from here with @adeathsentence
featuring: Star (and guest starring Laddie!)
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Star's eyes widened in alarm, and urgently, she replied, "No, please don't…!"
Laddie paused briefly to glance over at her.
Clearing her throat, Star shook her head and apologized for her outburst.
"I'm… we're not trying to stay here, even if it looks bad," she explained as she weakly crossed her arms over her chest and paced about the trailer. Her curly hair curtained her face, and every step she took, the floor beneath her creaked. Only after a few moments of this gesture, she paused alongside Laddie, and gave the top of his head a gentle pat, before she once again regarded Hayley with dark, somber eyes.
"We're not what we appear to be," she revealed quietly. By now, Laddie was focused on drinking some water to wash down the donuts he ravished. Star made a decision right there and then: to be honest for once, and admit the truth. If Hayley didn't believe her, it wouldn't be the first time, but it was time to stop being afraid.
Motioning to herself and Laddie, Star explained with a straight face, "We're both…"
Hesitation. Yeah, as easy it was to believe she wanted to be honest, but it wasn't every day she told people they were supposed to drink the blood of the living to someone who showed her the first sign of kindness.
Clearing her throat, Star pushed forward. "Laddie and I... we're vampires. Half vampires, that is. We won't be whole until we make our first kills."
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cruelprincae · 1 year
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@adeathsentence sent;
"You might wanna be careful where you step out here. It's a full moon..." Hayley advised; wouldn't be the first time someone went missing in the bayou when her Pack was on the hunt. How she wanted to run with them, but instead she was there, dealing with an intruder. Politely, despite the lunar influence on her temper!
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The fae nearly jumps, startled, as black eyes with a ring of gold around their irises ― now widen ― stare upon the female whom, if he had to guess, the rather ominous voice belonged to. Cardan's thankful that his sharp features are hidden behind the gold emboilded velvet cloak otherwise they'd have given away the panic they were unable to mask. He couldn't lie ( literally ); It's not like he doesn't enjoy a little bit of danger ― it's just that he doesn't engorge himself in it like a particular mortal girl who ate it like it was a delicacy. The same girl who got him in this mess to begin with.
Gods, If this is a scheme of Jude's to get rid of him and he's going to die tragically by whatever beasts lay under the full moon, he'll curse her with his dying breath so that his ghost will haunt her till her her very last moments on this earth. Just for spite.
❛ Pardon me, I was told I were to be expected here. ❜ Answers Cardan, willing his voice not to shake, to not betray weakness, even if his tail coiled nervously around his waist, beneath the spider spun silky shirt of his. ❛ In one piece. I trust you have been in communication with my seneschal, Jude Duarte. ❜
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bloodxxandxxspirit · 1 year
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for @adeathsentence
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Star was beyond exhausted, her body weighed like lead, her eyes burned, and it was hours before sunset, but she couldn't risk sleep. As exhausted as she was, she had to protect Laddie. The abandoned mobile home proved to be a temporary safe haven. It was covered by overgrown trees, and away from the main roads. Located close to the ocean, and away from the famous Santa Carla Boardwalk, it offered a place for Star to wash away the blood on her hands, arms, and clothes.
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Being under the sun and its warmth was brutal, because all she wanted to do was fall asleep, though she struggled valiantly to get rid of any evidence of the blood. She didn't want Laddie to ask questions when he woke from his nap. He shouldn't see that anything was wrong. Naturally, he'd ask why they were away from the others. She'd come up with a story, but she wouldn't tell him what really happened. For now, they'd take things one day at a time now that they were free - somewhat.
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demcnsinmymind · 1 year
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@adeathsentence sent [ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐊 ] ― sender recognises receiver at a masquerade party | 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐒  (  prompts for the five senses. add [reversed] to reverse the action. feel free to change wording as needed & add details ) | ALWAYS OPEN!
There is something to be said about that New Orleans nightlife. More so to be said about himself in it. Back in the day, before dying, before getting possessed, landing in a time he didn’t belong, before Collingwood and that dreaded Episode 6, he was never one to party much. Only when it was all about networking. About selling something. About pitching and luring and faking and lying. The occasional night out every once in a full moon, sure. To celebrate some very rare occasions. Most of the time though? He’d been somewhat of a recluse. With his head constantly buried in paperwork and e mails and texts or scripts and whatever else he could do on his computer or phone. A much better use of his time. That’s what he’d told everyone back in the day at least, whenever they got on his nerves about being uptight. About not having fun enough.
Well. Here he is now. Without that job. With previous aspirations not worth pursuing anymore. Or at least not yet. Out here, he’s not his old self anymore either. Not Lance Preston anymore. To this world? That guy’s dead. He’s someone, something new. Something to be explored and discovered. And so far, that involves parties. And escapades. Anything involving crowds of people if he’s honest. Anything that feels alive and vibrant. Something where he can go with the flow, be part of something while remaining a complete stranger. An enigma. Isn’t that exciting. When there’s a tap on his shoulder, the excitement only grows. Because no one knows him here and this can’t be a tap that signals recognition. This is the type that ought to signal: I want to get to know you. And the prospect of letting them close without actually letting them. The mask a perfect charade to keep the mystery, the distance up while being only inches apart.
But of course. That whole idea goes right down the drain the second he actually sees her. Even with the masquerade, he knows its her. Hayley. Someone who does know him. The man behind the mask. The name, the story. Just like he knows her. Shit. Even with the mask covering his face, the surprise and subtle shock is noticable. In the end though, the smirk breaks through anyway. Because at least it’s her. Not any of the more...problematic people who could recognize him. Really screw his day up. His left eyebrow rushes upward, and a second later, the smirk grows outright cheeky.
“You? Here? Wow” he greets her, and he’s not sure if it’s mocking, friendly, or genuinely surprised. Probably all of the above. In the end though, he tries for the easy-going, the teasing, the jokester. “Didn’t take you for someone to play dress up.” The costume though? Top notch. And he lets her know with a little whistle, as he takes the full sight of her right in. “Not that I’m complaining though. Nice costume, Marshall.”
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viikingwitch · 1 year
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               “If the muddied shoe fits – “ She shrugs, amused. “How odd. The accident, as you call it, seems to happen every time I have them out; I believe every single grimoire of mine bears your mark at this point,” she scolds but there is no true heat to her tone. No firmness. Were it anyone else, she would be peeved; but every time she finds a new spot on the ancient precious pages, she thinks of Hayley with fondness. It’s dangerous territory and Freya should be retreating to safety by now, doing the sane and responsible thing, but for once her resolve is failing her. “I’m starting to wonder if perhaps you are doing it on purpose.” It’s a challenge as much as it is a question if Hayley is leaving her something to remember her by. Werewolves are territorial beasts, after all.
               As if Freya could ever forget her. The hybrid has clawed herself a permanent place in her heart, one that seems to be growing with every passing day.
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               She chuckles. “Hayley Marshall, is this simply a ploy to get me to bake you a cake? And here I thought you wanted me to do less of this.” But it does seem to fit her well, and so she nods with appreciation. “Relaxing and torture do seem inseparable when it comes to us. I shall give it a try.” She pauses, head tilting. “If I watch an episode with you now, will you let me continue my oh so important work?”
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normaltothemax · 2 years
@adeathsentence​ from here
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Rounding on the costumed character, Hayley's eyes were still ablaze with the fury of what had just gone down. Trying to rein it in quick, the wolf was faster, and a low growl emitted from her in an attempt to scare off the onlooker. "Don't take this the wrong way, but Halloween was yesterday, kid." She grumbled through grit teeth, trying to conceal her fangs as she willed everything back; he wasn't her would-be assailant and she wasn't going to thrash a kid.
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A deep breath and some mental counting later, her eyes opened, revealing just another human gaze looking back at the masked kid. Well, she guessed he was a kid; didn't exactly sound like he was fresh into the workforce, but she could be wrong. Immortality threw you off like that from time to time. "Look, he tried to cop a feel, alright? I defended myself, plain and simple." Why she was explaining herself to...Spider-Kid, and how a broken arm constituted self-defense, Hayley wasn't sure, but hey, problem solved, right? "Are you alright?"
"I know that; this isn’t a costume! I mean...okay, it is a costume, but it’s a superhero costume. ‘Cause that’s what I am. A superhero. Or, er, vigilante? Maybe I’m a vigilante. To be honest, I’m not really sure what the difference between those is.” He scratched at his chin in thought for a moment, before shaking his head, shrugging. Clearing his throat, he lowered his voice as much as he could to say: “I’m Spider-Man.”
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Miles did his best not to say anything about her glowy-eyes, beyond what he’d already said. Still, they hadn’t escaped his notice---there was more to her than there appeared. “He did?!” Forgetting to put on his “man” voice, he glared at the assaulter, hands on his hips. “Would you like me to do something, ma’am? Web him up? Call the cops?” She shouldn’t have broken his arm, sure---should have left it to the professionals (i.e. him)---but grabbing a lady without her permission was Not Okay. “Me? Yeah, I’m good. Great, even. Thanks, uh, for asking, I guess?”
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wehowl-archive · 1 year
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“if we both stick to the story, they can't prove anything.” Nick’s words are quiet, barely even a mutter, but he knows she’ll be able to hear him. Thank you, werewolf hearing.
@adeathsentence || starter call
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deceptivemorals · 1 year
In paying kindness forward, I wanted to take a moment to toss the praise your way, Cathy. From your Elijah, Katherine, Nadia, and Gia we've written over the past year and change and you're an absolute master of your craft. I love your each and every portrayal because of the effort and care you put into each. You're a staple of this community and I'm so happy I get to see you on this blog of mine now! I want to wish you a happy and healthy upcoming new year and look forward to seeing more of you on my dash! ♥️
asdfasdfasdf this is so kind and special and unexpected i'm literally in awe. 🥰 thank you for your lovely words and this marvelous surprise. i hope we will have many future threats and if you're interested in a (new) interaction, let me know ♥ i hope you're going to have a wonderful start to the upcoming new year. may all your wishes and dreams be fulfilled 💕
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cursedbcrn · 1 year
Oh don't think I'm forgetting you on this positivity run I'm on, Ace. You're a dear friend and writing partner to have met in the past nearly 2 years of being in this fandom and you are part of the reason it's been so easy to stay doing what I do on here. Thank you for being part of making this hobby a fun and beautiful thing for me.
It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway, that each and every muse you touch turns to gold. Actual Hope Mikaelson? You bet. Elijah, perfection and hankies in spades? He's there. Klaus? We're not inflating that ego, but -chef's kiss-
I could go on and on, but you know the spiel. Keep doing what you do. Lots of love going into 2023, don't change, stay on the lovely trajectory you're on!
Don't mind me over here SOBBING about this message. Everything you've said, is just the biggest uno reverse card. Thank you so much for being a part of my little writing community, for gifting me with such wonderful and rich portrayals of some of the most important people in Hope's (and my other muses') life, and I look forward to writing and vibing with you in 2023 and beyond!
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dhampirslays · 2 years
"Icons only" + Hayley buying Jo a new weapon.
Send "Icons only" and something for my muse to react to
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happy slayer noises
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founderscouncil · 2 years
Well, this was awkward; it wasn't every day a self-healing immortal couldn't properly set a shoulder again. Trying to poorly conceal the evidence from Keelin's view, the sight became almost comical. "Nothing, just a Pack disagreement..." Some still thought they can walk all over Hayley because she'd been away all those years, or because she didn't grow up with them; that's not even touching on the Mikaelsons... A hiss escaped her as once again her shoulder was healing incorrectly. "Just another Tuesday, y'know? Seriously, don't worry about me, I'll be fine." / @adeathsentence​
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         For a bunch of rapidly-healing, immortal creatures, they were also a bunch of big babies. Who needed to care about how the body worked if a broken neck healed in thirty seconds? But she bit her tongue as she stepped behind Hayley, a hand gently placed on her back in warning before she moved them into the proper position. She could feel the tendons trying to heal improperly and grimaced, and she decided just to go for it with a swift motion. She felt the shoulder roll back into place and grimaced in sympathy. “Yeah, well Freya has been giving me lectures on the importance of family and both of us somehow ended up here,” she said with a wry grin. “Pack disagreement, huh? Want to talk about it? With someone who gets it but also not in the Pack?” Keelin’s relationship with her wolf was tenuous at best, and she was sure that many disagree with her decision to suppress her wolf gene, but she had still grown up around and among wolves and was no stranger to the politics of it all.
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demcnsinmymind · 2 years
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@adeathsentence​ | HAYLEY - continued from here
He instantly felt sorry when he heard how tense and strained her voice was, saw how she was currently struggling with the cranky child in her arms. It made him want to back down again, but soon enough, he came to his senses, because he was beginning to feel like they were starting to run out of time on the issue at hand.
“I think we do have to do this right now. This whole Dahlia business...I’m beginning to think it’s going to Klaus’ head. Like, really going to his head. You know how he acts when he starts to get paranoid and develops even more trust issues. If he begins to think that your loyalties lie elsewhere, things might get ugly. And I know it’s probably stupid, but I’m just trying to stop the bombs from going off. I like you guys. And I’d hate see all of this go to shit.”
There was a moment of brief introversion as his own words began to sink in. Just..when exactly did he start caring about other people and getting involved in their drama, what the fuck? Nevertheless, he meant it. He liked them. He liked it here. And he really didn’t want to see it all go down the drain. The tense look on his face softened a bit when she made her side and reasoning clear. Her. Hope. “Hey, me, too” he reassured her, giving her and a baby a little smile.
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At least until she suggested he could help her with that diaper. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.
“Uhm..” he stammered somewhat, scratching the back of his head, looking around like a deer caught in headlights. Because he wanted to keep talking to her about this. Because he wanted her to trust him. And she made it obvious that this might be the only way for him to stick around and keep talking about it. So he let out a little uncomfortable chuckle and gave her a shrug.
“I mean, I guess. I could. Y’know.... help out. I mean...I’ve never done something like it before so you’re probably gonna have to talk me through it but...y’know. If you need a hand, then whatever, I guess. What’d you need me to do?”
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viikingwitch · 1 year
Tina, you're the best, and I truly am grateful for what you sent, because it arrived so spontaneously and unexpectedly that it truly brightened my day more than you can imagine.
That's the kind of power one person can hold. It's practically a superpower, kindness. It's given freely and with no expectations, but I want to reciprocate it as best I can, because I'm so touched to have received what I did.
I always tell you that you're one of the first people that made me feel truly welcome in the TVDU fandom, but that's because it's true. I will never forget that as it resonates so personally, because as I'm sure you know from experience (as most of us do), going into a new RP community for yourself can be such an intimidating experience, so much so that you might give up well before anything takes off.
I truly remember that you were the first to send me something similar to what you sent tonight back then, something so kind, so unexpected, and it was to praise my characterization of Klaus at the time. I was floored that someone I didn't even know yet took notice and took the time to reach out to express that.
That's just who you are: an amazingly selfless individual who goes out of their way to uplift others. Maybe you just sense when they need it; like I said: superpower.
Oh, Freya Supreme btw.
Freyley Always & Forever
You know, the typical stuff that goes without saying.
Ash, I didn’t respond for a long time cause?? I truly do not know what to say man other than thank you and you’re being too kind. I do know how intimidating and sometimes lonely rp can get ( i’ve been in this business for over ten years, after all lol ) so when I do like someone’s portrayal, I try to say so. Cause. Again. Intimidating. Lonely. This has been a Tough Year after a couple of Tough Years. Rpc needs a little more mutual love and support. But also I truly mean what I said because your portrayal is amazing and you also are cool and kind ( as this ask proves, and all the asks i’ve seen you send around ) and I’m very grateful I met you and we’re still writing / talking even when I’m the slowest turtle around.
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normaltothemax · 2 years
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♡   twitter finds  -  vol. 2 @adeathsentence​ said: "I am not a stranger to the dark." - for the Doctor
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"Be that as it may, I, for one, am unable to see in the dark. Luckily for the both of us, my screwdriver also functions as a torch!”
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wehowl-archive · 1 year
Icons Only - Hayley surprises Nick with a terribly made dinner. From the heart.
send “icons only” and something for my muse to react to; and I will show my muse’s reaction using only icons (1-5) and no text
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antithetaes · 2 years
@adeathsentence​  gets  a  starter   from  bucky .
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     keeping  his  mind  busy  on  his  path  for  self - redemption  kept  the  demons  that  haunted  him  at  night  in  check  during  the  day  at  least .  his  government  contract  in  which  he  co-oped  with  sam  seemed  to  have  been  more  than  enough  for  bucky  to  be  trusted  on  a  mission  alone  this  time ,  his  enhanced  traits  and  flawless  fighting  skills  seemed  appropriate  for  the  job .  in  a  world  where  aliens  and  a  whole  list  of  mutants  and  powers  existed ,  it  was  only  natural  if  vampires  ( or  hybrids )  would  make  it  to  the  list  of  things  that  lurked  in  the  dark  -  but  he  still  couldn’t  wrap  his  mind  around it .  a  book  written  twenty  years  before  he  was  born  had  been  the  only  time  he’s  heard  of  such  creatures ,  surely  this  had  to  be  a  somehow  enhanced  werewolf .
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     he  hadn’t  been  called  for  the  job  to  think  about  it ,  though ,  and  he  follows  through  with  his  purpose  much  like  the  military  man  that  he  once  was .  he  tracks  the  ‘ hybrid ’  down  rather  quickly  and  even  attempts  to  tranquillise  them  from  afar  with  his  sniper ,  but  the  creature  runs  at  an  unnatural  speed ,  so  he  is  forced  to  stealthily  follow  it  into  an  abandoned  warehouse .  bad  idea  for  someone  that  can’t  see  in  the  dark  ( can  hybrids ? ) .    “  i  know  you’re  in  here ,  come  out ,  i’m  not  trying  to  hurt  you .  ”    he  couldn’t  blame  the  hybrid  if  they  wouldn’t  believe  him ,  after  all  he  was  still  holding  the  sniper  he’d  used  to  try  and  shoot  them  -  which  he  lets  go  of  making  it  audibly  fall  on  the  ground  next  to  him  the  moment  bucky  realises .  he’s  extremely  aware  of  his  surroundings  despite  his  effort  to  look  harmless  and  trustworthy ,  but  he’d  be  able  to  detect  any  noise  or  movement  still .
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