#after all those years in a cave I'd think that he would be afraid of the sun setting
salmonsaur · 2 years
Thinking about Bam's first night in the tower. When the "sun" started to set, did he freak out? Did anyone comfort him, telling him that the dark isn't endless, that the light will come back?
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therattsden · 1 year
I had a Caroline drabble idea where the concept only really worked if I genderbent Cave, so have some Caroline and Cate. Sort of.
The Assistant
Caroline was known for many things. A ‘diligent work ethic’, A ‘motherly instinct’ towards her sick and dying boss, the ‘beauty’ in each expression and flip of her chemically scented hair. Wherever she went, they spoke of how well she blended into the crowd, into the company, into Cate. A modern day wallflower.
That’s all she was. The dutiful assistant. Quiet and unseen. Calm under pressure. Her personality fit the bill to the untrained eye. Create the meetings, the emails, the arrangements, keep everything orderly and neat. She could do that. It was all she was known for. That was fine. It was better to be useful than not, to be seen and heard when it mattered. She would also have a spotlight someday, somehow. Caroline just needed the right time to shine.
At least there had been plenty of things to learn from Cate's shadow over the decades, even if she practically managed the company on her own. Mrs. Johnson was the face of it, the perfect cancer-riddled body, but Caroline was the mind, the liver, the backbone, anything that actually functioned instead of just sitting there looking pretty and coughing up a lung. That was fine.
Caroline sat at her desk, quietly working on some paperwork so sweetly plopped there and abandoned by a few employees last minute. Prim. Proper. Legs crossed at the ankle, fingernails painted Mrs. Johnson’s favorite shade. The perfect assistant to the woman who could do no wrong. Sure it was time to clock out, but not for her. Never for her. There was simply too much to do and no one else willing to do it.
It flashed in her mind. All of the late nights in the office, chugging coffee, pushing paperwork, human rights, herself, all out of the window for the woman she once admired so wholeheartedly. This was and would always be her life if Cate's decree became more than expected but demanded. Robotics, all the way into eternal servitude while Cate sat in Hades laughing at her…
No. Aperture would be fine, no, BETTER in her careful, steady hands. Did she need to wait until Mrs. Johnson died to figure that out? No…
It wasn't fine.
But it will be. Soon enough.
"Folks, I've got some news." Mrs. Johnson's tone was heavy, yet also empty in a way it had never been over the microphone before.
"Usually I'd make some joke about good news versus bad news, or this being about the recent round of layoffs, but no. I'm afraid this one's serious."
She let out a heavy sigh.
".... Caroline's gone. Now, I know what you're thinking; Cate, what's gonna happen to the company without her? She was the backbone of this facility! And believe me, I get it - I wondered the same thing when I heard. But rest assured, she left all her notes and things behind, meaning someone else can pick up right where she left off. Things should run just fine from your end, barely a hiccup in the production line!... But, if any of you need some time to grieve, there'll be a counselor or something sent around the departments to listen on your smoke breaks."
She paused to regard the crowd gathered beneath her, studying their faces through a stoney gaze… Then she coughed once into her fist, before perfectly manicured nails waved the group off.
"Well. Those smoke breaks aren't for a while yet, so get back to work."
Doug stood awkwardly among the front row of the crowd that had gathered to hear her big announcement in person, dragged there at Henry's insistence. Caroline was gone? What had happened to her? It must've been bad for Mrs. Johnson not to explain at all… Was it a lab accident after all these years, or had she left of her own accord? Why now?
As Doug chewed on his thoughts and cheek, he couldn't help but feel that something was… Off. Obviously the disappearance was strange, but even Mrs. Johnson herself; the shape of her face was just slightly too pointed, her hair a little too blonde, put up a little too neatly (when had he last seen it look styled?), cough a little too forced. It was… Unsettling. But maybe it was just the light so harsh behind her?
He tried to scrutinize a little further as she walked away, but Henry had other ideas, smacking Doug on the shoulder in what he supposed was a friendly, coworker manner yet still made him jump.
"Hey Doug, what're you staring at?" Henry asked, looking between him and the retreating Mrs. Johnson. "You heard her, time to get back to it."
Doug blinked, rubbing the hit shoulder before looking over to him. "... Nothing. Let's go."
Surely it was nothing. He was paranoid, that's all… It was pretty harrowing news after all. This was just his imagination. It was fine.
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christianstepmoms · 3 years
Sometimes, well many times, and mostly while I'm in public buying things, I'll think about somebody darting out of nowhere, pulling my pants down and shoving an electrified coil into my urethra, exploding my penis. I just cant help thinking about that every time I'm standing in line at Best Buy. I mean I just don't trust people, and I'm afraid that one day that might actually happen. I've envisioned it so many times, and each time it's just as surprising and vivid; the guy comes out of nowhere, and he looks exactly like Paul Dano, and before I can hit him with my purse, pants come down, coil goes in, and my potty blows up all over the gift cards.
I was talking about this with the old lady that hands out the breakfast sausage samples at Piggly Wiggly, and she has a Freudian take on it. She thinks it might because of the videos my dad showed me when I was a kid, and she might be right because I used to have nightmares about my head being crushed in an industrial hydraulic press after watching the Terminator. I'd wake up just as I bit my tongue off and my teeth are shattering and my head was caving in.
Then after I'd seen Searching for Bobby Fischer, I had nightmares about losing a Chess game to the Flash, because he was just so fast and I couldn't keep up. And every time he'd call out checkmate, these two big Russian guys in suits would grab me from under my armpits, shove my head into a toilet and cut it off with one of those big bent Middle Eastern swords.
If the Best Buy nightmare, that I have while awake and standing up, came from anywhere, it would have to be from when my dad showing me Faces of Death when I was four years old. I still remember the Electric Chair Execution video, the prisoners eyes blew up and were dripping down his face when they pulled away the blindfold. Faces of Death had a big impact on me, and because of that one VHS rental I started what is now a huge and nationally respected collection of used rubber execution diapers.
I'm single.
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willymywonkers · 4 years
Pure Imagination
Summary: We get introduced into the world of Maude Figgle, and how one of her students, Charlie Bucket, reunites her with an old friend.
A/N: This too longer than I'd like to admit lmaoooo. This is my first time writing a willy wonka fic, so constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!!
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The chocolate factory at the edge of town was always a mystery to people. Its large tunnels stood tall casing a shadow over people. All of Willy Wonka's delectable goods were protected behind hundreds of walls of steel and black bricks that were absolutely impenetrable.
Maude had seen the factory about a dozen times, and each time, she wondered what would it be like to go inside. She had always admired the elusive chocolatier from a far, but she was so nervous to actually talk with him.
Maude had remembered a time when Willy Wonka wasn't famous, and was just a boy that lived two blocks down from her. Of all people, Will was the nicest boy she'd ever met. When they were younger, Maude would enjoy spending her time with Will, encouraging him to take risks, and be a little impulsive. Will knew she was a bit wild, but that's what he liked about her. Someone who wasn't afraid of any consequences and just went with the heart told them.
However, things began to get rough for Maude. She wasn't the little girl that pushed the boundaries anymore. She was Will's partner, and she was the main It happened when Maude met her ex husband, Ronald. Ron was extremely jealous of Will. It was apparent that Will liked Maude more than anyone else. Will didn't like touching other workers. That was the main reason he wore gloves.
However, he acted differently around Maude. He seemed to be more comfortable with touching her, and letting her touch him. Ron caught sight of this. He deemed that Maude belonged to him.
Eventually, Ron made Maude cut all contact from Will. This happened when Willy was going through a sharp decrease in candy sales. With people all over the world after his secrets, Will didn't really have anybody he could trust. Other than Maude.
Maude didn't want to quit working with Will, but Ron didn't give her much of a choice. Ron had gotten more and more controlling towards her, thus affecting her mental health greatly.
Then, she snapped at Ron, telling him that this was wrong. Ron slapped her across the face. The next day, Maude resigned.
The news crushed Willy, causing him to close the factory for good.
Years later, Maude divorced Ron, taking her own independence back. Maude often would walk by the factory, but it was a painful reminder to her, and how she treated her best friend.
Maude became a chemistry teacher, so that she could be close with children, and help their young minds grow. Of course, there were students that would barely pay attention, and would ignore what she said altogether. However, there was one student in her class that she was very fond of. A young boy named Charlie Bucket.
He was quite clever for his age, and he would always be interested whatever experiments she was conducting.
"Good morning, Ms. Figgle," Charlie said, walking into the classroom.
Maude smiled at the boy. Her glasses hung from the bridge of her nose. "Good morning, Charlie. Did you enjoy winter break?"
He nodded. "But, I didn't get anything this year."
"Oh, I'm sorry, dear." Maude knew about Charlie's financial situation. She always tried to make things a little more lenient on him, unlike his other teachers.
"It's alright. Christmas is about spending time with your family, anyways."
Maude nodded. "Well, I've got a present for you, Charlie."
She got out a medium sized box wrapped in newspaper, and handed it to him.
"What is it?" He asked.
"You're just gonna have to open it to find out."
It was a brown sweater with a black stripe in the front.
Charlie smiled at the present, though he seemed taken aback by the gesture.
"I can't accept this." Charlie said, putting the sweater back in the box.
"But, it's frigid out there. You'll need it." Maude handed Charlie back the sweater.
He smiled up at Maude. "You're right. I really appreciate it, Ms. Figgle."
The kids all plied into the class at once. Excitement from being back from break made all the kids rambley and quite loud.
"Have you heard about the golden tickets?"
"I'm gonna get the first one."
All the kids seemed to be chattering all about these golden tickets. Maude hadn't a clue about what they were.
"Golden tickets?" Maude asked, looking slightly confused.
"There was an announcement about it last night. Mr. Wonka is going to be opening up his factory for 5 children all over the world." Charlie said, clearing up her confusion.
Maude's eyes lit up. "Really? That's incredible!"
Charlie agreed.
This fact made Maude's heart jump. She really wanted to see Will again, but she knew she barely had a chance. 5 golden tickets in the whole world, and there was only one of her. She tossed her excitement aside in hopes that a kid truly worthy of the ticket takes it.
A few weeks go by and the first ticket is found. Maude was sitting in front of her television when it was announced. She wasn't surprised that the first ticket was found by some kid who ate chocolate all the time, but it was how quickly he found it.
After that, each kid was worst than the last. It really pained her to see such rotten kids get all the spotlight, when kids like, Charlie, were barely making ends meet.
Maude found herself back at the factory, wondering what was going on inside.
"Hello, Ms. Figgle!" Charlie called from behind.
Maude turned around, snapping out of her thoughts. "Oh, hello, Charlie. What are you doing here?"
"Why are you always staring at the factory?" Charlie countered.
Maude gulped. "Well, you see, a long time ago, I actually knew Mr. Wonka."
"You did? I think my grandpa told me about it."
"Right, but I didn't just work for him. I was his partner in it all. I did all the experiments. I created new kinds of candy every day."
Maude and Charlie began walking down the snowy street, as Maude told Charlie the many adventures her and Mr. Wonka shared.
"Were you ever in love with Mr. Wonka?" Charlie asked, jokingly.
Maude chuckled. "Of course not."
Of course, she was lying to herself. She couldn't see herself standing beside him. Maude felt that Willy deserved someone better, especially when all she did was burn him.
Maude's smile faltered. She felt an ache in her heart.
"Ms. Figgle, are you alright?"
Maude turned her head towards Charlie. "Huh?"
"I was asking if you were alright."
"Oh yeah. I'm fine."
The two continued walking down the street, passing by a candy shop.
"Do you think I could ever win a golden ticket?" Charlie seemed a bit down. "I only get one wonka bar a year for my birthday, and my grandpa spend his last shilling."
"Let me tell you this, Charlie, you're a bright young man." Maude kneeled down to his level, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I believe in you. You are worthy of a golden ticket. All those other kids don't have the kindness you share with others. And, as someone who's personally worked for Wonka, I'd save the best for last."
Charlie's spirits picked up. He smiled brightly, thanking Maude before heading home.
The next day, rumors speculated that some kid in Russia had found the last ticket, but it was later proven to be false. This rose to more anticipation to who would be the last ticket holder.
While reading through the newspaper, Maude found out that Charlie had found the very last golden ticket. Maude smiled widely. One of her students found the last golden ticket. She couldn't be more proud of him.
She stood amongst the crowd outside. She couldn't stay for long, but she wanted just a glimpse of Wonka, however, there was too many people in her way.
A few weeks later, it seemed that more and more people were curious about the factory. Charlie had told her some of the things that happened during his trip. Things that were completely outlandish, and weird. A girl turning into a blueberry? And, a boy nearly drowning into a chocolate river?
"You know, Mr. Wonka wasn't as nice as I thought he was." Charlie said.
"What do you mean?" Maude asked.
"Well, he was nice at first. He was going to offer me his entire factory. On the condition that I wouldn't ever see my family again."
Maude sighed. "Right."
This was quite like Will. Family wasn't at the forefront of his mind. Trusting people was also a big issue with him, considering in the past most of his workers turned against him.
"Have you ever thought about seeing Mr. Wonka again?" Charlie asked.
Maude looked at Charlie, with a wishful smile on her face. "All the time."
Another few weeks ago by, and Maude hadn't seen much of Charlie. She began to worry about him.
One day, she heard a knock on her door.
"Hello?" She answered.
Charlie was standing at the door, smiling up at her. "Good morning, Ms. Figgle."
"It's quite early, Charlie." She chuckled. "What is it?"
"I wanted you to meet someone."
Maude opened the door to see a man in a top hat, smiling nervously at her.
"Will?" Maude said, as tears were pricking from her eyes. Her heart was jumping out of her chest.
"Hey Maude." Willy smiled.
She pulled him into a hug, wrapping her arms around his neck.
Will was taken aback by the hug, but awkwardly caved in. He could hear soft sobbing coming from her, but he didn't mind.
Charlie smiled at the two.
In this one moment, Maude truly felt the pure happiness and joy as she felt when she was a child.
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limenysnocket · 4 years
In The Dirt... Pt. IV
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Summary: Why did you leave... where did you go? I miss you. Fuck, I miss you... f u c k.
Warnings: Cursing, alcohol abuse, drug abuse (no real smut in this one sorryyy)
A/N: F U C K I T. I need to finish this series because I don't like having open stories on my pallet that need to be finished. GAWD. Short one for the gals.
After many years of destroying the senses, you really stop noticing or awknowledging fear. It just dims out eventually, and no one likes that one Debby downer. So, you just stop. Just like that, with a snap of your fingers. It just... disappears.
You know, I thought I had lost that sense of fear forever. I thought it disappeared, like everyone else's. That all was until I woke up this morning to find the sheets cold except for the spots I had been laying.
Did my fear suddenly return from the dead to replace you? Where did you go?
Why the hell am I worrying?
You probably just went home.
But you're usually here when I wake up? You wait for me, don't you?
Maybe you were just outside of my bedroom door, hanging with the rest of the band.
That seemed more plausible to me.
I get myself together (somewhat fine). It's still not the same without having you politely knock on the door and ask for entry while I'm dressing.
Music is already seeping through the cracks of the walls, since the rest of the band probably had woken up by now (or just didn't sleep the night before). I can feel the bass beneath my feet, sending pleasant shivers down my spine, but the pleasure isn't enough to get you off of my mind.
I feel like I slowly melt into the living room as my door opens, slinking across the floor like some malformed blob until I'm at an angle where I can survey the entire room.
You're not here.
One of the heavy stoners of the group finally notices me after peering through the glossy haze of his high, just for a moment.
"Shit, man, what's got you all squirrelly this morning?" he muses, lifting a plain cigarette up to his mouth and taking a long drag.
I can feel every inch of my body tense up and I shove my hands into my pockets, lips pursed. I sigh and shake my head. "Nothing."
He goes back to whatever he was doing, rambling on to one of the (also stoned) groupies that joined us this morning, while I have another look around. My mates cast me odd looks, but I toss them aside. I must have really been looking awful if those looks started to worsen (which I know they did).
"I heard the hotel door slamming shut last night..." one of them mused, "anyone anger their chick or some shit?" The group that gathered along the kitchenette chuckled softly and shook their heads.
"What 'bout you, Waititi? You piss another one off?" Someone spoke up to me. They knew now. They knew I had done something.
Luckily, I had my back turned to the group in my desperate and frantic search, so they didn't see the pained look creep over my face. "I don't know," I say slowly, not bothering to turn around. They all seem to shrug my answer off. I can't, however.
What did I do last night to really get you gone? Was it something I said? Did I not please you enough? Did you finally decide that the rock 'n' roll life just wasn't your thing, decide not to tell me, and up and leave me dry with no hope left to survive?
I'm being dramatic.
I slip a pair of slippers on and shuffle down to the main floor after awkwardly standing next to a polite family on the elevator. It was obvious they could smell the cigarette smoke on me.
Fuck, it's way too early in the morning to be doing this.
I leap for the front desk before anyone else could take the undivided attention away from me. A young receptionist had just sat herself down with a steaming cup of coffee.
"Did you see a girl come through here last night?" I mumble to her. She looks up at me, nowhere near as excited as you are when I talk to you.
"Sir, I just clocked in. I'm afraid the person you need to be talking to is already on his way out to his car," she says, nose raised up in the air snootily. My looks and manner clearly didn't seem to charm her (or maybe it's the fact that I'm in a fucking stained Purple Rain shirt and sweatpants).
The fact that maybe my last hope may possibly be in the parking lot excites me, so I don't think I could care any less about the way people look at me. My perhaps wobbly legs float me out to the street and I'm searching frantically for any trace of you or this man I'm supposed to find.
There, where the sidewalk ends, there's a man, bellboy cap in hand, waving and shouting for a cab driver's attention.
I slow my speed down to a brisk walk to approach him and not alarm him, but the glimmer of a hovering, yellow taxi catches my eye as it slows down and pulls next to the curb. All of a sudden I'm running. I'm running for you. Fuck, when was the last time that I actually ran?
Sure, it was a bad move grabbing the dude's arm when I reached him. He moved to swat me, yelling in a high voice, "The fuck, dude! This cab is mine!" His hand was about to come down, when I made the first sensible decision in my life and let go of him.
"Wait!" I hollered before we made any more contact. "You worked the front desk last night, right? I'm looking for a girl."
He gives me the most startled look ever, gripping the door of the taxi for fear life. He then recognizes me. "Your Taika Waititi, right? You and your band infested the hotel a couple days ago?"
I nod slowly, gulping and hoping he had some sort of information.
He sighs, looking at the warm seat of the cab, then back at me. He mutters something under his breath. "I did see a girl," he lets out. "But I don't know if she's any person your looking for. There's a lot of women that come and go from y'alls rooms, I tell you." And he shakes his head.
"What did she look like?" I pry at him more, and he cab impatiently honks its horn. He draws another long sigh.
"She..." he trails off, "look, there was one girl that passed by. She was wearing a Hunt For The Wilderpeople shirt, and that's all I can tell you."
"But was she upset?" I shout, just trying to get down to the point.
I receive another glare.
"Look mister," he said, one foot in the cab, "she didn't pay me no mind and I certainly didn't care about her enough to ask her what was wrong. Now, if you'll excuse me." He huffed, and that was the last I saw of him as he disappeared into the cave of the cab.
My heart seemed to quiver as I watched the cab go. I was getting stares from girls and guys alike across the street. A crowd was soon building. I had been standing on the curb for minutes, watching and waiting. As if the cab would suddenly turn around, open its doors and I'd see you inside, but no. Not in the slightest.
I return to the hotel room, tail between my legs, and head down. I should call. I want to know if you're alright. What did I do, my little groupie? What did I...
No, that's not right. I said groupie. But... I also said my... meaning...
I return back to my room and sit on the frigid bed. I think of you with no trace of a smile left on my face. I want you here. I want to see you. I want to fuck this feeling out of me through you. An outlet. Is that all I see you as? But, what do you see me as?
I pick up my phone and search for your number. It's mixed up and I never miss it. I have a little nickname for you too, but I never use I when you're around. My thumb hovers over the call button for a moment. I don't know why I hesitate. After a big, deep breath, I press it. The vibration of it makes my ears ring. My heart is racing. Why do I het so riled up trying to talk to you? It's just you...
And yet you're you!
I don't know how to explain it. You're my groupie... my... groupie...
There's no response. There's not even the faintest sound of your voice. All I get is a computer.
I call again and again and again.
The dial tone makes my head spin. I call your home phone, hell, I was even two inches away from calling your parents. But then a text message. A single text message.
'Leave me alone.'
My heart seems to stop. I did something wrong. But I can't figure out what.
Why are you all of a sudden ignoring me? Why won't you tell me that you're safe? Is it something that I did? What's wrong?
I interpret my thoughts onto my phone in a text message and send it out without a momen'ts hesitation.
'What did I do wrong?'
You read it.
But you never respond...
17 calls and a single text message. You can't even deal with him. It's like he doesn't even remember how much being just his groupie shatters you.
You've asked for something more so many times. So many gut wrenching feelings as he tells you all over again, "I'm not looking for anything serious. You're just a groupie."
You've finally snapped. You're done. You can't keep getting your heart broken again. Not again.
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kyosohmastan · 5 years
Can you by chance write a fic on where Tohru experiences jealousy when someone is flirting Kyo? I think it'd be interesting for tohru to feel that emotion 1st hand and not knowing how to deal with it and feeling guilty about it. I've seen so many fic where Kyo gets jealous, but very few where it's Tohru. You don't have to if you don't want to, I just thought I'd ask
I like that idea! I came up with this so I hope you enjoy!
She was hit with a heaping sense of nostalgia when they got to Shigure’s house. She hadn’t seen the place in about a year, and along with it, so many memories came to her. She’d never seen it like this though, with all of their old classmates there.
It was a reunion party for her class, and she had been looking forward to it. Yuki had organized the event with Shigure on his property, even though he couldn’t be there because of college exams. She was just happy to have a chance to see the house again, although the party was deeper into the woods. She only saw it at a distance.
Additionally, she was happy to have an excuse to see Arisa and Saki. They lived so far from each other that it was difficult to meet up. She had missed them so much.
They greeted her with hugs when they saw her while Kyo stood beside her awkwardly, only nodding his head toward them as a form of greeting.
“It’s been too long. You gotta fill us in on everything!” Arisa said, holding both of Tohru’s hands in her own. Her thumb ran over the ring on Tohru’s finger. It was small but beautiful just like her. “I still can’t believe it.”
“Me neither, honestly,” Tohru said with a bashful smile. She wrapped her arms around Kyo’s lean bicep and leaned against him. The tension left him as soon as she did so. “I guess the next time I see you guys will be for the wedding.”
“No way! We’ll visit you sooner to help pick out the dress. There’s no way we’re missing that,” Arisa said sternly.
“That’s right. Her dress must meet our approval,” Saki added.
“Ah, if you guys can help me, then please!” Tohru replied, excited for that day to come.
Arisa nodded. “But in the meantime, Carrots has to help you with the rest of the wedding planning since we won’t be there to do it. Although, it’s hard to picture him contributing to such an event with a lack of masculinity.”
Kyo clenched his jaw. “It’s not like I’m going to let her go through all that work alone. Of course I’m going to help her, stupid Yankee.”
“Excuse me,” Arisa muttered, her almost non existent brows drawn together. “I can still whoop your ass if I wanted to.”
Tohru giggled nervously. It was great to think that nothing changed between all of them, even though she wasn’t all for such violent threats.
“Hold up!” said a boy that she recognized as Hiroshi. “Did I hear wedding?”
“Yes,” Tohru answered, a blush tainting her cheeks. “We’re engaged.” Her arms left Kyo’s arm and she held his hand. He looked down at her, blushing as well, but the softest smile was on his face.
“No way!” Yusuke said, now joining their circle. “I knew you guys were close so I should have expected this but...I guess it’s just hard to imagine Kyon-Kyon getting married.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Kyo growled, releasing her hand and clenching it in a fist.
“Just teasing...” Yusuke laughed. “You still get worked up so easily.”
“I do not!” Kyo snapped. But to Tohru, he was being contradictory. She didn’t mind. She found him adorable even when he would get irritated. Not that she wanted him to...
“Whatever,” Kyo mumbled. “I’m getting a drink. You want one?” He asked Tohru.
She nodded, giving his clenched fist a squeeze. “Iced tea, please.”
He smiled briefly, kissing the top of her head before he left to the food and drink table. His kiss was tense, and she knew it was because he was timid when it came to being affectionate in front of others, but she appreciated the effort of the gesture anyway. Overtime, the PDA had gotten easier for them.
“Let’s go mingle. You should join us, Tohru,” Saki suggested.
That sounded appealing to her. She was sure Kyo would catch up to them. She followed alongside the girls, stopping when they reunited with a group of their old classmates, and she greeted all of them.
She saw Kyo out of the corner of her eye getting their drinks, but he wasn’t alone. Three girls flocked to him, and she recognized them. They’d never taken fondly to her, particularly because Kyo always liked her and ended up choosing to be with her. She recalled the scrutiny she got from them soon after they started dating. She knew it was out of jealousy, and it’s not like she didn’t expect it to happen. Kyo was handsome...more than that, he was beautiful. And though most of the girls at their school had their eyes on Yuki, she couldn’t help but notice how a few of them also acknowledged Kyo.
She wasn’t surprised that was still the case. He’d gotten prettier in the past year, bulking up quite a bit due to all the martial arts classes he’d been teaching at Kazuma’s dojo. She wouldn’t have been concerned about girls taking notice of him. She would never want to control who he sees or talks to. It wasn’t like her. However, it was the way the girls acted around him that made her feel uneasy.
One of them put her hand on his forearm, the touch soft enough to not count as evasive. For a moment, Kyo just froze, paying attention to the girl who was chatting with him, until he slowly drew his arm away from her and seemed to pretend like it never happened.
Tohru sighed to herself. At least he didn’t seem to cave to her advances. Not that she would think he would. She knew he was loyal to her, he promised he would be since the day he proposed to her. She was grateful for that.
Still, the nausea she felt seeing such beautiful girls dote on him didn’t fade. It was similar to how she felt when she thought her dad was stealing her mom away from her. Maybe not as severe, but it wasn’t a good feeling nonetheless.
She felt the need to intervene, even though she wanted to give him space and room to talk to whoever he wanted to on his own. She didn’t want to be that type of girlfriend...or fiancé.
She sucked in a breath and went to him, instantly intertwining her fingers through his. “H-hi,” she said to the girls timidly.
They examined her, or rather leered at her. She felt completely vulnerable.
“Oh, hey, Tohru. How have you been?” One of them asked. Although, it didn’t sound like they cared.
“I’ve been well. Especially since I’ve had Kyo-kun beside me. It’s been nice.” She felt the need to mention that last part. But it really just slipped out.
“Yeah it’s been...really great,” Kyo added, looking down at Tohru and finally smiled.
Moments of silence followed, and she couldn’t ignore how awkward it had gotten. The girls clearly still had crushes on him, so Tohru was the bad guy. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling.
“Anyway...we’re going to walk around. It was nice seeing you again, Kyo-kun,” one of them cooed, leaving with the other girls.
Tohru felt the tension leave her. But her feelings still confused her. Was that really jealousy?
“You seemed really tense there,” Kyo mentioned.
She straightened, cringing. “Was I? I didn’t mean to.”
Kyo handed her the iced tea that had been sitting on the table scattered with all kinds of appetizers. “I felt you squeezing my hand. Are you okay?”
She slowly sipped her drink. “Yes. I’m fine. I’m just nervous to see everyone. It’s been a long time.”
“If you’re nervous, then I’m terrified,” he said with a roll of his eyes.
She giggled. She loved her shy kitty. She moved her toes up and kissed him, momentarily forgetting that they weren’t alone. But once she remembered, she didn’t mind that. In fact, she hoped the girls were noticing them, and she couldn’t figure out why.
It wasn’t until later, after they got off the subway and were walking the remainder of the trip home, that she still felt unsettled. No matter how hard she tried to conceal it, Kyo would look at her with perplexity.
“Something’s up. And don’t lie to me,” he stated.
She frowned. “I don’t want to bother you with this but...I can’t get it off my mind.”
“Spill it.” He walked closer to her, his elbow bumping hers. “You can tell me.”
And she did because she felt like she could tell him anything and it wouldn’t sway what he thought of her. He’d proven that so many times. “When I saw how those girls acted around you, it made me...uncomfortable.”
His walking slowed as they reached the door to their tiny home that resembled a cottage. He didn’t open the door, but just stood there without facing her. “So that’s what this is about,” he said just above a whisper. “Really? Do you not trust me when it comes to that?”
“No! Of course not,” she said quickly. “I didn’t think you’d give into them. It’s not about you actually.” She wrung her hands together, scrambling for words. “It’s just that...those girls are so pretty. Much more beautiful than I am. They seem like the type that would fit better for you...” She hadn’t realized how much she felt that way until she said it out loud. She found herself so plain. It stemmed from the amount of comments she got from her family about her being boring and dull physically. To a big extent, she thought it was true.
Kyo finally looked to her, his brows creasing together. “What the hell are you talking about? You are insane if you think I don’t find you attractive.”
Her heartbeat picked up. That actually meant a lot, especially coming from him. “I am?”
His expression softened. “You are. You’re beautiful. And yeah, those girls are hot, but I’ll never fall in love with them the way I fell for you.” He took a piece of her hair bound together by her ribbon and tucked it behind her ear.
She smiled as he held her cheek. “You make me feel beautiful, Kyo-kun. Thank you for telling me that everyday.” She held his wrist, as if she was afraid of him pulling away. She really didn’t want that. “I’ve never been that jealous before. It’s kind of embarrassing.”
“But it just means you love me, right?” He leaned down so his face was at her level. “Not that I deserve it.”
She shook her head while grinning and met him halfway in a kiss that she hadn’t intended to get so intense, but he took it there, holding her waist and pulling her close until her body was pressed firmly against his own.
When she broke away to breathe, she found him smiling so big that it took away her breath more than the kiss had. “You have my word that I won’t leave you for anyone else. You’re my first love, and you’ll be my last.”
“I’m holding you to that, but I don’t think I have reason to worry. I trust you completely, Kyo-kun.” She opened the front door, pulling him in behind her by his hand with her mind officially set at ease.
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xxisxxisxxis · 5 years
Gateway Drug | Part Forty-Five
Table of Content or Part Forty-Four
Read HERE on Wattpad
Words: 3.1K
Warning(s): Explicit language, sexual situations, mentions of drug abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion @sinningsixx @edwardtriggerhandzz @lemmyjelly @haileynicoleseavey17 @cierrasixx19 @oskea93 @mgkobsessed @vamprlestat @sharon6713 @itsametaphorbriansblog @miriampraez @allie-mcginn @rebeccaphillips14 @nicholeh7 @fandomshit6000 @lilmou5ie @tamedhearts @divaanya @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx @ratedrkohardychick91 @floregrohlssard @oldschoolimagineblog @thanks2pete @abaldboi @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium @caos18blog @ytwahsog @shamlessobsessions @scarecrowmax @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471 @solohqrry @loveofmyloif @sparxx27 @kaitieskidmore1 @xpoisonousrosesx @cruecifymesixx @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor @emmaelizabeth2014 @meetthesixxter @sixxsixxsexx @sublimeprincesswasteland @arianareirg @girlnight-terror @mcnibberachi
@fancywasmyname1 @teller258316 @ggorehorror @blowinmeupwithherlove
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Five days detoxing at Doc's house+rehab+therapy=road to recovery=out of the woods. It's the magical equation I swore up and down wouldn't end in "Error."
The few dishes on the counter shatter into the floor once Nikki roughly sits me on it, his fingers digging into my thighs that wrap securely around him, our tongues twisting as we tug and pull at each other's clothes.
I get his pants undone as he pulls the towel from around my body, taking a handful of my soaking wet hair in his hand and tugging my head back to leave bites and bruises up and down my neck, causing me to hum in pleasure while my core pulses with anticipation to be filled by him.
Moving myself to the edge of the counter, spreading my legs as he runs his fist up and down his length a few times, I take heavy breaths, a wash of shame coming over me for a moment because this is the complete opposite of what we were instructed to do. 
But fuck the "no contact" rule. 
I've barely had any contact with him the past few months because he's been stoned or drunk. Telling me to practically ignore and avoid him for 30 days straight is like waving a loaded syringe in an addict's face before sitting it down in front of them and leaving them alone after telling them "okay I know it's right there and it's the one thing you struggle most to control yourself around, but don't even look at it."
Fuck that, and Nikki. And I refuse to walk around my own house anymore and not do the latter of those two.
The indescribable feeling of him pushing into me has my head tipping back , and my eyes closing as the both of us let out content sighs. 
I put my weight on one of my hands that rests on the counter beside me, the other hand wrapped around the back of Nikki's neck, as he moves in and out of me ferociously and I meet him thrust for thrust.
Let's take a step back and catch up on how he and I had gotten to that point.
Eight Days Earlier
"You two can detox at my place, check into rehab, come out when you're better and we'll go from there." Doc explains to Nikki and Tansy as they both sit on our couch.
"W-What about the press? Or my mom?" Tansy asks him nervously, fumbling with the tag on the throw blanket she's enveloped in.
"You let me deal with your mom and the media, alright?" Doc assures her. 
"Surely your mom won't be pissed at you for getting help, Tans." I try to tell her and she rubs her lips together.
"People will know I have a problem if I got to rehab." She points out. "It'll make me look bad."
"Having to cover your entire body with makeup to hide the discoloration of your skin and the track marks, looks bad, Tansy. Screw what people think. At least you're admitting you need help." I say and she doesn't reply, just looking at Nikki to gauge his reaction to all of this.
He looks pissed, but too tired and defeated to give a shit enough to argue with me anymore about it.
"What's the point of rehab if I'm just gonna end up kicking it at Doc's place?" Nikki asks me and I let out a breath.
"Because rehab will teach you coping mechanisms that Doc can't, Nikki. It won't take that long for you to get out if you just try your best at it." I reply and he scoffs. 
"So, what, you're babysitting me at Doc's until I'm done throwing up, shitting myself, and having hot and cold flashes and then shipping me off for a few weeks?" He cuts his dead eyes at me and Doc and I exchange looks.
"Well, it depends on how quickly you adjust to rehab and make a turn around, as to how soon you can get out...so it might be more than a few weeks." Doc informs him. "And Bob has already scheduled you and Viv an appointment with a marriage therapist."
"Well if I'm spending more than three weeks in rehab there's no point in working on our marriage." 
"The program you'll be in includes this particular therapist who's currently working on creating a schedule for Vivian to come visit you often and you two have your sessions bi-weekly." Doc states and Nikki rolls his jaw, looking at me.
"Is this what you really want? Your husband gone for weeks on end until some quack gives me a certificate and a gold star because I went 'X' amount of time without shooting up?" He harshly questions me and I rub my lips together.
I think of the reasons Nikki didn't spend more than three days in rehab the first time he went, was because A.) He refused to believe in a higher power, and B.) He didn't go to rehab because he knew he had a problem and wanted to get better, he went to rehab to appease the people around him because he felt we were twisting his arm until he gave up and cried "mercy" a.k.a "fine I'll go, just as long as you shut the fuck up and get off my back about it."
I look at him for a moment, studying his knotted hair, his yellow skin, his shot eyes, his weak appearance, before saying:
"I'd rather you hate me for a little while for getting you help, instead of waking up and trying to convince myself to continue to live in a world with no Nikki Sixx in it."
"We're not indestructible, Nikki." Tansy adds softly, knowing very well she and he both need help.
He doesn't say anything else.
She had Doc and I convinced she wanted help...but truth be told Nikki actually went to rehab while Tansy had Duff come get her from Doc's house.
She knew she had a severe problem, but the only time Tansy would "clean up" was when she gave her veins a break, out of fear of completely losing them, and was muscling smack. She would fall back on pills and lots of booze, then when some of her veins would start reviving themselves back from their smaller size, she would start up again.
I can't even say how much money she and her mother were paying people to keep quiet to the media. 
Nobody could know perfect Tansy Lyn, Playboy's Barbie Doll, was so broken inside that she repeatedly destroyed her body, let it rebuild, and wrecked it again. 
It must have been a punch in the face to her mom when Tansy came clean in '88 and admitted she had struggled with addiction and was going into rehab...and an even harder punch in the face when she came back in into the spotlight in 1989, dropping her stage name "Tansy Lyn" and dawning "Tansalyn Rose" after marrying Axl, and practically confessed every grimy detail of her obsession with hard drugs and alcohol since 1981, and why she started them to cope with what was happening behind the scenes of the brutal modeling industry. 
In 1990, her vision-come-to-life, "I Won't Just Smile", was born. It started as a campaign to raise awareness against sexual abuse, exploitation, and coercion in all corners of the modelling industry, then stemmed into an organization that offered free services to victims of addiction and abuse, from rehab to post-assault counseling and everything in between.
Years of Diane's hard work to create her daughter's untouchable persona, completely shattered.
I was just thrilled Tansy had turned her struggles around and used them to help others, but first, she would have to face a handful of overdoses, one of which nearly killed her, have a section of her liver cut out, and have a temporary pace-maker.
All of it just made Axl more strict about drugs. Not just for the sake of the band and the fans, but he was afraid some members of Guns in particular would pull Tansy back into the merry-go-round of addiction after she got clean.
"You're telling me I can't stay with him and Tansy?" I ask Doc harshly in a whisper once the four of us get to his house.
"You won't want to stay, Viv. I'm telling you, they're gonna pull out all the stops to get you to cave and get them some smack because they'll be in so much pain. I don't want you to see them like that and I don't want you to compromise their recovery." He explains.
"You think I would do that?!"
"I know you would if it came down to it." He states and I roll my jaw. "This isn't just little flu symptoms and some body aches. They will feel like they are going to die, they will look like they are going to die and I cannot trust you not to give in." His brutal honesty. "You'll be able to see them in about a week, they'll be better by then and then we can look at the next step. Got it?"
I just glare at him.
"Go kiss 'em 'bye' and fuck off." He says next, waving his hand at me dismissively as he goes to my car to grab Nikki's bag and his car to grab Tansy's.
I step back into the living room to tell them 'bye' but stop myself, deciding it's better to let Doc deal with Nikki's pissed off temper when he discovers I won't be staying with them.
Grabbing my car keys from the table by the door, I head the house.
When I get back to our house, I check the machine that's blinking a light to signal a missed call.
I go to the kitchen and get a glass of water as Slash's voice slurs through the speaker.
"H-Hey, Viv, um...uh...we..." I chuckle at his incoherent mumbling and step to the phone to call him back as another message starts playing where his left off.
"Viv," It's Duff. "Call us back as soon as you can."
I furrow my brows a little, about to dial them back until yet another message comes on.
"Viv, we got signed!" Steven's screaming has me dropping my water and the phone, joy coursing through the soles of my feet up to my hair, and I'm running around and screaming along with his recorded message loudly blaring his own excitement.
I run back to the phone and pick it up, dialing their apartment.
"We got signed!" Steven's voice is shouting at me before the phone even rings a single ring.
"When?! How?! By who?!" I say back.
"We'll tell you over dinner because guess who got $7,500 cash advances?! The same mother fuckers who've been stealing from strippers to get by, that's who!" He exclaims.
"Yeah, don't ever tell people you guys did that!" I say in the same tone. "Lemme change and I'll be over there, okay?"
"Okay." He replies, and I can just hear his smile through the phone.
I hang up and give one last scream of happiness before sprinting to get changed and leave.
Tom Zutaut, the same man responsible for giving Mötley Crüe their shot, had given the same shot to Guns N' Roses.
They had signed to Geffen Records, and although that was their second goal--the first was getting a band together--they knew the main goal was to release their first album, and hopefully, have it a success.
Before I can even knock on the door, it's swinging open and Steven's like a puppy, jumping around, waiting on me by the door.
I hug him tightly, trying to keep myself from crying with immense relief that they're one step closer--a giant step closer--to their dream.
When we pull away from each other, Duff holds his hand up for me to give him a high-five and I do, his fingers locking with my hand to pull me into a hug and I'm sandwiched between him and Steven momentarily.
A flash catches my eye and we pull away from each other to see a girl with short, blonde hair, that I've never seen before, holding a camera.
"That's gonna be a good one." She tells us, smiling at Duff as the Polaroid deposits.
Mandy Brixx, member of the punk band, Lotus Lame and The Lame Flames, was a cute girl with bleach blonde hair, beautiful brown eyes and a captivating smile...and was also Duff's first wife.
Mandy wasn't perfect, but she didn't disown Duff after he told her he had gotten me pregnant.
Even though he didn't cheat on her with me, and they had been broken up for about six months when he and I got involved, I know it hurt her knowing he had hooked up with the woman she was sure she didn't have to worry about when they dated. They ended up getting back together in 1988 and got married the same year.
They divorced two years later because something just "changed" and neither of them were happy, but I've always respected her because she was really good to Monroe.
His second wife, however, was crazier than a run over dog because she was always on something.
The last time I saw her in 1993, she had said something crass and rude to Tansy and before Tansy could reply, I was asking Linda, "were you born a cunt or does the crack just bring it out of you?"
She swung on me and I swung back. Except when I throw a punch, I make sure it lands.
Maybe she would've actually hit me if her equilibrium weren't as fried as her brain.
I would've kicked her ass if Duff and Matt Sorum hadn't pulled me off of her.
I hope she got her shit together after they divorced in 1995.
I guess bass players and crack-head models go hand-in-hand...
"Viv, this is my girlfriend, Mandy." Duff introduces me. "Mandy, this is my best friend, Viv."
"Hi, it's good to finally meet you." Mandy tells me with a gentle smile and I extend my hand to her.
"You, too." I reply as she takes my hand in her's, my eyes subtly flickering to Duff now that he's standing beside her, silently asking him when the hell he was going to tell me about his girlfriend.
"I'll tell you later." He mouths to me where she can't see and I just keep smiling as she strikes up conversation with me.
Once we get to the Rainbow, Steven and I are a few steps in front of Duff and Mandy, the blonde drummer letting out a little sigh.
"What is it?" I ask, nudging him.
"Just worried about Tansy." He admits, and I raise my brows. "It's not like that, Viv, I swear." He promises. "She's a cool person, is all. I wish she was here to celebrate this with us."
"I'm sure she'll be thrilled to hear about it when you're allowed to go visit her in rehab." I remind him. "Where's the guys?" I ask next as we step into the Rainbow.
"Slash is hanging out with this chick he met a couple weeks ago, Izzy's with his girl friend and I don't know where Axl is." He tells me and I nod. "So it's just a double date for us tonight." He grins widely, winking at me slickly.
After hours of just goofing off, talking, eating and demonstrating our celebration of Guns' stepping stone, Mandy's calling it a night.
"I'll call you later, Duff." She says to him as she grabs her jacket and he stands up to let her scoot out of the booth.
"Sounds good, babe." He replies, kissing her cheek.
"It was really nice to meet you." She tells me.
"It was nice to meet you, too." I reply.
"Bye." She smiles one last time at Duff, waving to Steven before leaving.
"When did you me--"
"Viv, lemme out." Steven interrupts me and I furrow my brows.
"Lemme out, there's a hot girl at the bar and she just waved me over. I wanna get laid. Lemme out." He pleads and I roll my eyes and scoot out so he can stand up.
He does so, heading straight to the bar to try his luck with a beautiful brunette.
And then there were two.
"You were saying?" Duff chuckles out when Steven's gone and I smile a little.
"When did you and Mandy meet?" I ask him and he lets out a breath of cigarette smoke.
"Uh, a month ago, maybe? She gave me her number and I went back and forth with myself until I convinced myself to call her." He explains. "We spent the weekend together so I guess we get along pretty good. She's a great girl."
"She seems nice." I tell him, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.
"Yeah, she is." He agrees, taking another drag of his cigarette.
I take a sip of my water and sit in the silence that falls over us before noticing he's staring at me.
"What?" I ask him.
"You wanna go somewhere with me?" He offers, putting his cigarette out.
"C'mon." He stands up, nodding to the door.
"But Steven--"
"--Is about to go mess around with that girl in the bathroom. He's not gonna be mad if we leave him." He adds. "C'mon, you'll like where we go."
"If you say so." I shrug.
He pays the bill and the two of us head back to their apartment so he can get his car.
I know I should have been at home by the phone, waiting for a call from Doc or Nikki or Tansy, but it was pointless to sit at home and worry when I couldn't do anything about it anyway.
When we get to where we're going, Duff is parking his car in the lot of an abandoned building, and I glance around to see there's not much traffic around us.
"Is this the part where you murder me?" I ask him and he busts out in laughter, shaking his head.
"This is where Mandy and her band rehearses." He explains.
"Why're we here?"
"I picked her up here the other day and noticed something you might like." He gets out the car and opens his trunk, pulling out a shopping bag.
"Duff..." I say, uneasy as we approach the rusted door.
"Shh, I got it." He digs in his jacket pocket and plucks out a worn key, unlocking the dead bolt and the door knob.
I follow him inside, and he switches on a light switch, only one light beam in the ceiling comes on, and in the large, dim room, I see a large mirrored wall, sleek but worn out wood floors, and I turn to see Duff holding out a brand new pair of pointe shoes to me.
I wasn't going to tell him I'd gone so long without dancing that I'd have to work my way back up to dancing on pointe, because he'd spent money for the shoes and they looked to be around my size and I didn't want to know how observant he had to be to estimate my shoe size in terms of ballet...so I did something I was really good at doing at that time in my life.
I kept myself from crying.
I knew Duff was going to be a constant encourager in my life when he held those shoes out to me and so easily, so confidently, said:
"You've supported and helped me get into my groove of things to start accomplishing my dream. Now, I'm helping you get back into your's."
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ultraclops · 4 years
Semi-Live Blogging: Finale Time!
With reaction images this time!
Adorabat's practicing her screaming! Bet that's gonna come in handy later.
"Fneh!" Wow what an introduction Eugene
His design is like? Really cool?? He looks practically nothing like Adorabat tho. And why does he have a spade on his stomach instead of a heart??
Badgerclops drew him with a giant ass mustache lol.
Adorabat takes banjo lessons? More importantly, Eugene thought she was at a banjo lesson FOR 8 MONTHS?!
"She scares me" lol
Adorabat ran away from home? Why?
"I thought you were a ward of the state!" Remember when everyone thought Adorabat was an orphan? Yea.
"I thought you were my conscience!" Badgerclops...you've lived with Adorabat for a year...went to her school...AND YOU THOUGHT SHE WAS A PIECE OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS?!
...why did Badgerclops use Adorabat as monster bait...
I expected to hate Eugene but he's actually really cute and interesting?? Aside from the fact he thinks Mao Mao & Badgerclops are criminals. Love to see him again sometime!
Wow her dad has a whole badass mansion!! Why doesn't she just stay there...
Oh...her mom died...that's why he's so protective of her and was so upset when she left. Also her mom looks amazing & I wanna see a flashback episode with her. For some reason I can imagine her sounding like a deeper version of Scoops?
Aww Adorabat's room is super cool! Also Eugene cracking the door for her asfgjkl
"Do you think that monsters attacking the city are gonna - wait, does that have peanut butter in it? " (Cuts to MM & BC eating ice cream while crying) That's a perfectly rational reaction to losing your adoptive daughter
"I can keep it together!" (Cut to Mao Mao trying and failing to shovel ice cream in his mouth with his helmet on) NSADGEDHAMADH
Wait a second. Mao's eating mint chocolate chip ice cream. ISN'T CHOCOLATE TOXIC TO CATS?!
"But you said I was part of the team!!" "Then you're...off the team."
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Adorabat crying while showing Eugene the picture OUCH MY HEART...
"I used to go exploring in those caves with Mom all the time..." I'm guessing those are the caves from the promo?
"She wasn't afraid of anything!" " Well Adorabat definitely takes after her mother...
"And then one day, Sonara didn't come back with you." Ooh her name's Sonara!! Pretty!! I can't tell if they chose it cuz it sounds like Sonar or because it means "pleasant sounding"
Glad to see Adorabat's still a die-hard metal fan, even with Eugene
Oof Mao isn't taking this well at ALL if he's pretending Adorabat's molt is her...
Ooh there's Sonara's looking glass, bet that's gonna be important
Yay Adorabat saved her dad!
Damn Adorabat must be super traumatized after basically watching her mother die. No wonder she tried to murder Boba-Chan!
Oh the only way to stop the monster is by screaming!
(Mao Mao hears Adorabat scream) "ADORABAT?!" ADOPTIVE DAD POWERS ACTIVATE
Ooh her mother's figure appears over her when she says she's not afraid of anyone...maybe her spirit's inside of her or something?
Eugene & Adorabat both apologized to each other I...
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"You can't just leave without the most fearless member of the group!" YAAY ADORABAT'S BACK (Also how are we gonna explain to Eugene Adorabat's scared of the dark?)
"I'll mess 'em up real good! So good, their mommies and daddies won't be able to recognize them when I'm done..." Daaammmnnn...
"She scares me :)"
I wonder...is Sonara really dead? Or are they gonna pull a Kipo & have her still be alive but in a different form?
Badge-A-Fire explosion
Uhh...where is Badgerclops? And why is Mao Mao on the top bunk?!
Of course Badgerclops is petty enough to install a fake monster alarm on his laptop to wake Mao Mao and Adorabat up.
"This is a super-serious work meeting, as you can see by the fact that I haven't provided any snacks!" No snacks?! This must be a serious issue!! /s
"As you know, I am a creative genius. Sometimes there's so much natural creative genius that my brain overloads, and I enter a heightened state that I call 'Ultra Focus'..." Oh so basically like hyperfixation?
"...where I break into a creative sprint, inventing super-advanced technology at supernatural speeds, unparalleled by anyone in the entire field of science." Okay maybe only a LITTLE bit like hyperfixation...wait a second, IS THAT WHY BADGERCLOPS IS SO TIRED ALL THE TIME?!
Uhh did he get his arm stuck in the front door? HE TOOK THE AEROCYCLE?!
"...I forget everything the next morning." Remember my headcanon that Badgerclops represses his memories? Yea...
"Which is why it's not my fault and I don't think I should be criticized :D" TBH I screamed with laughter at this scene solely because of the expression he made
...HE GAVE THE SKY PIRATES THE GEM CELL?! I mean he clearly wasn't thinking right when he did it BUT STILL?!
"Oh hey, I told you I'd use that weird elevator thing!" Dude you LITERALLY used it in Ultraclops. What are you talking about.
"If the Sky Pirates had the Gem Cell, they would've used it already!" That is a fair point ngl.
Umm...did Badgerclops give Adorabat a BOMB?!
Tbh if my friend woke me up in the middle of the night with weird-looking eyes and handed me a timer while saying something about an explosion I would DEFINITELY not go back to sleep afterwards...
Mao wiping Badgerclops' tears I'm
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A paper towel dispenser? Well that's not that bad - IS THAT A GIANT PAIR OF PANTS?!
Ooh it's not a shock collar it's a translator!! That makes a bit more sense... "I HAVE NO REMORSE OR CONCEPT OF EMPATHY!" ...if the monster doesn't have remorse or empathy how does it know what those words mean...
Badgerclops keeps telling Mao Mao & Adorabat not to criticize him...hmm...I wonder who criticized his inventions that made him that way...*cough* HIS MOM *cough*
"Are all your inventions this weird?!" "YOU'RE WEIRD!!"
What in the absolute hell is going on dgaadhdagdadga
Okay but when Badgerclops clutched his head and started shaking when Mao Mao asked why he made those things...I FELT THAT IN MY HEART I FELT THAT IN MY SOUL
Ngl this scene really hit home for me cuz that's how I act when I have a breakdown...
The timer went off but nothing blew up - WAIT, IS THAT A REPLICA OF MECHA HOSSORAFFASNAKEARANG?!
"Initializing Totally Humane Knockout Procedure." (Proceeds to slam the Sheriff's Dept. into the ground) ajdajdgdad
Ooh...ohh they're on some sort of water park...ride...thing??
"And if I didn't want us to get out, then I made sure we couldn't...with super-strong shoe things." But there isn't any on Adorabat, can't she just squeeze herself out?
Ooh I'm getting Pirates of the Caribbean vibes
There's the Gem Cell, it must be powering the ride! Also the robotic arm slaps Mao's hand the same way Mao slaps Badgerclops' hand in Flyaway skkkk
"My amazing creativity is finally gonna destroy us all..." "Hey, at least we'll be destroyed together!" Fair point, fair point
The shoosh returneth
"I always loved inventing." So he was an inventor ever since he was little? Daww.
YOUNG BC IS SO ADORABLE!! He has a lil medical patch instead of an eyepatch which is def more accurate to real life...but what's the vest for? Protection in case he falls? A pressure stim?
That figure's def his mom since they rejected his ideas & he mentions she was mean to him. Also the theory that his mom's a villain seems a bit stronger since they straight-up hand him a tool kid + a set of blueprints with no regard to his safety...
"Also there was a bunch of other kids at school and some other people throughout my life who mocked me relentlessly." THEN WHY'D YOU TELL ADORABAT YOU COULDN'T RELATE TO HER WHEN SHE SAID NO ONE WANTED TO BE HER FRIEND?! (Also I noticed literally all the kids are other badgers, so I'm assuming Badgerclops grew up sheltered like Mao Mao did.)
So the Ultra Focus is basically a really weird coping mechanism to deal with all the abuse and bullying he went through? Holy fuckkk
"They only made fun of you because they were jealous. Happened to me my whole life!" Umm...
"Even the dance chip I surgically implanted in your brain?" Excuse me the dance chip that you WHAT
"I love you-" HE SAID IT 💗💓💗💓
"I'm finally around people who love and understand me..."
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Wait did the cannon misfire? DID IT BLOW A HOLE IN THE GROUND?!
"Take it away, Boss Hosstritch!" (Distorted garbling)
Oof Mao caught all the water
"We hope you all enjoyed being Badgerclops' friend." 💞💕💞💕
Not that anyone cares but I noticed there's a picture of some of the Sweetypies on the monitors, meaning 1. Badgerclops tested it out using them first, or 2. Badgerclops just likes those Sweetypies for whatever reason. Tho that makes me wonder why he'd choose Pinky of all people...
Zing Your Heart Out
Why are they giving out rotten sushi??
Ooh god Chester's gonna be super freaking annoying in this episode, I can feel it.
"What's blue and smells like red paint? Blue paint!" BAYBEY
Jesus what a prick. GET HIM MAO MAO
Ngl that background's really pretty...
Oooh no the Ruby Pure Heart's being weird again. Ooh no.
FUCK YEA ROAST HIM BABY - Did Adorabat's eyes turn purple because the Ruby Pure Heart gave her powers?
Oh so the siren in Badgerclops' robo-arm is a backup monster alarm?
More Sky Pirates - and the Pure Heart's being weird again...
"I'd tell you but despite your height it'd go right over your HEAD!" Asdfgghjjk
"For someone with two brains, you're not very BRIGHT!" EVEN BETTER
Kevin said he was raising money for a school trip, then for a trip to the hospital...which one is he raising money for?!
"One second, I'm getting mad, and the next thing you know-" Is she freaking possessed??
Wait, is the Pure Heart TALKING to Adorabat?! How?!
Cluckins you don't ask people what's wrong with their eyeballs...even if there is something wrong with their eyeballs
The pure 'oh shit' on Marion's face when Adorabat turns to her
Half of the people she insulted showed up to her party! Didn't that mean she loved them?!
Oh god not this bitch again - nvm, thanks Adorabat
"Taking over the castle and ruling Pure Heart Valley forever does sound nice..." This is starting to remind me of that one AU where Adorabat turns evil, becomes the ruler of the Sky Pirates, then convinces them to kill Snugglemagne and becomes the queen of Pure Heart...she isn't gonna kill Snugglemagne, is she?
What did Adorabat tell Snugglemagne?! I WANNA KNO
Why is Pinky stealing teeth...reminds me of this
"I...hate myself! Therefore, I'm invincible!" So the trick to not getting your ego destroyed...is to not have an ego. Sounds reasonable.
"Your bug platter, my king?" Genderfluid Adorabat rights
"Mao Mao, your head looks like a CROW!" (Mao Mao caws) IT WAS A LIE HE ISN'T A CAT HE WAS A CROW THIS WHOLE TIME-
"It looks like a half-melted ice cream cone!!" That is...a strange way to describe your own neck...
"Well, I'm...bad (◡‿◡)" Kinda weird that the canonically depressed character can't even cleverly insult himself
...why does Adorabat's skin smell like old cantaloupe
Positivity outweighs negativity!
"WHERE DOES A 800 POUND GORILLA SIT?!" "Where ever it wants!◝(⁰▿⁰)◜" Curse you for making me laugh...
OOH NO THE JOKEBOOK! - Wait nvm Mao remembers Adorabat's jokes!
I think the reason they used that joke is because it represents Mao Mao and Adorabat - Adorabat is blue, and she wants to be like Mao Mao, who wears red. What is BLUE, and smells like (is similar to) RED paint?
YAAAY HE BROKE HER FREE FROM MIND CONTROL!! And did BC get Thanos snapped in the background?
"Thank goodness you're alright! We almost..." Fucking murdered you? Yea
"Might we have our crown and kingdom back, yes?"
"Sorry for being such a monster today." "You're a monster everyday." Is that a joke because she was today's villain, a reference to Sleeper Sofa or foreshadowing?
I hope Mao Mao and Badgerclops decide to investigate what's up with the Heart in Season Two, cause I highly doubt they'll let Adorabat getting fucking possessed go under the radar.
The visual gag of Mao trying to stomp out his ice cream cone like a cigarette is perfect. This is peak comedy everyone else go home
Strange Bedfellows
"So, your name is Boss Hosstrich, but you're not actually the boss?" How long did it take him to realize that
JFC Mao & Orangusnake are REALLY hellbent on killing each other huh...at least the deputies and the other Sky Pirates have common sense.
Hahaha nice Dragon Ball Z reference - and they both got crushed by the monster! Lovely.
...did Mao seriously think he died and went to heaven?
So does Orangusnake breathe through Tanner or do they both breathe independently & Coby can feel when Tanner can't?
Dang those skeletons remind me of the Steven Universe Future episode Growing Pains. And why is Lucky inside of Orangusnake? "THAT WAS MY LUNCH, JERK!" Ooh that's why.
"They're full of these tiny, little cracks or, as they're known in the medical field, 'whoopsie-boo-boos'." AGSADGASGADGDASG
Damn their skeletons are just gonna freaking evaporate huh...
"The doctor said I was very brave :D"
Ooh shit the Deputies and the other Sky Pirates met at the same elevator, are they gonna fight - nevermind, they're still calling time.
"You don't have the guts!" "I have a million guts." That is...mildly concerning
"Yeah, I wanted to be a baker, before I realized I liked hurting people so much." Then why doesn't she just like, help Muffins or something?
Tbh I thought Ratarang was holding a gun and I'm glad it was just a weirdly wrapped banana
"Aww, y'all shouldn't have - this is empty." "Just like my heart when you injure yourself!!" He loves him sm...💓💓
"Why didn't you bring me weapons?!" "Because this is a hospital, and I'm a good boy (◡‿◡ )"
"I really feel like this could be a turning point in their relationship." (Mao and Orangusnake proceed to try and kill each other again) *sigh*
Ngl Mao & Orangusnake constantly repeating themselves is getting super annoying.
That hospital bed beeping is giving me flashbacks to all the times I went to the hospital for seizures...
"You know y'all could live like this, like, all the time if you didn't go around hurting people, right?" "Pssh! Tsk-tsk, boy. You know I gots to hurt people." Uhh you guys should really listen to Badgerclops he knows what tf he's talking about
UUhh, whose egg is that? "MAMA" ASGagddahDh
Of course they had to land in freaking CEMENT to realize that maybe they shouldn't kill each other
Did Mao just deflate like a ballo- oh nvm there he go.
Boneless Mao. Boneless Mao.
And Mao saved Orangusnake!! By...breaking every bone in his body somehow.
"I'm the kind of hero who wants to save you so I can fight you later...at the right time and place." Just gonna file this along with the credit score scene from Perfect Couple in the 'Orangumao' folder.
Is Badgerclops duct taping Mao to the stretcher? I mean, at least he won't move & hurt himself again but geez
Tbh Zing would’ve made a better finale than this ep. At least it had a sequel hook
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imaginationkonoha · 5 years
Naruto and Hinata's Wedding (part 1)
This is long fic, and it's not necessarily about Naruto or Hinata, but about what happened behind the scenes of their marriage. Stories don't count, come with me to a new world of possibilities.
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I was lying on a hill, watching the clouds pass slowly, reflecting on my life. My parents died fighting Kyuubi 17 years ago, I was a year my aunt, and at seven was already living alone. I sat among the flowers, looked down, seeing how beautiful the village looked in the spring. Everything was so perfect. I was happy, right? 17 years old graduated as a leaf row jounning with a beautiful house and friends. Was everything in order so why was I questioning myself so much? I took a deep breath and decided to go home. I went down the hill, meeting Naruto, Hinata and Neji. The first two were already holding hands and I smiled to learn that within two months the two would get married. Sakura had even told me that she thought the reason for the sudden marriage was a baby, but I ignored it, it was none of my business. All but were getting married or dating, I think that was my problem. Ino and Sai got together, Sakura stayed with Sasuke after all, Rock Lee found a wonderful girl in another village and now they both live here, Gaara was still Gaara. I always doubted that Neji and Tenten had anything other than Shikamaru and Temari that confirmed me. It was complicated.
"What's up Y / N-chan, what are you doing here?" Naruto asked excitedly and I smiled, even as the fox sealed inside, I was never afraid of him and was always his friend. Neji looked at the camera in my hands, I had a hobby, I loved taking pictures, but it was something I didn't share.
"Just thinking and taking some pictures," I said with a shrug. Hinata looked at me with bright eyes
“Could you do a rehearsal of ours?” She asked so excitedly that I had to pity deny it.
"My job is not that good," I said, scratching the back of my neck.
"For oneesan, you're perfect in the photos," declared Naruto and I wanted to kill him right there.
"I bet it will be beautiful too," Neji added and I gave them a smile.
"Well, I can think of some ideas, if you want to discuss, we can go to my house Hinata" I said and she agreed, giving her boyfriend a kiss and a hug on Neji. "You won't go, it's gonna be a girls time"
Before they could both complain, the brunette pulled me laughing. I really liked the woman, lost count of how many times I told her if she says now Naruto and how many times I hit that idiot's head for running after Sakura who clearly was an idiot who didn't want him. After much trying, fate made them stay together.
And I was glad that, as Naruto's best friend, I always wanted the best. I arrived at my house, opened my computer and we started researching some things.
"My wedding is going to have a dance and I want everyone dancing." She talked excited and I smiled, her animation was cute.
"Cool, this dance will be both of you and this one with the guests." I spoke showing some pictures.
"We can do some rehearsals at the tip, hill and even in the forest" I kept showing some examples and even places that I had already photographed.
"Your photos are great, I didn't know you had that talent"
"I love hiding things from people"
“Like you hid from me who kissed Naruto?” He asked laughing and I widened my eyes.
"Hinata, we were kids and were jealous of people who had boyfriends," I said quickly and she burst out laughing.
"I know everything, you told me that drunk, without any context, so I asked Naruto who explained things to me"
"I need to stop drinking so much, these days I woke up in my underwear lying on my porch," I grumbled and she laughed harder. I got up to make our food since the day was already night. My friend accompanied me, I looked at my fridge and decided to make a basic spaghetti.
"Do you cut the tomatoes?" I asked putting them on the table, took the onion and began to chop. In the middle of the onion I was already in tears. I heard the bell and Hinata went to open since it was probably her boyfriend, which was very strange Naruto knock on the door, he would just open since sometimes he sleeps here. Neji was the first to come in the moment I put the onions on the fire, he came towards me with a worried look.
“Are you ok?” He asked placing his hand on my shoulder. I smiled at him and confirmed, I thought his behavior was cute.
"It was just the onions, I'm really always caught by them" I answered the question he should be asking himself. I wiped my eye with my dirty hand and cursed myself automatically. How was I so injured? Neji laughed and wet the cloth beside me to help me.
"You guys are cute together" Naruto started, Hinata hit him. I saw Neji is slightly embarrassed and I felt bad for him.
"Naruto, if you continuing to disturb us, I will tell Hinata all the nonsense you did in childhood, and when I say everything I talk about all the things dattebayo!" I roared and he widened his eyes making us laugh. After Neji helped me, I put the noodles to cool while making the sauce. I glanced over at my office where I saw the lovers embracing, giving each other cute smiles. I smiled at the scene but needed someone to help me.
"Neji-chan" I called him and he looked at me, waiting for me to finish my sentence. "Could you cut those spring onions there? And some parsley?"
"Sure, small or medium?"
"Small" I answered and he agreed.
"Have you decided where the wedding photos will be?"
"In a lot of places, I actually need to see what I need to bring because besides the lenses, there will be places I need to carry light." I spoke thinking with my hand on my chin, one of the caves I showed Hinata was this case, however much it was day, the light was not enough for the picture to look good.
"I help you take things, I'm always here to help you"
I looked surprised at the man now in front of me, Neji was chosen as Jounning before any of our group, his skills are exceptional. I smiled at his willingness to help me, he handed me the extra cut and I added it to the sauce, asked him to get the pasta and it helped me pouring slowly. Less than 10 minutes, our food was ready. It smelled so good that I wanted to eat before I even turned off the pan.
"You call the lovebirds," I said and he scowled.
"We eat, when they feel hungry, they will come." He answered by making me laugh, it turned out that we didn't have to call, as they both came by the smell of the food.
"Sorry for leaving y/n-san," said Hinata with red cheeks.
"I don't care, Neji was a better company than you," I said, showing her tongue to her who laughed. How mature I was. We sat at my table and appreciated it. I ate calmly, savoring the divine sauce.
"I love your noodles so much," Naruto said with his mouth full and I glared at him. "Seriously oneechan, your noodles are the best ever," he continued and I laughed.
"I agree with him, it's even better than my clan chief's," said Hinata with her mouth full as well.
"then Naruto is changing you" I said in a crying voice and Neji laughed as they both looked at me with a straight face. We finished eating and I gathered things to wash.
"I will wash y/n-san" Hinata said and I denied it.
"You can date, I know you're out of time because of Naruto's studies" my friend looked at me and smiled, just like my idiot brother.
They both came back to the room and I felt like that aunt who is hiding her niece's dating. I laughed at my thought and realized that Neji was looking at me.
"I'll help you," he said and went to the edge of the sink. He started washing the dishes and me drying them. We commented a few things, Neji was a very nice guy, we always got along but there was a day that Tenten went crazy and I decided to walk away, not to cause any problems for them.
"You could pin my hair, it's falling on my face." He said and I looked, as he was without the bandana, really had a strand on his face. I grabbed a clothespin I'd tossed into the closet and pinned his hair back in a ponytail.
"I hate the fact that your hair is more hydrated than mine," I said, returning to my dishwasher position.
"I really only pass some creams I buy, no big deal."
"This is even worse Neji, you don't even have to work hard," I said and he laughed, patted him with my cloth lightly. I missed him at those times, and even on missions. We finished the dishes quickly and went into the living room, finding the most ridiculous couple in the world.
"So good that you came back, we need to talk to you both" Hinata said making me frown, what the hell were those two wanting from us?
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lovemecharlie · 6 years
Three Months In.
This takes place after Good Luck, Charlie. We're plugging in the holes and continuing this story line, giving you the aftermath.
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The news spread like wildfire. Charlie was pregnant and now everyone in the house knew although Charlie didn't look much bigger than usual. What they didn't know, was how far long and by who.
"She can do a paternity test while you're still pregnant and we could figure all of this out together as a unit," Hennessy reasoned in favor of Charlie seeing the family physician. Charlie heard every word, but Erik's threat was louder in her ear.
“I won’t kill that nigga. Simply because if it is his baby I wouldn’t forgive myself if the kid grew up without a father. I know that hurt. If it’s mine he’s dying though.”
Those were Erik's exact words when he'd shown up at her job to bring her back. He'd accepted the possibility of the child not being his and the possible involvement of another father figure in the household, although Charlie wouldn't disrespect him like that by bringing another nigga in there on principle. However, his murderous threat was very real and Charlie worried that if the baby was his, he'd kill Trevante.
Trevante had done nothing wrong. He was a good and patient distraction during a rough point in her life. Erik should be thanking him if anything for keeping her company and laughing with her after he'd broken her heart. In Charlie's mind, Erik could blame himself.. not Trevante. She'd told him as much. He didn't want to hear it, but he listened. Since Charlie had been back, Erik's ear was open and focused on her vocal chords whether he liked what she had to say or not. Every word she spoke or even mumbled under her breath, he heard. He stayed so close to her, she started to wonder if he could read her thoughts.
"What you thinking about, Cha?" She'd felt him staring at her and now his hand landed gently on her shoulder as she sprinkled cheese on her homemade pizza crust. This was him being attentive.
If you touch Trevante, N'Jadaka, I swear on this marriage and your left testicle... Don't. Do not.
"I'm just thinking.. about this pizza," she said flippantly with no expression, but his digging eyes knew different.
"Communication is our issue, Charlie. You know every fucking thing about me. I know every fucking thing about you. Yet somehow, I can't get into this one part of your mind, it's like you got it locked away and that's that unpredictable part that will misunderstand me one day and up and leave. You won't say shit, you'll just disappear one day and then I'm a be wondering what I did wrong for the next ten years."
"Sounds familiar. I feel like I'm stepping over landmines emotionally with you sometimes, like I gotta reign myself in. I'm a heavy lover, Erik. Still waters run deep. You don't always feel me and that's what I need. I crave it like I crave sweets on my period or like you crave pussy."
"I can be that for you, you just gotta be patient with me and talk to me like you doing now. I'll get it down.. just like you need it, just work with me and don't give up." His arms wrapped around her from behind.
"I wouldn't have come back if I planned to give up. I plan to make this marriage work and communicate with you the way I've learned that I need to, so you gotta be patient with me too."
"I'm patient," he nodded with a kiss on her neck. "How's the baby?" He rubbed her stomach in her simple olive green dress and she nodded. He hadn't told her to get tested, but she wasn't dumb, she knew him like she knew herself and he wanted to know badly if he was the father. She could see the question written on his forehead, he was that transparent. She wouldn't even see a physician because then they'd know exactly how far along she was and Erik would find out the truth based on the dates, she was convinced he would.
She already knew who the father was without a doubt. Trevante knew who the father was too, she didn't have to tell him.
She walked over to the refrigerator. "I'm gonna bake this pizza from scratch since I'm back in this obscenely large mansion and it has a pizza oven. What toppings do you want this time?"
"Pepperoni. Your titties bigger..." Charlie kept her eyes on the food unsure of where he'd lead the conversation. He'd been trying to fuck since she got back, but she was scared he'd hit it a bit too well.. make her confess her secrets and her sins. "..I didn't think that was possible," he added and she knew he was still staring. "You thickening up all over. You know it's hard for Daddy too keep his hands to himself when you this thick."
"I've just been eating," Charlie deadpanned. Erik's quick gust of silent laughter made her look up. He was leaning on the counter, smiling and it made her pause her actions and smile back. She sighed, her shoulders finally relaxing. "I did miss you, N'Jadaka." She genuinely meant it. As hurt as she was, she'd always loved him and that could never change. "..In all your stupid lil moments," she snickered turning quickly to wait on his comeback to fire.
"Mine?! What about you, Ms. Troublemaker," he yelled playfully, watching her shove the pizza into the oven.
"I have no idea what you're referring to." Her stubborn eyes gave nothing away while his twinkled with humor and she was warmed to know that no matter what they went through in their relationship, they could bounce back and still have fun just like this.
As long as he didn't kill Tre.
"Girl, you're pregnant now. You can't be eating all this junk and empty calories. You're eating for two and some things you just don't need to eat," Hennessy admonished taking Charlie's pint of Rocky Road and replacing it with a big bowl of spinach and tomato salad.
"Don't nobody want no twigs and berries," Charlie grimaced, ultimately caving and accepting the healthier option. She was just hungry.. and all the time. Hennessy had the kitchen staff restock the fridge with healthier choices removing all of the snacks to make things easier. With two pregnant women in the house, one six months along and battling with her health, they needed all the nutrients they could gather.
"I wish we could sneak in and talk to Angel," Charlie said wistfully staring at the salad on her fork. "But Erik has her under lock and key like a prisoner, afraid that anything will be too much. I mean, the girl is physically fragile right now, yes, but she's not fragile fragile. I just wanna see her.. Lay eyes. I've only seen her like once since I've been back and that was when we gave her her gifts."
"You know how stubborn that man is. Once he gets it in his mind that he's right, no one can change his mind."
"She's probably lonely... and what about the nursery? Can't we finish it?"
"No, he's contacting Kristina Rhodes, the interior designer she loves. She'll be okay, it'll be a good surprise for her."
"Yeah, that's true," Charlie agreed stuffing her mouth with more salad as she stood with the bowl. "Someone still needs to pluck that wild hair up Erik's ass though. If Angel weren't going through hell with her pregnancy, she would set him straight."
"Sounds like a mission for King Jade," Hennessy stared. Charlie thought about it. She might be okay to go if she remained in control. He wouldn't get her in his clutches.
"You know, a month ago I'd have been too tired and nauseous, but I've been feeling pretty good lately," Charlie stretched. "You might be right. It has been a while afterall.. I just have to make sure I pee first. I haven't been able to stop."
"That's normal because neither could Angel, but you should still get your check-ups. Even if you don't do the paternity test, we don't need a repeat of this drama or Erik acting any crazier than he already is because if he snaps, I'm scared we'll all be locked in this house and I'll have to hurt him."
"Pfft," Charlie grinned, "I'd poof with Poosy and get medical care elsewhere. After witnessing this bearded nut in action, I refuse."
Charlie stared at the Mischief Managed mug sitting on her desk full of honey and ginger tea. She pinched the bridge of her nose, stressed as Trevante kept insisting and insisting the same thing over and over.
"I don't care, Tre... No," she shrugged. "No, I'm not telling him... Oh well!... Not yet," she reiterated. Trevante kept pushing her to tell Erik and the rest of the kompound the truth and to see a physician to check on her and the baby's health, but Erik's threat was still fresh to her and echoing in her head.
"Stop fuckin worrying about me, Charlie, I'm good. I keep telling you, I'm a grown man and I can handle myself. That baby has a father and you know who it is. Don't make him worry too long... It's his baby too and if I were him I'd wanna know."
Always so level headed. Trevante was a gem and she'd forever be grateful for him. She smirked, picking up her mug. "So, was the pussy worth this drama?" She sipped her tea, imagining his face from her blunt question.
"..Uhhhhhhh..," he paused and she gasped, smiling at the phone. "I'm kidding, hell yeah it was worth it. I wanted you before you knew who I was... but I respect your relationship. As long as you're happy."
As long as you're happy.
"I am," Charlie smiled. There weren't many people, men especially, that she trusted.. and not many people, men especially, would genuinely be happy for a person in Charlie's situation. She was very aware of that fact and she respected him more than she could ever verbally express.
"I've been keeping this big secret because I've been afraid of the fallout, but I don't know. I don't know if I should tell the truth. What do you think, Lady Tigra?" Charlie sat with her legs folded staring at the clouds moving slowly across the sky as the large Bengal and Siberian mixed tiger splashed up from her pond wetting Charlie's loose grey t-shirt and black leggings. She laughed. She wasn't soaked, it was just a splash.
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"Should I do it," Charlie asked as the large feline emerged, circling her to sit beside her before laying down. Charlie rubbed her back, the wet thick hairs a comfort. "You know, they say if you have heartburn it's because your kid has a lot of hair. I wonder if Mini Charlie will be as hairy as us.. That reminds me.. we need a name for this new bundle of joy. I'm thinking Czar if it's a boy.. or D'artagnan, something interesting. Atreyu..."
"And if she's a girl?" Erik's voice came smoothly from behind causing Charlie to look back. She wondered how much he'd heard.
"I'm not sure, I thought of Monaco," she murmured, looking up at him. He sat on her other side, watching the same sky in thoughtful silence.
"I've been thinking Jada.. pretty like her mom."
Charlie smiled, watching him from the corner of her eye. It was a peaceful scene that she wished she could stay in forever.. that moment, wedged between Erik and Tigra, her protectors.. the sun high and the clouds clear.. wind blowing a gentle breeze. She decided it was now or never.
"I like N'Jada.. It has a little bit of both her parents."
There it was. She'd dropped the bomb waiting for it to register.
Erik's eyes widened as he turned to her, his breathing suddenly faster. He searched her eyes intensely grabbing her face and waiting for her to take it back, flinging himself at her when she smiled. She fell on Tigra and rolled trying to crawl as Tigra looked on, Erik's embrace tight and his lips covering her in a barrage of excited kisses. "OKAY," Charlie yelled through tears of laughter. "Tell me you forreal. How you know," Erik rushed not letting her up.
"Condoms, Erik! Lots of condoms. You really thought I'd let some guy nut in me? I barely let you nut in me!.. Now that you know the truth, you better not bother Trevante, let's just both leave him alone."
"Girl ain't nobody thinking bout that nigga, this my kid!" He stood helping her to her feet before grabbing her up in another tight embrace that threatened to break her in half. It was the best news he'd gotten in a while. A long while. Hoisting her up into his arms, he jogged back to the house with her clinging to his torso, her legs around his waist. He burst through the door like the police, causing a ruckus as he yelled to anyone in the house who could hear.
He held Charlie to his body preventing her from jumping down as he continued his loud decree.
"What the hell is wrong with you," Davita came running with Kimora close behind.
"It's my baby," he repeated, his grin stretching from ear to ear.
"Did she get the paternity test?"
"No need, my condom game strong," Charlie sighed. "Plus, I did the math after my last period and this pitbull here was definitely in these guts. It was before I left."
"You didn't think you should say anything before.." Davita wasn't sold.
"I'm just glad it's Erik's," Kimora shrugged with a smirk.
Josephine poofed into the room in a black bra and high-waisted thong, her mouth covered in a black half-mask. "Hrrerrer," she removed the mask that blocked her speech, "What's happening down here?"
Erik finally set Charlie down wrapping his arms around her to show off her stomach. "It's my baby, I'm the father."
"YESSSS," she cheered getting as hype as he was, hugging him. He almost squeezed the life from her too. Charlie noticed Josie's eyes bulge in shock. "O-Okay, calm down!"
He chuckled separating himself and taking off toward the stairs, no doubt to locate and tell everyone else in the house the news as Charlie sighed in relief, a large weight off her shoulders.
@poosypoosy @bastioncarterstevens-udaku @hennessystevens-udaku @itsangeludaku @alyshastevens-udaku @itskimorafireudaku @allhailnjadaka @bidibidibombaclaat @blackpinup22 @destinio1 @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @leahnicole1219 @vikkidc @thehomierobbstark @trevantesbrat
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"What do you think sunlight feels like?"
I look up and see Nina coming through the right hand tunnel entrance, not even saying hello first. That usually means she was deep in thought on her way here again.
"I really don't remember." I tell her, setting down the book I'd been pretending to read.
It was something about the new things they expected to be able to do with machines. I didn't really have a reason to be fond of those stupid things. It's not exactly a picnic, depending on the machines for everyday living. It'd be awfully hard to breathe underground without them, for one thing. And—insert sarcastic tone here—how on earth would ordinary people survive without fucking reading lights. Seriously, with the number of issues that needs addressing, they give us extra lighting in bunkers, of all things?
Personally, I'd rather take my chances with whatever's up there on ground level. If Trey, Kytes, and the others survived...
That's kinda the thing, though. After all these years, I have no way of knowing if they DID survive or WHAT they survived as. The atmosphere was said to do awfully strange things to ordinary people. I miss my little brother, though. And I hope Trey was doing okay, too. He was my best friend growing up after all.
"Do you?"
Nina clicks on the kitchen lamp. It's pretty cramped up in our compartment bunker, so she'd probably do fine with the little reading light I'm using but she looks at it for a moment and sighed. "It's been too long," she says. "I wonder if they even still have sunlight up there. You know, considering all that's happened."
"Oh, they probably do."
I click off the reading light. No need to be careless with the energy we had. No matter how much they wanted us to believe the machines supplied boundless electricity. I couldn't, not with the reason they sent away Kytes and Trey with a whole bunch of other orphans being the worry for lack of resources. Not with Nina working there everyday. We depended on qualified individuals now for our energy supply. As in, people. Humans, to produce energy, if that makes sense as if they were hamsters running repeatedly in wheels for a Science project. It makes me feel queasy just thinking about it. I don't know how Nina can let them. She's a lot braver than I could be, that's for sure. Maybe a lot more reckless, too. Well, Trey was her brother.
He rubbed off on her...
Then again, I haven't even seen the guy the last eight years, so how would I know that? Nina was all I really had left in memory of him and my own brother. You died younger down here than you would when people lived above when it was still up there. Both Nina's parents are gone, mine died in a fire accident years before the radiation up there first hit. My Uncle, who made it possible for me and my brother to still live here whenever they had to send out orphans, died a year after I turned thirteen. Then, in one Release before I turned thirteen, my brother opted to take Nina's place instead because she's been sick that time and she wouldn't have lasted an hour up there even with Trey's help, who had just been ten then. But I never held it against Trey or resent Nina. We knew each other even before all this, Trey was my best friend just as long as Nina was Kytes's. And I would've done the same if it had been Trey.
Although, I laugh at the idea of Kytes staying down here with him. It might be him who had to watch over the damn lummox.
Now with Nina's parents gone and my Uncle passing away, I was old enough to stand as her guardian until she turned thirteen herself next week. Not that it mattered cause she won't be moving out and I'm not kicking her out either. But on the event I died after her birthday, she wouldn't have to be sent away. So now we shared a cramped compartment on a fairly low level, which was good. The lower you are, the farther you are from the dangers of Ground level.
Level 01 had some data gathering stations for researches and old residence cells. They were Orphanages every now and then, until those who weren't adopted were sent out anyway, the cells were used for residence bunkers to the Poor class.
Level 02 to 30 had the residence cells according to social status of the Middle-class. Point blunt.
Level 31 to 35 had the commerce centers, radio stations and whatever establishments that had existed back and is possible to continue down here. There are movie halls, too, but obviously no one makes movies anymore. We watched the films that was brought down here with us during the evacuation. Before I thought it was pretty cool, now I think of how stupid it is. Of all the other important things they could have brought down, they settled for movies. Anyway, those levels are what you can consider the central city, if you can call it that since there are hardly any Skyscrapers anymore. Not that they would've fit down here, anyway.
Level 35 to 49 have residence cells for Elites and Government officials, the Councillors and the Techs with their family, if any. Since Nina is a Machine tech, we are privileged to be in Level 35.
The better people, the Councillors, get Level 37 to 49 according to importance of Office.
I don't really know what Level 50 holds, which is the lowest of the low. But some rumors I heard assumes it's a laboratory of sorts. Still, while we have it good as much as we could down here, I wonder about life in the surface.
"What makes you think so?" Nina snaps me back to reality. That perceptive brown-eyed gaze on me, a startling sense of knowing. "For all we know, it's getting worse up there. There's no way of knowing."
I snort. "No one bothers to check. Even if they did, there's no report. For all we know," I mimick her tone. "everything's back to normal, like in the Disney movie with the Garbage Robot going to outer space. We'd never know it, down here. They think we've got everything but it's all stupid..."
"Thomas," she studies me for a moment. "Are you still planning to go up there?"
I say the same thing everyday, but when have I ever acted on my words? I'm caught in a cycle just like every other moron in this stupid Underground settlement. And I know I'm still afraid to see how much things changed up there even as I'm dying to know at the same time.
"I want to see my brother," I continue. "How he and Trey are doing... If they're still alive, that is."
"Do you think they're still alive?" Nina asks, as if we don't talk about this everyday. Like she expects a different answer or something. It's been years and she still asks. "Well, do you?"
I can't give it to her though, "I don't know, maybe." The first few times she cried. Now, she simply nods.
"When are we going?"
I sigh at her persistence. It's not like it was easy, we can't just walk straight to the guards by the exit of the city and say, Hey we're leaving this dump so later losers! Without being questioned.
"Whenever it seems like a good time."
Naturally, I say this every time she asks. I think she's starting to think that it will never be a good time. I've begun to wonder about that myself. Actually, I want to go and see my brother. I want to go and see Nina's brother. It's tough finding a friend like him. Only Trey's been able to break down the walls I built ever since mom and dad died. He made me play soccer, even when I was never into sports. We'd go wild in the service tunnels, I break a lady's vase and we're both in trouble. Him at the Orphanage and me with my Uncle. But those were the good old days. I want to get back living above the ground, breathing for myself, instead of relying on machines to help me do it and rotting away in a metal cave some thirty feet or so below it. But thinking about something and actually doing it are two different matters.
Nina tilts her head then surprises me a bit by breaking our odd little mantra. Instead of agreeing and starting lunch, she asks a new question. "Thomas, do you think we could leave before the week is up?"
I stare at her in wonder. "Well, sure thing!" I mock-enthuse, "Let me call the guys at the Radio station to reschedule my shift this week. Oh. And have someone replace me as Head Chef for the Wedding Catering next month."
"Thomas," Nina pouts. "I'm being serious."
I'm still surprised but now also curious. "Why the sudden eagerness?"
"I met this girl in work today. Her name was Lindsay Caghan. Do you know her?"
I shake my head. I've never heard the name. But then, that doesn't mean a thing. I use my name when Live on air during Radio broadcasts so there could be a bunch of people who know me without me returning the favor.
"Well, she knows you. She knows you work at the station three days a week and as a chef during the Weekends." Now that's something. I usually stay at the kitchen so no one would guess I'm a Chef but my co-workers. I don't even have lots of friends anymore to be told about to others. Nina sinks slowly into the couch beside me. It was also my bed since I've offered the real bed to her. "I didn't say a word, Thomas. I don't know how she knows, but she does. And that's not the half of it. She knows our desire to leave."
Well, I wouldn't really call it a desire. "So?" I raise a brow. "What can she do? It's not like they'd actually care if we left. They'd be glad for the extra space."
"She doesn't want to stop us, Thomas." Nina explains, halting my instinctive string of defensive cynical arguments. "Far from it actually."
"Then what does she want?"
"You won't like it."
Oh jeez, I had to laugh at that. "There's a lot of things I don't like," I remind her. "I don't like these metal cages they call homes, I don't like those machines that use people as energy sources. And I definitely don't like how they sent our brothers and a whole group of other orphans yearly to the surface as a solution to minimizing shortages and leaving them to deal with whatever dangers the surface has to offer." I threw my arm behind her, mostly to stretch than anything else. "Now tell me, what else am I adding to this very long list?"
"All right," Nina smiles a little. "Lindsay brought up the subject in private. And she had a request for you. There's someone she wants us to take up to the surface when we go."
I stare at her for a second, wondering if she was joking. The expression on her face tells me she's not. "No way, nope. No." I say. I haven't even fully decided whether I, myself, wanted to go. I'm not all for including others. Before long, we'd have a whole army with us. "I do not like that one bit."
Nina rolls her eyes. "I expected as much." She sighs. "I'm not certain who she wants to send with us, but she seemed fairly urgent about it." She tells me, a strange look on her face. She looks like that whenever she's truly serious about something. That can't be good for me. Then there will be no refusing her.
"Urgent how?"
"Well," She hesitates. "she seemed nervous. As if what she's planning is something that could get her in trouble. I think we should at least hear her out."
"Nina," I rub my forehead. "you don't think that the person she wants us to take is herself, do you? If she's run into some kind of trouble with the law..." I don't finish that. I'm not a huge fan of the Councillors, but even I'm not cynical enough to get on their bad side so boldly enough to break the law. "you know I'd rather this doesn't turn into an escape propaganda."
Nina shakes her head, looking thoughtful. "No, I think it's bigger than that. I don't think she's doing this for her own safety. I think she's risking her safety and it's making her scared. But she really seems desperate to have us agree."
"I don't know Nina, it doesn't seem like a very good idea, including others." I hope I can make her see where I'm coming from. She's a teenager now, and I know I am too, but I expect the moodiness of a teenage girl to be something too much to handle. And if I give her a no... Well, just because Nina's never thrown a tantrum doesn't mean she couldn't start now. "we could end up with a lot of company and not all of them welcome."
"I don't think so, Thomas. The way she acted, I think this is a private problem. It was like she didn't want anyone else to know. But she seems pretty concerned. If it's illegal, it's illegal in a good way." she looks at me with bright eyes. "Know what I mean?"
I sigh. No, I really don't but what I do know is that there was no talking her out of this. "You mean some kind of Noble act? Like a Holy crusade or..."
"No, but it'd be something humane. Or she wouldn't bother," Nina retorts. "I think we should listen to her. It's probably important."
I groan, holding my hands up in surrender. "All right," I exhale, giving in, because who can function in the face of that kind of persistence?
Women complicated things. Uncle would always say. And he's right.
Nina had already made up her mind and it's futile to get her to give up. She's Trey's sister all right. "Fine. We'll talk to her. Why don't you try and get her to tell you exactly what she wants from us? I'm not making any promises until I know what we're getting into."
"Thank you, Thomas." Nina gives me a soft smile, the kind that gets just about anyone to do whatever she wants. I'm a victim of that countless of times. "I have a feeling that this is the right thing to do."
But not necessarily the smartest, I think to myself. "Great."
Nina shrugs and smothers a yawn. She's tired. But then again, she's always tired now. Working with machines is a strain. I pretend not to see the dark circles under her eyes, but I think it's wearing on her. That's just one more reason to take her away from this place. I know she's strong enough to handle it but I don't want her to have to.
"Make sure you ask the right questions." I remind her. "I don't want this Lindy girl tricking us to agreeing to more than we want. Be careful."
"It's Lindsay." Nina corrects before smiling. "And I have a better idea than that, Thomas." she says. "how would you like it if I arranged it so that you could meet her?"
"... No."
We argue again, even though I know Nina will eventually get her way nevertheless.
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roxxythebirbrps · 6 years
Damien's Birthday Part 2
Damien: *smiles as she laughs* No, I meant the fact that you're staying in Hogmeade and not heading back home. If you had wanted to celebrate my birthday I would think you'd go for a more interesting age like 30 not... how old am I now? *thinks about it for a second then just shrugs* Well, that old age I'm think I am. *laughs as he takes the knife carefully, cutting a larger piece for her before himself*
Charlie: *laughs a bit* Damien everyone of your birthdays are worth celebrating *smiles at him she watches him cut the cake the gasps a little looking at him* Damien thats terrible! you should always know how old you are *laughs* give me the year you were born I'll figure it out for you instead. *chuckling a little*
Damien: How about we just say I'm still 30 then? No matter what I'll still be old, and it will still be a "birthday worth celebrating". *smiles, handing her her piece* You never answered me though, why are you staying in Hogsmeade? I'm sure you have a more comforting bed at home.
Charlie: so you know how I've been working at that muggle shop I was telling you about for the last like 2 years? thank you *takes the piece and plays with her fork* Well because of that I haven't really been able to do magic for the last 2 years cause I have to worry about some muggle seeing it.......did you know i haven't touched a broom in 2 years? Some seeker I am. *sighs* I miss this magical world and being at home means I need to pretend to be muggle *takes a bite of the cake then perks up slightly* but enough of that this is your birthday we are celebrating and I won't stop till I get your age!
Damien: *fiddles with his own fork* Well, I understand what you mean... like I said before, that's why I had to compromise with my mum. *shurgs* As for the broom thing, after the first year flying lesson, I never touched one of those things again... *laughs, poking at his cake* As for the year as was born, you'll not likely find that out soon.... I'll say maybe another two years. *chuckles, finally taking a bit of his cake, he wasn't really into sweets, he enjoyed them hear and there but this was just what he needed after another bland day* You made this?
Charlie: Awww two years?! that doesn't- thats not fair come on Damien just tell me *pouts and gives him a pleading look really wanting to know, and she wasn't going to tell him about making the cake in her motel room with her wand until she gets an answer about his age*
Damien: Oh really Charlie, it's not that important! *goes back to playing with his fork as she gives him a pleading look and he sighs, remembering that same face from when she first asked him his birthday what she was fourteen, it wasn't going to work again... or so he hoped he could abstain- it wasn't really that important to her was it?* Oh, Kiddo don't make that face again...
Charlie: I feel like I'm failing at this whole birthday thing not knowing how old you are, pleeeeeaaaassse? *continues to give him the pitiful look knowing that it will eventually break him down, or at least she hoped he would break down like he used to* Please Damien? *she hugs and leans on him still begging* How will i know how many candles to put on your cake next time?
Damien: Aww Kiddo, you're not failing... two is more than enough candles, you already know I'm over 30, isn't that enough? *he ruffles her hair lightly, but it was all over his face that his resolve breaking down, and the please and the hug just didn't help his cause... he sighs again, unable to look her in the eye* Must you really know?
Charlie: *she pouts at him ruffling her hair* its not the same Damien and you know it.... *she stares at him and leans her head on his shoulder while he looks away from her still hugging him lightly* Yes I really must....Please Tell me Damien I'd really like to know.
Damien: *sighs, rolling his eyes at his own weakness, looking down at the pitiful face with the frown and pouty lips and cursed himself for caving* Alright, alright I'll tell you, just stop making that face.... * and with that he tells her the year he was born with another exasperated sigh at himself, figuring out his own age from that quickly in his head, but not saying it outloud so that she could figure it out herself* Just don't put as many candles as needed on my cake next year...
Charlie: *she smiled sweetly at him, she feels a bit guilty when he does cause she knows he is so easy to break. She gives him a tight hug and smiles happily* Thank you~ I promise I won't put 33 candles on your cake next year *she smiles lightly excited by the though of planning next year's birthday, she is going to do this every year she possibly can* Next year I promise a better present than ugly cake *smiles*
Damien: Charlie, this is one of the best presents I've gotten for my birthday! I don't need any other present. I could eat you so called "ugly" cake every year.... just don't put that craxy amount of candle on there, then there wouldn't be that much cake left to eat.. *chuckles, taking another bite* And you make this at home yourself.... wow. *truly impressed*
Charlie: actually I made it in my hotel room with my wand *chuckles* so it probably taste a bit weird compared to something I make at home....maybe next time I'll be smart enough to do it at home with an oven *laughs letting go of him and looks down at her cake playing with her fork*
Damien: You made this here? With your wand? Stop downplaying yourself, kiddo, this is really good for and wand backed cake! I would like to see what you could do with and oven. *looks over at her playing with her fork, frowning at little* Why aren't you eating? Afraid you'd poison yourself with your own cake?
Charlie: Yes I am so scared that i will take a bite then keel over and die *laughs a bit taking a bite her cake then mimes choking and pretends to flop over and dies from eating her wand baked cake*
Damien: * incredibly sarcastic* Oh no! What ever shall I do? *laughs lightly* Please, I get enough of that from the office. *smiles at her, nudging her lightly with his elbow* Now get up, I can't eat all this cake alone.
Charlie: *she continues to play dead till she gets nudged and she laughs sitting up* Ha! I knew the sarcasm would come out sooner or later *grins at him taking another bite of her cake* but seriously it doesn't taste to weird does it? *is actually a bit worried that it doesn't taste right*
Damien: It tastes fine, Charlie. You just tasted it yourself! Does it taste strange to you? Wait, don't answer that, the answer will probably be something you've concocted inside your head like the textures off, when it's clearly not. Don't worry yourself so much. That;s my job. *smiles hugging her with one arm lightly*
Charlie: *she smiles at his one arm hug* Thanks Damien *she takes another bite of her cake* well if you like it thats really the only thing that matters it is your birthday cake *smiles* what is your favorite kind of cake cause I just uh picked a random cake mix and by random I mean funfettie the best kind of cake mix *laughs*
Damien: Chocolate. *answered without his normal hesitation and thoughtfulness.... he has a love for chocolate* Dark chocolate I suppose, though funfetti is always a good choice.*laughs*
Charlie: *laughs* Chocolate got it~ *she grins* I suppose at some point we should should eat a dinner of some sort since I invited you out to dinner *chuckles*
Damien: I'm perfectly fine with eating cake. *laughs* But yes, you did invite me out for dinner, though the cake was a surprise, it will be sort of like having dinner backwards. *smiles*
Charlie: *chuckles a bit* well Thank you for being perfectly happy eating cake but I know you don't keep an eye on your nutrition so you need to eat a dinner *laughs and sets her fork down smiling at him* Thanks for spending your birthday with me, even if you forgot it was your birthday, I'm sure there were other people "your own age" you would rather spend today with.
Damien: There are more important things in my life to keep an eye on than my nutrition. *smiles* Glad to spend it with you. Trust me the only person "my own age" that actually speaks to me would have shoved me out of my own office had he known. *holding a grudge... oh no.* Had you not been here kiddo the day would have passed just like any other.
Charlie: *frowns* that is a terrible thought Damien......I am never going to let February 23 be just another day, not ever again. *she really hates the idea of someone not caring about the day they were brought into this world. How could anyone not think it was a wondrous day was beyond her and she just couldn't stand it*
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