#adele fairchild
fiercestpurpose · 1 year
always caught between “give that girl a sword” and “allow that girl to be strong in ways not dependent on physical violence”
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aweirdsoup · 1 year
tag dump, pt.3 — characters
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witchlingcirce · 2 months
No matter how bad society hates on Clary Fairchild, nothing beats how fire “Little girl who stopped a big war”
Like yeah, this 5’3 red head child of divorce who is the first person ever to create runes DID kill her father and brother. She stopped 2 of the biggest wars ever seen to shadowhunters. And throughout BOTH of these she’d been a shadowhunter for 6 months max.
And without her, everything would’ve gone to shit: I.E: Thule. So put some respect on the little girl who stopped a big war, Clarissa Adele Fairchild 🙂‍↕️
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starrieshq · 1 month
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A'den [Hasran Tales @the-tiny-dragons-library]
An imposing daktlyc who stands more than 7'2" high (total height: 219.71cm), Doctor A'den initially joined the Paradisio Project to both observe the humans' fleet and to indulge his curiosity as to their presence on Hasra. However, there's more to him than meets the eye, and as he grows closer to his human coworker, the tiny but determined Rebecca Brown, he soon realizes that his bloody past and the planet's own dark history won't remain hidden for long...
Adelle Fairchild [Blue Butterfly @dragon-wisteria]
Adelle is a young mage living in a futuristic fantasy city, where she's a member of a magical crime-fighting team. Her space magic allows her to move objects with her mind, which is a useful skill for both combat and problem-solving. In her free time she likes dressing up in cute outfits, playing with her cat, or enjoying whichever one of her countless hobbies happens to have her attention that day. Adelle spent her early life in the Fey World, which has given her a somewhat eccentric, childish personality. She's bubbly, excitable and tries her hardest to be nice to everyone, but she isn't always very good at understanding people and has little sense of personal space. She is desperate to reunite with her beloved Fairy mother, despite having lost most of her concrete memories about her - to Adelle, the missing memories only add to the mystery of why her mother left her behind in the mortal world, and she wants answers.
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angellywtti · 2 months
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ladyhindsight · 4 months
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Of Morgenstern family history, inconsistencies as to previous books and plot, and me generally just not getting it.
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Not as glorious as she makes it sound because it was less to do with glory and more to do with stupidity. First she makes the demons aware of her presence and then tries to battle them with ornamental axes, which probably would be funny if I had more tolerance for Clary’s bullshit.
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Back to the point I made in chapter 12: Why does it matter where to rune is placed? The series has barely told us anything about the workings of runes, it has barely made any sense with the use of them. Do you benefit more having the mendelin rune where Clary has it or does it actually matter?
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I don’t understand how unbuttoning a shirt hides any stains.
Sebastian and Clary talk about stuff: what the demons were talking about, Sebastian telling Clary about the plan but actually lying, how Sebastian thinks Valentine was wrong etc. Sebastian then invites Clary to join him on one of his excursions in order for him to prove himself to her. Then we cut to Team Good
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This idiot is surprised that Alec defended his sister and didn’t let his boyfriend air out his frustrations unfairly on her. It is to drive the wedge further down, not that Alec would otherwise defend Isabelle since none of them defend each other when actually some standing up is required.
Team Good get the news about Luke being awake, and they begin to plan for the summoning of Raziel. Not a lot happens there on that front, and we’re back with Sebastian and Clary.
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Clary has already commented on Sebastian’s looks in the beginning of the book. I don’t get why this point needs to be reiterated here just because he gets glances from girls.
“So this was what her brother looked like. Really looked like, alive and moving and animated. A pale face, all angles and planes, tall and slim in black gear. His hair was silvery white, not dark as it had been when she had first seen him, dyed to match the color of the real Sebastian Verlac’s. His own pale color suited him better. His eyes were black and snapping with life and energy.” –Chapter 3 “Bad Angels”
And it's not even the first or the last time Clare keeps describing him like this.
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Fucking really.
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→ It’s because it is the only sense of humor Clare knows how to write.
→ Jace doesn’t smile either. He smirks and grins like an ass.
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→ Sebastian just said that Clary didn’t kill Valentine. Valentine died because of Clary.
→ Here they are having one of their many you are just like me, no I am nothing like you, oh but you are, I am not because kjdsakldjsl arguments. Many more to come…
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→ Funny how Clary never thought to ask Jocelyn about her middle name. Seraphina would’ve been a lot cooler, but also a lot more on the nose and edgy.
→ Clarissa Seraphina Morgenstern. Pretty cool. It’s probably all those Rs that make it sound strong. But Clarissa Adele Fairchild suits her character better.
I did enjoy this part where Sebastian tells Clary about the Morgensterns. It was interesting.
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It’s funny how Sebastian paints Jocelyn as the villain and ruthless woman who betrayed her husband in the cruelest of ways, simultaneously brushing past all the horrible things Valentine did to her and was as a person.
Sebastian and Clary then arrive at a place where Clary meets a disgraced Iron Sister Magdalena.
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Glad that that plot hole has finally been answered. In the fifth book and not where it was supposed to be.
However, in City of Bones, Luke explains that the Circle ”allied themselves with demons—the greatest enemies of Shadowhunters—in order to procure weapons that could be smuggled undetected into the Great Hall of the Angel, where the Accords would be signed.”
So where do we stand on that now since it was apparently Magdalena who armed them? Also why would they need an Iron Sister arming them when they were just good ol’ regular Nephilim with the access to weaponry anyway? Did Clare just try to cover a plot hole with a nonsensical answer?
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Not even the Parisian ones passing by?
Sebastian hands over the chunk of adamas for Magdalena to craft into what he asked. Which we know is a cup. Clary and Sebastian start to leave, and Magdalena makes a comment how they look exactly like their parents. Which fair, because they are the exact copies of them where looks are concerned.
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princesssarisa · 1 year
Oc Info Questions: Barbara ''Barbie'' Millicent Roberts
FULL NAMES: Barbara Millicent Roberts.
NICKNAME(S): Barbie.
BIRTH: March 9, 1959.
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual.
GENDER: Female.
ORIGIN: The American International Toy Fair, 1959.
NATIONALITY: US American (Caucasian).
FAMILY: Kenneth "Ken" Carson (significant other), George Roberts (father), Margaret Rawlins Roberts (mother), Skipper Roberts, Stacie Roberts, Chelsea Roberts, Kelly Roberts, Krissy Roberts (sisters), Todd Roberts (brother), Grandmother Rawlins (grandmother), Millicent Rawlins, Adele Rawlins, Marlene Roberts, Lillian Fairchild (aunts), Claude Fairchild (uncle), Francie Fairchild, Jazzie Roberts, Max Roberts, Marie Roberts (cousins)
+ Cheerful, friendly, lively, elegant, fashionable, intelligent, imaginative, hyper-competent, fun-loving.
– Appearance-focused, materialistic.
OTHER PERSONAL INFO: She's been a friend, self-insert, role model, surrogate big sister, and even surrogate mother to countless girls, and probably to some boys too, for more than sixty years. Whether you love her (for her aesthetics, for her blend of femininity and power, for the way she lets girls use their imaginations and explore every possible aspect of adult womanhood, etc.), or find her annoying (for the unrealistic beauty standards she sets, her "promotion" of gender conformity and materialism, etc.), or a combination of both, she's impossible to ignore.
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achaiapelides · 2 years
Next Generation of Shadowhunters (my idea)
Theresa Gray Herondale (*1861) + James Carstairs (*1861)
= Christopher Jonathan Herondale (*1997, adopted in 2012)
= Wilhelmina Yiqiang Carstairs (*2012)
= Sophie Carstairs (*2016)
= Charlotte Carstairs (*2019)
Alexander Gideon (*1989) + Magnus Lightwood-Bane (*???)
= Rafael Santiago Lightwood-Bane (*2007, adopted in 2012)
= Max Michael Lightwood-Bane (*2009, adopted in 2009)
Isabelle Sophia Lightwood (*1990) + Simon Lovelace (*1990)
= George Lovelace (*2017)
= Leia Lightwood (*2018)
= Bobby Lightwood (*2019)
Clarissa Adele Fairchild (*1991) + Jace Herondale (*1990)
= Celine Amatis Herondale (*2018)
= Stephen Lucian Herondale (*2020)
Aline Penhallow (*1990) + Helen Blackthorn (*1990)
= Nerissa Penhallow-Blackthorn* (*2013, adopted in 2015)
Cristina Rosales (*1994) + Mark Blackthorn (*1992) + Kieran of Unseelie (*1994)
= Rosalia Blackthorn (*2017)
= Aaron Rosales (*2017)
Emma Cordelia Carstairs (*1995) + Julian Atticus Blackthorn (*1995)
= Elanor Carstairs (*2020)
= Cordelia Carstairs (*2022)
Livia Blackthorn (1997-2012)
Christopher Jonathan Herondale (*1997) + Tiberius Nero Blackthorn (*1997)
= Livia Rose Blackthorn* (*2018, adopted in 2018)
Drusilla Blackthorn (*1999) + Ash Morgenstern (*1999/2008)
= Magnolia Morgenstern (*2017)
= Andrew Morgenstern (*2019)
= Stephanie Morgenstern (*2019)
Octavian Blackthorn (*2005)
Happy December 11th, everyone!
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jaimrennnn · 1 year
TSC characters with the best full names imo <3
12) Seraphina Morgenstern
11) George Lovelace
10) Christopher Herondale
9) Emma Carstairs
8) Aline Penhallow
7) Julian Blackthorn
6) Matthew Fairchild
5) Cameron Ashdown
4) Michael Wayland
3) Celine Montclaire
2) Jesse Blackthorn
1)- Adele Nightshade
honorable mentions Joceyln Fairchild, Jem Carstairs and Anna Lightwood. If Ash goes by Fairchild then he’ll certainly make the list!
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dragon-wisteria · 8 months
OC Interview: Introductions (Adelle)
(Questions from this post)
Today we'll be interviewing Adelle Fairchild, one of the main characters from my story Blue Butterfly!
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1. Describe your character's appearance. What do people notice first about them? Are there any aspects of their appearance that they hide from others?
The first thing people notice about Adelle is her bright blue hair, and the fact that she dresses almost exclusively in blue. She has almost unnaturally pale skin and a round face with big blue eyes. She's short and petite, and wears cutesy outfits with a fondness for short skirts and sweaters.
2. Describe your character's personality. What are people's first impressions of them? Are there parts of their personality that they keep hidden? How hard is it for others to get to know them?
Adelle is bubbly, extroverted and hyper-active. She talks a lot, is curious about everything, and is cheerful and friendly to a point that people can find either endearing or annoying. She's a pretty open book, but has a chaotic element to her that can make her hard to predict.
3. What is your character's occupation? (job/school/duties/etc.) Do they enjoy it? What would be their ideal occupation?
Adelle is a member of Dove, an organisation that combats magical crime (I'm currently lowkey restructuring how Dove works exactly so for now that's as specific as it gets)
Her ideal job would be the in-universe equivalent of one of those Youtubers who just make videos explaining and analysing whatever thing they happen to be interested in at the time.
4. What does your character do for fun? Do they have any hobbies or special interests? Are there any activities they'd like to try but don't have enough time/resources for?
Adelle has about a dozen hobbies that she bounces between like a maniac but her biggest ones are gaming and fashion. She really likes putting together new outfits and playing around with different hairstyles.
5. Where does your character live? Do they like it there? How do they furnish/decorate their personal space?
Adelle lives at the Dove Organisation, and has since she was a kid. It's a bit of a weird place to grow up but she really likes all the people there. Her bedroom is decorated to the max, with posters and photos on every flat surface and shelves of books, games and collectibles. For furniture I think she has one of those bunk-beds with a desk underneath and a bunch of comfy chairs.
6. What is your character's family situation like? Which family members (if any) are they closest to, and which ones do they have conflict with?
As far as Adelle knows, the only relative she has is her mother, who she only remembers vaguely, though she knows she's a Fairy.
7. Who are the most important people in your character's life? Do they have any close friends? Are they in love with anyone? Do they have any enemies?
Out of everyone at Dove, Cass is probably the closest to Adelle. After the story starts, the other members of Blue Team become her most important people.
8. What are your character's best skills and virtues? Did these come naturally to them, or did they have to work hard to achieve them?
Adelle's best virtue is probably her compassion, which comes pretty naturally to her, though she did have to work on figuring out how to actually make people feel better when she knows they're unhappy.
9. What are your character's worst flaws and weak points? Are they working to overcome their flaws, or do they let them fester? Is there anyone they rely on for help with their weak points?
Some of her flaws are that she can be quite naive and oblivious. She's also a little too complacent when it comes to working on improving herself.
Her main weak point in combat is that she's pretty much useless in close quarters or without her magic, and she relys on the other members of her team to make up for that and keep her protected (mainly Jackson and Marianne)
10. What are your character's goals? Do they set long term goals for themself or do they prefer to live in the moment?
Adelle's main goal is to reunite with her mother, though she doesn't have a very clear idea of how to accomplish that. Besides that, she's not much of a long term planner, preferring to just go with the flow.
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August 23: Happy Birthday Clarissa Adele "Clary" Fairchild-Morgenstern / Clary Fray (Shadowhunters)!!!!
She was born in 1991, which would make her 32 years old today!
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nicollekidman · 2 years
abby babey your taste!! always knew you were a woman of culture but like. you never stop delivering.... clary defense squad right here! I read the books in my early 20s and I thought they were going to be so blah but I had sooo much fun actually. truly some people just don't get it
i haven't ever reread them tbh but clarissa adele fray fairchild morgenstern is a girlie of all time!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Adelle Fairchild [Blue Butterfly @dragon-wisteria]
Adelle is a young mage living in a futuristic fantasy city, where she's a member of a magical crime-fighting team. Her space magic allows her to move objects with her mind, which is a useful skill for both combat and problem-solving. In her free time she likes dressing up in cute outfits, playing with her cat, or enjoying whichever one of her countless hobbies happens to have her attention that day. Adelle spent her early life in the Fey World, which has given her a somewhat eccentric, childish personality. She's bubbly, excitable and tries her hardest to be nice to everyone, but she isn't always very good at understanding people and has little sense of personal space. She is desperate to reunite with her beloved Fairy mother, despite having lost most of her concrete memories about her - to Adelle, the missing memories only add to the mystery of why her mother left her behind in the mortal world, and she wants answers.
Adrian Alyward [The Admiral's Daughter @kazoosandfannypacks]
Adrian Alyward left the navy after a tragic curse befell his brother. Adrian then fell in with a crew of pirates who've promised a way to lift his brother's curse— though Adrian's attachment to a certain admiral's daughter may get in the way of their plans.
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hydralisk98 · 6 months
Klara Wishlist (2024-03.2)
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Braindump1 (text-only)
Klara Kér
Female Sex
NB? gender
August 1st 1998
Leo / Lepio
Autistic & lessened ADD
Canadian citizenship
144 lbs
Tan skintone
Hazel eyes
Dark brown mid-short hair
Amber earmuffs
Cloven Hoof Shoes
Soft warm natural dark lookbook / wardrobe?
Local friends tribe
Part of a inclusive witch coven
GLOSS maintainer & integral committee power-user groups
Common Lisp copyleft multimedia toolbox (Trial Engine-based?)
Tuxedo Computers builds (GLOSS hardware, custom multiboot, custom branded style for whole machine, mid-range specs on Linux with plenty of peripherals...)
Tuxedo light notebook as laptop
RAID6 NAS 48 TB with double (12 TB) parity each
LTO Tape Storage for mass data facilities
Apple iMac M3-Max 24GB RAM equivalent-system but fully POSIX & FSF-compliant open source computer?
OpenPOWER libre Microwatt build?
IBM LinuxOne mainframe for business intents?
RISC-V embedded dumbphone kinda like KaiOS?
Pinephone Convergence Beta?
Retro computer hardware & software collection
"Ashur" (2014) as home server for Git, RSS, Quakeworld & personal websites & other non-critical lightweight services
ePaper RSS ticker page display?
Writing creative technical documentation for sidestream & obsoleted systems as article threads?
Personalized books & desktop widget plasmoids?
Sovereign online (Monero) shop & blogs
Sovereign tech infrastructure (including Typex rotor machines & RTTY shortwave radio equipment)
Acquiring my home as full ownership (aka fully paid mortgage)
Decent lot / domain (depends alot on wealth & context)
Decent electric vehicle (probably converting a retro VW Beetle car to electric to fully avoid DRM car spywares)
Financial independence & decent wealth + social status to accomplish constructive historical deeds
Luxuries, POSIX + Linux certification paths & other tech certifications
Studious learn, note & iterate daily workflow (Udemy, Domestika, Zenva, GameDev.tv ...)
Safe & libre cyberware, biomods... aka ethical technologies mostly?
Spiritual community & politically active locally and globally
Ava (social assistance synthetic-tier android ENFP erudite blonde, romance or BFF?)
Shoshona (black angora housecat)
University Doctorate as historian/philosopher, with plenty of extra credits from other classes graduated like VLSI integration & probabilistic linguistics for instance
Historian / Multimedia Artist & Programmer combo / Data Engineer
Small bookstore librarian & Pflaumen Coop "autonomous worker"
Plenty of time & energy (~600 years healthy yet active lifecycle)
Constructed language and its localizations
Historical Figures to emulate (especially those in bold)
Naomi Wu
Nicky Case
Yukari Hafner
Ada Lovelace
Klára Dán von Neumann
Christopher E. Lee
John McCarthy
Nicole-Reine Lepaute
Sherman Fairchild
Ken Olsen
Tom Fulp
Linus Torvalds
Richard Stallman
Hedy Lamarr
Pedro II of Brazil
Terry A. Davis
Ida Rhodes (& the other ones from Hidden Figures overall?)
Joyce Aylard
Coraline Ada Ehmke
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
Valerie Aurora
Christina of Sweden
Gustavus Adolphus
Cathy Marshall
Marie Curie
Konrad Zuse
Margaret Hamilton
Mabel Addis
Dona Bailey
Frances Spence
Sophie Wilson
Adele Goldberg
Lynn Conway
Karen Catlin
Wendy Hall
Pamela Hardt-English
Borka Jerman Blažič
Hypatia of Alexandria
Enheduanna (Akkadian priestess and first author)
Catherine de Parthenay
Anna Åkerhielm
Catherine Jérémie
Wang Zhenyi
Sofya Kovalevskaya
Emmy Noether
Ken Silverman
Chris Sawyer
Irene Stegun
Steve Wozniak
Brian Kernighan
Douglas McIlroy
Braindump2 (multimedia)
True Polymorph
Photographic memory
Polyglot (Infernal, abyssal, celestial...)
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