#after the latest DuckTales I kind of want to write some Gyro hurt/comfort and/or angst
radarsteddybear · 4 years
Whump Challenge Day 4
Top 3 characters to whump and why?
That’s a hard one that has changed a lot over the years as I’ve hopped from fandom to fandom.  Usually, it’s whoever my favorite character(s) is/are.   I don’t know that I really have a whole lot right now, though, since I’ve been focusing a bit more on OCs and original stuff for a while.  I’ve been thinking about this question for the better part of a week (since I decided to do this challenge), and I’m still not sure how to answer it, so this is largely going off my AO3 (for the first two, at least).  The third bullet is under a cut for length and also for spoilers relating to the second season of The Flash (plus some negativity because I am so disappointed in that show).
Despite feeling like I've fallen into a deep DuckTales whump rut, I’ll say Lena, because I’ve got *checks* 11 fics tagged with her and hurt/comfort.  She’s a fun one, given that her past lends itself so well to it.  Magica could show back up at any moment and go after her again, and it’d hurt so much more because of their history and Lena’s unresolved baggage from it.  Or I can write something that takes place back when the two of them were…working together? living together? had an active familial relationship? and I have the option to add in canon angst about how Lena actually likes Scrooge and his family and doesn’t really want to hurt them \o/  That’s largely how I got through 2018’s Fictober (for which I used a whump prompt list), since I don’t like to whump the triplets or Webby nearly as much—I find that it’s much easier to cross the “line” from “good, fun whump” to “nope, too dark” with them.
I don’t end up whumping Donald Duck a whole lot, but when I do…oof.  I tend to go emotionally with him, since he’s got a lot of complicated history with his family (that hasn’t quite been addressed on the show the way I’d like…or have expected…).  I’m just going to say that I don’t usually realize how angsty I’m being with him until I go back and take another look at it some 6 months after I’ve posted it 😅
I think I’m going to put down Cisco from The Flash as my third.  I stopped watching the show ~two seasons ago because the showrunners were being obnoxious.  Cisco’s got a number of great whump scenes, both physical and emotional, and went through a lot of angst related to his superpowers (which are also a great vector of whump, since they often cause physical pain).  He’s also got a history of never quite being good enough that can be a lot of fun to play with.  It’s such a shame that the show chose to focus on Barry and his angst (*cough cough* and terrible choices *cough cough*), the season’s villain, and whatever character Tom Cavanaugh was playing that season more than any of the supporting side characters who had so much gosh darn potential.  They also left a number of emotional fallout-type things completely unresolved, such as Harry Wells “outing” Cisco as having superpowers to the rest of the Flash gang long before Cisco was ready without even discussing it with him first, from what I remember.  They never went back to that, never brought up how inappropriate it was of him to do, and then next thing you know, he and Cisco are happily working together as science bros.  That man did not treat Cisco well, and he does not deserve to be his friend without addressing any of that.  That could have made a fantastic minor story arc, and it could have even ended with Cisco and Harry as friends!  But they needed to have put in the work and the screen time for it to actually work.
(See the full challenge here)
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