#adele todd/embroideries
sexypinkon · 1 year
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Sexypink - Adele Todd - POPO - A look at innocence against the harsh realities of safety - shown at Wa Na Wari Gallery Seattle Washington from July 27 to October 30 2023.
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adeleisexceptional · 2 years
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                        FLAG WOMAN - embroidery on canvas
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adeleisexceptional · 2 years
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For The Lord Kitchener Show at The Frame Shop-A Space inna Space-I chose KaKa Roach in she petticoat. A real Kitchener romp, storytelling at its funniest. In the process I chose to consider Lord Kitchener himself as the cockroach ‘in she’ petticoat.
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adeleisexceptional · 2 years
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adeleisexceptional · 2 years
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The Lord Kitchner Show 2022 - I chose to look at a popular local advertisement that ran for many years on TTT (Trinidad and Tobago Television) featuring the Lord Kitchener ‘s Love in the Cemetery. At first glance it is so memorable to people of a certain age that the song comes to mind right away as I experienced with Parker Nicholas another Artist in the show as he  looked at the four images taken from still frames. He began to instinctively sing a few bars from the song. It was a delightful moment that was shared.
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adeleisexceptional · 2 years
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adeleisexceptional · 2 years
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adeleisexceptional · 2 years
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                                SAILORS | Carnival Embroideries
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adeleisexceptional · 2 years
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                                     Embah - The ultimate sailor
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adeleisexceptional · 2 years
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                                 EMBAH | The ultimate Sailor
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adeleisexceptional · 3 years
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~Adele Todd ~ Sailor Kyah fraid powder - @ A Space inna Space Gallery. Trinidad and Tobago
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adeleisexceptional · 3 years
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~Adele Todd~ On from yesterday.
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sexypinkon · 3 years
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Panty Man - Adele Todd 
Quilted blanket and dimensional embroidery thread . 81 x 65” 2021
As a Performance Artist who works with Embroidery and Soft Materials among other Media, the possibilities for DUALITY seemed endless. However, eventually I was moved to consider "Male Toxicity" as my theme.The word Panty Man that is done tongue-in-cheek in neon pink is the Title that sets the viewer on their path of discovery.The slang term is used to describe a man who is coddled and feminine in nature and a slur to homosexual men in particular.The work is a large dark blue quilt with embroidery threads that on closer observation create individual words that must be looked at at close range and also, can only be seen one at a time as they do not have a chronology. The viewer must move their own bodies to 'read' the piece.The quilt is a symbol of nurturing, safety and warmth. The loose threads that thus fall from the quilt symbolises the unravelling of that safety. We generally expect men to be 'men' and are unaware of how much our stereotyping of the male sex confuses boys as they grow to manhood. I hope that my piece shall inspire those who interact with it, the opportunity, to consider when they themselves have perhaps used terminology seen on the quilt or words to that nature to define a man's character. We are all guilty of a level of sexual politics for its own gain and must now consider that sensitivity is not a one way street.-Adele Todd
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sexypinkon · 4 years
Adele Todd
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A curated body of work by Adele Todd looking at 1970. 1990. 2020 
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sexypinkon · 4 years
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~Sexypink~ Adele Todd is in The Portrait Show.
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sexypinkon · 4 years
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~Sexypink~ My work has explored the issue of Police  Brutality for a very long time.  This has included honoring the Police for what they do in society. I am presently halfway through working on embroidery on canvas where I observe the system of that brutality as it relates to children. I shall continue  embroidering these pieces as long as the systems continue. At momentous times such as these, Art that depicts or records this reality, matters more than ever.
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