thewaywardmoon · 2 years
Going into a bit more detail about my trip. I have no idea if this will interest anyone else, but I’m obsessing over it, so...
I’ll be flying into London Heathrow in February, then spending the night in the Aerotel in Terminal 3 before catching a bus to the event venue the next day. It will be my first time overseas, so I’m trying to pack in as much in as possible while in the UK. I’ve never flown British Airways before, and my first flight with them is going to be a redeye. I couldn’t afford a business class seat, which can lay flat to turn into a bed, so I’m going to try to make premium economy work. I have no idea if I’ll be able to sleep on the plane, but I’m going to try
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(A picture of British Airways World Traveler Plus seats--i.e. premium economy--from Airline Reporter)
The Aerotel in Heathrow Terminal 3 is kind of like a slightly roomier capsule hotel. I’m basically going to do nothing but sleep there, so as long as it’s clean it should be fine. There are a couple of stores, including a Pret a Manger, in the terminal so I should also be set for food
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(The type of room I’ll be staying in via the Aerotel website. It’s called a “single plus” room. I’m not sure what the “plus” is for.)
Once I (hopefully) get all my zzzz, I have to meet the chartered bus to take me to the game. As mentioned previously, it’s taking place in this gorgeous country manor house called Huntsham Court. There is a pretty exhaustive tour of the place on their website, and a billion pictures on Google, if you want to investigate. The room I’ll be staying in there is called Lackaroe and is kind of adorably cottagecore
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(Lackaroe from the Huntsham Court website)
The first night is mostly getting settled in, meeting the other players, eating dinner, exploring the grounds, etc. The game starts the next day and lasts through the weekend. I’ll have to go into more detail about the larp itself and who I’ll be playing in another post, because I’m starting to run out of steam
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odiosa-miaau · 3 months
Aerotel, hh y amapola ✨ 10/10 los lugares, ahí les dejé el dato 😚
Ah seguro voy andar yendo a la ctm po🙄
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logi1974 · 2 years
Südafrika 2022/23 - Tag 19/2
Happy New Year!
Herrschaften und Oukies!
Nachdem wir den Metzger verlassen und unsere Einkäufe in der Kühltasche verstaut hatten, ging es weiter für uns und unserem nächsten Ziel entgegen.
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Dazu bogen wir in Hoedspruit links auf die R 527 ab und fuhren in östlicher Richtung. Dabei passieren wir ein sehr kurioses Hotel: das Aerotel. Alte Flugzeuge wurden zu luxuriösen Suiten umgebaut.
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Das Projekt ist das Brainchild von Martin den Dunnen und seiner Frau Tracy. Der Hobbypilot wollte alte, ausgemusterte Flugzeugrentner vor der Verschrottung retten und ihnen ein neues Leben geben. So wurde die ausgefallene Idee im Jahr 2019 in die Tat umgesetzt.
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Wir lassen die Flugzeugveteranen hinter uns. In der Ferne sehen wir schon die Bergekette der Panorama Route. Langsam rücken die Berge immer näher. Doch bevor wir auf die R 36 abbiegen, nehmen wir noch die Gelegenheit wahr und tanken schnell auf. Man weiß nie, wann das elende Loadshedding wieder zuschlägt und ohne Strom laufen auch die Zapfsäulen nicht.
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Gegenüber der Tankstelle werden Obst, Gemüse, Souvenirs und allerlei andere Dinge angeboten.
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Wir biegen bald auf die R 36 ab und nähern uns dem Abel Erasmus Pass. Der Pass mäandert durch den Manoutsa-Abschnitt der Limpopo-Drakensberge. Der Pass ist 11 km lang und folgt im Allgemeinen einer Kutschwagenroute aus dem späten 19. Jahrhundert.
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Der spektakuläre Abel-Erasmus-Pass wurde am 8. Mai 1959 offiziell eröffnet und gilt als technischer Triumph. Der Pass hat 62 Kehren, Ecken und Kurven, von denen 12 einen Bogen von 90 Grad überschreiten. Die Abfolge von Kurven und Wendungen auf dieser Route, die die Pioniere des Goldrausches des späten 19. Jahrhunderts mit ihren Ochsenkarren durch die Berge zogen, ringt uns nur Bewunderung ab.
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Dieser spektakuläre Pass ist über 24 km lang und bewältigt dabei einen Höhenunterschied von 737 Metern. 200 Höhenmeter überwindet die Straße auf den ersten 3 km durch mehrere Kurven. 
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Entlang der Strecke finden sich etliche lokale Souvenirhändler, die ihre Waren an Ständen am Straßenrand feilbieten. Im Grunde verkaufen sie alle den gleichen Krempel.   
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Benannt wurde der Pass nach Jacobus Abel Erasmus, der eine prominente Persönlichkeit in der frühen Geschichte des Lowveld war. Als Bindeglied zwischen der Burenregierung, den Briten und den afrikanischen Menschen vor Ort, genießt er bis heute hohes Ansehen.
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Der Pass führt auch durch einen 133 Meter langen Tunnel, benannt nach J.G. (Hans) Strydom, der von 1954 bis 1958 Premierminister von Südafrika war. Der Tunnel erscheint an der 3-km-Marke. 
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Beim Blick über die Täler kurz nach dem Verlassen des Tunnels ist ein kleiner Wasserfall zu sehen. Dies ist der Wasserfall Kadishi Tufa. Im Laufe der Jahre wachsen die Tufa-Fälle, anstatt sich zurückzuziehen, sehr ähnlich wie Stalagmiten und Stalaktiten, nach außen. 
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Nachdem der Tunnel durchfahren wurde steigt die Straße stetig an. Zuerst in Richtung Osten in eine Seitenschlucht und dann zurück nach Westen. Bei Kilometer 5,3 hat man eine Höhe von 792 erreicht. Die Steigungen lassen hier plötzlich nach, da die Straße beim Durchqueren der Siedlung Thswenyane durch eine weite Linkskurve führt.
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Der Pass besteht im Grunde genommen eigentlich aus zwei Pässen, die durch ein großes Plateau miteinander verbunden sind, wobei sich die überwiegende Mehrheit der Kurven und steilen Anstiege und Abfahrten an den beiden Enden befinden.
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Beginnend im Norden, in der Nähe des östlichen Ufers des Olifants River, ist die Aussicht einfach spektakulär, da die hoch aufragenden und schroffen Klippen der Berge die Sicht versperren.
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Sobald man das Dorf durchquert hat, macht die Straße eine weitere 90-Grad-Linkskurve und beginnt den zweiten Teil des Anstiegs. Dieser nächste Anstieg ist voller Kurven und führt hauptsächlich nach Osten. Ein zweiter “falscher” Gipfel von 1007 m wird bei Kilometer 9,8 erreicht, dort wo die Straße nach Südosten abbiegt. Das Dorf Ga-Moraba ist auf der linken Seite zu sehen.
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Die nächsten 8 km sind größtenteils ein sanft ansteigendes Plateau mit nur drei Kurven über 8 km, dabei werden die Dörfer Leboeng, Banareng und Makgelane passiert. 
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Dieser ziemlich lange Abschnitt fühlt sich eigentlich gar nicht wie ein echter Bergpass an, aber dieses Plateau verbindet effektiv den nördlichen und südlichen Teil des Passes.
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Der Gipfel von 1251 m ist bei km 17,9 erreicht. Die Aussicht über das fruchtbare Tal auf der linken Seite ist großartig. Die meisten Kurven auf diesem Abschnitt des Passes sind gut konstruiert und schön zu fahren. Der Pass endet bei Kilometer 24,3 auf einer Höhe von 917 m.
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An dieser Stelle hat man die Wahl, auf der R36 in Richtung Ohrigstad zu bleiben, oder man biegt links ab und fährt die malerische R532 hinunter nach Graskop. Da Graskop unser Tagesziel ist, biegen wir an dieser Stelle ab.
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Die Landschaft ist phantastisch. Leider wird das Wetter wieder schlechter. Eine dicke Regenfront kriecht von Osten die Berge hoch. Ursprünglich hatten wir geplant im Forever Resort am Blyde River Canyon, mit Blick auf die Three Rondavels, unsere Mittagspause zu verbringen. 
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Das war ebenfalls ein Tipp unser lieben Freunde Claus & Conny, die sehr von dieser Aussicht schwärmten. Doch bei diesem Wetter verwerfen wir diese Idee erst einmal und fahren weiter. Das sieht heute noch schlimmer aus, als im letzten Jahr - und da konnten wir schon die Hand vor den Augen nicht erkennen.
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Wir passieren den Treur River und entdecken plötzlich ein Schild das zu einem gewissen “Chubby Pig” hinweist. 
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Natürlich fahren wir an dem Feldweg wieder erst einmal vorbei, da wir uns im Leben nicht vorstellen können, dass da in der Pampa irgend etwas sein könnte.
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Und was wir dann da vorfinden, ist wieder einmal eine dieser Perlen, die man nur durch Zufall findet.
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Auf dieser Seite des Berges bzw. des Tales regnet es auch nicht und so können wir durchaus draußen Platz nehmen.
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Als wir vorne den Laden betreten, stellen wir fest, dass sich dahinter ein toller Biergarten verbirgt.
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Der Treur River fließt direkt dahinter...
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... und an dessen Ufer haben die Besitzer einen tollen Braaiplatz gebaut.
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Es gibt schöne Stege zum Laufen und für die Kinder wird gerade ein Spielplatz dazu gebaut.
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Natürlich gibt es auch für die Hungrigen leckere hausgemachte Speisen.
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Und wer für sein müdes Haupt noch eine preisgünstige Unterkunft benötigen sollte, wird auch fündig.
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Der eine oder andere Tourist verirrt sich dennoch in das Tal und am Ende sitzt ein lustiges, europäisches Potpourri zusammen im Biergarten: 2 Briten, 2 Italiener, eine 5-köpfige holländische Familie aus Alkmaar und 2 Deutsche aus dem Ruhrgebiet (wir).
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Wir verabschieden uns und fahren weiter in Richtung Graskop. Das Wetter wird immer schlimmer.
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Teilweise ist die Straße noch kaum zu erkennen. Grauenhaft!
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In Graskop sind die Läden und Restaurants rappelvoll. Wir sind froh, alles schon erledigt zu haben und fahren auf direktem Wege zu unserer Unterkunft.
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Unser Chalet liegt direkt an der Schlucht, nur sieht man das im Moment nicht. Wir beschließen bei diesem Sauwetter das geplante braaien ausfallen zu lassen - sehr zum Bedauern unserer Gäste, die sich schon selbst eingeladen hatten.
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Wir bleiben drinnen und schauen uns das Mistwetter durch das Fenster an. Zu den Salaten gibt es schlicht und ergreifend Spiegeleier. Fertig! 
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Das Fleisch liegt jetzt erst einmal bis auf Weiteres im Gefrierschrank.
Lekker Slaap!
Angie, Micha und der Hasenbär
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efrost · 1 year
Telemedicine Monitoring Systems Market to Witness Excellent Revenue Growth Owing to Rapid Increase in Demand
A Latest intelligence report published by AMA Research with title "Global Telemedicine Monitoring Systems Market Outlook to 2027. This detailed report on Telemedicine Monitoring Systems Market provides a detailed overview of key factors in the Global Telemedicine Monitoring Systems Market and factors such as driver, restraint, past and current trends, regulatory scenarios and technology development.
Telemedicine is rapidly transforming the healthcare industry, and in the next few years, it is expected to become the most accepted and used method of diagnosis and prescription. Advent of technological improvements related to mobile and internet will be conducive to market expansion. Telehomecare is an innovative way to provide care, monitor a patient, and provide information, by using the latest technology in telecommunication. Monitoring allows early identification of disease, and thus, preventing chronic conditions.
Major Players in this Report Include are
AMD Global Telemedicine (United States)
Medtronic (United States)
Philips (Netherlands)
Aerotel Medical Systems (United States)
Biotelemetry Inc (United States)
Tyto Care Inc. (New York)
Honeywell Lifesciences (United States)
Intouch Technologies (United States)
Shl Telemedicine Ltd. (Isreal)
Allscripts Healthcare Solutions (United States) Market Drivers: Rising cases of COVID-19 infections across the globe
Increasing prevalence of chronic diseases
Market Trend: Growing number of smartphone users
Technological advancements related to mobile phones and internet
Opportunities: Greater need for cost-saving in healthcare delivery
Long waiting time in hospitals for disease treatment
Favorable government initiatives
The Global Telemedicine Monitoring Systems Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (COPD Telemedicine Monitoring Systems, Glucose Level Telemedicine Monitoring Systems, Blood Pressure Telemedicine Monitoring Systems, Cardiac Telemedicine Monitoring Systems, Others), Application (Hospitals, Clinics, Others), Specialty (Cardiology, Gynecology, Neurology, Orthopedics, Dermatology, Mental health, Others), Platform (Web/Mobile (Telephonic, Visualized), Call centers) Geographically World Telemedicine Monitoring Systems markets can be classified as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa and Latin America. North America has gained a leading position in the global market and is expected to remain in place for years to come. The growing demand for Global Telemedicine Monitoring Systems markets will drive growth in the North American market over the next few years.
Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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miniboo01 · 1 year
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jetsoday · 1 year
[香港旅遊優惠]環亞機場貴賓室Plaza Premium Lounge|全日本第一間-名古屋中部環亞貴賓室|環亞機場服務管理集團詳情、入lounge方法及資格
[香港旅遊優惠]環亞機場貴賓室Plaza Premium Lounge|全日本第一間-名古屋中部環亞貴賓室|環亞機場服務管理集團詳情、入lounge方法及資格 https://www.jetsoday.com/%e9%a6%99%e6%b8%af%e6%97%85%e9%81%8a%e5%84%aa%e6%83%a0%e7%92%b0%e4%ba%9e%e6%a9%9f%e5%a0%b4%e8%b2%b4%e8%b3%93%e5%ae%a4plaza-premium-lounge%ef%bd%9c%e5%85%a8%e6%97%a5%e6%9c%ac%e7%ac%ac%e4%b8%80.html 宜家去旅行入機場貴賓室Lounge 都算係上機前指定地點,只要持有指定信用卡,就可以免費入世界各地嘅環亞機場貴賓室Plaza Premium Lounge。部分信用卡申請門檻低,甚至可以申請附屬卡同親友一齊免費入Lounge歎魚蛋粉。即睇全日本第一間-名古屋中部環亞貴賓室、吉隆坡國際機場最新環亞機場貴賓室MEGA Plaza Premium Lounge同香港環亞機場貴賓室介紹,申請定信用卡免費入去嘆嘆啦! 相關優惠:國泰航空貴賓室|研究重推Arrival Lounge!玲瓏堂The Deck、玉衡堂The Pier、寰宇堂The Wing已重新開放! 環亞機場貴賓室Plaza Premium Lounge 環亞機場貴賓室為環亞機場服務管理集團的旗艦品牌,擁有全球最大獨立機場貴賓室網絡,服務點遍佈全球30個國家及地區的70個國際機場,包括各國旅遊熱點香港、台北、北京、上海、曼谷、首爾、羅馬、倫敦、杜拜、三藩市等。無論乘搭任何航空公司或機艙等級於世界主要機場出發、到達或機轉的旅客,付費或出示指定信用卡都可以進入貴賓室享用服務。 任何旅客拎住有效的登機證都可以付費進入使用,或持有指定信用卡都可免費進入,不少信用卡申請門檻低,甚至可以申請附屬卡,同親友一齊免費入環亞機場貴賓室 Plaza Premium Lounge 歎魚蛋粉。如果大家持有指定信用卡 (例如美國運通Explorer及白金卡 (細頭) / 匯豐銀行HSBC everymile / 花旗銀行Citi PremierMiles等) 就可以免費進入環亞貴賓室。申請定下次搭廉航出發前都可以先入lounge食飽抖夠先上機。 記得要下載定Smart Traveller App,每次入Lounge都可以儲分,之後可以用黎換Lounge Pass或者其他禮物。 ▼環亞機場貴賓室Plaza Premium Lounge   環亞機場服務管理集團除了提供環亞機場貴賓室服務外,更有環亞優逸庭Plaza Premium First、機場酒店遨途 (Aerotel) 及Refreshhh by Aerotel、機場禮賓接待Allways及機場餐飲服務,集團提供多元化旅遊體驗及貼心服務。 ▼香港環亞優逸庭Plaza Premium First (受 COVID-19
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businessinfinity · 1 year
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freefartexpert · 1 year
Telehealth Market Worth $539.73 Billion by 2029
Telehealth, often known as telemedicine, is a technique for remotely delivering healthcare services such as examinations and consultations over telecommunications infrastructure. Telehealth allows healthcare professionals to evaluate, diagnose, and treat patients without requiring an in-person visit.
In its latest publication on the telehealth market, Meticulous Research analyses that the global telehealth market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 21.6% from 2022 to 2029 to reach $539.73 billion.
The market is driven by the factors such as the increasing geriatric population, rising prevalence of chronic diseases, favorable government reforms and regulations, scarcity of healthcare professionals, and growing awareness of the benefits of telehealth. Furthermore, the utilization of artificial intelligence & virtual assistants, as well as the development of technologies such as telerobots, are likely to present significant opportunities for market growth.
However, a lack of adequate standards compared to conventional health systems and patient privacy & confidentiality concerns may limit the market’s growth. Furthermore, reluctance to migrate from conventional systems & occurrences of misdiagnosis and technological barriers in developing countries may prove challenging to the players operating in this market.
Download Free Sample Report Here: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=4174
To provide efficient analysis, Meticulous Research has segmented this market by component, application, end user, and geography. The study also evaluates industry competitors and analyzes the market at the country level.
In 2022, based on component, the services segment is estimated to account for the largest share of the market due to the high utilization of telehealth services, including teleconsultation and telemonitoring, due to factors such as an increase in geriatric population, an increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases, and rise in the adoption and awareness about telehealth solutions. Some of the other factors driving the growth of this segment include increased access to specialist care, reduced expenses & healthcare costs, improved health outcomes, increased healthcare efficiencies, and increased doctor & patient satisfaction.
Based on application, the radiology & psychiatry applications are considered to have high penetration in the market. The adoption of telehealth services in psychiatry is rapidly growing due to the rising acceptance of telepsychiatry as an efficient and effective tool for improving access, quality, and efficiency in mental health treatment, a shortage of psychiatric primary care, and the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Speak To Analyst: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/speak-to-analyst/cp_id=4174
In 2022, based on end user, the healthcare providers segment is estimated to account for the largest share of the market due to an increase in the patient volume, a shortage of physicians, and increased adoption of telehealth by the healthcare providers owing to advantages such as better care outcomes, less hospital readmissions, patient satisfaction, and more profitable practices.
In 2022, North America is estimated to dominate the telehealth market, followed by Europe and Asia-Pacific. The high adoption of telehealth services by healthcare providers & patients, advanced IT infrastructure in the region, and increased focus on population health management & digital health are the factors contributing to the largest share of this region.
Key Players:
The report provides competitive intelligence in terms of financials, growth strategies, and geographical presence on some of the key players in this market, including Aerotel Medical Systems (1998) Ltd. (Israel), Cerner Corporation (U.S.), Medtronic Public Limited Company (Ireland), Koninklijke Philips N.V. (Netherlands), AMD Global Telemedicine, Inc. (U.S.), American Well Corporation (U.S.), Cisco Systems, Inc. (U.S.), Doctor On Demand, Inc. (U.S.), MDlive Inc. (U.S.), Siemens Healthineers AG (Germany), Teladoc Health, Inc. (U.S.), and Zipnosis, Inc. (U.S.).
Quick Buy : https://www.meticulousresearch.com/Checkout/33290201
Key questions answered in the report-
Which are the high-growth market segments in terms of component, application, end user, and region/country?
What was the historical market for telehealth across the globe?
What are the market forecasts and estimates for the period 2022–2029?
What are the major drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges in the global telehealth market?
Who are the major players in the telehealth market?
How is the competitive landscape, and who are the market leaders in the global telehealth market?
What are the recent developments in the global telehealth market?
What are the different strategies adopted by the major players in the global telehealth market?
What are the geographical trends and high-growth regions/countries?
Author: Mr. Khushal Bombe Meticulous Market Research Inc. 1267 Willis St, Ste 200 Redding, California, 96001, U.S. USA: +1-646-781-8004 Visit Our Website: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/ Connect with us on LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/company/meticulous-research
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kenresearchcompany · 2 years
Global Remote Patient Monitoring Market: Ken Research
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Global Remote Patient Monitoring Market by Geography
North America dominated the market during the forecast period owing to the demand for remote patient monitoring devices from hospitals and clinics, the rising prevalence of cardiovascular disease and home healthcare in the USA, and an increase in the country's elderly population.
With a renewed perspective on remote patient monitoring, the COVID-19 epidemic has transformed the landscape of healthcare delivery in the North American region.
The main drivers of the RPM market's growth in North America are the rising geriatric population, rising prevalence of various chronic diseases among the populace, increased consumer disposable income, increased adoption rates of cutting-edge technologies in the healthcare sector, presence of developed healthcare infrastructure, and increased awareness of RPM systems.
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Competition Scenario in Global Remote Patient Monitoring Market
The global remote patient monitoring market is highly competitive with ~300 players, which include globally diversified players, regional players as well as a large number of country-niche players that have their niche in digital technologies in the healthcare industry for multiple end-users.
Country-niche players hold the largest market share, while regional players hold the second largest share. Some of the major players in the market include Aerotel Medical Systems (1998) Ltd, Koninklijke Philips N.V., Boston Scientific Corporation, General Electric Company, Nihon Kohden Corporation, Medtronic Plc, Masimo, Abbott, Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc, OMRON Healthcare, Inc., and others.
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Download a Free Sample Report
The leading global specialist companies such as Aerotel Medical Systems (1998) Ltd, Boston Scientific Corporation, Nihon Kohden Corporation, Medtronic Plc, Masimo, and Abbott are highly focused on providing significant digital technologies in the healthcare industry for various applications that can be used across multiple industries.
What Is The Expected Future Outlook For The Overall Global Remote Patient Monitoring Market Across The Globe?
The Global Remote Patient Monitoring market was valued at USD ~billion in 2022 and is anticipated to reach USD ~billion by the end of 2028F, witnessing a CAGR of ~% during the forecast period 2022-2028F. The realistic growth scenario represents the most likely scenario as per current market conditions. This scenario assumes that there will be no overall impact on the market due to any potential COVID-19 waves in the future.
The Global Remote Patient Monitoring Market is driven by the rising usage of digital technologies in the healthcare sector. However, the market is also constantly being influenced by rapid development in technology, product innovation, and diversification in some countries.
In 2020, Koninklijke Philips and the American Telemedicine Association (ATA) announced a partnership (US). The usage of telehealth in acute, post-acute, and home care settings has expanded as a result of this collaboration.
The market for remote patient monitoring is anticipated to continue growing at a substantial rate of ~12% owing to the advantages of RPM to lessen the strain on medical resources, monitoring advantages of telehealth and Global Remote Patient Monitoring Services, technological advancements in telecommunications, rising geriatric population, and the growing need to increase healthcare access are the main factors influencing the market growth. The demand for the latest advancements in the healthcare sector is escalating as a result of growing government initiatives and investments to create a strong and advanced healthcare infrastructure. The adoption of RPM systems across various market is also being driven by rising investments in the digitalization and automation of healthcare units in order to improve the operational efficiency of the healthcare units.
Though the market is highly competitive with ~300 participants, few global players control the dominant share and regional players also hold a significant share.
Request for Custom Report
By Component Type
Software & Services
By Product
Vital Sign Monitors
Special Monitors
By Application
Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD)
Sleep Disorder
Weight Management & Fitness Monitoring
By End-user
Hospitals and Clinics
Home Care Settings & Long Term Care Centers
Ambulatory Care Centers
Passive Exoskeletons
By Geography
North America
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Australia Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East
Key Players
Aerotel Medical Systems (1998) Ltd
Koninklijke Philips N.V.
Boston Scientific Corporation
General Electric Company
Nihon Kohden Corporation
Medtronic Plc
Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc
OMRON Healthcare, Inc.
For more information on the research reports, refer to below link:
Global Remote Patient Monitoring Market: Ken Research
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thewaywardmoon · 2 years
I’m almost done with the violet gown. I’m currently sewing in the eyelets where the sleeves attach, and where the bodice laces up on the sides. I have some wider silver ribbon on the way for the sleeves, since I want them a bit more floofy than they currently are. Also, even though I beaded all of the lace on this gown, it is significantly lighter than the green one, so I’m calling that a win!
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(The almost complete violet gown. I’m not sold on the veil, so I may end up not using it and just wearing the tiara alone)
It’s been a while since I posted about the trip where this gown is going to be used, so let’s talk about Scotland:
As previously mentioned, once the larp I’m making the gowns for is over, I’ll be crashing at a hotel next to King’s Cross station, then taking a train to Edinburgh the next morning. The hotel next to King’s Cross is the hub Hotel by Premiere Inn, and it’s pretty similar to the Aerotel at Heathrow
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(hub Hotel at King’s Cross by TripAdvisor)
Planning this trip, I realized I kind of have a thing for capsule hotels. I don’t need a ton of space when traveling by myself, and as long as the room is clean, the beds are comfortable and it’s reasonably priced, I don’t need any frills. Also, like the Aerotel, I’ll just be spending one night here and probably crashing immediately upon arrival, so it’s not like I’ll be in the room for any length of time while conscious
Anyway, I’ll be hopping aboard the LNER train from King’s Cross to Edinburgh the next morning, which is about a 4 to 5 hour journey. You can order food on the train, so I’m going to eat breakfast while I stare out the window at the English and Scottish countryside going by
I should get to Edinburgh in the early afternoon, then walk about a block to my Edinburgh hotel (which used to be the Jury’s Inn on the Royal Mile, but apparently was bought by Leonardo Hotels between the time I made the reservation and now, so now it’s called the Leonardo Royal Hotel). It’s also pretty no-frills, but it’s practically on top of the Royal Mile (the main thoroughfare through the center of Old Town Edinburgh), so you can’t really beat the location
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(Leonardo Royal hotel room from Booking.com)
The only thing I have scheduled that night is dinner at Grand Cafe, so I should have plenty of time to wander the Royal Mile and rest
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(Grand Cafe from their website. NGL, I mainly booked it because it’s so pretty, but the food is supposed to be good as well)
The next morning is when I jump in with both feet. After grabbing breakfast somewhere, I’ll head to the National Museum of Scotland for a few hours. There’s apparently going to be a “science of Dr. Who” exhibition while I’m there, so that was a nice surprise. Once I’m done with the museum, I walk back down the Royal Mile to Mary King’s Close
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(A tour group at Mary King’s Close via Skye Travel)
Mary King’s close is a little hard to explain without knowing a bit about Edinburgh’s history. Let me see if I can give you the cliff notes version: a “close” is basically an alley that’s surrounded on all sides, and several of them are also underground because other buildings were built on top of them. A good chunk of Edinburgh’s closes are subterranean and date back hundreds of years. Mary King’s Close is probably the most well-known of these, and does daily tours explaining the history behind the close and its residents. Like many things in Edinburgh, it’s also reputed to be haunted. I’ve never seen a ghost, but maybe I’ll get lucky this time
At any rate, I’ll finish touring the close just before dinner time, and have a reservation at The Devil’s Advocate, which is a gastropub with an immense whiskey menu. Once I’m full of dinner and whiskey, it’s back to the hotel
This is really long at this point, so I’m going to break the rest of the trip up into its own post
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Telehealth Market to Incur Rapid expand at a CAGR of 17.45% during the forecast by 2028
The market for telehealth is projected to grow at a significantly high CAGR of 17.06% over the forecast period, i.e., 2021-2028. Moreover, the market accounted for a market value of USD 31,193.46 million in 2019.
Research Nester released a report titled “Telehealth Market: Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2028” which delivers detailed overview of the global telehealth market in terms of market segmentation by deployment, by component, by mode of delivery, by application, by end user and by region.
Further, for the in-depth analysis, the report encompasses the industry growth drivers, restraints, supply and demand risk, market attractiveness, BPS analysis and Porter’s five force model.
The market for telehealth is projected to grow at a significantly high CAGR of 17.06% over the forecast period, i.e., 2021-2028. Moreover, the market accounted for a market value of USD 31,193.46 million in 2019 and is anticipated to grow further by 2028. Telehealth platforms can be used to perform monitoring tests and to record live patient data for testing the various parameters such as vital signs, cardiac events, respiratory, neurology, and other indications or for general physician consultation. The market is segmented by deployment, by component, by mode of delivery, by application, by end user and by region.
The Final Report will cover the impact analysis of COVID-19 on this industry @ https://www.researchnester.com/sample-request-2487
On the basis of applications, the market is segmented into radiology, cardiology, neurology, orthopedics, pediatrics, general physician applications and others, out of which, the segment for cardiology is estimated to lead the market over the forecast period. On account of rising cardiovascular disorders across the globe, there is a higher demand for physician consultations and services such as cardiac telemetry for monitoring the patients.
Based on region, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa. Telehealth market is anticipated to hold the largest share in North America out of all the regions. The market in North America had a market share of 46.08% in the year 2019, which is anticipated to grow further over the forecast period on account of rising investments in the healthcare sector by government and private organizations in order to ensure high quality healthcare. Further, the market in Asia Pacific region is predicted to grow at the highest rate over the forecast period as a result of increasing availability of advanced healthcare in the region, especially in countries such as China, Japan and India.
Rising Incidences of Cardiovascular Disease to Drive the Market Growth
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 6 in 10 adults in the United States suffer from chronic diseases and around 4 out of 10 people have two or more such disorders. The growing prevalence of cardiac deaths is a major factor which is anticipated to increase the demand for telehealth platforms across the globe and thus result in the growth of this market. Telehealth platforms have been observed to improve the outcomes of patients suffering from various chronic diseases including heart diseases. However, shortage of clinical experts as well as professional physicians to evaluate and maintain the real time data analysis of the patient is predicted to restrict the market growth in future.
This report also provides the existing competitive scenario of some of the key players of the global telehealth market which includes company profiling of Teladoc Health (NYSE: TDOC), Aerotel Medical Systems, AMD Global Telemedicine, InTouch Technologies Inc., Vidyo, Siemens Healthineers AG (ETR: SIE), Medtronic (NYSE: MDT), Resideo Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: REZI), Cerner Corporation (NASDAQ: CERN), Philips Healthcare (AMS: PHIA) and Aerotel Medical Systems. The profiling enfolds key information of the companies which encompasses business overview, products and services, key financials and recent news and developments.
The Final Report will cover the impact analysis of COVID-19 on this industry @ https://www.researchnester.com/sample-request-2487
On the whole, the report depicts detailed overview of the global telehealth market that will help industry consultants, equipment manufacturers, existing players searching for expansion opportunities, new players searching possibilities and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to the ongoing and expected trends in the future.
Research Nester is a one-stop service provider, leading in strategic market research and consulting with an unbiased and unparalleled approach towards helping global industrial players, conglomerates and executives to make wise decisions for their future investment and expansion by providing them qualitative market insights and strategies while avoiding future uncertainties. We believe in honesty and sheer hard work that we trust is reflected in our work ethics. Our vision is not just limited to gain the trust of our clients but also to be equally respected by our employees and being appreciated by the competitors.
For more information, please contact:
AJ Daniel
Research Nester
Tel: +1-6465869123
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kabardaily · 2 years
SMA Islam Terpadu Nurul Fikri Makassar Raih Juara 1 Lomba Karya Ilmiah Remaja
SMA Islam Terpadu Nurul Fikri Makassar Raih Juara 1 Lomba Karya Ilmiah Remaja
MAKASSAR,kabardaily.com — Andi St. Ariqah Salsabila Alqadri bersama 2 temannya Aliya Zahra Fakhira, dan Mutmainnah Az-Zahra berhasil meraih juara 1 lomba Karya Ilmiah Remaja Tingkat SMA/SMK/MA se-kota Makassar yang diadakan oleh Dinas Perpustakaan di Hotel Aerotel Smile. Kegiatan yang bertajuk Generasi Milenial Anti Narkoba yang dilaksanakan selama dua hari 12 s.d 13 Desember 2022 mengantarkan…
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smokglobal · 2 years
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healthcaredbmrnews · 2 years
Europe Telehealth Market to Register Remarkable Growth of 8.8% with Size, Share, Growth Opportunities, Revenue Insights & Competitive Analysis by 2029
A Qualitative Research Study accomplished by Data Bridge Market research’s database of 350 pages, titled as “Europe Telehealth Market ” with 100+ market data Tables, Pie Charts, Graphs & Figures spread through Pages and easy to understand detailed analysis. The rapidly revolutionizing market place demands the best market and business solutions to thrive in the market. This Europe Telehealth report contains a comprehensive data of market definition, classifications, applications, engagements, market drivers and market restraints of this industry all of which is derived from Porte’s Five Forces analysis. Market definition covered in this Europe Telehealth report gives the scope of particular product with respect to the driving factors and restraints in the market. The sources of data and information mentioned in the Europe Telehealth report are very reliable and include websites, annual reports of the companies, journals, and mergers which are checked and validated by the market experts.
Telehealth market is expected to gain market growth in the forecast period of 2022 to 2029. Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the Europe market is growing with a CAGR of 8.8% in the forecast period of 2022 to 2029 and is expected to reach USD 6,309.21 million by 2029 from USD 3,244.14 million in 2021. Growing need of digital healthcare, better analysis of health conditions and availability of expert; are the major drivers which propelled the demand of the market in the forecast period.
Download Sample PDF Copy of this Report to understand structure of the complete report (Including Full TOC, Table & Figures) @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=europe-telehealth-market
The large scale Europe Telehealth market survey report aims at knowing the quantum of competition prevalent in the market about the product in question. It provides reliable and vital information that any company may need about competitor’s moves and strategies which are of immense significance for further planning. The finest report provides valuable information by studying the impact of external forces on the organization. These external forces may include conditions developing in foreign markets, govt policies and regulations, consumer incomes and spending habits, new products entering in the market and their impact on the company’s products. Europe Telehealth market report is helpful to be in touch with the consumers, minds and to study their likes and dislikes.
The world class Europe Telehealth market analysis report enables the marketer to keep pace with the changing environment. Increasing competition, rapid developments in technological, ever changing attitudes of consumers, changing tastes and preferences are some of the important factors which call for changes in the approach to the markets by an international marketer. The top notch Europe Telehealth business report helps a company to identify the problems and opportunities in the environment. By designing suitable strategy, a marketer can successfully overcome the problems and utilize the opportunities for the business. The major companies which are dealing in the telehealth market are
Teladoc Health
Siemens Healthcare GmbH
Cisco Systems
Koninklijke Philips N.V.
Cerner Corporation
Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
Epic Systems Corporation
Tunstall Group
American Well
AMD Global Telemedicine
Care Innovations
Aerotel Medical Systems
ClearArch and others.
Browse Full Report Along With Facts and Figures @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/europe-telehealth-market
Telehealth Market Scope and Market Size
Telehealth market is segmented on the based on the basis of type, delivery mode, application and end user. The growth among segments helps you analyze niche pockets of growth and strategies to approach the market and determine your core application areas and the difference in your target markets.
On the basis of type, market is segmented into software, systems, hardware and telecommunication.
General Consultation
On the basis of application, the market is segmented into general consultation, pathology, cardiology, surgery, gynecology, neurology, radiology, dermatology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, and others.
Delivery Mode
Cloud-Based Delivery Mode
Web-Based Delivery Mode
On Premise Delivery Mode
On the basis of delivery mode, the market is segmented into cloud-based delivery mode, web-based delivery mode and on premise delivery mode.
End User
Hospital Telehealth
Physician Telehealth
Home Telehealth.
By Geographical Regions:-
Asia Pacific: China, Japan, India, and Rest of Asia Pacific
Europe: Germany, the UK, France, and Rest of Europe
North America: The US, Mexico, and Canada
Latin America: Brazil and Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa: GCC Countries and Rest of Middle East & Africa
Reasons to Buy This Report:
Save the time and resources required for entry level research by getting an insight into the leading players and segments of global Europe Telehealth market.
The report highlights key business priorities which will help companies to reform their business strategies and establish themselves in the global market.
The key findings and recommendations given in the report emphasize on crucial progressive industry trends in the Europe Telehealth Market thereby enabling players to develop effective long term strategies in order to garner their market revenue.
Gain crucial insights into global market trends and outlook and the factors driving and hindering market growth.
Enhance the decision-making process by understanding the strategies that underpin commercial interest with respect to products, segmentation and industry verticals.
Table of Contents: Global Europe Telehealth Market
1 Introduction 2 Market Segmentation 3 Executive Summary 4 Premium Insight 5 Market Overview 6 Covid-19 Impact on Europe Telehealth in Healthcare Industry 7 Europe Telehealth Market, by Product Type 8 Europe Telehealth Market, by Modality 9 Europe Telehealth Market, by Type 10 Europe Telehealth Market, by Mode 11 Europe Telehealth Market, by End User 12 Europe Telehealth Market, by Geography 13 Europe Telehealth Market, Company Landscape 14 Swot Analysis 15 Company Profiles 16 Questionnaire 17 Related Reports
Check Complete Table of Contents with List of Table and Figures @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=europe-telehealth-market
Telehealth Market Dynamics
Increasing Advancements in Telecommunications
Many digital medicine codes that have had broad adoption by Medicare and commercial payers are being used by the increase in the telemedicine. As the telecommunication technology has advanced, the costs have declined over the past decade, there has been a steady growth in telemedicine
Growing Prevalence of Chronic Diseases and Conditions
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many providers to move quickly to Telemedicine, including visits by phone and video, thus avoiding disruption in patient care as many patients’ chronic diseases are not well controlled and that only 50% of patients with chronic medical conditions actually take their medications as prescribed.
Increase in Healthcare Fraud
The widespread popularity of telehealth along with mobile app, cloud repository among other is hindered due to the issues related to data privacy and Fraud. Most users don’t feel comfortable with an AI-based sensor that keeps record of their every moment
Increasing Government Support
The government is supporting and promoting the use of digital applications for healthcare and support. Since the coronavirus crisis, smart solutions from personal blood pressure monitors to apps that monitor health and activity have become more and more important in everyday care
Behavioral Barriers Using Remote Monitoring System
Physicians and patients often face a lack of familiarity with new practices and do not readily give up existing (conventional) practices. Older people may also refuse to use telehealth and telemedicine services due to unfamiliarity with technology. Behavioral barriers poses a significant barriers to telehealth and telemedicine adoption.
What are the market opportunities, market risks, and market overviews of the Europe Telehealth Market?
Who are the distributors, traders, and merchants in the Europe Telehealth Market?
What is the analysis of sales, income, and prices of the leading manufacturers in the Europe Telehealth Market?
What are the Europe Telehealth market opportunities and threats faced by the global Europe Telehealth Market vendors?
What are the main factors driving the worldwide Europe Telehealth Industry?
What are the Top Players in Europe Telehealth industry?
What is the analysis of sales, income, and prices by type, application of the Europe Telehealth market?
What is regional sales, income, and price analysis for Europe Telehealth Market?
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jetsoday · 2 years
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businessinfinity · 2 years
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