fisherpeng · 2 years
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2022/10/31 about: 𝙊𝙘𝙩𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙧 十月又忙出一個新高峰,不過是好的忙碌。最開心的事情就是找到得利的新夥伴,想必是我今年努力的禮物。感覺九到十月找人&聯繫學員,應該破百了🤹‍♀️🤹‍♀️🤹‍♀️ 🌊 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 整個夏天都還沒去海邊,因為實在太熱,以後都只能挑秋冬來。我想這個海邊應該是全世界廁所最乾淨的!感謝工作人員的維護嗚嗚嗚。這次來散心順便也拍八百天的合照,雖然拍立得都...蠻失敗😂 去海邊的路上,總會經過大園市區,有一家早餐店的河粉蛋餅讓我魂牽夢繫🤤(沒錯,也是去海邊的原因之一) 🚲 𝐢𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞 生活在青埔沒有交通工具非常不方便,ubike也離超遠,買機車又覺得使用頻率太低。後來遇到捷安特的Latte車,整個愛上!覺得就是命定腳踏車的那種怦然!但青埔沒有捷安特店,所以我們租goshar到內壢,買完腳踏車再從內壢騎腳踏車回來。原本是一人騎一人被載,我太天真了,屁股超超超級痛💥騎不到十分鐘就把阿文推去租ubike哈哈哈,兩人就花了一個半小時,騎了快十公里回到青埔。當時店員聽到要騎回青埔,他們都震驚了😂 歡迎City加入我和阿文的生活捏~~~ 👾 𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐨 因為今年工作爆量,所以和鴿哥都只能約在公司樓下面交😂 很開心購入的唯一一組人偶包,可以接給不亦樂乎會客室拍片,還順手讓新的小丑女上鏡(很像自己女兒上節目)鴿哥這張背著海報筒的照片好可愛!自製斜背海報捲筒超狂🪄(有好幾次被公司的人誤以為是男友哈哈) 🍃 𝐀𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐬 某天一時興起來朝聖 #航棧綠洲,結果被樓下的 #復興空廚 麵包店燒到🔥每一樣都營養又好吃,難怪整間店的客人爆買(包含我們)對大園區的感觸頗多,這邊的居民大多未來要移到青埔居住,這邊則是會沿路整頓為航空城。大園超多田地,停下來跟他們合照,希望大園在開發得同時,也能保有原本的自己特色。 🌿 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭 第一次來逛大溪老街,跟大稻埕很像!食物沒有太特別,可能是剛好沒吃到好吃的😭 但有留意到每家店家,裡面的植栽都長得超好!後來才發現大溪橋的對面,有一家超好逛的 #大溪花市!在裡面直接買瘋,一盆盆栽七元是怎麼回事啦💥之後要再來這邊採購盆栽!因為路途實在太遙遠,晚上就在 #八德興仁花園夜市 覓食,一逛真是不得了,超多沒在夜市沒看過的食物(大多為魚類)糾結超久後,去吃了 #鼎好蒙古烤肉 ,好吃到噴淚救命😭回程才發現,於來這個夜市把飲食和玩樂分開,下次再去把它逛完!!! 🪴𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭 自從陽台多了許多植物們後,每天上下班前後,都會去巡邏,看看他們生長狀況。今年長時間處於緊繃壓力狀態下的我,導致心悸all day最近更是到凌晨兩三點都睡不著。但唯有凝視植物的當下,我才得以抽離一下痛苦的狀態。原來,靜靜看著他們生長、不干擾,是對自己的照顧。是自己與他們的時間。(打到這邊好想哭🥺)擺放了一盆彈簧草到公司桌上,當情緒受到影響的時候,會摸摸他告訴自己沒事的,也提醒要意識到他人的情緒勒索。這也是對自己的照顧。謝謝小小生命🤲(歡迎光臨我的綠手指帳號@fisher_plants #租屋植物) 🥶 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 從九月開始胃跟腸胃不斷脹氣,找到很不錯的診所治療,但吃藥和照超音波都找不出問題(甚至還怕是子宮問題也跑去婦產科檢查)下下策只能照胃鏡檢查。後來一切都很順利,沒想到全身麻醉是用點滴的方式,打下去我直接斷線,醒來之後就已經結束了,毫無感覺萬歲😂 其實我的胃也很健康,只是賁門關不緊導致有點胃食道逆流,應該追溯於飲食習慣和壓力⚡(也因此獲得胃的照片,好嗨) 🥢 𝐃𝐢𝐧 𝐓𝐚𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐧𝐠 做完胃鏡後,久違的去鼎泰豐放縱一波,炒飯和抄手是最愛❤️ 📸 𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐦 上半年購入kodak ektar h35,因為是半格機所以可以拍超久,拍了快半年才洗出來,連同大台機也拿去洗。因為交通不便,所以現在無法拍完就拿去洗,都是醞釀超久,等到有去台北時才洗。但也不會像以前一樣,為了要趕快看到成果,後面都亂拍。現在就是等到適合時機,有感覺時再拍。回歸到今年自己的主題:凡事不可衝動,要思考過後再行動。➡️這句話在今年讓我獲得非常多收穫。 #diary #2022 #October #beach #grant #ineedlatte #lego #aerotroplis #flowermarket #plant #colonoscopy #film #kodakektarh35 #thinktwice #myfab🐟🐝 #fisherslifeishardbuticanhandleit (at October) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck0FLP1vJho/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oliveratlanta · 4 years
Atlanta airport calls for investors, developers to build out 200 acres of adjacent land
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Jet-setters could have more plentiful options for living, working, and playing south of downtown. | Ramin Talaie, Getty Images
The Aerotropolis vision could be closer to reality soon
Slowly but surely, the long-underutilized areas around Atlanta’s airport are showing signs of becoming what local leaders call Aerotropolis.
In 2015, a group of political and business heavies formed the Aerotroplis Atlanta Alliance—now called AeroATL—to spearhead efforts to transform the mishmash of warehouses, restaurants serving airport workers, and hotels for travelers into somewhere patrons of Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport and locals alike would want to live, work, and play.
As of today, a HJIA spokesperson says airport officials are officially seeking developers and investors to reimagine some 200 acres of airport property.
Collectively, that’s larger than Piedmont Park.
Officials are shopping for firms to lease and develop four parcels—on Loop, Godby, and Riverdale roads and Clark Howell Highway—located inside the airport’s secure area.
Details of the request for proposals (RFPs) remain scant, but a news release states: “The airport is looking to vet a myriad of concepts for the properties, including retail, industrial, office, and others.”
Next week, HJIA is hosting a pre-proposal conference where prospective investors and development firms can learn more about the parameters of the RFPs.
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Portman Architects, via Majestic Realty
The Portman Architects vision for a hotel next to the airport.
It’s not the only development activity in area.
Next door to the airport, developer Majestic Reality, in partnership with Portman Architects, is developing a 541-key Hilton hotel complex expected to house 50,000 square feet of meeting space, an office building, a second hospitality component, and a 1,150-space parking deck.
This past summer, the City of College Park crafted a blueprint for the potential redevelopment of 420 acres of municipal land, just west of the airport.
The proposed mixed-use development, dubbed “Airport City,” promises millions of square feet of office space, restaurants and retail, hotel rooms, and more.
In other Atlanta airport-related news, the city’s new smoking laws have made HJIA the largest public airport in the United States to ban smoking, according to Forbes.
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City of College Park
An early vision for College Park’s Airport City.
source https://atlanta.curbed.com/2020/1/6/21051752/hartsfield-jackson-atlanta-airport-aerotropolis-development-rfp
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prishtygroup · 5 years
Panvel Aerotropolis Project is considered to be best for investment due to a variety of reasons. You should effectively consider them when you plan to buy a house in Navi Mumbai. One of the most important reasons for it can be considered as Aerotropolis which is related to NMIA and it will definitely ensure rapid growth as well as the development of the Navi-Mumbai-Panvel region. Generally, the infrastructure projects have resulted in the growing positive sentiment at the time it comes to the commercial real estate in the Navi-Mumbai – Panvel region. A totally new real estate development for the MMR or Mumbai Metropolitan Region, the Aerotropolis will be created by the NMIA. The Navi Mumbai – Panvel real estate market is considered to be the fastest growing regions within the MMR. This is the major reason, why it has been awaiting the Aerotropolis which is then linked to the NMIA. This will literally ensure the region takes off as regards further economic development as well as growth. So, this will certainly have a positive impact on the real estate development in Navi Mumbai as well as several locations in the vicinity of the airport, especially in the Panvel region. Also, the eco-sensitive norms come into force globally and so, in recent times, the international Aerotropolis has become trendy neighborhoods. Gradually, with time, the reality scenario will gain from this and so, it has given that it is a scenario where the overall real estate development is being planned around an existing airport known as Aerotropolis in the Navi Mumbai. So, it will preferably have the advantage of the airport which is being under construction. Also, from the perspective of the real estate, the potential which is being offered by the Aerotropolis mainly in the Navi Mumbai (Panvel) region is reflected in the increasing attention from the Mumbai based Corporate Entities. In this way, it should be considered that the Panvel Aerotroplis project is best for the purpose of investment if you plan to buy a flat in Navi Mumbai. This thing also applies if you generally buy the house in Neral. So, it is clear there is driving interest in the new development due to the new trend of consolidation as well as relocation. Thus, it has gradually integrated both commercial and residential real estate. The infrastructure projects also have preferably resulted in growing the positive sentiment of the people when it comes to the commercial real estate.
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patricksmusicblog · 11 years
Ikonica- Aerotropolis(Album Review)
Ikonica is an electronic artist who primarily makes house, chiptune and dubstep. Aerotropolis is her second LP being released on hyperdub records. 
     The sound of the album is expansive and though it's friendly to the ear it's definitely not simplistic. The tracks on here are often layered with multiple different layers as they progress the textures are often great. The thing I like about the production is that it's really a wide range of styles. Sometimes there's a more of an ambient style with these eerie Aphex Twin esq synths that make some of the more subdued tracks more epic. Then there are dubstep and 8 bit sounds in there too which sounds lend to the more infectious tracks
      The second track ''Beach Mode'' was the only one with lead vocals on it and I really liked them. I wish more tracks on this album where like that cause near the end I thought the album needed something to give the album a change of pace. Most of the more upbeat tracks are on the front end of the album. That is with the exception of the last track ''Zen Sizzle''.
     Aerotroplis is a very good album. None of the tracks where bad some where just stronger than others though. I also though some of track composition could've been stronger or more interesting. Still, the album is full of detail and creativity and tracks with replay value. Certainly worth a listen.
Rating: 7.5/10
By: Patrick Griffin II
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patricksmusicblog · 11 years
Check Out Ikonika's new album entitled Aerotropolis out on Hyper Dub Records. Ikonika is an techno/house artist who makes some awesome tunes including this one called Mr. Cake. Very catchy and instantaneous.
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