#afraid of monsters directors cut
Afraid of monsters director's cut is probably the closest thing to first person Postal 1 we will ever get.
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mikelogan · 9 months
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Use the tag #USERTJ to share your creations (and so I can reblog them)
Include "TJ MIKELOGAN'S HALLOWEEN 2023 EVENT" + that day's prompt in your caption
Reblog this post
This event is open to anyone who wants to participate -- gifmakers, editors, etc. -- and you do not have to be following me if you don't want to! Create gifsets, graphics, moodboards, whatever you enjoy!
You can do as many or as few prompts as you want! This is supposed to be fun, so no need to put unnecessary pressure on yourself.
Interpret the prompts however you see fit; stick to them as loosely or as rigidly as you want!
Make sure to check out the #USERTJ tag as well so you can see what everyone else is coming up with and share what they've created! Even if you're not participating in the event yourself, we love reblogs!
If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask!
DAY 1: A movie you watch every spooky season DAY 2: A Halloween comedy DAY 3: Based on real events DAY 4: Your favorite horror movie DAY 5: A Halloween TV show episode or special DAY 6: Favorite animated villain(s) DAY 7: Vampires DAY 8: A horror franchise or series DAY 9: Favorite movie monster DAY 10: Favorite horror director(s) DAY 11: A non-scary Halloween movie or show DAY 12: Found footage DAY 13: Ghosts DAY 14: A classic horror film DAY 15: Your favorite horror TV show DAY 16: Favorite gore/slasher film DAY 17: A spooky musical DAY 18: Black cats DAY 19: An animated Halloween movie or show DAY 20: Fictional serial killers DAY 21: A recent horror film (from 2010 or later)DAY 22: Favorite thriller(s) DAY 23: Haunted houses DAY 24: Favorite live action villain(s)DAY 25: A movie or show that isn't horror, but still scared you DAY 26: Witches DAY 27: LGBT+ in horror DAY 28: Favorite final girl DAY 29: Mike Flanagan films and shows DAY 30: Take a piece of media that isn't horror and make it horror DAY 31: Wildcard -- your choice
Below the cut, I'm tagging those who reblogged my original poll regarding this event and were either interested in participating or signal boosting, as well as some moots who've expressed interest in all things Halloween and horror.
@connie-rubirosa @laurabenanti @heroeddiemunson @ianmckellen @gatortillmans @evermoredlx @fabines @katieskrsgard @jakeperalta @finalgirlsidney @ghouls-ghoul @azrphales @sculien @katesharmasheart @natscatorrcio @magicaplin @logangarfield @tutontawan @ghosttfaces @iichliwps @nessa007 @antlerqueer @emmaswns @captain-hen @bloodcrimsonrain (so sorry if i missed anyone!)
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yakuzacanons · 8 months
Yakuza Headcanons: Watching Spooky Movies
Oooooo it's the spooky season ain't it. Hello hello I rise from the grave to bring you some fresh headcanons for the season. For those with asks still in the inbox, I SEE em, just been busy with my horror movie marathon. Anyways, some headcanons below da cut to tide you over. Also welcome bouncing baby boy Ichiban to the gang!
Kiryu Kazuma
Isn't scared easily by much of anything so it's really easy to get him to watch horror movies. Mostly watches them because someone else is too scared to watch them alone. He's the person they can hide behind or who will tell them when a particularly horrifying scene is over.
Gore doesn't bother him as much as something or someone looking creepy or offputting will. Kiryu still won't get scared but he will get uncomfortable. Most of the time he just reacts by going "Ah... oh!"
Fond of the classics and will gravitate towards movies with a strong and likable protagonist. Likes The Evil Dead, Aliens, and Halloween. Directors don't matter much to him.
Majima Goro
He's a mixed bag. If a movie is well put together, then it can scare him pretty easily. He's most scared of ghost stories or paranormal things. Least afraid of slashers because he thinks he could just beat them all up.
Cannot stand jump scares. Sometimes he evens yells at his TV at home in irritation, saying things like "Oi, whaddya keep makin' loud noises for? Sheesh!"
Honestly, the weirder the movie the better. It might seem stereotypical for someone who looks and acts like Majima but he thinks the whole point of horror is to be interesting. Fond of Takashi Miike movies like Ichi the Killer, Audition, and Over Your Dead Body.
Akiyama Shun
Doesn't watch a lot of movies because he totally falls asleep during most of them. He'll at least give it a shot if you ask nicely though. Honestly more motivated by the fact you might cling to him during the scary parts than anything.
As much as Akiyama is a total ladies' man and romantic at heart, he always laughs whenever characters start being intimate during horror movies. He makes jokes out of it, saying things like "Babe, would you still love me if we were in a spooky movie?"
Movies with a good soundtrack actually help him stay awake. Jump scares annoy him though because if he falls asleep, the noise makes him panic. Fond of monster movies or movies about animals like Jaws, Shin Godzilla, and The Host.
Saejima Taiga
Genuinely not scared of a single darn thing. If you want to watch it, he's down to give it at least a try. He might nod off if he's tired or bored, but he tries his best not to. Horror comedy is okay with him too although he might not get all the jokes.
Most of the time he sits with his arms crossed, paying full attention. He's kind of funny in that he makes noises like "Heh" or "Hmph" when a character is caught off guard by something. Makes an occasionaly "Tsk" sound at jump scares. Otherwise he's not reactionary.
Particularly fond of slashers, probably because those usually have villains that are actually kind of his size. He enjoys the Friday the 13th series, particularly Jason X.
Tanimura Masayoshi
Type of guy to be like "Ooh let's watch this, I heard it's really scary" and then proceed to either get scared out of his wits or say something like "Wait, that's ALL?" at the end. Bases most of his movie choices off of other people's recommendations since he's usually too busy to randomly go see however many movies he wants to.
Doesn't really like horror that's super in your face. Gets more scared by the tension itself than anything. Always has movie snacks on hand.
Found footage is probably his most favorite type of horror. Likes The Blair Witch Project, Noroi, and REC. Fond of director Koji Shiraishi.
Ryuji Goda
Doesn't watch a lot of horror movies but like Saejima he's not scared of anything. He's also the type of guy to drop everything to spend time watching a movie with his partner. Gets a kick out of being a shield or protector during scary parts.
Likes movies with a lot of personality and campiness. Slow burns or psychological thrillers just put him to sleep. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad, as long as it's entertaining.
Didn't think he'd end up being much of a horror fan but he's quite partial to John Carpenter. Likes The Thing, They Live, and Christine.
Nishikiyama Akira
One of the bigger scaredy cats of the group. Won't suggest a horror movie but will totally act like he's not at all afraid if you ask to see one.
Honestly, the two of you end up just kind of holding onto each other during scary parts or pulling up the blanket almost over your eyes when a character is about to die. Violence doesn't necessarily bother him but excessive gore kind of annoys him.
Enjoys a good ghost story movie but only if you'll watch it with him. Anthologies are also good too since it offers so much at once. Likes Ju-On, Ringu, and Tales From The Crypt.
Mine Yoshitaka
Likes certain horror movies. Not scared of much but he does get noticably uncomfortable with torture movies like Saw or Hostel. He just finds it to be weird more than entertaining.
Fond of more classic monsters like vampires or werewolves. Mine's the type of guy to actually have a decent home theater setup, even if he doesn't get much time to use it, so he doesn't go to the movie theater much.
Has a soft spot for some of the really old classics in the 30's like Frankenstein or Nosferatu. His favorite horror movie is Interview With The Vampire.
Daigo Dojima
Probably the only one of the boys who actively enjoys slow burns and more psychological horror. He doesn't get opportunities to watch movies much but he does have an interest in the medium as a whole.
Particularly loves anything with spectacular cinematography. Good directing, lighting, or costumes really impress him. Kind of interested in some of the technical aspects as well. Also probably the only of the boys to ever look something up on IMDb.
Especially fond of movies by Kiyoshi Kurosawa. His favorite horror films are Kwaidan, Cure, and Pulse.
Tatsuo Shinada
The biggest scaredy cat of all of the boys. Will attempt to watch a spooky movie with you at least once just for the sake of trying but will honestly just close his eyes if he feels overwhelmed. You HAVE to hold his hand though.
Probably the only one of the boys who actually gets squeamish easily. Gore and blood make him uncomfortable, although he has SOME tolerance in general. He'd just rather watch something that's not super heavy on bloodshed.
Horror films with a particular visual style, especially super colorful ones, make it a lot easier for him as he can actually see what's happening and he feels less worried. Movies like House or Suspiria are good for him. Also likes super over the top movies like The Lost Boys or Killer Klowns From Outer Space as they're so hilarious to him that he forgets to be scared.
Kasuga Ichiban
Somewhat easily scared. He gets more shocked or surprised than scared, honestly. The movie HAS to be interesting to some degree or he will just conk out and there will be no waking him. Doesn't mind jump scares since they help keep him awake at least even if the movie's bad.
Having said that, he does enjoy taking the time to see a movie that's genuinely just really good and talking about it with you afterward. Movies with really good effects tend to impress him a lot. It's also more visually memorable.
Tends to like movies where the main character has special powers. Partial to zombie movies since a lot tends to happen and involves multiple characters. He likes 28 Days Later, The Dead Zone, and Carrie.
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Animation-twitter, animation video essay youtube, etc. would probably be better off if they assumed every upcoming animated movie was going to be CRAP.
The director of INSIDE OUT 2, Kelsey Mann, has talked a bit about the picture recently. After all, it's out in less than two months... And immediately, so much of what he's saying is either being misread or quoted out of context. Something something Anxiety is going to be "the villain", something something they cut characters Shame and Guilt out of the movie because they felt it was too heavy, something something-
And we've got other people freaking out that Pixar showed 35 minutes of it at CinemaCon... LIKE... What's THE issue? Pixar has done that before! CinemaCon attendees were treated to half-hour chunks of Pixar movies in the past, like MONSTERS UNIVERSITY. When TOY STORY 3 was coming out, Pixar prepared a cut of the movie that ended just as the toys were escaping Sunnyside Daycare... to show to college campuses across the country a month before release.
Y'all need to calm down.
This movie isn't even out. We don't know how it'll tell its story exactly. Maybe there's more here than it seems? Maybe Anxiety will be an antagonist in the sense that she's doing what she feels is right, or is straight-up malevolent. I doubt it's the latter, that would be kind of... Not nuanced? For a sequel to INSIDE OUT? Having Anxiety just be an evil scheming bad guy just doesn't seem like it'll happen, nor is it a good idea. I think director Kelsey Mann meant that by her kicking the other emotions out of the main control room, she'll be the "big bad" of the movie. Why she kicks those emotions out could be related to how anxiety tends to work within the human brain. Taking control of your brain, thinking that it's steering you to make the right decision, making you cautious of dangers more so than "Fear" does. Pixar movies have had antagonists in the past that aren't necessarily evil, they just think what they're doing is right.
I also doubt that Pixar would let out a movie that flat-out stigmatizes people who suffer from anxiety disorders, such as myself. Maybe the Shame and Guilt characters were cut from the movie because director Mann, writer Meg LeFauve, and several others just didn't like the direction the story was going with them in it. Maybe it was too depressing for THEM, not because of any concerns for kids in the audience. People tend to associate Pixar with "tearjerking storylines", maybe it's possible that this went WAY TOO FAR at one point? I don't know, neither do you. Pixar's team isn't Disney Animation's leadership. Pete Docter is less controlling than John Lasseter based on everything I see and hear, but there are probably still some ground rules and some do's-and-don'ts. But I think it was ultimately down to the director not enjoying making the film back when it had these characters in it. As a writer/creator myself, I sometimes pull back when I feel something I'm making is causing ME lose the drive to make the thing in the first place. Maybe it hit too close to home for Mann, LeFauve, someone- Just a few variables, ya know? Not just "Pixar is too afraid to be sad", "Disney's telling them what to do", etc. etc.
Maybe animated movies shouldn't have this kind of pre-release thing... How about, just... Movie title, release date, BOOM. Nothing else. No interviews with the filmmakers and cast, no nothing... Wanna know more? You have to see it when it comes out! Put that in big letters in the teaser trailer!
But if they did that, twitter and the YouTube Animation Opinion Industrial Complex would sound the alarm: "They're not saying anything... IS THIS MOVIE IN TROUBLE???"
(sarcasm for those last two sets of sentences)
You can't win. And watch... It'll come out, and it'll be disliked for some weird reason. Probably because it isn't... PUSS IN BOOTS 2 or whatever. While the rest of the world goes, "Yeah, that's was pretty solid." And said population streams it on Disney+ a gazillion times. I'm not part of this "animation fandom" thing, quite frankly I don't even know what half of these people want most of the time. It seems like every movie is an oncoming stinker to them, and it ends up being a stinker. Sometimes the worst thing ever made, a work of evil. You know I still see people raging over that completely harmless CHIP N' DALE RESCUE RANGERS movie from two years back? The fuck is that all about?
I get that INSIDE OUT is a sequel to a beloved Pixar movie, I get that the original movie means a lot to so many people. I love it myself. At the same time, I'm not gonna be weird about a sequel I never even wanted until the day they announced it. Okay, if it isn't very good, I'll just go on with my life. But we're not even there yet... It's not out... This is the only INSIDE OUT sequel. Now if we were coming up on an INSIDE OUT 3, and INSIDE OUT 2 managed to somehow upset everybody? Then I'd somewhat understand...
Others will dole out their dislike of recent Pixar movies as their reason, but you know me... I feel each Pixar movie - for the most part - is a statement of its filmmaking team. Not a Mr. Pixar person coming up with each and every movie. (That was Lasseter in a sense, lol.) If "animation is cinema", then you oughta look at these movies as director-driven. I feel the other way around reduces the films to a brand, and not the people who actually make them. INSIDE OUT is first and foremost a Pete Docter-directed film... Made at Pixar. Not a "Pixar film". Pixar isn't a person nor is it a collective, it's a place. It should be judged on how functions as a movie and as a sequel to INSIDE OUT, not up against other movies made at the studio by other people. Like I'm not here for THE INCREDIBLES or UP, I'm here for an INSIDE OUT sequel. I know, that's a very radical opinion to have. Silly me!
I just don't get it... I'm just gonna do it the old-fashioned way... I'm going to see the movie, and hope that I like it or get something out of it.
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some-pers0n · 11 months
Burned Strings
Fandom: WoF
Characters: Peril, Scarlet, Clay
CW: Character "death", gore, violence, disassociation, anxiety
Summary: After Peril stands up for Kestrel, she's forced to fight an opponent of Scarlet's choosing. For the first time in ages, she is scared to kill a dragon.
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: Cracking out my good ol' "Peril is the one to disfigure Scarlet because I like THAT better than Glory doing it" AU. Here ya go. More or less just a rewrite of the Peril VS Clay scene in TDP, but from Peril's POV (plus Scarlet murder).
To Peril, fighting was a performance more than anything. The lead role in a play, her opponents being the side characters. The audience would look in horror and amazement, cheering and clapping once the show was over. Above, the director on high: Queen Scarlet. She was the one behind it all, dictating her actions. Though, very rarely did Peril get stage fright. Today? Well, today was different. 
It had been a while since she felt this way about going to fight someone. Usually, it was a pretty cut-and-dry. Go into the arena, chase down her opponent if they didn't already accept their fate, press her talons against their neck and watch the life drain from their eyes. Rinse and repeat over and over again. Maybe she would get some scratches or even the occasional cut from their talons, but she was invincible. Undefeatable.
It wasn't like she particularly cared about her victims either. Why would she? To her, they're yet another dragon to kill. Another life to take. She had done this so many times that their faces all blended together. Why would she remember somebody whose only meaning in her life was to die? Yet another tally mark on the kill count.
Not like they thought of her as any better either. To them, she was a monster. She always was. Some freakish puppet of Scarlet that's only kept around to be her killing machine. Everyone hates her. Why should she care about dragons who have nothing else to offer but hatred? Besides, if murdering is the only thing she was good at, why not follow through?
That's what she tried to convince herself at least. This time was different. She knew it. This wouldn't be a simple one-and-done battle like every other one. This fight was the result of her standing up for once. For rebelling against Scarlet. For wanting to save someone.
Yesterday, a prisoner was brought in for a trial. On the surface, it was yet another snooze-fest. Classic case of treason. Given an order, disobeyed, fled the kingdom for years, then was captured and brought back. However, it wasn't that simple. Osprey spoke up, revealing the true story. She was a loyal soldier to Scarlet, but when she had dragonets, her queen ordered her to kill one of them. These weren't any normal dragonets though. One, pale and dusty and without any fire. The other, a burning inferno that could melt through anything.
This prisoner, Kestrel, was her mother. She wasn't abandoned and left to die in the wilderness. She was loved. Scarlet lied to her.
She couldn't stand idly by. She enacted the Champion's Shield, an act where the current champion could fight to save a prisoner by winning a battle. Only once could she use this, and she chose her mother. But, it couldn't be that easy. As per the act, the queen would personally pick the opponent.
Peril had an idea as to who that dragon would be. The thought alone scared her. Fear: what an odd emotion to feel. She was hesitant. Afraid. She knew what would wait beyond the gate and in the arena. Yet, the battlefield beckoned to her. Crying her name. Cheering for death and blood.
She had to. She must. It was to save her mother, but at what cost?
The sound of chains rattling and metal scraping snapped her out of thought. The gate before her opened up, raising into the ceiling. The sun seeped into the tunnel, calling her forward. As she did, she heard the familiar sound of Vermilion.
"But, that's not all! Not only will this sorry sob of a prophecy dragon have to fight, but he will go up against the one, the only- come on everyone, you all know who it is! Give it up for our glorious Queen Scarlet's champion, Peril!"
An explosion of noise. Roaring and unorganized chanting, all happy and overjoyed. Rather than giving her the extra boost of motivation and courage, it made her feel smaller. Weaker. She flexed her claws anxiously before continuing on. The blood-stained sand sizzled and burned beneath her talons. 
The day was bright and the light temporarily blinded her. Once things cleared up, she noticed how full the stands were. Rows upon rows of dragons, yelling and hollering her name. All of her senses were overwhelmed. She could barely think, much less process her own surroundings.
That was until she looked up and saw who her opponent was. Across the arena, a MudWing. A fearful and terrified expression was painted upon his face. She recognized that face. She knew that look. The world grew a bit more clear but infinitely more daunting and cold.
That dragon was Clay.
"No..." she whispered.
"Yes, yes, there she is!" Queen Scarlet announced. Peril flinched, looking up to see her standing on the platform. "A fireproof dragon of prophecy versus the invincible flaming champion. A battle of the century!" 
Vermillion flapped his wings overhead. "You heard it here, folks! Now, let's get ready to fight! Claws up, fire ready, FIGHT!"
An animalistic urge took over Peril. A compulsion to instantly throw herself at Clay. To press her scales on him, tear out his throat, kill. She had to kill. That was the only thing she's ever meant to do. Everything around her didn't make sense. She couldn't comprehend her real mother being alive. She couldn't understand Scarlet lying to her. 
She only knew how to hurt. How to maim. How to kill.
Yet, she froze. She couldn't move. Paralyzed. She didn't want to do this. She didn't want to choose between her mother and Clay. She loved them both. Both of them...cared about her. They loved her. They did. They must. It's Kestrel's duty to and there's no other reason for Clay to say such nice and sweet things.
Surely enough, the noise died down as the crowd realized that nothing was happening. Eternity seemed to pass before Scarlet screeched once more. "Well? Get on with it! You heard him! FIGHT!" She crashed her talons against the platform.
Instantly that flicked a switch in Peril. She shook her head, digging her claws into the sand. With a sudden burst of speed, she charged Clay. Smoke poured from her nostrils as she lunged at him.
Then, the unthinkable: he leapt at her. He tackled her, pinning her to the ground. His claws burned, yet he didn't scream or show any signs of being in pain. The crowd gasped in delight.
"I'm sorry!" he said, "I hope I didn't hurt you..." 
Panic seized her by the throat. She couldn't move. Her immediate reaction was to flail around wildly. She opened her wings and wormed her way out of his grasp. She got up with a start, backing away.
"Wh- why aren't you doing anything?!" she yelled. "You're supposed to fight!"
"I don't want to fight you though!"
She opened her mouth to speak but swallowed her words. She tried once again to charge at him, only to get sand flung in her eyes. He threw it in her face. She stumbled back, scratching and hissing to try and get it out.
She screamed in anguish. "Augh! You can't just-" She sharply inhaled. "I don't want to fight you either! Is that what you want to hear? Is that what YOU want to hear?!" She turned towards Scarlet.
The queen shrugged half-heartedly. "It makes for good drama, doesn't it?"
Peril faced Clay once more, lowering her head. "I'm...sorry, okay? I didn't want to drag you into this. I should've just stayed quiet. But, no, no, no! Can't be that simple! I mean, it's me, Peril! Always has to say do and say something that makes things worse than if she just kept her bloody trap shut and tried to not kill everything she saw."
"You weren't trying to do anything though-"
"Doesn't stop the fact that I'm supposed to kill you now, does it?" she snapped back. She let out a weak chuckle. "I had a plan, you know. After I saved Kestrel, I would free you in the middle of the night. Then you'd think I'm some selfless and heroic dragon. You'd like me. You'd like me better than anybody else."
"Peril," Clay sighed. "I don't...I don't want to be saved if it means that the rest of my friends stay trapped here. I want them all to be free. I don't want to be the only one. That's what's important to me."
Friends... Peril thought. Her snout curled into a snarl. "I'm your friend! What have they done for you while you were here? Nothing! I'm your friend!"
"I- you are my friend, but I can't leave them all behind."
She grabbed a chunk of sand and tossed it at him. "It's not fair!" she yelled. "Why can't I be your only friend? Why do you care about them?!" 
"...I don't think that's how it works," he said, "they're my family. I love them."
"Why would you care about your family when you have me?" Peril was out of breath. A flurry of emotions swirled inside of her. Her heart was practically beating out of her chest. The countless eyes all staring at her were overwhelming. She was tiny. Helpless. Caught in a storm of fire and smoke, created all from her own mistakes.
Until a beacon of light distracted her. A voice. A shrill, snarled voice that screamed at her. "What are you waiting for?" it yelled. "Kill him! Kill the prophecy dragon!"
She knew that voice better than any other. Every moment of her existence, she was there. Taunting her. She forced her into this. She was the reason for her being a monster. Far too long was she in power. She's nothing. Peril is the one with power. She could wipe her out in an instant.
Everything would be better if Queen Scarlet was dead.
A surge of primal rage flowed through Peril. In one impulsive act, she opened her wings and raised herself into the air. She stared eye-to-eye with Scarlet. The look of confusion and bewilderment was enough to justify what she was going to do.
It was like being in a haze. Detaching from the world and letting her animalistic instincts take over. She didn't want to stop it. Her surroundings grew distant and foggy. The sounds meshed and melted together into one harmonious and droning hum. Long had it been since she'd felt this way. This disconnect from reality.
But, it was only when the dragon in front of her stopped resisting and flailing that was she pulled from it. Like a snap, all of her senses returned. Sharpened. 
Below her was Queen Scarlet. Her talons were pressed against the left side of her face. The scales bubbled and boiled, melting like wax and staining her claws. Countless deep claw marks and scratches were marked into her neck, the blood spilling from it hissing and steaming. Her face was twisted into a frozen scream of fear and agony. 
She did it. She was gone.
Yet, she felt hollow. Emptier than ever before. She was supposed to feel some sort of relief. Perhaps guilt or horror at her own actions. But, nothing. She merely stared at Scarlet.
The director was dead, but what now? A performer is nothing without them. 
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sekaiichi-happy · 5 days
Hi would you mind terribly telling me about this precure you speak of it looks fantastic
Of course!!
Pretty Cure is a long-running magical girl anime franchise (it celebrated its 20th anniversary last year) created by Toei Animation. It started out in 2004 with Futari wa Pretty Cure, and there’s been a new season every year since!
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The stories usually follow the same formula: a group of girls is recruited by one (or more) fairies from another to become legendary warriors called Pretty Cure, to fight and protect the world from some type of evil (monster of the week). New seasons start in February and usually have between 40-50 episodes. This is a very simple way to describe it, as every season puts its own spin on the formula, as each season often has different variety directors, writers, animators, etc. There’s also some things that could be described as Pretty Cure’s signature style, which makes it stand out from other magical girl series:
While the Pretty Cure have magical powers, as well as magical weapons, one thing that makes the series stand out is the physical fighting the Pretty Cure engage in. They aren’t afraid to fight with their hands and feet!
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There’s a general lack of focus on romance, as instead the girls’ friendship is the most important thing in the story. There are also yuri undertones quite often.
Magical items that are sold as toys in Japan! Every season has it’s own transformation items, as well as magical weapons which are sold in real life as merchandise for kids.
Every season features a new cast of characters, story, theme, villains, etc. While the story formula stays similar, the change up every year keeps things different. The only exceptions are the seasons of Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart and Yes! Pretty Cure 5 GoGo, which are sequel seasons.
Because pretty much every season changes up its story & cast, you could start with any season, as they can all be watched separately. For example, you could start with the very first season (Futari wa Pretty Cure), but you could also catch up with the season that’s currently airing (Wonderful Pretty Cure). Or any season in between really… The Pretty Cure wiki has a very helpful list with short descriptions of every season here. While there are some seasons that are considered ‘best’ (Futari wa, Heartcatch, Go! Princess, Fresh, Hirogaru), I think the fun thing about Pretty Cure is that there is a season for everyone. You might end up loving a season that isn’t as popular with most fans, there’s many seasons to choose from! (My favorite seasons are Splash Star, Suite & Go! Princess :P)
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Some other fun things to know:
There are quite a few All Stars movies, where Pretty Cure from different seasons meet up, and fight evil together in a special movie storyline.
Both Smile Pretty Cure & Doki Doki Pretty Cure got english dubs, where the seasons got some changes and were adapted as ‘Glitter Force’. They made changes to the story, and cut some episodes, but if you’re interested anyway you could find it on Netflix.
The first main male Pretty Cure was introduced last year in the season of Hirogaru Sky Pretty Cure, with Cure Wing joining the team.
There’s been some spin-offs, with a stage play called Dancing Star Pretty Cure The Stage, which features an all male Pretty Cure team, an anime sequel to Yes! Precure 5 & Yes! Precure 5 Gogo, following the girls from that season as adults aimed. A spin-off for Mahou Tsukai Precure was also announced, and will air in 2025.
I hope that all tells you a bit more about Pretty Cure! If you have any other questions, just let me know :)
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Got out of Beau is Afraid
No spoilers but in short if you like pretentious films like I do, esp ones about anxiety and narcissistic mothers, you'll find its worth the ass-numbing 3 hour runtime
Also actual spoilers below
You know how Death Stranding is Hideo Kojima doing whatever he wants and how it's this amazing slog and a mess of metaphors and abstract imagery? This is Ari Aster's Death Stranding. And I say that as someone who loves Death Stranding.
If you dislike movies with pacing issues then fuck you are not going to like this one. It's an intentionally long uncomfortable sit. My interpretation is that this movie takes place in/through Beau's psyche, which is why it feels so nonsensical and dreamlike. I loved the first 2 thirds but I wish it had backed of just a little bit on the heavy exposition towards the end.
Patti LuPone is fucking amazing in this and Joaquin I'm so sorry but she stole the show for me lol. She nails this narcissistic abusive mother role so perfectly and she's absolutely horrific.
This is a movie with a lot of "blink and you'll miss important shit" moments so keep that in mind if you watch it. Like specifically the collage of employees and how not only can you see Elaine and Roger, but even the various homeless people and vagrants from the start of the movie. I think people who missed that shot really lose the impact of the Truman Show vibe and that realization that Beau's mom controls EVERY aspect of his life.
...I cannot find a way to positively describe the Penis Monster. I understand it, but I think it's a bit too much of a "jump the shark" moment even for the surreal nightmare this film is lol. I personally interpret it as the only way Beau COULD know his father since he was absent his whole life; all Beau knows for certain is that his dad cumming in his mom made Beau and killed his dad, so he manifests as a literal Penis Monster. It also tracks with how Mona only talks about Beau's dad in terms of his death, his creating Beau with her, and how that makes HER feel so she can exacerbate Beau's anxiety and guilt. You can also interpret it as a manifestation of Beau's fear of sex and/or masculinity. Fuck my entire life, I'm analyzing a Penis Monster okay
Ari could have cut down the forest sequence in a few spots and trimmed a few other scenes to get this down to maybe 2 and a half hours, but I honestly believe he chose not to because this project is his baby. His uncomfortable, anxiety-riddled, Penis Monster In the Attic baby. So fuck it
Speaking of blink and you miss it moments, Nathan Lane mentions Beau's testicles are unusually large. It's a brief line but a) we see Beau's balls and they are in fact huge (he even busts one right through a condom the first time he orgasms ever) and b) it adds to the fact he's never ejaculated in his life due to his fear of dying like his father.
I liked the moment where Beau fast forwards through the camera feed and it shows the entire rest of the movie at high speed right up to the trial scene.
Anyway this movie is a bloated mess of a self-indulgent wank-fest for Ari Aster, and I say that as someone who loves that sort of thing. I think every director should get one blank check to do a film like this to get whatever the fuck is going on with them out of their system. The fact it's so divisive is fucking great, I love films like this.
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starspray · 1 year
I'd love your director's cut on On Wings Of Storm- Esp Elwing's attack on Maedhros! She's so vibrant in your writing, and I love how you portray her desperation too XD
Ooh, my first TRSB fic! First of all, I'm so glad you liked it! Second of all, I had to go back and reread it because I couldn't remember anything about it except for the artwork and like, the logistics of slaying Ancalagon, rather than the scene itself. Good lord it's riddled with typoes I am so sorry I don't have any idea how those happened. I swear I usually proofread my work.
So fun fact: the art was not my first pick for that TRSB; I was in the car on the way to some family Memorial Day thing and the google form glitched and I had to fill it out twice. This art of Elwing was pretty far down the list because I loved it but I wasn't entirely confident I could write something 5000 words long about it.
Turns out I could write over 11k, and honestly if I were to write this fic now it would be a lot longer. As I was reading I kept finding places and characters that I would have loved to see more fleshed out, but when I was writing it, it was for the very first Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang before the "oh no my fic has grown wildly out of my control" culture was established, and I didn't want to end up with a monster fic (hilariously contrasted with '21 and '22 where both fics were around 20k, lol).
So I don't remember a whole lot of what I was thinking when I wrote this fic, but definitely a lot of it was me trying to figure out how Elwing would get to that scene in the art, standing on Vingilot in armor with a sword in her hand (God, it's such good art!). I don't usually write her as particularly war-like, and I guess she still isn't, here, but she also knows her way around a sword and she's not afraid to use it.
I'm also not sure that scene where she fights Maedhros is Maedhros, tbh; that might be Amrod or Amras (there's another version of Sirion I've written where it's one of them she encounters before reaching the cliff; I may have been thinking of that). But the Elwing of this fic is not an Elwing who is just going to run away and not put up any fight. She also uses the Silmaril to blind her attacker there which is fun because foreshadowing! The scene on the cliff is also one I had written before, so I was trying to make it different; Elwing's last words to Maedhros are a moment of foresight for her because I was really leaning into her as one of Melian's granddaughters which means she has powers. Also fire seems to be something of a motif, what with Doriath and Sirion burning and then the dragons with their fire--and ultimately the fire that consumed Maedhros himself, though Elwing does not witness that. The reader knows what happens.
Aiwendil gets a cameo because I am very attached to my headcanon of he and Elwing as BFFs.
Curumo also gets a cameo because I needed someone to make Elwing's armor, and I thought it would be neat to see Saruman long before he ever starts down the road to becoming Sharkey; ever since I've looked for opportunities to do that again, but I haven't found one yet. I feel like I probably tried to think of a way to work in Olorin, but that clearly didn't work out. Instead I put in the scene with Nienna, because I needed a starting point for Elwing to start processing her despair and anger and trauma, and that's Nienna's whole jam. The mirror is obviously a nod to Galadriel's later in LOTR, but Nienna has both more and a different kind of power so it doesn't function in exactly the same way.
And the refrain of "She jumped." was definitely purposeful. There's the first time where she jumps to what she believes will be her death, in anger and despair; there's the second time where she jumps into battle with still plenty of anger but not so much despair--and this time she can use that anger, because now she can fly at will--and the last time at the end she's happy, and jumping is just the first step to soaring.
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sungbeam · 2 years
oH ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
rahh chip !! ilyily hope this makes ur day semi better :(
found below the cut is my director's cut of the oneshot i know what you are (nomin)
request a director's cut!
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okay so if u read the author's note on the fic, i kinda explain how this idea came into fruition? but really, i was in my writing seminar and somebody near me said the words "twilight fanfic?" and because we were focusing on parodies, i was like,,, heh wait a damn 😃 and thus, i wrote this monstrosity (i have a love-hate relationship w it), but if u were one of the first few people who found me via twilight nomin, then omg hello !!! :D
(fun fact and tmi: i wrote this by hand in a notebook 💀 crazy right, i wrote fanfic in an actual notebook)
i never intended to make more oneshots, but a couple people convinced me and there are now four of them :') but here it is:
The air around you froze, as if all of time was physically frozen from a gust of wind. You rubbed your bare arms in a poor attempt for warmth. A chill ran up your spine just as a presence filled the space behind you. You had come into the woods behind the school alone, a mistake you would do well not to make again.
i really wanted to reflect the atmosphere of this specific scene, where bella is in the shadowy forest, alone w someone she now assumes to be a vampire (a creature of the night). you'll find that in every oneshot, there is always one element that loyally reflects the original twilight franchise
"There's no need to be afraid, sweets."
i had to figure out a pet name for jaemin to use that would make sense, considering his species lol so i thought sweets would be pretty good LMAO cuz he,,, yknow,,, is supposed to drink blood,,, and he thinks reader smells,,, okay i'll stop—
"I know what you are,"
"Then say it," he prompted gently. "Go on, darling. Say it aloud."
"You're a vampire."
these are a few more points that r pretty similar to the franchise where the vamp "reveals" himself to our human character. i thought the way it was in the franchise was really cringe tho :') so i tried to word it in a more natural way! low-key still sounds cringe, but oh well lol
Jaemin lingered behind, so you didn't hear him mutter "Damn dog" under his breath
i actually LOVED writing this particular paragraph. i only pulled this line, but the entire paragraph is an insight into the vamp-wolfie rivalry, as well as jaemin's own point of view (yeah, it switches pov here essentially). i also thought "damn dog" was so funny when i came up w it :')
You poor thing, you didn't even know the predators were right in front of you.
oh, obliviousness. at this point, u still are not aware that jenos a wolf man, so when he growls, reader thinks there r wolves in the surrounding forest. it's just super ironic that the wolf was right next to reader instead 🤡
"Demon," Jeno snarled. 
Jaemin smiled tightly. "Mutt." He mocked a bow. "What do I owe the distinct displeasure of seeing you on this fine morning, Alpha?"
have i mentioned how much i LOVE BANTER ?? literally even just rivalry like this, the banter is always so much fun to write. just the pettiness OOZING from either male had me cackling in delight. i've always wanted to call someone mutt in a fic before ,,
Jeno stepped in front of you, placing his body directly between you and Jaemin. Jaemin stiffened; the monster inside of him did not like this—at all. "Stay the hell away from her."
now this is an important moment in the fic bc it sets up jaemins attraction to reader too. "stay away from him" was written after this one, so i hadn't yet included that awkward lab scent scene. but here, his demon soul is like,, hissing? it doesn't like jeno standing in the way of getting to their mate
okay im getting so carried away 😭😭😭 i honestly should have focused more on the latter half of this fic cuz it's my favorite, but i'll let u guys read it and tell me what ur favorite lines are :))
ty for reading this far again if u did!! u r loved and appreciated ty gn hehe ^_^
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sunkendiaries · 3 months
Blog Post #4
Blog Post #4
Eve’s Bayou is such a beautiful film. I remember when it used to air on cable/network television and I would race to my room. It kind of had the same effect on me as “Are you afraid of the Dark?” Such a deep and complicated rarity of filmmaking… The cast, the location, the director! Kasi Lemmon's gothic familial drama has it all. In class, we examined the narrative through the lens of a coming-of-age story within a world where magic, curses, and ghosts are real.  We also discussed how the director's cut differs from the theatrical release regarding truth… and whether it's important to know the “truth.”  We remarked on the reference to “Daughters of the Dust,” and also noted that this is a film with no white people and is one of the films this year where racism isn't the monster. We talked about what has turned into my favorite/ most interesting theme - Casual Monstrosity, in regards to Lousie Baptiste’s infidelity. We also talked about how these films show African religions and practices as both good and evil really allowing the protagonist Eve to decide. We also talked about misplaced blame trauma and secrets.
We also talked about Terrence Taylor’s short story “Wet Pain.” This story mixes the horror of racism and homophobia and treats racism almost like an infection. This piece was interesting to me because of the way it used family objects and heirlooms as carriers of spirits. I also appreciated that the text addressed Hurricane Katrina and the racist way black citizens and survivors were treated before, during, and after the disaster.  
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vi1v0 · 3 years
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troublingconcerns · 4 years
All these colorful orbs and I’m lost! “Follow the red” this and “Red means I’m dead!” that I’m sick !!1
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killyourselfff · 3 years
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nickolashx · 2 years
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Afraid of Monsters (2005) & Afraid of Monsters Director’s Cut (2007)
Afraid of Monsters is a survival horror modification for the critically acclaimed Half-Life 1. Infamous among the mod community for unleashing the most terrifying creatures upon you, AoM influenced modifications of all kinds, from action to its home turf, horror. Your name is David Leatherhoff, and you're addicted to a strange drug. Lately you have started to experience illusions, dreams picking at your deepest and darkest fears. Finally, you go to Markland Hospital, seeking help. First, however, you make a stop into the bathroom, where another bottle of pills awaits you, standing out like a beacon in the night in your depraved eyes. When will it all stop?
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trashforhockeyguys · 3 years
Vienna Waits For You -1- William Nylander
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A/N: The official start of Vienna Waits For You! I can’t wait for you guys to really get to understand William and Avalyn. This is probably the most unique story I’ve told so far. I hope y’all will enjoy the ride.
“Miss Bradshaw Kreitzburg, we can’t begin to explain how excited we are to have you here with us,” One of the Assistant Directors said as she was led into a posh hotel.
“Just Kreitzburg is fine, or Avalyn,” She cringed, hating it when people used the full name that her parents insisted on.
“There she is!” A loud voice boomed from the doorway of a very large conference room.
Avalyn couldn’t help but smile and nearly squeal as she ran to the man. Jackson Portland was one of the only people that she felt like really knew her. They’d been best friends since they first worked together in the early years. Back then, Jackson was an awkward lanky kid, not the bonafide sex god that he was now. Truthfully, Avalyn wanted to laugh every time girls literally threw themselves at him. To her he would always be Jacky, her best friend. 
“You made it!” She jumped in his arms, holding onto him for dear life. 
Jackson was like her life vest. She wasn’t sure she would’ve been able to do something like this without knowing he would be by her side the entire time. She trusted him with everything that she was. He’d been the one to call her about the role and tell her that she’d be perfect for it. 
“And so did you! God you look fantastic Avey. But you really could eat a little more. Do the Monsters have you on another diet?” 
“They wanted me to be on one,” She confirmed, “But none of them are here...soo I guess I’m not anymore?”
“Then you and I are going to burgers whenever this is over,” He declared, setting her down. 
She nodded excitedly. Going out with Jackson was always her favorite. Somehow they always found a way to just be normal twentysomethings. Jackson and Avalyn made each other feel almost normal for the first time in their lives. Seemed only fitting that the two of them didn’t want to let that go. 
“Have you scoped out our ‘advisors’?” Avalyn asked, holding onto Jackson’s arm. 
He shrugged, flashing his famous dimpled smile, “Oh you’ll love them.”
Inside the room, most of the younger Leafs were somewhat huddled together, keeping their distance until told to do otherwise. But some of the older, more experienced players were talking with some writers and producers from the project. 
Avalyn tried to calm her nerves, her grip on Jackson’s arm tightening with every step. She hated meetings like this. She didn’t know a single player on this team, hell she didn’t even know a thing about hockey. She knew that they probably all had their own preconceived opinions of her, none of which were good. Just like how nothing the media published these days was good. Good for press, but bad for her personal life. For once, she wished she could just pause it all. 
Some of her friends from childhood, which she lost contact with long ago, went to college and are in steady relationships. None of them have their entire life looked over with a magnifying glass. They could wear what they wanted, or eat what they wanted, go out with whoever they wanted wherever they wanted...Avalyn never had that luxury. But she couldn’t say she was jealous of them...envious might be a better term to use though. 
“Alright boys, listen up!” An older man in the team’s jacket called, “I want you to listen to what they instruct you. Remember, you’re representing the organization and Toronto.”
“Thank you for that Coach Babcock,” One of the show’s producers said before standing in front of everyone, “We’d like for all of you to pair up in a few minutes, but before we do that, why don’t all of you take a second and get to know each other. Get all of the awkwardness out of the way so we can all get to work? Gentleman, at each table is a dry erase board with a rink on it, I was told that’s what you all use in practice to show plays and things, feel free to do the same today. We’ll call you all when it’s time to come back together.”
Avalyn didn’t move for a moment, not as long as Jackson stayed where he was. But it wasn’t long before the producer was coming over with the other man, who seemed to be the coach of the hockey team. Behind them trailed several young men, which Avalyn could only assume were players. Jackson nearly jumped, seemingly excited about who was coming over to them. 
“Coach Babcock, these are the two I was telling you about,” Eric, the producer, looked proud of himself, “These two are the stars of our show, Jackson, Avalyn, I’d like for you to meet Mike Babcock, coach of the Toronto Maple Leafs, as well as three of his star players, Auston Matthews, Mitch Marner, and William Nylander.” 
“You don’t have to tell me who they are, Eric,” Jackson waved him off before extending a hand to the coach, “It’s an honor to meet all of you. You guys had a hell of a season last year.”
“Jackson grew up in Connecticut prior to becoming an actor, he’s one of the only cast members with hockey experience.” 
“Sick man, I love that movie you were in last summer with Taylor Kitsch. Shit was badass,” The one with dark hair and blue eyes said.
Avalyn couldn’t remember who was who. All she knew was one had long blond hair, and two with dark hair. She used to joke that all hockey players looked the same when Jackson would try to make her watch games, but she couldn’t say that anymore. No two players in the room looked alike. 
“See, I told you Avey!” Jackson joked, “She said there was too much blood. I tried to get her to watch American Assassin with me, since O’Brien and Kitsch are such great guys, but she wouldn’t.”
Avalyn felt uncomfortable in her own skin. She hated moments like this. Jackson always seemed to be in his element and on his game. But Avalyn wasn’t comfortable with these people. She didn’t watch hockey, all she really knew was that they constantly hit each other and fought over the tiny rubber puck. 
But Jackson just seemed to fit right in with them. Almost like he was a member of the team and had been for a very long time. She was jealous of the fact that he always seemed to make it work. He was never a stranger. Whereas Avalyn always felt like a stranger. She often felt like she was playing dress-up all the time, and eventually someone would call her out on it. 
“Thanks for making fun of me again,” Avalyn said under her breath, “It’s nice to meet you guys.”
“So, what are you? The token romantic interest?” The blond quipped. 
“No I uh-” She couldn’t really find her voice. She should’ve been used to people assuming she was only there to further the story. She was just pretty face, meant to smile and just be pretty. 
Maybe that was part of the reason she took this role...she wanted to prove she was more than that. Yet, she couldn’t even find a way to tell the man standing in front of her the very same thing that she was fighting to prove. 
“Actually, Avey is playing the only girl on the team. She’s pretty important actually,” Jackson cut in, “Pretty badass too.”
“Avalyn, we’d like you to pair with Willy, if the rest of you want to come over with me we’ll get you all sorted,” Eric suddenly interrupted, “You two can go over to that table over there.”
Suddenly, she was left with the blond that obviously didn’t exactly like her. Avalyn wasn’t uncustomed to it. A lot of people were standoffish with her at first, the sugary sweet persona she put on was enough to make anyone hate her. She knew that. But she wasn’t used to people being like this to her face. So blatantly obvious….he didn’t even bother trying to hide it. 
The blond, William, rolled his eyes before walking over to the table. Avalyn knew this wouldn’t be a very fun time. Jackson and the rest of the cast and crew would probably spend the whole session laughing. Yet, she was pretty sure William wouldn’t be overly helpful or talkative. 
She glanced around, hoping someone might come to her rescue, but everyone else was already paired off and talking to their respective hockey player. Jackson was already laughing with one of the dark haired boys, and a very large red headed man. Avalyn wished she could be like that. 
“Are you coming or not?” The blond grumbled. 
Avalyn took a deep breath and followed him to the table. He sat with his arms crossed. She wondered why he already seemed to hate her. Had he read something about her and decided she was a horrible human being? One of those cheap tabloids who made their living off of dragging her through the mud? 
“I’m Avalyn,” She said, trying to break the tension, but her voice still shook. 
He scoffed, “Yeah, I know.”
She nodded and reached for the glass of water. Couldn’t she have anyone else? Or just have someone else at the table? Why did they have to take Jackson and put him all the way across the room. She felt like she didn’t know how to do this without him. She was out of her comfort zone now. 
“Okay,” She said quickly, “You obviously don’t like me, but I don’t really care. I have a job to do, and so do you. So can we just please drop the shit and you actually tell me what I’m supposed to know?”
“Who said I didn’t like you?” He fired back, leaning forward. 
She let out an almost bitter laugh, “Oh, I got the message loud and clear. You have no reason to hate me, but you do. You know nothing about me, so next time maybe try to get to know the person before you form an opinion.”
It was his turn to laugh as he leaned over the table, getting closer. His eyes seemed to almost burn into her. For a moment she was afraid. She didn’t know this man, she didn’t know what he might do. But every bone in her body seemed to yell at her to run. Maybe everyone was right, maybe this was the worst choice she made. 
“I know enough,” His voice was low, but the power of it made her want to shiver, “America’s princess on the outside, and a fucking bitch on the inside.”
He leaned back in his chair once more. There would be no more talking. It was like Avalyn and William were on different sides of a battlefield. They both had the next attack just waiting, and neither would wave the white flag. Avalyn didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing what his words did. Each one was like a knife going deeper and deeper into her chest. 
William just didn’t want to give in. He was being stubborn, and he was sure all of the guys would say he was an ass. But he heard enough about little miss Avalyn Bradshaw Kreitzburg. He wanted nothing to do with her. Everyone that he knew that knew her all said she was really a bitch, that the sweet little innocent thing she had going was an act. That Jackson Portland acted as her guard dog in public because she couldn’t rip people to shreds for fear of losing her perfect little reputation. 
So William sat across from her, a smirk playing on his lips when she finally seemed to be at a loss. So, the two sat silently as the hours ticked on. No one seemed to notice that they weren’t talking, or that William wasn’t using the dry erase board like the rest of his teammates. By the end, no one seemed to notice that they didn’t move a single inch over the course of the entire session. 
“I’m not what you think,” Avalyn said quietly, “Whoever told you whatever ridiculous rumor, it’s not true.”
He smirked again, like he knew something that she didn’t, “I think Margret Vicklyr knows you enough to know the truth.”
Before she could even process the sickening feeling, he was gone. He couldn’t know Margret. Margot might hate her now, but surely she wouldn’t go as far as telling random people whatever she felt like it. After a couple of years, Avalyn hoped that Margret would just forget about whatever she was convinced that Avalyn did. But it seemed that she wasn’t forgetting...and now it didn’t seem like William would forget either. 
Avalyn struggled to get in a deep breath as everyone started to get up and leave. William looked too pleased with himself as he got up from his chair and started moving towards his group. 
William liked the feeling of having knocked Hollywood's princess back down to size, or at least that’s what he thought he did. He had no way of knowing what was really going on behind the glitz and the glamour. He had no way of knowing that she was struggling more than she could ever let on. 
William didn’t like Avalyn Bradsaw Kreitzburg, especially after what Margret told him during her summer in Sweden. The person that Margret described to him was horrible, incapable of caring for anyone but herself, and maybe her precious Jackson Portland.Yet, he couldn’t help but feel a sort of pain in his chest at the way she seemed to sink as soon as he landed his final blow. He knew his mother would’ve had his head if she saw him acting like that. But for some reason he couldn’t help it. 
How was he supposed to know that she was doing everything she could to keep her head above water and make this project work?
“Avey! C’mon, let’s go get dinner,” Jackson cheered, surrounded by the hockey players. 
Avalyn shied away from all of them, “I think I’m just going to go back to mine. Raincheck?”
“I’ll hold you to it!” Jackson cheered, following the team and some other cast members out of the hotel. 
As soon as she got back to her apartment, Avalyn tried her best to fill herself with music. All she kept thinking about was the way that he looked at her. The disgust...he made his mind up about her before he even met her, all because of Margo and whatever she came up with. All Avalyn wanted was to make this work, to prove that she was capable of choosing her own projects and that she was more than just the stupid doe eyed girl. 
But she still felt hollow, like she was already losing control. She still didn’t know anything about the game. Her ‘advisor’ wouldn’t be of any help. She would have to fight an uphill battle. But she wanted this more than she wanted any project before now. 
With music at full blast in her ears, Avalyn laid down, trying to drown herself in the sound of old classic rock and indie. She never did eat dinner like she promised. Instead, hoping the music would fill her in a way that food didn’t.
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tlbodine · 3 years
Asian Horror Cinema Roundup & Thoughts
So, when we set out on this particular film series quest, I had a few limitations to work with: 
They had to be movies that we hadn’t already seen, which meant skipping some of the biggest and most influential titles (Ringu, The Grudge, Dark Water, etc etc.)
I wanted as diverse a selection as I could to mix up multiple countries and time periods
The movies all had to be things I could find streaming online, which cut about half of my initial selections out of the running 
So, with that in mind, this is....definitely not the most thorough or representative list of films! I make no claims that these are the biggest, best, most important, or anything else. But here is everything we watched!
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CHINA/HONG KONG Song at Midnight (1937) Dream Home (2010) Rigor Mortis (2013)
INDIA Bees Saal Baad (1962) Raaz (2002) Bhoot (2003) Kaal (2005) Hisss (2010) Pizza (2012)
JAPAN Kwaidan (1965) Goke, Body Snatcher From Hell (1968) Horrors of Malformed Men (1969) The Vampire Doll (1970) Belladonna of Sadness (1973) Blind Woman's Curse (1970) House (1977) Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989) Battle Royale (2000) One Missed Call (2003) Uzumaki (2000) Cold Fish (2010) Tag (2015) One Cut of the Dead (2017)
KOREA The Uninvited (2003) A Tale of Two Sisters (2003) Hansel and Gretel (2007) Snowpiercer (2013) Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum (2018)
THAILAND The Park (2003) Shutter (2004) Ladda Land (2011) Krasue: Inhuman Kiss (2019) The Medium (2021)
VIETNAM The Housemaid (2016)
Some overall thoughts: 
Japan takes the cake for fucking weird. Which is not a shock to anyone, probably, but it’s very clear that Japan isn’t afraid to get bizarre, and has been doing some super weird shit from the very beginning. 
India doesn’t seem to take itself very seriously in the horror film department, lol. Not all of the movies were Bollywood musicals, although a couple were. But even the non-musicals were all pretty silly. 
Mainland China doesn’t really make horror movies these days as far as I know but Hong Kong sure does and the ones I’ve seen are all brutal. They don’t seem to mind pushing the envelope there one bit. 
South Korea is the same. I have a deep fondness for Korean films, and I think I tend to enjoy them more than Japanese exports because they tend to be more grounded and often politically biting. 
Our next batch of horror movies is going to be a catch-up with new releases since we’re a couple years behind at this point. The hashtag for those will be #horror-new-releases so keep an eye out for that in the upcoming weeks. 
After we get caught up, I’m not sure what we watch next. We’ve discussed a few possible themes, including: 
Remake vs original
Franchise installments
Individual director filmographies
Other foreign countries
Individual monster/mythology trends 
There are so many movies out there, and putting them in themes makes it more fun! Change my mind! 
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