#but I...tend to kind of forget about him 😅
moonstruckme · 7 months
Hi 💜
I sent a request a while ago about Spencer x reader academic stress. It was absolutely perfect. Thank you so much 💗
I just read the james one about reader skipping meals (it was so sweet and lovely) and I tend to do that myself sometimes not eating anything between dinner one day to the next simply because i got busy with classes and forgot until i get a migrane or get a bit dizzy. So, I was wondering if you could do a similar prompt with Spencer and reader being busy all day with work or classes or whatever and simply forgetting to eat until a migrane / dizzy spell occurs and he finds out.
I just feel like he'd be so kind and give facts about importance of not skipping meals for brain function, while coddling, feeding and spoiling reader, maybe cooking or handfeeding too I don't know whatever works for you. Thank you 💕🌸
Sorry if i wrote too much😅
Thank you for requesting lovely (and no sorries necessary) <3
cw: mention of skipping meals, dizziness/nausea
Spencer Reid x bau!reader ♡ 1.2k words
Spencer finds you sitting down in the stairwell. You recognize him by the sound of his footsteps, lighter than Morgan’s but less clicky than JJ’s heels. Neither of you typically use the stairs, so you can only imagine that he’s come looking for you. 
“Hi,” you say to let him know you’re alive inside the tiny cavern you’ve made of your own body. You’re bent over to rest your forehead on your knees, one hand on each of your temples as you breathe slowly to steady yourself. Overall, it’s a pretty dramatic pose. And you’re definitely getting the butt of your slacks dirty on these stairs. 
Spencer’s footsteps pass you, and for half a second you think he really is just using the stairs. He stops a few steps below you. You can feel him scrutinizing the top of your head. 
“Are you okay?” he asks in that soft, careful voice of his. “You just disappeared.” 
You had sort of fled the scene. You still feel too new to the team to feel fully comfortable, and with Strauss here for the case everyone is on their best behavior, so when you’d all been walking in the hallway and a dizzy spell had nearly collapsed you into the wall, you’d dropped back from the group and stepped into the first door you saw rather than risk bringing attention to yourself. 
“I’m fine,” you say through an exhale, lifting your head from your knees. “Sorry, I just got dizzy and didn’t want to cause problems.” 
Spencer’s eyebrows bunch. He lowers into a crouch in front of you, looking up into your face. “Dizzy—do you know what caused it? Is this something that happens often?” He bypasses your rudeness in abandoning the team immediately, and the questions come almost too fast for your addled brain to keep up with. You think you need protein. Or carbs, or something. 
“Yeah—I mean no, it doesn’t happen all the time,” you say. “I just forgot to eat lunch.” 
The notch between Spencer’s brows digs in and he brushes a piece of hair behind his ear. “What happened?” 
You shrug, embarrassed. “I packed a lunch so I wouldn’t have to take a break, and then I just forgot about it. I’ve been…” you glance up at Spencer, but his eyes are too safe and open to even contemplate deceiving. “I haven’t been keeping up with my work like I should. I didn’t want to take a break, and I didn’t even remember my lunch until now.” 
“It’s on your desk?” he asks. 
You blink. “My work?”
“Your lunch.” 
“Yeah,” you say. It comes out curved like a question. 
“Okay.” He straightens, lithe limbs extending until you’re craning your neck to look up at him. “Wait here.” 
You turn, starting to protest, but Spencer sets a pacifying hand on your head as he passes. Objections acknowledged, but ignored. Following him is out of the question; just pivoting sitting down had sent your head swimming again. 
The door bangs shut after him, and a minute later he returns with your sad paper bag and a bottle of gatorade. 
“I saw you have water in here,” he says, sitting back in his place a couple steps below you, “but I thought electrolytes might help more.” He twists the cap off and hands it to you. Rather than passing you your lunch bag, he sets it in his own lap to dig through the contents. “You want your sandwich first?” 
You lower the gatorade from your mouth, wiping self-consciously under your lower lip. “Yes, please,” you say, and Spencer hands it to you. You set the gatorade down beside you. “Do we keep these in the fridge?” 
“Morgan does.” You must look as horrified as you feel, because Spencer goes on quickly, “He won’t even notice it’s gone. He likes the blue ones the least anyway.” 
You nod hesitantly, raising the bottle to your lips for another sip. “I’ll get him a replacement in case.” 
His smile is understanding, and you’re reminded that before you, Spencer was the youngest on the team. You imagine he knows how it feels to be constantly wary of getting on someone’s bad side. 
“You really don’t have to,” he says anyway. 
You take a bite of your sandwich, shrugging. “Thanks a lot for this, but you don’t have to stay here with me. Won’t we get in some kind of trouble?” 
“I think we’ll be okay here for a little while,” Spencer says. “Actually, I don’t think most people on the team even know where this door goes. None of us ever use the stairs. And they might not have noticed we’re gone yet.” 
You give him a deadpan look. “They’ll notice you’re gone.” 
He shrugs. It’s not a denial. “I don’t mind waiting with you.” 
It means more to you than it reasonably should. “Thanks,” you say quietly, and take another bite of your sandwich as an excuse to look away. 
You haven’t even polished it off yet, and Spencer’s already dipping into your bag for more. He takes the cap of a container of grapes. 
“Here, have some of these.” He holds it out, and you shove the last bite of sandwich into your mouth to take it from him. “You probably need some vitamin C,” he muses. His eyes fall to the nearly full bottle at your side. “Don’t forget to drink.” 
You almost grin, covering your full mouth with a hand as you speak. “I can’t actually do all this at once.” 
“Oh, sorry.” He looks abashed. “Take your time.” You do, swallowing before lowering your hand to give him a small smile. It’s returned. “You know, skipping meals is actually pretty dangerous.” 
Your smile fades, but Spencer holds your gaze. His eyes are gentle. 
“I know you just forgot, but low blood sugar impedes brain function. We need to be able to think clearly and quickly to do our job. So, being nourished is really important to that.” 
You nod, chastised. He taps the container of grapes, and you pop one into your mouth. 
“Are you going to tell Hotch?” you ask him quietly. 
Spencer blinks, brows twitching together. “No,” he says. “It’s not really that big of a deal, and anyway I think Hotch would just tell you the same thing. I just think it’s important for you to know.” 
You rub your lips together, bobbing your head again. “Okay, thanks.” You look at him seriously, dropping your voice into a terrible imitation of Hotch’s deep timbre. “I won’t let it happen again.” 
Spencer grins, surprised by you, and you mirror him. You’re a bit surprised by yourself too. 
“Are you feeling any better?” he asks. 
You nod automatically, not taking even the barest inventory yourself to see whether that might be true, but Spencer can obviously tell. His brown eyes search yours, scientifically probing, like they might tell him something you won’t. You’re well aware that Spencer’s a certifiable genius, and yet you’re still learning not to underestimate him. 
“We can probably go back now,” you tell him. 
His stare holds yours a minute longer. You feel pleasurably crushed under the weight of his attention. 
After a few seconds, Spencer’s expression settles into decision. “Let’s sit here for a minute,” he says. “You should finish your food. You’re owed a lunch hour anyway, no one’s ever stipulated when or where you have to take it.” 
You crack a smile. “What about you?” 
“I’m staying with you,” he says matter-of-factly. Like it’s the only option even worth considering. “I don’t want to leave you here by yourself, and it’s probably best if I take the gatorade bottle back up with us. If Morgan sees, it’ll be easier for me to take credit if I’m holding it.”
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eatmeandbirthmeagain · 3 months
I've has this one on the back of my mind for a while now, and I'm so happy I finally got the chance to request! Maid reader who sneaks notes when prepping Baldwin's meals. In them, she expresses how she admires him from afar and how she wishes she was a woman of a higher class in order to be with him. She also lets him know that, regardless of his illness, she finds him to be charming and attractive no matter how much he hides every inch of his body. I was thinking that maybe Baldwin would sneak into the kitchens and catch her red-handed only for her to become extremely shy and apologize profusely. Thank you, and sorry if it's too long or overcomplicated. I tend to rant 😅
♧ Let Me Be Your's - King Baldwin x Reader ♧
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♧ Angst ♧
A/N: Hello Anon! Thank you very much for your request. I love it a lot! I hope it's what you had in mind 😊. No need to apologize, it is an amazing request! As always this is based on the film Kingdom Of Heaven, not the real historical figures. Enjoy!
TW: Leprosy
Y/n walked down the corridor that lead to the king's chambers, slowly as not to spill anything on the tray she carried.
It was early morning and while the other royals dined together, Baldwin had requested each of his meals to be brought to his chambers every day for the last few months. Y/n assumed that this was due to the disease that disfigured his face and him not wishing for anybody to see him in the state he was in. 
She had been a maid at the castle for several years now and in her time there, she had watched how as the king's disease progressed. As it did, he became increasingly reclusive.
She wondered if he ever got lonely sitting in his chambers in all of his free time. Occasionally, it crossed her mind to pay him a visit, just to check on him but thought against it. He was the king, and she was a maid. Not even a head maid, but a junior maid.
Despite this, she had felt deep compassion for him for years now. She wanted nothing more than to leave her lower class position to even have a chance at being his wife.
This thought had tormented her for months. She simply could not take it any longer, he had to know just how deeply she felt for him. Even if it was a risk to her position in the castle, this could not go on any longer. 
As y/n arrived outside Baldwin’s chambers, she felt her heartbeat speed up slightly.
Perhaps she was making a mistake in doing this. She knocked on the door softly and awaited permission to enter.
When a slightly strained and groggy voice called for her to enter, she hesitated for but a moment. The note tucked under his tea cup stared at her. She thought about removing it and forgetting the whole ordeal, but she simply could not allow this torment to go on any longer.
Y/n pushed open the door, entering slowly. She straightened herself to a more respectful posture before lowering herself into a shallow curtsey. “Good Morning your majesty” she said confidently, ridding her voice of any possible nervousness.
The king sat on the edge of his bed, white sleeping robes hung loosely around his attractive body. Y/n swallowed a lump in her throat at the sight of the faint outline of his toned body.
“Good Morning madam” he greeted cheerfully through the iron mask.
She placed the tray on his bedside table, “enjoy your meal my lord” she said with a small smile before turning to leave quickly, closing the door behind her.
Baldwin smiled, he always enjoyed seeing that particular maid. She was very kind to him, even though he did not even know her name. He wished he did though.
The young king stood, picking up the tray and sitting down at his desk with it. Just as he removed his mask, he noticed a small piece of parchment tucked underneath the tea cup.
He tilted his head to the side, curiosity taking over him. He took the parchment in his gloved hands, unfolding it slowly. It was a letter. As he read, his heart began to swell in his chest.
To my dearest King,
I know we have never been acquainted with more than brief interaction but I simply can not keep these feelings to myself any longer.
I have admired you from afar since I began work at the castle.
You are a brilliant ruler as well as a charming and kind soul.
Regardless of the illness that plagues your body, you are very beautiful and immensely attractive.
No matter how much you hide yourself, you are the most perfect man I have ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on.
I will write to you in another note next meal as I am running out of time to complete this one. 
Signed, your most avid admirer.
The king was as curious as he was flattered. This had to have been the young maid that delivered him the meal.
If this was the case, he had to see her at once. But he was not quite sure if it was in fact her. Perhaps somebody else had slipped it onto his tray while she was not looking.
He greatly hoped that it was her, he liked her a lot despite not knowing her all that well.
Baldwin pondered a solution as he ate. By the end of the meal, he had come up with a plan. He would wait until lunch when the maids and chefs would be busy preparing the food, then he would enter the kitchen without being seen to catch who it was who wrote the first note as they were in the process of writing the second one.
As the day wore on, Baldwin could not take his mind off the note. Not even once.
A few times he caught himself zoning out during an important meeting, just lost in thought about the beautiful maid and her note.
When the hour came, the king told the royal officials that he would be dining in his chambers as usual and left them to do so. Instead of this, he took a turn down the corridor that led straight to the kitchens.
It would be difficult to enter unnoticed, but he had to do this. Moving slowly, he pushed the doors open just enough to slip through. Dodging the gaze of others, he finally caught sight of the lovely maid.
She was standing in an area that was more secluded from the other  busy looking servants and chefs, so the king used this to his advantage.
She looked as beautiful as ever. Baldwin tucked himself behind a large box to observe her work. He felt a bit silly doing this, sneaking around his own palace. But it was as exciting as it was slightly embarrassing.
It seemed he had entered at just the right time as she was plating food onto the tray. After everything was positioned, the maid turned around to check behind her, ensuring nobody saw what she was about to do. Then she reached into her apron pocket and removed a small piece of parchment and pencil.
Leaning on the bench, she thought for a moment before beginning to write something. Baldwin’s heart fluttered in his chest. It was her. He was beyond happy at the discovery.
Despite being a powerful king, women never really showed interest in him. He knew it was because of his illness, but now it was different. She was different.
The king stepped out from his hiding place, approaching her slowly so as not to startle her. Reaching out a gloved hand, he tapped her on the shoulder, causing her to jump and turn around.
Her startled look turned to one of embarrassment as she realized her situation. “M-my lord! What are you doing here? Oh no, I should never have done anything, I am so sorry-” she stammered.
“It's alright, it's alright madame, there is no need to worry. I received your note this morning and I was truly flattered” he said gently, his beautiful blue eyes sinking into hers.
As y/n observed him, suddenly so close to her, she remembered exactly why she fell for him in the first place. He was so perfect. Blush rose to her cheeks as the embarrassment and shock melted away to bashful nervousness.
“Thank you sir” she said, voice barely above a whisper. 
“What is your name my lady?” Baldwin asked, taking her hand in his.
“Y/n your highness” a small smile crossing her face. Her hand was in his. This was a dream come true.
“Well y/n, how would you like to join me in my chambers for lunch?” he asked, smiling behind the iron mask as her eyes widened at the request.
“Yes, it would be my honor” she accepted eagerly. She could not believe this was happening, but it was. And it was even better than she could have possibly imagined.
The two shared the lunch that y/n had prepared on the balcony that afternoon, talking about everything there was to speak of. Baldwin even removed his mask.
Even though his cheeks and nose were covered with bandages, y/n felt honored to see a part of himself that he tried so desperately to keep hidden from the world.
This activity became regular as their relationship grew from simple acquaintances into something beautiful.
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I’m curious and if it’s alright I’d like to ask about the way you characterize each of the links that will be in your comic:) if it’s not to spoilery I would really like to know their different personalities
Thanks for the question, I gave some aspects of their personalities in an old post, but I'm happy to expand this aspect a bit ☺️
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Link: He is a gentle, hard worker boy. He doesn't have much confidence in himself but when others believe in him he shows a lot of strength. A father figure is among the things he would like to have, which is why he often identifies his team as a family. For the rest he is a diligent, kind and friendly boy, but he also demonstrates some spiteful behavior if he is treated badly. He keeps the hood over his head because he is shy, which for him is a way to make himself noticed less.
Sky: As I have often said he is an extremely good and kind person, he shows unconditional affection to everyone else. He is supportive and knows how to cheer everyone up! He can also be serious when necessary and is very scary if angry, he is also protective, but his head is in the clouds and this leads him to forget some important details 😅
Time: He is a serious, grumpy man and often instills fear in others. His strength of mind is undisputed as is his courage and valor, but he too has wounds that he hides. Showing weakness is unacceptable for him, they have too many expectations of him, a hero known throughout the world for his adventures. He expects everyone to behave with honor, without showing fear, this often makes him demanding with Link, and seeing him afraid is something he doesn't accept. Despite this he is protective and always acts like a hero, protecting others at all costs.
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Twilight: Sunny, confident and strong, Twilight is a truly incredible person. He knows how to evoke many positive emotions in others, and is seen as a big brother. Although he is often seen as an always kind and smiling person, he can also be very severe and a little arrogant, especially when the moment requires it, an attitude he uses to frighten his enemies or those who challenge him, he often defines himself as a bit of a beast, since he is aware that his wolf form has established that type of behavior in him, especially when he has to protect those he loves.
Wind: A child in spirit, he is absolutely playful, funny and very enthusiastic, he attracts good humor and brings a lot of it. He's also a pirate so he tends to fight on impulse every now and then, but most of the time he follows Time's directives, also because for him he is the best hero in the world! He also has some moments of seriousness, and often hides some details of his adventures, it seems that he has seen very dark things.
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Wild: Charismatic, wild and uncontrollable, these three words represent him most. He faces adventures with great enthusiasm but teamwork makes him a little nervous and he just doesn't accept orders. He is a kind person even if not like Sky, but he really has some dark moments and doesn't talk about the past willingly, in fact many identify him as mysterious. Even though he is friendly, he doesn't show his true self often, but he cares about others and uses his strength to protect them.
Worlds: A guy seen as arrogant, salty and even a little presumptuous, is actually a very intelligent person, and everything he does always has a reason. It has two versions, one is courageous, calm and very rational, the other is cowardly, sensitive and foolish, this is because he is Ravio and Link united in a spirit. Worlds is also very introverted, if he doesn't feel he has to expose himself he tends not to, but this doesn't mean that if he thinks something is wrong he doesn't point it out. Playing in a team is an experience for him, but his dual personality makes him difficult to manage in battle, you know... sometimes he runs away... sometimes he attacks courageously 😅
These are small additions to the old post, I'm sorry I can't reveal every aspect, I prefer you get to know them along the way
Thanks for your ask! 💖
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fl00mie · 2 months
Heyyy, got any fun headcanons you'd like to share with the class?? :3
oh god someone really asked this—
i'm not good at all with headcanons unless they come from nonsense situations, out of that i try to attach the most to the canon of every character Dx i might be able to think of ideas that fit them from time to time but it's not something i give much thought to, i tend to forget about it after a while and prefer to read other people's takes instead, but i'll make an effort! ok, here we go
starting from ink
i always think about this line he said in the truce comic about how paradoxical it would be for error to destroy any universe or creation, obviously this is a character trait so that artists can create content with him but certainly the only thing he would achieve would be to create more AUs or alternate TLs. based on this i think that if ink met him he would see him as a potential friend or battle partner regardless of what he may think of him, he would fight with an error who believes would achieve his goal by defeating him.. although i feel that this is something the community (or at least those folks who are passionate about the actual canon of characters) had already taken for granted😅
still talking about what ink thinks about error, he loves that he makes sanses dolls, it makes him think that he doesn't only think about destruction because he takes the time to make them in detail<3 he admires that about him
adding this thing i said a while ago of ink taking swap on trips to outertale because of his passion for space:3 they would be calm nights where swap contemplates the starry sky while from time to time he asks ink things about astronomy, ink would be just drawing, dream could join sometimes! (adressing star sanses topic later)
ofc ink would be a fashion icon, sometimes- in the words of comyet herself, ink could wear a fashion-acclaimed outfit one day and the next day wear just a pair of duds that only HE thinks look good, AND I LOVE TO THINK ABOUT IT!! he likes to experiment with any kind of aesthetic as if he were some kind of canvas for his ideas
he would totally have a sketchbook full of fell drawings, he'd completely deny having a favorite universe or sans no matter how obvious it may seem lolss
about dreamtale hmmm
i prefer to think that dream is someone who is constantly insecure because of something i have already mentioned before, he carries the guilt of not having been there for others when they needed him the most (when nightmare had just turned him into stone and he couldn't do anything about the negativity recently spread across several universes), and not to mention his actual mental age, although he was somewhat conscious while being made of stone he didn't live his life like his brother so i could grant him a certain degree of naivety
that last thing could go hand in hand with the fact that he never learned to read and leads to kinda angsty situations
besides, i still trust that star sanses can work, dream would have eventually felt guilty for how he addressed ink when he found out how he allowed universes with cruel stories to follow their course but he realized that he had a purpose and did not really enjoy the suffering of others (unlike the comic joku made about this), ink would forgive him without problems and they would go out sometimes with swap
there's this 8h long video in spanish explaining everything that's known about dreamtale so far (and that's only the first part lol, i've only seen 4 hours but i plan to watch it all), there's mentioned how love is a neutral feeling that can lean towards negativity or positivity, this gives rise to the possibility on the part of nightmare (we already know that dream is capable of becoming fond of people) that he feels some kind of love -not romantic- for others, proof of this could be how he has come to treat Killer when he's hurt using his healing powers
in general i think that nightmare acts extremely calm and serious rather than someone mocking
also, now that i know a little more about dreamtale's lore, i like to think that one of dream's favorite animals are cats, because of neil!:D (this could indicate a potential friendship between dream and killer lolll)
that last one goes for killer as well!! obviously when he got his happy ending with color
this might differ a bit with error's canon but i love the concept of "allowed anomalies" in the anti-void, i'm planning to do a drawing of this but they would be ink, fresh, swap and sometimes fell, allowed because of fear, neglect, (possible) fond and as a chocolate source respectively
random idea, i always thought that a child in geno and cross' life (separately) would bring them a lot of happiness
regarding geno, this is more of an assumption from how i've seen him act in the aftertale comic, like, we know he's still a regular sans because that universe counts more as an alternate timeline but as time went by he started to act calmer than classic, he gives me mother vibes if you ask me xP so also based on how he behaved with after!frisk(? in the end i think a child to take care of would bring him more peace in his happy ending
and cross! we could say that it's canon because of lux's joke comics, he certainly looks genuinely happy taking care of her. although we can also see how he's somewhat overprotective with her even when she's an adult, yes it would make him happy but it may be a disadvantage/neglect at the same time
also, it's cute to consider how dream and epic can form a friendship based on cross, i haven't seen epictale story but as far as i know cross is canon there sooo i believe in dream and epic as a protective duo over cross supremacy!!
ohhhh god i think that's all for now, i can't think of anything else
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artist-issues · 8 months
I have loved reading your posts on various fiction from Christian perspective. I am wondering your opinion on when fantasy/"magic" fiction becomes too much? I used to encounter a lot of people talking about how basically -anything- fantasy was evil. I have struggled with scrupulosity OCD for many years now so I tend to think things towards a legalistic lens. I'd like to be able to enjoy fantasy again, while carefully discerning, so I'd love to hear what you think are the merits/limits of fantasy
Hi! First off, Jesus said: "These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." When you're wrestling with scrupulousity, sometimes it helps to see or hear out loud the reminder that life in Christ is one that's supposed to give you peace, not constant worry about doing everything right--even if you've heard that before and you already know it, sometimes it can help to hear it over again from outside your own head. So there it is! 🤝
Next: thank you for asking me! I'm no professional. But someone did ask me this question once before. I am having a hard time finding it on my blog right now, otherwise I'd link to it, but I'll try to summarize at the end of this post!
EDIT: You asked me to talk about the merits and limits of fantasy and I got carried away explaining why fantasy fiction is not outright evil according to the Bible. I moved that to the end of the post 😅 here's what I think the merits are:
All of Reality, our world, our timeline, was invented by God. That makes Him the storyteller, us His characters, and reality His narrative. Just like any storyteller, He made up a system of rules for His world: rules like, "humans sink in water," and "humans can't be cured of sickness by touching other humans," and "the weather doesn't change just because humans tell it to." Then God, the storyteller, broke His own world-building rules. On purpose. He wrote Himself (Jesus) into the story as a human who COULD walk on water and COULD heal other humans with a touch and COULD tell the weather what to do, and it obeyed.
In fantasy stories, when a character can break the established rules of the created world, we call that "magic." We call it "magic" when the storyteller brings in a supernatural element to show that this character is special, powerful, capable, set apart from all the others.
So that's what I think the merits are. Fantasy stories have a special kind of closeness to The Storyteller Who Invented Stories, because of that very element of "make the rules then bring in rule-breaking specialness" that He uses.
That's where you get Gandalf, or even the Fairy Godmother, or of course Aslan and the Deep Magic.
The limitations to the genre, I would say, is that fantasy stories are very tempting for storytellers' egos. Because of Tolkien, there's this generation of storytellers who think that inventing a fantasy world with rules and races and magical systems and cultures and, to sum it all up, a whole universe of their own design, is the POINT.
They think the themes and the message of their story comes second to how thorough and clever they can be with their made-up magical systems, or fantasy-race-relations, or made-up languages.
Basically, in no other genre have I observed storytellers getting so excited to play god-of-their-own-clever-world than in fantasy. Then they forget that the important part of a story is the message, not the brain that's capable of inventing worlds and languages and cool-sounding names and ancestries. What they have to say basically gets lost in how flashy and cool they can be while saying it.
But that's another soap box for another time. Those are basically the merits and limitations, I think, broad-strokes.
On to the Biblical worldview for magic in stories below!
"Magic" is mentioned in the Bible. It's sorcery. Specifically, the Bible is telling Christians to stay away from "real" magic...which is basically just "trying to connect with spiritual forces to accomplish anything supernatural." We were created to have relationship with one Spirit: God. Anything outside of that is like a fish trying to breathe oxygen: it hurts us. So the Bible says, "no real magic."
"Fantasy fiction magic" is not "a real live human trying to connect with real demonic forces and accomplish something supernatural." Instead, "fantasy fiction magic" is just "a real live human making up a story. Playing pretend."
The Bible has no commands, no rules, against that. Jesus told stories. His servants tell stories. We're made to tell stories.
And the Bible has no commands against telling a story that includes magic in it.
Think of it this way: God said "do not murder" right? But then in Matthew 18 Jesus tells a parable where one man tries to choke another man. There's attempted murder in the story Jesus is telling: but just because God disapproves of the act of murder, does not mean He disapproves of telling a story that features murder.
Sin being in a story isn't a bad thing. It's realistic, because sin exists. What really matters is whether or not the story treats the sin like sin, and not like an admirable thing. Because the point of all stories is to tell the truth in a compelling way. If the story treats something sinful like it's not sinful, that wouldn't be truthful. But if the story treats sin like it's definitely bad, then it's doing what God invented stories to do: tell the truth.
Now here's where you might say, "yeah, but most fantasy stories treat magic like it's a good thing."
Right. But remember: most fantasy stories don't have what the Bible calls "magic" in them at all.
When the Fairy Godmother in Cinderella says "bibbidi bobbidi boo," she's not calling upon demons to give her supernatural power (which is what the Bible is talking about when it condemns magic.) She's using a pretend superpower that the storyteller made up, on the spot, for the story. Her "magic" is not what the Bible calls "magic," so it doesn't even matter if it's portrayed as "good" or "bad" morally.
Fantasy fiction is fine. There is no reason, Biblically, for Christians not to read fantasy fiction if their only reason for it is "well there's magic in it."
There's nothing wrong with telling a story that has a supernatural element in it. It's only a story. As long as it's not real humans doing creation-worshipping or demon-contacting practices, in real life it's okay to write and it's okay to read.
Let me know if that makes sense!
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cartmankisser · 2 years
IM ONLY GONNA DO SAIKI FOR THIS ONE SORRY u can totally 100% request this exactly the same for the narrator because i'll probably forget about it unless it's in my inbox 😅
also i want sure if you meant like instrumental game/theme type of music or like actual songs so i tried to keep it kind of vague
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at first, saiki just thought you were,,,, well,,,, dumb.. the only other person he knows that doesn't have thoughts for him to read is nendou, so you can't really blame him for assuming you were just as brainless as he is. because of that assumption he had though, he tended to avoid you as much as he could, simply out of fear and annoyance of your possible nonsense. you'd definitely have to make the first move.
it genuinely shocks him when you speak intelligible words. he was so prepared to listen to you spew out nonsense that he had to take a second to truly process what you were saying. at first, it was quite hard for him to focus on your words with the incessant bubbly music you seemed to keep on loop inside your head, but once you two got closer to eachother, even starting a relationship, he learned to just tune it out.
it wasn't until one day when you weren't quite acting like yourself that he noticed the absence of your usual happy tune and the low-spirited melody that replaced it. it really took him a moment to connect the dots.. i mean, he's so used to being able to look into peoples minds for answers!! but when he finally realized that you were upset omg??
it honestly blew his mind that the music actually had some sort of meaning and wasn't just a weird fault you had
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blood-mocha-latte · 5 months
literally just realised someone else asked you that already 😅 so...fave webgott headcanons instead?
bestie i am happy to answer ANY ask of yours do not Fret. anything for u truly. now!! have some post-war webgott <3.
- they don’t end up with each other. at least in a conventional way: there’s no staying at the same house, or eating dinner together, or even being on the same coast.
- even when it’s been years, and there’s no reason to fear something happening, or either of them being caught, or they could do it, maybe, they could maybe make it, it doesn’t matter. because in their heads, maybe they can’t.
- webster still comes down to california, of course. liebgott tends to not find himself in the east, he says it’s too cold and it’s the same thought of not making it that keeps webster from complaining.
- they’ll spend maybe a week together, fighting and annoying and bothering each other.
- web leaves, doesn’t write to liebgott and liebgott doesn’t write to him. then one of them will call and have the same conversation about california and webster is buying a train ticket all over again.
- and so the cycle begins anew.
- liebgott is prone to anger. to fighting back. always has been, but after the war it seems to become drier, like a husk that he can’t peel away from his organs.
- and, well, websters father was prone to dry anger. he isn’t real good at fighting back against it.
- they clash against each other and into each other and with each other but it’s always dry anger, and on the offset that it’s more gentle than thought doesn’t matter because the anger comes right on back with the nightmares and lost thoughts of guilt and grieving and the whole cycle starts all over again.
- webster reads and re-reads and re-re-reads the hollow men by ts eliot. next to him in a too-small bed, liebgott puts a cigarette out in the ashtray on the nightstand and tells him that if the world is going to end, it sure as hell won’t be with a whimper.
- there’s a bell in the kitchen that webster thinks that liebgott might have stolen from a restaurant; he likes to ring it to make the other come out and make him breakfast.
- liebgott never does, so webster rings the bell to entertain himself and then sorts through the cupboards that he memorized years ago to find pans and mugs and plates.
- web may not be catholic anymore, but a cross isn’t a skin that can be shrugged off. it isn’t a coat or an idea, it’s as core to someone as the knowledge that lungs inflate when someone inhales. it’s believing with every atom in your body that something doesn’t exist, but still having a small part in the back of your head that sounds suspiciously like a child asking are you sure?
- he carries around a bible, the only tab in it opens onto leviticus 18 22.
- the cover is dusty and hardly seems to have ever been opened. liebgott sees it only once, carefully packed into websters back with ts eliot and oscar wilde and doesn’t say a thing on it
- once, when webster came down in november, he opened it. read where the tab marked and closed the book again. he didn’t touch it, after that.
- webster was awake when he flipped through the bible. the next time he went down to california, he left it at home in a box under his bed.
- guilt is a funny thing, and he has a lot of it.
- over the book. over his own thoughts. over a war that ended a millennia ago that he missed out on, and doesn’t regret, but does look back on and wish. for what, he doesn’t know, but he’s always been an outsider, so he supposes it doesn’t matter.
- of course, it doesn’t matter. it never did, it never will, it never has.
- liebgott pretends that he forgets websters first name. won’t say it, ever, and webster can’t figure out why. it makes him angry, but not the angry that liebgott is, that his father was.
- a shakier kind of upset, that’s more grief than rage. all it seems to do is prove an argument he made inside his own head.
- webster always leaves the same way. in a huff. slams the door shut, liebgott won’t accompany him down to the train station. he won’t call him, either, and webster had given up on writing to him years ago.
- but maybe liebgott sits down and writes a letter, one day. maybe he writes, and it’s the first thing he’s ever written to web and the war ended twelve years ago and there’s a bell sitting in his kitchen, deathly quiet.
- and webster always tends to be predictable. he always has to get the last word in.
- the next visit down to california is much, much longer.
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morgana-lefay · 3 months
Project: Rammstein Barcelona 2024 - The Review
It's been more than two weeks now and coming back to the real World hasn't been easy, so I'm only now managing to write about the concert.
I'm still very much living in my concert-bubble (ignoring many responsibilities, forgetting I'm a grown-up and such), but I'm not sure I can still remember everything, unfortunately. I will try my best. Heads up, as this will be extensive, detailed (as much as my memory can help me), not spolier-free, might contain off-topics about the city and, most of all, will be MY opinion and feelings about it all.
So let's start.
As some of you might know/have noticed, I traveled from Portugal to Barcelona, the day before the concert. It was the first time, in my 40 years alive in this World, I ever saw a band outside my country and it was also my first time visiting Barcelona, so I was very excited about it all! I was also ready to travel solo, but two friends ended up joining me. I did go to the concert by myself, though.
I arrived in Barcelona on Monday, early in the morning, which allowed me to compensate for concert day, since it would be pretty much dedicated to it, aside from breakfast and lunch. A friend and I decided to walk around "El Gòtic" (Gothic Quarter). A few cañas later, we needed to pee, so we decided to start looking for cool cafes to stop and have more cañas so we could use the bathroom (made sense to us). We found a lovely Plaza by accident, with a cafe in the middle and that was it.
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We ordered two cañas, talked about some serious stuff, some more silly, about the concert and the band and how do people find them in the street and how I wouldn't know what to do if I saw any of them. Time passed and we decided to leave, but first, my time to go to the bathroom. Coming back, something got lost in translation and the guy brought us two more beers.
THANKFULLY, as a few moments later, this guy with dark sunglasses comes riding a bike from one of the streets that led to the Plaza. I was siting facing said street and started panicking in Portuguese "Oh meu Deus, oh meu Deus!". My friend had no idea what was going on, until I managed to say "IT'S THE DRUMMER!". At that point, he was already at the end of the street and I thought he'd left, when I realised he turned around. My friend, to whom I will be grateful forever, got up and stopped him. I did nothing. Just stayed sited, like an idiot. She says he asked her if she wanted a photo and she answered no, because she wasn't a fan (the poor guy), but her friend, pointing at me, was.
Something clicked inside my dumb brain, I got up from my chair and moved towards him. I don't really remember what I said, aside from "Hi, Christoph", "I came from Portugal to see you", apologising for bothering him and wishing him a nice day, if I touched him even (my friend says I touched his shoulder, which I tend to do sometimes, talking to people) nor what he said, or if he even said anything! His face was one of someone so used to these things and almost kinda bored, but at the same time he had a nice and sweet energy about him (not sure if this makes sense). Anyway...it was surreal! I was nervous as hell and I think if I was by myself I wouldn't have approached him. But he is as beautiful in person, as in all photos and videos! (and so tall!). That out of the blue encounter made my day! (I won't share the photo because I don't wanna show my stupid panic ridden face and I don't want the photo to end up everywhere else).
Concert day:
I queued for about 4h30m, until doors opened a bit after 18h00 and it started raining pretty much the moment I got there and pouring like 30 minutes in and it never stopped up to the point I got home, 12 hours later (my friends where ever so kind to make this video 😅) .
There, I met this lovely Spanish girl from Canárias, a group from LIFAD Colombia and Lina, the creator of LIFAD International. All lovely people. I never spoke so much Spanish in my life. I didn't even knew I knew how to speak so much Spanish, although I must have some fucked up accent (I never formaly learned the language), as they pretty much never got what I meant at first try 😂.
I managed to get front row (at some point I didn't think I was gonna make it), on Paul's side and I don't think I've ever seen such a colourful audience in a Metal/Rock concert. I also had never been in a venue with umbrellas.
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Last photo is from last year, here in Portugal. I was standing in the back of the Stadium, which allowed me a privileged perspective over the beauty of the light, fire and music synchrony and I guess that made me love it all even more. This time, I couldn't see that part so well, but I could see them and their interactions, so I guess both concerts completed each other. I was also prepared for fiery hot, but, honestly, with all the rain, I barely felt the pyro.
They opened with "Ramm4", as we all know by now. Honestly, I had heard that song like 3 times before and it's not much my cup of tea (catchy chorus and rhythm, but I'm not that crazy about it as many seem to be). It was fun to sing along the "Ya, Nein! Rammstein!" part though, but it's no match to "Armee der Tristen" or "Rammlied" as an opener. Would have loved to hear the first one!
I felt Till's appearance on stage wasn't as powerful (although the explosion that revealed him was pretty cool), but his outfit is amazing! LOVE the feathers! I did enjoy the message at the beginning, the song and all of them appearing in the elevator together. To be fair, It might be that it's just different and we (I) were used to the old one.
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[second one became my phone's background image]
Me being me, I managed to, by one frame, not catch on video the part where Richard kicks the 🎹🤦‍♀️. But, honestly, aside from the interesting leg movement, it wasn't all that, as it just comes out of nowhere. But then again, we had completely drenched Richard™, so that was just a small drop of water in an ocean of wet awesomeness.
The first half (if I can call it that) of the concert, up until the Deutschland remix, was rocking like a motherfucker! "Keine Lust" sounds great live. It was, actually, one of my favourites. A great surprise! And Richard's energy made it even better.
I always thought I was gonna cry my eyes out during "Asche Zu Asche", as it's one of my favourite songs, but, the tears came during "Zeit"...That song had been hitting me in the guts for the last few months, but I honestly did not see that coming. It was just overwhelmingly beautiful! Till's voice...my Goodness...When he sang the "Ein jeder kennt den perfekten Moment" part, he added "es aquí!"/"aquí contigo" (it's here/here with you), which may or may not made me cry a bit more.
Still about "Asche Zu Asche"...as expected, every one of them has a different energy during that song, but it's still a very powerful one! I rocked my ass off to it and I'm very grateful to have been able to experience it live. Too bad there where no microphones on fire, though. 🙁
"Wiener Blut" sounded great live too! As haunting as I imagined. Till's voice, again...And all of them, honestly, sounded beautiful. These additions to the setlist are just perfect.
Paul was going all Metal on us in some backing vocals, I think during "Links" the most. And Till seemed pretty content with the rain, while adding some Spanish words/expressions to the songs or in between.
Richard's growling during "Du Riechst so Gut" sent me...⚰️I don't think I've recovered from that part yet. Everytime I rewatch the videos, there's shivers. And then there's the little synchronized headbangs between Paul and Till and with all of them. Even though Till seemed to struggle a bit during the one with Paul, particularly, it was so precious to watch up close! 😭Paul and RZK's arm pyro, unfortunately, didn't work. I also couldn't see Till with the arch pyro, as little Paul was standing in the way.
Till clearly used playback, at least in one song (can't quite remember on which one...maybe Wiener Blut...), which is something that always bothers me a bit, even loving him to death. It did not ruin the show for me in the slightest, of course, but I don't really appreciate it or get it.
(Also, my man, stop spitting so much! 🙈)
My greatest disappointment, though, was that the foam from the Pussy-canon didn't reach our side. 😭
Then there were all the little interactions they had going on. It's like Tumblr was turning real, right in front of my eyes! 😂Honestly, I thought a lot about you guys during the whole concert.
I also feel like I went through many phases: rocking my ass off and singing what I knew (and making up other parts 😅); standing still, being mesmerized, just taking it all in; crying during Zeit; laughing over their silliness and just thinking how these guys are so fucking good still after 30 years. 🖤
Other/specific favourite things:
Anything Till and Paul, to be honest, but mostly during Mein Teil and Ausländer (my heart almost melted in this last part, with Till caressing his Paule's face 🥹);
Olli having fun and throwing water at Paul;
The boats and how Schneider seems so happy during it. I focused on him so much, almost forgot there where two more boats coming.
Paul being his little clown self pretty much all the time 🙈;
Flake's little dances and his crown! So pretty!
Schneider setting the rhythm with his arm movements;
The Mein Teil background dancers;
Till's "peacock flames" moment during "Rammstein" is absolutely breathtaking to watch up close! 🥹
Till's rolled up sleeves and his tattoos peaking are also a beautiful sight to see in person. 🖤
Just watching Till in general...Even if I wish he was a bit more serious/stoic sometimes and not so clowny, I love that guy. I can't even put it right into words how it felt seeing him and hearing him.
But, to be honest, I think I have to say that my most favourite thing, even though he was opposite where I stood, was Richard being a badass rockstar! He rocked hard, even dripping wet (or probably even more because of). I liked how he still balances a bit of the more serious side with the silly one.
All in all, I would have appreciated a little less rain (it never stopped...), but I had a great time! There's nothing/no one like them! They're just beautiful to watch and it was incredible to get to see them so close. I'm still a bit overwhelmed and even though it was a different sentiment from last year's concert (my first and in my country), they made me very happy! Thank you, my boys!🖤
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tinywitchgoblin · 5 months
Hi! I am Marian ✨ I’m 24, I want to ask you for a bad batch matchup ☺️ (if they still available) 🐒 I read some of them 👀 and they are so good ❤️ I share u a bit about me ☺️ I love composing piano songs and creating music arrangements, also I love to write stories and sing ☺️ (even when my voice is not in tune 😅) Besides that I’m a highly sensitive person reason for which I tend to be kind and empathetic with others but also there are moments in which I feel overwhelmed with the daily routine or activities and I would like not to be surrounded by anyone or having to speak with someone and at the same time there is the feeling of wanting to have someone is... kinda complicated 🙈 and mixing that with anxiety and depression is crazy but I continue moving on 😅 I hope your answer 🤗 Have a nice day batcher! ✨
You too!
I ship you with...
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Hunter loves everything music related. It's a good way for him to get some sensory input that he has control over and won't send him into sensory overload. He enjoys sitting with you while you play piano, letting your music flow over him and wash the tension from every muscle in his body. If you're up for it, he'll ask you to teach him some piano basics, and it'll be the two of you sitting on the piano bench, not a care in the world.
Once Hunter felt comfortable opening up to you, you found out that he has an amazing singing voice. The first time you heard him sing was actually when he was in the shower. You'd heard singing coming from somewhere, so you walked out of your shared room towards the bathroom and heard him. It wasn't loud, but it carried just enough for you to hear, and the rich smokiness of his speaking voice is amplified in his singing voice and it is swoon-worthy. After that, there will be times that you and Hunter will sit down and you'll play something on the piano while you and he sing, sometimes even going into harmonies. It's one of the things you and he bond over the most.
Hunter is also a very empathetic person; one unintended side effect of his sensory sensitivities is that he's able to sense other peoples' moods and emotions very strongly, and he hates it. It gets very overwhelming very quickly, and there are times when he'll abruptly leave a social gathering because he needs to not be around other people. So when he finds out that you're the same way, it's comforting to him. You understand why he needs his space, and he doesn't feel like he has to defend himself over it. Sometimes, you and Hunter will both be overwhelmed, so you'll go off and sit somewhere, being alone together to help each other decompress. Having someone that understands that aspect of him in such a deep way is that much more meaningful to him, and just being able to be in a relationship with you means the galaxy to him.
Thanks for reading! If you want a ship request like this one, drop it in my ask box, and don't forget to reblog 💚 it may take a little bit, but I'll get to it eventually!
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lyranova · 5 months
For you ask game, 🌻🐇🥐🍦🧩 if you don't mind 🥰
Hiya Little fan! Of course I don’t mind 🥰!
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
Aaaahhh there’s so many people 😭! There’s you, there’s @vilandel @1phoebe1 @marune2 @artistic-endchamber @t-f-t and the lovely @lunargrapejuice ! Honestly there’s so many that I know I’m forgetting people, but please know I appreciate all of you lovelies 😤💕!
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
Hm, personally I like a mix of both but I tend to lean towards OC’s 😅. For example; for the Leo x Reader fic I created an OC in order to try and get an idea for a partner for him, and it actually worked and I used them as inspo for the reader’s personality in that fic! So a mix of both but leans more towards OC’s 🥰!
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
I’m assuming this is kind of like a meme? Hmm…the only internet reference that makes me laugh is a silly video where a bull rider (or rodeo clown) puts his leg on a wall while Smash mouths “All star” is playing and suddenly the music stops, and then as the bull suddenly bangs the metal door open the music starts up again 😅. It was shocking, but the editing on that video was so good that it made me laugh!
(Is this an interney reference? I’m old so I don’t know if thats what this means 😭)
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
Hmm…I guess I’ll go with Jester this time 😆.
1 He has cool magic
2 Has pretty interesting lore that I wish they would have expanded on in the movie!!
3 He has so much potential in and out of canon!
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Mischaracterization, or those “bashing X character” fics! This just *sigh* this just grinds my gears so bad; sometimes I let mischaracterization pass because it “fits the AU better” (such as crack fics) but when you write a fic where you intentionally mischaracterize a character in order to bash them and make them look bad its just…really in poor taste. Especially when you bash this character in order to make another character or a particular ship “look better” just *sigh* I will click out a fic so fast whenever i see that happening 😭!
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beigepillow · 4 months
Regarding your last post, I've seen a lot of people of the fandom dividing after chapter 58, too. Each chapter since the timeskip, D has been receiving a lot of criticism, but this time is even worse. I know his actions are not right at all, and the analysis we have from him is based on speculations because we don't know that much about what he thinks or feels.
I also wanted to share something that I have been thinking since I re-read the story. I love both characters, and I don't lean towards one more than the other, I have 2 years following the story, and I wonder if Y received the same criticism as D when he did what he did four years ago. They both have done questionable things throughout the story, and none of them should be excused for what they've done or what they are doing now. I know we tend to empathize more with Y because he is the narrator and the person that we know more about compared to D, but we shouldn't forget that D has his own trauma and issues with sex too. What Y did four years ago was to protect himself and the person he loves from his own perspective and his own way, but what if D is doing the same thing four years after. I tend to think that he is protecting Y from what he thinks( even if it's the wrong way and it's actually causing Y the opposite effect to some extent, but D precisely doesn't know this at all) but he's is also protecting himself because the way Y took him away from his life and how he pretended to forget D, might have been another trauma for D. They both seem to be waiting for the other to give clear signals, but their own traumas cause fears inside them and prevent them from communication. They both are afraid of rejection, and they are both dealing with that.
I'm sorry that it was too long😅
I ended up deleting the post this was in reference to but this can be a good discussion to have. I completely agree that Doumeki is acting in ways to protect himself. I have a few posts about that but it has been a while since I wrote on that topic. I am not sure how the reaction was on volume 6 since I wasn’t really on social media at the time and I probably wasn’t even a part of the saezuru fandom yet lol. At the end of the day, they’re both extremely flawed characters that deserve empathy. Doumeki is still reeling from what happened 4 years ago but he still wants to be a part of Yashiro’s life just like Yashiro wants to be a part of his. You bring up a really good point that Doumeki may be doing something similar to what Yashiro did 4 years ago. I love these kinds of takes that don’t demonize either characters. It is important to keep in mind that if you want to defend Doumeki, you don’t have to attack Yashiro. Yashiro definitely deserves some criticism but I still think he deserves a real chance at love and happiness just as Doumeki does as well. It is important to recognize that Doumeki is very stoic right now which makes it even easier to write off his feelings. On a personal note, when I was younger, my parents used to hit me whenever I cried too much and as a result I learned to hold back my emotions. But as a result of holding back my emotions, people think I am not as affected by certain things. I see that part of myself in Doumeki. Yashiro may not have hit Doumeki but there was a certain lack of safety whenever he expressed his feelings to Yashiro and now he prefers to hide those very feelings. It is not a punishment to Yashiro but rather Doumeki trying to protect himself.
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Now that you've finished both, what do you think are the difference between WangXian or HuaLian? Which mc and ml do you love more between both series? Which couple do you love more?
P.s Do you plan to read SVSSS? I think the best for fanfics inspiration from 3 MXTX works are SVSSS.....
This answer got way longer than I meant for it to 😅
I am all about Hualian 10000%. It's just a matter of preference, and I'll explain why I like one better than the other, but I'm not crapping on Wangxian shippers at all. Something for everyone haha!
Here's the thing. I like a lot about Wangxian. They've got a very Kirk/Spock thing a lot of the time that is eternally entertaining. But I just don't like the way they have sex. I dislike the way they have sex so much that it kind of retroactively made me less interested in the pairing as a whole. More specifically, I don't like how Lan Wangji does sex. People had warned me about it and I was like, "Eh, but I'm fine with CNC, all I need is that first C, so it's fiiiine." But. Nope. Thankfully this isn't a personal trigger for me, just a very firm preference, but I just...to quote myself in a previous post, "while the book did a good job convincing me that Wei Wuxian is into everything Lan Wangji does to him, it didn't do a good job convincing me that Lan Wangji knows that for sure, or is in control of himself, or would stop if Wei Wuxian didn't like something." That just isn't to my taste.
On the other hand, Hualian are also implied to be having rough and kinky sex, but there's much more of a feeling that they're communicating about it. I'm not expecting them to like, have a formal safeword or anything, but even just:
"Sorry, I went overboard last night," Hua Cheng apologized. It took a moment for Xie Lian to realize what he meant, and he quickly waved his hands. "Wh-what are you saying? That's not it at all--everything's fine!" Hua Cheng arched an eyebrow. "Is that so? If everything is fine even after that, does that mean I didn't go overboard last night? Does that mean I can...?"
"Is gege not coming up to join me?" But if he went up there, when would Xie Lian have a a chance to come back down? At that point, they could forget about doing anything else for a while. "Nah." Xie Lian declined politely. "My San Lang has overworked himself." "Nah," Hua Cheng laughed. "How could San Lang ever be afraid of hard work when it comes to working gege hard?"
Like. They're goofy about it and Hua Cheng loves to tease Xie Lian but they are actually talking about sex when they're not having sex. There's a degree to which they're communicating outside of the heat of the moment. And even in the amnesia extra (which makes me feel so bad for Hua Cheng omg he's being surprisingly chill but I need to write some meta about how miserable he must be during that) Xie Lian's fuzzy memories of what he at first assumes was a rape are full of the sense of being gentled and cherished and of their fingers and red strings tangling even as he's held down and roughed up.
Also the chapter opening with,
Laughing, Xie Lian pushed Hua Cheng off him -- his crushing weight was making it hard to breathe. The heat and passion had yet to subside when something suddenly occurred to him. "Oh yeah, San Lang," he began offhandedly.
That's so stinking cute I can't. They are so comfortable. Nothing in their relationship overall or in the hints of their sex life we see implies in the slightest that Hua Cheng isn't in control of himself in the most important ways (I do tend to think of him being a shaking crying coming-too-soon mess the first few times, but that's a very different kind of out of control lol). He worships Xie Lian, literally. Lan Wangji has this underlying layer of horny anger born in a repressed childhood; Hua Cheng's horny is all built on reverence. THAT IS MY JAM.
As for SVSSS, I think I will probably read it if only to try to figure out what on earth its fandom is talking about. It's...like an isekai I think? Which is not usually my thing, but at this point I feel like I gotta round out the trio haha!
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kronofobia · 3 days
Hello sibling! >:D I have a few questions about Homu, if you don't mind 😏
1. What is his race? (I probably used the wrong word for this, but i hope you know what i mean xD)
2. His favourite animal?
3. His favourite music/songs?
4. Favourite movies/shows?
5. Is he married with Krux? And if not are they planning to get married?
6. What is his sexuality? (You probably wrote this somewhere and i forgot about it xD)
7. Does his name have a meaning?
8. How many languages can he talk?
9. Favourite food?
Why is he so hot??
10. What does he like to read?
11. How did he get the scar on his eye?
12. How did he met Morro? Aaand if he took care of Morro does that mean Morro never met Wu? (Hopefully yes)
I guess that's all (for now xD) I'm so sorry if this is too much. You don't have to answer all of them if you don't want :3 (i'm obssessed with your oc thank you)
Also sorry if some questions are kinda dumb, and you probably already answered them in some of your posts 😭😅 i'm dum and tend to forget stuff easily ;w;
Long post warning lol
1. His race... honestly, I didn't think about it. He's a ninjago oc, his race is up to your interpretation. That's one of the reasons why I usually stick to the lego yellow skin colour when it comes to drawing lego characters. Also, giving him a race AFTER I made him might not be the best choice either. His design and story was based on nothing, but my imagination. I didn't use any references. If I wanted to make a character with a specific race and nationality in mind, I would do as much research as possible BEFORE designing them. I wouldn't want to be disrespectful towards any cultures, even if it's just an accident.
2. FENNEC FENNEC FENNEC!! He absolutely LOVES them! Also, desert rain frogs. Silly tiny squeaky fellas.
3. Ooohhh, he's an absolute sucker for old love songs! "Everybody Loves Somebody" and "The Way You Look Tonight" are probably his favourites. He loves to sing along with the songs while working on his lampwork projects.
4. He doesn't really watch TV. But one thing I can imagine is after Acronix returns from the time vortex and discovers modern technology, he forces Homuko and Krux to watch "How It's Made" with him, because he knows that they would actually like it. (This can also work as a headcanon for the twins, without my oc. This series is literally 32 seasons of autism, of course both of them would love it.)
5. They aren't, but they... pretend to be...?
After losing Acronix to the vortex, they didn't think about officially marrying. Even if they wouldn’t had a typical big ass wedding anyways, without Acronix, they rather not even thought about it altogether. And as for the "pretending" part: having a loving husband fits for the sweet and kind dr. Saunders persona.
"If dreams can't come true, then why not pretend?"
6. Unlabeled/genderblind/doesn't give a damn💪
I honestly don't remember mentioning it anywhere, so fair question xD
7. Uhhhh... *nervous chuckle*
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Aw yeah lack of creativity💪
Fun fact: originally, I wanted to name him Sandy or Sander. Which I quickly discarded of course💀
I really wanted to stick to the sand part lmao
8. Whatever language they speak in Ninjago. And a few Serpentine words due to Krux's obsession with Serpentine culture. (Yes, I hc Krux loving Serpentine culture. And Serpentines in general.)
9. Any type of noodle. But especially spicy ones.
10. Mostly non-fiction, but he would read anything if it's well-written. As long as it's not some cliché romance book. He absolutely hates them. He even mocked Krux when he found out he secretly enjoys romance novels in their late teenage years. But Krux also found out Homuko's appreciation for romance songs, and of course he immediately called him out. What a hypocrite smh
11. I would LOVE to drop this part of his lore here, but I also want to write a whole ass oneshot about it and now I feel conflicted. Let's just say he did everything to protect Morro. He's a cinnamon roll as long as you aren't a threat to his kiddo.
12. Morro did meet Wu and everything that happened in canon, happened in this AU too. Except Morro dying in a cave, of course. Homu and Mo met shortly after the time twins' battle. As a way of coping with losing Acronix, Krux and Homuko decided to mediate. While Krux meditated at home, Homu was drawn to the desert. And after meditating (which also helped him remember some stuff about his early childhood, but that's just more random unimportant lore), Homuko met Morro. In the desert, yes. Morro was still obsessed with proving Wu wrong, they wanted to train themself in the most unforgiving parts of nature. Such as a desert. And when these two met, they were extremely confused (*insert spidermen pointing at each other meme*), because what would bring someone to a desert?
After a bunch of talking and venting (mainly from Mo), Homuko went home and they just followed him. Without him noticing. The next morning, when Homu left the house to go to his workshop, he met Morro again. You can imagine Homuko's dumbfounded face.
"Why would a random kid follow me home?" Because you were the first person who actually understood them and not just pretended. You didn't say "everyone experiences that" or "you're just overexaggerating". Of course they got attached immediately.
So basically it was Morro adopting Homuko as his father, and not the other way around lol
Thank you so much again for your questions and feel free to ask more questions about this silly guy 🥹🫶
Also, don't you dare to apologize. I know where you live °^° /j /lh
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leofiat-bunny · 1 year
Random notes from rewatching
Creating a cut means rewatching some scenes a lot (I suffer for my "art" 😇). So this is kind-of-sort-of liveblogs for the series, but not really?
Vaguely in order
2023 - the year we all forgot (or pretended to) 😅
(well, the "forgetting" starts in 2019 but the show's released in 2023 so 🤫)
Cayenne Auto Shop
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10/10 naming, no notes ♥
I adore sleepy classmate with puppy plushie
Ai Di's never looked so fragile as after that kiss 😭
Xiao Jie: poor packhorse 😂. Sorry, but Ai Di is too pretty a princess to help out 👑 (I've decided Xiao Jie is aroace. Because someone always has to be)
I want to see the other costumes he got. I think we deserve a fashion show epilogue. Petition anyone? 📝
And he chose Red Riding Hood a few months(?) after Zhang Teng mocks him with the name 👑😎💅
"It's rare for me to dress up so cutely"
I can't emphasise enough how I adore that the feral kitten has 0 issues being cute when that tends to be the purview of the ostensibly tamed
"You are not like him"
I don't think Chen Yi would appreciate us calling Ai Di a feral murder kitten/feral murder bunny (feral murder fluffball?) 😅
"Bai Zonygi, let him go"
Anybody else not keen on the script and direction in this scene? The actors are doing great but what's happening doesn't make sense?
Why does Bai Zongyi need to let go right now? You haven't tried to address FJR's injuries from the other side, and I doubt you're worring about spinal injuries being exaccerbated here.
If you just want to pick him up, there's MORE room on the other side of A'Ruei and that would be easier…
Maybe I'm missing something but this doesn't seem sensible, it just kind of leaves me confused rather than emotional
Keeping Bai Zongyi in the shop
The sympathetic pain my babies must be feeling for Bai Zongyi - knowing your soulmate is hurt and you're being KEPT FROM HIS SIDE on top of their own pain for their friend. My babies 😭
(And poor Bai Zongyi I guess 😝)
Interesting that Ai Di explains to Chen Yi
Obviously it's exposition for the viewers but Chen Yi's reaction is decidely "this is news to me" not "Ai Di is muttering complaints at me"
I can well believe that in general Chen Yi is the paper person and Ai Di is the people person.
That's why they agreed that the bar would be Ai Di's to manage.
Ai Di is eye catching, wild, loud, and brings the party and is unashamedly himself. Chen Yi is dependable, restrained, organised.
Petty was on the money that Ai Di colours Chen Yi's world, and Chen Yi supports Ai Di (matches his colours).
The extra : Leave before Chen Yi comes
When I first saw this on my dash I was - predictably enough - focused on the implications of possessive Chen Yi seeing Zhang Teng with Ai Di backed against a wall.
Now I've watched the full scene!!!
From the moment FJR shows up, Ai Di doesn't provoke at all.
He doesn't back down of course, but on rewatching I saw: he's not saying or doing anything that could escalate things.
His next words are when Zhang Teng is lingering "What are you looking at? Get out." and almost before he does:
"Where's Chen Yi? I sent someone to call Chen Yi. Why did you come?"
Because if Chen Yi heard that the guy who had killed one of his people was now selling at his bar and Ai Di was confronting him...
He'd be there.
Except he's been told and he's not there.
Something happened to him.
(Except no, FJR was arrogant enough to just not tell him, so that suppressed panic attack was for nothing.)
Not ep focused
My loyal feral murder kitten
A'Ruei told you to run quickly, and you really ran
If my words can kill him, I will die with him, okay?
Why do you want him to take the fall? We should let our people take the fall. It has nothing to do with him
Imagine a newbie trying to manhandle Ai Di the way Chen Yi does
Post prison someone who joined after Ai Di left tries to pull Ai Di off someone he's beating up… ends up on the floor suffering until Chen Yi arrives (called to the scene by one of the others) and has to watch as Chen Yi does what he did to the complete opposite reaction (yeah, he's complaining but he's not doing anything about it)
Has to have it explained to it that Chen Yi is the Keeper of the feral murder fluffball.
Everyone else is to respect the wild beast for their own good
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tagged by @postwarlevi!!! i wanted to reblog but it got long so i'm making a new thread 😅
this is so cute 🥺🥺 any chance to talk about katvi i'll take it (✿◡‿◡)
1. who is the better cook?
him for sure, although neither of us are too big of a fan of cooking. i think he just tolerates it more than i do, although i do think there are some recipes he legitimately enjoys
2. who takes longer showers?
me. idk if its the adhd but i tend to forget how much time i spend in there and before i know it, he has to poke his head into the bathroom as a passive aggressive way of telling me that i stole all the hot water 😭
3. who is more organized?
him for sure. a point of contention with us is that i'm way too messy and it drives him through the roof. some boundaries had to be established and while it still makes him grumpy sometimes, he respects my space
4. who generally spends more money?
neither? technically me because if i get fixated on something, i'll tend to impulse shop but usually limit it to small-ish things or wait until they're on sale! he likes buying specialty teas and coffees and sometimes those can get kinda pricey, so i think we roughly break even
5. who likes sleeping in more?
hmm. i think this is difficult to answer because we both suffer from pretty bad insomnia. i think if it's who ends up sleeping in for longer, it's me. i'm the type that'll take like 4-5 hours to fall asleep but i can stay asleep once the sun rises (which is incredibly annoying) his insomnia is the type where he can get shut-eye for like 20 minutes at a time, which usually translates to him getting out of bed as soon as the sun starts to rise regardless of if he slept or not
6. who is the better driver?
im a passenger princess (✿◡‿◡) but also because driving gives me anxiety because i've gotten into accidents before, so he just does it for me, so it's levi for sure
7. who is the most stubborn?
hard to say. i think me. he usually gives in first because he gets way too irritated and is just like "whatever".
8. who is the most romantic?
neither 👁️👄👁️ at least not in the traditional sense. maybe me because i'm a sucker for romantic sunset walks (✿◡‿◡) but also him because sometimes he'll leave cute little notes around the house for me and it makes me melt (i have a little collection of them :3)
9. who is more laid back?
me. i think he's overall more extra or particular than i am. and this isn't in regards to him needing clean spaces. that's fine. i'm talking about the extra amount of work he constantly puts into every little thing, especially when it comes to house projects or even picking out toys for the cats. whereas i'm just kinda like...as long as it's not doing harm, convenience is king
10. who is more likely to ask for directions?
me. and it's a silly reason. like yes, i'm directionally confused a lot but i think levi would want to just. wander around and hope we get unlost and i'm not interested in doing that.
11. who is the blanket hog?
also me 😅 i get very fitful when my insomnia acts up, which usually translates into me wanting to hug something (why, you ask? no idea), whether it's him, a pillow, my plushie, or (in most cases), the blanket.
12. who is more likely to lose their phone?
him. he's technologically confused, which translates him to just not really using his phone unless he has to. it also means he's shit at answering texts on time >:(
13. who initiated the first kiss?
him because i was too shy 😅 i still thought it was some kind of joke as to why he was even interested in me, so i never really made a move.
14. who fell in love first?
hard to say. probably me since i was crushing on him forever, but he was the one that reached out and started stuff soooooo who knows
15. who planned the honeymoon?
him, mostly? he decided what we wanted to do. he was very extra about it, wanting to make it worth our money and get like the maximum amount of r&r with the least amount of stress, which i lowkey appreciated sm 😭 i was the one that did all the booking and reservations tho lol
#: @romantichomicide95 @luvjiro @leviismybby @jayteacups @lucysarah-c @whoami-72 @sixpennydame @wyvernslovecake @stygianoir @einnyl @nube55 @svftackerman @roseofdarknessblog @bita-bita @averysmolbear @youre-ackermine @thevelria @crazychaoticizzy @littlerequiem @notgoodforlife @bloompompom @ackermendick @sad-darksoul + anyone who wants to join! if you don't partake in self-shipping, then please ignore! <(^-^)>
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depravitycentral · 1 year
i love that you don't shy away from yandere themes that are considered gross! Period blood for example and invading reader's privacy in the bathroom. (Thankfully there's no sc*t 😅) A lot of your posts are 10k+ so I was wondering about your writing process
Do you write it all in one sitting? How long does it take you? If you get a block in the middle, do you just give up on it or force yourself to finish it? What's your favorite thing you've written?
Aww thank you for the reassurance! I'm never totally sure how things like that will be received - my goal when I write yandere works is to tap into the more creepy and gross side of the yandere, and I think that can turn a lot of people off from reading my stuff. Thank you for being a trooper and dealing with it, though; you have my heart <3
(Also please don't worry, scat will NEVER make an appearance on my blog. Other icky, nasty body fluids? Sure, but I have to draw the line somewhere and that's where I've chosen.)
As far as my writing process goes, I kind of go in spurts! This weekend I've been feeling weirdly productive and I had a lot of free time (a rare commodity), so I was able to sit down and pound out some of those profiles. I tend to get inspiration for a character and write like 60-75% of their profile in one sitting, then suddenly lose all motivation and want to stop to take like a snack break or do something else for a while. A lot of times when I'm that close to being done I just force myself to finish it, which sometimes has better results than others. (The Nobunaga nsfw profile, for example, was completed about 65% of the way done when I suddenly crashed on it, but I banged it out from start to finish in one sitting, so if there are lulls in the writing that's probably why.) If I leave something halfway done, there's all kinds of little notes and bullet points written down on the document with ideas I was working with, but sometimes I wait so long to return back to that specific work that I totally forget/don't understand what the bullet points are saying, which sucks.
For time, I would say it takes me somewhere around 3-4 hours to write each profile if I'm really focused, but the total time (including brainstorming) is probably averaged more around 5-6 hours. The nsfw ones have less content so they take less time, but the general ones are the ones I have to really think about and analyze, which often tends to require watching a few more episodes with that character in it just to get a good feel for them as I head into writing. (Unfortunately, haikyuu has become virtually impossible to find for free nowadays, so for all my haikyuu works I'm mostly just working off memory. I'm a little worried they aren't super accurate to the characters, but the show must go on.)
I don't really have a favorite thing I've written! Occasionally I'll look through my blog and see something I posted and go oh really? Was that me? Did I post that? I don't remember most of the details of things I post, so it's actually kind of a treat for me to go back and reread my work because it's like I'm reading a brand new fic. (Aside from all the grammar errors I suddenly find. Ugh.) I will say that all the Feitan stuff came much easier than I thought it would - I was kind of dreading writing for him because he's so popular among the fans and is kind of difficult for me to grasp, but once I started it just kind of kept coming. So if I had to choose, maybe his profiles!
Thank you for all the questions - self reflection is always a good thing! And thank you for sending in this ask - the little rush of serotonin I get whenever I see a notification that something new is in my inbox is crazy.
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