#after it all he'd scold at Peter as he cleaned up his wounds. he'd call him stupid a bunch. he'd cry too probably
scoliosisgoblin · 7 months
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Peter and Jay doodles feat. T.K. and Lucy (headcanons for what I think they'd look like as humans.. gonna change their designs though)
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peterrparrkerr · 3 years
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Venom! Spidey - read on ao3
So I didn't realize that this prompt wasn't venomous spidey, it was venom spidey, as in, the symbiote. I didn't realize until I published it on ao3, and I don't really want to re-write this, so uhhhh, I guess this is what it is!
I made this part of the Careful, He Bites and He Bites universe, so hopefully that's fine 😂
Peter thought killing the avengers would make him feel better about what happened. Revenge usually had such a sweet taste.
But it had been months, and Peter still hadn't felt better. He was left without the one thing that made him who he was. Without his venom, what was Peter?
Tony tried to help. He'd been working nonstop on finding an alternative. A corrective surgery,  an artificial replacement.
Nothing worked.
He didnt let his lack of venom hinder his reputation though. No, he found a new way to hurt people. It made Tony smile.
Peter's fangs were small, tiny and not very damaging when used to bite, but if Peter bit down and shook his head, his fangs cut and tore into flesh.
Peter had found that out in a fit of rage and upset. He had bitten one of Tony's men -he got too close, it was his own fault. He'd bitten down, but didn't feel that rush of venom releasing into his victim.
And he got angry. So angry he bit down harder, ignoring the pain filled scream from the man. He gnawed and shook his head like some feral dog, and managed to sever the jugular.
Peter had never tasted so much blood on his tongue. He nearly choked on it.
Tony was there when Peter spit the man out, had scowled in worry, blue eyes shining bright. He'd taken Peter to their bathroom and cleaned him up.
"My pretty boy," Tony had murmured, wiping the blood from Peter's chin. "Such a lethal thing you are. And all mine."
Peter couldn't help but nuzzle into his hand, wrapping his lips around the meat of Tony's thumb in an open mouthed kiss.
Tony looked on in fondness, cupping his chin. Peter opened his jaw, little fangs biting into flesh.
Tony barely even flinched. Peter released him, scowling down st the puncture wounds quick to heal.
"I'm not as lethal as I used to be," he had sighed.
It had been later that night, when the two were under the covers of their bed, wrapped around each other, that Tony hummed softly.
"Not lethal the way you used to be," he agreed softly into the dark room. "But still lethal, pretty boy."
As time went on, Peter slowly began to accept that he was forever changed. He found new ways to inflict fear in others, and he reveled in the pure feralness of it.
Now, people stayed away from Peter for an entirely different reason. Tony smirked proudly as his men scurried out of Peter's way when he walked into a room. 
"My, what a pretty boy you are," Tony grinned, sitting in the chair behind his desk. Peter strolled right over, situating himself in Tony's lap and pressing a soft kiss to the Superior's pillow soft lips.
"Are you almost done?" Peter asked quietly, mouthing at Tony's jaw. "I'm tired."
"If you're tired then go to bed, pretty," Tony huffed in amusement. He's not afraid of Peter so close to his jugular. It sends a rush of excitement through Peter, and he can't help but bite down on the skin, small fangs puncturing.
He licks the wounds until Tony's skin has netted itself back together.
"I can't sleep without you," Peter confessed, kissing up Tony's jaw again, biting at the hinge as he goes. "Please, Tony, come to bed."
Tony sighs, turns his head in to Peter's so they share a simple kiss, then pulls away. "I'm almost done, pretty."
Peter scowls, but doesn't get out of Tony's lap. Tony doesn't seem to mind though, because he works around him, working on paperwork.
Peter rests his head on Tony's shoulder. He knows Tony loves him. Knows he doesn't think of Peter any differently now that he's venomoid. But that doesn't stop the self depricating thoughts from infesting his mind.
He can't help it. He knows he could be so much more if he were venomous. Knows that before the Avengers, Peter was at his prime.
He doses for a moment, only to stir seconds later to one of Tony's men setting more paperwork in front of Tony.
Peter scowls. Its late. He's tired and he just wants Tony to come to bed.
Peter lunges forward just as the man is retracting his hand, nipping him in his wrist. Its nothing to kill, but Peter needs his displeasure known.
The man yelps and yanks his hand away, eyes wide. Tony laughs, setting his pen down and turning to look at the sulking Peter.
He kisses the furrow of Peter's eyebrows. "I think the rest can wait until morning," he decides.
Peter smiles and nods. The man Peter bit holds his hand close to his chest, complaining lowly.
Peter scoffs inwardly at that. It was barely a knick.
Tony picks Peter up and stands, allowing Peter to wrap his arms and legs around the older.
"You're a naughty thing," Tony scolds fondly as Peter sets his chin on Tony's shoulder.
Peter bites him in retaliation, which only makes Tony laugh. In the bedroom, Tony drops Peter onto the bed and the boy bounces once, grinning as he shimmies out of his clothes and under the sheets.
Tony soon follows, pulling Peter into his chest and pressing soft, sleepy kisses into Peter's cheeks.
They're almost asleep when there's a bounding on the door. Its frantic, and Peter sits up to scowl at it.
Tony grunts, muttering under his breath as he climbs out of bed. "Stay here, pretty."
Peter doesn't follow Tony to the door. Instead, he flops down onto his back with a huff, yawning at the ceiling.
He can hear the quiet murmur of conversation at the bedroom door, Tony's tone angry, but it quickly shifts when the frantic half of the conversation speaks.
Then Tony is striding towards the bed, to Peter's side, and Peter scowls, confused.
He can't read Tony at all as the man sits on the bed beside Peter. He sits up, glancing at the door to see Bruce.
"Let me see your pretty mouth," Tony orders. Peter pulls his eyes from Bruce to Tony, automatically letting his jaw fall open. Tony brings up a petri dish wrapped in plastic, and Peter closes his mouth, glaring at the blue eyed man.
"I told you to leave it, Tony," he nearly growled, old hurt surfacing, deep anger gripping his chest.
He can't help but feel betrayed -even though he knows he's not. He moves to push the dish from him, turning his head, shifting to lay back down.
Tony grips Peter's wrist, keeping him from doing any of that.
"Peter, just humor me," Tony said. No, he pleaded. Peter blinked. Tony didn't plead.
Peter turned to look over at him again, seeing a slight desperation in his blue eyes. It makes Peter hesitate.
He doesn't want to bite into the dish, because he knows nothing will come out. It'll enforce all of his pain and hurt, drag it back to the surface. He doesn't want to do it. Would rather continue living in the acceptance that he's venomoid, and just not think about it ever again.
But he can't say no to Tony. Not after everything he's done for Peter.
Not after rescuing him from both HYDRA and the Avengers. Not after giving him a place to call home, and a reputation to match that of the Superior.
So he sighs and nods. Watches as Tony gives him a small smile and a kiss to his lips.
He brings up the dish and Peter bites into the plastic. He holds for a few seconds before pulling off and licking his fangs -a habit from when he was venomous and would like the left over venom from his teeth.
Tony stands and takes the dish to Bruce, then shuts the door and returns to bed.
"You going to tell me what that was for?" Peter asked, scowling still. Tony wraps an arm around Peter and pulls him into his chest, holding him tightly.
"That man you bit," Tony spoke quietly. "He's showing signs of acute poisoning."
Peter stills, then turns around to face Tony. "What?"
"Bruce is going to run some tests," Tony continued. "I'll take you down in the morning to get looked over."
"What do you mean acute poisoning?" Peter demanded, almost desperate.
Could it be he's grown his glands back? Could that happen? It had been months since the Avengers had made him venomoid.
"He's got respiratory issues and muscle cramping," Tony says softly. "Bruce is going to give him an anti-venom."
Peter doesn't know what to think. Theres a part of him thats thrilled beyond belief that he could be regenerating, but another -much bigger- part refuses to entertain any of this, worried he'll only get his heart broken further.
He doesn't sleep at all that night. Tossing and turning. He can't shut his brain off, and he's impatient in the morning, waiting for Tony to wake up and dress.
The two don't have breakfast. They make their way directly to the medical lab, where Bruce still is, hunched over paperwork and his scope.
"Well?" Tony asked as soon as the two walk in. Bruce jumps and turns to face them. Peter can't help but feel nervous for the answer.
"I'd like to check Peter first," Bruce said, standing up. Peter glances over to Tony, gnawing at his lip. Tony nods to Bruce, hand falling to Peter's lower back and ushering the younger to the exam table.
"Dont bite him," Tony orders when Peter sits. Bruce snaps on a pair of blue latex gloves. "Just in case."
Peter nods.
He opens his mouth and tilts his head back when Bruce instructs him to. He can tell the man is nervous to stick his fingers in Peter's mouth, and in any other setting, Peter would laugh, maybe nip at him just to see him jump away with a yelp.
But he doesnt. He holds his mouth open, feeling latex fingers poke at the roof of his mouth.
"Thats impossible," Bruce says, removing his hand. Peter closes his mouth, frowning at him.
"What is it?" Tony demands. He stands close to Peter, blue eyes shining with intensity.
"His glands seem to be growing back," Bruce says, shaking his head. "I don't know how, but, but they're there."
Peter blinks. He barely has time to speak himself before Tony's prying his mouth open again, tilting Peter's head back to look himself.
Peter grunts at the treatment, mind still spinning with the new information.
Tony presses into the roof of Peter's mouth, and Peter forces himself to feel it. He feels his heart stutter when Tony brushes against two small pockets just behind his front teeth.
They're not as big as before, and probably don't have much kick in forms of venom, but they're there. He can feel them.
Tony smiles down at Peter. "Look at you," he hums, looking so proud and smug. "My pretty boy. Always surprising me."
Peter doesn't know what to say. The sudden balloon of happiness expanding in his chest is almost overwhelming. Peter still doesn't want to trust any of this, but he can't help his tongue from brushing against the small glands, mapping them out.
"How long until they're fully developed?" Tony asked, turning to look at Bruce.
The man gives a small shrug. "Based on the time it took to regenerate, I'd say maybe six months before they stop growing."
Six months. Half a year, and Peter might be back to normal. A giddiness surges through Peter at the thought and he throws himself into Tony's chest, fangs sinking into the meat of his shoulder.
Tony chuckles, wrapping his arms around Peter and kissing his head. Peter holds onto Tony's shoulder, then licks the blood away, only to nip at him again.
Tony chuckles and pulls Peter off the exam table, holding him to his chest as Peter latches onto him with arms, legs and teeth. He can't help the excited biting, or the grin on his face.
"Thanks, doc," Tony calls over his shoulder, heading for the door.
Peter releases Tony's shoulder and pulls back, looking at the man and wiggling excitedly in his arms.
"I'm venomous," he chirps, grin so wide his cheeks hurt. Tony smirks back, leaning forward to kiss at Peter's jaw. Peter's back hits a wall and their lips meet, crotches grinding together.
As the months pass, Bruce checks his progress, takes more venom -which begins to come in a greater, more lethal supply- and feels the glands at the roof of his mouth for his chart.
Tony watches on with a smug smirk on his face, and Peter can't help but mirror it.
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