I’m not sure if your matchup reqs are open, so excuse me if they aren’t!! (*╹▽╹*) anyways, I’ll start. I am an istj female, though I believe to be honestly pretty social if I’m comfortable around you. I can be loud sometimes, but that varies from the day. I’m a bisexual grayromantic, so I barely have had any crushes within my life time if any at all. I’m 19 years old, and I’m around 164cm (5’4 I believe), though I don’t really care about height, or anyone’s appearance, as long as you’re caring and kind, then I’ll stay. I’m not really fond of kids (mostly babies), but if you know how to behave then I’ll probably take a liking to you. I like people that are smart, but at the same time can be loud sometimes, and I don’t prefer people that are rude or emphatic that much. I’m a pretty emotional person, and even tho I dont like physical touch without asking if you can touch me (for something as simple as holding me), I do crave it a lot. my love language is giving or spending my own money on my s/o. I’m very sensitive to loud noises, and I can get headaches very easily if I’m in places that are loud. however, I like the sound of cities and people talking in the background a lot. it feels comforting to me, and it makes me feel less alone. my hobbies are playing handball and the piano. I’ve been doing both for around 15 years, so I would say I’m pretty good. I don’t have a lot of relatives compared to many others, but at the same time, I don’t want children, and I’m not really sure if I want to get married. actually, this might sound somewhat shocking, but I don’t like shy people that much. hence rei’s character in the beginning of nge, she was so closed towards everyone, and well yea. if I was to try and become friends with someone that was shy like her, it probably would have went with me trying to talk with her about my interests, but if it didn’t work and we didn’t have much it common, I probably would stop trying because even if we did become friends, it wouldn’t even last long because we didn’t really have somewhere to start at. I’ve been told that I’m seen as nice and kind, and I think I somewhat agree with that. I mostly am, but I’m also the type of friend that would get mad when someone doubted them, or that fights with many people if they’re rude, but I truly don’t have any bad intentions. I don’t prioritize my own needs that much, and I’m not exactly sure if I’m personally fine with that or not, but as long as everyone has it fine, then I am as well. I am a very big overthinker, and often need reassuring. that’s why I might often ask questions, so I’d probably like someone that wouldn’t get tired of it, or annoyed. sorry if this is so long!! I feel like everything out together is pretty random, but my whole personality is so mixed that I dont even know at this point 😵‍💫
yumpty talks: hey love!! I hope you like this >:D!! also, PLEASE CHAT/DM ME, YOU LITERALLY SOUND LIKE SUCH A COOL PERSON-
me wants to know you >:)
I match you with...
R O M A N C E :
I match you with Yoimiya and Gorou!! (Inazuma squad go brrr)
I matched you with Yoimiya because even though she can be loud, she can also be serious. She thinks it's cute when you're loud, and honestly, she gets why you aren't a big fan of kids. She knows how they can be, and doesn't judge you for it. She is extremely smart, much more than she seems, and as you probably know, can be pretty loud at times lol. She's not rude, and she is empathetic, but not SUPER empathetic, so it probably won't bother you. She is a pretty cautious person, and I think in a relationship in general, she is one to ask if she can touch, hug, or kiss you. She's always really flustered when you spend money on things for her, and it's really cute ngl. She fireworks might be a bit of a problem, but she makes sure you guys are always far enough away for you to hear them, but the sound isn't super loud. In her house, you'll constantly have that background noise you want lol. She thinks your Handball playing is AWESOME and wants you to teach her. I think she would be an amazing singer, so some nights when you're both tired you'd softly play, leaning your head on her shoulder while she softly sings to you. (EEEEE-) Despite Yoimiya being friendly with children, I think she'd be fine with you not wanting children. When you told her, hoping you wouldn't crush her heart, she just shrugged and said, "Fine with me love!!"
Yoimiya is not at all shy, and she loves how you're nice and kind :D!! She helps you with your urges to fight people and stuff, and after a few months of dating her, I think quite a few people were starting to notice the difference in you. She does NOT like that you don't prioritize your needs, because you need to take care of yourself >:|!! She doesn't mind your constant overthinking, and if you need reassurance, she's your gal >:)!! She would NEVER get tired of your questions, she thinks it's the CUTEST and is more than happy to answer them :)~!!!
I matched you with Gorou because of literally HOW WELL you two would work together!! Gorou, like Yoi, thinks your sudden loudness is ADORABLE, and tbh, he doesn't really like kids either. He doesn't have a problem with them, it just seems they have a problem with him. Yea-. Kids do NOT like him for some reason loll. Gorou is a general in the resistance, of course he's a smart-ass. Gorou can be loud, but he knows when he can be and when to tone it down a bit. Gorou is not rude, and tbh isn't the most empathetic person out there, hehe...
Gorou is excellent at reading people, and he always remembers to ask if he can hug, touch or kiss you. He always insists you shouldn't spend Mora on things for him, but of course you don't listen lmao. The army base is pretty quiet most of the time, so loud noises shouldn't be a problem. The only time they might be a problem is on the battlefield, but he makes sure to keep you as far away from the fighting as possible. With plans always being made and things being fixed at the base, you'll once again have your precious background noise. Thinks your Handball playing is hot and badass asf and always stares at your ass while you play that little shit-
Thinks your piano playing is cute, and always asks you to write a theme song for him lmaoo. Gorou doesn't really want marriage or children either (at least at the moment) because of Inazuma's current uh, predicament. He is a wanted man, and does not want to bring a child into this hell.
Gorou is NOT shy, and loves how nice and kind you are :D!! Doesn't mind your urge to fight people, I think he deals with similar things. He always forces asks you to take care of yourself, because our puppy boy loves you :(. He will also reassure you all the time, no matter who, what, where, when, why, or how. Always answers your questions, and thinks it's super cute you ask them <33!
K I N :
Diona >:D!!!
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