-2 other than a couple brief nods to s3 as supporting evidence. to be clear, I'm not by any means an expert on solomon, I just dug through some solomon moments pretty thoroughly.
first of all, I just wanna say I appreciate your past post-people seem to say that purgatory hall "canonically doesn't know" but all I've seen is that they haven't mentioned it. I don't know what they do or don't know, or if I would have told them myself, but I think it's way more interesting to operate under the assumption that they do know. and in regards to the "immortality has desensitized him" theory, I'm not super in love with it myself- just because I feel part of the appeal of the solomon and MC dynamic is that he's not necessarily more sympathetic of the plight of their humanity than the others, but he is more cognizant of it. some of the boys are more aware of their fragility, others are more aware of their skills, but I think solomon is the only one I'd describe as at least aware of both. and I think while immortality might desensitize him to the other mistreatments of the exchange program, I'd argue that it would only make a death more impactful.
anyway, that's just giving credit to the theories I see more frequently. as for my own personal thoughts: season one solomon is a prick. he gets a weird fandom rap as being either unacceptably suspicious or somehow one of the most decent of the boys, and I kind of have to agree with both. basically everything he does for a while is either completely unclear in motive or very much layered and morally grey- which fits, honestly. he's not evil, he's just not especially good at first either. his first appearance he (jokingly, but still) threatens the MC and laughs at their situation if they ask for help, but also in doing so interrupts demons about to attack them. second real appearance, he saves them from lucifer and lends them his magic, but also pretty blatantly only does it because he thinks it'd be interesting. his discussion with belphie and MC in lesson 18? read to me as not exactly mean, but antagonistic- he says he didn't expect belphie to be willing to make a pact, but asks not only about one for himself but also for MC, and then about why belphie's looking for a reaction.
I honestly just thought he was kind of an oddball at first, because he does generally make kind decisions if not for especially kind reasoning, but my opinion on him changed a little after I stumbled upon a relationship chart (era s1) posted by the official twitter. basically everything on it has been addressed at one point or another, some of it way later than the chart was made, but solomon's is particularly striking- other than his pact with asmo, his only relationship is that he sees the other characters as "toys". which is kind of a harsh swerve from how he generally acts, but it does play into the fact that he tends to pretty often make decisions just for entertainment value. and he does somewhat address this in season 3, not explicitly, but he pretty heavily implies that he didn't always care about the demons- they also addressed simeon and diavolo's dislike of each other (first stated on the chart) in a similar timeframe, so I'm inclined to believe that's what it's referencing.
while I do feel that's relevant to solomon's motives, I do think he has the same motivations during season 1 that he does in season 2, or I don't see most of the events of season 2 ever transpiring. so, I went back through, and I'm assuming the dialogue that you're thinking of is "I'll do whatever I must to protect humanity... and you as well, MC.", because that also stumped me for a while. but I honestly think the important part here is "and." solomon has kind of an interesting dialogue quirk where he doesn't often refer to humanity, just the human world . the demons do too, sure, but only when they're talking about the world itself. solomon refers to humanity itself as the human world, which, vitally, MC is not in during season 1. he mentions that "Just as Diavolo puts the interest of the Devildom above all else, I feel the same about the human world. Nothing is more important to me than its peace and stability." and, given that by the time Solomon would find out about it, Diavolo and Barbatos have already ""saved the exchange program"", the realm itself isn't in any danger. there's sort of a parallel there that because diavolo's in charge of the devildom, solomon isn't particularly concerned with it. he says he's come to be fond of the devildom, too, when he's discussing the night dagger section with MC, but also admits that doesn't factor into his choices in resolving the situation. with "I've spent countless years watching over the people of our world, I have to make sure that their lives and livelihoods are secure, now and in the future"- it's contained in the Devildom, it's secure, and it's not his business.
that said, that raises the entirely different question of why does he interact with MC the way he does in both seasons. in season 1, he doesn't care about them as a human, he finds them interesting as a human in the devildom. "When it comes down to it, you're human, and that makes you different", he calls them a "destabilizing factor". they're objectively entertaining, in the uproar they cause, how unprecedented it all is (for a man who has precedent for nearly everything), and in their pacts. something not even he's been able to do.
in season 2, though, he picks them over the human world. he says himself that if he has to sacrifice the life of a demon to ensure the future of the human, that's what he'll do. without hesitation. and by all means, he could have. he had the dagger to begin with, there's no reason for MC to be the one to do it, but he hands it off to them knowing they will not kill him. like he says, he couldn't bear the thought of MC being angry with him, because by season 2 I think they're more important to him-not entirely sure where that happens, maybe sometime after the events of lesson 17-18 to the dance in s2. honestly, MC sort of IS the danger to the human world at this point, there's no other reason for him to be so lenient. maybe it's only because he has them to look in the eyes about it, and not necessarily because he's fallen for them, but because solomon is an inherently lonely man (this is again referenced in s3, but suffice to say a symptom of immortality), who is determined to make sure that the world he came from will last as long as he does despite not one individual person from it being able to, and saw the only people who could match his lifespan as playthings until just before. but MC is unprecedented. so when he says he'll do anything to protect the human world, and MC as well, he's not saying they're a part of the rule. he's saying by then, they are an exception to it.
TL;DR, because I had WAY more to say than I expected: solomon cares about protecting the human world and humanity as a concept, not necessarily every human as a person. season 1 solomon technically has no immediate need to protect the human world, and only the desire to protect MC when or because he finds them interesting. season 2 solomon does have to protect the human world, technically even from MC, but he's a very lonely character and has begun to care about them enough that they take precedent now. obviously this is a personal interpretation, there's always the chance I'm missing, adding, or misinterpreting things, but this is how I've come to understand his character. hope it helps, or is at least an interesting read, if you actually sit through it!
I agree, it is more interesting and makes more sense if the Purgatory Hall people know what happened. Even if we disagree on whether he's grown desensitized.
And this is a wonderful read, anon. It's exactly what I was hoping for. Something or someone to make it make sense for me. This does make it make sense. It's a great interpretation. It's a wonderful overview of his general attitude towards MC from a season to another and how it changed, as well as the logic behind it. And the change makes sense if we consider he went from NonDateable to Gen 2 Dateable.
I will say though I think my biggest problem is it was a major oversight of the writers to just gloss over whether the other characters were told what happened. It's so important, I don't care that everyone acts as if it didn't happen or matter at all, that's fine. That is a scene that should simply exist. Their reactions to the news would have been A PRIME OPORTUNITY to develop or showcase their characters, idiosincracies, personalities, etc. Whether they remain indifferent or not. Or a scene where MC is asked not to tell. It would have also given so much depth and weigh to the whole thing. Alas, it remains unadressed.
It's like watching someone paint a wall and leave a huge gap somewhere between strokes and never fixing it. GAAAAAAHHH so frustrating.
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But yeah, I will continue to play with the notion that They Know and just basically Don't/Didn't Care.
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pebblysand · 1 year
Hi Jo, hope you're doing well! I love your writing and have been enjoying castles sooo much... pushing for you and this wonderful project as it nears the end!
I have a question about your writing process. Forgive me if you've addressed this somewhere in the podcast or your previous posts, but I've noticed that you use a lot of specific dates in your work (Harry moving out of his flat, the start and end dates of the road trip, etc.). I'm wondering whether you always outline your stories by date, or if you ballpark it and occasionally enjoy throwing in dates as a stylistic detail? Is it better for your individual process to know exactly when everything happens? Thanks!
aw, thank you! ❤️
okay so that's a very good question. for castles, yes, i always have the calendar for that year open. there's actually been funny instances in my IRL life where i'll open my calendar on my laptop to book an appointment or something and i'll be like "wait, why is that not the right day of the week" and then realise my calendar is still set to 1998/1999 😆. when i plan chapters (like the road trip for instance), i'll have a rough idea of when things happen, when they get to certain places, etc. now, that might change - for instance, they stayed in Salem a lot less time than i had originally anticipated - but generally, i kind of have the timeframe in my head, even if i might have to move things around a bit whilst writing/editing.
but, i also think it's because of the structure/limited timeframe that castles chapters have operated in so far. it's very different building a timeline on a chapter/one-shot that happens over years v. one that happens over weeks/days. in castles, the shortest chapter (in terms of in-world time spent) is chapter six, which happens over a day. it covers the dementor attack, giulia's death, harry's interrogation at the ministry, and him coming back at the weasleys'. the longest is probably chapter sixteen, which spans about three months. those are shorter time frames where knowing what date things happen exactly is useful.
having said that, if you look at other fics of mine, like the fault in faulty manufacturing or ce ne sont que des cailloux for instance, there are hardly any dates because these span over years. in that case, having specific dates would feel weird/awkward/not useful. think about it: if you follow a character throughout their school years and randomly the author goes "on the 30th of July 2013" you're like: "why is that important?" so, for the most part, i don't know what specific dates things happen in those fics. i might know the month or the year, but it's all relative to scale. if you write something that happens over a single day, you might need to know what time things happen. if you write something that happens over years, you probably only need the year and maybe the month to anchor it.
now, regarding whether i include these as a stylistic detail or for another reason, i actually think it's both. if you've read my other fics, you will know that the near-constant dating of events in castles is actually a feature specific to castles. more specifically, it is a feature of castles bar from certain chapters where it's not. there are a number of reasons for this:
1) chapters one, six and eight do not function like this. other chapters are more or less signposted with dates/times, depending on the events of the particular chapter. this is to emphasise the "blurriness" of those chapters. these are chapters where the trauma is fresh/raw and i find that when you're in these situations, your sense of date/time can get messier.
2) i don't think i've ever mentioned this on here but one of the decisions i made very early on in castles was that there would never be any page breaks. if you were in the fanfiction trenches of the 2010s, you will know that we were all writing with an excessive amount of page breaks. sometimes you'd have one line - page break - two paragraphs - page break. this was (i think) a feature very distinctive of fanfiction, especially of that era. we used page breaks to split up scenes, emphasise certain details/lines, etc. to give you an illustration of that, the fault in faulty manufacturing is written in that style. here's an example:
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now, don't get me wrong: i love that style. i love what it can do. i love how you can break things up and highlight memorable lines - it's so much fun. but, one of the things it also does is that you don't have to do transitions, most of the time. and, as i'd been almost exclusively writing in that style for ten years, one thing i really wanted for castles was to learn to work on transitions and not just rely on page breaks for convenience, especially in long works. so, prior to starting castles, i read a lot of fics and tried to see where people were using transitions that i really liked, and one of them ended up being dirgewithoutmusic. if you've read their work, there's this way they do transitions that just looks effortless. it's always: a date, a location, something simple and quick that gets the point across without fluff or too much flowery language. i remember reading one of their fics (i can't recall if it was the Hannah one or the Andromeda one) where they're just like: "In Sixth year, ..." and move on. and i remember being flabbergasted like: "omg, i don't need to be convoluted? i can just say things and it works?" and so, that sort of became the "dates" in castles. signalling the passage of time, and transitions. obviously, i still really love the above style. that's why my more "relaxed" one-shots are almost all written that way. to me, it's still a lot less effort than writing the way castles is written. but it's always good to learn something new.
and lastly, 3), as you probably know, castles isn't written linearly. it depends which chapter but the story oftentimes loops around with integrated flashbacks, etc. having dates of when things actually happens is helpful to me and the reader to situate things in a story like that. if i don't signpost things, it gets pretty confusing.
so, anyway, sorry for the long answer - i hope that helps lol.
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neverinadream · 11 months
i'm so pissed off at the receptionist at my doctors
Hey! I’m so sorry, that your mornings not going well. I work in healthcare and I thought I might shed some light on what the reasoning might have for the the receptionist to tell your dad that. (She DEF shouldn’t have talk to him like that never appropriate.)  there’s a lot of drugs that legally cannot be prescribed/refilled if a physician has not seen a patient within a certain timeframe and there are even more drugs that it’s not best practice to prescribed/refilled is a position haven’t seen him in time frame.  Legal ones are kind of obvious they’re more than likely controlled substances. Where is the best path this issues come from needing to talk to the patient to make sure that the dosing is correct, if they’re not having an adverse reaction or have any questions. Again receptionist never should have been rude or condescending and if this is an issue that you feel very strongly about I would definitely recommend speaking to either the clinic manager or D0A; and they should be able to address the issue. I would also (if you haven’t already done so) make the physician or their nurse aware of why the appointments were missed and if there were any alternatives that they might suggest. Hope this helps, hope your day gets better. I know he’s here if you ever need to talk.
with the type of condition my dad has and the amount of times he has to have blood tests, we always make sure to let our gp or even the hospital know if he cannot make it. 9 times out of 10, he makes his appointments. it's very rare that he misses them and we always rearrange them for another date.
i get that you did this with good intentions
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Lair of the White Worm: Chapter 1
Alrighty. Let’s get this possible train wreck started.
So! Chapter 1: Adam Salton Arrives. Adam Salton, our protagonist, has just arrived in London from Australia, after a year’s worth of correspondence by letters with his grand-uncle, one Richard Salton. Apparently, their correspondence began when Richard found out that Adam existed (I feel like there’s a story there that we’re not going to get), and after having tracked down his address (a difficult feat in the pre-internet world, and also, creepy), they started communicating as the last members of the Salton family. We’ll see if we get any more information as to why that is, or if it’s just our convenient plot point to get our hero to England. We haven’t been given an exact date yet as to when this is all happening, so I’m just going to assume it takes place in the same rough timeframe as Dracula, the late Victorian/early Edwardian period. Aaand, given that we don’t have an age for Adam yet, and armed with the knowledge the internet grants me (namely, that they stopped shipping convicts to Australia in 1868), I’m going to make up my own little headcanon that Adam could be descended from one of the later criminals shipped to Australia, which could explain why his grand-uncle had no idea about his existance. BUT, moving on! Richard (who is quite old) has sent for Adam to come to England in the hopes that Adam will move in with him and take over the family estate, keep him company, inherit, etc. “I am in hopes that you will make your permanent home here. You see, my dear boy, you and I are all that remain of our race, and it is but fitting that you should succeed me when the time comes...I am getting close on eighty years of age, and though we have been a long-lived race, the span of life cannot be prolonged beyond reasonable bounds...” ...interesting wording there...let’s just move on from that. Most of this first chapter concerns itself with travel and meetings. Adams arrives in London, Richard goes to meet him by train and thinks about their meeting and what the journey back to his house should look like (as Richard wants Adam to ‘ something of central England on the drive’). They have their first face to face meeting, everyone is very happy to know each other, Adam has a bit of culture shock and is, at least to me, coming off a little as a slightly unprepared tourist, but it’s sort of endearing in a way.  We do learn that Adam is 27, and that both men have a passion for horses. And taking context clues, it seems like Adam came from, if not money, then some sort of upper middle class life in Australia:
“My father gave me a horse farm for myself when I was sixteen. I devoted myself to it, and it has gone on. Before I came away, my steward gave me a memorandum that we have in my own places more than a thousand, nearly all good.”
Was it normal to just give a teenager control of a business back then? Because it really doesn’t sound like he inherited, his dad just...gave him a horse farm. Also, that sort of squashes the ‘comes from convicts’ headcanon. He’s probably from a family of ranchers of some kind. Anyway, the important thing is that Richard has decided to all but adopt his grand-nephew, seeing him as a son, and has changed his will so that Adam will get everything when he dies. Adam is very on board with this, is very excited to see middle England and the horses, and they all settle in for a night on the cabin of the boat Adam sailed in on (the ship was apparently ‘a bit of a novelty to the old man’). I know that I should be picturing two long lost relatives meeting for the first time after this year of communication, being excited and emotional in that restrained stiff-upper-lip way...but all I can picture is the two of them in sleeping bags like they’re at a sleepover, staying up late to talk about horses. This chapter is really just an introduction, I’d say. We’ve met our protagonist and learned a little about him, but we don’t have much of a feel for his personality beyond ‘new to England’ and ‘likes horses’. Richard Salton we have a little more about, in that he’s old and lonely and eager to have family with him, he also likes horses, and he is, at least at the moment, the rich old MacGuffin to get Adam here for the plot to kick off. Not a whole lot, and the chapter itself was fairly short (I’m wondering if this is why there’s an abridged version, if a bunch of these shorter chapters got smooshed together).  We do end on what could be considered an ominous note care of Grand-Uncle Richard:
“And—oh, by the way… No, we had better turn in now—I shall tell you the rest in the morning.”
This could of course just be a red herring that leads to more detailed talk of horses (god, I can’t believe our protagonist is an Australian horse girl guy), but we’ll see. I think that, given how short the chapters are, I can probably do a few at a time, but for this first post, it seemed best to just stick to one to get the feel of things (and to keep this from getting overly long) Final thoughts so far: -Compared to the first chapter of Dracula, this first chapter is sort of slow and clunky. Because we’re getting a third person narration instead of the direct writings of the characters, it’s harder to get a feel for what Adam might actually be like, compared to our good friend Jonathan. Richard, we get a little more, but there doesn’t seem to be much to either of them -So far we haven’t really gotten much plot either beyond the first meeting. Again, compared to Dracula, it’s a bit stodgy; mostly travel talk, multiple different ways to say ‘I’m so excited to meet you’ and ‘I’m excited to have you here’...no hint of anything strange or the sort of immediate atmosphere you get in the other book. NOW, having not read anything else by Stoker, this could just be what his writing is typically like when it’s not in epistolary format, but I’m hoping things will pick up. :/ I’m committed to this but I don’t want to wash out because the book was really boring. -Richard apparently owns a carriage built during the reign of William IV, which he’s quite proud of in a ‘they don’t make things like they used to’ sort of way. This is not the carriage he brought with him. I’m not sure why he brought this up.
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dhruvrathe · 1 day
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Opt for Chiropractic Therapy in Toronto for Effective and Easy Pain Management 
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Overall wellness is another advantage of chiropractic therapy. Professional chiropractors work with patients to develop customized treatment plans that include lifestyle modifications, different types of exercise routines, and nutritional guidance. This outstanding holistic approach encourages the patients to take an active role in their health and wellness. It helps to eradicate the health issues from the root rather than treating the symptoms. When patients indulge in healthy habits and address musculoskeletal issues early on, it contributes heavily to long-term wellness. 
Improves Mobility and Flexibility of the Body 
Chiropractic therapy contributes to physical mobility and flexibility. When the spine and joints are thoroughly aligned, it enhances the range of motion and flexibility. It can benefit patients with stiffness or limited mobility. The professionals use various techniques, including spinal adjustments, range of motion, and stretches to enhance joint function and flexibility. 
Complement to Conventional Medicine 
Another well-known benefit of chiropractic care is its ability to supplement conventional medical therapies. Numerous individuals select chiropractic therapy as an adjunctive or integrative treatment option for traditional medical care. In order to provide complete therapy for patients with a range of medical issues, chiropractors frequently collaborate with other healthcare providers, including physical therapists and primary care doctors. 
Chiropractic therapy in Toronto offers a range of advantages, including easy pain management, non-invasive therapy, and overall wellness. It also promotes a healthy lifestyle and mobility. This is why many people today turn to chiropractic therapy, which helps to make life more simple and free from pain. 
Resource: https://torontoneckandbackpainca.wordpress.com/2023/12/12/opt-for-chiropractic-therapy-in-toronto-for-effective-and-easy-pain-management/
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aava9099 · 1 year
How to store macarons
Macarons are one of our number one French luxuries at any point concocted. They are delicate and chewy with a slight smash to them. And every one of the flavors you can make! Try not to get us going on the flavors - there is in a real sense no limit to the conceivable outcomes.
How to store macarons
In any case, assuming you've at any point needed to make macarons, you realize that they are a remarkable precarious business.
There is such a lot of that can turn out badly and when you ultimately get them right, it seems like they just most recent daily or two. You know, since we ate them all!
Nonetheless, the facts really confirm that macarons will quite often turn out to be extremely saturated and lose their primary respectability at room temperature rapidly. So it's as yet really smart to sort out how long you need to eat them.
Anyway, How long do macarons last? In the cooler, macarons can endure as long as multi week and in the cooler, they will most recent a while. How long they keep going relies vigorously upon whether they were put away appropriately subsequent to being made. Putting away them in the fridge or cooler are the main safe ways of keeping them new.
In this article, we won't just gander at the right methods for putting away macarons yet additionally what they are, the way they are made and various varieties of them. We will likewise address a few often posed inquiries that could represent the moment of truth your item!
What Are Macarons? Before we start, we should clear up a couple of things about macarons.
Saying a macaron and macaroon is exactly the same thing resembles saying the sun and moon are the equivalent when truth be told, they are essentially contrary energies.
To improve on the response, a macaron is two meringue-based rolls produced using almond flour and a macaroon is one bread roll produced using dry up coconut.
There are a lot of different contrasts on the grounds that as we've recently said, they are for sure unique. The following is a graph to sum up the principal distinctions between these two rolls.
Macaron Fixings The two primary fixings that make a macaron a macaron, is almond flour (dinner) and egg whites. Extra fixings that make up the base incorporate powdered or icing sugar, granulated white sugar and food shading.
The food shading is a fundamental fixing since it indicates the kind of the filling. Without the shading, the macaron will basically be a yellow-earthy colored mass.
Extra fixings that can be added to a macaron are generally flavorings, despite the fact that adding seasoning to the actual shell is somewhat silly.
The shell doesn't hold flavor once prepared in light of its vaporous design, which is the reason the filling is a significant piece of the macaron. Regardless of how much embodiment or concentrate you add to the blend, it won't follow through in the shell.
The filling ought to have an extremely impressive flavor and a completely smooth consistency to go with the fragile shell.
Macarons can be either exquisite or sweet; there basically aren't any cutoff points. Since the flavor comes from the filling and not the shell, it is extremely simple to make an exquisite ganache filling like goats' cheddar (chevin) or chicken liver pate.
Macarons additionally frequently have trims like gold leaf pieces, hacked nuts, sparkle, paint strokes, and so forth. A portion of these turn out perfect for stockpiling, others don't.
They all are lovely however and like the filling, hints towards the flavor profile that can be anticipated.
Do Macarons Turn sour? Tragically, after all that difficult work, your macarons will just last several days, yet that doesn't really intend that there aren't a few things you can do to delay the timeframe of realistic usability.
Dampness, oxygen, and temperature are microorganisms' expectation's to various and develop, at last making the food thing turn sour.
By taking out even one of these, your macarons will currently endure extensively longer. Legitimate capacity is crucial for keeping your macarons fresher for longer.
Step by step instructions to Store Macarons Macarons can't be put away at room temperature. Certainly, they can tolerate outing a couple of hours, perhaps a day, however they can't remain there forever. This will abbreviate the time span of usability to around 2 days.
Most importantly, recollect the three factors that we want to take out to broaden the timeframe of realistic usability?
While putting away macarons at room temperature, you are making the ideal temperature zone, otherwise called the food risk zone, for microbes to flourish in.
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vgaman · 1 year
Hassle-Free Relocation with Goyal Express Packers and Movers in Mandi
Are you planning to relocate to a new place in Mandi? Relocating can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, especially when it comes to packing and moving all your belongings. However, with the help of professional packers and movers in Mandi like Goyal Express, you can make your move easy and stress-free.
Here are the reasons why you should choose Goyal Express Packers and Movers for your relocation in Mandi:
Expert Packing and Moving Services
At Goyal Express Packers and Movers, we provide expert packing and moving services to make your move hassle-free. Our team of skilled professionals uses the latest packing techniques and high-quality materials to ensure that your belongings are safe and secure during the move. We also provide specialized services such as car transportation, office relocation, and more.
Timely and Efficient Services
We understand the importance of timely delivery of your belongings, and we ensure that your items are delivered to your new destination on time. Our team provides regular updates on the status of your move, so you can stay informed throughout the process. We also ensure that the moving process is efficient and completed within the agreed timeframe.
Affordable Pricing
We offer competitive pricing options for our moving services in Mandi. Our pricing is transparent, and we provide you with a detailed breakdown of the cost of the move, so you know exactly what you are paying for. We also ensure that there are no hidden costs involved in the move.
Experienced and Trained Staff
Our team of packers and movers in Mandi is highly experienced and trained in providing top-quality moving services. We ensure that our staff members are equipped with the latest tools and techniques to handle any kind of relocation. We also offer training programs to our staff members to keep them up-to-date with the latest industry standards.
Customer Satisfaction
At Goyal Express Packers and Movers, we prioritize customer satisfaction above all else. We ensure that your move is customized to your specific needs and requirements, and we provide you with regular updates on the status of your move. Our team is always available to address any concerns or questions you may have.
In conclusion, if you are looking for hassle-free and efficient packing and moving services in Mandi, Goyal Express Packers and Movers is the perfect choice for you.
Contact us today for a free quote and to learn more about our services.
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masongrizchel · 1 year
Day 77 out of 365
I had an overwhelming and tiring week.
It started when we have our regular thesis meetings. Every time that we have meetings, instead of giving us a concrete direction. Were being derailed instead of giving us a destination. I am sending him copies of manuscripts ahead of time. I am literally craving for feedback. I always listing the agenda that needs to be discussed within our timeframe. And it seems that he doesn’t have any timeframe to follow which causes a painful and frustrating delays on our end. Every meeting the bottom line of the conversation goes with “What is it that you really wanted to do?” The mere fact that I am presenting my interest it is already clear on my end that this is what I really wanted to do. It is established on my end that this is really the thing that I want to work with. 
We are always taken for granted. Our adviser always fail to initiate meetings and critical reminders. In effect, all of us (his advisees who enrolled in thesis writing) will not be able to present in our intended thesis proposal. It feels that the entire four months got wasted. We don’t have any takeaways from meetings with him.
This should have been addressed. Fast forward, he mentioned last time that he will remind us regarding the deadline for application for proposal and at the same time he will reach out with the panel (internal) regarding the defense. Upon our surprise, yesterday was the deadline. We haven’t received any updates from him. We sent the proposal form days before the deadline. And the deadline have past he just sent it to us hours before the deadline. Plus, it will not be signed since the graduate coordinator is not signing any documents every weekends. All the tables have turned. We are literally cramming for no reason. Three of us accepted their fates. They might propose next term.
Every words that I have been written for months were wasted. I often woke up every 3 am just to write the contents of my manuscript and yet, I feel that this will be in vain. I don’t wanna ‘just face the music’ and accept want happened. It is time and money that is being wasted. My work is climate dependent and April - May is a critical part of it to measure what I need to measure.
It is really frustrating to have this kind of adviser which resulted to another postponement, which can be aided, remediated.
‘Face the music‘ your face.
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blue-bird-limos · 1 year
Things to consider while getting Limo
When you rent an auto, you’re searching for a cushy, luxurious, and safe limo rental services woodland. Similar to hiring for the other service or creating a sale, you’ll need to make sure to seem into the auto rental company before creating any selections. There are a unit some key factors to require thought. Scan on to be told seven things to think about before hiring an auto rental company.
In addition to those sites, you ought to hunt down recommendations from trustworthy resources. This might be friends, family, and skilled colleagues. If the auto service will heap of company business, you'll not notice as several on-line reviews. Most business customers don't post online reviews however do sky-high advocate their trustworthy ground transportation firms. Business customers use auto services additional ofttimes and the area unit is an excellent resource for recommendations.
Here are a unit the items that you ought to detain mind when obtaining auto service.
Price is often thought of when choosing a Limousine Services woodland. Scrutiny costs can provide you with an honest plan of what's inexpensive and worth paying. You'll notice that hiring the most effective auto rental company or motor coach isn't the most affordable factor for a marriage or a serious event.
Remember additionally that rating may be dishonest, and therefore the most cost-effective worth could find yourself being too smart to be true. Your nice worth is going to be no-account if the limo rental services woodland is unsatisfying. There's a motto that continuously holds true. “Price is what you pay, worth is what you get.”
Customer Service
One of the most effective ways that to gauge a corporation is by personal expertise. This doesn’t essentially mean that you just have to be compelled to rent somebody to induce an honest plan. Decision the auto rental company and speak to a representative.
This person is named a representative for a reason; they represent the corporate in question. Make sure to raise as several queries as you'd like. Make sure that they're willing and able to answer all of your queries. You'll even need to go to their workplace and meet their workers in the flesh. In this manner, you'll extremely see what kind of operation you're hiring.
Customer service is of the utmost importance. If they cannot offer you a nice service during this instance, they're going to probably not be able to provide you with a nice service if you select to rent them.
Contracts and Payments
Many limo rental services woodland firms would require that you just place down a payment. This can produce a binding contract between you and therefore the company. They're going to additionally probably have you ever sign an agreement that states all of their policies.
It’s necessary for you to induce all of this info before you sign a contract or pay. Once you enter into an agreement, you'll not be able to get your refund if you select to not undergo the Limousine Services woodland.
Be sure to seem into their cancellation policies. You'll be able to cancel if you are doing this within their assigned timeframe.
Sometimes you'll have to be compelled to pay the complete quantity before. However, watch out that you just trust the corporate you're addressing.
When you build your decision to the auto company, you’ll be able to see how well staffed they're supported if somebody even answers the phone. Plus, however long did you've got to attend on hold before somebody may facilitate you?
Staffing is a vital side of any business as a result it signifies how well and the way quickly they're going to be able to accommodate you. In contrast to most auto rental firms, land staffs their workplace 24/7 thus spite of what time you decide, you may reach somebody. Even additional convenient, you'll text us through our website.
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fixmold123 · 2 years
Frequently Asked Questions About Mold Clean Up
Home shape tidy up isn't quite as straightforward as many would suspect. Individuals regularly partner mold with extra food or another particular source. This sort of shape can without much of a stretch be killed by finding and disposing of the wellspring of the mold. Individuals who have encountered shape in the home will be the initial ones to let you know that it isn't generally that simple to dispose of.
How Really does Shape Get Into Your Home?
Mold develops and gathers because of dampness. Dampness should be overseen first assuming mold develop is to be kept away from. It is frequently challenging to figure out where the dampness is coming from, particularly in the event that there is a pipes issue. Guaranteed mold assessment professional can assist with deciding the reason for the issue and fix water harm if vital. What is significant is to recollect that anything water harm remediation is required, it should be finished in the span of 48 hours to keep what is happening from heightening any further.
Also To Know About: The Difference Between Mold Assessment And Mold Remediation
How Might You Be aware assuming There Is Shape in Your Home?
A basic test to decide if shape exists in your home should be possible by most organizations that work in mold evacuation. NC mold evacuation experts can utilize this test to decide the volume of shape in the air, the kind of shape present, and regardless of whether the shape is harmful. The master can then survey what is going on and make suggestions with respect to what methods will be important to address the shape issue.
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What Are the Dangers Related with Having Mold in the Family?
Molds can present serious wellbeing concerns. Molds produce aggravations, allergens, and a possibly poisonous substance known as mycotoxin that can cause rashes, runny noses and wheezing. For asthma patients, these substances can create serious breathing issues. They are likewise known to cause enduring impacts and sicknesses, particularly in small kids.
This is the reason practically all fire and water harm fix organizations offer shape disposal and remediation. Employing experts to accomplish this work really set aside you cash over the long haul contrasted with a possibly deficient fix that will lead to greater issues later.
Mold needs just a brief timeframe to develop which makes disposing of it fairly convoluted. In spite of the fact that mold develop has an unmistakable smell, it is generally difficult to quickly promptly see its presence. When you become mindful of potential wellsprings of dampness, for example, a broken window or a spilling pipe, you ought to promptly have the shape volume in the air estimated.
Kathryn Barnes has gone through years as a protection agent and has seen many homes harmed by flooding. She generally urges property holders to contact fire or water harm remediation organizations straightaway to fix water harm before it turns out to be more awful.
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leoandvern · 2 years
How to find great contractors for your online business: 5 steps
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If you’ve been following along in our hiring series you’ve now reached the point where you are ready to hire, but now you’re wondering how to find great contractors for your online business. If you’ve missed our earlier lessons check out the following: Why you should hire a team for your small business: 5 great reasons What not to outsource in your online service business: 11 critical things What you should outsource first: the 5-step process to help As a brief reminder, thinking about how to find great contractors should be approached as a thoughtful and intentional process. You want to find the perfect fit and it is better to not hire at all than hire the wrong person just to get the work “done”. That's the whole reason why you want to know how to find great contractors right? Not just anyone but great! My 15+ years of financial and operational experience compels me to remind you that turnover costs your company a buttload of money! The more often you must do this because you didn’t know how to find great contractors, the more money you will waste. Turnover happens but it should NOT happen because you lack the skills necessary to hire effectively and know who you really need in the job.
How to find great contractors - Step 1: The job description
The secret for how to find great contractors starts with the job description. The main way that people fail at writing job descriptions is they write something general and broad. I find that women struggle with this most because they have been conditioned to not seem demanding or needy. But if you aren’t clear on what you’re looking for – the people applying for your job won’t be clear on whether the job is for them. You will lose out on great candidates who can’t picture themselves in the role and get applications from people with no standards who literally applies to everything. These are not the people you want. Your how to find great contractors job description must address the following things: - Company culture - Specific expectations about things you value (like attendance, responsiveness, quality, communication, etc.) - Specific deliverables - A timeframe for how many hours the person should expect to put in - Any personality items that are important to you I also feel compelled to remind you that you should not (nor are you legally allowed to) discriminate against someone based on race, age, gender, or religion.
How to find great contractors – Step 2: The job posting
Now you may think that the best practice when considering how to find great contractors is just to blanket job postings everywhere. I disagree strongly. Posting jobs on Facebook, Indeed and other places like that will get you a bunch of fluff and junk to sift through for maybe one great candidate. So how to find great contractors? Upwork. Upwork is a pool of people intentionally seeking contract work (not always true in other places) and provides several key features. First, you can see their ratings from other businesses that have hired them. Second, Upwork has protections in place for you as the hiring entity that you don’t have to pay if you don’t get your work. There is a screenshot captured work tracking, and weekly time tracking with time limits so you can keep costs under control. It’s a great place to find hourly help and you WANT hourly help. Why do you want hourly? Because you are test driving (which we’ll get to in a minute). You want to really know if the job description you made is correct, the scope of work is right, the time scope is on point and the person is worth it. Hourly work allows all that without a long-term commitment. So, post your job description on Upwork and see what kind of applicants you get. If you need inspiration for how to write your post do some searching on Upwork for how others are titling and tagging their job descriptions and see what kind of traffic they are getting. You don’t need a million applicants, but you want options. Upwork is basically a goldmine for those who want to know how to find great contractors.
How to find great contractors – Step 3: The Screening
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Now, you’ve had some folks apply and it’s time to start screening. The screening process is one of the most overlooked components when business owners are thinking about how to find great contractors. But hiring is a lot like dating. It is a good idea to create a set of non-negotiables before you start the hiring process so that it’s easy to weed people out before you meet them. I will use my own business as an example, but you should create criteria for screening that matters to your business. Because really, while I'm giving you all kinds of advice no one can tell you how to find great contractors if you don't know what you're looking for. Since I own a financial firm, accuracy is one of the most important qualities I look for. I also look for people who are open to feedback and can follow sets of instructions that may contain multiple steps. Responsiveness is the last key attribute that I look for. I also don’t hire for experience as much as motivation. Why? You can’t make someone want to do a good job, but you can easily teach them how if doing a good job is naturally important to them. So, my how to find great contractors criteria are as follows: - Spelling and grammar must be correct – including capitalization – again, I’m looking for accuracy and attention to detail so if their resume is full of typos or they didn’t capitalize their own name (this has literally happened to me) I will not hire them - Did they answer my written questions in Upwork fully? I usually ask multi-part questions in Upwork to see if the person will pay enough attention to read the questions and address each part. This is my version of seeing whether they pay careful attention to all the words in the instructions. - Have they done something to advance themselves at each job they’ve had? I don’t care what job it is, have they done their best to excel? One of my best hires was at my corporate job and the gal I hired had no clinical experience at all. In fact, she worked in housekeeping. She was clearly very young and smart and could have been doing lots of things and most people would treat housekeeping like a job you shouldn’t try at. I mean, cleaning bedpans at the hospital is not glamorous by any means. On her previous review in that job, she was given a “Far exceeds expectations” which, after all my years at the company, I knew was hard to achieve. I immediately wanted to meet her because if someone gave their all at a thankless job like housekeeping, I wanted to see what she could do for me. I did hire her, and the recruiter said that this gal had been trying to get work in the clinical side of the company for two years, but no one would hire her without experience. Their loss, she was fantastic! After they pass this test, I give them a call or email and they have 24 hours to respond. If you are actively applying for jobs 24 hours is completely reasonable. We live in the age of cell phones and constant connection and there are few places you can go where you literally can’t respond to a call. This is the time to be strict, not give people grace. You WANT to screen people out here. You don’t want to start by cutting people slack, that always ends badly. They need to earn slack once you’ve hired them and you know they are great!
How to find great contractors – Step 4: The interview
After you’ve screened them, I recommend a two-step interview process. When you’re trying to determine how to find great contractors, you want to first start with a phone interview. Why? So that you can tell how they sound over the phone. It also gives you an opportunity to screen them again without seeing them. If someone sounds gruff or like someone who doesn’t fit with your idea of customer service, or the vibe is just off then you can simply not invite them back for a video interview. Have a few questions ready for the phone interview. I recommend ones like this: - Tell me a bit about yourself - Tell me what interested you about this position - How do you see this job fitting into your overall vision for your career These questions will help you assess them on a personal level, whether they have a clear understanding of what the job is and if they are even thinking about how this position fits into their long-term plans. This process again should screen some folks out. Because the key to knowing how to find great contractors is a stellar screening process. By the time you get down to video interviews, 2-3 candidates are ideal. If you already have a team, it’s a great idea to involve them in the video interview so that they can provide feedback about the fit of the new person into the team culture. Multiple sets of eyes and ears help weed out things that you may not notice but others will. The questions I like to ask in this interview center around the candidate giving me specific examples of how they’ve handled certain situations. It’s a challenging type of interview style but it works super well. I’ll give you some examples below but what I’m looking for is a specific example and if they say what they “would do” or give a general statement of how they “would” handle things then I know they didn’t really listen to the question. Some examples of these questions are: - Tell me about a time when you gave exceptional customer service - Tell me about a time when you had to solve a problem that you didn’t feel you had all the information to solve - Tell me about an experience you’ve had working with a diverse population - Tell me about a time you made a mistake, how did you find out about it and what happened - How do you actively manage your stress - Tell me about the best and worst boss you’ve ever had For the question that is “tell me about a time” you should get a specific story and it should have a happy ending – like it should all turn out well. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve asked those questions and in the end, the customer was still unhappy. That’s your customer service example? Pass! I ask about diversity because inclusion is important to my business, and I know it’s so much more than race or language (things people typically focus on). Finding out how they relay a story of them making a mistake is also very telling. I know that mistakes happen so if they say they’ve never made one. Red flag! If they made one, caught it, and then put a system into place to prevent it from happening again? Gold star. If they do not have an active strategy to manage stress – they need one. And lastly, I just like to hear them describe bosses because they have no idea what my management style is like and I will know which category they would put me in based on their description. Always complete all the interviews before you hire and be thoughtful about it. The key to knowing how to find great contractors is to take it slow and put them through a rigorous hiring process.
How to find great contractors – Step 5: The test drive
Read the full article
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shornanurr · 2 years
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