#admin is angry
useless-englandfacts · 10 months
this probably goes without saying but fuck the uk for abstaining on the UN resolution demanding a ceasefire in gaza.
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slavhew · 3 months
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i thought of this at the start of pride month and then couldnt complete the joke until literally like yesterday
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phatcatphergus · 8 months
While I do think that Tubbo was a bit over the top today in regards to making light of the lore, I think it’s mainly because he’s tired of this arc and how there isn’t a roleplayable response unless the eye workers permit there to be. It’s frustrating on a viewer and player level for sure.
Does that mean he had to be over the top? No, but I do think its good to keep in mind that Mike also was messing around during the lore today and in the dapper kidnapping stream, Phil did not give a shit that dapper was downed and kidnapped even after being told he was. I can find Tubbo making jokes at the eye workers funny and someone else can find it annoying, I personally had a problem when he kept speaking over Bagi today, he’s a human who does annoying things that I don’t like sometimes.
I think we all get a bit too defensive of our favs (absolutely guilty) and forget that we find other people doing the same thing annoying too. People can respond to lore however they want, especially when it’s impromptu lore like today.
We don’t have to be up in arms about everything and you don’t have to hate on someone for acting how another person acted in the past. Streamers do things we don’t like sometime because (surprisingly) they’re individuals! Who have their own reasons for doing the things they do. Sometimes it’s playing a certain game and sometimes it’s taking lore with a grain of salt. Maybe you like foolishs parenting style and hate Phil’s, that’s valid! Just remember that people can dislike foolishs parenting style too!
TLDR: it’s okay to critique tubbo for how he chose to interact with the lore today or how he interacts with sunny so long as you are okay with people saying the same thing about your streamer
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ribbononline · 1 year
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& every time it's you
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qtubbo · 6 months
Honestly I don’t understand the stigma against complaining, “doomposting”, and all sorts of negative things, cause like what’s wrong with feeling negative. If someone’s tagging right, then whats the point on making a big post saying how there’s too much negativity or people are taking things too seriously. Block who you want, whenever you want, people aren’t going to be happy fun times all the time. Especially at a time like this, when it’s much easier to get set off by small things, I know people sometimes just want a break from the negativity but it’s your job not everyone else’s. It gets especially rude when you’re telling people to stop “doomposting”, about an entire language being left out and ignored. Why shouldn’t the french audience riot, act like this is the end, they got treated terribly and like they never even mattered at all. If you don’t want to see it just block some tags.
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acutecoral · 11 months
As a plural person, the whole thing with the possibility of Cell being like another consciousness in Cellbit, being unleashed and killing workers, being something to suppress and fight against and such...well it's a thing that bothers me, I guess?
Cellbit is trying to be a good person. A better person. Sure he is angry at the Federation, he wants to take them down and see them burn, he want them to fail, but he didn’t want to fight the last time we saw him. He just wanted to rest and get his family back. And now all these murders are happening making it seem like he did it, or Cell did without Cellbit being conscious of it.
Like for other people they can just say it’s a classic horror trope and leave it at that. Fun thing, mystery ramping up, reveal the true culprit is you but not exactly, maybe eventual battle in the centre of the mind. Not really reinventing the wheel here.
I don't really know if the admins or cc!Cellbit himself is aware how harmful the trope can be to people that experience that sort of thing, living with multiple consciousnesses in one body is already hard enough at times...so I don't really want to lean into the interpretation that it is Cell acting out the killings. But then again, it's just another drop in the bucket if it is.
I dunno...just thoughts from a plural person
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alolanrain · 9 months
Okay so I read the novern thing and that gave me a idea what if team rocket was behind novern’s disappearance?
Now it’ll depend on just who from team rocket. The trio? Butch and Cassidy? Giovanni or one of his admins?
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snowy-bones · 3 months
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Traditional poff doodle hours! Today's victim is our most beloved Thomas! Tol Angy Russian man doesn't get drawn enough.
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duckapus · 3 months
When the public Hyperlink Gates are finally set up, Mr. Puzzles of course tries his luck at going to another server, juuuust to make sure that Emulator was telling the truth about him being allowed to leave, and the first one he tries is the Pokemon world...and he bounces off the portal like it's made of rubber, followed by RNG showing up in the form of a very smug Mr. Mime and shaking its head and waggling a finger at him before vanishing again.
He gets similar denials from most of the alliance universes, but a few of them he enters no problem. One of the ones that lets him in is Dreamland, which initially confuses him considering how many powerful artifacts there are up for grabs...until Floyd helpfully reminds him that they have a Kirby, and that people in Dreamland who Start Shit Get Hit and either get killed all the way dead, become Kirby's friends, or both in that order.
He doesn't visit Dreamland very often.
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cringesnail · 1 year
Just one thing I haven't seen talked about when the french CCs can't participate in an event is that a lot of french people don't have a very good English and the French POVs are the only ones they can watch because none of the other CCs put their translations to french. So telling them to just watch the VODs won't solve the problem
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That moment from the final battle
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backfromtwitterforw · 5 months
Just so people interested here have the info: Sunny's and Empanada's admins are not aware of anything happening in the event happening tonight. So is their eggs are involved in any way, shape or form, they will not be played by them.
Reminder that they never left the project and were never officially let out (or unofficially from what they say). Someone could argue they're put on the side because they're streaming and revealed their identity, but even then, I really wish they wouldn't have the nerves to replace them without telling them a thing, but I don't have much faith... We'll see
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systemtermz · 5 months
I’m gonna get thrown into hell.
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tu-es-gegg · 1 year
im so thankful for teh qsmp, and really jsut showing me more and more stuff about the world, not just ocntent creators
i didnt think i could enjoy brazil jsut like culture and stuff as a whole to this much, and i even learned that brazil is big
like without qsmp i wouldnt have the drive to be ona 90+ day streak on duolingo for portuguese jsut so i can better understand my streamers
in my day to day life i now say pendejo and culero, it has never left my lexicon
thanks for these past months and i hope for even more ahead!!!!!!
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notquiteaghost · 6 months
my sister saw the psych & he said he won't refer her to a personality disorder unit because they're all privately run so you have to apply for funding and it's a whole thing. he didn't ask if she wanted to deal with that, he decided he didn't want to deal with that. instead he has prescribed her clozapine, an antipsychotic you have to start on an ineffectually low dose of in case it makes your heart dangerously slow. it weakens your immune system, increases your chance of seizures, may cause heart problems, and can cause a 'serious movement disorder' that 'may not be reversible'. she is still, also, on the highest dose of lithium they can give her. and she will continue to be on the lithium until the clozapine does something. but fuck forbid she has to go to a meeting!!!
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mcyt-but-everywhere · 2 years
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