#after the plumber came the drying out the walls guys showed up really fast
last night our toilet clogged
right now our toilet is sitting in the shower and we have 2 dehumidifiers and a hepa filter all making a godawful sound they're so LOUD it rlly sets my teeth on edge
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itsbenedict · 6 years
Kingdoms and Koopas: Ep. 3
K&K is a Fate Accelerated campaign set in the Mario universe, which I’m running for three players:
Bee @thebeeskneesocks​, playing Kandace Koopa
Jovian @jovian12​, playing Cozmo Naut
Malky @sleepdepravity​, playing Dr. Chevy Chain
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Previously on Kingdoms and Koopas: the party disturbed the restless dead, including Kandace’s gym coach, and managed to retrieve the Music Key from the Heart of Darkness. Then they tried teleporting out, and found themselves... out, but surrounded by hostile Koopalings. Whoops! They should probably do something about that.
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(pictured: maps! of the Koopa Kingdom capital, Bowserburg Shellington New Bowseria Whatever It’s Called Today. above, and below.)
So, to recap their predicament in a little more detail, their teleport took them to the cloud of a Lakitu, who, upon suffering the effects of the Vacuum Shroom toxin they teleported into his cloud, proclaimed himself “the Storm God” and began terrorizing his fellow students. At least, until Kandace cast a spell to make them heavy and sink down into the fountain below, where it all got washed out and they all return to normal.
To normal, except they’re in this big indoor courtyard foyer thing, and they’re surrounded by five of the seven Koopalings. And... see, the Koopalings attend Kam Ekademy, the school across the street from Kammy Koopa’s Academy For Young Witches and Wizards. These two schools... have something of a rivalry. And a rivalry between two magic schools populated by irresponsible troublemakers... it’s more of a prank war type of deal. And wouldn’t you know it- the party contains a Kammy’s student!
Chevy, as usual, attempts to just roll the fuck outta there, but, uh... well, Kamek’s school uniforms are blue, and Kammy’s school uniforms are purple. And Chevy is purple, and seemingly with Kandace, and so the Koopalings jump to conclusions. “The Skammies are trying to escape!” Lemmy yells.
So... Roy is the first to act, firing a cannonball at Chevy. The way the rolls go, though... I guess Roy’s cannon is no match for a charging chain chomp, and it glances right off. Morton tries to stop her, too, and manages a little better- they tie, and Chevy manages to shove him to the doorway but not out. Cozmo tries to follow Chevy’s lead, doing the standard-issue X-Naut bum-rush. Lemmy tries to roll over to block him, but again the rolls are not in his favor, and Cozmo just knocks the ball out from under him and charges past. Kandace also attempts to flee, and also shout taunts at the Koopalings, but Ludwig grabs at her broom. And... just gets a handful of bristles as she speeds away. Larry tries shooting spells at them from the second-floor railing, but misses.
So as they get out the front door of Kam Ekademy, they’re attacked from behind as Wendy O. throws a ring at them from the balcony above the door. She also misses, though, and Kandace fires back with her heaviness spell, targeted at Wendy O.’s bow- causing her to lose her balance and fall off the balcony. The lot of them proceed down the front path... only to be blocked by Iggy, the final obstacle! Who... also misses, and knocks some of the pursuing Koopalings back a bit with the stray blast. They breeze right past him.
As they leave by the front gate (which the Koopalings aren’t allowed to pass out through, as school is in session), a “psst” gets their attention. Kandace recognizes the source of the voice as that shifty junk dealer that tries to sell useless crap to the kids at Kammy’s at a huge markup- looks like he also hangs around by the Ekademy.
Cozmo does not recognize that this brown Shy Guy in a trenchcoat, wearing an enormous fake mustache, is actually his boss, Shady Guy.
Chevy, with no patience for this, takes off for the hospital, but Cozmo and Kandace check out Shady Guy’s Deals Guy’s wares. There’s some weird yellow mushrooms, green dried shrooms, some weird little metal thing that he calls a “good’un” (or “G’un”), a ratty old umbrellla, and... ooh, a collapsible stunt bike!
Before buying anything, though, Kandace gets suspicious, and tears off Deals Guy’s mustache- revealing that it was, in fact, Shady Guy all along! Shady Guy tries to snatch it back, but fails- and Kandace ransoms it back in exchange for the bike. Hooray for robbery! Good thing there’s no way Shady Guy would ever go to the police about this. Cozmo gets the bike, and excitedly heads home.
Kandace returns to Kammy’s, Music Key in hand. On the way, though, she encounters... the hooded figure with the pink beak. It gestures for her to hand over the Music Key, but Kandace is suspicious. She instead insists that it escort her to Kammy personally, at which it balks, but ultimately agrees. Or, pretends to- as they’re almost there, it attempts to snatch the Music Key but fails. (Kandace cast a spell that creates a protective but freezing-cold ice bubble, before it could get her.) Kandace, vindicated in her suspicions, hamster-ball-rolls into the school and heads to Kammy’s office.
Kammy, for her part, seems surprised and slightly distressed that Kandace has returned with the Key successfully, and that it wasn’t somehow stolen from her. Odd, that. She weasels out of her promise to hand over a magic item from her treasure vault- modifying clarifying the terms of the deal such that, okay, it’s one magic item per orb for whoever turns it in, so four total- but they’re only handed out once all the Music Keys have been collected. So... Kandace better get back to work finding the rest!
Kandace isn’t happy about this, but whatever- she’s guaranteed at least one, as long as Kammy gets all the Music Keys, so if she can find the rest, cool beans.
And... cut to black, because we’re moving to the next day. Cozmo has decided to take his new collapsible stunt bike out for a spin at Plumber’s Folly, one of those incredibly deadly natural obstacle courses that occur in this neck of the woods. Kind of a companion to The Part That’s Supposed To Stop Mario But Doesn’t. Anyway, uh... Cozmo finds out the hard way that the collapsible bike “purchased” from Deals Guy has the emphasis on “collapsible”. It breaks underneath him and sends him flying into a lake of lava, causing his lives to go down from 3 to 2 and landing him with severe injuries back on shore.
He’s found by Party Guy, his direct superior at the talent agency. Shady Guy owns Shady Guy’s Talent Agency, but doesn’t do much management- that end of things is left to this clown. This literal clown, a guy who’s attended every Mario Party and knows how to have a good time. He takes Cozmo back up the hill to the talent agency, but Shady Guy calls him inside to deal with something urgent, and he leaves Cozmo on the ground after calling Kandace to come pick him up.
Kandace finds her way down past the Koopa Katacombs (think the ones in Paris, except it’s just sort of an underground apartment district for Dry Bones), and the Cavern of Gratuitous Spiky Peril, which she’s able to just ride her broom over. She picks up Cozmo and takes him to the hospital, where Chevy reluctantly patches him up again. 
...Oh, while they’re in the waiting room there, Kandace and Cozmo overhear- from a heavily-injured superhero wannabe Pokey named Pokey Man, who works for Shady Guy’s Talent Agency- that the boss was seen carrying a shiny orb into Plumber’s Folly. Weird!
Anyway, Chevy decides that she needs to see Cozmo’s place of work, and find out what conditions are like there. There has to be some reason this guy keeps getting horribly injured! So... they decide to take what should be a shortcut, since the Cavern of Gratuitously Spiky Peril is harder to navigate with three to a broom. They take the underground below the hospital, and find... one small tunnel, and one big tunnel. The big tunnel has a broken bridge, though, so they can’t go that way at this point in the plot. They take the small tunnel...
...Which suffers a cave-in, due to the fact that I came up with it just then as a way for them to bypass certain obstacles I hadn’t finished setting up on the real path. So they won’t be using that one again. But they escape the cave-in, by running really fast in a panic, and arrive at the big cavern where Shady Guy’s Talent Agency is situated.
Cozmo decides to take them on a tour! Weirdly, the receptionist, Goomfried, is absent- but there’s a lot of noise coming from the dance room. They go check that out, and find... well, as usual, a particular couple new recruits are there. This guy Mike, some kind of robot, is DJing, and Jamie Thang is cutting a rug like there’s no tomorrow. Or, well- there’s no rug, it’s one of those light-up colored grid floor things, but you get the idea.
Also in the room is Party Guy, talking to... incredibly famous Mushroom Kingdom actor/director Zip Toad! Apparently the talent agency finally has an actual client! Zip Toad, who we decide sounds like Tommy Wiseau (because Party Guy and Cozmo are already sharing the surfer dude/stoner type accent), is looking for stunt talent for his new film. Cozmo’s eager to show off, so Zip Toad, Party Guy, and the party head off to Plumber’s Folly for Cozmo to show off.
Cozmo makes two rolls, here. One roll is with +Flashy, to see how totally sick his stunting is. The other roll is +Careful, to see whether he sticks the landing and doesn’t wipe out on the Plumber’s Folly hazards.
Cozmo’s Flashy is +3. His Careful is +0. The outcomes of these rolls are exactly as you might predict.
So, Chevy has unraveled the mystery of why Cozmo is getting injured so often. It’s because he goes out of his way to do the most dangerous possible things, all the time! Wow! The case is closed. She goes down to try and peel Cozmo off the spike wall he impaled himself on, while Kandace...
Kandace has that magical ability to sort of sense the direction of nearby Music Keys, and... huh! Seems like there’s one down, down deep in Plumber’s Folly! Weird. So, of course, she heads right inside, heedless of the dangers. And then... oh, boy. Oh, boy, the dangers. A wall of rock cuts her off from the others, and then more walls of rock erupt from the ground and knock everyone else off their feet! The party and company begin to tumble down into the depths of World 9-5. Next time: we’ll see how well the party manages doing plumber’s work!
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buildbathroom--com · 5 years
DIY Small Bathroom Remodel
What's up guys, I'm Brad Rodriguez from Fix This Build That and today I'm going to show you how to remodel this small contractor basic bathroom and gave it a whole new look with a custom tiled shower surround in all new fixtures. Stay tuned I'll show you just how I did it. This is the small bathroom I'll be working on it's 6 foot by 5 foot, excluding the bathtub and has two doors in it to boot It was also the contractor basic package with bland flooring a sheet mirror generic lights in a basic shower So when my friends at the Home Depot challenged me to remodel a bathroom, I just jumped on the opportunity. I started pulling all the old fixtures out of the bathroom the toilet and vanity go relatively fast is they're just unfastened But the mirror took a little bit of a finesse because it's glued to the wall We donated or sold all the old fixtures we could since they still work great Now, unfortunately, there's really no way to get a one-piece shower surround out of a bathroom without hacking it to bits I started removing the hardware and here's a little tip for the tub spouts Take a picture of the underside of the spout if you see a set screw. It's likely a friction fit You just loosen that set screw and then pull the spout off if there's no set screw there It's a threaded fit and you just unscrew the spout After disconnecting the plumbing I used a nine inch wide strip of plywood to score a line around the walls above this round I used a smaller strip to outline the sides of this round as well Keeping clean lines here is going to help you down the road when it's time for new drywall With a hammer and a pry bar I remove the drywall around the surround to reveal the flange that's used to secure the shower to the wall studs beneath. I checked behind the surround to make sure there is no wires or pipes and then I started cutting And you definitely want to wear a dust mask here while you're doing this The fiberglass is pretty nasty, but a sharp blade and a reciprocating saw makes quick work of the walls I couldn't quite get through the base of the tub though But I got it down to a small enough size where we could pull it out The last piece left was the floor I used a pry bar and pulled the flooring up which apparently wasn't attached very well because it came up really easily and we replaced the Flooring with a modern white large format tile and it really helps make a small bathroom feel bigger I made a whole video on replacing the floor so I won't cover that today, but you can go check out the full video There's a link below and at the end of the video with a clean slate It was time to start building the bathroom back up and we wanted to go with a bright Look to make this small space seem bigger and we also wanted custom touches to give the bathroom a high-end feel and The most involved upgrade was the Delta up style wall system and bathtub And the plumbing connections needed to be moved to fit the new tub, and I'd highly recommend using a licensed plumber for that. I pre-drilled holes in the flanges for the install then I hooked up the drain and overflow connections on the tub And once these were set I secured the tub to the studs with panhead screws I used shims any place where the tub was a little off the studs to avoid cracking the flange Next up I did my first dry fit of the up style wall system we're using I put the back and left wall in a place to check for fitment and the right wall needs cutouts for the plumbing So I took measurements and I made cutouts for the spouts in the mixer valve The up style system is supported by furring strips on the wall Now one thing I'd have done differently if I did it again, though Is that add more vertical studs in there as well and make these 12 inches on center instead of 24 inches on center Which is what my bathroom has. I think it's 16 inch studs though. You'd probably be okay the 24 inch on center Just gave a little more flex than I'd prefer after install And then I did one more dry fit of all the walls to make sure the furring strips are in the right place. I pre-drilled the flanges at the stud locations to make the install quick once the adhesive is put on as well The wall kit comes with double stick tape to help hold the wall to the furring strips while the adhesive sealant sets. I used DAP 3.0 for the sealant which is one of the three recommended products specifically for this acrylic material Now a generous amount of adhesive is put onto each furring strip and then we brought the back wall in We held it in place making sure it was level to the marks that we made during the dry fit Then I secured it to the studs along the top flange and in this little screw recess in the accent tile channel. I pressed the rest of the wall firmly to the double sided tape and spread even pressure along the furring strips for good contact Before installing the wall with applying pipes in it I put on the fire retardant pad provided in the kid and cutout for the mixing valve. I applied the sealant to the furring strips just like before and then I wedged the wall piece Then I secured the wall panel with screws and then I repeated the process for the left side the biggest thing to watch out for here is just to make sure that the sidewall Our tights in the back before you secure them so there aren't any gaps in the corners and everything should have been leveled during your dry fit and Hey if you're new here and like what you're seeing be sure to subscribe. I hope to see you around in the comments As a final step to help the wall set up firmly I use some two by fours wedged against the tub to hold the bottom tight and left it all to set up for 24 hours The wall system has a nice subway tile look but what really sets it apart is the custom accent channel to add your own style We went with the hexagonal mosaic tile for this feature. I set up my tile saw and I used an extra floor tile clamped to the table as a zero clearance cutting surface Cutting a shallow line in the tile lets you see exactly where the cut will be And it also gives you support to cut small tiles which have a tendency to blow out and chip. I Cut down the tiles to the right height of the accident opening and then I cut the pieces to size for the beginning and ends of the channel And the tile install is quite a bit different than normal tile install Regular mastic won't stick to the acrylic. So again here I had to use the special sealant So first I caulk the corners to make sure that they were Watertight and then I filled in that screw channel to seal the screws and also give a flat surface for the tiles After that, the sealant is applied just like the mastic and trialed with a v-notch trowel I pressed the mosaic strips into the adhesive and I use small spacers to keep it from sliding down And the adhesive holds it firmly to the wall so you don't need to worry about it falling off. Just sliding down Now my biggest piece of advice here is to watch your edges on the top and bottom I first started out applying too much of the caulk and it was globbing up on the edges and then I wasn't putting enough on there And it wasn't quite sticking the small tiles in place There's a fine line between getting just the right amount of adhesion without getting a lot of squeeze out There was definitely a little finagling to do with the gaps right between where the strips meet up, but I smooth it all out best I could and let it sit for another 24 hours to cure Now the grounding stage is similar to other grouting the only thing you need to do here is mask off the surrounding areas I use some painters tape and some clear plastic to keep the grout from scratching the acrylic Then I mixed up some unsanded grout and I worked it into the mosaic tiles I did both of the sidewalls first and I came back and wiped off the excess grout With a sponge before it could dry too much and become difficult to remove Then I moved onto the back wall and I did the same process there After that I decided to remove the tape and work the grout joints a little bit around the edges I'm glad I did this because I definitely had some bleed over and working the joints now before they fully hardened Let me still shape them and correct any issues I dinished up for the day by buffing off as much of the grout haze as I could then I came back and got the rest Of it the next day The last piece to button up the shower surround was to caulk all the seams I taped off the seams with painters tape and I used a grout caulk to match the grout that I used for the accent strips It was a little messy on that right side. So on the left side, I went ahead and taped that seam as well For the acrylic seams I went back to the DAP 3.0 and caulked all the seams using my finger to smooth everything out and then removing the tape Honestly, though I'd look into the other two recommended cocks for this task because after a couple of weeks the DAP is already a dingy White and we haven't even used the shower yet And with the shower all buttoned up I moved on to repairing the drywall I covered up the back wall in the lower portions of the side wall with some straight drywall strips For the corners I cut l-shaped pieces out using my multi-tool The multi-tool is great for cutting odd shaped pieces and drywall and it really makes short work of it Using an l-shaped piece instead of two connecting straight pieces also makes mudding and blend in the corners much easier. I taped and applied my initial coat of drywall mud to the seams and the screw holes I'm not particularly good at drywall, but I make up for it by enjoying it even less In total, I did four coats of mud sanding between each one And one thing I've learned along the way is it's much better to do more light coats than to try to do fewer thicker coats Thick coats just take way too long to dry and is prone to shrinkage. Nobody likes shrinkage Before installing the shower hardware, I turned over the painting to Susan and she knocked it out we put up a nice light gray that goes well with a simple modern look that we're going for I hung up the new light fixture to give us some better light and then I moved on back to the shower When I tried to install the mixing valve cover though, I realized the hole that I'd cut wasn't quite large enough I should have cut it much law to allow servicing the mixer valve But at this point I just wanted to open it up enough for the cover to fit So I used my rotary tool to widen the opening The fixtures I'm using are the Everly line from Delta We really liked their look and feel in the curves of the handles in The tub spout has this fun little twist to it That just gives it some great character and they both just screw on in our set in place I also added sealant on both pieces to avoid water leakage into the wall The showerhead was the last piece to be installed. It definitely gives the shower a more custom feel also I finished off the renovation by installing a new Delta toilet a vanity with the everly style faucet and a mirror These are all easy to install in the upgraded versions We went with really transformed the look in the feel of this small bathroom now I'll have links in the description to all the items. I used in this remodel Hey, I got another video queued up for you just click right there It'll take you right over if you're not subscribed to the channel already I'd love to have you as part of the team and until next time guys get out there and build something awesome
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