elsewhereuniversity · 10 months
Once again, some engineering undergraduates have overestimated their own prowess and summoned something when they should have been finishing their homework. The engineering TAs would like to take this moment to remind all the engineering majors that it is not a part of our jobs to track down whatever you summon and that you will fail any and all assignments that summon anything. As per university policy, we cannot grade summonings.
As a precaution, until further notice, the maker’s space is now closed to all students. Access will only be allowed under the direct supervision of a TA (good luck finding us) or a professor (assuming you can find one outside of office hours). All senior theses must be hypothetical - any practical theses proposals have been retroactively rescinded. Laboratory research is expected to continue as usual.
Safety is everyone’s responsibility when working with the unknown! Your TAs have prepared some helpful reminders to reduce the chances this happens again.
Complete the mandatory Elsewhere Lab Safety Training! If you do not complete this by the end of the quarter, things will befall you! Don’t test our patience!
Never work alone in the lab! Not only is this bad practice for most experiments, but two are better than one when it comes to stopping unusual lab problems.
Carry your iron rod, salt packet, and water bottle at all times. Replacement rods are available at the academic advising office, salt packets can be taken from the dining halls, and water bottles can be found at the athletics department.
All projects must be made out of iron. For iron alloys and composites, consult a TA, professor, or postdoc to see if the iron percentage is higher than the threshold.
Follow university policy regarding safety best practices in the classroom and around campus.
Bioengineers: only use samples acquired directly from other labs. Neither Elsewhere University nor the Engineering Department can guarantee that samples arrive uncontaminated (remember the Great Homunculi disaster?).
Electrical engineers: the efficacy of copper against the Fair Folk is still yet to be determined. Do not listen to the upperclassmen who tell you that copper works just as well as iron. This has been suspected to be a way of hazing new students and violated the university hazing policies.
Chemical engineers: use the fume hoods. Accidents happen much less often when working in a well-ventilated area.
Civil engineers: your steel pins may contain too little iron to be useful. Do not rely on them in a pinch. Yes, they look cool, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Your faculty advisors will be conducting iron checks to ensure you have enough iron on you at all times.
Mechanical engineers: how many times do we have to remind you that just because something could work doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to build it? Remember the machine that nonstop summoned things for weeks? And how hard that was to stop? Please don’t build that again, or anything like it.
And, as always, report accidents to the relevant safety authorities. The sooner the damage is evaluated, the sooner it can be contained and fixed.
On behalf of the entire department, we preemptively thank you for adjusting to this change in departmental policy.
Please understand that your midterm grades will be coming out late, as we are working hard to understand what was summoned and how: if anyone has information about it, please direct it to the Dean’s office.
- your engineering TAs
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They're the shape-shifting immune cells in the brain and they are so cool I love them.
I added them!
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phoenixyfriend · 6 months
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So, @aelloposchrysopterus, if you were to make a post paralleling the Roman concept of identity with Mandalore--
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unnervinglyferal · 11 months
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@aelloposchrysopterus french poetry, white walls, and string lights. I diagnose you with beige academia.
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The time has come for the shameless self-promotion that is posting a link to my (first) Girl Genius fanfic:
It features Der Kestle, a Heterodyne OC, and a lot of trilobites.
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unnervinglyferal · 8 months
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I saw you two have had a rough time lately, so I wanted you to know, for the fun and ridiculousness of it, this is an actual screenshot of something I posted on my art Ig. The Windfucker is getting a carefully engineered tail, of all people who might've deserved it better.
Oh, that is beautiful.
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