#aetrnalis: rogue
shadowqueens · 1 year
cold, sender places their jacket over receiver's shoulders. / :D
NON VERBAL PROMPTS from @aetrnalis / rogue
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her jaw was tight as the chilly wind blew and zilla felt like a fool. because she lived around mountains!! she knew them to be cold even if the day was said to be warm out. sure, wearing black aided since the sun was attracted to it but that didn't help with the sharp cold mountain wind that chilled the night.
she tried not to be too much of an issue by not bringing any attention to her discomfort. her ribs had seized up some moments ago and zilla knew could bare with it for the rest of the journey until they made it back to the building and therefore — indoor heating.
but then, a warmth enveloped her quite snuggly. zilla's eyes widened and a familiar smell filled her senses. she looked up and to her right to see rogue, now without his own jacket. yet he didn't look cold. the warmth of the jacket made her face red, even! she was lucky her mask covered her cheeks so he could not see.
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(now she was sure he heard her shivers and could probably hear her sudden heart beat. curses.)
"thank you, rogue." zilla's voice was soft. she adjusted herself and the jacket. he was quite tall, compared to her (not a hard feat) and he had more muscle. she was afraid of the jacket hitting the ground a bit, but for nothing. everything was under control. "it is quite warm."
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fairybond · 1 year
[ BLOOM ]:          sender weaves a number of flowers through the receiver’s hair. / rogue @ lisanna 👀
Hair prompts // accepting
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There were times when Lisanna contemplated cutting her hair short again. It reached just passed her collarbone now, hardly what most people would consider long, yet it was certainly a new record for her. In the current moment, however, she could only be glad she had resisted temptation.
Rogue’s touch was gentle, as it always was, a soft shifting of her pale locks between his fingers. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to savour both the warmth from the sunlight on her skin and the soothing sensation of having her hair touched. Could there ever be a more peaceful moment? She didn’t think so. There was no way to beat the beauty of a sunny day among a field of wildflowers, or the company of a certain shadow dragon slayer.
She peeked an eye open as the scent of the nearby lavender grew stronger, catching the sight of the sprig Rogue would soon set into her hair. A smile touched the corner of her mouth, and she wondered how many other flowers were now gracing her head. Surely it was time to repay the favour.
Oh, she could just imagine it already. 
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Her smile became a grin as she slowly turned to face him, eyes sparking with excitement and perhaps a little mischief. She attempted to school her features, lips settling into a hint of a smirk.
“Can I do you now, Rogue?”
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resolvebound · 2 years
Crosses his arms over his chest, amber eyes starring straight at his partner. Sting remained dead silent, for once, while doing so. Head tilted ever so slightly to the side, a smirk growing on his lips. Most people would think that talking was the way to annoy someone but Sting, oh no. He knew one of the best ways to agitate someone was through pure silence. Exactly what he was doing right now.
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It was safe to say that Rogue always possessed a certain awareness of Sting, a constant knowledge of his presence. It was something born of their seamless partnership and solid bond, and generally it was of comfort to him…but now?
That awareness had gone from a vague sense of security, a gentle touch, to a steadily building irritation, a rough sensation of prickling along his skin. He did his best to ignore it, to keep his eyes down and focused on the book he was reading…yet with every passing moment, his ability to concentrate dwindled, consumed by annoyed curiosity.
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“What.” He’d intended the word to come out as a question, but with the effort it took to say it in a (mostly) even tone, it ended up as more of a snapped statement.
When only more silence filled the space between them, he resolved once again to ignore Sting. However, after five more attempts to read the same paragraph of his book, he gave up, crimson eyes flaring up to meet amber. Despite being well aware of the fact that Sting was only trying to wind him up (and despite usually being better at not falling for the antics), Rogue began to worry wonder if there was something else at play. Did Sting know something?
Willing patience to wash over him as he pulled in a slow breath, Rogue’s mind churned in search of some sort of answer or solution. After a moment, it became clear that there was only one thing to do…Act as if there was something going on, then refuse to elaborate if pressed.
“So…you know then?” he asked, managing to seem mildly curious and somewhat resigned, “I had hoped he’d tell you sooner…”
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aetrnalis · 10 months
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#AETRNALIS. You can call me Emery or Kai ( 31 yrs old / They & Them ) This is a fandom unaffiliated MULTI - MUSE featuring characters from Fairy Tail. Most characters are canon divergent. Can be heavily inspired by my own ideas & added headcanons as well. Please read my rules & headcanons that are linked in about pages as those are usually important to my portrayals / changed things. * USES BETA EDITOR
This blog is not spoiler free OR leak free. Added on to that, due to the nature of some of my characters here mature themes will most likely be present. Look / follow at your own risk due to either of these things. Leaks will be tagged as such: ( series name ) leaks.
CARRD can be found here.
primary muses: rogue cheney, jellal fernandes, lyon vastia secondary muses: mystogan, lia parsley ( oc - under construction ), luka arceri ( oc - under construction ) request only / private: future rogue. happy, sting eucliffe POSSIBLE muses to be added: juvia lockser, wendy marvell, dobengal
1. I am MUTUALS ONLY. I will only write, interact & talk to those that follow me who I follow back. I will NOT write with those under the age of 21. I do not feel comfortable talking to those I don’t follow just due to the fact some people use that as a means to pressure into following.
2. No godmodding, don’t control my muse in your replies & please please communicate with me. While I am fine with naturally emerging plot developments, I do require big events (character death, breakups, pregnancies, etc) to have been discussed previously. I would also like to be kept in the loop when it comes to any character choices that will, if we have an ongoing dynamic, affect our interactions.
3. If you don’t feel a thread, a starter I wrote or something we are developing, please just tell me. We can restart something new or work things out some other way.
4. I’ll try to answer most IC asks I get but if I can’t come up with a reply I tend to delete them instead of forcing it. I promise I am never ignoring you. I just won’t force my writing & give you something with poor quality.
5. When it comes to reblogging memes. I personally don't care if you reblog them from me or the source. the source isn't always available or is a pain to get to. long as my notifications aren't clogged up.
6. I don't practice mains / exclusives here. My main rule about this is that I will only romantic ship with one muse of a certain character ( aka ship exclusive ). Each ship will be in it's own verse.
7. If you ever are interested in exploring any sort of dynamic, feel free to hit me up in dms. i promise i don't bite & i love being able to build things with other people. more often than not i'll say yes but it will depend as well due to my muses personalities / backgrounds, they are not likely to engage into romantic relationships on a whim. any ship would need to be developed and plotted.
Your muse is welcome to have a crush on any of my muses, but those feelings may end up being unrequited. please do not guilt trip me about this.
8. NSFW will occur here most likely whether it’s in term of mature content or sexual nature. It’ll usually occur under a read more if so ( sexual things of the nature ) or tagged with the appropriate trigger warning. I usually will tag it as: **/ nsfw**
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astraebled · 1 year
PROFILE : JELLAL FERNANDES Fairy Tail - Primary / Canon (Div.) / Active
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------------- P L A T O N I C . CRIME SORCIÈRE - # & MEREDY - @sensoriella / # & ERIK - @cuelebres / # & SORANO - @seraphias / # & MARY - @killrate / # & CHARACTER - @user-url-here / #
& NEUVILLETTE - @heavnsblade-a & ROGUE CHENEY - @aetrnalis
------------- R O M A N T I C . X ERZA SCARLET - @user-url-here / # / V. X LYON VASTIA - @aetrnalis / # / V.
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ofsavior · 1 year
soft and sweet. ( or sassy and rude ) || @aetrnalis​​
❛ good morning, sleeping beauty. ❜   / rogue being a bit sass @ sting :x
     Normally, the sight of a new day was welcomed. Sting always prided himself on never wasting a minute of daylight as he rose with the sun, true to form. Today, however, was an exception. Rolling onto his side, Sting moaned in pain. Every bone in his body felt like it ached, and he was sure he looked like someone who’d been hit by a train.
     Slow-paced and stiff, he lifted his shoulders, then torso, and scowled at Rogue. Last night’s job was awful, and Sting hated to admit Rogue was right ( they shouldn’t have rushed it the way Sting had ).
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     “ Did you at least bring breakfast? ”
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quiiscnt · 3 months
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@aetrnalis said :
💖 / rogue & olexa c :
meme // accepting
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  How likely they are to enter a relationship with them:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Would they…
Make the first move? Yes | No Say “I love you” first? Yes | No Cheat on them? Yes | No Be the jealous type? Yes | No Plan the dates? Yes | No Initiate the first kiss? Yes | No Remember anniversaries? Yes | No
Their Relationship Is:
friends to lovers | rivals to lovers | enemies to lovers | still just enemies | mutual pining | star crossed lovers | old married couple | perpetual honeymoon phase | stable and boring | stable but not boring | secret lovers | best friends hiding their feelings | and they were roommates | friends with benefits | coworkers avoiding HR | one-sided affection | weird sexual tension | it’s complicated | toxic relationship | a secret affair | an actual dumpster fire | other
PUBLIC Displays of Affection:
hand holding | kiss on the hand | kiss on the cheek | kiss on the forehead | kiss on the lips |  cuddling | hugging | affectionate messages or comments | pet names | pictures together | no displays of affection
PRIVATE Displays of Affection:
hand holding | kiss on the hand | kiss on the cheek | kiss on the forehead | kiss on the lips |  cuddling | hugging | affectionate messages or comments | pet names | pictures together | no displays of affection
Do they stay together?
yes, this is endgame | yes but someone is gonna die tragically | something is keeping them apart | they part ways as friends | they part ways as enemies | they’re on-again-off-again | they have a super messy breakup | it was just a fling | other: evil future Rogue timeline Olexa runs away from him
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shadowqueens · 1 year
❝ what, not happy to see me? ❞ / from rogue >:3
andor sentence starter
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she cursed herself inwardly. it would not do well to seem unwelcoming, especially in the era of change that raven tail has found itself in the past few years. not that zilla disagreed with those changes — for she truly believed in them and benefited greatly from them. but socializing never came easy. no matter how many attempts had been made in the past, she seemed to always struggle. she could gain her shadow markings but she couldn't even manage this small task of appearing somewhat open to rogue cheney.
she adjusted her mask before she bowed slightly in a respectful manner. "a-apologies, i did not mean to seem unwelcoming or cold in my manner." zilla breathed out in an attempt to relax. it had been some time since the joint mission which was unplanned but ... still. she had memories. they were mostly good (if not for the humiliating one).
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"i-i am happy to see you again and well." she smiled, but it was not as if he could tell. not with today's mask covering her entire face.
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shadowqueens · 1 year
❝ i’m gonna do us a favor and not mention this happened. ❞ / from rogue
andor sentence starters
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inter-guild quests were quite something else, zilla thought. it had been twenty one minutes since her and rogue's predicament — the mere mention of it caused her cheeks to flush darkly. zilla immediately turned herself a few degrees away from the shadow dragon slayer and gripped the hilt of her sword tight. she breathed out slowly, a small attempt to regain some sense of composure as she put her sword back in its sheath. yet when she breathed in again, she was hit with the reminder of how close they'd been in that closet and how he had smelled. nothing special, just soap and some sweat. but it as more information than she wanted about rogue cheney.
how embarrassing! she was used to being quite stealthy. being shoved into a closet by some dark mage was mortifying, doubly so that a high ranking mage in a different guild witnessed it. she wondered briefly rogue, too, felt that keen embarrassment. he was the one proposing it never be spoken of. quite a good deal in her opinion.
zilla was happy for her mask today. it covered most of her face, leaving only her lips and chin exposed. "yes. a good choice."
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fairybond · 2 years
❛ wait, is that mistletoe? ❜ // @lisanna ; )))
winter themed asks // accepting
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     Paused beside Rogue, and glancing around the snow-laden town to get her bearings, Lisanna peered up, directed by his question. She blinked at the sight of the cheerful little plant suspended above them. Had the townspeople put it up? Was there more around the place?
     She grinned at the idea of someone getting into the festive spirit, “Why, yes, I think it is.”
     Her eyes shifted to Rogue, heartrate beginning a little skip at the realisation of their position. Tradition dictated they kiss now, and it would be rude to ignore such a thing, wouldn’t it?
     She turned to face him, mind racing as quickly as her pulse. A grin took to her lips, a hint of playfulness tugging up the corner of her mouth.
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     “And you know what that means,” she said, stepping closer to him.
     Slowly, she reached up and delicately captured his face between her hands. Raising herself up on her toes, she leaned closer to him. She stilled for a lingering moment, and then it was only the devilish quirk of her lips that would give warning to her next move.
     A flurry of soft little kisses across his face – his cheeks, jaw, chin, forehead, and even the bridge of his nose received the rush of gentle affection. She couldn’t help but giggle as she released him and let herself drop to her normal height.
     Despite others finding him intimidating at times, Lisanna knew he could have quite the adorable reaction in certain circumstances, and she hoped this was one of them. He really was too cute when blushing.
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fairybond · 2 years
Fingertips glide gently through her locks of white hair. Rogues head coming to rest against her shoulder, hand pulling away to drop and rest against his leg. “ I’ve never said this before but you’re beautifully magnificent. ” Red eyes moving upwards to look at her face, finding her eyes. // rogue @ lisanna
The instant she felt his touch in her hair, her eyes fell closed and she hummed (a sound rather like a purr). There was nothing quite as relaxing as having one’s hair touched, and Rogue was always so gentle when he did it. Revelling in the affectionate gesture as she was, she took a moment to register his words. Beautifully magnificent?
Her eyes flew open to meet his, wide in shock, her heart beginning to skip. There was a certain temptation to look around the room and see if he was talking to someone else, yet…he was looking right at her and she knew full well that there was no one else around.
But still, her surprise slipped out, “Me?”
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Heat bloomed across her chest, travelling up her neck in a fine blush that soon caressed her cheeks. The urge to hide behind her hands was strong indeed, but she forced herself to keep her hands right where they were (but her eyes could no longer hold his and she glanced away, a light laugh born of awkwardness fluttering from her lips).
“That’s high praise, Rogue.”
Her heartbeat thundered in her ears and she cursed the knowledge that he could probably hear it too. She took a quick breath and found it cleared her mind, giving the realisation that he was probably messing with her and she should definitely return the favour.
Alight with mischievousness, her eyes found his once more, and although she might’ve been teasing, her words were still true. “You’re beautifully magnificent yourself, you know.”
Shifting closer, she nuzzled her face against his. “Absolutely beautiful.”
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fairybond · 5 months
@aetrnalis (shh im just going through retagging things and moving this to beta)
She hid a yawn behind one hand, even as her other rose to knock lightly on the office door belonging to Sabertooth’s master. This would have to be her last stop for the day (or night, as it was), she decided, hoping there would be an Inn or other place to stay not too far from the guild hall. At a call from inside the room, she opened the door and stepped inside, her eyes immediately finding Rogue Cheney seated at the desk.
This would be interesting, she thought, as she supposed she had never really talked to Rogue before, not properly or officially. An easy smile took to her lips as she allowed the door to close behind herself. The white coat of her council uniform flared briefly out behind her as she crossed the room, touching the backs of her legs as she came to a stop.
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“Hi,” she said brightly, holding her hand out to him, introducing herself for the sake of propriety (and besides, she’d rather not assume he knew or remembered her), “I’m Levy. McGarden. I’m the new Head of Magical Law and Enforcement at the Council, it sounds kinda intense, but really I’m just here to check out the guild and see how everything is running. So…how are things?”
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fairybond · 1 year
❝ Looks like you won. ❞ / from rogue @ lisanna ;)
Our muses are sparring and my muse ends up on top of yours, pinning them down. Send me ❝ Looks like you won. ❞ for my muse’s reaction. // accepting
@aetrnalis / @heavnsblade
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After the flurry of movements from moments ago, the sudden stillness seemed strange. To an observer, silence swept across the area where the bustling of training had been taking place, but to Lisanna… there were a number of sounds almost threatening to steal all of her focus. Her breathing, and Rogue’s, rushed in her ears, a swift river slowly easing as the seconds went by. From the exertion and excitement that came from their sparring, her heartbeat drummed loudly above all else.
Reflexively, her hold on Rogue’s forearms tightened where she had them pinned to the ground. The tigress soul within her, currently at the forefront as Lisanna utilised her partial form to augment her own abilities, wanted to bare her teeth in a display of power, and was entirely unwilling to let her prey go. Lisanna took a steadying breath and shook her head slightly to push the urges back. As her eyes settled on Rogue’s own, the reason for her drumming heart shifted.
Awareness of her body pressing against his, the proximity of their faces, it stuttered her pulse into overdrive. Her skin, already slightly flushed from their sparring, took on further warmth. She found herself leaning closer towards him, drawn in as if pulled by an invisible thread.
❝ Looks like you won. ❞
His words were soft, pulling her gaze to his lips. Distracted as she was, it took a moment for her to register what he’d said and realise his meaning, and once she did, she blinked. I won?
Delight bloomed, spreading a wide grin across her face as she straightened up.
“Yeah! I suppose I did,” she laughed, surprised and pleased with herself.
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Realising their position, and how she still held his arms, she quickly released him and jumped to her feet. She held her hand out to him and tilted her head with an almost challenging hint to her smile, “Wanna go again?”
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fairybond · 1 year
“No, I don’t suppose I’d call myself a people person. I’m rather more interested in birds, actually.” // @ lisanna ( imagining jellal in a bird shirt now )
Some old meme I can't be bothered finding // @aetrnalis
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If you had asked Lisanna how she thought her next visit to Magnolia would go, she would certainly have not been able to predict the current situation. Perhaps it shouldn’t have been too surprising to her however. Sleepovers with Lucy and Levy were common for her, and even Natsu joining in was not completely rare. The addition of Jellal was what stood out. He seemed rather out of place in the apartment, while everyone else lounged upon piles of blankets and pillows.
The specifics of how Jellal came to be under Natsu’s (and to some degree, Levy’s, as she was present and still very much working for the Council) supervision was not totally clear to her. There was something said about Gajeel she thought, but she’d decided not to get caught up on the details. After all, what was happening now was much more important…
“Hmm, interesting,” she said, eyes dropping back to the magazine in her hand, “Okay, not a people person…so if I follow that line…”
She tapped the diagram on the page, lightly dragging her fingertip along the coloured line.
“Next question…do you prefer summer or winter?”
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The answer would determine whether Jellal’s soulmate was Rogue Cheney or Lyon Vastia.
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fairybond · 2 years
Gently bops the top of her head with a pillow. // rogue @ lisanna
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cue Dramatic puppy eyes up at him, a hand over her heart, as if she's been mortally wounded.
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once his defenses are lowered...she channels her Inner-Mira, and strikes with a pillow in retaliation!
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astraebled · 1 year
❝ Here comes my reality check. ❞ / for my ft multi but from rogue
★ |  * ⋆      -   -  - –  INBOX !  *  ﹡                  ﹡     ✧ * ☇  ( @aetrnalis ! ) ROGUE CHENEY
Injuries were numerous. With a single healing magic user remaining within their ranks ― one who also needed to REST between sessions ― miracles would be S C A R C E . The majority would have to rely on the skilled healers & nurses of the guilds & of the regions.
While Wendy had taken care of his punctured lung - Jellal's ribs would have to heal on their own. That was fine with him ; it wasn't his first time either.
As a fugitive, the Heavenly Body Mage had to learn to patch himself (and others) up ― && that was a skill he had been MORE THAN WILLING to put into action when they'd started asking for volunteers.
. . .
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"That is a particularly severe wound you've got there", Jellal replies, softly, the needle working into the skin of the Dragon Slayer's chest.
He's very familiar with the feeling described by the younger mage. In the heat of a battle, PAIN often doesn't REGISTER COMPLETELY. When the adrenaline fizzles out, however, it always comes back ― IN FULL SWING.
&& with the fate of the world hanging onto their shoulders, Rogue Cheney and his fellow Dragon Slayers had bigger lizards to fry than the drawbacks they would eventually SUFFER.
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"...You all did a great job out there", Jellal suddenly says, looking up ― into the other's deep crimson gaze. His lips stretch into a rare, soft, genuine smile.
"Fiore is forever in your debt."
prompts from kaat's favorite album ✔ ― ALWAYS ACCEPTING
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