fionacle · 9 months
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sugarbowli · 2 months
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(first of all, this was read bait) I'm going to be talking about her thumbnails and obsession with the same-looking celebrities/influencers she talks about these people but does her makeup just like them to portray this beauty standard that she is trying to STOP like big lips and a small nose. (she said she has a big nose and she was fine with it to clarify. ALSO, go watch her video Nose Wars its good for dumb and insecure people to watch)
but lowkey I like a lot of her opinions I kinda think we can be similar sometimes
ALSO HER OBSESSION WITH HAILEY BEIBER in her thumbnails. I personally loved Hailey even when she had "drama" with crazy Selena cult followers but why does she always have Hailey in her thumbnails even if she doesn't even talk about her? ALSO, HAILEY NEVER GOT A NOSE JOB
Xoxo sugarbowl🤍
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its-all-down-hill · 2 years
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aroaceleovaldez · 8 months
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Nico referring to his mom as "Mama" implies he most likely at least used to refer to Hades as "Papa" and i 100% headcanon he still does but mostly in the manner of him having the entire Underworld wrapped around his finger for being the baby of the family
#pjo#riordanverse#nico di angelo#headcanon#my art#nico flexing youngest child privilages by pulling out the most pitiful expression he can manage#anyways i find it fun to explore character word choices#cause yknow no two characters are going to select their words the same way#or even necessarily think about it to the same degree#i like to think Nico thinks about his word choice a lot#so of course every time he uses ''papa'' he fully knows he's pulling the Baby Of The Family card#Hades definitely knows this too but falls for it every time anyways#cause Nico hasnt called him ''papa'' regularly since getting his memory wiped - just detached ''father'' or at best ''dad''#so it just reminds Hades of How Much He Just Wants His Children To Be Happy Like The Old Days#and how much poor Nico has been through and he's just the baby of the family and-#cue Nico smugly staring at the camera cause he knows how much power he holds#also i say Nico is Hades' only son cause mythologically even when Zagreus *is* Hades' son (rarely) he's. dead.#a major part of Zagreus' mythology is that he died#and im p sure every other deity said to be Hades' children are all goddesses and also are like 50% of the time not his#theres also only like 3 of them. and as far as we know in riordanverse canon one of them is implied to not be his daughter#so Nico is Hades' only son and also youngest in the family (cause Hazel is older by a month chronologically or 1 year biologically)#(and everybody else is a deity if children of hades at all)
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cnandini · 1 year
"Dia sih enak soalnya anak orang kaya, jadi gak takut mencoba hal apapun. Jadi kesuksesan dia itu mudah."
Satu hal yang gw lihat dari omongan kayak gini adalah orang yang ngomong ini udah teh dia syirik, gak mau usaha lagi alias cuma bisa ngeluh.
Karena kalau gw, "terus kenapa emangnya kalau dia kaya".
Banyak gw lihat orang-orang disekitar gw: - Orang tuanya kaya tapi ya anaknya gak punya jiwa juang. Jadi yaah pas dewasa anaknya masih bergantung sama orang tuanya. - Orang tuanya petani di desa, tapi anaknya bisa sekolah di kampus bagus di Indonesia via beasiswa dari zakat dan setelah lulus kerja di perusahaan bonafit. - Orang tuanya biasa aja, tapi anaknya bisa mandiri jadi pas dewasa gak menggantungkan diri ke orang tua, malah bisa ngasih.
Kalau sukses cuma diukur dari kamu asalnya dari ekonomi keluarga lo, kayaknya itu cuma ada dipikiran orang-orang yang mageran deh. Yang pasrah sama keadaan dirinya. "Da aku mah apa atuh" kata mereka.
Kalau emang punya daya juang yang tinggi dan atau tahu sukses versi yang memang mau diraih, harusnya mereka gak perduli sama privilege orang lain. Soalnya fokus mereka udah tertumpu sama tujuan hidup mereka sendiri.
Alias orang yang cuma bisa ngeluh aja, biasanya orang yang gak punya kerjaan dan gak punya tujuan hidup, Jadi punya waktu buat overthinking dan ngejulidin orang lain.
Wes gitu ae...
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the-muppet-joker · 2 months
I have been fully convinced that my roommate can channel the spirit of Gerard Way. The way they sang to me My Chemical Romance songs was just too accurate. And they knew things that only the real Gerard would know. I will follow this Emo Messiah to the ends of the earth.
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zrllosyn-art · 3 months
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Pocket hoshinyas! From this morning but colored in a lil bit (th idea is mainly from th kn8 discord, thank u all for fueling this lmao)
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a-s-fischer · 3 days
Antisemitism and the Nazi Worldview: a Guide for the Perplexed
While most people know the Nazis hated Jews, few people understand just how integral Jew-hate was to the Nazi philosophy. This leads into many of the misconceptions about Nazis and the holocaust that regularly pop up, so it bears discussing what Nazis believed about racism and the Jews.
The Nazi conception of "race" was much narrower and "scientific" than we think of it today. The Nazi conception of race was that humans were split into subgroups with distinct traits, that set them apart from each other and gave them advantages in a great and bloody contest of the races. These races pattern on better to ethnicities, nationalities, or even language groups, than race as we think of it today, which is why it would make sense in a Nazi framework to talk about an Irish race, or a Polish race, for example. And of course in the Nazi mind, these races were a real biological reality, and not a social and cultural construct, and the strength and purity of a fit race might be lost through race mixing.
And of course races were differently fit or unfit, superior or inferior, and through the races warring against each other in a battle of the fittest, the superior race would rise above the rest, and subjugate the earth. Hitler came of age in a time of scarcity, war, and famine, and he believed there was no way to feed the entirety of the human race, so eliminating the lesser races through this perpetual struggle of races against each other was the only way for humanity to survive. It was all very Darwinian except that it completely misunderstood how the Darwinian model of evolution actually works, since the unit of selection was the nonexistent race, not the individual.
This struggle of the races was in Hitler and the Nazis' conception not only natural and necessary, but good. Conquest and the slaughter of inferior races was good. The state of the world with nation states and silly notions like laws, and morals, this was bad and unnatural. Humanity, or the strongest race, needed to do away with this system, or humans would all perish of starvation in a degenerate race-mixed scrum. The Nazis were heros, looking to save humanity from this foul unnatural state it had been tricked into adopting.
Tricked by the machinations of one race. One race had broken away from the others, and learned how to hack the system, to survive over under the rule of other races, when it should have been destroyed as a weaker lesser race. This race figured out how to lie and cheat, and live off other races as a parasite, while controlling them from within with fake, unnatural, vile concepts of laws, ethics, notions of justice and compassion, human rights, and international cooperation. And also with money. That race was the Jews.
In the Nazi mind, other races might be lesser, weaker, worthy only of a slow starvation under Nazi rule, but Jews, Jews were unique, special. Weak but cunning, only the Jews had figured out how to subvert and pervert the noble struggle of the races. The Jews were not only especially hated in the Nazi mind but they also served an explanatory purpose. The Jews were the reason humans were not in what the Nazis viewed as a state of nature, and the reason that the areas hadn't eliminated all the other races and taken over the world already. And anything that went wrong for the Nazis was of course caused by Jewish manipulation. The Jews had to be stripped of their unnatural power and control, and eliminated quickly, to keep them from continuing to undermine the strongest race, the Aryan Germans.
Early on, there was some discussion about how this was to be done. The mass slaughter of Jews under this philosophy might have been inevitable but it wasn't obviously inevitable to all Nazis. The important thing was to reduce the Jews to a state of nature, to take away their unnatural control, and leave them in the position of any other lesser race. This is where ideas, like sending all the Jews to Madagascar, to "build their own state" but really to inevidably die in the wilderness, came from. If Jews were separated from their stronger hosts, the logic went, they would just be one more weaker race and they would die just the same. This was also why so many Nazis took a special delight in simply denying captive Jews the means of survival, leaving them to starve, freeze, and die of disease in a state of nature, without the resources they had parasitically leached out of their host races.
But that process took too long. There were simply too many Jews, and too many (to the Nazi mind) Jewish controlled enemies. As Germany and the Axis' began to lose the war, and then as that loss became increasingly only a matter of time, the Nazis ramped up their efforts to kill Jews, by bullet and by gas, because if they could kill enough Jews, surely that Jewish control over their enemies would break and the Aryans among those enemies what recognize their racial interest, and join with the Germans, giving them victory. Instead the resources poured into the wholesale murder of Jews were resources stripped from the Nazi war machine, hastening the Allied victory.
Antisemitism wasn't simply one more bigotry for the Nazis to tack onto their general racism. It was foundational to the Nazi conception of how the world functioned. It was the explanitory mechanism in the Nazis' conspiratorial framework. And with this philosophy at the core of Nazism, the Holocaust became not only inevitable, but the highest calling of the Nazis, their sacrifice for humanity, or at least what was left of humanity after the strongest race had triumphed over all the others. Very little about Nazism is unique. Their militarism, their glorification of violence and struggle, their racial pseudo-Darwinianism, certainly their conspiratorial antisemitism, all had plenty of precident long before they came on the scene. It was their particularly potent combination of these existing elements that made them Nazis. And in this combination, it was the Jew-hate which held everything together and which provided the energizing force.
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redstonedust · 2 months
okay i dont usually step out of my lane on this but i keep seeing people proudly saying they're reporting all the fundraiser asks they get because theyre ''probably scams'' and its like... you know nobody is forcing you to engage, right? it's not a choice between reporting and donating, you can politely delete an ask if you're uncertain about it. jumping to reporting someone because you don't have the time or knoweldge to check their story when theres a chance they're a real person in need is just... cruel. needlessly cruel.
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Jason and Dick at a gala- what kind of suits do they wear?
OOhhh I hadnt thought about it before-
Jason would wear a classic suit (he said he didn't care so Alfred always picked out English style cut) but he refuses to stick to just black- so its usually a very dark blue, red, or green- He also never wears a jacket so sometimes he walks around looking like a 20s paperboy because Alfred made him wear suspenders and he "lost" his jacket two hours ago. Also somtimes dresses very much like a mobster because thats what he thought was cool.
Dick- the more color/bling the better, he thinks normal suits are boring as hell and if hes forced to come to the galas even when hes a grown adult hes going to dress to impress. Prefers very loose over fitted anything and lots and lots of 70s-80s inspo. Usually just a fancy blouse like shirt and tailored pants though- that he will gaslight Bruce about being a suit ( its not- but Bruce picks his battles)
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months
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More Possessed Doll Au (the au was created by @phoenixcatch7 so go check them out they do great stuff!)
Honestly this would be early-ish I am thinking into Bruce doing his vigilante work with the doll body. Or he just straight up has thick eyeliner/raccoon makeup lol.
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Shamura loves gossiping with their niece. Yearly tradition for them ig
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these are from sins and alliance respectivly (which are two years apart in my world) so they really do have a gossiping tradition at this point. Good for them!
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ruthlesslistener · 5 months
Hello white dungeon meshi anime fan. I am holding a gun to your head. Please explain to me exactly why you're wrong when you said that Shuro's outburst at Laios was due to 'rich privilage' instead of it being commentary on what it feels like to grow up autistic in a country that demands putting on a polite, friendly mask for every interaction while you suffer internally. You have one minute before I pull the trigger.
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yb-cringe · 10 days
good god. good fuckin lord disabled is not a dirty word just say disabled stop saying differently abled im gonna actually blow a gasket
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slothgiirl · 1 year
imagine all the tales in liyue about the terrifying villigant yaksha that staves off demons. those who've met him think him quiet, reserved, and uncaring for companionship. other adepti look up to him. his commitment to liyue inspires respect but hes always this lone intimidating figure. and the first time in centuries (mb even thousands of years) he walks into liyue harbour, xiaos carrying ur bags, all loved up, chiding u for buying flowers when he brings u the freshest blooms in all of liyue from peaks only an adeptus could reach
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the-muppet-joker · 2 months
the meat of the night should be. heh. My Cock
Perhaps that is a meat for another night. As previously stated, the meat of the night is Corndog.
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