lynkolnevans · 2 years
My g we're mutuals and I love that for us but pls tell me what this groovy sans skeleton is he's all over my dash and I support u but I have no fucking clue what he is
Sorry about that lmao. I got dragged backed into undertale and went a little crazy with Fresh!Sans. Fresh is an Undertale AU character created by @loverofpiggies - which was initially inspired by “Dippy Fresh” from Gravity Falls, but now they’ve officially become a separate character for loverofpiggies’ upcoming webcomic.
I’m probably not gonna go on another reblog spree again any time soon with Fresh, but if you want me to tag it let me know.
Some info relating to Fresh!Sans (as they relate to the Undertale fandom) under the cut.
Feel free to skip or skim the text below, I just had a lot to say about one of my favorite characters.
At first glance, Fresh!Sans is just another Alternate Universe Sans, albeit a complete opposite to the more numerous “edgy” and “angsty” AUs/headcanons that were popular when the Undertale Fandom was in the spotlight. Basically their whole deal is a “radical” skeleton that talks and dresses like they were imbued with condensed 90′s pop culture essence. “Radical”, “Broski”, and other 90s - 2000s slang is a staple of Fresh’s character, as well as eye-searing clothing and rainbow powers.
They hate swearing or any kind of bad things, like drugs or alcohol. I’ve heard many people say that they are like a walking PSA, the kind with bad acting that you were forced to watch in school. One of Fresh’s powers is that whenever they are around, people’s swearing is censored. For example, “What the fuck!” would become “What the funk!”, usually with the swearer pissed they got censored.
Now onto the cool part. Fresh isn’t actually a Sans in the conventional sense. They’re a souless (literally) parasite that takes over a host and uses the soul as food, while completely overriding the host’s control of their body. Fresh has to keep swapping hosts as they will die without one, yet possessing someone can damage the host’s soul. There are some cool fanfics that explore this dilema.
They also are unable to feel any emotions. Yep, that’s right. Literally, the coolest dude ever is a soul-eating parasite without feelings. The only feelings they are physically capable of is fear and (i think) pain. Essentially, they are an eldritch horror who is mortal and absolutely terrified of dying, but can also do a sick kick-flip and teleport between universes. This leads to a lot of hijinks, especially in fan comics/art/fiction.
I’m sure I’ve missed a ton, but I wasn’t planning on writing an essay about Fresh lol. A lot of his character is centered around the whole Undertale AU Multiverse/Outcode characters, and explaining that is in an of itself multiple essays. There also isn’t a lot of concrete canon from Fresh’s creator. Just the basic: Fresh is a parasite that feeds on souls, cannot feel emotions except fear, and is OP af.
TLDR : Fresh is a parasitic entity possessing a Sans to feed on his soul. A lot of his character is based around 90′s pop culture, being “PC”, and teleporting around AUs/the Undertale Multiverse as the most chaotic being ever. Just a cool lil dude.
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isabel-peculier · 6 years
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Is me !
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thebibliosphere · 3 years
Hello! I was hoping to buy Hunger Pangs but I wanted to ask quickly, are there any trigger warnings I should know about? Sorry to bother you with the question, I just can’t find any on the store page I’m looking at! Have a lovely day, I love your blog :)
If you check my website: https://joydemorra.com/books/ and click on whatever version of the book you’re looking at, you’ll find a list of content warnings.
If there’s anything, in particular, you want to know that might be in it, please ask! I’m more than happy to let you know if it’s there and where it happens so you can avoid/prepare for it.
Unfortunately, putting some of the content warnings on the store page is a good way to get yourself censored by the retailer. So when in doubt, for any and all of my work, check my website! 
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prokopetz · 4 years
OP in reference to your post about lumberjacks, and animators being horny for their characters, have you seen Klaus
(With reference to this post here.)
I refuse to acknowledge Klaus in this context on the grounds that the character the animators are most obviously horny for is voiced by Norm Macdonald, which I’m pretty sure qualifies as a war crime.
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lozeyart · 4 years
Your new icon gives me life
I didn’t think I would achieve this with my new icon but it brings warmth into my heart knowing this
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jaboody · 4 years
I hope surgery goes well for you!
thank you, me too! never had surgery before so i’m kinda nervous but optimistic
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modcass · 4 years
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lammergeierdust · 5 years
I’m still alive, somewhere. I bring you guys a gift, based on @admiraljellybeans‘ Banette.
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supersquiddle · 7 years
Music Game
Alrighty this one looks like fun!
TAGGED BY @conretewings
Rules: using only song titles from one artist/band, cleverly answer the questions and then tag people.
Artist/band: Thousand Foot Krutch, an old favourite of mine.
•What is your gender: All I Need To Know  •How do you feel: Learn To Breathe •If you could go anywhere: Untraveled Road •Favorite mode of transportation: I Climb •Your best friend: Safest Place •Favorite time of day: Already Home •If your life was a tv show: Be Somebody •Relationship status: Faith Love and Happiness •Your fear: I See Red
I Tag... @guzma-is-my-bug-boi @admiraljellybeans @cowsaresushi @wildfirechild1989 @banana-spice @weirdwyvern @starrstivers @tubbu-wubbu-chubbu @gengar-guzcast
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superfastsquiddle · 7 years
Tagged by @msrenai21! X3 goal: tag 9 people and get to know them. relationship status: In a relationship with @admiraljellybeans. favorite color: Teal, Purple, Black. lipstick or chapstick: Neither! Lip gloss :3 last song: Caravan Palace - Suzy. last movie: K Project: Missing Kings top 3 shows: Rick and Morty, Boku No Hero Academia, Mob Psycho 100 3 ships: Guzmeria, Toshinko, Tododeku I have already done this one so I won't tag anyone!
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superfastsquiddle · 7 years
Tag meme! I was tagged by @msrenai21!
rules: tag nine people you want to get to know better
relationship status: Happily in a relationship with @admiraljellybeans
favorite color: Minty blue/green colours, purple, black and red.
lipstick or chapstick: Neither, lip gloss is awesome.
last song I listened to: Save Our City - Ludo (for an AMV shoot me)
last movie I watched: Teen Titans Judas Contract I’m pretty sure.
top three shows: My Hero Academia, Rick and Morty, Mob Psycho 100.
top three characters: Guzma from Pokemon Sun/Moon, Toshinori Yagi from BNHA, Reigen Arataka from Mob Psycho 100.
top three ships: Guzmeria (Skullflowershipping), Toshinko (All Might/Inko Midoriya), Izuku/Shinso.
I tag (Only if y’all would like ofc! Don’t feel pressured): @admiraljellybeans @tubbu-wubbu-chubbu @cowsaresushi @starrstivers @spooky-grunt @guzma-is-my-bug-boi
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supersquiddle · 7 years
I got tagged in an ask game! :O
I was tagged by the lovely @marriedtojbiebs! So here I go I guess!
a- age: 18
b - biggest fear: That I’ll lose the people closet to me.
c - current time: 9:41am
d - drink you last had: Coffee
e - every day starts with: Checking discord, tumblr and my emails on my phone.
f - favorite song: This fluctuates frequently depending on my mood >.<. Since I can’t really pick; my favourite band is Gorillaz.
g - ghosts, are they real: It would be interesting if they were :O
h - hometown: Adelaide, Australia.
i - in love with: YA BOI GUZMA!! Irl though? Idk if they’d be comfortable with a tag :P
j - jealous of: Um... No one? I can’t exactly think of anyone lol.
k - killed someone: No.
l - last time you cried: Last night while writing a sad part of my story. Yes I cry writing my own fanfic shut up.
m - middle name: I have two, so I’ll only say one: Cecilia
n - number of siblings: Two! One younger brother and one older brother.
o - one wish: To be able to meet the lovely friends I’ve made in person.
p - person you last called/texted: My little brother.
q - questions you’re always asked: “When are you going to get a job?” When I got time to work one around Uni, which is around now if things go well.
r - reasons to smile: I get a month of free time after university. I exist. There’s a lot of people that love me. I make people smile with the things I create and by just being me.
s - song last sang: Giant Woman - Steven Universe
t - time you woke up: About 8:30am
u - underwear color: Pink
v - vacation destination: California, Italy, Japan.
w - worst habit: Constantly biting my nails.
x - x-rays you’ve had: Head.
y - your favorite food: There’s too many fav foods :O. But probably KFC chicken, Beef Stroganoff and my stepmum’s Potato Bake.
z - zodiac sign: Leo. I’m gonna go ahead and tag... @admiraljellybeans @guzma-is-my-bug-boi @cowsaresushi @venias-pulveras @tubbu-wubbu-chubbu @nekofye @wildfirechild1989 @banana-spice @weirdwyvern <3
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