aflippedflop · 2 months
It's been a while. Huh?
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chimuet-isbell · 10 months
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Into the Alphverse
The Alphys fandom is dying, share if you are a true Alpha I did a bunch of Alphys sprites because I got obsessed after making the first 3 sprites of og Alphys in my style, suggest an Alphys to fill the missing spot
AUs in orther:
Undertale and Deltarune by Tobías Zorro
Underswap by #?@%*/
Outertale by 2mi127
Swapfell by KH
Storyspin by Sage
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sonathepersona · 10 months
dodles... i lov flipflopd.. jajBAVvvhh-°£÷£π:yahav
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aflippedflop · 1 month
[ Sprite Comic Status Report ]
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Sooo progress on the sprite comic has been coming along pretty well so far. I got the UI and stuff replicated pretty well from Undertale while still spicing up the menus a little bit.
Not a whole lot of progress has been made for the comic itself beyond this. But we do have a script for the first part of the comic. All that's left are the assets which might take a while.
Regardless, I hope you all like these teasers.
That's all I got for right now.
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aflippedflop · 2 months
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This is just some Undyne art I made a couple of weeks ago. May as well post it now. Undyne's design hasn't changed much since we've last seen her other than her armor. Hopefully, I can post more Flipflopped art sometime in the future.
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aflippedflop · 2 months
Hey Nice-Z what was your reaction when Alphys just gulped down an entire hot fudge for the first time?
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Nice-Z: How was I SUPPOSED to feel? Disgust? Stress? Anger? Anything at all?! All I knew was there were so many bottles and puddles of chocolate everywhere. THEN the Temmie brigade came in, and then THEY started doing it! HOW DO THEY GET IT ON THE CEILING?!? After that day, Alphys became a regular here. She would come in, chug down several bottles at once, then take a Triple Bunny Berry Sunday De1luxe to-go. Lately, she's been coming in more and more each day. Gosh, and she's late with that tab of hers, too, actually. If we weren't friends and if she didn't help me clean up the mess after, I would probably EXPLODE! I should probably have a chat with her about how I want this to be a PROFESSIONAL Nice Cream Parlor. Next time she comes in, I'll probably have a chat with her.
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aflippedflop · 2 months
Does Alphys and Undyne have glowing eyes like that skeletons? Would Undyne's glowy eye be like her eye in the UT Undyne the Undying fight?
I've been on and off on the idea that Alphys and Undyne's eyes do glow, but not in the same way as the Skeletons of course.
Undyne's left eye does still glow like her Undying form from Undertale, except here it's when Undyne is over-exerting herself.
Alphys, however, doesn't really have any glowing eyes. Her equivalent to it is her looking down, and her glasses have that glowy shine thing you'd see in anime.
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aflippedflop · 2 years
HMMM! I wonder what this could be for!
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Probably nothing important.
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aflippedflop · 2 years
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It's been a while, huh? Yeah I wasn't able to work on Flipflopped as much as I wanted to lately. Sorry, I've just been dealing with stuff in real life like school and the recent loss of a loved one. But I did manage to push through and I made these cool new battle sprites last week!!! I wonder what they could possibly be used for. Hmmmmm.
But let me assure you that more stuff for Flipflopped will be coming your way soon. I really hope you guys like these battle sprites of our favorite weebs!!! I'm super proud of these and how they turned out. :)
As always, I hope you have a great rest or your day/night.
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aflippedflop · 2 years
Here we are!!!! Flipflopped OST has now gotten a little bit bigger now with the inclusion two awesome tracks for Flipflopped Undyne, made by the super talented Mr. Peter and CyberDJ66.
I really love these tracks and I really appreciate Mr. Peter and CyberDJ66 for taking the time outta their days to make two more awesome tracks for this AU. Thanks a quintillion guys. I really appreciate it!!! You guys should check out their other music, it's really good!!!
I'll be honest, this post was supposed to be made a couple of days ago but was delayed and that part was entirely on me. So sorry to everyone that this was delayed.
Also yeah the artwork was made by me, it took a really long time for me to make the Undyne one because I had trouble deciding a background, but it's finished and I'm pretty proud of it.
But yeah, that's gonna be it from me. Thanks again Mr. Peter and CyberDJ66 for making these tracks. You guys are awesome.
As always, hope you guys enjoy this and have a great rest of your day/night.
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aflippedflop · 2 years
When fighting undyne, would she immediately use her soul ability like Undertale, or would she wait to use it like UT papyrus? Would you also have to run away or could you tire her out? Also same questions for papyrus but adjusted for his position..
I'd say she would probably be like UT Papyrus at the beginning of the fight where she would start you off in the Red soul mode and starts off by firing predictable spears that are launched at the top and bottom parts of the bottom box that would make you think you can just stay in the middle of the box to dodge the attack. This would go on for a awhile until suddenly Undyne launches a really fast green spear into the center where Frisk's soul would turn Green and Undyne would unleash a flurry of attacks that you would have to dodge and the real fight begins.
Undyne, like her Undertale counterpart, switches between the Green and Red soul modes to do different types of attacks like having spears circle around your soul, spears raining from the sky, having the battle box have little spikes along the walls as it moves around and Undyne would hurl spears the home in on you, etc.
Unlike her UT Counterpart though, she wouldn't really give you an opportunity to run away anymore since you already did that in her previous puzzle encounters. Flipflopped Undyne came prepare and the area Frisk and Undyne would fight would be on a massive circular iceberg cliff thing and before the fight starts, Undyne would push a button she had in her pocket and a giant cage would fall from above and block the exits, leaving in a Texas Cage Match sorta thing and the fight begins.
She is really persistent and won't spare you unless you tire her out where her attacks become slightly slower and after a bit of talking and Undyne thinking to herself, she will then give up, spare you, then leave. She wouldn't invite you to her house however and you can talk to Alphys up ahead and she'll say that Undyne needs a moment to cool down a little bit after she threw a mini temper tantrum in her house, but Alphys would recommend you head down to her house to talk things out and that's how your hangout with Undyne would start.
Papyrus however is kinda interesting because he's a bit of a mix of UT Papyrus and UT Undyne. As in Papyrus will chase you around a couple of times, although this time he will be directly behind you instead of at a distance like UT Undyne and he'll hurl bones and swing his massive hammer at Frisk, but will actually comedically stop dead in his tracks because along the path he would be chasing you, he actually left a few puzzle for Frisk to do, and in order to not be rude, Papyrus would actually wait for Frisk to finish the puzzles and then immediately start chasing them again.
Papyrus, unlike Undyne doesn't actually wish to harm Frisk but he has to due to his position as Captain of the Royal Guard. But at the end he would fight Frisk and use his iconic Blue Soul mode but you would also have to try and get away as he tries to hit you with bones and smacks the battle box around with his hammer. He doesn't get heat stroke unlike UT Undyne, but he will tired after awhile but will decide to spare you after both Frisk and Paps admit neither of them want to fight and Papyrus would then invite you to his house in Waterfall.
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aflippedflop · 2 years
Can Mad Dummy morph and change their face like Flowey can or do they just flail around?
She can, with her normal dummy body, she can have the same little gremlin demon face Classic Flowey had and she can also flail around when she gets mad just like Classic Mad Dummy. While she can't morph her dummy face like look like, say Mettaton/Hapstablook. She can... well... do this...
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aflippedflop · 2 years
In a true pacifist route would alphys still "date" you for helping her with her personal issues?? Or would it be a entirely different thing since sans is there? (though i assume it wouldn't take place there if she still does "date" you since alphys doesn't stay at the lab in this i believe but still i'm curious)
Oh yeah, Alphys would "date" you still. However, just like in Undertale, if you want to truly befriend Alphys, you will need to befriend Undyne, Papyrus, and Sans first. Alphys will still offer to hangout with you at Nice-Z's and Toriel's Restaurant. But I would love it if trying to "date" causes something entirely new to happen.
I don't have a specific scenario in mind just yet, but maybe it could be right after you help Sans and his problems with the Amalgamates and you wouldn't be sent to New Home immediately going through the True Lab like in Undertale, maybe instead Frisk will get a call from Undyne and Papyrus as soon as Frisk rides the elevator up to Hotland and hints that Frisk should stop by Undyne's house before meeting Napstablook.
Then Frisk can actually walk into Alphys's room where she is hunched over her desk in her trashy room and is surprised that you managed to get in... but she forgot to lock the door so Frisk could've easily walked in.
But there would probably be some sort of option to ask Alphys to "date" you and Alphys would probably take you the dump like in Undertale and Alphys eventually confesses that she really likes Undyne but doesn't know how to tell her and doesn't know if she should even try due to... well... her lack of motivation ever since she got that stupid machine to work.
But eventually Undyne would be shouting in the distance causing Alphys to hide in a trash can and Undyne would ask Frisk if they know where Alphys went and Undyne admits she is worried about Alphys and wishes to tell her something. But after some back and forth messing around, this would be the point where Undyne and Alphys would confess their feelings for eachother and after Alphys talks about her problems she has had for the longest time, Alphys and Undyne leave to go to Nice-Z's and before they leave, Alphys gives Frisk the key to her lab behind her house because "It's time you know the truth."
In the True Pacifist Route after "dating" Alphys, Alphys would be much more open with you about her problems unlike Sans in Undertale, thus causing Alphys in this timeline, to be truly happy and find peace... atleast until you decide to reset the world like a total monster. Lmao.
I will probably go through this some more and try to come up with some more ideas but this is what I got so far.
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aflippedflop · 2 years
Do you have any pics on Nice-Z? Im curious on what he looks like….
Nothing too special. Just a snazzy bunny in a slightly stupid looking suit.
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He's a jolly and kind bunny man who struggles to run his Ice Cream Parlor by himself. He is also extremely patient, especially with Alphys and how she really needs to pay her tab. :]
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aflippedflop · 1 year
So if Asriel swaps with Mad dummy, does that mean Asriel is a ghost too? Or is he still Flowey in this AU?
Nope. Asriel is still a Goat Monster thing. There has been a few changes with Azzy's character behind the scenes but Asriel has always stayed the same. However RG and I have thought of a way we can incorporate Flowey into Flipflopped, but he will not have a big role in the AU.
Or rather...
They will not have a big role in the AU.
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aflippedflop · 1 year
Would Underswap Temmie get along with Mad dummy?
I assume you're talking about Maddie, but it honestly depends on which Underswap Temmie you're talking about, because I don't really see Maddie getting along with anybody who takes the place of Flowey... or anyone in general. Maddie already finds the Temmies in her AU... strange... so Underswap Temmie would probably give her the creeps. I also imagine Maddie would get frustrated with US! Temmie's "aynSient tem lAngUaje" talk. Plus there is the fact Maddie would see US! Temmie as a threat to Maddie's plan on killing the human and absorbing everyone's souls.
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