#advent of light
starrysnowdrop · 6 months
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FFXIV Vanilla Gpose Challenge
Day 6: Emote 🌟 Advent of Light
“If you’re even thinking of harming my beloved Aymeric, then you’re going to have to get through me first! Heh, not so brave now, are you?” ~ Hali
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tekutiger · 1 year
Emote: Advent of Light
This is a fun one 🥰
It's been a while since I've made GIFs. I've been thinking about making some more for a while and why not start again with this one? 😄
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I had the (missed) opportunity to use this at an FC event last night. I left it in my mailbox like the derp that I am- because I arrived late. Tbf I almost forgot about said event (too wrapped up in my audible book & other things). Would have been perfect though! Arrive late, use Advent emote, make some kinda comment NOT reflecting the introvert that I truly am... 🙃
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Just as much as you can look like a hero saving the day, you can look like an edgy dark knight 😏
One brings the shadow, one brings the light~
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uwhe-arts · 9 months
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lights in advent . . . | uwhe-arts
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December 10, 2023
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dribs-and-drabbles · 4 months
The Thai Communal Wardrobe item #8
The Thai 🤝🏽 Taiwanese Communal Wardrobe Item #5
Our skyy 2 x The Eclipse ep 6:
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Step by Step ep 7:
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Dangerous Romance ep 10:
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Only Friends ep 12:
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Wandee Goodday ep 4:
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Wandee Goodday ep 4:
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Knock Knock, Boys! ep 11:
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The On1y One ep 6:
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Sunset x Vibes special ep:
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for @akkrosu and @lurkingshan 💙
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hollow-vergil · 2 months
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ramonasphotos · 10 months
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icycoldninja · 7 months
Reunion (Kadaj x Reader)
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All you ever wanted in life was for you and Sephiroth to live out a happy life together. You knew of his emotional baggage and were aware of his problems, but you didn't care. He was precious to you, and you just as precious to him. You thought that with enough time and patience, you could get him to return to his senses; to stop chasing after something that didn't exist and just settle down and enjoy your lives together.
You never expected him to get himself blown up by that bastard Cloud, and certainly never expected him to die from it.
Now you were all alone, depressed and despairing over the loss of the love of your life, wanting nothing more than to just see him, just to talk to him, one last time. There were so many things you wanted to say but never got the chance to. You wanted to at least be able to tell him how much you loved him, or to say goodbye.
You were now seated on a bench in the mangled remains of one of Midgar's many parks, head in your hands, wondering--as you tended to do--if there was anything you could have done to change the outcome--if preventing Sephiroth's demise was even possible. All of a sudden, you felt a cold, leather-clad hand clamp down on your shoulder; a nostalgic, floral scent filling your nostrils, compelling you to turn and face whoever had approach you.
You were met with a short, thin man with shoulder length silver hair and neon green eyes, decked out in a skintight leather outfit, leather gloves, and tight boots. He grinned at you in a way that was so, so, familiar, and at the same time, so foreign.
"Who are you?" You whispered, gazing up at him with wide eyes. "Why do you look...like him?" The man's smile widened, and he spoke. "Because I am a Remnant of him...and he has told me to retrieve you." You blinked, watching confusedly as he took your hand and kissed it. "Come with me, Y/N. Let us attend the reunion--and be together again." You felt a sense of relief wash over you at the sound of the word.
You'd finally get a chance to say everything you wanted to say.
You nodded, taking the man's outstretched arm and allowing him to lead you away from the park. "By the way," You inquired, feeling strangely comforted and at ease around this man. "What's your name?" The man turned to you, a mischievous, cat-like grin on his face. "You can call me Kadaj."
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livesunique · 1 year
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‘Palace of Advent’
Chatsworth House, Derbyshire, United Kingdom,
Chatsworth House is to be transformed into the Palace of Advent with beautifully decorated themed rooms and the exterior lit up like an Advent calendar !
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mimisempai · 10 months
You brighten my life like a Christmas light
Aziraphale is looking forward to decorating the outside of the bookshop with various Christmas lights. But that's not counting the annoying Mr. Brown, who has decreed that Christmas lights will be banned from Whickber Street this year for ecological reasons.
Thank you @ruby-gold for your donation to Alzheimer's Research UK in exchange for this story.
Thank you for this incredible prompt!
And to all my lovely readers, welcome to this ineffable Advent Calendar!
On Ao3
Rating G -  1486 words
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"Doing good again, Angel?"
Aziraphale turned to Crowley, who had just appeared beside him.
His eyes fell on the small goat the demon carried in his arms, then on the long red hair barely concealed by his shepherd's veil.
The demon nudged him on the shoulder and continued, "I bet you're responsible for the roof over their heads and keeping the straw warm." 
Aziraphale whispered back, "The poor souls, no one could house them, and she was about to give birth, I couldn't let them..."
Crowley leaned over and interrupted, whispering in his ear, "Easy, Angel, I wasn't blaming you."
Suddenly, their attention was drawn to a movement in the crowd of shepherds, and following their gaze, they saw three men arrive who were clearly not locals. Their arms laden with gifts, they came to kneel before the woman holding the baby, and the eldest said in an emotional voice, "We have followed the star to find and pay homage to the newborn, the King of the Jews."
Aziraphale whispered to Crowley, a half smile on his lips, "The star, huh? What a coincidence."
Crowley shrugged and replied, "As much of a demon as I am, I can appreciate the effort of three magi coming from so far away to pay homage to a baby."
This time it was Aziraphale who nudged him on the shoulder and said, "You're such a nice dem--"
"Shut up!"
A shepherd had just turned to them and looked at them with an annoyed expression as he continued, "The little one has finally stopped crying, your bickering will wake him up."
The angel and the demon looked at each other in silence before stifling a giggle.
Aziraphale chuckled slightly at the memory as he finished placing the last of the figures in the nativity scene under the decorated and lit tree that stood in the center of the bookstore.
He stepped back and let his eyes wander over the garlands and other decorations that festively lit up the bookshop. He knew he was going a bit overboard with the Christmas ornaments, but he loved this time of year, so why deprive himself.
He turned to grab the box of outdoor lights and headed for the door.
"Mr. Fell, I hope those aren't Christmas lights you have in that box?"
Aziraphale turned sharply to Mr. Brown, who had just walked up behind him, and asked, "Why? Would that be a problem?"
Mr. Brown replied, "Didn't you read the memo?"
Aziraphale tried to remember what he was talking about, but the other man didn't wait for him to answer and continued, "The use of electric garlands is restricted for environmental and aesthetic reasons.
"But..." Aziraphale tried to protest, but was cut off by Mr. Brown, who added, "No exceptions. Have a nice day."
The annoying redhead walked away without a backward glance, and Aziraphale stood speechless outside the store door for a few moments before returning inside, his cardboard box still in his arms, but looking utterly disappointed.
Little did he know that someone else had witnessed the entire scene.
Taking one last look at the angel's silhouette, whose dejection was visible even from outside the shop, Crowley strode toward the record store. A few seconds later, he emerged with Maggie and Muriel, and the three of them headed for the coffee shop.
"Angel... wake up."
A hand gently shook his shoulder and Aziraphale opened his eyes to see that it was still dark. 
He looked at his old alarm clock on the bedside table and, seeing the time, protested, "Crowley, it's the middle of the night, why are you waking me?"
He felt the demon move next to him and his voice whispered in his ear, "Because I have a surprise for you."
The word surprise was all the angel needed to be convinced, and he immediately sat up in bed, making the demon chuckle.
Crowley planted a kiss on his cheek and said softly, "Get dressed."
The demon simply replied, "Wait and see."
Aziraphale turned sharply toward him and Crowley continued, "Irritating, isn't it?"
The angel replied, "Idiot."
Crowley, a satisfied smile on his lips, watched with amusement as the angel dressed, then he walked around the bed, approached him and, grabbing his hand, dragged him down the stairs. Arriving at the bottom, he paused and, turning to Aziraphale, conjured a blindfold before gently asking, "May I?"
Aziraphale nodded and turned to allow the demon to blindfold him.
Crowley placed his hands on the angel's shoulders and asked gently, "Do you trust me to lead you?"
Aziraphale leaned his head back against the demon and replied softly, "That goes without saying, my dear."
Crowley kissed the angel's hair, nudged him gently before turning him around and walking him to the door of the bookshop. Then he stopped, made Aziraphale put on his coat, and tied a scarf around his neck.
"Oh, we're going out."
"Absolutely, Angel, you really are an excellent detective."
Aziraphale shook his head with a smile, and Crowley, who had slipped on a warm jacket himself, put his hands on the Angel's shoulders again and led him out of the bookshop, walking a few yards until they were in the middle of the street, deserted at this time of night.
Then he said quietly, "Ready, Angel?"
Aziraphale nodded and Crowley continued, "1... 2... 3... Let there be light!"
He untied the blindfold and Aziraphale opened his eyes to an overwhelming display of light.
Lights everywhere, garlands adorning every shop on the street, a festival of warm, colorful lights. He turned around with a look of amazement on his face, unable to say a word because he was so stunned.
After a few moments, he turned to the demon and said, eyes shining, "Crowley... it's... it's wonderful. But how and why and Mr. Brown and..."
Crowley chuckled softly, then took the Angel's hands in his and said softly, "Easy, Angel, one question at a time. First, the why. I witnessed your conversation with Mr. Brown, and I know this time of year is important to you, so I figured there had to be something we could do, so we'll get to the how. Well, with the help of some friends..." he pointed out the coffee-shop window to Aziraphale, who could see Maggie, Nina and Muriel inside waving their hands at him, and Crowley continued, "we put our heads together, and while everyone was asleep, I miracled all those tinsel, ornaments and Christmas lights."
Crowley kissed the tip of Aziraphale's cold reddened nose and interrupted, "My impatient angel, let me finish, will you? Maggie and Nina are the only people here who know about us and our... powers, so they helped me concoct this little lie for Mr. Brown. All these lights are powered by a revolutionary, ultra-ecological component. And with the help of some of our other friends, he won't have to say a word. Because we're going to make Wickber Street the place to be for Christmas."
The demon snapped his fingers and an illuminated Santa Claus flashed across the sky. He snapped his fingers again and a Christmas story was projected onto the front of the music store.
Crowley continued, "Justine will be offering mulled wine to all visitors, Mr. Arnold will be playing Christmas music over the loudspeakers all along the street, and of course, everyone will come to see the gorgeous Nativity scene in front of the bookstore.
He snapped his fingers again, and the bookstore window lit up to reveal an enchanting Nativity scene, similar in every way to Aziraphale's memory.
"So you see, Angel, dear Mr. Brown won't be able to say anything, anything at all, because mmfff..."
Crowley was unable to continue because Aziraphale had thrown himself into his arms and pressed his lips to his in a rather passionate kiss.
When they parted to catch their breath, Aziraphale wrapped his arms around the demon's waist and pressed himself against his chest.
As Crowley closed his arms around him, the angel murmured in an obviously emotional voice, "Thank you, my love. You have no idea how happy this makes me."
Crowley whispered into the angel's hair, "You should know by now, Angel, that all I want is to make you happy."
Aziraphale replied against his chest, "You know I am happy without all that. This year, the most beautiful of my Christmas lights is you, my love."
Crowley chuckled softly and replied, "Oh, no, the Christmas spirit makes you even sappier."
"Don't pretend you don't like it," the angel replied.
The demon merely hummed in response, and as Aziraphale snuggled closer to him, Crowley's eyes were drawn to some movement behind the coffee shop window. 
Amused, he saw their friends smiling broadly and giving him the thumbs up. 
His angel was right, with or without Christmas lights, with their life here and their friends, they were both happy here.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Growing Love series : (After season 2) 
Part 1 Story 1-99
Part 2 Story 100-?
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here (Before season 2)
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jupiterovprsten · 6 months
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junjou-laina · 1 year
Just another boss intro ✨
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rorate caeli desuper et nubes pluant justum
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uwhe-arts · 10 months
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time of advent . . . | uwhe-arts
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embervoices · 9 months
May your holy season be bright, peaceful, and loving, whoever you share it with, whatever you celebrate!
Tonight my household has the Advent altar lit, and I have given extra candles to my gods on the Community Well Being altar:
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lumiere-angel-90 · 2 years
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Constellation 24 : Light Angel
🎁Finally ! The last part of the advent calendar.🎁
⭐💛I wish you all happy holidays. Eat well, rest well and have fun !💛⭐
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