First Fight
Adrien felt his irritation rise even as he knew that she had a point. "Kagami-"
"I don't like coming second, Adrien! You know that!" Kagami reminded him. There was a desperate edge to her voice that she hated but couldn't quell.
His brow furrowed in anger, guilt, and fear. Anger at this impasse they found themselves at. Guilt at being the cause of Kagami's doubt. Fear at being unable to move forward.
Adrien didn't like it when Kagami was upset. Where his anger was like a flame that flared up temporarily before fading her's was a persistent frost. Her passion and persistence were traits that he greatly admired.
Ironic, that those qualities would cause him so much trouble.
It had started out so well! Adrien remembered their first date. Sneaking away from their studies to go to the Jardin des Tuileries and just stroll like normal teenagers.
Adrien remembered that day so vividly.
The feel of his hand in her's, the sun kissing his skin, the shine in her eyes. The way his heart beat a little bit faster as they exchanged phone numbers.
The thrill at the possibility of being caught faded until it was just them. Basking in each other's company.
He couldn't help the compliment that left his lips at the sight of her smile. And she couldn't help the blush that colored her cheeks at the praise.
Adrien remembered the feeling so vividly. Contentment.
Then came the akuma attacks.
Running off without reason, half-hearted excuses, and showing up late took their toll on Kagami's patience.
He couldn't use his hectic schedule as an excuse like he did with Nino because she knew it as well as he did. Adrien had made sure of it. Kagami's own schedule was equally packed yet she managed to show up on time.
Their already limited interactions were chipped away by late arrivals and canceled plans.
Adrien tried to make up for it with video chats and late night texting but it wasn't the same.
Kagami, worried, asked if there was something wrong. He had denied it. That was a mistake.
She knew him too well for that to appease her. She saw the way his smile was a bit too forced. She heard his too fast breath, as though he'd been running. She felt the tremble in his body he couldn't quite quell as the thought overtook him:
I'm ruining it.
But Kagami was not one to leave a challenge unconfronted.
"You're not second!" Adrien denied. Shock and guilt pooling in the pit of his stomach. "You're... You're one of the most important people to me."
"There is something you're not telling me Adrien." Kagami pointed out. "If there is something so important that you have to leave suddenly... I would like to know what it is."
Adrien looked down as dread filled him. "I can't... I can't tell you."
Kagami stared at the defeated slouch of his shoulders. "... Why?"
"It..." Adrien searched for the right words his hand reaching up to the base of his neck. "It's not... It's not for me to share." He looked up beseechingly at her.
"This... secret of your's," Kagami thought aloud. "It affects more people than just you?"
Adrien nodded dejectedly.
"And... It's important? To you? To them?"
"... I don't understand."
Adrien's heart pounded in his ears. "I... I can't explain. I want to but... I don't know how."
A thought occurred to Kagami. "Adrien... Is this secret more important than being honest with me?"
He didn't want to answer that. He didn't want to answer that! "Y-" He swallowed. "Yes." He breathed.
Kagami stepped closer to him and Adrien tensed at her proximity. She took his hand. "Okay."
Adrien blinked. Surely he heard wrong? "Wh-what?"
Kagami gently squeezed his hand reassuringly. "Okay." She repeated.
Adrien's eyes widened. "But- I- Honesty is important for relationships to work!" He protested.
"You are being honest," Kagami pointed out. "As honest as you can be. Oof!"
Adrien wrapped her in a tight hug, his face buried in her shoulder. "I'm sorry I made you feel like you weren't important to me."
Kagami blinked back the moisture in her eyes as she returned his embrace. Her thoughts drifted to Ryuko. "We all have secrets we can't share."
They stayed that way for a while. Simply letting the other know that they weren't going anywhere.
Eventually Kagami pulled back to look Adrien in the eye. "You have to tell me when this thing of your's comes up."
Adrien nodded. "I will!"
"And you can't give that shower excuse anymore." She won't have it.
"But it's my best one!" He pouted.
"My boyfriend does not stress shower." Kagami stated matter-of-factly. "If you must, you may use me as an excuse with your friends."
Adrien turned bright red. "Y-you!?"
"Yes. Alya and Nino are always running off for one reason or another. I don't see why we can't do the same."
Adrien made a whining sound in the back of his throat as the red reached his ears. He cleared his throat. "Maybe, not quite as often as Alya and Nino."
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kgmi-tsrgi · 4 years
AdrimiWeek2019 Day 0 - First Fight
“My apologies Chat Noir, but I already believe myself to be capable enough for a pathetic butterfly goon.” He watched as she meticulously polished the sword in her hands, its blade gleaming in the light. 
“It’s only for your protection madame.” She raised an eyebrow at him, the backhanded insult of his comment hitting him like a rock. Had he just insulted her? God, that line worked on almost every other civilian… every civilian but Kagami he supposed.
Heat crawled up his neck as he searched for some kind of response. Chat awkwardly coughed into his hand and tried to put himself together. “After all, you can never know how dangerous they are until you see them up close. And by then-”
“It’ll already be too late?” He nods, and Kagami gives him a small smile. Within an instant, she lunged forward, metal flashing in front of him as he parried her sword away with his baton. She smirked and put down her blade. “You and I both know that I can defend myself plenty. If you really wanted someone to protect, I’m sure my partner, Adrien Agreste would appreciate your help. He always seems to be a bit on edge during these attacks.”
“Hah-! Oh, uh, really?” Chat stressed. “Rest assured he’s safe and sound. I saw your boyfriend run to safety just earlier, he won’t need my help.”
“There’s no doubt that he would be safe Chat Noir, if he chose to stop putting himself into reckless danger.” He squirmed under her gaze as her eyes narrowed, shifting uncomfortably the more Kagami scrutinized him. “Why bother saving yourself if you can save others, right?”
“I…” he paused, wondering what to say. “It’s a noble cause.” 
Her line of vision lifted, but Chat was still unsure if she was satisfied. Running off during akuma attacks to be Chat Noir was for the city, yes. But how did that look as Adrien?
A crumbling sound resounded from the ceiling, cracks ebbing from the corners of the room. Hastily, he scooped Kagami into his arms, watching as the sword she carried clattered to the ground, only to be shattered by the giant akuma in front of them.
“We’re going!” pulling her closer as she reeled in from shock. “Now!”
Chat bounded across the rooftops, adrenaline coursing through him as he searched for a place to set down Kagami. The tiny girl in question made no attempts to hide her discomfort. 
“Chat!” Her arms dug closer into his neck as they moved through the air. “I can not do this right now!” She buried her head into his chest, and- was that a squeak? Did his precious Mimi just squeak? That had to be one of the most adorable-
“Chat Noir!” He safely landed on to steady ground, much to the relief of his fed up girlfriend. He beamed, and Kagami let out an exasperated, but relieved sigh. “At the very least, warn me when you’re about to do something like that.” She gently placed herself on the ground.
“Says the girl who tried to slash me with some antique sword!”
A look of regret showed on her face. “It’s a shame, I’ve been itching to use one of the historic one’s ever since I learned super villains ran amok in this city.”
“I’m sure you’ll get your chance someday.” A blur of red and black rushed past the two as an angry roar erupted in the distance. “That’s my cue.”
He turned around, ready to rush to the fight and assist Ladybug. “I’m sure I’ll see you again, Madame Tsurugi.” He paused, and for a moment he wanted to stay with his girlfriend and shower her with affection. But she was dating Adrien Agreste, not Chat Noir.
Fuck it, this was his girlfriend damnit. Let him spend a few moments with her!
Chat kneeled and reached out his palm. Kagami playfully rolled her eyes, and settled her hand into his. Leaning towards her, he gently kissed her hand, smiling as he heard Mimi’s giggles.
And with that, Chat Noir leapt off into the city skyline, baton extended with a duty to protect the city.
Kagami placed the hand Chat kissed onto her cheek, sighing as she watched him from a distance. She smiled as she thought back to her encounter. Really, this might as well have been their first fight as Kagami Tsurugi and Chat Noir. Even with his lack of self preservation, her boyfriend really did seek to help everyone out.
“Please be safe Adrien, you still owe me that sword fight.”
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kittinoir · 4 years
En Garde
The car ride home from fencing practice was uncharacteristically quiet. Uncharacteristic, because even though Kagami was a quiet person, these private moments were rarely so. It took longer for Adrien to figure it out than it really should have, but to his credit, he told himself, he did so before they reached her home.
“You’re mad at me.”
“Yes.” Kagami didn’t even blink, not like other girls her knew. Chloe would have told him straight off, making snide comments. Marinette would have stumbled over it, giving him the benefit of the doubt, if she told him at all. Ladybug would have trussed him up with her yo-yo to have it out with him until they were settled. He hadn’t known how to interpret Kagami’s silence.
“You let me win today,” she said finally, turning to face him. He should have realized it sooner; with both her arms and legs crossed, she was the essence of irritation.
“I…did not,” Adrien lied feebly. Wow. It was a miracle he was able to keep his identity secret at all. To be fair, no one looked at him with eyes like that. Eyes he felt could see all the way into his soul. 
“Why?” she asked. An emotion he couldn’t name flickered in her eyes, then snuffed out. He wished she wouldn’t do that. She didn’t have to be so stoic, not with him. He knew what that was like; Kagami was much better at the act than him.
But he also knew what it felt like to fail to meet a parents astronomical expectations. How, some days, the expectations felt like a millstone around your neck. How, even though you’d thought you’d convinced yourself you didn’t care what that parent thought, some days you wanted you father - or your mother - to just be your dad, or mom, and it hurt when they couldn’t be.
“I…felt that you needed it,” Adrien admitted. “You seemed so down when we started. I wanted to…do something for you. I didn’t realize…” He trailed off with a frustrated shake of his head. Why couldn’t he get this right? Why was it so hard?
He looked up as Kagami cupped his cheek and was surprised to open warmth in her face, her walls finally down, if only for the moment.
“It was a nice thought,” she said carefully, “But there’s no honour or skill in being handed victory. Honestly beating you…now that would have made me feel better.” She smiled to let him know she was teasing, and Adrien grinned as well. 
“I’ll remember that,” he said, taking her hand from his face. But he didn’t let go, instead choosing to lace his fingers through hers.
“Thank you, Adrien,” Kagami said. She gave his hand a squeeze, and Adrien swore he felt butterflies swoop in his stomach in response. 
“Anytime, Kagami.” He rubbed small circles on the back of her hand with his thumb, enjoying the closeness. “Anytime.”
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sparklesofinventive · 4 years
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“I Will Never Let Anyone Hurt You,
                            I Will Always Protect You”
Hope You Like It. ;)
Original Work Posted with Artist Permission.
Please Do Not Post / Repost Out Here.
Thank You,
And Also Thank You for Like / Reblog.
Made for Adrigami / Adrimi Week Topic: Helpless.
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box-of-birds · 4 years
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Day 2 of @adrigami-week: Freedom.
I love how the moment they got free they immediately started fencing with kitchen utensils.These kids are too cute.
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ecofinisher · 4 years
Day 5 - Rose (Adrigami)
Day 5 - Rose @adrigami-week
Adrien had accompanied his girlfriend Kagami to her house to spend time with her.
In the bedroom of the girl, Kagami sat on her bed leaned with her back against the wall and her legs crossed with an open book lying over her lap. Beside her sat Adrien gazing down at the book Kagami was looking into it, then he slowly leaned his head on Kagami’s shoulder making the girl smile gently at the blonde and turn her head to the side to lean her forehead on his.
“The photos Vincent took from the prom are great, aren’t they?” Adrien asked the girlfriend, which nodded in agreement at the boy. “I had enjoyed the night there with you”
“Me too, Adrien” Kagami replied softly pecking the boy on the lips. “It was the best night of my life”
“Even though we left earlier to visit my mom at the hospital and afterward you mentioned about your late father?” The French boy asked sitting up on the bed looking at the girl.
“I still don’t remember how it happened, I listened to your father’s forgiveness about the past and how you said Hope would need her father in the future. You know that made me think of my father not being present all over my childhood and as I lost him without telling him goodbye or...or that I cherished him”
“It still was good, that you told me about it. It’s not easier to keep that pain inside us. It just hurts even more” Adrien explained earning a nod from the girlfriend. Adrien placed his arm behind her back, patting her on the shoulder to soothe her. “You can talk with me whenever you want about it,” Adrien mentioned seeing Kagami clean her few tears rolling from her eyes down her face with her hand. “I won’t always be able to find the right words to tell you, but I will always be ears and sympathetic as good as I can”
Adrien placed his hand on Kagami’s hands, watching the girl close her eyes and breathe in and out slowly, to calm down. Adrien patted slowly on her shoulder, afterward Kagami lied her head under his chin and he sank it over her head staying with her like that for a while.
“You know, I like the fact you keep the most memorable moments inside an album. It looks greater than having them saved on the computer on the wallboard”
“There are things, that I just can keep them saved like that” Kagami mentioned at the boyfriend’s comment. “Rose told me, for example, her mother cut a bit of her hair and stuck it in a photo album of her as an infant”
“That’s kind of interesting” Adrien mentioned lifting his head up from Kagami seeing her, then picked up the book closing it.
“I’ve also got a smaller one from the time I used to go to school back in Japan and one of every fencing school I went to fight their most skilled fencer”
“What have you got there in the fencing one?” Adrien asked tilting his head. “Pictures taken during the fight?”
“Probably one or two were taken during the fight. Others were before or after,”
“Okay, can I find that book somewhere here on the shelf?” Adrien questioned looking at the wall shelf next to Kagami’s bed, earning a nod from the girl and Adrien got up from the bed, leaving Kagami back on the bed and Adrien looked on the shelf to look for an photo album.
“It’s the one in white on the second plank” The Japanese girl told the blonde, which lifted his feet up to be a little taller to be able to reach up to the book by trying to grab it by the top of it.
“Take the chair Adrien, if you can’t reach the book”
“Don’t worry…I...almost got it” Adrien mentioned placing his second hand on the plank pulling the book out carefully, then suddenly the first plank fell off the left side, shrieking Adrien as he saw the books drop and Adrien caught the plank from under letting half of the books fall down on the floor of the bedroom. “Sorry, that was a mistake” Adrien lamented holding the almost empty plank up at the handle and turned the L-formed handle up and placed the plank over it, afterward the weight of the plank caused the plank to fall down and hit Adrien on the leg, causing him to yelp.
“Just leave it on the ground Adrien, we can take care of it later” Kagami mentioned getting down from her bed, then started to collect the books, that lied on the floor and Adrien assisted her with the task, picking up a few smaller books. “Did you get injured?”
“No, I’m alright,” Adrien responded holding a small pile of books in his hands, which Kagami took and placed them on her bed, while Adrien kept picking up the rest of the books and the last one he took a red-colored rose flew out of a notebook landing on the ground, which Adrien noted.
Kagami placed her hands around the book pile of Adrien, then realized Adrien was paying attention to something else and looked down to the same direction as him to see the flat flower on the floor of the bedroom.
“Do you….know about that rose?” The blue-haired girl asked watching Adrien pick the rose up, holding it in his open hand.
“That’s the flower I gave you on that day you suggested me to….change targets” Adrien answered earning a nod from the girlfriend. “I can’t believe you kept it after all this time” Adrien mentioned seeing Kagami blush a little and look away from him.
“I had the rose kept inside my agenda as a lucky charm”
“Did it really give you luck?” Adrien asked widening his eyes at the comment of the girl. Kagami shrugged her shoulders, then she removed from Adrien’s hands a black notebook opening it in the middle of it, where it had a cut image of her and Adrien from a class picture of the entire fencing class.
“I had it inside here” Kagami said watching Adrien place it beside the image, observing the image, where he had his hand over Kagami’s shoulder ,then Adrien chuckled shortly and looked at the girlfriend.
“I guess I was on that time your target, right?” Adrien asked with a smirk, watching Kagami roll her eyes away from the boy abashed of his discover.
“I wasn’t interested in you like that before, Just after you gave me that flower I….started to see you with other eyes….the time we spend together at the school and sometimes outside of the school were great for me and…..I wanted…..I hoped in the future more would happen between us, that we would become more than just friends”
“But...I always thought you just started to get more attracted to me after our wild fencing combat we had a few weeks later after you joined Miss Bustier’s class”
“I had kept my feelings hidden, cause I believed I wouldn’t have a chance with you since you….had eyes for someone else,” Kagami said with a neutral facial expression, making Adrien look down at the ground as he remembered his constant rejections of moving on from his first crush.
“Well it was a difficult phase for me to overcome it and I didn’t think it would be possible….at least after all this issues with Hawk Moth have been solved,”
“I believe you,” Kagami said making Adrien smile a little, then look at the books on the bed, afterward he picked up the white book he had picked up before from the shelf and showed it to Kagami.
“That’s the one, you wanted to show me, right?” The blonde questioned earning a nod from the girlfriend, thereafter the boy opened the book spontaneously somewhere in the middle of the book landing on a page, where there was a large site of a magazine cover with Adrien Agreste and Kagami Tsurugi with their backs leaned to the other dressed in their fencing suits and a headline introducing the new design from the suits sponsored by Adrien’s father’s brand Gabriel.
“Nice choice” Adrien complimented the girlfriend, which grinned amused at the boy and flicked through the book to meet the previous fencing combats Kagami had in her life before, while the girl leaned on his shoulder of the boyfriend, which showed interest in Kagami’s previous life out of Paris.
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Adrien played listlessly on the piano. His features reflected the melancholy tune that echoed through his room and out the hall.
If Plagg was awake he'd certainly protest the chosen song. But they'd had a tough battle and his kwami slept off a gluttonous meal.
A brief smile crossed Adrien's lips before the oppressive silence of his too large room stifled it.
He was used to being alone. Even if the isolation chafed more now than before... Before them. Before her.
Every moment with her was filled with more life than he remembered ever being in these walls. Even before. She was filled with so much passion for everything she did.
Kagami brought out the side of himself he'd been taught to hide. And from the way she opened up around him, Adrien thought he did the same for her.
Before, they were alone. Together, they were free. So, to go from such genuine connection back to this!?
The piano clanged as he slammed his fingers on the keys. Plagg muttered in his sleep but didn't wake. Adrien stared at the black and white instrument.
He didn't want to be alone again.
Kagami fired her arrow expertly into the target's bullseye. It sank deep next to the other arrows she had shot into it.
Kagami's brow furrowed. She nocked another arrow, steadied her breathing, and fired again. Bullseye.
The crease between her eyes deepened. Kagami grabbed a handful of arrows and held them in her hand so she wouldn't have to reach into her quiver for them.
The archery range was deserted except for her, which gave her free reign. She removed the cumbersome quiver to ease her movements.
Keeping her targets in focus Kagami released arrow after arrow. Each less than a second apart, one for every target in range, every one a bullseye.
She had barely exerted herself but her breath came in short gasps nonetheless.
Why couldn't she focus? Her thoughts kept drifting from the task at hand. It wasn't like her to allow her mind to wander.
She was perfectly focused when Adrien came to see her practice... Wait.
She remembered his encouraging grin. How it lit up his face and filled her with warmth. Kagami was great at archery. She knew that. And still she'd shown off. Sought the praise of a novice in archery.
How his eyes widened in wonder at her skill. She caused that! She-
The bow slipped from her grasp. She looked around at the archery range. It was empty. Kagami had full reign of the place.
She started a bit as her ringtone pulled her from her thoughts.
Collecting herself she answered it without seeing the caller. "Yes?"
"Kagami?" Adrien's voice greeted her.
"Adrien." How interesting, the way just his voice was enough to ease some of her tension.
"I'm sorry about calling you during practice." He sounded nervous. "Is this a bad time? Of course, it's a bad time, sorry. I'll call back later."
"No!" She replied a bit too quickly. "No, that's alright. I'm taking a break."
"Oh. Oh good. That's good."
"Was there a reason you're calling me?"
He laughed self-deprecatingly. "No. I guess not," he admitted. "This is gonna sound corny but... I just wanted to hear your voice."
Kagami felt heat flood her cheeks and she was sure Adrien was just as red.
"Is that weird? That's weird, right?"
"It is not," she reassured him. "I was just thinking of you."
Kagami could practically hear Adrien's blush deepen. "R-really?" he asked.
He was silent for a moment. "Does it feel like you've taken a step forward while everything else stays in place?" he asked suddenly.
Kagami sat cross-legged on the ground.
She thought of her mother. Despite knowing about her relationship with Adrien Tomoe continued to act as she always did. No concession was made. The time they spent in fencing practice and at high-class functions was expected to be enough.
No thought was given to Kagami's needs or desires. And in the back of her mind Kagami knew it would be that way. But still. She'd hoped.
"Yes," she admitted. "We've advanced together but no one seems to notice. They do not acknowledge that the field has changed. That... we have changed."
"You don't think I'm overthinking this?" he asked, doubt creeping into his voice. "Maybe if we talked to them?"
"A warrior must always be aware of her surroundings. If they haven't noticed the change then..." Here Kagami took a breath. She wasn't in the habit of criticizing her mother and it did not come easily. "Then they are not paying sufficient attention!"
Adrien understood what she meant. Their parents may not consciously realize that they gave so little time to their children. But that didn't mean it wasn't purposeful.
"... I had dinner with Father yesterday," Adrien stated.
Kagami wondered what it said of them. That her first instinct was to congratulate him. Despite the forced hope in his tone.
"We talked about the upcoming photo shoots... Or he talked about them and I listened. I asked if I could see you Friday! ... Um, he said I shouldn't let myself be distracted from my duties... Then he had to leave because something came up. I-"
Kagami waited as Adrien took a shuddering breath. His voice cracked and her heart threatened to follow.
"I sat there... and I thought... I thought about how alone I felt! How... it wasn't this bad when he didn't show up! ... I thought about how Father was right there! And I felt less alone when he wasn't..."
"... Mother is always there," Kagami began. "She always makes sure to observe my progress. Her instruction is invaluable. I am the swordswoman I am today because of her."
Adrien listened to the small variations in tone that people who didn't know Kagami mistook for stoicism. Which easily rose in volume.
"Yet, there are times I forget that she is my Mother and not just my trainer. There are times when I wish we did not have the formality of strangers! Times Mother's presence was an ominous shadow that-"
Kagami breathed deeply.
"... Times you perform an exercise perfectly and they say nothing," Adrien stated softly. "Leaving you alone without a word."
"Times your best performance is lacking," Kagami continued. "So they remain. Looking over your shoulder until it satisfies their standards. And all that time you are still alone."
Kagami knew that Adrien didn't cry often. She shed more tears than he did despite having more than enough reasons to. So it came as a mild surprise to hear his quiet sobbing.
"I- I'm sorry! I..."
"Don't apologize." Kagami's voice was thick with her own falling tears. "There is nothing dishonorable about crying. If you need to cry, then cry."
So, he did.
So, they did.
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sparklesofinventive · 4 years
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Hope You Like It. ;)
Original Work Posted with Artist Permission.
Please Do Not Post / Repost Out Here.
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And Also Thank You for Like / Reblog.
Made for Adrigami / Adrimi Week Topic: Freedom.
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kgmi-tsrgi · 4 years
AdrimiWeek2019 Day 1 - Isolation
“You’re quite a dancer Madame Tsurugi.” The servant gave her a gentle smile, his blue-tipped hair swaying as he poured her a glass from the refreshments table. “It’s a rare occasion to see the heiress at an event like this.” Or ever, she thought, accepting his drink.
“Thank you Monsieur… Luka, was it?” Kagami eyed the drink carefully. “One always has to be wary of assasination attempts, especially when the current political affair is… we know how it always is.” 
Luka chuckled and nodded. “Well, whatever happens, I hope for only the best. If you ever come back, maybe I’ll have usurped the ranks and become a noble. I’m sure I’ll become a better dancing partner in any case.”
Kagami gave a small hum in response. “For a peasant born like you, you certainly had a way with your movements. You could charm anyone here… Shame no other noble would give you the time of day.” The drink swirled around in her glass, yet remained undrunk.
The gentleman quirked an eyebrow at her comments. “Oh? And why would the Tsurugi heiress bother a mere servant at the gala?”
Discreetly, she placed the tip of her nail into the glass. “To rebel against my mother’s futile isolation policy, of course.” Her once transparent nail turned bright red. Spiked. “Being cooped up in an estate for months on end can be particularly… dreadful. Not only do you forget how to interact with those around you, but undesirable feelings can show and take a turn for the worse.”
Kagami was unsure why she was telling a possible assassin about her isolation and how it had affected her as a child. She wouldn’t be telling her mother about this however, the rest of the nobles in this forsaken place could burn for all she cared. They were the ones who put her in a suffocating place, they were the ones who deprived her of any connections and friends, they were the ones who kept her chained from the world.
“My condolences Madame. I sincerely hope things will turn out for the better.”  He softly smiled.
They bid adieu, and Kagami wandered off the ballroom floor, making plans to get rid of her spiked drink.
The hedge maze seemed to be a bit pretentious, but it was only befitting for such a family like the Bourgeois’s. The carefully clipped bushes called to her, almost beckoning her to fall into its trap and suffocate her forever.
If she were to be isolated forever, better a beautiful maze than the depths of the Tsurugi estate she supposed. Kagami still had her drink spiked with who knew what in it, and she’ll be damned if she were to be caught with a drugged glass. Yes, she thought, better the maze.
The stars shone above in the night sky as she let herself loose within the cornered pathways. Get lost, dispose of the drink where no one could find it, that was all she had to do. Despite her rigorous thought sequence, Kagami found herself twirling in the moonlight, prancing around the maze with all of her cares tossed in the wind.
“You’re quite a dancer Madame-” An unexpected voice crept through the open air, startling Kagami as she whirled around, ready to strike the servant she had previously danced with. Throwing the glass towards the voice, she jumped back and crouched low, listening for the tell tale signs of a struck down enemy.
Her eyes scaled the darkness, spotting the sad dark lump on the maze floor. Kagami cautiously moved towards the figure, brandishing a stick she had found in case they would try to fight back.
“Ow…” she could hear the figure moan. She gulped, but took a step closer nonetheless.
On closer observation, she could see the faint stain of her drink on their suit. He, she noted that he had to be a guy, had a much darker suit than the servant from before, his blazer as dark as the night with an electric green accent. And… oh dear, his hair. His gorgeous blond locks looked nothing like the blue tips the servant had. Kagami had believed she was completely isolated, and from thinking such a thing, she had thrown her spiked drink at the wrong person.
She had thrown her spiked drink at the wrong person.
“What- pray tell,” Her eyes locked with stunning green, heart sinking as she put two and two together. “-did you do that for?”
Adrien Agreste, heir to the well-associated Agreste family, heavily acquainted with the Bourgeois.
Her mother was going to kill her.
“I- I,” Kagami managed to sputter out, dropping the stick as if it burned. “I’m so sorry. I swear- I was deeply on edge, I thought… I thought you… I made a mistake, and- I am so sorry..” Mother was going to profusely punish her, she was going to lock her up all alone and it was all her fault-
“S’okay. You don’t have to worry about it.” He wobbled up to his feet, unceremoniously dusting himself off. “What were you doing here anyways?”
“I… The drink was poisoned. Or drugged, or… I don’t really know.” His face blanched, and Kagami quickly bit her tongue. “I was trying to get rid of it discreetly, wouldn’t want an uproar at the Bourgeois’s party after all, right?” Adrien chuckled back nervously. “I thought this place was pretty isolated away from everyone and when you came…” She trailed off, the pit growing deeper in her stomach. “I thought someone had come to finish the job.”
“I guess it’s not everyday the Tsurugi heiress comes out to the public. I’m… sorry you had to go through that.” He extended her a hand. “I’m Adrien, Adrien Agreste, but I guess you figured that out already, me being the main guest and all.” She nodded along.
“I’m Kagami Tsurugi, but I guess you already knew that too.” Her hand stretched to take his, and she firmly grasped it into a firm handshake. He lazily grinned, looking up towards the moonlit sky.
His hand lifted, before twisting to hold hers as if she were a lady in waiting. “Well, Kagami, how about we share a dance? After that little mishap, I think you do owe me a little favor.”
She giggled at his proposal. “Of course Adrien, I would love to.”
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box-of-birds · 4 years
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Day 7 of @adrigami-week: Blush.
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kgmi-tsrgi · 4 years
AdrimiWeek2019 Day 2 - Freedom
“Kagami, you’ve been picking at your food for a while now.”
“Mimi, you’ve barely done anything since we got here.”
“Kagamiiii… please?”
His girlfriend daintily sipped her wine glass, quietly choosing to abstain from Adrien’s half hearted attempts at conversation. She was too good, far too good at this game.
“Mimiii,” he drawled out. “Are you mad at me?” Kagami let out a snort of laughter before slicing a piece of her steak. He mentally filed himself a victory slip. Hah. A response.
“No, Adrien, I am absolutely not angry at you.” oh god another response- “I am not angry at all,” pick up your shit agreste, get it together before she slams you into the gutter! “That you bought the wrong tickets, got us lost in a foreign country where we can’t even meet up with our mothers for the show, and then brang me out to a fancy restaurant like nothing’s wrong!” 
Kagami continued on, lifting her knife as she shred into the vulnerable piece of a meat in front of her. “Of course I’m not mad dear.” 
“Huh.” He could see the victory slip ripping into pieces. “Alright, so you’re mad at me.” His girlfriend merely rolled her eyes and continued with her meal. “But, but, you gotta look at it this way.”
“Oh?” She quirked an eyebrow at his suggestion. “Please, change my mind about our predicament.”
“We’re free!”
“You dolt, we’re not-” Kagami paused and thoughtfully nibbled a piece of her steak. “...Continue.”
“For one, we’re free from overbearing parents… How often do we get to go on trips like this without the burden of the industry?” Adrien playfully twirled his fork in his pasta. “Secondly, secondly. We get to explore a foreign place. By ourselves!”
“That does sound rather fun,” Kagami laughed. “I like this plan of yours.”
“And to top it all off, I’m already taking you out on a fabulous date to start the day.”
“How reckless of you.”
He raised his glass, reaching out across the table. “To freedom?” She raised hers in return, clinking their glasses together.
“To freedom.”
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sparklesofinventive · 4 years
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Hope You Like It. ;)
Original Work Posted with Artist Permission.
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Made for Adrigami / Adrimi Week Topic: Rose.
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sparklesofinventive · 4 years
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“I Wanna Be Alone With You“
Hope You Like It. ;)
Original Work Posted with Artist Permission.
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And Also Thank You for Like / Reblog.
Made for Adrigami / Adrimi Week Topic: Isolation.
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sparklesofinventive · 4 years
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“Let’s be Wild & Free”
Hope You Like It. ;)
Original Work Posted with Artist Permission.
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And Also Thank You for Like / Reblog.
Made for Adrigami / Adrimi Week Topic: Scaping Together.
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sparklesofinventive · 4 years
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Hope You Like It. ;)
Original Work Posted with Artist Permission.
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Thank You,
And Also Thank You for Like / Reblog.
Made for Adrigami / Adrimi Week Topic: Blushing.
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sparklesofinventive · 4 years
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Hello everybody, Hope you all like it! ;)
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Edited with Artist Permission.
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This work was made for Adrigami / Adrimi week 2019 Topic: First Fight 
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