#after she finds out that her brothers were given gifts from starclan but she was not
joocin-thebox · 1 year
In my daughter of sol au I gave everyone super op powers
Jay can use portals, Lion gets super strength (+ big roar and invincibility buff), and Holly gets to terraform
I'm thinking for Dove I could give her clairvoyance, gravity, or something just as ridiculously powerful as the rest
And maybe Ivy could also get a power :3c maybe she can get invisibility (for the same reason Tristan did in LIS) or super speed IDK honestly
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Junkclan Moon 59 - Leaf-Bare
Important Events:
Ruestar asks Flowerheart out after having talked to Egretleaf, and now the two are also mates!
Bigmane travelled to Nightingaleclan to resolve personal disputes, and the meeting went better than expected!
Bluestorm woke up with a mild headache.
Snakehollow isn't quite sure how man ykits she'll have, but moves to the Nursery anyways.
Bluebellstripe has got a running nose alonsgide the Frostbite..
Frostpaw no longer has a running nose. She is also finally named a Warrior, Frostfreckle, and honored for her dignity!...She also catches whitecough.
Budfleck and Toadpaw were killed by the vicious gang of rogues composed of Barracudastar's side in a Civil war. Ruestar fears the possibility of danger to Junkclan with these revelations. In death, Toadpaw is given his Warrior name, Toadthorn.
Rumor has it to the Clan that Stink Mink has died.
The Healer apprentice of Nightingaleclan comes asking for extra mullein, to which Ruestar happily obliges!
After hearing Loudprance and Smallrise make ridiculous jokes about Cleric duties, Bluestorm has the two escort her on a Herb-gathering patrol. Smallrise confesses he had a dream, but Bluestorm cannot make sense of it.
Badgerpaw, while in the tunnels of Junkclan, maintains they aren't useful much to Ruestar's frustration.
Robinflight takes Chaffinchheart, Wormwater, Hawkchase, Sneezetangle and Hornetpaw on a Patrol to try and confront the Rogues that murdered Budfleck and Toadpaw, but end up seeing two kits from Moleclan playing close to the border. Robinflight lets the others leave as her and Chaffinchheart offer the bebadger ride ever back to Moleclan, where they're thanked for their kindness.
Egretleaf, Daisysnarl, Cloverbloom and Thistlepaw go hunting, coming across a small little twoleg den narby. Twoleg kits stomping through the snow and long grass scare the patrol away.
Mintwhisper, in a fit of rage for his brother's death, stomps his way outside the Territory of Junkclan, trying to find the Rogues who killed Toadpaw. Coming across a Nightingaleclan Patrol, to which Mintwhisper has a spat and says hurtful things, before the Patrol walks off.
Important Relationship Events:
Waspflare was caught enjoying a moonlit stroll with Slumbershade..
Slumbershade chats with Flowerheart while grabbing something to eat.
Chaffinchheart bumps heads with Badgerpaw reassuringly.
Robinflight tells Smallrise she'll save them a piece of fresh-kill.
Daisysnarl and Gustmist realize they have more in common than previously thought!
Cloverbloom bristles after being scolded by Butterflyhowl.
Wrentongue promises to look out for Bluestorm!
Quailcurl left a gift in Smallrise's nest!
Snakehollow heard a hokes from Frostfreckle she didn't get.
Bluebellstripe thinks Goosekit acts weird.
Mintwhisper sharpens his claws next to Thistlepaw.
Hornetpaw can't stand being around Sneezetangle!
Breezekit said something really rude to Bellini.
Goosekit is wowed by how bravely Hawkchase fought the other day!
Important Thoughts:
Ruestar is working twice as hard to prove his worth as a leader.
Gustmist gave herbs to an injured loner.
Bluestorm can't wait until Starclan sends her an omen..
Mothfeather fixes an argument between the kits..again.
Egretleaf is eavesdropping on Chaffinchheart.
Chaffinchheart wonders if he really could run the clan better, although thinks so just for a moment.
Cloverbloom has the apprentices caught up in a very tall tale!
Wrentongue purrs sweetly..
Loudprance is pretending to be a big, evil warrior for Windkit!
Mintwhisper wonders if he could kill a fox all by himself..
Thistlepaw had quite the adventure!
Cowbird nearly got caught in a twoleg trap!
Chocolate Pudding was almost eating by a Monster!
Morningsting is reluctantly working with Barracudastar's daughter and leader of the Shark's Jaws Colony, Megaladonsnap, in the hopes of bringing down Junkclan...
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brindlestorm · 5 years
I Stand Alone
So while there isn’t much about this song to change into a parody, it did inspire me to come up with an AU for it!
Heads up, this gets pretty long
Basically, when Squirrelflight left with Leafpool when it was time for Leaf’s kits to be born, the ran into the Sister’s because they were on their birthing grounds.
Moonlight, for whatever reason, sees the little gray tabby and asks if they would leave him behind with them, despite him being a tom. She recognized his power and assumed he was meant to stay with them.
At first, Leafpool is against it because why would she leave any of her kits with these strangers, even if they helped her through the birthing process. But when they realize he’s blind, they agree because they can’t see him having a life in any of the clans. 
Note: I hate the able-ism in warriors so much, and as much as I love the Jay-becomes-a-warrior AU’s and Bright/Jay interactions, this is the excuse I’m going with because in canon, it was discussed that Jay may as well be shoved into the elders den, plus the stupid medicine cat destiny.
So Leafpool goes ahead and gives him a full name before they leave with Holly and Lion because even if he would never be with the clans, he deserved a proper name to be welcomed to starclan with when he dies. I propose the name Jayflight, Jay after a bird because Crowfeather, and -flight after Squirrelflight, and also because his destiny would take him far away from the clans.
So Jayflight grows up with the Sisters, never feeling ostracized due to his blindness because none of them care. Maybe he takes a mate when he’s old enough like the other toms do, and eventually, he’s sent away just like the other toms, maybe he even grows up with Tree.
When Jayflight leaves, he goes to explore the lands he was told not to go near, because what else would a newly independent cat do? His first stop is the mountains, he felt a calling there. 
He joins them briefly when he tells them he wants to learn all there is to learn about the world. They give him a new name (because he never told them his), and among the tribe, he becomes Jay that Flies High In the Sky. He’s given the honor of learning from the Stoneteller (When the Tribe of Endless Hunting tells Stoneteller that he must). They also tell him stories about the mass exodus of another group of cats who traveled through the mountains some time ago.
Jay leaves when the Tribe of Endless Hunting tries to convince him of his destiny. He tells them this.
“I am the Jay that Flies High In the Sky, and I go where the wind guides me, not where the stars tell me.”
And with that, he leaves with no set direction in mind, though he ends up heading towards the old forest.
He does run into a badger who spoke in riddles, she also tried to convince him of some destiny foretold long ago, but he ignores her continues on his journey, noting that she called him Jay.
A note about Jayflight’s personality. In the clans, Jayfeather always felt he had to fight against his clanmates because of his blindness, even when they already had faith in him (mostly). His entire life felt like a battle. But by being raised by the Sister’s as a free spirit, he’s a lot more easy-going, still headstrong, and snarky when cats start doubting him when they find out he’s blind (It took four moons for the Tribe to notice). 
In this AU, it took Greystripe and Millie a bit longer to find the lake, and Jayflight runs into them at Barley’s barn.
For about a week, he goes nameless until Greystripe shows up with Millie. When Greystripe asks for his name, Jay asks Greystripe how he got his name, and Greystripe explains the Clan’s naming system. Quick to pick things up, Jay asks Ravenpaw if he used to be part of a clan, but never completed his training.
Surprised, Ravenpaw affirms this, and so conversation leads into explaining everything that happened with the forest clans. The story takes a few days to tell, but the other cats have been distracted once again and forget about Jay not having a name for a while.
Before Greystripe and Millie continue on their journey to find the clans, this conversation happens.
Jay: So Greystripe, you said you were a deputy once? Which meant you could have been a leader?
Greystripe: Yes, though I doubt I would have made a very good one, why do you ask?
Jay: You asked me what my name was, tell me. What name would you have given me if you were a leader?
Greystripe: ..... Are you older than twelve moons?
Jay: Yes, I am.
Greystripe: Then you could have been a warrior by this age, I think I would have called you Silverwind. Silver for your pelt, and wind because you’re quick on your feet. A free spirit too.
Silverwind: I thank you for this name, from now until I move on, I shall be called Silverwind.
Greystripe offers to take Silverwind, Ravenpaw, and Barley with him on the journey, the latter(s) turn him down because their home is the barn, whereas Silverwind says that he’s still traveling the world. But who knows, maybe their paths will cross again.
Silverwind finds the moonstone and sleeps next to it and speaks with the Starclan cats who stayed behind. These cats know nothing of the prophecy and instead share more stories about the land’s history, dating all the way back to the stories they know about Thunder, Wind, River, and Shadow.
From there, Silverwind winds up in twoleg place and stumbles across Princess and Smudge who share their own stories about their lives living with humans. They too, tell him about Firestar just as Ravenpaw and Greystripe had. Silverwind, in turn, shares his own personal stories of his travels, adventures, or jokes he’s heard in passing. They ask for his name, and he asks them to give him one. They think long and hard about it before Princess suggests Falcon, after the story of how he got a scar on his flank.
And so Falcon leaves, to explore what’s left of the torn-up territories. He finds bones in the forest, too big to be prey, so he buries them and wishes the spirit peace, whomever it once was. After that, he travels along the river and eventually finds Skyclan.
They take him in, and he chooses to study under Echosong about herbs and healing. He goes by Eaglepaw for a while, as he is an apprentice under the Medicine cat, eventually, he earns the name Eaglewhisper for the stories he tells in the dead of night to any cat who finds themselves without sleep. How Eaglewhisper manages to find time to sleep, no cat knew.
Names are sacred among clan cats, as Eaglewhisper had already learned, but he explained to Leafstar that names are sacred to him too, but in a different way. For him, a name is something he earns when he has learned as much as he can about the cats he comes to live with for a time. And every name is a gift he holds to remember them by.
So with his new name, Eaglewhisper bids them farewell, now with a goal in mind. Somehow, in every land he managed to travel to, the same name appeared in one story or another, and it was in Skyclan that Eaglewhisper learned about the Prophecy of Three.
Somehow, he was connected to this “Firestar” and had some duty to save the clans.
Whatever the case was, Eaglewhisper was going to get to the bottom of it. 
Eaglewhisper travels for a long time, not backtracking because he never moves backward, he thinks that retracing his steps is like trying to step back into the past which is pointless because you can’t go to the past, all there is the now. He finds his way to the moonpool, and not far from there he ends up in the tunnels.
By this point, The PoT arc is over, Lionblaze is Lionflower, a medicine cat who feared his own strength so much he chose to become a healer instead. Hollyleaf finds out about the Crow/Leaf thing and still does her Gathering reveal before fleeing into the tunnels. Lionflower refuses to speak with Squirrel or Leaf not because of their lies, but because of the brother that they gave away. Liobnflower laments not having his other sibling, having always felt there was a piece of him ripped away too soon.
Eaglewhisper finds the stick and goes back in time (despite thinking it impossible) and gets his name among the Ancients, Jay’s Wing. He guides them up to the mountain and explains the role of Stoneteller to Half Moon, and then wakes up to Hollyleaf snarling at him.
He had fallen asleep in her nest.
He calms her down, explaining that he’s a loner who got lost, and she offers to guide him back to the surface where it would be easier to see. He declines the offer and asks if she could show him around the tunnels instead.
Eventually, Hollyleaf loosens up enough to talk about her past, and in turn, he tells her about his travels to the faraway places. She asks him what his name is, and he explains how he’s a ‘collector’ of names, so to speak. Hollyleaf leaves it at that for a while, thinking about everything she’s learned about him, and approaches him days later with a name to call him by.
Hollyleaf: I had a brother who I left behind, and another who I never met. A long time ago, my mother gave him to some loners because he was born blind. I feel some sort of kinship with you, though I don’t understand it. May I name you after them?
Him: Of course, it would be an honor.
Hollyleaf: Then I shall call you Jayflower. Jay for my forgotten brother, and Flower for the brother who should forget me.
Jayflower: You would be a hard cat to forget, but I accept this name with respect and honor. From now until the day I must move on, I shall be Jayflower.
Jayflower tells Hollyleaf more about his travels, specifically about the name that always appeared in the stories he was told by others and how he wants to find this mysterious “Firestar” who is known throughout the lands.
To his surprise, Hollyleaf tells him that she is Firestar’s granddaughter and that they hunt and sleep beneath his territory.
Eager to finally get answers, Jayflower asks Hollyleaf if she will go with him to speak with Firestar, Hollyleaf is scared at first, not wanting to see her old clanmates after what she did, considering that she murdered a clanmate, but Jayflower convinces her that its time to put the past behind her.
Before they leave the tunnels, Jayflower thanks her again for the name but warns her that he may shed it in Thunderclan should they accept him. Having heard all of his stories and the names to go with them, Hollyleaf understands and tells him that that would be fine. Joining Thunderclan would simply be another part of his journey to be marked with a new name, and it was her honor to be able to give him a name herself.
It just so happened to be a full moon that night, there was no guard for the Hollow and everyone was fast asleep. Hollyleaaf tried to convince Jayflower that they should come back in the daylight, but he insists that now was as good a time as ever.
Note: Its around Night Whispers by now and Hollyleaf still doesn’t know that Jayflower is blind. That tidbit wasn’t important to his stories so it was never mentioned to her.
When the clan finally returns from the gathering, they’re met with quite the surprise.
Lionflower recognizes Hollyleaf and is overjoyed that he is no longer without either of his littermates, and the clan swarms around her, happy to have her back. Jayflower sits off to the side, occasionally using his powers to look through a random cat’s eyes to better understand what was going on.
Firestar approaches him quietly, not wanting to alarm the clan about the intruder in their midst.
Firestar: And who might you be? Did you come with Hollyleaf?
Jayflower: I did, yes. She and I became quite good friends in the past few moons.
Firestar: And where are you from? You carry strange scents on your pelt.
Jayflower: I am a wandering loner, I have been to many places and somehow, I always heard your name from quite a few cats in each place, Firestar.
Firestar: And how did you know that I was Firestar? I could have been any cat
Jayflower: You were the first cat to notice me, only a leader would be that aware of their surroundings during a happy occasion such as this. Leaders must be on their guard at all times, wouldn’t you agree?
Firestar: ..... You never answered my question, who are you?
Jayflower: What name would you give me?
By now, the clan has noticed Jayflower and are back on their guard, untrusting of the stranger until Hollyleaf stands resolutely beside him. The pair are welcomed to the clan by Firestar and are given nests in the medicine den to rest in, giving Lionflower time to check them for any injuries before letting them eat poppy seeds for a full night’s sleep.
The next day, Jayflower offers a deal to Firestar, he will share his stories with the clan until he has no more stories left, and after that Firestar can grant him a name should he decide to allow him to stay. Firestar agrees, but before he can start, he gets interrupted by Greystripe and Millie, calling out to Silverwind in shock.
Amused, Jayflower decides to start there, explaining how he knew Greystripe and his mate, as well as Ravenpaw and Barley (who he later ran into again while staying with Skyclan).
His stories are never in order unless the kits and apprentices ask him “What happened next?” after hearing a particularly interesting tale, but eventually, he works through them all, ending with his stories about the Sisters.
Jayflower: You see, each name I receive tells a different story. The Tribe calls me Jay, Greystripe called me Silverwind. Skyclan named me Eaglewhisper and the kittypets of the old twoleg place you knew gave me the name Falcon, in honor of one of my own stories. Hollyleaf chose to name me after her brothers, but my mothers.....
Jayflower: My mothers tell me that my birth mother named me Jayflight before I was given away. Apparently, she didn’t believe that a blind kit could survive in her world, sometimes I wish I could find her, just to prove her wrong.
The clan is in shock, not only because they never realized he was blind, but because this was Leafpool’s lost kit. The reason Leafpool was almost exiled from the clan, for abandoning a kit before to strangers outside of any of the clans.
No one in the clan wants to be the one who says it, that his mother is there, sitting three fox-lengths away from him. But he’ll learn on his own, its hard to ignore the turmoil in their thoughts.
I’m not sure what would happen after this, it’s late and I haven’t thought that far ahead. But please feel free to add on to this! I’m actually kind of proud of this
@warriorsfireandwater tagging you because I thought you might be interested in this as well as my parodies. Hope I haven’t been a bother!
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rowanswolf · 4 years
Callous Luck
Note: I do not own Warrior Cats! This is simply a fanfic idea I came up with using Warrior Cats.
Blurb: Puddlepaw stares at the crimson lacing his paws. His tail sways with the fur ruffling winds as he inspects his claws in silence. Blood drips down onto Icyhorizon’s cheek. A grin peaks on Puddlepaw’s maw.
“IcebergClan… will do best without you, mentor. I wish you well into NightClan.”
The solid gray furred tom turns away, his mind focusing on one thing and one thing alone, Earthleaf. Puddlepaw purrs at the thought of his mate, well, soon to be. The moment he got his full medicine cat name that is.
He stops, scenting two… Earthleaf! Puddlepaw’s heart pounds at the thought of the brown and blue-gray she-cat. He bounds towards her scent with round eyes. However, his excitement is cut short as he smells Compass, otherwise known as Icyhorizon’s son. It seems like his luck had run out, but no matter, Puddlepaw would force it to bend to his will.
Crouching low, his gaze steadies onto the threat.
“Earthleaf…?” Compass shuffles, his meow low. He bares his fangs as Compass glances around.
“Huh? Oh! Uh- What is it?” Earthleaf meows back, watching the sky with great interest. One day she’ll look at me like that! His heart flutters at the thought.
“... Nevermind. Anyways-”
Puddlepaw watches as Sprucepaw, Earthleaf’s younger sister, flies out of the brush and at Compass. Aided by Frostpaw, Chirppaw, and Foxfin who leaped out of the undergrowth soon after. Compass, acting on reflex, lashed out at Sprucepaw, his right paw striking her eye, his left slashing the edge of her neck. This causes her to shriek and stumble back. Earthleaf and the others stare in horror as Sprucepaw hits the ground with a thud.
It’s my time to shine. While yes, Sprucepaw’s misfortune was horrible, he could use it to his advantage to rile them up further. They already feel enraged and horrified by Compass’s actions, now if he adds in “new news”… who knows what they could do.
He dashes out of the grasses, a caterwaul forced to come out his maw. “Icyhorizon was-” Puddlepaw skids to a halt, faking a long pant. Blood stains his paws. “Icyhorizon was killed by him! His own son!” He shrieks loudly. Compass stares at him in horror and confusion. Foxfin’s face deadpans before a cruel glare cuts across it.
She tackles Compass, screeching. Her words… shock Puddlepaw.
Tears weld at the edges of her eyes. Everyone stares in bewilderment. Compass’s eye light in terror, trying desperately to wriggle from his mother’s grasp. “I- I-... didn’t!” He squeaks out pathetically, an odd sense that he was lying spreads through the cats. Foxfin’s gaze narrows. The air around them had become as frigid as the arctic northern waters.
She snarls. Foxfin raises her paw high above Compass. “You never were meant to live… but he sacrificed everything for it. Only for you…” Puddlepaw notices her paws had begun shaking. The words seem to dry in her mouth as scarlet covers the ground.
I am luck itself, it seems.
Plot: Puddlepaw is the medicine cat apprentice of IcebergClan and he’s good at his duties, however, he wishes to raise a family. Due to the belief that if a medicine cat has a mate and kits, they will be forced to give up their soul, he tries getting rid of that dream. He soon finds this impossible as he falls for Earthpaw.
At first, things between them are innocent and happy, however, as he begins falling further, love turns into obsession. Puddlepaw plots a way to get rid of the three main cats pushing this message, those being, Icyhorizon (his mentor and IcebergClan’s medicine cat), Glacierstar (IcebergClan’s leader), and Orcatail (IcebergeClan’s deputy).
He gets close with his mentor and learns that Icyhorizon had a kit with a she-cat in IcebergClan, however, at the same time, a famine had begun, cats believed it was Icyhorizon’s fault and his kit’s. Thus, he “killed” Blizzardkit. In truth, he gave Blizzardkit away to a kittypet named Sweetie and he was renamed to Compass. Oddly, Puddlepaw notes nobody seems to know or even remember Icyhorizon had a kit.
Puddlepaw doesn’t investigate as he has higher priorities. At night in the Arctic Seas, he trains with Smokewave. There is another cat that trains with them, that being Sprucekit, Earthpaw’s younger sister. Though she can’t do too much, she shows promise.
Soon, he’s at the end of both his medicine cat training and his training with Smokewave. Sprucepaw still trains with Smokewave, however, Smokewave never lets Sprucepaw meet Puddlepaw.
He kills Icyhorizon when they are gathering herbs together and he removes the fur from his claws. Puddlepaw races away, only to head towards Earthleaf and Compass who are talking. Soon after he arrives, Sprucepaw, two other apprentices, and Foxfin attack Compass. Compass, on accident, blinds Sprucepaw. Seeing his opportunity to strike due to the tension and rage, Puddlepaw races out and tells them that Icyhorizon is dead and Compass killed him.
It comes out Foxfin is Compass’s mother then she kills Compass to get vengeance for his father. Everyone is shocked, especially Earthleaf. Puddlepaw comforts her and learns that he was a good friend of hers.
Puddlepaw is given his ceremony at the Icestone, the NightClan cats seem to hold no memory of his actions and his mentor greets him sorrowfully. Oddly, Icyhorizon says that he “never wished for Puddlepaw to see his own son kill him”? He knows for a fact Compass did not kill him… No matter, he’s given his medicine cat name, Puddlefreeze, after Ivyhorizon who he spent all his time with.
Up next were Glacierstar and Ocratail. In that time, he had gained aid from Foxfin and her family, Salmonriver (her father), Crowspots (her mother), Nagoonfang (her sister), and Reindeerstomp (her brother) through saying they wanted to kill IcebergClan. Together, they murder Glacierstar and Ocratail.
Puddlefreeze tells everyone that rogues killed Glacierstar and Ocratail and under his breath, said that Glacierstar and Ocratail only wanted to kill rogues. Everyone, including the ones who murdered them, mourned them greatly despite their former wild hatred.
He appoints Foxfin as leader. She in turn makes Blazetalon the deputy. Now, nothing stands between him and Earthleaf being together. Or so it seemed. Lynxkit seemed to have something akin to him… that being the “ability” to lie and have it held as truth. Only he noticed Lynxkit’s lies were in fact lies. Puddlefreeze makes Lynxkit his apprentice, his mind now focusing on his newfound lust for power. Of course, he did try going after Earthleaf’s affections but no longer were they of interest to him.
He questions Smokewave on the matter. The tom avoids the question, however, leads him to someone who “could” answer his questions. That being? Arcticstar, the first ever leader of IcebergClan. Puddlefreeze learns the truth…
Arcticstar was a necromancer, or as she called herself, a deathtaker. StarClan was furious at Arcticstar’s actions of rebinding dead cats to their living bodies. Out of this rage, they exiled her into the freezing arctics, where she got her name. However, she rebelled and killed all SeaClan cats with her revived, subservient army. Arcticstar, who was Skyflash at the time, renamed herself to her current name.
These cats bended to the will of her, always believing what she said on a whim. It carried down for generations, always avoiding the cats who she spared from this fate and she gave them the power of bending others to their will. Those used to include Icyhorizon and Glacierstar. However, when Puddlefreeze came into the picture, that changed.
See, all of IcebergClan had ties with those Arcticstar once had revived but… Puddlefreeze was descended from not only a rogue, but from Arcticstar herself. Thus, he trumped that and all cats bent to his will instead. She even freed Lynxpaw from this and gave him the “gift,” but not even he could escape Puddlefreeze’s abilities.
Arcticstar tells Puddlefreeze that she doesn’t care what he does to IcebergClan nor what he does to the inhabitants of NightClan, just that he takes into account what he can do.
Puddlefreeze finds that now, more than ever, he has something far more interesting on his paws, more so than his love for Earthleaf. Now that he knows he doesn’t have to move a fur for her affection, he can focus his sights elsewhere. But where will that “elsewhere” take him? Well, he’ll have to see when he gets there.
Characters: Puddlepaw/Puddlefreeze, Icyhorizon, Earthpaw/Earthleaf, Blizzardkit/Compass, Sprucekit/Sprucepaw/Spruceblizzard, Frostpaw, Chirppaw, Foxfin/Foxstar, Glacierstar, Ocratail, Sweetie, Smokewave, Salmonriver, Crowspots, Nagoonfang, Reindeerstomp, Blazetalon, Lynxkit/Lynxpaw, Skyflash/Arcticstar
Clan: IcebergClan
Clan Description: IcebergClan is a large clan that lives in an arctic tundra near the sea. Many of their dens are built like igloos. Their former leader was Glacierstar, who was replaced by Foxstar and their former deputy was Ocratail, who was replaced by Blazetalon. Icyhorizon was their former medicine cat and now their medicine cat is Puddlefreeze and his apprentice is Lynxpaw.
Clan Roles: Leader, Deputy, Medicine Cat, Warrior, Apprentice, Elder, Queen, Kit
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Swept Away AU
(In response to the Mistystar AU ask)
This ask could technically be tied to the Stonefur AU I posted a few days ago. I love Mistystar but she isn't being very inspiring right now... I do, however, have an old AU about her kits that never became warriors: Pikepaw, Primrosepaw, and Perchkit.
Perchkit died before he was apprenticed, so I'm trashing that. Pikepaw and Primrosepaw I believe drowned in the river. Let's go with that.
Working title: Swept Away
The AU starts with Mistyfoot's four kits (including Reedpaw) making the most out of their day off from training. They're playing hide-and-seek in the reed beds; chasing each other across the sand. Finally they reach the river.
After a lot of heavy rain, the river is dangerously high and too powerful for most warriors to swim across; thus, the reason the apprentices were given the day off. Their only instructions were to stay away from the river.
"Wow," Reedpaw breathes. "No wonder the river is off-limits today! I bet none of the warriors could swim across!"
Perchpaw has never been one to stick to the rules. He smirks.
Pikepaw knows that look all too well. He immediately meows, "Whatever you're thinking, get it out of your head right now."
"I could do it," Perchpaw ignores him. "I'm already one of the best swimmers in the Clan!"
Primrosepaw and Reedpaw exchange glances, then get comfortable. They know better than to try and get between their brothers once an argument has started. Likewise, they know that they'll probably waste their day off by standing here and fighting all day.
The argument escalates until Perchpaw throws out the usual, "you're not my mentor, you're not Mistyfoot, you think you're so great just because Leopardfur is your mentor," etc.
Pikepaw has heard it all before, but today he's decided he's sick of it. "Fine then," he exclaims. "If you think you're StarClan's gift, then swim! I dare you!"
The littermates all stop and stare at their eldest brother. Pikepaw is set in his ways to the point where he is predictable. This is new for him.
Perchpaw sets his jaw. He has never backed down from a challenge.
"Watch me," he growls. Then he spins around and without another thought, leaps into the river.
The weight of what Perchpaw's just done strikes Pikepaw, and suddenly he panics. "No, wait!" Primrosepaw rushes forward to jump in after her, but Pikepaw blocks his sister. "Stop!"
Perchpaw starts off strongly enough; his ego is inflated, but he is a talented swimmer. "Quit worrying!" He calls over his shoulder, as he kicks across the river.
Reedpaw's fur bristles across his spine. Disaster is on the way, he can feel it. "I'm going to get Mistyfoot!" he tells Pikepaw, who is too busy struggling with Primrosepaw to tell Reedpaw to stay put; this is his fault, and if their mother looks at him with disappointment-
In a flash, Reedpaw is racing back to camp.
Suddenly Perchpaw is sucked underneath the rushing waters, and Primrosepaw breaks free of Pikepaw and leaps into the river to save her brother. She is almost immediately sucked underneath the surface as well, and the crashing waves drown out her screams.
Pikepaw is frozen in place as he waits for his littermates to resurface again, but when they do, they’re much further down the river. If Pikepaw doesn’t do something fast, he’s going to lose sight of them. 
So he does exactly what he should not and jumps in after them.
In the distance he can hear Reedpaw and Mistyfoot screaming. He hopes Mistyfoot won't ever forget him. He hopes Reedpaw will forgive him.
Pikepaw is thrown into a rock. Then everything fades to black.
The three apprentices are knocked unconscious. Primrosepaw is the first to awake, and when she finally does it’s clear they are on a beach, but this beach is unlike the one back in RiverClan. The sand is dark gray and as she walks, it feels like she’s sinking into it. The water tastes salty on her tongue, and the water stretches out until she can’t see land on the other side.
The elders told stories of an ocean. Primrosepaw never believed those stories, but she can’t think of anything else to call this strange place.
Soon after Perchpaw and Pikepaw wake up, and argument ensures. Pikepaw exclaims that this is all Perchpaw’s fault, and Perchpaw calls Pikepaw out on his superiority complex. They’re both right, but without Reedpaw around to be the peacekeeper, there is no one to split them up. Primrosepaw could do it but then she would get dragged into the middle of things, and the cycle would never end.
Something in the distance catches her attention: a tall, red and white structure. It must have been created by twolegs, but the whole beach seems to be abandoned.
Can StarClan even see us here, she wonders hopelessly.
They need to get back to RiverClan, but the tall structure calls to Primrosepaw. Maybe it can help us find our way home. She looks back at her brothers and gets their attention, pointing to the twoleg structure.
Pikepaw wants to stay far away from it, but Perchpaw is drawn to dangerous ideas (or any idea that Pikepaw doesn’t like, for that matter), and agrees to go with her to check it out. It’s a majority vote, so Pikepaw gets sucked into it.
They don’t make it to the structure, however. Halfway across the beach, a group of rogues jump out from a bunch of rocks and surround them. There aren’t many of them, and with their warrior training the littermates could probably take them, but they’re dehydrated and hungry and sore. Negotiates it is.
A white she-cat steps forward and informs the apprentices that they are trespassing.
“This is your territory?” Pikepaw asks. “So you’re a Clan?”
The she-cat tells him she doesn’t know what a Clan is, and she doesn’t care. This is their beach. Primrosepaw thinks this she-cat could be considered pretty if her face wasn’t twisted into a permanent snarl.
Pikepaw quickly explains their situation, and asks if they know how they can get back home. The she-cat hesitates before she tells them, No.
“Drift,” a tom starts. “They could use the Lightbox.” He gestures to the twoleg structure.
The she-cat, Drift, scoffs. “Don’t be foolish, Gale. The Lightbox hasn’t worked in seasons if it ever worked at all.”
“They could fix it,” Gale argues. The other rogues exchange looks with one another. 
“How could your Lightbox help us?” Perchpaw asks curiously. 
Drift spares him a withering look, then reluctantly explains, “Old cats have told stories of the Lightbox. When twolegs first created it, a light like a never ending stream would shine at the top of the tower.” She huffed. “They say that the Lightbox knows where every cat’s home is. If you are ever lost, it will point you in the direction of your home.”
Primrosepaw frowns. “How do you know it isn’t just a story?” 
Gale shrugs. “Some believe it is just a story.” He shoots Drift a pointed look. 
“If it’s true, then how do we fix it?” Pikepaw asks. Unfortunately, none of the rogues have an answer for him. 
In the distance, thunder booms. Another storm is on the way.
Drift reluctantly offers the trio shelter during the storm, under the conditions that they must leave as soon as the weather permits. Primrosepaw isn’t sure they can trust the rogues, but what other option is there? Her brothers seem to struggle with the same thought.
Lightning follows the thunder. It seems like they don’t have a choice.
The rogues lead them to the Lightbox. Even though it does not guide cats home anymore, the inside of it still shields them from the elements. Pikepaw finds a dank corner to settle down, and Primrosepaw and Perchpaw lay on either side of him.
“I don’t like this,” he mutters.
“Hopefully the storm will pass soon,” Primrosepaw meows. Perchpaw simply looks around the tower with interest.
Unfortunately, the storm rages on all day and night. Just when Perchpaw thinks he might die from starvation, one of the rogues drops a large, salty-smelling fish in front of them. 
It’s called snapper, she tells them. She introduces herself as Opal.
Even in the stormy shadows, Perchpaw thinks she is pretty. 
The snapper has a different taste. It’s saltier, but to his groaning stomach, it is delicious. It is also large enough that the littermates can share it and once they’ve picked it’s bones dry, they are satisfied.
“Reedpaw would have liked it,” Pikepaw mumbles. Neither Primrosepaw or Perchpaw can bring themselves to respond. It is going to be a long night.
At least, that’s what he thinks until someone pokes him awake. When Perchpaw opens his eyes, Opal stands in front of them. “Come with me,” she whispers. 
Perchpaw thinks the wise thing to do would be to wake his littermates, but he doesn’t. He goes with Opal, alone, though he isn’t worried. When the rogues jumped out from the rocks, he saw the curiosity shining in her pale-colored eyes. 
“Your brother talked about a Clan,” she whispers to him, once they’re alone. “Drift won’t say anything, but a Clan used to live here. They called themselves ShoreClan.”
Perchpaw blinks. Whatever secret he thought this she-cat wanted to share, that was not it. “Why won’t Drift say anything about it?” He asks. 
Opal scrapes her claws against the ground. “Most of the group doesn’t know about it, but our mothers were warriors; Clanmates. We grew up hearing stories about ShoreClan.” At that, Opal looks away. “ShoreClan was wiped out before we were born. Drift knows how, but she won’t tell me.”
Perchpaw asked about their mothers.
“Storm,” Opal meowed. “They made Drift and I race to highground, but they fell behind. We never saw them again, so we assume they drowned.” She speaks like the memory doesn’t hurt, but her eyes give her pain away. “Anyway, we wandered across the beach until we found others who were separated from their kin, including Gale. Eventually we found the Lightbox, and an old blind cat who called herself The Watcher. She’s the one who told us the legend of the Lightbox. She died soon after we found her, and we’ve stayed here ever since.”
It’s a lot to soak in. Perchpaw can hardly wrap his mind around it all -- if ShoreClan really existed, are there other Clans out there now? He always assumed there was only RiverClan, ThunderClan, WindClan and ShadowClan.
Apparently, Opal isn’t out of surprises yet. “There’s one more thing,” she whispers, and now she hesitates.
“You can tell me anything,” Perchpaw promises her.
Opal searches his face for a heartbeat, then murmurs, “I haven’t dreamed of my mother ever since she died. That’s strange, isn’t it? Well two nights ago I finally did, and she told me that ShoreClan would rebuild. I asked her how, and she said that there would be strangers on our beach who knew of Clans, and that we should trust them. Perchpaw,” she breathed, “I know you want to return to your Clan, but I think you and your littermates are supposed to help us rebuild our Clan.”
SkyClan rip-off, anyone? Let me know if you would like a Part 2, or even a one-shot!
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supercasey · 6 years
RvB Warrior Cats AU
I have no excuse for how long this took to post (other than moving houses and getting caught in a blizzard this morning). I know I made a post with this concept several months ago, but I’ve since then rewritten quite a bit of it and added more story ideas, so... go nuts I guess. Putting this under a readmore to spare the rest of my followers.
Blood Gulch Clan / Blood Clan / Gulch Clan Leader: SpiteStar (Church) Last Leader: FlowerStar (Flowers/Florida) Deputy: CrimsonFur (Sarge) Last Deputy: SpiteEyes (Church) Medicine Cat: FixCoat (Doc) Clan Members: TuckTail (Tucker) HeavyHeart (Caboose) CinderStalk (Tex) SpeckleBelly (Simmons) SnailFoot (Grif) RabbitWind (Donut) PoppyFox (Sister) TuckFrost (Junior) Freelancer Clan / Mother Clan Leader: JaggedStar / Leo (The Director) Last Leader: ShadowStar (Allison) Deputy: EchoBurr / Aiden (The Counselor) Last Deputy: JaggedWhisker (The Director) Medicine Cat: None (kinda FlowerCreek???) Clan Members: ThunderSpot (Washington) TinyWhisper (Connecticut) QuickStalk (Carolina) LostEye / Tawnypaw (York) ((He hates his name)) HollowJaw / Quietpaw (Maine) ((Also hates his name)) WindStone (North Dakota) WildStorm (South Dakota) OwlFur (Wyoming) FlowerCreek (Florida) The AI Clan / Alpha Clan Leader: ThistleStar (Sigma) Last Leader: None Deputy: PigeonFeather (Gamma/Gary) Last Deputy: ThistleMask (Sigma) Medicine Cat: MousePatch (Theta) Clan Members: WitShimmer (Epsilon) LizardStrike (Omega/O'Malley) SwiftDapple (Delta) SongLeaf (Eta) SmokeLeaf (Iota) Chorus Clan Leader: BraveStar (Kimball) Last Leader: Shystar (Doyle) Deputy: BadgerHeart (Andersmith) Last Deputy: BraveFlame (Kimball) Medicine Cat: GreyBird (Dr. Grey) Clan Members: CherryPelt (Volleyball) DoeFlight (Jensen) PounceTail (Palomo) BitterFang (Bitters) MinnowLeap (Matthews)
Unaffiliated Cats / Rouges WeaselTuft / Felix (Felix) LocustMist / Locus (Locus) Vic (Vic)
[BASIC BGC PLOT] ((AKA if I write a fic this is gonna be the beginning))
Starts out with Tucktail going on a patrol with Heavyheart, who he ditches in favor of hunting on his own (and maybe to search for any available mates because he's unabashedly horny at all times no matter the AU), only to run into a kittypet named David. They hit it off right away, but unfortunately David's twoleg shows up and nabs him before he can run away. Tucktail relays this to Spitestar, who initially dismiss it as nothing to be concerned about, but Cinderstalk is curious. She corners Tucktail later on and asks more questions, until she discovers that Tucktail unintentionally found Thunderspot, a warrior from her old clan. Cinderstalk then goes into detail with Tucktail about her last "clan", although it was more like a group of rogues. It apparently all fell apart after a few warriors went rouge (no pun intended) and started an internal war that took several cat's lives. Thundersport had been unaccounted for most of the battle, but was hit by a monster on the thunderpath and was taken away by twolegs. After hearing all of this, Tucktail goes back to the twoleg place to help David escape, bringing Spitestar and Heavyheart with him for backup. They manage to save David, and the four of them return to camp to officially welcome him to Blood Gulch Clan (David has a bit of a panic attack when he sees Cinderstalk but he'll be okay).
- Jaggedstar and Shadowstar are the parents of Quickstalk and Spitestar (Spitekit goes missing as a kit and ends up getting taken in by a rogue). Later on they also have Thunderspot (although they didn't raise Thunderkit, as Shadowstar died not long after birthing him, and Jaggedstar refused to interact with the orphaned kitten). - Flowercreek is Tucktail's father. He’s trans, and arrived at Blood Gulch Clan pregnant and injured from the PFL fight. It’s implied that Owlfur is the other parent. - Crimsonfur is Snailfoot, Poppyfox, Rabbitfoot, Windstone, and Wildstorm’s father (Snailfoot and Poppyfox made up one litter, the others made up the second one). After Windkit, Wildkit, and Rabbitkit were born, Crimsonfur took Rabbitkit back to his clan, as he was the runt of the litter, and raised him himself. - ((Also, both litters are from separate mother's and were born around the same time. Snailfoot and Poppyfox’s mother died giving birth, while Windstone, Wildstorm, and Rabbitfoot’s mother was not affiliated with Crimsonfur’s clan and had no interest in joining it, leading to her eventually agreeing to give up her undesired runt to Crimsonfur to make him go away while she kept the other kits to herself; Crimsonfur laments the fact that he didn't take all of his kits home, but what's done is done)). - The AI aren't related (save for Songleaf and Smokeleaf) but they refer to themselves as brothers and sisters. They act like a fucking cult and it’s Creepy. - Tucktail is trans fIGHT ME. - Flowercreek is also trans and so proud of his fucking son. - Tucktail has had exactly one litter; only one kit was born and that kit grew up to be Tuckfrost. Tucktail loves his son so much, it's ridiculous.
- Long ago, a newly apprenticed Shadowpaw was patrolling her clan’s border by herself, when she came across a young kittypet named Leo. The two play-fought for a little while, but Shadowpaw had to go home, so she promised to come visit him again soon. - This escalated to Leo and Shadowpaw meeting every day, until Shadowpaw convinced Leo to come join her clan. Upon returning home, however, Shadowpaw was scolded by her leader and clanmates for befriending a kittypet, and was given a rather harsh ultimatum; either kill/chase away Leo, or never return. - Stubbornly, Shadowpaw chose Leo over her clan, and together, the twosome left the clan’s territory. - It was incredibly hard at first, as Leo struggled to learn how to hunt and Shadowpaw was still a young apprentice, but the two soon found an abandoned cabin on the edge of the forest. At first, they avoided going inside, but during a storm they grew desperate and took shelter inside. - Finding the cabin truly abandoned, it became their new home. Soon enough, other cats came to live with them, one of which was even Leo’s old housemate; Aiden. - They all soon went to the Moon Stone, and were given warrior names by Starclan. Shadowpaw became Shadowclaw, Leo became Jaggedwhisker, and Aiden became Echoburr (there were other cats but they’re unnamed NPCs so fuck ‘em). - Seeing as they had Starclan’s approval, it soon became clear that they needed to form a fully fledged clan and elect a leader. There was much debate, in which Echoburr insisted that Jaggedwhisker become leader, but Jaggedwhisker denied the offer, deciding that Shadowclaw would be a much better leader. - Again, they went to the Moon Stone, and Shadowclaw was gifted her nine lives, and formally renamed Shadowstar, dubbing her the leader of Motherclan. - Together, Shadowstar, Jaggedwhisker, and Echoburr kept the peace. It’s debatable whether or not they were all each other’s mates (they were), but nonetheless they soon produced their first litter (with Jaggedwhisker sitting in as leader while Shadowstar had her litter). - The first litter was Quickkit and a stillborn. Shadowstar was really broken up about losing a kit, but she still adored her daughter (she also lost a life during the birth). - Soon after, Shadowstar got right back into being leader, even taking Quickkit with her everywhere she went as she went about her clan duties. - By the time Quickkit became Quickpaw, Shadowstar had lost a lot of lives. She’s very headstrong and rebellious, so she ended up leading her clan into a lot of unnecessary fights, leading her to lose several lives. As one last ‘hoorah’, Shadowstar became pregnant a second time, and soon gave birth to Thunderkit and Spitekit. She died during the birth, barely given enough to name Thunderkit before she passed. - Jaggedwhisker ended up naming Spitekit, but in the same breath ordered the kit to be taken into the forest and killed by Echoburr. Feeling sorry for the poor thing, Echoburr took the kit out of the cabin and into the forest, where he quickly ran into a rogue. The rogue commented that Spitekit was adorable, to which Echoburr offered to give him to her. Not passing up the chance, the rogue accepted and adopted Spitekit. - This was the first of several corrupt decisions that Jaggedwhisker- now Jaggedstar- would make. After burying Shadowstar, he gave Thunderkit to one of the queens in his clan, ordering her to never tell the kit who his true parents were. - Quickpaw grew up knowing Thunderkit was her little brother, but was unable to tell him due to her father forbidding it (she never even knew about Spitekit). Still, she became very closely bonded to him, and regardless of her father’s orders, treated him as her younger brother. - Not long after Shadowstar’s death, a young black shecat appeared on Motherclan’s doorstep. At first, the clan cats warned her to run away, as Jaggedstar seemed unhinged, but upon meeting the young cat, Jaggedstar allowed her to join, naming her Cinderpaw. - Quickpaw and Cinderpaw were best friends as apprentices, as both were very similar personality wise. However, Jaggedstar’s clear favoritism for Cinderpaw became more and more blatantly obvious, causing a rift between the two cats. - As if to rub dirt in the wound, at their shared warrior ceremony, Quickpaw and Cinderpaw were named Quickstalk and Cinderstalk. When questioned by his daughter as to why they were given the same name, Jaggedstar claimed it was to “inspire you two to be better”. This led to even more tension between the girls. - ((I’m not gonna get too into Jaggedstar and Cinderstalk’s relationship because it’s… very creepy. He even apprenticed her and had her sleep in his nest some nights because he loved her and Cinderstalk was too intimidated to tell him no)).
- After the Freelancer Fight, a lot of things happened: Flowercreek joined Blood Gulch Clan and became Leader soon after, but lost most of his lives quickly as a result of being inexperienced in fighting/hunting due to once being the Freelancer's makeshift medicine cat (he was also considered to be too docile of a leader, leading many to believe his death was staged, although nothing has been proven). - Thunderspot and Tinywhisper were both hit by cars on the Thunderpath and taken to an animal shelter, and while Tinywhisper didn't survive the crash, Thunderspot did, and he was soon adopted by a twoleg and moved to coincidentally live near the forest where Blood Gulch Clan resides. - Quickstalk was thought to have been killed by Hollowjaw, but she secretly escaped and began wandering. Who knows? Maybe we'll see more of her in the future… ;3c - As apprentices, both Losteye and Hollowjaw (at the time named Tawnypaw and Quietpaw) were injured while out hunting, causing them to be renamed after their new injuries/scars. Everyone in the clan was against it, but Jaggedstar was determined to make sure that the two toms never forgot their mistakes. - Losteye, Owlfur, and Cinderstalk all ran into each other after the Freelancer Fight and got into a brawl, ending in Losteye dying while Cinderstalk chased Owlfur into Blood Gulch territory, where he was finished off by the rest of the clan (Tucktail was the one who killed him and had no idea he was his other father). - Windstone and Wildstorm traveled together for a long time, but during a fight with Hollowjaw and the AI Clan, Wildstorm left Windstone to die and attempted to live on her own, but eventually ended up in Blood Gulch territory and got herself killed by a vengeful Thunderspot, who believed her to be responsible for her brother's death. - The whole internal fight in the Freelancer clan is revealed to have been caused by Thistlestar all along, who wanted to seek out power by destroying other clans and taking the strongest warriors left alive. However, he’s later killed in an all-out war between the Blood Gulch Clan and the AI Clan, where he’s struck down and killed by Spitestar (who unfortunately also dies in the fight soon after killing Thistlestar). - Tinywhisper's death was 100% not an accident; she found out what was happening in the clan and had every intention of telling her clanmates. Unfortunately for her, the fight had already begun while she and Thunderspot were out hunting, resulting in them returning from their hunt in the middle of the fight. Before they could help, however, an unknown cat (Witshimmer) took the opportunity to shove both unsuspecting cats onto the thunderpath, just in time for a truck to hit both felines, killing Tinywhisper instantly while Thunderspot was left horrifically scarred by the incident (both physically and mentally. He has panic attacks if he hears a car horn and can't go near the Thunder Path without panicking).
- Tucktail and Thunderspot eventually become mates, but it takes awhile because Tucktail isn't sure how he feels and Thunderspot is afraid to form bonds with other cats (also Tucktail doesn't want to ever be pregnant again and he's worried Thunderspot might want kits. This leads to them talking and agreeing to not have kits together, and just adopt instead if the opportunity comes up (Poppyfox offers to birth them some kits and they may or may not accept her offer)). Then again, they’d probably be fine not having kits. - During the Blood Gulch VS AI fight, Spitestar is killed, leaving the leadership position empty. There's a debate over who should become leader, as Crimsonfur is very old to become leader and was only meant to be Deputy until someone else stepped up to the task (namely Cinderstalk or Tucktail), but no one did (seeing as Cinderstalk is dead at this point, she’s out of the running). They offer it to Thunderspot, but he's very much against the idea. ((I actually can't decide who should be leader. I like the idea of Thunderstar or Tuckstar, but I dunno. Maybe just go with Crimsonstar??? Fuck))
- Chorus Clan is a motherfucking Mess. It was formed by a bunch of rouge's that couldn't agree on a leader, leading to a full on war. The survivor's agreed to a truce, and the oldest survivor- Shyshiver- became the leader, dubbing the most capable warrior- Braveflame- as his deputy. - Seeing as Literally No One had any idea what to do (Shystar never even got his nine lives) the leader made a tough decision and agreed to house two rogues in the clan. In exchange, the rogues would train apprentices and help them get started. - This led to betrayal, as the rouges assassinated Shystar in the night. No one knew it was them at first, and Braveflame became Bravestar. - Bravestar immediately began trying to investigate into the death of her old leader, leading her to get help from Blood Gulch's clan cats, who offered to assist after being rescued. - (I'm thinking the BGC deals with some kind of disaster, like twolegs invading their territory, requiring them to leave. The few that managed to outrun the twolegs settle in Chorus Clan for awhile. This also takes place directly after the AI fight, meaning Spitestar is dead and there's no new leader yet). - Tucktail, Heavyheart, Specklebelly, and Snailfoot agree to apprentice Badgerpaw (Badgerheart), Doepaw (Doeflight), Cherrypaw (Cherrypelt), Pouncepaw (Pouncetail), Bitterpaw (Bitterfang), and Minnowpaw (Minnowleap). They’re also the ones to suggest their warrior names, as Bravestar thought it appropriate that they help. - Tucktail and Pouncepaw do NOT get along, at least on Tucktail's end. Tucktail is constantly reminded of his own terrible behavior as an apprentice, and he hates how clingy Pouncepaw is. It doesn't help that he feels responsible for two other apprentices dying (the kids who died in season 12). - Specklebelly is scared shitless of his apprentices, as they're both girls and he's nervous around them (his mother was rather abusive and he's low-key scared of shecats because of it). They're both patient though and Doepaw even starts seeing Specklebelly almost as her father. - Snailfoot is kind of neglectful with his apprentices’ training, having them just practice stalking and hunting instead of actually teaching them to fight. This actually ends up working out, as Bitterpaw and Minnowpaw both end up being excellent hunters and teach the others how to set up a proper ambush. - Heavyheart is… trying??? He's never been trusted to apprentice a cat before (neither has anyone else but whatever) and he keeps unintentionally seeing Badgerpaw as being his “new Spitestar”, which makes things semi awkward. This eventually gets resolved, with Badgerpaw sitting and talking Heavyheart through his grief. - Specklebelly and Snailfoot low-key see their apprentices as “the kits they never got to have together”. This even leads to Bitterfang and Doeflight jokingly (and sometimes honestly) referring to each other as “bro” and “sis”. - Bitterfang and Minnowleap are from the same litter. Their mother died when they were kits, and Bitterfang became very protective of Minnowleap, as he was very fragile as a kit. - Doeflight and Cherrypelt are also related, being sisters from the same litter. As kits, their father abandoned the clan, taking their other littermate (a tom) with him. The sisters are incredibly close, although they're very different personality wise. - Despite more or less losing both of his brothers on the same day, Pouncepaw acts laid back and unaffected. This leads to Tucktail sitting with him and getting the kid to open up about his grief, also leading Tucktail and Pouncepaw to mature. - Throughout all of this, the BGC keeps trying to discuss who should be leader. Seeing as Crimsonfur, Thunderspot, and Rabbitwind are missing (taken by twolegs), it's unclear who should be leader, as Crimsonfur was deputy (but he's old) and Thunderspot was the most experienced. - ((BTW, Poppyfox and Tuckfrost have both gone off on their own at this point. Poppyfox goes between wanting to be a kittypet to escape the warrior lifestyle and living as a rogue. Tuckfrost has been chosen as a “prophecy cat” and has been on a quest concerning his destiny, although he longs to return home and reunite with his father.)) - Everyone is of the opinion that Tucktail should become leader (Specklebelly argues that it should be Crimsonfur until Snailfoot convinces him to give up), but Tucktail refuses to, as he believes Thunderspot is the only sane choice. - After much deliberation (and a lot of bullshit) Tucktail finally agrees to go get his nine lives. - Accompanied by Fixcoat and his Chorus Clan apprentice (a way too excited Graypaw), Tucktail visits the Moon Pool and gets his nine lives from Starclan. - While he gets to see Spitestar (they have a tearful reunion), Tucktail can't find Thunderspot anywhere (he was scared that he had died during the twoleg attack). While he's relieved that Thunderspot isn't dead, he's now afraid that he'll never see him again, at least until Thunderspot passes away and joins Starclan. - Right after getting his nine lives and becoming Tuckstar, the new leader is given a prophecy by a puny cat he doesn’t recognize (Tinywhisper), who tells him “When the traitors are revealed and the river runs red with blood, only then will lightning strike, and the lost will return to where it all started”.
((I don’t have much else and for that I’m sorry, but I’ve become invested in this AU. Feel free to hit me up with ideas/questions, and I’ll do my best to respond!))
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nirvana-era · 4 years
The forest air was crisp with the chill of leaf-bare. The sound of fallen leaves crunching from the weight of cats was the only sound that accompanied the ThunderClan’s usual morning patrol. With the war between dark and light still engraved in all of the clans’ minds, the slightest flicker of movement in the shadows of the trees put all of the warriors on edge. The silver tabby’s blue gaze narrowed as the she-cat forced herself to focus. Ignore the accusative looks many of her once friends shot at her now from time to time when they believed she hadn’t been paying attention. The sad and pitied expression her sister gave her whenever she lied through gritted teeth that everything was okay. That she was getting the sleep she had been longing for since she was made into an apprentice.
It wasn’t her fault she woke up at random hours of the night, chest heaving and heart racing as if packs of dogs had been chasing her. Ivypool had gone days without sleep, fearing her worst nightmares would one day come soon. Dovewing turning against her. The Dark Forest cats returning. She was terrified but how could she say these things without appearing crazy? Many cats already hated her and the others who had been convinced by the cats damned to Hell. Why should they listen to them now?
Ivypool let out a small huff as fur brushed against the side of her. Lionblaze twitched his whiskers and gave the she-cat a reassuring smile. However, she knew he was pushing past his own guilt and pain. Though he wasn’t scarred physically, he was emotionally. With the battle over, StarClan snatched the powers they had given him with no warning. The same with Dovewing and Jayfeather. She truly did feel upset for them. They had gone all of their lives with a possession no other cat possessed and it was… gone. Like it was never there. She returned the smile but with much more effort, obviously faking it.
The orange tom sighed and turned to face the rest of the group. “No scents from WindClan. Odd, but I assume they’re all mainly recovering. So many were injured I’m sure they’re having a difficult time finding cats who are able to walk such a distance. It’s not like any of the clans are fit for a fight anyways.” Lionblaze shrugged at his own words and the rest nodded in agreement. Ivypool frowned and opened her muzzle to take in the scents around them. Crisp cool air entered her nostrils as so did the scent of the moor.
“Nice view, huh?”
Ivypool gasped at the sudden voice and spun herself around.
The rest of the patrol was already gone, grumbling about the cold and hurrying back for the low stocked pile of fresh-kill and the warm shelter of the dens. She was alone. “Who’s there?” Ivypool questioned, trying to remember the sound of the voice. Was it just the wind? Had a WindClan cat managed to stay hidden long enough to evade the patrol of ThunderClan warriors? Surely not.
“Forgot me already? Mouse-dung, here I thought you were smarter than that.” As the voice spoke again, a pair of crystal blue eyes appeared from the depths of the trees. A scowl appeared on the cat’s dark face. He stepped closer, revealing his dark pelt littered with scars. The dead cat circled the she-cat, his tail brushing across her ear. “Long time, no see.”
“Hawkfrost.” Ivypool’s voice caught in her throat, sounding frightened and not the proud and stern cat she tried so hard to alway be. The ground swayed beneath the she-cat’s paws, her mind swirling with questions and uncertainty. “You’re dead. You died at Bramblestar’s claws. He killed you the- the second time.”
The dead tom’s scowl turned into a snarl at the name of his half-brother. Ivypool hissed as Hawkfrost moved closer towards her, standing with hackles raised. “You’re not real. I won’t believe it.” She muttered to herself, shaking her head as if she could just make him vanish. “Why are you still here?”
The dark tabby shrugged dismissively and glanced towards the moor, trying to hide the smile that played across his face. “I don’t know, Ivypool. It’s like every time I try to get away, you’re the one pulling me back. Negative energy? You just have that… gift. To be fair, it’s highly annoying and even I hate it with a passion. Neither of us are okay with this so maybe we should-”
“Shut up!” Ivypool spat, eyes narrowed and claws extended. She knew it was zero use attempting to fight the tom. He was dead, merely an illusion at this point. A trick of the light? She was cold. Maybe the brain was only playing tricks with her. Hawkfrost snorted and backed off, a look of pure amusement flashing in the eyes Ivypool hated so much. “You’re nothing to me, Hawkfrost. You’re a disgusting manipulative traitor. I can’t believe that you did those things.”
“Did what?” The tom hummed, twitching his whiskers and curling his tail over his back. How could a cat act like this after everything he had put her and her clan through. “Taught you how to fight? How to become the warrior you were meant to be? Ivypool, without me you were a nobody. A shadow while your sister stood in the sun, basking in all the glory that ThunderClan gave her. Don’t blame me for your decisions, darling.”
‘My decisions?’ She thought, her eyes narrowed in confusion. Ivypool began stumbling back to camp, her paws aching from the cold. Hawkfrost trailed after the she-cat, clearly done with his speech. Sure, she was angry and jealous of her sister but she never meant for things to go so far. She only ever continued to help her clan. Protect those she loved. The scars she received every night and the feeling of exhaustion only proved that what she had been doing was only for the sake of her clan. Why couldn’t any other cats see that? Was that why this stupid tom was here? To mock her progress of progression? “I only did what I had to do to protect those I loved and cared for. You only murdered because you were cruel and selfish. I’m not like you and I never will be like you.”
The she-cat heard a snort from behind, turning to face the spirit again only to be facing Jayfeather. His blind gaze casted confusion. How long had he been listening to her? “You were talking to yourself again,” he muttered softly. “You’re not dying are you?” Even in his rude and sometimes unmannered voice, a smile spread across the warrior’s face.
“No worries, Jayfeather. Just thinking out loud.”
Jayfeather’s clear blue eyes flashed with uncertainty, his gray paws holding onto the stick he cared so much about. She still didn’t understand what the big deal with it was, but it no longer mattered. “Alright,” he meowed, “just know I’ll be in the medicine den if you need anything.” The medicine cat sighed and took the stick into his mouth before leaving the she-cat alone with her thoughts.
The warrior knew he was wondering how sane she still was, but it didn’t matter right now. She only needed to push out the thought that Hawkfrost was still here. Maybe not in the living world, but creeping through the shadows of her mind, ready to strike at any given moment. This time, however, she’d be ready.
Hey guys! You can find my WA profile here: http://aminoapps.com/p/uyqnzo make sure to like and follow for some more!
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