#so the toilet juice was running down the inside of the kitchen walls!
last night our toilet clogged
right now our toilet is sitting in the shower and we have 2 dehumidifiers and a hepa filter all making a godawful sound they're so LOUD it rlly sets my teeth on edge
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eternallysunlight · 2 years
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 (𝟏)
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: When her father gets into the wrong kind of business, Chrissy is given a bodyguard to follow her around. The catch: he's the president of their town's biker gang. At first, she hates the new shadow that keeps her company. But, when tragedy hits, Chrissy soon learns that she needs all the protection she can get.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: chrissy x eddie
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Bulimia, mentions of vomit
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3.6K
(𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐬 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝)
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The smell of candied fruit carried itself into the air, landing on my nose. I whiffed in the sweet, sugary scent, and smiled. 
Grandma's kitchen always had an effect on my senses. I could always count on the boiling of corn, frying of chicken or beating of eggs to reawake my tired mind. 
She stirred the melted sugar in her pot, humming a familiar tune. As though matching her movements to the rhythm of the song, Grams moved away from the stove and poured the syrup over the strawberries that were placed on a rack nearby. 
Looking back at her work, she grinned from ear to ear. "Chrissy, eat, eat. It's all ready, darling."
"Thanks, grams'. You always know how to cheer me up these days," I state, walking over to the rack and grabbing a berry.
 I bit down hard, hearing the sticky glaze break beneath my teeth. As the sugar dissolved on my tongue, the inner layer of juice hit my tastebuds. I relished in its sour sweetness, feeling my brain melt away its sleepiness. 
"Oh, my sweet angel. What is it with you and your school?" 
Grandma walked up to me, keeping her gaze on mine as I nibbled away. Though I knew what she meant, I tried to keep my thoughts to myself. 
I grinned between my slippery lips, and attempted to console her worries. "It's nothing, grams'. Y'know, this and that."
"Oh, this and that. You always say that, sweet girl." She retorts, wrapping her fingers around the side of Jason's varsity jacket.
"I know that cheer's important to you, but can'ya try to cut down a bit on the practice? You're losing meat, sweetie."
I felt my insides curdle at her words. God, grams. Didn't know we were going there. 
"I'll try my best, grams. But, you know I can't control the schedule that much." I say between bites, wiping the remaining juice on the back of my ruffled skirt. 
I looked back to the cuckoo clock on the kitchen wall and gasped. What time is it? Shit! 7:45, Jason should be here by now.
I turned on my heels and gave my grandma a quick kiss on the cheek before running towards the foyer. 
She watched me, shaking her head in disapproval, though smirking.
"Alright, Chrissy, just make sure you don't skimp out on those after-school snacks." 
Another ping in my chest. 
"O-of course, grams! Love ya!"
As soon as I grabbed my bag, my feet pushed me out the door. 
It's not that I don't love my grandma's concern. In fact, it's one of the most endearing things about her. 
As a child, she'd take on the most insane precautions whenever I stayed over. Excessive barriers, cabinet locks, and toilet guards galore. It was something you'd come to expect from her, whenever baby Chrissy was there.  
"You're so small, sweetie. I wouldn't want you to crumble," she'd say, whenever I'd moan and complain.
After my mother passed last year, the concerns got even worse.  She began to notice the tiniest differences in my attitude, making it increasingly difficult to hide. Combine her paranoia with the extra sleepovers I'd been accumulating when Dad wasn't home, and you had even fewer hideaways from her fear. 
Now the concern's overstayed its welcome, and it's become a nagging voice in the back of my head, reminding me of a past I wished I'd forgotten.
As I left my grandmother's house, the bright streaks of sunlight smashed onto my pupils. 
Of course, I get blinded the one day I forget my sunglasses. Today's going well. 
I hurried down the stairs and saw Jason Carver's cleanly-kept convertible waiting for me. The ceiling was down, exposing my view to the blonde-haired boy in the front. 
My boyfriend was sitting down on the driver's seat, admiring himself in his rear-view mirror.
As usual. 
"Jason! Sorry, sorry, sorry!" I yelled out, quickening my pace as I ran up to the car. 
My voice caught his attention, making him turn around. He began to laugh, covering his smile with a tightened hand.
"Jeez, Chris, it's like you do this to me on purpose." 
I plopped my bag down in the back and hopped in, my skirt ballooning with the air that I carried with me. Tucking in my uniform, I buckled into my seat and turned to face my boyfriend. 
"I don't mean to be late every day, Jace. It's the time. It hates me." 
He smiled, moving his head down to place a kiss on my lips. I hummed in response, enjoying the slight warmth it gave me.
He moved away slowly, keeping his eyes on me before switching gear and pushing us forward. We began to rush away from the quiet suburbia of my grandmother's neighbourhood, finding ourselves in the busy hum of early traffic.
Hawkins was in its most peaceful state when it was the morning. The sky paled itself to a melody of purples and pinks, blues and greys. Though the air was littered with beeps and horns, the noises carried themselves away from the streets. 
All that was left were the sleepy workers clocking in, or the busy parents answering to the calls of their angry toddlers. 
It was simple, sweet, familiar bliss.
 It was my home: Hawkins, Indiana.
Soon, the streets had cleared themselves out for us, making the drive to school a smooth journey. My boyfriend played a Billy Joel tape as we zipped around town. It was the kind of tune that made Jason, well, Jason. 
He never worried about schoolwork or college applications. There was an easygoing past to Jason's life, something that let his worries fly away like a bird in the fall. Sometimes, this chilled mentality he carried around was comforting. Other times, it felt as though he didn't listen to me fully when I confided in him.
Though, the latter half was the usual eventuality. 
I found myself lost in thoughts, eyes staring at the collage of colours and people we drove past until Jason brought me back.
"What's got you all quiet today? Is it the recent stunts by Hellfire?" He snickered, his tongue placing heavy emphasis on the latter half.
I shook my head immediately. "God, no. Jace, y'know I don't like talking about Hellfire." 
He readjusted himself in his seat as I replied, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. 
"Yeah, I know. It's just, I've never seen you like this before. Usually, you'd be whining about Cheer or Tanya or even your dad by now."
"Okay, yeah, that's fair. It's just... " I took a breath as I focused on my words.
"...last night with grams got me a little lost in my thoughts."
"What'dya mean?" He asked, turning to the last street on our journey to Hawkins High. 
"She told me last night about dad's new business deal, and it's some investment in a mall downtown."
Jason's eyebrow tilted up. "Starcourt, right? Yeah, I heard about that. How's it bad, exactly? Sounds like good revenue to me."
I chewed on my inner cheek, thinking back to my chat the night before. 
"This company that he's dealing with, they're from out of town. We don't know much about them, and they're not really giving much info to work with."
"Ah, so you're worried about your dad. And his job. That he's been doing for years." Jason remarked, giving me an exaggerated look of concern.
"Yeah, I am, Jason! I know it sounds stupid, but, it's just such a sudden job with such little background to it. I don't want my dad to be cheated out of his money."
My boyfriend rolled his eyes as I spoke those last remarks, ticking his tongue. "You're such a worryier, Chris. You need to lighten up more."
He parked his car in his signature spot, right in the back. 
Though there was no obvious sign that marked the cement with his name, everyone at school knew this was Jason's spot. It was one of the tiny symbols of power that Jason carried as captain of the basketball team. 
"Ugh, you never take me seriously," I say, jumping out of the car and grabbing my backpack. 
Jason joined my departure, walking out the Mustang and catching me by the waist as I went up to him. 
We walked into the schoolyard and were greeted by a group of our friends. On my side, Tanya ran up to me and giggled about the latest town events. On Jason's corner, Andy and Patrick kept him company as they discussed their plans for their game on Friday. 
This was the beginning of our day, king and queen of our small town's high school. We chatted about sports and movies, taking space in the hallways, and sending fear to the freshmen who looked up to us. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy every second of it.
This was the teenage dream - and I was living in it.
"I got 84, stupid." 
"It's obviously 75, Eric. How'd the hell d'you get 84?"
"Well, maybe it's because I can actually do polynomial division, STAN!"
I felt my sleepless night catch up with me as I heard my classmates argue over work. My pre-calc teacher hadn't shown up that day, and so the class was instructed with a dozen of pages in our textbook to work on. Of course, I completed only a few before my brain couldn't compute any longer. 
I probably should've called it an early night yesterday, instead of listening to Grams ramble on about dad's mall deal. I could feel the tiny cells in my brain hit each other, as if they were purposefully giving me a headache. 
I brought my head from under the desk, tapping on my friend's shoulder. "Amy? You there?"
Nope, she was out cold. Unsurprisingly. This class felt mind-numbingly long. I stared at the clock and felt the energy rise back into me.
As if God had heard my inner prayers, the bell rang. Immediately, Amy shot herself back, her head whipping up. 
"Amy, chill out. It's just the lunch bell," I giggled out, grabbing my math work and stuffing it into my pale yellow bag. 
She let out a puff of air as she sat up and fixed her skirt and took her bag from behind her chair. She didn't even take her books out before class. 
"That's good. Jesus, I thought I was gonna nail second detention."
"Whad'ya mean, second detention? How'd you get the first one?" I asked as we head out of class together.
"Y'know how Mr.McNeely is, always pestering me about my gum," She replied.
I shook my head, giggling once again. "You've gotta stop it with the gum, Amy. This is, like, your third detention of the month."
We went up to our lockers, placed our bags back and grabbed our lunch money.
"It's not like it's harming anyone, Chris. Why should I be pushed in the mud for keeping my breath minty-fresh?" She grinned, twirling a curl on one of her pigtails. 
I rolled my eyes in response as we turned for the cafeteria. "Yeah, but dont'cha want a clean record for college season? You wouldn't want to be singled out just 'cause of gum, right?"
"Ugh, whatever. I don't have enough money to go out of state, anyways. Doesn't matter at the end of the day."
We walked into the lunch room, all eyes once again on us, the Hawkins High Cheer Squad. We tended to avoid the gazes in the farther back, belonging to the group of boys no one spoke to: Hellfire. 
I picked up a light-blue tray and eyed the food options carefully. A familiar pit in my stomach began to churn, making its way to my throat. I gulped down dryly.
Amy was in front of me, talking to Patrick about after-school practice. 
The cheerleaders and basketball players would meet up after their separate practices to head out to a small diner near the town exit. It's what made our group so closely intertwined, and it's what made me love school just a little bit more. A sense of normalcy was a soothing escape from my home life, especially before my mother's death.
But, that was the past. Nowadays, the after-school meetups became all too boring. Andy and Jason would boast about their stats, while Tanya would rant about whatever problems she was having with her boyfriend, Steve Harrington. I never really understood what she saw in him, anyway. 
"U-um, excuse me? Chrissy? You're keeping up the line." A voice to my side announced. I blinked out of my trance and turned my head to apologize to the unknown voice.
"Crap, sorry Nancy." I squeaked out, a hint of sincerity hopefully squeezing out in the process. She seemed pretty pissed. 
I picked up a wobbly green jello cup- holding in a feeling of dread that crept up my spine- and a watery fruit cup. I walked up to our lunch table and sat down next to Jason, avoiding the hostile glances Nancy Wheeler sent down my way. 
"Tough crowd out there." I whispered out to my boyfriend, slopping down on a grilled cheese. 
He looked her way and gave a threatening gaze. Immediately, she flipped her head back. 
"'Yer welcome, Chris." He reminded, peeking his eyebrow up.
"Yeah, thanks." I said softly, pecking his cheek before he continued eating. 
My schoolmates proceeded to gossip and banter away as the hours of lunch slipped by. I stared at the two slimy blobs on my lunch tray, playing around with the jello using a spoon. 
God, I hate lunch. 
I couldn't take it. While I should've been grateful for the food that I was lucky enough to digest, there was a pit in my stomach that constantly nabbed at my throat, reminding me of the eventual reality I'd face if I did, in fact, eat.
I began to swim my plastic cutlery in the green goo, hoping no one at the table noticed. 
"Chris, aren't you gonna eat that jello cup?" Amy rang out, cutting the buzzing conversations on the table. As quick as she spoke out, suddenly, all eyes were on me. 
You've gotta be kidding me. 
"Ahaha, yeah, of course, duh." I chuckle out, though the noise sounded more like a choke than a laugh. My boyfriend gave me a concerning glance.
Crap, ok, fine.
I brought the spoon up to my lips, slurping down the artificial goop with as much strength as I could muster. 
As the jello slid down my esophagus, I felt its slimy aftertaste, and nausea began to rise. 
Though my calm demeanour started to crack, the group no longer watched me, returning to their usual bubble. I sighed in relief, yet felt the slight taste of acid ripple back into my mouth. 
Quickly, I sat up and walked to the halls. 
Jason looked at me and furrowed his brows. "Where'you going, Chris?"
"Just gotta pee, babe. Be back in a sec!"
His face softened and he smiled slightly. "Oh, okay!"
I felt my entire body shut down in rejection as my stomach rumbled on. The liquids sloshed inside, and I imagined the acid mixing with the jello to create what would eventually be slashed into the toilet. 
Oh god, oh god, oh god.
I ran up to the toilet stall and crouched down before my stomach emptied what little contents it had stored into the bowl.
I grumbled, wiping my lips with my cheer sleeve. I stood up to flush the toilet and watched my highlighter green slop go down.
I fucking hate lunch.
When it came to food, I never really had a clear-cut menu guide. Oftentimes, Grams' food never caused me any stress. It was the stuff I grew up chewing, and it felt safe. As if her mac and cheese mimicked the feeling of a warm, fuzzy hug. 
Outside of that, everything else just reminded me of chunks of saggy body fat and stomach acid. I could never keep anything down. 
Walking out of the stall, I looked back at my face in the mirror. 
The peach-pink colour of my skin had washed out, leaving me pale and appearing lifeless. I picked at my lips, noticing streaks of vomit stuck to the chapped parts.
I groaned out, frustrated.  Kneeling down to the sink, I used a brush-like motion to clear the stains on my lips. Once that was done, I took out a cherry Lip Smackers from my bra and slid it smoothly onto me. 
The last thing to fix was my ponytail, which had been matted down by the motions. I gave it a quick adjustment, spreading out the caramel-blonde hair so that it cascaded off my head perfectly. 
Looking back at myself, I gave a quick nod of approval before heading out of the bathroom.
This has to end, I thought to myself. 
I couldn't keep hiding these fears of food from my friends, and my family. My grandmother was already noticing something was wrong, I could tell. She had been making candied fruit a little often, and her remarks on my body were no longer spread out throughout the week but scattered throughout the day. 
I had been fiddling with the hems of sleeves, glued to the string of thread that was hanging out, before I collided harshly against a tall body.
"Oomph!" I muffled out, pushing off the other person. 
By the time I was able to fix my composure and look at the one I collided with, the other person was eyeing me suggestively. 
"Aren't you a little klutz, Cunningham?" He joked, looking down at me with his dark brown stare. 
I felt my lips chew against each other. "Leave me alone, Eddie. I didn't mean to walk into you."
"Of course, you didn't. Cheerleaders like you've got no sense of direction. Unless your hunky jockies come yapping for some pus-"
"Shut up, Eddie!" I said harshly, turning around. 
I could walk back to the cafeteria from the courtyard, I didn't need to deal with him.
After all, Eddie Munson was the Hellfire King himself, president of the biggest biker gang in town. Everyone knew that they were all kinds of bad, from underground drug dealing to robberies. While their stupid little group wreaked havoc on all of Hawkins, the police simply let them be. It's as if they were paid to keep quiet. 
The majority of the members were dropouts, some taking their fourth or fifth years of seniority here in Hawkins High. Eddie was a part of the latter. He rarely showed up to class, though he'd sometimes give his regards to bother those who actually wanted to learn. 
People like me, apparently.
Before I was able to round the courtyard entrance, he caught up to me and blocked the door.
"Oh c'mon, Chrissy. Stay a little. Entertain me, why don'tcha? Gimme one of those cheers you do for your jockie boys."
I huffed out and crossed my arms. "Oh, fuck off! Why don't you leave me alone?"
He laughed. This is entertainment for him, isn't it?
"You've got spunk to you, I'll admit. Is that why you're Cheer Captain? Keep all your ducks in a row with your pretty mouth?"
"Eddie I swear to god, Jason's gonna be looking for-"
At the mention of my boyfriend's name, my leathered attacker moved away from the door and pushed me against a wall. His calloused hand wrapped up to lift my chin and cuddle my throat. The other hand was placed right next to my head. I winced in pain, eyes brimmed with fear.
"Wha-t the f-f-fuck E-dd-ie?"
"You were doing so well for me, Cunningham. We had a nice little conversation going on between the two of us, didn't we? Why'd you have to ruin it with that kid's name?"
He locked his stare with mine, his lips curling into a sinister grin. I tried to pry his hands off but he'd swat them away. 
"You're gonna hav'ta try harder than that to get rid of me, Chrissy."
I managed to gather enough saliva in my mouth, balling it up with my tongue to spit it at him. He closed his eyes in response, but the smile didn't fade. 
"L-leave me a-l-lone!" I choked out, before kicking him in the chest with my foot. 
He moved back, surprised, cradling his stomach. 
"God, heh, your breath smells like shit." He managed to whisper out, laughing. I looked away, testing my mouth to see if it were true. 
Crap, yeah. 
I could hear a duo of voices suddenly, turning around the corner and nearing us. It was Tanya and Jason.
I felt myself lighten at the sound, running up to meet them. As they made their way to our spot, I caught up to my boyfriend and ran to him. "Jace!"
He opened them up to me, though his face was painted blood-red with anger.
"You've got some real nerve, messing with my girl, Munson." He shot out.
"Well, to be fair Carver, she did fall into my arms. Maybe she's getting tired of sucking baby dick."
"Oh, grow up Eddie!" Tanya yelled back, taking me as Jason went up to him, fists balled up tight. 
He looked up at him, eyes burning with rage, teeth clenched like glue. 
"If you ever speak to her again like that, I'll have my boys smash your sorry excuse of a face with bats so rough, your own uncle won't be able to recognize your corpse."
Eddie looked back at Jason, hands going up in defeat, chuckling.  "Understood, sarge. No problemo." 
And with that, our group walked away from the Hellfire King, Tanya rubbing my back and speaking in slurs. 
As we turned around, I saw Eddie's face brighten up as his eyes met mine, before switching back into his dark facade. He opened the door hatch and slipped out.
Jason placed two fingers between the bridge of his nose and took in a breath. "That should keep him away from you, Chris. Just promise me you'll try to avoid him for me, that asshole's bad news."
I gave him a reassuring twinkle of the eyes as we walked. "Don't worry Jace, 
you've got nothing to worry about."
check out my wattpad @eternallysunshine// to read newer chapters faster!
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the-iceni-bitch · 4 years
My Body Aches to Breathe Your Breath
Pairing: serial killer!Charles Blackwood
Words: another mobile guess, ~2k
Summary: Charles is sick of you upsetting his plans, and now he has to spend Valentines Day with you.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (oral sex (f receiving), unprotected vaginal sex), mentions of murder and descriptions of side effects from long term poisoning, SMUT, 18+ ONLY!!!!
A/N: my second gift for @drabblewithfrannybarnes @chrissquares and @amythedvdhoarder’s Happy Hoelentines Day 2021 challenge!! My giftee was @literate-lamb and she requested a Valentines Day themed serial killer fic, so I figure Charles Blackwood would be a perfect fit. There’s nothing too dark in this one, just mentions of death and descriptions of poisoning symptoms, but please be mindful anyways! I hope you all enjoy, and have a happy holentines!!!
Check out my masterlist and join my taglist if you want!
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Charles watched you like a hawk from the giant window in the bedroom.
You’d just come back from your afternoon ride, your hair tousled and your breath coming in shallow pants as you dismounted. You removed your riding gloves and tucked them into your belt as you handed the reins to the stable hand, giving your mare an affectionate pat on the nose before turning to head inside.
He’d been obsessed with you ever since you came to stay with your aunt, his wife, six months ago. Your easy grace and poise cut by a wicked tongue that endeared you to him immediately.
It was worrisome. He would have typically moved on by now; your aunt had already changed her will, and he’d started slipping the thallium into her evening drinks ever since then. But every time he got close to administering that final dose, the dose that would finally free him from his seventh false marriage, the thought of leaving you staid his hand.
He was determined to finish it tonight. Finally put the old bitch out of her misery, and on Valentines Day no less. She let out a pained groan from the bed behind him and he rolled his eyes before turning to give her a sickeningly sweet smile, full of false sympathy.
“Do you want me to call the doctor back here, my love?” Charles murmured, doing his best to look lovingly at the creature in front of him.
“No darling, he’s no help. Just, help me to the bathroom please.”
He felt his stomach churn at the thought, but bent to help her stand anyways. Your aunt wasn’t beautiful by any means when Charles first met her, but now she looked ghastly; a rattling mess of skin and bones whose hair was falling out in clumps. Charles couldn’t believe his luck that the doctor hadn’t thought to do any tests for poisoning or he would’ve been fucked.
“Oh no, Auntie!” You cried as you flowed into the room. “Is it your stomach again?”
“Yes dear.” She let out in a pained sigh, leaning heavily on Charles’ arm as she hobbled through the bathroom door, collapsing in front of the toilet and heaving.
It was all he could do not to run out of the room. His own stomach was roiling as he did his best to ignore your aunt, turning his gaze to you instead.
You moved from where you were leaning on the wall to come help; not rushing, but gliding past Charles at a smooth pace. Your hand brushed his arm as you moved past him and made him suck in a breath.
He watched you kneel beside the pathetic creature and you gave him a sad smile as you held back the little hair she had left and stroked her back soothingly. You were the embodiment of life and vigor next to your dying aunt, and all he wanted to do was shove her aside and fuck you senseless.
You’d been teasing him for weeks, and he couldn’t tell if you were doing it on purpose or not. Whether it was just a lingering look with a wicked grin or tracing your fingers absentmindedly on his thigh while you chatted, it seemed like every action you took was specifically geared to drive him crazy.
Now you were bent over your aunt making soft cooing noises, but the angle you were at gave Charles a view right down the front of your blouse. He felt his cock twitch in his slacks as he stared at the valley between your breasts, and fought to swallow a moan.
“Charles, dear, I don’t think I’ll be able to join you for the lovely dinner you have planned for us. I can’t tell you how disappointed I am that I’m forcing you to spend Valentines Day on your own, but you can see that I’m in no shape for romance.”
“Darling, I don’t care about Valentines Day, I’d much rather take care of you.” He said through gritted teeth, trying to move his thoughts away from all the filthy things he wanted to do to you.
“I’ll be fine, I just need to rest. Darla can bring me my tea this evening, you should take some time for yourself. You’ve done so much for me. I just wish you didn’t have to be by yourself.”
“Aww, don’t worry, Auntie. My date canceled and I’d be happy to keep Charles company for the evening.” You murmured as you helped her back to the bed, giving Charles a grin and a wink over your shoulder.
“Oh, that’s wonderful! Not about your date but I’m so glad my two favorite people will at least have each other.” Your aunt sighed as you pulled the blankets over her. “Please have Darla bring me my tea darling, then I’ll sleep.”
Charles’ jaw clenched as he bent to give her a soft peck in the forehead before moving to the doorway.
“Just give me a few minutes to wash up and I’ll be right down.” You said, still beaming at him as you sauntered away, your hips swinging suggestively in your riding boots.
He swallowed a groan before turning towards the kitchen running a hand over his face as he did his best to school his thoughts.
He set the kettle on the stove and chewed his lip in frustration. He should’ve been long gone by now, living off your aunt’s fortune on some tiny Greek island. But here he was, thinking of nothing but going up to your room and tearing all your clothes off then fucking you until you were begging him to let you cum.
The tea kettle let out a high whistle and he removed it quickly, pulling your aunt’s favorite tea off the shelf and placing a sachet in a cup before pouring boiling water over it. He pulled the amber vial out of his pocket and gazed at it before pulling the stopper and emptying it into the cup.
He placed the cup on a tray along with a single rose and called Darla into the kitchen, instructing her to bring the cup to your aunt before moving to the dining room and pouring himself a drink. He downed his first glass of bourbon in one shot, bringing the bottle with him as he sank into the chair at the head of the table.
He had already finished three drinks by the time you swept into the dining room, and he swallowed a moan when he saw you. You were wearing a burgundy dress that billowed behind you, its slit going almost up to your hip.
“Hope you don’t mind me dressing up.” You beamed at him. “Figured I should get some use out of this dress.”
“It’s fine.” He said, wincing at the crack in his voice that he hoped you didn’t notice before taking another gulp of bourbon.
You gave a light laugh before moving to the bar and pouring yourself a glass of rose. He watched you as you turned back to him, giving him a wink as you sat down in the seat beside him.
“So, what’re we eating?” You said after taking a sip of wine, watching him squirm under your gaze as the staff brought out the appetizers. “Ooh, oysters.”
He had to pour himself another drink as he watched you reach across the table to serve yourself. He almost choked as he watched you swallow your hors d’ouevres in one gulp, humming your satisfaction as you reached for another.
“Good?” He asked as he watched you swallow again, his cock twitching as he thought about your lips wrapped around him.
“So good. You gonna eat or just watch me?” You teased as you leaned back in your chair, taking a swig of wine.
He chuckled before taking an oyster for himself. His eyes never left yours as he scooped the meat from the shell with his tongue and swallowed thickly.
You tittered into your drink before looking over your shoulder as the staff brought in the next course.
“Jesus Christ, lamb? You trying to get in my pants, Charles?” You teased before taking a bite. “Fuck me, that’s fantastic.”
“That language typically work for you, darling?” He said, shaking his head as he tucked into his own meal.
“You tell me, sweetheart. You’re the one who can’t stop staring at me.” You teased, laughing as he spluttered around his food.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said after taking a drink of water, trying his best to avoid making eye contact with you now.
“Sure you don’t.” You said with an eye roll, moving your focus back to your food.
The two of you finished the meal without any more conversation. Charles did his best to ignore the small sounds of pleasure you kept making, little hums and sighs escaping from you as you enjoyed your food. He had drunk almost half of the bottle of bourbon by the time the staff came to clear the table.
He was about to stand up to leave when they came back into the room with the dessert and he cursed under his breath.
“Well, well. You sure know how to treat a lady, Mr. Blackwood.” You teased as you accepted a champagne cocktail, taking a sip as you winked at him suggestively. “Look at all this chocolate.”
You popped a truffle into your mouth and let out a moan that was almost pornographic, your eyes rolling back into your skull dramatically.
“You need to try some of these Charles.” You said as you wrapped your lips around a strawberry.
“I don’t have that much of a sweet tooth.” He said as he watched you slurp the juices from your lips.
“Aww, c’mon, just a taste.”
He didn’t have a chance to respond before you had moved to sit on the table in front of him, grabbing another strawberry and holding it in front of his mouth. He parted his lips and gazed up at you through his lashes as you pressed the strawberry against his tongue. You bit your lip as he took a bite and moved your foot to rest between his thighs.
“What’re you doing?” He asked as his gaze ran over your leg where it had escaped from the slit of your skirt.
“I think you know.” You murmured, scooting even closer to him. “I’ve seen you watching me.” You moved your foot to hook under the armrest of his chair and dragged him towards you. “I’m gonna tell you a secret. I never even had a date tonight.”
He tried to stand up to leave and you pressed your stilettoed foot to his chest, pinning him to his seat as his breath started coming in ragged gasps. You tutted you’re disappointment at him as you leaned back on your hands.
“You need to stop fighting it, baby.” You murmured as you twisted your toe into his shirt. “I know there’s no way my poor sick aunt has been taking care of your needs. When’s the last time anyone aside from you touched that cock?”
“Fuck.” He hissed as your foot moved to press into the bulge that was forming at the front of his slacks. “We shouldn’t.”
“Oh, I think we should.” You moaned as you tossed your skirt over your other leg and spread your thighs, bringing a hand to run over the soaked lace that covered your core. “I’m so fucking wet for you, baby. Don’t you want a taste?”
He growled at you before digging his fingers into your hips and running his teeth over the inside of your thigh. You let out a whine as his fingers moved under the straps of your panties and ripped them off you before diving between your legs.
You wrapped your fingers in his hair as he ran his tongue over your slit in a heavy stripe, moaning against your entrance as he finally tasted you. He lapped at your greedily, slurping up your arousal with a series of obscene sounds. His hands dug into the soft skin of your thighs as he ate you out, drawing bruises.
Your arms collapsed when he thrust his tongue inside you, massaging your canal with the thick muscle as you writhed against his face and whimpered. His lips brushed against your clit as he tongue fucked you and you tugged on his hair until it was almost painful.
“Shit, don’t stop.” You muttered as his lips wrapped around your clit and you felt your pussy clench around nothing. “I’m right there.”
He held your hips down as he sucked your pearl into his mouth and you let out a shriek. Your back tried to arch back on itself as the wave of your orgasm crashed over you, your release flowing over Charles’ mouth as your thighs clamped around his head.
You were panting heavily when you finally released him, your muscles still occasionally spasming with aftershocks as he undid the fly of his slacks before yanking you off the table until you were straddling his lap and leaned against his shoulder, your legs spread wide over his thighs as he ran his teeth over the curve of your neck.
“I’m sick of you teasing me darlin’.” He growled into your hair as he ripped the sleeves of your dress down your shoulders, exposing your breasts and bringing his hands up to tweak your nipples to the point of pain. “I’m gonna fucking ruin you. Thinking there’s no consequences to your actions.”
You yelped as he slipped a hand between your legs and slapped your pussy, making you throb with with need before letting out a low moan. His teeth sank into your shoulder as he drew his cock from his slacks and teased it against your entrance before spearing into you, sheathing himself to the hilt in one quick motion.
“Jesus, you’re so fucking tight.” He murmured before he started to move his hips, driving up into you in slow, fluid thrusts that had him dragging against every angle of your canal. “God, you feel even better than I imagined.”
You rested your hands on his knees and tossed your head back as his mouth moved down to your breasts and wrapped his lips around one of your nipples, rolling it between his tongue and teeth as his hands dug into your waist. Your back arched into his mouth as you sighed, your cunt clenching around him as he moved to your other nipple and rolled it through his teeth.
He groaned against your chest as your breath hitched, a coil starting to tighten in your abdomen as heat spread from your core. You squeezed him with your thighs as he brought you closer and closer, your nails digging into his knees.
“C’mon pretty girl, give it to me.” He ordered you, gazing up at you through his lashes as you let out a thin whine. “This pussy’s squeezing me so good. I wanna feel you cum.”
You swallowed a scream as your torso rolled against his as the coil in your abdomen snapped violently. He wrapped his arms around you to hold you in place as your vibrated against him, your pussy fluttering around him as your released flowed out of you and soaked the front of his slacks.
Charles hooked his hands under your knees and drew them over his shoulders, his cock hitting you at an even deeper angle that made you whine. He brought a hand between you and started to strum his thumb against your clit.
Your arms almost collapsed as he wrapped an arm around your waist to steady you. You moved your hands to grip his forearms desperately as another orgasm threatened to rip through you. His cock twitched inside you as you clenched around him sporadically, making him groan.
“Fuck, are you cumming again already?” He asked as your fingers gripped him painfully, striving for something to anchor you as he pushed you over the edge with a final drive of his hips and a press of his thumb against you.
You let out a wordless cry as a wave of pleasure wracked you, your body trying to fold in on itself as you fluttered around him. He let out a hiss as his hips stuttered and his cock twitched inside you before his spend filled you up, mixing with your release and leaking out of you in a thick mess.
“Jesus fuck.” You muttered as you unfolded yourself, resting your head against his shoulder as he panted into your hair. He drew your face to his and brushed his lips against yours before pressing them to you desperately, his tongue slipping between your teeth and tangling with yours.
“Run away with me.” He said, his eyes gazing into yours as he pleaded with you, his tongue running over his kiss swollen bottom lip.
“Did you finally use that little vial you’ve been carrying around, babe?” You asked as you gave him a wicked grin. “Cuz I don’t really feel like having my aunt chase after us.”
“It’s done.” He said, not fully registering the fact that you not only knew what he had been planning, but that you had done nothing to stop him. He was too intoxicated with you.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, stealing the breath from his lungs as he dug his hands into your waist. He groaned when you pulled away from him, drawing the sleeves of your dress back over your shoulders to cover your breasts.
“I’ll go pack.” You said bending to give him a quick peck before leaving to head back to your room. You left Charles on his own to tuck himself back into his slacks, and dream about starting a new life with you.
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moonbeambucky · 4 years
Hey Neighbor (Part 14)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader, Billy Russo x Reader Word Count: 6039 Warnings: fluff, light angst, mentions of cheating
Summary: You had a plan and then life came along with one of its own. With your future almost derailed you worked hard to get yourself back on track and finally everything seemed to be going right… that is, until your new neighbor moved in.
A/N: Major cringe warning everyone.. I can’t wait for your reactions! 😂 A huge thank you to my wonderful beta Sam @buckyofthemyscira​​​​ Feedback is always appreciated! 
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Bucky pulls off his headphones, pressing a finger to the keyboard to stop the music he’s reviewing, taking a moment to pinch between his brows. He gets up to stretch his legs, grabbing the empty beer bottle along with him for the short walk to the kitchen. He tosses it in the garbage with the rest.
He doesn’t like drinking this much but lately he hasn’t been feeling great. His music has been stagnant, devoid of life and energy. Thinking about it only makes him feel worse, a painful reminder that deadlines are coming up and what little he’s created is absolute shit.
The knob squeaks as he turns the faucet, letting the water turn to liquid ice before he runs his hands through them, splashing it up against his face. He hears the hiss of the pipes next door and his heart sinks.
It’s Y/N’s shower. He looks towards the wall wondering if she’s alone, quickly shaking the thoughts out of his mind. He shouldn’t care if she’s alone or not. She’s in a relationship and it shouldn’t matter.
Bucky tried really hard to not think about her. He promised himself he would get out there and find someone and well, it hasn’t exactly worked out. In the last three weeks he’s been on a dozen dates. Most of the girls could barely hold a conversation, while the others were less exciting than watching paint dry.
He fucked a few of them even though he said he wouldn’t. That wasn’t the point of these dates but Bucky needed the distraction. It was hard hanging out with everyone, it didn’t matter if Y/N was there with Billy or if they were not; Bucky wasn’t sure what was worse.
Over the last few days he has been messaging someone new who’s been doing a pretty good job of keeping him entertained. Bobbi, she works at a gym Uptown. She’s worked extremely hard for her body and flaunts it in most of her photos and sure, Bucky would love to hit it but there’s something more that keeps him drawn in.
She’s so direct, talking to him as if they had known each other for years. He loves checking his phone to see her latest message, a smile already stretching across his face when he sees a long text about something that happened at the gym. Apparently a lot of characters workout there and she has an endless list of horror stories she couldn’t wait to share with him.
They planned a date for the end of the week and Bucky was very excited to finally meet her. It was promising, the idea that he could be happy with someone just like… just like everyone else.
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You hug yourself a little tighter as you walk down the block, feeling the cool breeze move right through you. Billy seems to be in his own world, his head gazing down to his phone as it had been through most of dinner. You didn’t voice your annoyance though because it would only make things worse.
Billy’s been in a bad mood ever since the Feds came knocking at ANVIL’s door. A few former employees were recently involved in a string of armed robberies and Billy was questioned about it. Word got out and he lost a big account as a result.
Obviously the situation is upsetting but it’s not just that, Billy’s been distant lately. You’ve been spending a lot of time together but maybe that’s the problem, the honeymoon period might be over. You know it’s a normal part of any relationship but the idea that things could change so drastically doesn’t make you feel great.
“Hey watch where you’re going,” an unfamiliar voice barked.
Your head turned quickly to find Billy getting in the face of the stranger he apparently bumped into.
“What did you say to me?” Billy’s dark eyes sharpened like a bird of prey closing in on its target. His nostrils flared as he snarled, staring down the other man until he backed away with his tail between his legs. Billy looked him up and down, a smug smile creeping across his face in silent victory.
A heavy arm fell around your shoulders as Billy pulled you closer to him when he began walking away.
“What the hell was that?” you asked after a long beat of silence.
He faced you with the same incredulity he gave the man before. “That was people knowing better than to get in my way.”
Your stomach churned with unease and that silent alarm inside you was going off. You needed to get away from Billy, for tonight at least. By the time you got to the front of your building you figured out an excuse you hoped would work.
“Hey so, I promised Elena I would head in early tomorrow. Paperwork’s been piling up and medical records have been on our case about it. So, can we raincheck this?” You smiled, using your best doe eyes to seem sincere about it.
Billy stared you down, looking for the slightest crack in your expression. It was something he had always done, reading people, checking for lies. You know it’s a product of his upbringing, with so many broken promises made by a faulty system.
“Yeah. Yeah that’s fine,” he said. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Remember I got us Knicks tickets.”
You nodded in agreement, gasping slightly when he caught you off guard by his kiss. It was the last thing on your mind but you gave in, opening your mouth to his forceful tongue. Anything to keep up appearances, for tonight.
Billy watched you enter the building and you waved back at him right before you disappeared for the hallway, finally able to take a breath. On the way up to your floor you wondered if you should talk to Wanda about what happened. It was kind of late though and even though she would want to hear everything about it you didn’t want to disturb her.
As you approached your door you looked towards Bucky’s. Maybe he could give some advice from the male perspective. Then again you didn’t want to bother him either. Bucky’s also been pretty distant lately and you’ve barely seen him in the past month. Maybe everything’s changed, your relationship, your friendships. Change is supposed to be good but this felt all wrong.
You couldn’t find a comfortable spot on your bed, tossing and turning, kicking off the covers, pulling them back up again. Nothing seemed right. There was too much on your mind and you couldn’t relax.
“Shut up brain, just shut up!” you begged out loud, grabbing your phone to find something to distract yourself.
Scrolling through your playlists you tried to find one that wouldn’t give you the urge to stay up and sing along, and then you stopped on the perfect one. It was Bucky’s playlist, Greatest Cinema Scores. Grabbing your headphones you laid your head back on the pillow as John Williams carried you to dreamland.
You groan, rolling over to one side. It’s still dark out. You don’t want to look at your phone but you give in anyway. Two in the morning. At least you still had a few more hours of sleep. Your stomach spasms forcing you to get up, hurrying your paces to the bathroom because the weird rumbling has you convinced you might not make it in time.
It’s five past two in the morning when all hell breaks loose. Hell translating to everything you’ve eaten this evening coming up and out of you from both ends. It’s not pretty. Tears are streaming down your face as you puke into the garbage can you’re rapidly filling, trying to catch your breath in between painful heaves. The other end isn’t much better, hot liquid expelling itself from your body; stomach cramps, body spasms all doing their part to add to the mess.
Ten minutes pass by the time it’s safe to leave the bathroom. Your throat burns with the remnants of vomit, your ass is on fire and you curl back into bed, brushing aside the tears from the corner of your eyes. Your reprieve is short lived as your stomach grumbles again and you rush across your apartment, giving yourself over to the porcelain throne.
More comes out of you than you’ve taken in and you wonder about the science of it all. When will it stop? Dinner was simple, a glass of wine, a small house salad, chicken parm and some vegetables that come out whole as you peer into the soupy garbage held out in front of you. A whiff of the stench makes you gag again setting off another round of vomiting.
Everything hurts. Tears burn hot against your skin as you cry alone, half naked and in need of a shower at this point to clean yourself up. Elvis died on the toilet, is that how you’re gonna go too? It seems entirely possible at this point.
By the time the sun begins to peak out through the large buildings you’ve exhausted your body of all its worth. You’re shaking as you change into clean pajamas, crawling back into bed, barely having the strength to raise your phone to your ear as you leave a message for Elena, telling her you won’t be able to make it in today.
Sleep doesn’t come easy, not when you’re still getting out of bed every hour to get rid of every part of your insides. Isn’t it out of you already? You think back to dinner and the slightly pink chicken you thought at the time was your imagination or bad lighting. Dammit.
You text Billy, telling him you have food poisoning, hoping his seafood and linguine didn’t leave him in the same position you were currently in. After the hundredth trip to the bathroom you opened up your fridge looking for something. You squirm as you look at the orange juice, however tempting it is the acid would probably burn through you. Your mouth waters looking at the forbidden food, aka anything that isn’t a plain cracker. Do you have any of those? Nope. How is it possible you don’t have a single thing you could possibly eat?
The trek across your apartment and back to your bed seems like it went on for miles and now you shake with chills, wrapping yourself up in the blanket as you text Wanda begging for her to come over with Gatorade, ginger ale and crackers.
You whimper out loud as you feel your stomach gurgling, it wants another round versus the toilet where you’re going to lose. By the time you come out again you’re sweating, shaking on weak legs as you cry yourself to sleep.
In another hour you’ve woken up, thankful for the returned text that she would come by before heading to work. After your latest round in the bathroom you trudge to the front door unlocking it, and move to your couch where you plop face down. You text Wanda, telling her the door is open, and try to shut your eyes until the inevitable happens. Because you know it’s going to happen again. For some reason you’ve been cursed and there’s nothing you can do about it but suffer.
You aren’t sure of how much time has passed but you hear your door opening, bags rustling in hand and the tiniest smile spreads across your face.
“Wandaaa, my butthole hurts,” you whined, lifting your head up off the couch slightly to groan even more. “It’s like a volcano that’s erupting hot brown lava. There’s so much of it Wan. It won’t stop. My ass is vomiting shit.”
“Wow Y/N, that’s quite a visual.”
Oh no. Panic surges through you when you realize that was not Wanda’s voice. A weak arm pushes you up from the couch where you turn around to find Bucky somehow looking at you in the eye after he heard your very blunt confession.
You’re stunned into silence, not knowing what to say because you had just said far too much than you ever wanted to. Suddenly you feel nauseous again but for a different reason.
Bucky shifted one of the bags he was holding into his other hand so he could send a small wave in your direction, trying not to burst out laughing as he said, “Hey neighbor.”
“B-Bucky, what are you doing here?” you asked, sinking back down onto the couch because you couldn’t support yourself anymore.
“Wanda texted me, said she wasn’t able to get these to you before work.” He set the bags down, walking closer to you and crouching down by the couch. “Are you okay?”
Your head shook a little before you answered. “No. I think I’m dying. I’m puking up my organs.”
“Oh yeah? Which ones?” he chuckled.
“My intestines, definitely my stomach… maybe a kidney or two.”
He cracked a beautiful smile that somehow made you feel better just by looking at it. Bucky reached the back of his hand out to feel your forehead. You were a little warm but you didn’t feel feverish.
“Well I’m here now and I brought all the good stuff you need. Will you let me help you?”
Tears filled your eyes as you replied, and Bucky smiled again. He emptied the bags in your kitchen, taking out a bottle of ginger ale, Gatorade, crackers and some instant white rice.
“How about a little ginger ale to settle your stomach, yeah?”
Bucky brought over a glass that was less than half filled. Sitting next to you, he helped you sit up and you waited for the room to stop spinning before you took a few small sips as he told you to. Your hand was shaking and Bucky took the glass from you before you spilled it.
You didn’t think a few sips of ginger ale would be a magical cure but you wished it would. You felt so shitty… which seemed fitting, but it really wasn’t funny. You leaned against Bucky, closing your eyes as you sighed in frustration. It was comforting to feel his arm around you, and hear his whispers that everything would be okay.
“Are you nauseous? Do you need to…”
“I just don’t feel good,” you cried against him.
Bucky pressed his lips into a thin line, wishing there was something more he could do for you. When Wanda texted him he had shot right up, threw on clothes and raced to the store. He wished you had asked him, that you were as close as you used to be but he understands why you might not have wanted him to know.
The briefest thought about Billy crosses his mind. Did you tell him? Was he going to come in and take care of you? Would you shove Bucky aside if he did? But Billy isn’t here, and Billy isn’t important. Right now this is about you and doing whatever he can to help.
“Hey doll, do you want to try and eat something?”
You barely process the nickname as you think about how your stomach is feeling. It’s still too early to try and eat so instead you ask for some Gatorade, hoping that might make you feel a little better.
Bucky brings it back, along with a wet washcloth he places on your neck, feeling your skin prickle at his touch as he moves aside the collar of your shirt. It’s a nice relief for the short while it lasts. You head back to the bathroom again but at least you didn’t vomit this time. You’re thankful since you’re really not sure you have the strength to even handle throwing up anymore.
Back on the couch you lay your head down on Bucky’s thigh, curling your body into a fetal position as he lays a throw blanket over you. You don’t realize when you’ve fallen asleep but you wake up at some time later to find the sky is lit in a golden glow of the afternoon sun. Bucky assists you with sitting up, helping you quell the dizziness with more sips of Gatorade and ginger ale.
You feel brave enough to eat, hoping that one single cracker will not send you back on the hell ride through your digestive tract. Bucky can’t help but smile as you nibble on the cracker slowly like a hamster.
“What did you eat that got you sick?” he wondered.
“New Italian place on 23rd and 8th. Bad chicken. I mean, I thought it was good at the time but I don’t think I’ll be going back again.”
“Good to know. I’m gonna cancel my plans tonight,” he said, digging his phone from his pocket.
“Yeah, definitely go somewhere else.”
“No, I’m cancelling the whole date.”
Your head spun as you turned it too fast to face Bucky. “You have a date tonight?”
His head shook before he began speaking. “Nope, not anymore. I want to stay here and take care of you.” You began to protest but Bucky insisted. “Y/N, I really want to do this. Please, let me help you.”
The fluttering in your stomach made you wonder if you needed to rush to the bathroom again but it didn’t feel the same as before. Instead you smiled softly, thankful to have Bucky’s kindness. It was nice to know someone wanted to take care of you.
In the moment you scanned the table for your phone, remembering the text you sent out this morning. Billy still hadn’t replied. Maybe he’s sick too or maybe… well you don’t have the energy to think otherwise at the moment.
Your mouth is watering, craving anything and everything that you can’t have. Even the drinks have to be sipped slowly otherwise you’ll set your stomach off again. It’s so unfair. Why is this happening? And why is every commercial food related?
“Bucky, can you change the channel?” you begged.
He switched it to a show about animals, that’s fine, that’s… not fine. The TV shows a raccoon eating delicious red grapes and you feel the tears begin to flood your eyes. You huff against Bucky’s leg, not bothering to change the channel because there was no point. You couldn’t eat and you probably never will again. Was that being dramatic? Maybe, but right now you’re not in the mood to think sensibly.
“I feel bad askin’ but is it okay if I order food? I know you can’t have any and I really don’t want to make this worse for ya.”
Bucky is staring at you with big blue eyes, hoping his small request isn’t too much of an offence at the moment. You almost wanted to say no but you couldn’t, it’s not Bucky’s fault you ate bad chicken.
“Pizza? Really?” you whined after he placed his order.
His eyes grew big with panic and he was about to call back and cancel his order before you stopped him.
“No, no. I’m sorry Bucky. It doesn’t matter what you eat, I’m gonna want everything so enjoy yourself.”
You pouted, grabbing the throw blanket to pull it over your shoulder as you adjusted your position of resting on his leg, shutting your eyes until he got up to answer the door when the pizza arrived.
“That smells really good,” you said, frowning as Bucky opened the box.
He was hesitant to take a bite, feeling guilty as you looked at him. “Can I make you anything? Think you could handle some rice?”
Your head shook and you took out another single cracker, chewing on it slowly as Bucky sat down beside you with a few slices.
“I’m sorry Y/N. You’ll feel better soon, I promise. And when you’re up for it let’s get pizza. We still haven’t kept our promise.” Bucky’s mouth dropped open in response to your confused face. “Our pizza quest! Remember? Eat our way through the city to find the best pizza!”
“Oh yeah!” You smiled for the first time, bright and beaming across your face and Bucky was happy he was able to bring that out in you. “We definitely have to do that.”
The night continued with Bucky putting on Galaxy Quest for you both to watch. Halfway through the movie you went back to the bathroom, missing a call from Billy. Bucky couldn’t help but look over as your phone buzzed, seeing a picture of you and Billy smiling together.
A moment later a text came through and he knew he shouldn’t read it but he couldn’t help himself. Bucky looked towards the bathroom to check that you weren’t about to come out before he grabbed your phone, reading Billy’s text.
Billy: Wtf Y/N where are you? Did you remember the basketball game?
Bucky placed your phone back on the coffee table, remembering to unclench his jaw as your bathroom door opened. What an asshole. He didn’t even ask how you were.
“Your phone rang,” Bucky reluctantly said as you sat down again.
He watched as you read the text, typing back furiously. Another buzz and you were responding to Billy again, your face getting angrier the longer the back and forth messaging went on.
“I’m sorry, that was rude,” you said, tossing your phone on the table. “Let’s put the movie on.”
You got comfortable against Bucky, ignoring the buzz of your phone. The texts didn’t stop coming in and you tried your best to ignore it and pay attention to the movie but Bucky could clearly see you were upset.
“You can answer that if you need to.”
“I really don’t want to. Billy’s so concerned about wasting money on tickets, not once has he even mentioned the fact that I’m sick. Did he not get my messages?”
Bucky bit his tongue, not wanting to say something he might end up regretting, especially if this isn’t the end of you and Billy like he hoped. Why would he hope that? He’s dating now. Or at least he thought he was.
He cancelled his date with Bobbi tonight without hesitation, just so he could take care of you. She seemed cool about it, asking if he was free tomorrow and Bucky agreed to another date but the longer you stay curled up beside him the less interest he has in wanting to see anyone.
The warmth of your body against his lulled Bucky into a deep sleep. It wasn’t the most comfortable, slumped on the couch in a mostly sitting position but he didn’t want to move, not when you had fallen asleep before him. You were exhausted from everything you went through so your sleep was more important to him than the cramp that developed in his neck overnight.
You woke up, slowly opening your eyes, rubbing the sleep from them as you realized you weren’t in your bed but on the couch resting your head against Bucky. You watched the rise and fall of his stomach through the soft sweater he wore, the one that most certainly left tiny marks on your cheek from leaning against it.
Looking up at Bucky you smiled at the way his head was tilted to the side, eyes shut peacefully as small puffs of breath left his mouth. You thought about everything Bucky had done for you, what was supposed to be a simple task of dropping off ginger ale and crackers turned into his whole day being rearranged just to take care of you.
You wanted to do something nice for him in return, it’s something you’ll have to think about when your head’s not as light as it feels. Slowly you begin to sit up, taking a few sips of Gatorade from the bottle that was left on the table. You feel… better but still not great.
It’s daring but you aim to eat two crackers, hoping it won’t set off your stomach. It was grumbling with hunger but you knew better than to give in with actual food even though you were craving pancakes.
After sitting up for a while you didn’t think you felt dizzy anymore so you got up slowly. You felt the weakness in your legs as they carried you across the room but at least your trip to the bathroom was normal. A regular pee was a lot better than everything else that came out of you yesterday.
“G’morning,” Bucky said mid-yawn as you opened the door, seeing his sweater rise up to reveal a sliver of his toned stomach as he stretched his arms out.
“Morning Bucky.” You smiled as you made your way beside him again, reaching your arm across his stomach as you settled back against him, nuzzling your head on his chest.
Bucky loved this but absolutely hated that he needed to use the bathroom and therefore ruin the way you cuddled up against him. “I’m sorry doll. I’ll be quick,” he said, rushing up off the couch.
Doll. You liked that nickname. It was a little on the old fashioned side but it was endearing. Billy called you babe which was fine and all but it definitely didn’t have the same effect as doll. The thought of Billy made you roll your eyes. You would have to speak to him today but you really didn’t want to.
“Alright, where were we?”
Bucky’s voice rang out as he opened the door, walking back towards the couch. He moved his neck from side to side to crack it before he sat down again, letting you cozy up to him.
“How’re you feelin’ today?”
“Better. I think I might try some rice later.”
“Just let me know and I’ll make it.” There was no hesitation in his offer, just pure tenderness in wanting you to get better.
The morning was spent cuddling on the couch until Bucky’s stomach began grumbling worse than yours. He got up to make himself something while you insisted you weren’t ready for anything more than crackers and ginger ale yet.
“I’m gonna take your garbage out and head home for a quick shower. You think you’ll be okay? I’ll be quick.”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Thanks Bucky.”
He was thankful you didn’t tell him not to come back. You seemed much better than yesterday and you probably didn’t need him but Bucky really didn’t want to leave. Sure he had work to do but this was more important. He wouldn’t have been able to get you off his mind anyway so he might as well be useful.
During Bucky’s absence you debated talking to Billy, knowing it would probably end up in a fight but you didn’t have the strength to do that yet. Besides, you hadn’t done anything wrong so there is no need for you to be chasing him down.
With the little energy you had you decided to freshen up. While splashing your face with some water you noticed the broken blood vessels in your eyes, the result of straining so much to throw up. Fun stuff.
It was a bit of a struggle to get undressed and changed into new pajamas and you had to lay down in your bed before the room stopped spinning. Thankfully Bucky had come back and was able to help you.
He handed the glass of Gatorade to you, rubbing slow circles of comfort on your back that seemed so natural for him.
“You need to eat something Y/N. Think you’re up for some rice now?” he asked softly, gazing at you with concern as he awaited your answer. You gave a simple nod and Bucky leapt up to get it started.
The burn of tears rushed to your eyes as you thought about Bucky. He was so eager to make sure you were okay, taking out your garbage that was filled with various bags full of vomit without hesitation, spending every minute of his weekend just to take care of you. He even cancelled a date.
Something inside your stomach twisted at the thought of Bucky actually dating someone. It’s not like him sleeping with someone was a surprise to you but apparently in the last month you’ve drifted apart from him, unaware he had started to date people instead of just sleeping with them. You’re not so sure why this makes you feel so… well, you’re not really sure how you feel about it but you know you feel something.
None of this should matter though. You have been dating someone for two months. Someone you thought you loved but this past weekend has taught you a lot about Billy. Not only has his change in demeanor put you off but the fact that he hasn’t shown any concern for you over this weekend really makes you want to end your relationship.
Bucky happily brought over a small bowl of white rice. There wasn’t much in there to begin with but you could only manage a few teaspoons before you had to stop. The worst part of it all is that you were so hungry but you really couldn’t eat much, and certainly couldn’t chance upsetting your stomach anymore no matter how badly you wanted to shovel the rice down your mouth.
The afternoon was spent on your couch again, cuddled up against Bucky as you continued to watch movies. His arm was around your shoulder and occasionally you felt his hand rub up and down over the curve of your arm. You smiled against him, letting yourself enjoy however long you could have Bucky like this.
In the back of your mind you thought about him dating again. Whoever he ends up with would be the luckiest girl ever, to have someone as kind and caring as Bucky take care of them as he has been with you. You chew on your bottom lip remembering the shared kiss on New Year’s Eve. Yeah, it was safe to say you would be completely jealous of any girl that ends up with him.
While attempting to have a little more rice you watched Bucky respond to his phone that had gone off a few times. It was hard not to glance over at him, imagining what pretty girl he was probably talking to.
What you didn’t know was Bucky was talking to a girl, Bobbi, cancelling the plans they had rescheduled for today. He didn’t bother to reschedule again and Bucky knew it was stupid not to but somehow the weekend he’s spent on your couch made him lose all enthusiasm for dating someone. Logic tried to reason with him, remind him that you were in a relationship but it was hard to deny the way he felt about you, how he’s been feeling for a long time now.
Bucky can’t stop staring at you, watching as you finish up the rice from earlier. He’s hated seeing you in pain but being able to help you this weekend has been such an honor.
As the sun set you realized you were not at all prepared to go back to work tomorrow. You probably could use another day off but since you weren’t throwing up anymore you wanted to at least give it a shot. Besides, Tony had been relying on you a lot recently with the logistics of getting The September Foundation prepared and you didn’t want to disappoint anyone.
“I need to take a shower.” As you stood up you felt a little dizzy and Bucky had his arms around you just in case. After a moment of a few deep breaths you felt a little better. “I’m okay,” you assured him.
Bucky didn’t quite believe that so he poured more Gatorade and handed you the glass.
“I’m not leaving you.” Bucky wiped his hand down his face realizing how forceful that sounded. “I mean, I won’t leave until you get out okay? I don’t want you to slip and fall or anything.”
“I’ll leave the door unlocked just in case but now I feel like I’ve jinxed myself,” you joked. Having Bucky hear your vivid description of shitting was bad enough, you really didn’t want him to find you passed out in the shower.
Bucky lowered the volume of the TV to barely above mute, wanting to listen out for anything out of the ordinary. He heard the shower turn on and a minute later the curtain pulling as you stepped in.
A text from Sam pulled his attention away from listening and he opened the message, his jaw clenched as he scanned the photo attached. It was Billy, with his arm around another girl. She was short with dark hair pulled into a bun, dressed professionally and Bucky questioned if he was jumping the gun at thinking the worst. Maybe she worked with Billy or maybe it was his sister.
The next text that came through proved his theories wrong. Sam captioned the picture of Billy kissing the girl with “Asshole.”
Bucky: I’m with Y/N now. She’s been sick all wknd I don’t think she knows about this.
Sam: Do you want to tell her or should I have Wanda come by? She’s ready to rip his head off.
Bucky: So am I Bucky: Fuck. Bucky: idk maybe Wanda should talk to her?
There was nothing Bucky wanted more than to tell you what an asshole Billy was but he didn’t want to be accused of using it to his advantage in any way. Bucky would be there with everyone else to support you through this but as a friend only. You deserved better than Billy no matter who you ended up with.
The sound of your voice in distress makes him pop up from the couch. He runs to the door, fear coursing through his veins as he hopes you’re okay. Inside the steamy bathroom he finds your head poking out through the shower curtain, the rest of it pulled close to your body not to reveal yourself.
“I forgot to grab a towel,” you said, smiling. “They’re over there.” A bare arm slick with water points behind him and he grabs a towel from a shelf. “Thanks,” you said, taking it from him, watching as he nods awkwardly before shutting the door.
Bucky’s cheeks are flushed from the brief humidity and the sight of seeing you in the shower. Well, not that he saw anything but just the idea of it has his heart racing.
Ten minutes later and you were out of the bathroom, changed into new pajamas, these ones covered with a cute cactus print, brushing through your still wet hair.
Silence filled the room as you finished your post shower routine of putting on a variety of moisturizers and facial sprays and Bucky felt like he had overstayed his welcome. You were winding down even though it was still early, and truthfully he had a weekend’s worth of work to catch up on.
“So there’s more rice on the counter, plus an unopened bottle of ginger ale too, and if you need anything else you know where I live.” He chuckled uncomfortably at his bad joke. “Really though if you need me please call me okay? I’ll come running.”
He didn’t mean to sound so desperate but it was true.
“Thank you so much for everything Bucky.” You threw your arms around him for a hug, melting deeper into him as he wrapped his arms around your body.
Neither of you realized the other didn’t want to let go but you made the move to reluctantly pull apart. Bucky had spent his whole weekend doting on you, you didn’t want to force him to stay any longer.
Bucky smiled as he gazed upon you, the way your eyes shifted down before staring back up at him. He leaned in slowly, pressing his lips to your forehead and a surge of electricity went racing through you. His kiss lingered and the longer he made contact with your skin the more you wanted to press your lips to his.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” he said, walking away slowly towards the door.
Your heart was caught in your throat as you locked it behind him, letting out a deep, longing sigh, and the realization that you might have feelings for Bucky.
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alilpunkrock · 4 years
If it’s meant to be
I’ve been obsessed with the college!Drew or rafe concept!
As always, feedback is appreciated! 💕
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“So are you going to see him again?” Maddie asked me as we walked down the hall to her boyfriends apartment.
“I don’t know, I mean the sex was amazing but I never got his number or his name so..” I shrugged off the sprinkling of disappointment in my voice.
“If it’s meant to be you’ll run into him again.” She slung here arm around my shoulders and opened Chases front door.
I’ve hung out with Maddie and her boyfriend a few times, mostly just them, but this time Chase was having a small party with their group of friends. Maddie knew I’d be alone in my own apartment tonight if she hadn’t invited me.
“Hey! You brought Y/N!” Chase called out over the already loud living room. I waved at the familiar faces I knew from campus. “Come get a drink!”
The tiny apartment was packed and the “small” party turned into everyone bringing a plus 3. I squeezed my way through dancing bodies trying to get to the kitchen. I found Maddie and Bailey taking shots at the counter.
“Hey! There you are!” Maddie slurred. “There’s someone here you haven’t met yet and I want to introduce you two!” I almost dropped my half full cup of Malibu and cranberry juice as she pulled me back into the room I tried to escape.
“Chase! Where’s Drew?!” She yelled to her boyfriend. I swear they’re connected at the brain because he has no problem understanding exactly what she was asking. The blonde pointed at the other side of the room and Maddie followed his finger. Two men leaned against the wall, one wearing a black hoodie with messy blonde hair, I recognized him as Rudy. And the other had his back to me, he wore a blue tie dye t-shirt with black jeans and chucks. He must’ve been about 6’ and was telling some kind of intense story by how animated he was.
“Drew!” Maddie yelled in my ear. I was mid drink when he turned around and I almost spit the alcohol all over him. His eyes were as wide as mine when he recognized me.
“Y/N, this is Drew! He’s a homebody like you so he’s never around! Drew this is my best friend!”
The silence between us confused Rudy and Maddie, who I definitely forgot were still there. I opened my mouth to say something but Drew beat me to it.
“Long time no see, Y/N..” Drew flirted, sticking his hand out for me to shake.
“It’s nice to finally know your name..” I flirted right back.
That sentence made something click inside Maddies drunk brain and she hit my arm.
“Drew was the no name hook up you had amazing sex with?!” I stared blankly at her, hoping she understood what she just said out loud. I could see Drew smirking from the corner of my eye and I grabbed Maddies wrist.
“We have to go.” I said leading her off into the closest room, which happened to be the bathroom.
“Mads, what the fuck?!” I said as soon as the door was closed.
“I’m sorry! I wasn’t thinking when I started talking!” She facepalmed.
“I’m so fucking embarrassed, I literally can’t go back out there!” I paced the floor of the small hall bathroom.
“Babes, look at it this way! I said earlier if it’s meant to be, then you’ll run into him again, maybe this is the universe pulling you guys together again?” She sounded crazy, but may also be onto something.
“I don’t know Maddie, you just told him I said the sex was amazing!” I pointed out.
“Hey at least he knows now you had a good time. Go talk to him, maybe he’ll show you another amazing night.” She winked and reached for the door handle. I rolled my eyes and let her leave.
Huffing, I took a seat on the closed toilet, still shocked at what Maddie said in front of everyone. A knock on the door pulled me out of my self pity.
“Occupied!” I yelled to the stranger.
“I think two can fit in here.” My head shot yo at the voice that walked in. Drew stood in front of me, no beer in hand, and a soft smile on his face. “Ugh, as if I couldn’t get more embarrassed.” I said out loud.
“Don’t be embarrassed, I’m glad it was amazing enough you told your friend, or our friend.” He chuckled, taking a seat down in front of the toilet.
“To be fair I didn’t know you were friends with my friends.” I laughed. We at in silence for a few minutes before he spoke again.
“I’d like to input that you were amazing as well, and I- I haven’t even thought of anyone else since that night.” My eyes met his, as a blush rose to my cheeks.
“Me either..” I said quietly.
“How about, we do it again but this time, we know each others names.” Drew suggested, lifting his hand to rest on my knee.
“I’d like that.” I agreed.
The smile on his face melted my heart and before I realized what was happening he and I were both leaning in. Before our lips touched I spoke up,
“Lock the door.”
Drew smiled, reaching behind him and locking the door before he connected our lips. Drew made sure I knew his name that night.
“Do you think they’re fucking?” Rudy whispered to the group after they all watched Drew enter the bathroom you were in.
“Well, the fact that they’ve been in there for more then 10 minutes now, I’m going to said yes.” Bailey confirmed.
“Ugh gross! I’m making them clean the bathroom after they’re done.” Chase groaned and removed himself from the group trying to see through the door.
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closedafterdark · 4 years
could you write a smut for choerry
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"Was I a good girl today, oppa?"
You looked to your left and saw the bright woman next to you, Choi Yerim. You were both sitting in the backseat of a taxi on the way back to your apartment. You were slightly nervous, it was the first time you brought anyone over since you moved. This would be Yerim’s second night in a row she was staying at your place. The both of you are heading there after a relaxing dinner and a movie.
Yerim’s mood wasn’t her usual bright and chipper - she responded to your attempts of conversational talk with one word answers or having a constant scowl on her face. You noticed people passing by quietly asking each other why she looked so uptight. The truth was you didn’t fuck Yerim like she wanted you to. She was in the middle of sucking your balls the previous night when you told her you were going to bed after she made you cum. Yerim did not take kindly to that, yelling very loudly that she wanted to get dicked down. This morning you found yourself in your bed alone, your morning wood as erect as ever since Yerim wanted to give you the silent treatment. You didn’t mind though, Yerim always acted like a spoiled brat whenever you denied her sex.
“Yes you were, honey” you said as you flashed an extremely weak smile. Yerim’s smile was beautiful, it melted all of your worries away when you saw her look at you lovingly. You weren’t afraid to admit you were whipped for her, most of your day wanting to center around her. There were some days where you felt like a potato standing next to such a beauty.
The streetlights were not working in your favor, constantly turning from green to red after only allowing a few cars to pass. The driver didn’t care what went on in the back seat, yelling about how his wife doesn’t let him do what he wants so he’s stuck driving strangers around. You wore Yerim’s bag as she handed it to you before you two entered the taxi. She traced her finger along the leather strap before roughly gripping onto it and pulling you close to her. She blew hot breaths of air into your ear before speaking.
“Are you going to fuck me until I can’t walk?” she whispered in such a sexy tone that the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. She pulled on the leather strap even harder as she licked your ear.
“Oppa needs to punish his bad girl. Fuck me so hard the neighbors will call security about noise complaints”
Thankfully, the taxi arrived outside your apartment less than ten minutes later. You were afraid Yerim was going to yank your pants off from how horny she was. You paid for the taxi and closed the door shut. As the driver sped off, both of you entered the main lobby of the apartment complex before heading into the elevator. Yerim’s naughty hands couldn’t keep themselves off you, having already unzipped your jeans and unbuttoned your shirt.
As you kept trying to prevent her hands from continuing any further you hurriedly enter the passcode to your apartment. Yerim squeals with excitement as you both enter. She kicks off her shoes and runs into the living room. You managed to luck out and have a rent controlled apartment: two bedrooms, living room, large kitchen and two bathrooms. The second bedroom was still empty besides a desk and bed, not that it mattered since you lived alone.
“I need to pee” she groaned as she hurriedly ran to the guest bathroom. She wore a formal casual outfit on your date: a newspaper printed blazer paired with a loose tie worn on top of a thin spaghetti strap top which outline her wonderful breasts nicely. She complimented them with a pair of white shorts. You would’ve preferred her wearing skintight blue jeans, but knew she’d be even more furious from the previous night’s denial. Her brown hair flowed messily down as you loved her tint of lipstick and eyeshadow she chose today. She had the perfect balance of seductive and sweet.
You put her bag away on the kitchen countertop. You removed your button up shirt and socks. You head back to the living room and hear the sound of the toilet being flushed. Yerim runs towards you instantly and jumps into your arms. They instinctively held onto her now exposed bottom as she wrapped her legs around you. She wrapped her arms around your neck as she began kissing you. Her tongue parted your lips as she hungrily bit on your lower lip. Your tongue fought back in response as both of you wanted control. Yerim deepened the kiss as one of your hands caressed the back of her head. Her breasts pressed against your chest as you tried your best to quell her insatiable lust.
“You didn’t even kiss me in the taxi, oppa” she said in between your kisses. One thing you loved about Yerim was she enjoyed giving extremely wet kisses, thin strings of saliva often connecting your mouths together. What people didn’t know about Yerim was her sweet face was a mask for how she acted in the bedroom. The more spit, the better.
“The driver was watching. It’s not my fault you wanted to give me a blowjob in the backseat” you said teasingly as your lips gripped onto her neck and began to suck gently. She moaned loudly as you tightened your hold, sucking the skin as hard as you could. You parted her from her when you saw a small mark form. Yerim’s voice was always so erotic, it never took you long to have an erection around her.
“You’re making me so hard” you said to her coolly once your lips parted her neck.
“You’re so bad” she replied. “That certainly isn’t because of me”
Yerim gave you a deep, long kiss as she hopped off your body. Your jeans and boxers flew onto the couch as she kneeled down before you, using one of the throw pillows as a cushion. You always found her butt cute, jiggling as Yerim gave you a blowjob. You looked on in delight as she took you halfway into her mouth. She certainly knew how to give head, the pleasure beginning to overload your body as your knees buckled. She flattened her tongue and ran it on the underside of your shaft, long licks starting from base to tip. The moment Yerim took you fully in her mouth you felt your cock be drenched. The feeling was almost unbearable, she had never given you a blowjob like this before.
“Oh shit, that’s a good girl” you say, running your hands through her freshly dyed hair. You heard loud squelching sounds. You looked down and saw Yerim was fingering herself, her leaking pussy dripping onto the hardwood floors. You laughed, she had a lot of pent up sexual frustration from not getting fucked the night before.
Yerim teased you, releasing your cock every time you felt you were going to cum. She would stroke you as she took your balls into her mouth individually. Her airtight suction on them caused you to moan loudly. After your cock was thoroughly drenched, she stroked it a few times before slapping her hollow cheeks with them. She moaned as she felt the saliva cling onto them. Yerim loved any form of sex she could get.
Yerim loved being in control whenever she gave you blowjobs, this however was not going to be one of those moments. She secretly loved being dominated. You grabbed her beautiful brown hair and formed a makeshift ponytail. You dictated the pace at which she sucked your cock, making her bob up and down to a rhythm you chose. You loved hearing Yerim gag because of your cock, her muted screams of pleasure unable to be loudly heard. After releasing her sloppy mouth, she began to catch her breath as you lifted up her tired body and pushed her onto the bed. She giggled as you jumped on top of her and gave her a kiss. She unhooked her bra and tossed it on the floor. You grabbed onto her beautiful thighs, massaging them as you slowly spread her slender legs apart.
“Look at how wet you are already. This isn’t very ladylike” you quietly hummed as you parted her beautiful pink lips. Yerim liked to keep herself cleanly shaved, you told her it tickled whenever it would brush against your nose.
You traced the juices that were beginning to leak out of her and popped them into your mouth. She always tasted so sweet. You loved when she was wet for you. You rubbed both lips for a bit to tease her before inserting your middle finger slowly inside her. Yerim let out a loud moan as your finger entered and exited her. Her body began to move with your finger, her screams getting louder every time you inserted another finger. Your left hand massaged her breasts, extremely soft and just large enough for you to squeeze. You played with her erecting nipples, loving how they caused her to moan.
“Holy fuck... oppa... Your fingers are so wonderful” Yerim shyly moaned, as she occasionally put a hand over her mouth in order to prevent your neighbors from hearing. You didn’t want to deny such a pretty girl her wish, so you continued to finger her. Her painfully tight walls wrapped themselves around you. You removed your other hand from her breast and used it to part her lips even more. Your thumb ran circles around her clitoris. Yerim let out her loudest screams of the night. Her entire body was twitching, wanting more. You held her legs in place as she stretched her neck out. She was enjoying being pleasured by you.
“Oh, fuck!” she screamed as your three fingers pulled out of her, just in time as her orgasm arrived. Yerim was a squirter, and tonight was no different. Her juices stained the bedsheets, your thighs and stomach, some of it even managed to hit the mirror across your room. Her body began heaving as her orgasm winded down. You teased her even more by giving her still wet pussy a deep kiss.
Yerim was thoroughly wet for you. Now that you prepared her, it was time for the real thing. You spread her legs once more as your tip hit her entrance several times. She moaned as you gave her a satisfied smirk. Her eyes were weak, pleading for you to enter her already.
“Good girls deserve to be punished. By being fucked until they can’t walk the next day” you said as you entered her love cavern. Both of you moaned in satisfaction, you closed your eyes as inch by inch penetrated her. She was extremely wet from her orgasm, allowing for easy entrance. You inserted yourself halfway before pulling out. Yerim yelped in surprise when you immediately inserted yourself fully inside. She closed her eyes and let out loud moans as you began to fuck her. You stopped a few times, trying to establish a rhythm good enough for the both of you. You listened to her moans, trying to find which one was the loudest. Her voice gradually increased in volume as you became rougher.
Yerim’s extremely pink pussy was beginning to be explored by your red tip. Each thrust made you want to go deeper and deeper. Your hands held onto her hips for support so that you could pound her to your heart’s content. Yerim’s screams filled the quiet room and complimented the squelchy sounds your bodies were making. You wanted her to look at you, but her eyes remained close a majority of the time. You couldn’t blame her though, the feeling was euphoric for both of you. Yerim loved being a bottom, she found it sexy whenever you took control.
“Fuck, you’re so tight!” you said as one of your hands slapped her breast. She let out a moan as her eyes finally opened. She looked at you weakly as you continued roughly fucking her.
“Keep fucking me! Just like that... oh fuck, you feel so good” she screamed, as you slapped her breast again. She was so ladylike whenever you two were in public, most people would be surprised at how much she loved dirty talking in the bedroom.
“Pound this bad girl’s slutty pussy! Fuck me like the slut I am!”
Hearing her dirty talk ignited a newfound drive in you, welling inside your body. She never thought of herself that way literally, but knew you both were turned on whenever she said such vulgar things. Your hips rocked back and forth as she felt you stretching her out. Your hands now held onto her neck as you softly began to choke her.
“Look at wet oppa’s slut is!” you moaned as your sweat dripped onto her milky white body. You felt your release fast approaching.
“I love when you fuck me like I’m some cheap whore, oppa!” Yerim screamed as she smiled naughtily at you. “A whore who deserves to be punished by her master”
Your stamina was beginning to deplete as you felt your limit approaching. You thrusted into her several more times roughly before she gripped onto your waist and pushed you deep inside her. Your load sprayed deep inside her, spreading all over her warm and wet walls. Both of you moaned in ecstasy as your head throbbed inside her, releasing until you felt there was nothing left to give. Both of you panted deeply as she grabbed your face and gave you a tender kiss. You pulled your cock out of her, Yerim moaning as her bright red freshly fucked pussy began to leak out your white present.
One load was never enough for a slut like Yerim. It was now nighttime as your phone on the nightstand began to ring. You raised your head just high enough to see who it was from. Jeon Heejin.
“Heejin’s probably wondering where you are” you said, as you were currently inside Yerim. She was currently on all fours on your bed, her soft ass rippling every time it came into contact with your stomach. You doubt she heard or even cared what you were saying as she was too horny while being fucked. You smacked one of her cheeks loudly, causing her to yelp from the stinging pain.
“Hi, Heejin” you said, slapping Yerim’s ass once more.
“Oppa!” Heejin was a cute girl you met one day who introduced you to Yerim. You were close to her and her friend, Kim Hyunjin.
“Oppa, are you busy? The girls want you to come over for drinks!”
“Right now?” you asked as you began to think of excuses of why you’d be late. You couldn’t just say you were currently inside their friend.
“I, uh...”
“Wait, are you fucking Yerim?” she asked you suddenly. You were surprised, how did she know? The call went silent as both of you heard the squelching sounds coming from Yerim’s wet pussy. Yerim’s unique voice could be heard even through her erotic moans.
“You are fucking her! No wonder she’s not here with us right now” Heejin teased. “What position are you fucking her in?”
You sighed. You certainly didn’t expect Heejin to be so vulgar or smart about knowing Yerim’s whereabouts.
“She’s being fucked doggy” you said as you slapped Yerim’s ass once more. She let out a loud moan as you continued fucking her.
“That sounds so hot, oppa! I want to be fucked like that by you too!” Heejin said cheerfully.
“Yerim’s getting fucked? I want to get fucked by oppa! Oppa, it’s Sooyoung! Why haven’t you fucked me yet?”
Amidst the complaints from the girls about whose turn was it to have sex with you first, you groaned as Yerim began to fuck herself onto you.
“We’ll be there in a few hours” you quietly moaned to Heejin.
“Wait, no! It’s okay! I’ll just come over and feel that hard cock pound my pussy!” Heejin said.
Yerim’s walls began to constrict your cock, squeezing tightly. You knew she was about to cum soon. You powered on, your own orgasm soon approaching. You slapped her ass as Yerim began to scream.
“So it’s settled! I’m coming over to get some dick” Heejin said, not caring that she was listening to another woman get fucked by you. “We’re almost done here anyways, how does 10 sou-”
“I’m cumming, Yerim” you groaned as you put your phone on speaker and dropped it on the bed.
You pulled out of Yerim as she got on her stomach and took your cock inside her mouth. Several bobs were all that it took as you pushed her head down and released. You groaned loudly as her walls were painted with your white present, mirroring what occurred hours ago. You slapped your cock on her tongue a few times as she crinkled her eyes. You watched as she tilted her head up and saw your load travel down her throat. She took your tip inside her mouth a few more times to clean up the last remaining traces of cum.
“Oh fuck...” you moaned.
“That was pretty hot, oppa. Did you make her swallow?”
You forgot you were still on a call with Heejin. Knowing her, she put it on speaker for all to hear.
“Yeah...” you weakly responded.
“No, you can’t come over! The only thing coming here is oppa inside my mouth and pussy!” Yerim yelled.
“You’re not the only slut who likes cum!” Heejin yelled back as she ended the call.
You laid on your bed, exhausted. Yerim was back on her stomach as she took your slowly erecting cock back into her mouth. She gave soft kisses on your tip before sucking sensually. You stared at her beautiful big eyes and smiled.
“If Heejin’s coming over, I better drain as much as I can from you” she said as she slapped your shaft on her cheeks.
“You know Heejin’s my girlfriend, right?” You said as you stroked Yerim’s head softly.
“Yeah, but I give better head than her” Yerim replied as she licked your tip, cleaning off your precum.
She shot a mock angry look at you.
“I’m just teasing. Although Hyejoo’s bust is looking big these days” you said.
“Well then... I’ll just have to show you why those two losers don’t compare to me” Yerim said as she stroked your cock several times before climbing onto your lap.
“By the time Heejin arrives, you won’t even remember her name. This cock is mine” she said in a cute voice as you both moaned from Yerim lowering herself onto you.
It was going to be a long, cum filled night.
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
What in the World? (Akaashi Keiji x Reader) pt.6
Part 6 of WINTW? :D Enjoy!
Akaashi’s lineup: @alluring-akaashi​ @oikawalmart-hq​ @extrasugafree​ @bbykiyoomi​ @apricotjihyo​ @simpformiya @colorseeingchick @something-that-idk (i have no idea why i can’t tag some of you :( huhu )
links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 7
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“(l/n)?” Akaashi knocked on the door. He wasn’t sure as to why he found himself chasing after you but here he was. Getting a few stares from passersby. Not that he wasn’t used to being stared at due to all the tournaments. “Are you okay? I can get Yukie-san if you want.”
“I’ll be out in a while, don’t worry.” You were sitting on the toilet. Palms wide open as you tried to activate your quirk. Using the same pattern Shoto could understand. But with the amount of minutes that had passed, it was evident that a response was impossible. Was that just a quirk-fluke? The heat from the gym? There was no way it had to be the latter.
Rubbing your face, you groaned and finally stood up. Not only did you have a problem with your quirk, you now had to come up with an excuse to tell the pretty boy waiting for you outside.
Opening the doors, Akaashi was leaning on the wall across the door. He stood up straight when his eyes met yours. It was clear to him how a lot of your questions were left unanswered. The light in your eyes wasn't as bright as they usually were. By now, the both of you had established a small friendship so he wouldn’t interrogate you into spilling what was bothering you. He respected you too much.
“You didn’t have to wait, you know?” You poked his arm shyly.
“Yukie-san would disapprove of that.” Seeing you agreed, he continued. “Do you wanna talk about it? While we head back to the gym?”
“There’s not much to talk about. I guess fatigue from catching all those balls finally caught up. But, I’m fine in all honesty.”
The both of you were not expecting Bokuto to appear out of nowhere. The look of concern was something new to you. Though, it was no surprise knowing who he was. He merely explained that the both of you were taking a little too much time, he became worried, and that it wasn’t the same without Akaashi setting for him.
Giggling as he gave a sad face, to which his hair deflated as well, Bokuto felt relieved knowing you were feeling much better. Eyeing his friend, he wiggled his eyebrows only to be met by furrowed one’s.
‘No, Bokuto-san. How many times do I have to repeat myself?’ That was the look on Akaashi’s face. One that Bokuto was all too familiar with.
‘Then why keep staring at her when she isn’t looking?’ Bokuto wasn’t sure if his friend could read minds but the way his bushy eyebrows were raised, how his eyes went from him to you and back to him was enough to convey the message.
‘If you don’t stop, I won’t set for you anymore.’
Not expecting the sudden outburst, you eyed the two towering men. For a moment, you could have sworn the two of them were having some kind of mental conversation. When Akaashi transferred his gaze to his childhood friend, the beefy owl cleared his throat and went back to his usual self.
“Anyway, the coach wants to give us updates on the 2nd joint training camp!”
Following the jumping owl, you had to endure another walk of shame when you entered the gym. At least this time, you were greeted with caring voices and soft pats on the back. When all of you were seated and calmed down, the coach took out the board and began to lecture about how the training session would go.
It wasn’t new information for them. Same venue in Saitama and the same schools as well. Due to how frequent the camps have been held, the meeting was short and direct to the point. When you all were dismissed, each member eagerly discussed the remaining days and what they’d like to improve.
As for the managers, they were now brainstorming as to what food to prepare on the last day of the training camp. All you could do was nod and wonder just how much work and what type of people were you bound to meet within the next few days.
Walking down the streets, Akaashi and you were now munching on some onigiri that he had bought. He was quite eager in finishing the little rice ball that you had to deduce was one of his favorite foods.
“You know, seeing you devour that onigiri made me remember a dream of mine.” You opened up. He gave you a sign to continue. “I dreamed that I had special powers. During that time, me and some people were in a huge building that seemed to be our dorm. If my memory serves me right, one of them got into an argument with me because his power was better suited for cooking.”
“Then what happened?”
“He basically used his powers to quickly cook things, to which I don’t understand how he did it. In the end, a scruffy looking teacher bound us together in this cloth like material and gave us a very good scolding.” Recalling that scenario was fun. That was also when Bakugo and you finally had a proper and interesting conversation.
“Powers. Dimensions. You like sci-fi?” This was the only way to get a little bit more information from you.
“Eh, not really.” You stepped closer to him and slowly held on to the crease of his elbow once more. Taking note that he even adjusted his arm so you could have easier access, you felt a tiny smile forming on your face and a bit of heat as well. “Those dreams just feel so real, ya know? They tend to happen a lot as well.”
“What else did you dream about?”
“Hmm,” Your index and thumb held on to your chin. “Ah. One of my dreams had the same group of people involved and we sort of tried these special candies. We were sitting in a dorm room and it was rather chaotic. Our quir-powers got out of control and we were put under lock down for 3 days. What do you dream about, Akaashi?”
“I’m not that much a dreamer.” He looked down at your small form. The streetlights were shitty, he wasn’t going to lie but somehow they made it look as if you were glowing. “I guess the weirdest would have to be Bokuto-san behaving. That’s about it.”
“You need to dream more.” Nudging his side, you earned a soft chuckle. “And laugh more, too!”
When you finally let go of his arm, he merely bowed and said his good night’s. Waving him farewell, you watched as he made his way for his house. Not wanting him to catch you staring, you went towards yours as well.
Inside your room, you immediately began playing with the Hoya plant. It felt good with how your quirk was getting a little more stable, how you were able to reminisce a few memories about your home, and that melodious chuckle of Akaashi.
It was now time to hit the sack and your lights were finally off. Staring at your palms, the glow was a little dimmer due to your usage but despite the constant activity, the comforting warmth of Todoroki’s fire was gone.
Feeling sadness enter your system, your eyes landed on your window.
At least you had Akaashi and your new found friends to keep you company.
Being nostalgic, you didn’t realize that it was already the training camp. With your things packed and ready to go, you threw your bag to the sofa and skipped to the kitchen. The aroma of (favorite breakfast trio) was very inviting. O-mother was all smiles when you entered with a big smile on your face.
“Someone’s excited~” She poured you a glass of orange juice.
“It’s a chance to travel and be with the team~ How can I not be excited?”
“Of course. You’ve been counting the days since last week. I hope your things are complete. Did you pack your toothbrush? Towels? Undies?”
“Yes, mum.” You gobbled a huge portion of the meal. Swallowing it with the aid of juice. “I got everything down.”
“By the way, I took the liberty of making some onigiri.” She reached for a plasticware with 4 balls of rice. “Share some with Akaashi-kun, okay?”
“Akaashi’s gonna love that.” You reached for the container and placed it beside you. As you were finishing the remaining portion, you only noticed how your o-mother’s stare was a little teasing. “What?”
“You dropped the honorifics with Akaashi-kun?” She covered her mouth and giggled. “Is there something I should know about the two of you?”
“Mum, it’s only been a month since I met him.” Rolling your eyes, you slid your out of the table and touched your thigh. “It doesn’t happen that quickly.”
“You’ve heard of twin flames, right? Or soulmates?” She pinched your cheek.
“I have. But, there’s no such thing. Even if there is, those are just fancy terms.” Drinking the last drop of juice, you stood up and copied her action. She softly slapped your hand away while pouting. “Besides, I can’t dare have feelings for Akaashi.”
“Oh? What’s stopping you? I find him good for you.”
‘I can’t and won’t ever dare develop feelings because I’m not from here and it’ll only hurt the both of us once I leave this place.’ Those were the words you wanted to say. More than aware of the infatuation, you were moderately good at keeping things at bay. The thought of leaving your o-mother behind also added an additional weight. She was always there to offer a helping hand when you needed her. “I don’t think he looks at me like that. Or let alone, has the time for crushes.”
“Well, suit yourself.” She hummed. “There’s nothing wrong with trying to find out, though.”
“Good bye, mother.” Leaving her laughing, you went to finish your morning routine.
Fully ready to leave, you slid your window only to be met with closed ones. Remembering the schedule, it was still too early to leave for school and there had been a verbal agreement that you two would walk to school. Checking the time, you were right on track. He should have been sliding his window open by now.
“(y/n)!” Startled at the sudden call from downstairs, you huffed and closed the window. “Akaashi-kun’s here!”
Within seconds, you were running down the stairs only to be met by your cheeky o-mother. Whispering that he’s in the living room, you also heard her saying how gifted the boy’s face was and that, again, she wouldn’t mind if anything were to happen between you two. Telling her to shut up, you went to the living room and found the setter fiddling with fingers.
“Is that a setter thing?” You pointed and sat beside him.
“Not really.” He bowed a bit  to greet you. Bless his soul, you thought. “I apologize if I wasn’t able to do our window meeting. I had to run an errand.”
“No need to apologize, you dummy~ Shall we head out now?”
Agreeing with you, he stood up and hoisted his bag on his shoulder. Just as you were about to take yours, he cleared his throat and took the strap from your hold.
“Akaashi. You have a heavy bag.” You held on to the strap. “I can carry this. I don’t mind.”
“Are you sure?”
Poking his tummy, you felt how he flexed his abdomen. Your mind drifted and flashed a mental image as to how his body would look like without that goddamn shirt. You were granted a small peak at his lower abs but the whole shirt? With the amount of training he did, you were sure that he was hiding a lot under-- Shaking and slapping your thoughts, you pulled the strap.
“I’m more than sure~” Tugging on his shirt, you pulled him towards the door.
Saying farewell to your o-mother, she eagerly watched and teased the both of you till she finally closed the door. Your companion was unfazed but at this point, you weren’t sure if he was affected by the tiniest bit or used to it.
‘Come to think of it, does he have an ex? Probably. He’s too pretty not to have one. Whoever that girl was, she was surely lucky. Damn speaking of exes, what the hell am I supposed to do if I see that Ushijiwaka guy? I can’t even remember his voice that well. Shit. What if they crash the camp? Of course not.’ Absent-mindedly, you held onto Akaashi’s arm but he was already prepared.
“Snack bar for your thoughts, (l/n)?” Those words were enough to snap you back to reality.
With the hand wrapped around his arm, you accepted the bar. Not even bothering to care, both of you were now walking with barely any distance in between. Too caught up with munching and thinking, you failed to notice how the school gate was approaching. With the last crumb gone, you folded the wrapper and tucked into your pocket.
Letting go of his arm, you gave him a cheeky grin before heading towards the parked bus. He was left with a confused look on his face but he merely shrugged it off.
“AGASHI!” Bokuto came sprinting to his side. “I saw that (y/n)-chan was holding your arm! What did I tell you?!”
“Good morning, Bokuto-san.” Of course he would greet his senpai. “She tends to do that as we walk to school. I just let her be.”
“So you are feeling feelings?”
“Not necessarily. I merely enjoy her company. It’s refreshing.”
“Those are feelings, Akaash.” Bokuto pouted as the two men walked towards the bus. “The bar you gave her was your favorite flavor! You don’t even give me that unless it's stale or close to the expiration date.”
“We’re just neighbors.” Letting his senpai enter first, he trailed behind. His eyes landed on you, a vacant seat fresh for the taking. This would have to be a challenging situation. If he would sit beside Bokuto, then the trip would be peaceful. Should he choose you, he could sit in comfortable silence. But it seems as if he didn’t have to think it through.
“Bokuto-san! Good morning!” You waved to him. The way he flopped onto the seat was cute. Tucking his bag under the seat, he stretched in whatever little room was available. Hearing the bones pop, you could imagine the satisfaction.
“Mind if I sit here?” The signature close eyed smile gifted your sight.
“Not much point in refusing~” You playfully slapped his shoulder.
“Hey! Akaashi!” Haruki looked over the bus seat. “I got something ta show you!”
Breaking contact with his two friends, he approached the libero and took the vacant seat. Watching his other senpai fiddling with his phone, he waited and leaned in when the screen was presented to him.
The screen showed a stolen picture of his face. It was only for a brief second, but Haruki managed to capture the exact moment Bokuto beat him at his own thoughts. Staring at the phone, to his seatmate, and back to the phone. He merely sighed and crossed his arms.
“You’re just like Bokuto-san, Haruki-san.” His peripheral view and hearing focused on Bokuto’s laughter 3 seats away. “Childish.”
“Please~ You’re just unknowingly pissed that Bokuto took that seat. Bet she has some food in her bag that’s meant for you, but because she’s that kind of person, she’ll share it with Bokuto instead.”
Now, Akaashi wasn’t one to ever take part in bets. But he did hear from your mother that she had prepared a small snack for the both of you.
“Y200.” The 3rd year libero felt the pride swell in him. For once, he had managed to create a crack on the composed vice-captain.
Needless to say, Akaashi lost the bet.
- - - - -
a/n: i like playful akaashi :3 i hope yall liked this chapter! see you next week! Akaashi’s line up is still accepting players!
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themanicmagician · 4 years
Shipwrecked [3/4]
Summary: When Redd’s boat crashes upon the shore of Bastion Island, Tom reluctantly takes him in while he recovers. Tom despises Redd for his past deceit, but when he has no choice but to spend time with him, Tom is reminded why he fell in love with the wily fox in the first place.
“What is this supposed to be?”
Tom eyed the frilly cocktail Redd had pushed into his hand. It was a swirl of blue and seafoam green, complete with a tiny toothpick umbrella spearing a pineapple wedge.
“Vacation Juice.”
“But we’re not on a—”
“It’s just a name. You’ll like it, trust me.”
Tom took a small sip. It tasted like pears. Very, very sugary pears. He couldn’t even taste the alcohol. As he took a second, larger sip, Redd said: “Told you you’d like it.”
Tom rolled his eyes, not gracing Redd with a response. He swallowed another mouthful of the “juice” as he glanced around the bar. It wasn’t one of their typical haunts. Drinking out in the city was always expensive, so they tended towards establishments with long, generous happy hours, and cheap brews to go along with. The bar they were in now—Tom had already forgotten the name—was a touch fancier. The drinks were all cocktails with themed names. The drinks were served in small portions, and the prices were obscene, but they were celebrating, after all. They could splurge, just a little, just tonight.
The bar was miraculously uncrowded. Tom and Redd had even managed to secure a corner table all for themselves. The lighting was dim, intimate. They were surrounded mostly by other couples, each pair focused on each other rather than a game on TV.
This was Tom’s third drink in under an hour, and he was getting to that pleasant, loose phase of drunkenness. He watched Redd swallow, observed the slow bob of his throat as he drank. He was struck by a bolt of desire. He wanted to trace the movement with his tongue. Tom shifted on his stool.
Redd’s cell phone rang. He fished it out of his pocket. His cool demeanor slipped, his eyes widened in alarm.
“It’s the landlord for the building!” He told Tom before he hurriedly took the call. “Hi! Phil, how’s it going? No, no it’s not a bad time at all.”
Redd hunched down, pressing the phone close to his ear to listen over the booming music.
“...Really? Oh—Oh no, that’s not a problem at all.”
Redd’s expression twisted briefly in distress. Tom’s stomach lurched with sudden, strong anxiety. What was the landlord saying? It was maddening, only being able to hear half of the conversation. He leaned closer, but could barely hear the tinny voice coming from Redd’s phone.
“Of course. I’ll get it to you tonight. Yes. You too. Ciao.”
Redd hung up, and sighed. When he didn’t immediately launch into an explanation, Tom blurted: “Well?”
Redd combed a paw through the fur on his head with agitation. It made his sleek fur stick up at odd angles, but Redd didn’t seem to notice, or care.
“The landlord, he got another offer on the store. Says if we still want it we’ll have to pay the first six months—up front.”
Tom swallowed, throat suddenly dry. He downed the rest of his Vacation Juice.
“I have some money put away, but not nearly enough for all that time.” Redd frowned. “But if I don’t get it to him tonight, we lose the place.”
“Well, how much is six months’ rent?”
“Everything included—all the fees, insurance, utilities and everything—it’ll be 200,000 bells. And I already went and spent most of my money getting us the stock. I can’t get a refund now.” He laughed, the sound sharp and bitter. “We’ll have all this furniture and nowhere to put it.”  
“How much do you need?”
“Tom, I couldn’t—”
“Redd. We’re partners, right? How much do you need?”
The fox shifted on his stool.
“...It’s too much to ask of you.” Redd mumbled, eventually.
“Fine, fine. I only have about 15k bells left in my account right now.”
Tom brought out his own phone. It took a few clumsy tries for him to unlock it. He had just enough in his account to cover the remainder, built up from the months of pitching and selling ideas to businesses. This would drain nearly all of Tom’s savings, but it was an investment. It was worth it. Besides, they’d make it up and then some when their store opened.
“I can transfer it over right now.” Tom smiled. “Though I’m afraid we’ll have to switch to ramen and tap water for a while.”
“I could kiss you.” Redd said.
“What’s stopping you?”
After a sloppy kiss that tasted of pears and apples, Tom drained his account for the deposit. Redd called Phil back to confirm the transfer was a success. Once the landlord confirmed, Redd pulled Tom from the bar, hand in hand. They couldn’t really afford to buy more fancy cocktails, but there was a full bottle of sake at home, calling their name.
Tom awoke with a thunderous headache. He groaned, pinching two fingers to the ridge of his nose. He warily opened his eyes a few centimeters, then slammed them shut again. Nausea churned in his gut. He took a moment to just lay there, and prayed for his insides to stop revolting. How much had they had to drink last night? It was a blur. Tom had been feeling buzzed already from the cocktails and then the sake had gone and punched straight holes through his memory. He remembered snatches of moments, of sensations. Raking his paws through Redd’s fur, feeling the corded muscles beneath as they shifted. The sweet taste of Redd’s mouth on his, the triumph of finally marking up that exposed throat. The way that Redd, always so perfect and composed, became a stuttering, breathy mess as they made love. Then, a whole lot of nothing.
“Redd?” Tom moaned feebly. The fox handled his liquor a thousand times better than he did. He could entreat his partner to get up and fetch him some water. He flailed out blindly, reaching, but his hand encountered no fox.
Tom opened his eyes again, with heavy reluctance. He was alone in the bed. He swept his paw over the sheets. They were cool.
Tom spilled clumsily over the side of the bed to reach his pants, which were in a crumpled heap on the bedroom floor. He rooted around in his pockets until he found his phone. The time blared at him, like a condemnation: 10:05 a.m. For someone that normally got up for the day at 6, it was sacrilege.
Standing upright was a mistake. Dizziness and nausea slammed into him immediately. He barely made it to the bathroom before he was puking. He hadn’t really had much to eat yesterday, so all that came up was stringy bile. He flushed the mess down and rested his head for a minute against the cool bathroom cabinet.
He was surprised Redd hadn’t come to investigate, considering the amount of noise Tom was making.
“Redd?” He croaked.
There was no reply.
Tom sat for a moment more, until he was certain he wouldn’t neat the toilet again. He levered himself upright, bracing himself on the sink.
He shuffled out of the bathroom, and went into the area comprised of their kitchenette and living room. Redd was still nowhere to be found. And there was something...off. It took him a moment, and then he realized: Redd’s stuff was missing. His artwork that’d been scattered around, his books, they were gone. Tom checked their bedroom. Tom’s things were neatly folded in the drawers, but there was an empty gap where Redd’s clothes had once been.
Had something happened to Redd? Heart pounding with confusion and fear, he dialed Redd’s number. The call went straight to voicemail. He called again; same result.
After the beep, he left a message, his voice audibly shaky. “H-Hey, it’s Tom. Call me when you get this, alright? Let me know you’re okay.”
Tom returned to the living room, and paced anxiously until his attention was caught by a white envelope. It was resting on the floor, by the front door. Someone must have slipped it underneath.
The envelope was addressed to Redd, but Tom broke the seal anyway, hoping whatever was inside would provide answers.
Inside was a final eviction notice.
According to it, Redd was three months past due on rent, and had until the end of the week to move out his stuff before it was thrown out by management.
Tom was breathing fast, now. It felt like the walls were closing in on him. This didn’t make  sense. Redd had afforded this apartment for years before Tom had moved in. And as soon as Tom began making money he contributed half of the rent. He gave the bells over to Redd and assumed he’d take care of it. Redd had money before they’d poured most of their shared earnings into their store, so why—?
The eviction notice was starting to crumple in his shaking grip. He set it aside on the kitchen island.
He needed to find Redd. He needed to talk to him. There was probably some simple explanation for all of this that Tom just couldn’t see right now. Redd would explain, would tease him for getting all worked up about nothing. Or, or maybe this had been premeditated. Maybe he’d taken Tom’s money for months and then—
Tom yanked on his pants, and a shirt, and dashed out of the apartment. Redd wasn’t home, but there was one other place he might be at this hour.
Tom ran to their store. Animals gave him odd looks as he passed them, but he paid them no attention. He wasn’t built for running, especially not over long distances. He was soon panting and wheezing, sweat slicking his shirt to his back, but he didn’t slow. The walking sign switched to a red hand but Tom kept running, ignoring the resultant yells and curses spat at him from nearby cars as they were forced to swerve around him.
He reached the store at last—and his heart dropped to his stomach. The entire area was roped off. There were large heavy construction machines, including a crane with a wrecking ball at the end of it.
Tom ducked under the tape and tried to run inside, but was grabbed by one of the construction workers.
“Hey, hey!” The bulldog barked. “You crazy? You can’t go in there, they’re about to bust it down.”
“That’s my store!” Tom yelled. “What are you doing, that’s my property!”
“This place has been foreclosed on for over a year now.” The worker replied, bewildered. “It’s been slated for demolition. Gonna squeeze another high-rise in there.”
The key in his pocket was freshly cut. If the place had been abandoned, it would’ve been relatively simple for Redd to install a new lock on the place. To add a layer of credibility to the entire request, to allow Tom to hope.
Tom was no longer resisting, so the bulldog released his grip on Tom’s shirt.
“You should step back, kid. It’s going to get real dusty here in a minute.”
He threw one last perplexed look at Tom before he rejoined his crew members.
Tom retreated behind the tape, and watched as the wrecking ball swung out, and smashed the front of the building inwards. His eyes watered, then, but not from the resultant dust.
He didn’t return to the apartment. He didn’t want anything they’d shared, or that would remind him of Redd.
He walked to the train station in a daze, only pausing to chuck his apartment and store keys in the trash.
Tom didn’t have much remaining in his account, but Redd had at least left him enough to purchase a one-way ticket back to his hometown. The train was the same make and model as the one that’d brought him here, six months ago.
Tom sat at a free window seat, and rested his cheek against the window. The glass was a bit smudged and sticky, likely from a child’s hands, but Tom left his head where it was.
The train came alive with a jolt. Soon the skyscrapers gave way to houses. Gradually, the houses became further and further spaced out, and the forest grew denser. He drank in the sight of green foliage greedily, like a man given water after days in the desert. He hadn’t realized, until now, how much he hated the gray of steel, the tan of concrete, the black of asphalt.  
The train stopped intermittently. Tom did not pay attention to the conductor’s voice over the loudspeaker, as his was the very last stop on the line.
“Hey, do you mind if I sit next to you?”
It took half a moment for Tom to recognize that he was being spoken to. He pulled his gaze sluggishly away from the window. A blue and white cat stood there, smiling down at him, seemingly unperturbed by Tom’s dour mood. Tom shrugged, not really caring what the cat did. He slid into the seat beside Tom.
“I’m Rover.” He beamed. Tom wanted to grab him by the shoulders, shake him, scream that it wasn’t fair, how dare he smile like that when Tom had been through hell.
“...Tom.” He admitted, eventually, in the expectant silence.
“Pleasure. So, where you headed?”
He understood it now. He wasn’t meant for city life, for a place that cradled you when you could provide it value, then dropped you into the dirt after.
“Took a day trip to the city, eh?”
Tom grunted.
“What a place! Fun to visit now and again, but I’d never live there, personally.”
“Me neither.” Tom agreed.
Rover filled the trip with largely one-sided chatter until he hopped off, three stops before Tom’s.
“Safe travels, friend! I’m sure we’ll meet again someday.”
Tom mustered up a wave for him.
The train pulled into its final station a little after noon. Hardly anyone was left on the train. As Tom left the station, he passed a few elderly couples, some younger animals psyching themselves up for a nature hike.
There weren’t cabs this far out, so Tom walked. It reminded him somewhat of his first day in the city, fraught as it was with exhaustion and confusion as he plodded down street after street. At least this time he walked with certainty. Starved of entertainment as a child, he’d explore the entire town enough times he could navigate it blind.
He wasn’t surprised to discover nothing had changed here. He hadn’t been gone that long, all told, and change came at a glacial pace in his hometown. There were the same trees, unchanging storefronts. Though he supposed there was perhaps a bit more peeling paint on the general store sign than the last time he’d seen it. The store had been owned by Gran Bluebell since before Tom was a kit. It was no great shock she didn’t bother with touching up the hard to reach sign at her age.
People recognized him. Welcomed him. Assumed he was just here for a visit. Tom smiled at them, and exchanged pleasantries but no meaningful information on his side. Humiliation burned his face like a hot brand. He could hardly admit to himself that he’d failed, let alone to them. They’d sympathize, express their condolences—but past their commiserating veneer would be a sick kind of satisfaction. I knew you’d never make it out there. You thought you were better than us? Smarter? We’re all stuck here in this town for a reason.  
Had the city soured his optimistic, rosy view of others? Perhaps it had. Could he truly be blamed, though? With pessimism, you expected the worst out of others. You could never be disappointed, only pleasantly surprised.
At length, Tom reached his destination. It was a house on the end of the row. One story, cream-colored. The doorbell had stopped working years ago, so Tom rapped on the door. He heard the shuffle of feet over wood, and then the door creaked open.
Sable’s eyes widened. She shut the door again to unhook the chain lock, and then threw it wide open. Tom could see a slice of the kitchen from his current vantage point. Mabel was strapped into her highchair, gleefully smashing peas into paste on the tray in front of her, babbling nonsense. Label was peering at him with large, dark eyes, half-hidden behind the frayed couch.
“Tom, what are you doing here?” Sable swept a critical eye over him, noting his lack of luggage.
Tom saw telltale signs of strain in his friend’s features. The circles beneath her eyes, the unkemptness of her quills, the stains, fresh and old on her apron. He shouldn’t bother her with his problems. But he didn’t have anywhere else to go.
She cupped his chin, lifted his head up so he met her gaze.
“What happened?”
Tom broke. He surged forward, wrapping Sable in a tight embrace. Sable hesitated only the briefest moment before she encircled her arms around him, stroking his back soothingly.
“Sable,” He choked out.
“It’s okay now.” Her tone was soothing and soft. “Let it out.”
He buried his head in her shoulder, and wept.
Tom was rooted in place. Redd was gone, again. Without a trace, without a word.
He was being stupid. He was overreacting. Where could Redd go, really? The island wasn’t that large.
He knew this, logically, and yet his heart was pounding like a drum, his paws, clammy. He couldn’t help the irrational fear that history was repeating itself.
He managed to break through the panic which had seized him to return downstairs. He entered the Cranny. Timmy and Tommy swiveled away from their conversation with Fang.
“Have you seen Redd?” Tom blurted.
The twins shook their heads in unison, but the old wolf scrunched up his forehead in thought.
“The little red fella?” Fang rumbled. Tom nodded. “Think I saw him on my way in. Headed northwards, cha-chomp.”
“Should we look too?”
“No, boys. Mind the shop. I’ll find him.”
Tom waited until he was out of sight of anyone inside the store before he broke into a jog. He crossed over the bridge that connected the main swatch of Bastion to the smaller crescent of land to the north. Alex had left most of this land to the wilds. There was a grove of multicolored hyacinths, encircled by pear trees. Bastion’s lighthouse was posted on the edge of the water. There was no other sign of civilization out here—save for Flurry’s house.
Tom hurried up to the house, and was about to knock when the door swung open. Redd was exiting, a new book tucked under his arm. Flurry was behind him, wringing her tiny paws.
“You’re sure I can’t carry it for you?” She fretted.
“The book weighs more than you do. I can handle it, no problem.”
Redd was facing Flurry; he hadn’t seen Tom yet. He was speaking in that tone of voice, the same one he’d had with the boys, before Tom interrupted. Something soft, kind.
Then Redd turned to see Tom, and the gentle look on his face vanished, replaced by something charming and fake.
“Come to escort me home? How gentlemanly of you, Mr. Nook.” Redd batted his eyelashes obnoxiously. Flurry giggled.
Tom gave a short nod to the hamster before she shut the door. Tom waited until they were in the hyacinth field, far enough away from Flurry’s house, to speak.
“You can’t just—just leave without telling me.”
Redd snorted. “I’m not one of your adopted kiddos.” A thought seemed to occur to him, and with some annoyance, he added, “What, you can’t trust me to be on my own, is that it? Think I’m always up to no good?”
“You’re hurt and you don’t know the island. You can’t just go off on your own.”
“Please, Tom. Don’t bother with all this. You don’t care about me, you’ve made that perfectly clear.”
“That’s not what I—you’re so—!” Tom clamped his mouth shut. He took a deep breath, which didn’t do as much to calm him as he would have liked. “I’m sorry. I overreacted. You were just gone, and I panicked.”
Tom was surprised as that seemed to set Redd off. “Oh, panicked, did you? How do you think I felt when you left New Leaf, without telling me? I had to hear it from Chadder—Chadder, of all people!—that you’ve just run off to some deserted island, on your own. There are tarantulas out here, Tom. Tarantulas!”
“And scorpions,” Tom added, helpfully. Redd glowered at him. “I was expanding my business into travel. Not that you’d know anything about innovation.”
“You learned all you know from me!”
“Hardly!” Tom scoffed. “I taught myself everything after you stole from me. My first shop was made out of scrap metal and wood from the dump, and look at me now. Whereas you, Redd,” He jabbed the fox in the chest. “You just jump from one scam to the next, and don’t care who you hurt in the process.”
Redd flinched back. “I’m not. I’m not like that anymore. I—look. I might have. Lied. Before.”
“You’ll have to be more specific.” Tom said, waspishly.
“Guess I deserve that one.” Redd shifted his weight uneasily. “I’m talking about the art. It is real, like I said. Spent almost every bell I got to acquire it all. But I wasn’t planning to scam anyone with it. I wasn’t going to go island to island to sell people replicas. I just wanted to come here. Where you are.”
Tom’s ire drained, supplanted by confusion. He said nothing, and Redd took that as permission to continue.
“I was going to swing by once a week. Give a new piece of art to that human kid every time, because I know Blabbers—”
“—would want them all displayed in his museum. And over time, you’d get used to seeing me around. And there’d be no stories about fakes for you to hear. And maybe you’d…” Redd sighed. He looked up at Tom with an earnestness the raccoon had never seen from him before. “I scammed a lot of guys before you. A lot of them were like you—new to the city, hopelessly clueless, grateful for any scrap of guidance. But you were different. I...I do regret what happened between us. What I did to you. It still haunts me.”
“So why did you?” Tom asked, softly. “You know that I loved you.”
Redd’s face twisted in anguish. “I did know. I hate myself every day for ruining what we had. And the worst part is I can’t tell you why I did it. A part of me, a big part of me, didn’t want to. But it was what I’d always done. I didn’t grow up in a nice place, or in a nice home. I learned how to con, how to lie and cheat and survive. I learned how to take care of myself, because no one else was going to. And then you came along, and you didn’t want to use me, and you were clever, and wanted us to be partners, equals. You thought I could be that for you, that I could be up at as high a level as you are, and, and it scared me. It made me think that maybe I didn’t have to be that way anymore. I didn’t have to trick anyone ever again. But when it came down to it, I couldn’t change. I couldn’t make the leap. I fell into old habits, because they were secure, because I knew I could rely on the results. I knew I’d hurt you, but I did it anyway. Because I didn’t trust you, and I didn’t trust myself.”
Tom felt as if his heart was breaking again, but in a different way. Redd’s confession was a raw, sad thing.
“I’m not asking for your forgiveness. I know I don’t deserve it. But I’m a selfish bastard, and I...I still want you in my life. In whatever way you’ll have me.”
There was a long silence between them. The hyacinths swayed gently around them in the cool sea breeze.
Redd had hurt Tom deeply. On one level, Tom did forgive him. Redd had suffered the consequences of his actions. He’d gained money, but he’d lost Tom’s affections, lost the chance for an honest living. On another level, Tom could not open his heart fully to the fox again. Redd claimed that he had changed, and he certainly seemed repentant. But they would remain only acquaintances, perhaps friends, at the most. He simply could not trust Redd to the extent he had in the past, and he doubted he ever would.
“What book did Flurry give you?”
“What? Oh.” Redd blinked. He checked the title. “Bark Antony and Kleopawtra.”
“Perhaps you could read it aloud to the kids, tonight. They’d like that.”
A tentative smile spread slowly across Redd’s face.
He accepted the olive branch.
“Fine, but you’re voicing Bark Antony.”
The pair of them returned to the Cranny, walking shoulder to shoulder.
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dailybeastarsthings · 3 years
Chapter 4 - Can This Day Get Any Worse? 4.1. It's Not Easy Being A Bunny
The school’s cafeteria is one of the main areas where all students can meet with each other without any boundaries. The area was designed to be able to serve all kinds of animals regardless of their species and sizes. The main area was dissected into three larger levels, which looked like platforms. They were bordered by wooden walls planted with succulents and tiny shrubs to create a greener atmosphere. The roof was made out of glass to ensure that natural light can always get inside. In the four corners and the middle of the cafeteria, there were large oak trees planted with decks on multiple branches. This served as the dining area for smaller animals, such as mice, squirrels or songbirds. The tree was specially developed so its leaves would rarely fall, in order to avoid any accidents.
The cafeteria was packed for dinner, as usual. Students lined up at the kitchen ladies, who served them the food. The meals were specially chosen and prepared to satisfy both herbivore and carnivore students. Each day, there were separate meals for carnivores and herbivores. Today, carnivores were given steamed soy beans, egg salad, black bean pastries and milk, while herbivores were given vegetables boiled in soy milk, fruit parfaits and orange juice. Of course, if a carnivore student preferred something from the herbivore menu, they could change their meals and vice versa.
In the mass of animals, there was a small Netherlands dwarf rabbit girl. Her name was Haru. Her fur was pure white with no marks or any other colors. Her eyes were pitch black. One could easily get lost in them, wondering what thoughts were being kept secret behind them. She was quite short even for her species so she wore shoes with thicker soles to add to her height. As she walked along the line, her uniform was flowing in the air.
Today’s dinner is my favorite, I just can’t wait to eat it!” she thought. “Now I just need to find a place to sit.”
She paced the area for free seats and found three tables with free seats. First, she walked up to a female mongoose student.
“I’m sorry, may I sit here?” Haru asked.
“Umm… Sorry, but I’m waiting for my friend” the mongoose replied.
Next, Haru walked up to a feline student, who didn’t even pay much attention to her. It seemed like she recognized her and since the situation was too awkward for her, she just went back to eating without saying anything.
Haru was a bit annoyed, but she still had one option, a group of rabbits.
“Hey, may I sit with you, please?” Haru asked them.
But they were so busy chatting they didn’t even hear her question. Haru’s ears drooped but she wasn’t the type of girl to get upset over a situation like this. She walked outside and sat down on the stairs to enjoy her meal.
“Oh well, I’m sitting alone behind the building but at least the food is delicious” she thought as she was eating her meal in silence. She suddenly heard another student calling for her. It was her roommate, Sally.
“Haru! There you are.”
“Oh, hey, Sally. Are you heading back to the dorm?”
“Well… umm… yeah. Why are you eating your food alone in this place? Don’t you think it’s too dangerous for a small herbivore like you to be alone after the incident?”
“Well… It’s better than eating alone in the cafeteria. Anyway, if you’re so worried about me, why don’t we have dinner together?”
“Oh… Sorry, I can’t. I can’t be seen together with you. Everyone in the school knows what you did.”
“Well, that figures” Haru sighed. “Everyone’s been avoiding eye contact with me for two days now…”
“Mizuchi is really mad about it. Take it from your roommate, okay? Try to act less resilient.”
And with that, Sally walked off without saying goodbye, leaving Haru by herself. Haru lost herself in her thoughts…
“Is it just me? When an animal is as small as I am, their body will sometimes shake uncontrollably from the pressure of their own heartbeat. If I were to just follow my instincts, I would just keel over and never get back up.”
Haru sighed. For the first time, she felt lonely. Yet she was determined to not allow it to get to her and stand up from this situation even stronger. She finished her meal and went to the main building. She still had some homework to do for tomorrow and wanted to finish it in the library. As she was going up the spiral stairs for small animals, a walnut shell fell down in front of her. And then a couple others followed, but this time, they landed straight on her head.
“What the…”
“Oops, my bad! My hand slipped” said a high-pitched voice.
“Did you get hurt?” asked another one.
“Oh, you’re probably fine, aren’t you? No doubt some boy will come running to save you!” a third added.
“Oh, don’t worry, I’m fine” Haru replied. “Nothing you do can hurt me.”
Haru continued her walk up the stairs, trying to ignore the laughs of the other three girls, but she suddenly came face to face with them. It was Mizuchi and her two allies, a black cat and a raccoon. Mizuchi was a harlequin rabbit and a pretty popular student in Cherryton. If anyone, she could completely destroy someone’s reputation with a gossip in just a few days’ time.
“I guess all of your friends are ignoring you…” she said. “And yet, you’re still holding out quite well. But you do understand your situation don’t you? No one wants to deal with you” she said with the most satisfied smile on her face.
Haru didn’t mind the harsh words Mizuchi threw at her just now. She picked up one of the walnut shells and threw it at her.
“Yeah, yeah. I don’t have time to deal with you or your little friends so bye” Haru said while passing the others without even looking at them.
“Hey! I’m not finished with you!” Mizuchi yelled.
“If you’ve got enough time to spread rumors about me, you surely have enough time to make up with your boyfriend.”
“You have no right to say that! You’re the one who split us up in the first place!”
“I’m sorry, but he’s the one who kissed me. I don’t know what you were told and I don’t really care either” Haru said while turning around with a smug look on her face. “Still, a buck who’d get infatuated over a little kiss isn’t worth much if you ask me.”
And that was it. Right then and there, Mizuchi was destroyed and she knew it. The frustration caused her two-toned face to turn completely red. She picked up the janitor’s water bucket and threw the water at Haru, who fell to the ground.
“Listen well. We were a harlequin rabbit couple. Harlequin rabbits are an endangered species. We’re on a completely different league with obvious pedigree. And yet you, a plebian dwarf rabbit, went and destroyed that couple! How dare you! We’re going to spread rumors that you’re messing with other male students as well.”
Haru was not surprised by Mizuchi’s reaction but she was still a bit upset. Her clothes and fur were dripping wet and the other three were laughing at her.
“Let’s go girls” Mizuchi said. “You should really pick yourself up from the floor, Haru. Or don’t. It suits you anyway.”
And with that, the terrible trio was finally gone. Their footsteps echoed in the corridor for a few moments but with each passing second, they became quieter. Haru stood up and looked at herself. Her clothes were dripping wet. Fortunately, the water didn’t get into her bag, so at least her schoolwork was safe. She looked for the nearest restroom and walked inside. She went inside one of the stalls, closed the door and hung her dress on the door. She sat on top of the toilet seats and started the rest of her homework.
“Well, it’s not the library but at least no one should bother me here” she thought.
It didn’t take Haru to finish her school work. She completed an essay and two multiple choice exercises and was ready to go. She reached out for her uniform, which was almost completely dry. She got dressed, exited the stall and washed her hands.
“I don’t want to go back to the dorm yet… I’ll just spend some time around the back of the gym” she thought.
She looked in the mirror and took a good look at herself.
“When males see this face, they start to approach me thinking »I want to help her« or »I want to protect her«… But when they realize that I’m different from their fantasies, they use me and eventually leave. Right… The winners of this world are the animals who live by their feral instincts. I was destined to be a loser. I lived a life of being used as fodder for other animals.”
It was already late when Haru exited the main building. It was really quiet all over the school and only a few lights were on in the dorms. A thin layer of mist was resting lightly on the ground, deterring from Haru’s way as she took her steps towards the gym. It almost felt to her like even the mist didn’t want to touch her anymore. She reached the gym and headed towards the fountain in front of it.
Haru was always mesmerized by the dancing water. She didn’t know why, but she enjoyed looking at it for hours, enjoying the sight of the little drops being painted into colorful gems by the surroundings or silver tears by the moonlight. It was a place where she could calm herself down in all cases – exams, arguments, family life… But the peace and harmony didn’t feel the same this time. She felt as if someone was watching her. She heard a rustle from the gym’s entrance.
“Someone’s here. But who could it be? Do they know who I am? Do they want to hurt me? Or… can it be the one who killed that alpaca?”
She heard the rustle once again… The other one moved closer to her… Tears started to flow from Haru’s eyes. Her legs were trembling. She wanted to run but her legs wouldn’t move – they were heavy as stones.
“I’ll let you have me… But please… Just once in my pathetic life…Give me a reason to run away in fear… Give me a reason to cry in fear… Give me a reason to value my life…”
With all these thoughts in her head, she started running towards the arches. She couldn’t even make two steps though when she could feel her body being grabbed by large hands with sharp claws… She was trapped. And yet, she felt completely calm.
“Could you understand what valuing your life is?” she thought. “He doesn’t understand. He doesn’t have to. I can feel that his desires resonate with mine. I’m just glad they are not here to see me like this…”
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ifuckedchrisevans · 4 years
One Beer - Part One
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*this is a work of FICTION. Don’t like? don’t read :)
*All pics in the collage are from pinterest 
This is also my first time attempting a mini series so please go easy on me! Let me know what you think.
Based off the song One Beer by Hardy you can listen to it HERE
High school sweethearts AU with Chris | You and Chris just graduated high school. You have an amazing summer planned before you and your friends part ways for the fall and go on to your separate schools. But what happens when things don’t go as planned?  
🎶Seventeen in a small town, weak knees in a CVS. Door locked in the bathroom, what’s it gonna be waitin’ on that test? 🎶
You took one more deep breath before climbing out of your car and quickly walking into the CVS. You wandered around the store for a few moments to make sure you didn’t recognize anyone. In a small town like this, it’s a miracle you don’t run into at least three people no matter where you go. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat and walked under the sign that you'd been avoiding for so long, “Family Planning”. 
You grabbed the first one you laid your eyes on and hastily made your way to the counter to pay for the test. Your sweaty hands swiped the pink and white box off the counter and shoved it into your sweatshirt pocket.
After speeding home you ran inside for the bathroom, locking the door behind you. It was 3:00 pm. Your parents wouldn’t be home for another hour. That gave you just enough time to take the test and throw it out far, far away from the house. 
You placed the test on the counter and set a timer on your phone. With weak knees you leaned on the wall and slid down to the floor. 
“This can’t be happening” you whispered to yourself, blinking back tears. 
Through the tears a small smile made its way across your face when you thought about how much fun you had with Chris that night. 
The alcohol was flowing and everyone was celebrating the end of senior year. You were finishing your fourth cup of jungle juice when you felt a pair or strong arms wrap around your waist. You closed your eyes and smiled, inhaling the oh so familiar scent of his cologne. 
“You look absolutely breathtaking tonight,” his raspy voice whispered in your ear. 
You turned around in his arms to face him. Your (Y/E/C) eyes looked up, meeting his drunken, goofy grin. You sloppily pressed your lips to his. 
“One more cup?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes, please!” you giggled while you walked hand in hand to the kitchen. 
Chris poured you another cup of jungle juice and grabbed another beer for himself. Just as you were taking the first sip of your new drinks, “Country Roads” by John Denver started blaring from the speakers. 
Chris took your hand and the two of you made your way back to the make-shift dance floor in the living room to sing at the top of your lungs one last time with your friends. 
“I never want this night to end” you thought to yourself, looking at all of your friends around you laughing and singing along. In just three short months everyone would be moving away for their first year of college. 
You had gotten into your dream school and Chris was going to start pursuing his dream of acting. You were going to visit each other every weekend, taking turns on who would drive to who.
Chris' drunken voice pulled you from your thoughts.
“What do you say we ditch the send off and go straight to the room?” he said as his hands started to wander your body. 
The timer went off and brought you back to reality. Your shaking hand silenced the alarm. You closed your eyes, said one more silent prayer before you slowly stood up to look at the test. 
You stood there hoping you were reading it wrong. Maybe you read the instructions wrong? Maybe it’s the lighting?
Nope. It was right. Those two pink lines were staring you right in the face. 
“Fuck” you whispered. Wiping the tears from your eyes. 
Your phone lit up with the handsome brunette’s face on your screen. Chris must have just finished work. He promised he would call as soon as his shift ended. 
You took a deep breath and swiped the screen to answer.
“Hello,” you said quietly.
“Hey, baby! I just got off,” Chris beamed through the phone
“Oh, uh, that’s great!” you said, trying to sound like nothing was wrong.
“Is everything okay?” he asked.
“Yeah, yeah, of course, everything is fine. I just, uh, woke up from a nap.”
“A nap? You never take naps, are you feeling okay?” Chris asked, his concerned tone only growing stronger. 
“I-I’m okay, I felt a migraine coming so I decided to close my eyes for a few minutes.” you said, rubbing your forehead.
Chris was not buying any of this. Why were you even trying to play it off? You were going to have to tell him anyway.
But what are the chances this is 100% true? These give false positives all the time. There was no sense of causing unnecessary stress. 
“Baby? You still there?” Chris' voice pulled you from your thoughts. 
“I’m here, I really need to go lie down, I think this is a migraine coming. Call me after you eat dinner?” you said with a sigh.
“Sure, get some rest and I’ll call you soon,” Chris said.
“Talk to you soon,” you whispered.
“I love you,” he said in a gentle voice. 
“I love you too, Chris.”
The line hung up and you looked at yourself in the mirror. 
“These things are wrong all the time, there’s no way this is right” you said to yourself.
You wiped the tears from your eyes and wrapped the test in toilet paper before you stuffed it into your sweatshirt pocket. You had to get yourself and the test out of here before your parents got home. 
After gathering your purse and your keys, you run out to your car. You find yourself mindlessly driving around town. Twenty minutes pass before you decide to park in the mall parking lot. You chose the lot near the entrance of the now out of business SEARS department store. 
“How am I supposed to tell him?” you wondered out loud. “I have to tell him.” You said to yourself. 
Your trembling hand reached for your phone to call your boyfriend. It only took two rings before Chris answered. 
“Hey, baby! How are you feeling?” he asked.
“I’m alright,” you said quietly, “c-can you meet me somewhere?” you stuttered.
“Of course, (Y/N), are you okay?” you could hear the fear in his voice.
“No,” you squeaked, “can you come meet me at the mall? I’m parked in the back lot.”
“I’m on my way,” Chris said, rushing out his front door and into his car. 
 Ten minutes passed before Chris’ car pulled up next to yours. You felt sick to your stomach when you saw him. His blue eyes locked with yours. 
You got out of your car and climbed into his passenger seat. 
“Baby, what is going on?” Chris asked, cupping your face in his hand. 
“Will you still love me after I tell you?” you asked in a low voice, looking up at him through your eyelashes. 
“Nothing in this world could make me stop loving you,” he whispered. 
You took a deep breath and reached into your sweatshirt pocket. You unfolded the paper that was wrapped around the test, and sat it on the center console between the two of you. 
It felt like hours passed before Chris said anything. 
“A-are you sure?” he stuttered out. 
“I think so,” you said, your voice was barely over a whisper. 
“Chris, what are we going to do?” You cried.
He leaned over and wrapped you in his arms, “it’s okay, shhh, we’re gonna be okay.”
Chris pulled back from the hug and cupped your face in his hands. 
“I’m not going anywhere, we’re in this together,” he stated, his blue eyes watered and a single tear fell on his cheek. 
With a soft smile, you wiped it away with your thumb. 
“I’m scared,” you admitted. 
“Me too,” he whispered.
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onewfantaesy · 4 years
Monsters in the Dark (Part 2)
(tw: ed)
He starts having dreams that he’s puking. He can feel the bile rising from his stomach, he can feel the gritty vomit getting stuck in his throat and the back of his nose, he can feel the way it makes him choke and squirm and heave. He wakes up shaking and clutching at his neck and gulping for air. Taemin hasn’t eaten anything for two days, but he stumbles to the bathroom immediately, tripping and falling over his own feet to gag over the toilet.
But he makes himself a coffee - black - and makes himself presentable to go to that day’s practice. His hair is combed to perfection and his face is washed and moisturized and his clothes don’t have a single wrinkle. He looks fine. He’s fine.
“Taemin, you’re looking really skinny lately,” someone tells him.
They’re lying, the voice in his head tells him. They just want you to eat and get fatter.
“I’m on a diet,” is all Taemin says in response. The smile on his face is tight, and he hides it behind the rim of his coffee cup. It’s almost empty. He needs more coffee.
Strands of hair come out in clumps when the stylist starts brushing it. She looks concerned. He tries to hide it behind a whine.
“You make me color it too much!” he complains. “Look what it’s doing to my hair!”
She sighs and styles it as best she can, getting him ready as quickly as possible. They’re running late. He sucks down a zero-calorie energy drink while she works on his hair. It makes his heart beat too hard and puts him on the brink of a panic attack for the rest of the day, but at least it keeps him awake.
When his parents come to visit him and see how his fridge is full of nothing but energy drinks, water bottles, kimchi, and low-fat cheese slices, they’re concerned. It’s understandable.
“I just haven’t gone grocery shopping in a while,” he tells his mother.
She comes back the next day with bags and bags of groceries. Puts everything away for him. Fully stocks his fridge and freezer and pantry. He thanks her and let’s her make dinner for him. He convinces himself it’s okay to eat it. He hadn’t eaten in two days, he can eat something his mother cooks for him.
And it’s a good dinner. He loves his mother’s cooking, no one cooks as well as she does, he firmly believes that. They laugh and smile and talk for hours, and even though Taemin tries telling her to sit down and relax afterwards, she insists that she can clean up for him too.
“I’ll wrap this all up for you, make it so all you have to do is take out a container and heat it up and you have a meal ready,” she tells him. She puts servings into individual tupperwares for him. There are six of them, enough to last him the entire rest of the week for dinner.
After she leaves, he cries on his couch and feels his whole body heaving and clutches a pillow to his stomach. He will not throw up, he will not throw up, he will not throw up. He refuses to throw up a meal his mother cooked for him.
But there were so many calories, the voice tells him. It will make you fat.
“Shut up,” he whispers, breathing too quickly into the pillow.
He makes it through two of the containers before the food his mother made for him spoils. Most of the groceries she bought for him rot in the fridge until he has to throw it all out, the stench of moldy food lingering in the kitchen.
But not before he had spent a night sitting on the floor of the kitchen with containers and jugs and boxes scattered around him, devouring everything he could get his hands on. He ate an entire meal of his mother’s all at once, plus extra kimchi and rice and bananas and dry cereal and juice boxes and Oreos and chocopies and hunks of cheese and chocolate bars and frozen waffles and whipped cream straight from the can. Everything and anything. He ends up vomiting all over his kitchen floor, and it’s horrible, he feels horrible. He’s doubled over and on all fours just puking his guts out, unchewed chunks of food he had swallowed whole getting stuck in his throat on the way back up.
Cleaning it up is worse than creating the mess. Almost makes him vomit a second time. He has to take the trash out at three in the morning when he’s done cleaning because the smell was making him sick. He passes a neighbor on the way to the trash shoot, and the older man gives him a funny look. Taemin just ducks his head and shuffles along and tries not to gag as he pushes the trashbag down. It makes him wonder if his neighbors can hear him when he pukes. The walls are thick and he’s never heard them, but what if?
Of course they hear you, the voice tells him. Because you’re a gross pathetic piece of shit.
“They think I’m disgusting,” he whispers to himself as he goes back inside.
His house still smells like vomit and lemon-scented disinfectant. He turns on fans and opens windows and tries going to sleep, but instead he lays in bed all night, staring at the way shadows dance across his bedroom walls.
Not good enough
Not skinny enough
Too fat
Too ugly
“Please stop,” he begs the shadows, clutching at his pillows. Then he mutters a Hail Mary, the prayer spilling from his lips in a shaking, whispered voice. Maybe it will make the demons in the dark go away. Maybe it will make his mind clear for just one night.
Your thighs are so big
A desperate whine is muffled by the pillow he holds to his face. Please, God, he just wants one night of quiet.
He spends his days off in the practice rooms anyway. He stares at himself in the mirrored walls, stares at the way his oversized clothes swallow him whole, stares at the circles under his eyes that he can’t seem to hide anymore even with the thickest concealers.
All of his shirts are too big. All of his hoodies are too big. All of his pants fall down if he doesn’t have a belt. Even his underwear doesn’t fit right anymore.
Good, the voice says as he stares at way his underwear hangs off his hips, daring Taemin to move the wrong way so they can go spilling to the floor.
He’s standing in a practice room staring at his reflection, his whole body swaying. He’s been practicing since dawn, and it’s almost two in the afternoon.
“No,” he says to his reflection, pointing a finger at the mirror. “We are not doing this again.”
His whole body is threatening to fall over, to collapse.
“We just ate this morning,” he says in a forceful tone. “I fed you! Start acting like it!”
It doesn’t matter that what he ate was a single 35 calorie rice cake with a tablespoon of peanut butter. It doesn’t matter that he hasn’t even eaten 150 calories even though he’s been dancing for eight or so hours. He drinks more water instead.
“You can have dinner later,” he tells his reflection after gulping down half a water bottle. “After four o’clock. Not a goddamn second sooner.”
I’m so hungry, the other voice tells him. Just feed me. Just one little thing.
“No,” he whispers in a desperate voice.
Fifteen minutes later, he’s desperately tapping the buttons on a vending machine, his hands shaking. He eats an entire bag of chips in less than a minute, then buys another bag, and then some fruit snacks.
“What’s with all the junk?” An Exo member laughs as he passes by.
Taemin freezes, hating that he’s been caught eating, and he doesn’t even answer, just gathers all his empty wrappers and runs away. He misses the way the Exo member looks so confused, and he doesn’t hear about how he goes and tells the other Exo members about the strange encounter when he gets to his own practice room.
He falls asleep in the dance room, the wrappers and crumbs scattered around him. Jongin comes and finds him, laughs a little bit, and pokes him with a foot. Taemin groans and looks at him through bleary eyes.
“Want me to take you home?”
“No,” Taemin groans, and he flops over on his other side.
“Wanna sleep here tonight?”
Taemin grunts. Jongin laughs again, but he gets on the floor next to him and puts a folded up sweatshirt under both of their heads. Then he slings an arm over Taemin’s hips, hugging him close. Taemin hides his face in Jongin’s chest and does his best not to shake or cry. Jongin will keep the monsters away. He’s good at that. Good at hugging Taemin and making him feel better and just being his best friend.
“It’s like we’re trainees again,” Jongin whispers, laughing.
“I wish we were,” Taemin whispers. Wishes he was younger again. Wishes he was so innocent again. Wishes he could prevent this from ever happening to himself. To go back and slap himself for thinking that skipping meals was a good idea and that he could stop anytime he wanted, because it was a lie, it was all a lie, what was he thinking?
He falls asleep cuddled against Jongin’s chest, only shivering a bit from the cold. Jongin hugs him tighter. It makes Taemin feel better, even if it’s only temporary.
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pillowsickfics · 4 years
So.. I kinda sorta wrote this long, self indulgent fic, even while there are still requests in my inbox (which I will get to soon, I promise!). I just really wanted some domestic Marsh and Reese, and I hope you guys like this! ^^;
((Also please ignore typos/inconsistent details, I reread this in a bit if a rush))
Reese knew he was going to be in for a rough day as soon as he opened his eyes. It felt like someone was driving an ice pick through his head as he sat up. His room was dim, meaning it was pretty early in the morning. The shuffling sounds he heard from the kitchen told him that Marshall was up, presumably making breakfast.
He scrubbed at his face, and swung his legs over the side of his bed. His head rushed slightly, but he managed to keep his composure and stand up. God, he really didn’t feel well. There was a dull ache in the pit of his stomach, and a rush of warmth flowed through his body. He was definitely sick.
He padded over to the kitchen where Marshall was already up and whistling his way through making breakfast. The smell didn’t help how Reese was feeling in the slightest and he leaned on the doorway to the living room, much too tired to greet his roommate.
Marshall flinched when he looked over and saw Reese.
“Jesus christ dude.. you can’t do that! You almost gave me a heart attack! Then who would make these immaculate waffles?” He joked, placing two plates down on the table.
Reese didn’t respond. Instead he took a seat and their small table and dropped his head in his hands. Everything felt too warm and muggy, and he could feel himself sweating through his shirt. There was no way he was going to work today.
“Yo Reese.. you okay..? You look pale..” Marshall asked after finally getting a good look at his friend.
Reese just shook his head slowly. “Feel like shit.. can you check if I have a temperature or something..?” He asked, lifting his face from his hands.
Marshall gently pressed the back of his hand to Reese’s forehead, then his cheek. “Yeah, you’re definitely warm.. you staying home from work then?”
Reese nodded, and sipped the orange juice in front of him. It settled in his stomach heavily, but he didn’t think much of it. He instead folded his arms in the table and rested his head in them and let his eyes fall shut. He felt so lethargic and cold. God, he was so cold. Hadn’t he been hot a moment earlier? He was shivering intensely yet he could feel sweat soaking through the back of his shirt. It was horrible.
He must have been at the table much longer than he’d thought because when he finally lifted his head, Marshall was in his work uniform and holding a bottle of pills. He shook out two and placed them in front of Reese.
“Alright, take those and get to bed.. I’ll be home from work as soon as I can, but try not to spontaneously die while I’m gone, yeah?” He said, placing a water bottle next to Reese as well.
Reese huffed a small laugh, and downed the pills. “Alright.. but can you turn on the heat on your way out..? I’m freezing..”
“Reese, it’s like 70° in here.. but okay.. weirdo..” Marshall walked over to the thermostat and turned it up a few degrees. “I’m heading out.. make sure to drink water or something..” He said.
Reese managed a lazy wave and watched and Marshall disappeared behind the door.
After a few moments, he finally forced himself up from his seat and towards his bedroom. Every step was exhausting, and it was pure bliss when he finally collapsed in his bed. He sank into his covers, and it wasn’t long until sleep pulled him under.
Several hours later, Reese woke up with a start, and was completely sure of one thing. He was burning alive. He threw his blankets off himself, and jumped out of bed on unsteady legs. His shirt was completely sweat through, and his hair clung to forehead with moisture. He took a moment to breath, but the sudden movement had jostled his belly uncomfortably. Luckily, it was manageable. All he could think about was turning the heat down.
He staggered to the living room and clumsily found the thermostat. With a shaky hand, he lowered it a few degrees and leaned on the wall beside it. That initial rush of adrenaline was wearing off, and the exhaustion sank deep in his bones. His belly gurgled, the cup of juice he’d drank earlier sloshing inside of him. The nausea was becoming increasingly hard to ignore, and he knew he needed a toilet.
He stumbled into hallway, but his stomach decided it needed to empty itself. Now.
He lurched forward with a heave that brought up watery sick all over the carpeted floors. A burp gurgled up his throat, and it brought more vomit with it. His head was spinning and black dots danced across his vision.
Another heave tore from his throat, and the sheer force of it dragged him down to his knees. He couldn’t even move to call Marshall. More saliva and bile clung to his lips, but he wasn’t coordinated enough to wipe it off himself. Instead, his entire frame pitched forward. His vision was swimming but eventually went dark before he hit the floor.
Marshall fumbled with his keys and unlocked the door as fast as he could. As much as he was embarrassed to admit, he was worried for Reese. He knew Reese was responsible, definitely more responsible than him, but he still couldn’t help but be concerned. He had looked awful that morning.
He pushed the door open, but he went stiff when the sour smell of sick floated in the apartment. He could feel his heart begin to pound, and every instinct in his body told him to run, but he knew he couldn’t. He had to be there for Reese.
“Reese? You in here?” He called out, stepping into the apartment slowly. He got no response.
“Reese..?” He called out again, starting to feel even more worried. He turned the corner into the hallway and froze. Reese was on the floor, and the carpet around him was dark. The stench was stronger, making Marshall dread what was on the floor.
Marshall wanted to go to Reese, he really did, but he felt like a deer in headlights. His stupid fear was taking over his head, but he couldn’t let that happen. Reese needed him. He took a breath, and shakily stepped forward. He grabbed Reese by the shoulders, and turned him to he was facing up and leaning towards Marshall’s chest. His body was limp, but it was burning. His face was sickly grey, and saliva clung to his lips.
“Reese.. hey.. wake up man..” He lightly patted Reese’s cheek.
“Reese. Come on dude, please..” His voice broke slightly. Now, he could care less about the vomit, Reese wasn’t waking up.
“Reese!” He shouted, giving Reese a slight shake from the shoulders.
He got a soft, sleepy moan in response.
“M.. Marsh..” He managed, his voice slurring. He seemed to be struggling to keep his head up.
“Hey.. hey man.. it’s me.. oh god, you’re burning up..” Marsh breathed, pulling Reese so he was slumped against his chest.
“Don’t.. don’t feel too good..” He murmured, gripping Marshall’s shirt weakly. He could hardly process anything, but he was lucid enough to know that Marsh was warm, and he was freezing.
Marshall rubbed a hand up and down his back, still trembling from the vomit. His heart was still racing, but he had bigger problems. “Hey Reese.. I need to get cleaned up.. then I’ll get you to bed, okay?” He offered, brushed a hand against Reese’s forehead. He was absolutely burning up.
Reese nodded groggily, and slumped further into Marshall.
Marshall managed to haul him to his feet, and practically carried him to the small bathroom. He wet a washcloth and carefully wiped the saliva and sweat from Reese’s face.
Reese was finally starting to wake up a bit more, and immediately recognized he was nauseous. He also realized that Marshall had pretty much lifted him from a pile of puke. Something didn’t click, seeing as Marsh was deathly afraid of anything and everything puke related.
“Marsh.. are you.. okay..?” He mumbled, not quite sure how to word the question he wanted to ask.
“Hm..? Oh.. if you’re talking about the puke thing.. I uh.. I’m shaking like hell right now.. but.. you’re really sick.. need to make sure you don’t choke of your own vomit or something like that..” He responded, looking over Reese.
Reese tried to reply, but his body’s sympathy wore out. A burp gurgled up his chest, bringing a retch along with it. He scrambled to the toilet, and made it just in time to heave over the bowl. Thin, watery bile met the water with a sickening splash.
Marshall went stiff again, and backed up. This time, he tried talking himself out of it. Reese is sick. He can’t help it. Nothing is gonna hurt you. You have to be there for Reese, he needs you.
Reese gagged unproductively over the toilet and groaned. His head felt horrible, and he felt horrible for scaring Marshall, and his belly felt horrible and it was all just so horrible. Luckily, he was empty, and his belly began to settle. He pushed away from the toilet, and leaned on the wall behind him.
“M’sorry Marshy..” Reese managed.
Marshall patted his shoulder. “It’s okay Reese.. I’m okay.. I’m gonna get you some fresh clothes, then we can get you in bed, okay?”
Reese nodded, and allowed Marshall to help him up. They shuffled across the hall, and Marshall planted Reese in his bed before fishing through his drawers to find some clean clothes.
He finally found a loose shirt and some sweatpants, and helps Reese into them before lowering him into bed.
“Get some rest.. alright?” Marshall said, placing a bottle of water on Reese’s beside table.
“Yeah.. uh.. Marsh? Thanks.. for everything..” Reese murmured, already half asleep in his covers.
“Yeah.. anytime.” Marshall smiled softly, and flicked off the lights before leaving the room.
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werewolfdays · 4 years
1 from the prompts?
1. Someone stole the blankets.
Being a light sleeper means that I usually wake up whenever Nadya gets out of bed. I always keep myself awake until she comes back in case something’s wrong. Also, I soon found that it was almost impossible for me to sleep anyway when she wasn’t beside me. She didn’t get up in the middle of the night too often, so I never really minded the slight disturbance whenever it happens. 
There was something different about her tonight though. All day yesterday, Nadya was sniffling quietly or trying to stifle a cough. And tonight she was stealing all the blankets, which wasn’t that unusual, but she was also tossing and turning quite a bit. I sensed something must have been off, but I figured it was just allergies or whatever. At least that’s what I’ve heard humans complain about in the past, but now I could hear her start to retch inside the bathroom after she stumbled out of bed. I quickly got to my feet and rushed to the door. 
My knuckles tapped the bathroom door, “Nadya, what’s wrong? You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, I’m just a little—” Nadya’s hoarse voice was cut off by a violent cough, followed by more retching. 
“I’m coming in.” I announced, not waiting for any protest before opening the door. 
Poor Nadya was sitting on the floor, basically hugging the toilet and sniffling miserably. She brushed her hair back, which was sticking to her forehead by a thin layer of sweat. Nadya’s skin was always the shade of a darker tan, but the ashen tone it had adopted tonight was the palest I’ve ever seen her. Her head slowly raised up to look at me like it weighed a hundred pounds and she shivered even though she was wearing a long sleeved shirt. The sight was more than a little heartbreaking. 
“Oh, love...” I kneeled beside her, rubbing her back soothingly, “What’s wrong?”
“The flu, I think.” she mumbled, sounding like her whole head was stuffed with cotton. 
The back of my hand went to her forehead and I could immediately tell she was running a fever. “Jesus, babe. You’re almost as hot as I get when I shift.” 
“Yeah, downside of being a human. We get the flu.” She stated dejectedly. 
I managed to give her a crooked grin to lighten the mood, “You sure you aren’t pregnant?” 
Even with her stuffy nose, Nadya managed to snort at me like that was the most ludicrous thing I’ve ever said, which it was. Then her snort turned into a weak laugh and I was glad to see some brightness in her weary brown eyes, “You’re funny.”
“Well, we do have sex a lot.” My shoulders lifted cheekily. 
Nadya shook her head, still laughing at me, which made me feel a little better about the state she was in, “Shut up.” She scolded in amusement. Then her eyes suddenly went wide and she turned her head down to the toilet to puke again. 
I clenched my jaw and brushed her hair over her shoulder to hold it out of her face while I continued to rub her back until she was finished. For once, I was going to have to be the one to nurse her back to health. Only, I wasn’t entirely sure how considering I’ve never been sick like this. I was worried about somehow making it worse. 
Nadya spit any remnants into the toilet and I left only to quickly fetch some water and a box of tissues. When I came back to sit beside her, she accepted a tissue I offered and said, “I’m sorry if I woke you up.” 
“You have nothing to apologize for.” I told her while I urged her to drink some water. “In sickness and in health, remember?” 
She rinsed her mouth out and chuckled, “I didn’t know we were married yet.”
An amused grin parted my lips, “Only if you want to be.”  
“Sure, let’s say our vows right here in front of our toilet.” Nadya replied sarcastically. 
“Maybe a romantic ceremony is overrated.” 
She raised an eyebrow at me. “This coming from you?” 
I rolled my eyes and brushed her ashen cheek with the back of my finger, “Drink your water and tell me how to keep you from dying.”
Another coughing fit shook her shoulders, but it thankfully didn’t make her vomit again. After a few exhausted sighs, Nadya told me, “Fluids. Rest. You’ll have to go into town tomorrow and get me some flu medication.” 
I was relieved that I got the water right so far, even if that did set the bar pretty low. “Okay, I think I can manage that.” 
Her eyes twinkled at me knowingly, “Don’t worry, you’ll do fine. I’m not as breakable as you think.”
“I don’t think you’re that breakable.” I said honestly, “If anything, I’m more breakable than you are.” 
She gave me a genuine smile that was obviously an agreement with that statement, “Well, there you go. I have total faith in you.” 
“You done?” I asked, nodding at the toilet. 
She nodded in confirmation, “Think so. For now.”
“Okay, let’s get you back to bed.” I stood up and flushed it for her, then offered my hand. 
Nadya accepted my outstretched hand and I carefully pulled her to her feet. My arm went around her waist as I led her to the bed, carefully laying her down. Before tucking her into the blankets, I went to the closet and pulled out the flannel that she liked to steal from me the most. She smiled excitedly when I helped her into it and sank back in the blankets with a happy wiggle that made me laugh a little. 
“Where are you going?” Nadya asked when I went to the front door.
“I’m gonna go get you some tea, I’ll be right back.” 
For the rest of the night, Nadya was in and out of consciousness. Waking up to sniffle, sneeze, and cough for hours was taking its toll on her. I heard it in every frustrated huff she made after she regained breath. The only bright side was that she didn’t have to get up to go puke any more. If all the stores in town didn’t close so damn early, I would’ve gone to get her medicine immediately, but she had to endure this night. I stayed awake, sitting up in bed and doing my best to make her as comfortable as I could. She seemed content enough with having her head in my lap and being as close to me as possible. 
Nadya gave up on trying to get a good night’s rest just before seven in the morning. I looked down at her while my fingers combed through her hair to see her eyes, though half-lidded, were open and staring at the wall. Hoping that she might drift off anyway, I didn’t say anything until her stomach growled loudly. 
“Hungry?” I asked softly, tucking her hair behind her ear.
“Mhm.” she simply hummed and nodded. 
My thumb caressed her shoulder, “How about I make you something to eat and go get your medicine?” 
“Can you have Toby or Skye go and get it?” Nadya rubbed her eyes sleepily, “I don’t want you to be gone too long.” 
I smiled to myself, “I’m sure they won’t mind.” I bent down to place a kiss to her temple, feeling the abnormal heat of her fevered skin against my lips, and then I carefully slipped out of bed, “I’ll be back as soon as I can. Keep trying to get some sleep, okay?” 
“I’ll try.” She promised. 
The first place I stopped by was Skye’s room. I knocked on the door a little louder than necessary since it was early in the morning and she was likely still asleep. A few seconds passed without a single sound on the other side of the door, so I tried knocking again with more force and called her name. 
“Skye, come on, wake up. I need a favor.” 
There was a loud muffled groan, followed by some shuffling and then stomping feet as they trudged towards the door. When the door opened, I was greeted by a messy haired, tired looking Skye as she blinked at me in irritation, “What do you want?” 
I got to the point, “Nadya’s sick, I need you to go into town and get her some flu medicine.” 
Skye scowled, “Why can’t you do it?” 
“Because I need to make her something to eat.” 
She just stared at me like I hadn’t spoken English, “You know it’s like seven in the morning, right?” 
I rolled my eyes, “Just go get the damn medicine. She barely got any sleep last night.” 
“Ask Toby.” 
“Toby’s working.” 
“Fine.” She relented with a long sigh, “Let me get dressed.” 
“Thank you.” I told her gratefully, then I reached out to stop the door as she was closing it, “Wait, it’s chicken noodle soup, right?”
“Huh?” Skye asked in slight exasperation. 
“What humans eat when they’re sick.” 
She actually thought about it for a moment and shrugged, “Well, if modern cinema has taught us anything.”
“Right.” I mumbled more to myself than Skye because she didn’t wait for me to reply before closing her door. 
It was simple enough to find a recipe, even more simple was the recipe itself. Just some noodles, chicken, and vegetables with broth. For being so easy, it looked and smelled pretty appetizing and I hoped that Nadya would be able to keep it down. I had it poured into a bowl and set on a tray with some crackers and freshly squeezed orange juice by the time Skye returned. 
“Here’s the medicine.” Skye announced as she entered the Den’s kitchen, plopping a grocery bag on the counter next to the tray I had set up. 
“Thanks.” I said as I started rummaging through the bag. There were several boxes and bottles that made me think she had bought every single type of flu medicine that exists. “Um—”
Skye answered my question before I got the chance to ask it, “I didn’t know which one to get.”
“I guess I did forget to ask Nadya about that…” Buried in the pile of medicine were a couple of packages of marshmallow pumpkins absolutely covered in orange sugar with faces piped on them. I raised my eyebrow at Skye. 
“Figured that would make her feel better more than your stupid soup will.” My sister teased. 
I chuckled and nodded, placing them back in the bag, “Yeah, you’re probably right.” 
She looked too proud of herself, “Now, go take care of your sick human. I’m gonna go take a nap because someone, who shall remain nameless, pounded on my door at seven in the goddamn morning to make me go get her fiance some flu medicine.” 
I smirked at her, “Get out of here.” 
Once I got back to my room, Nadya perked her head up from a massive ball of bunched up blankets at my arrival. Even being as sick as she was, she still looked adorable. Though my heart still seized when I heard her sniffle and cough. 
“Hey, I got some stuff for you here.” I motioned at the tray and plastic bag in my hands. “How are you feeling?”
“I threw up again.” Nadya said, sounding far less than pleased about it. 
My chest pinched in sympathy, “Then it’s a good thing Skye bought out the entire pharmacy.” I set her soup down on the nightstand beside her and set the bag on her lap.
Nadya went for the medicine first, “Sheesh, you weren’t exaggerating all that much.” She noted as she sifted through the bag. Then she noticed the marshmallow pumpkins and lit up faster than a Christmas tree. 
I plucked the package out of her hands before she got the chance to tear it open, “Medicine and food first. Then you can eat the sugary garbage.” 
She pouted at me for a second before realizing I was right and then settled on some liquid flu syrup. That wouldn’t have been my choice, it reeked of medicinal and chemical awfulness, but Nadya downed a dose of the stuff with nothing more than a grimace. I tried to hide how impressed that made me. After that was over, she eyed the bowl of soup on the nightstand and gave me a sweet smile.
“Did you make this?”
“Of course,” I returned her smile and got back into bed, “Like I’d ever let you eat something out of a can.”
“You don’t always have to spoil me.” She said, placing the tray in her lap with an excited grin on her face, “Canned things do the trick sometimes too, you know.” 
“In the apocalypse, sure.” 
She shook her head and laughed at me through a cough before bringing a spoonful of soup up to her lips. Her smile only grew at the taste, “Okay maybe you can keep spoiling me a little bit… just a little bit though.” 
I grinned and kissed her cheek, “I can work with that.” 
“You sure you can’t get sick?” Nadya asked warily. 
“Positive. Why?”
Her lips pursed like she didn’t believe me, “I was gonna say that you probably shouldn’t be kissing me right now, just in case.” 
“Don’t you worry, I have the super werewolf immune system.” I reminded her, leaning back in, “Which means I get to kiss you as much as I want.” 
She chuckled softly as I planted light pecks all over her face, “You must really love me if you think any part of my face is kissable right now.” 
“Mhm, that’s why I gave you this.” My hand went to her left hand where my fingers started to twist her ring around. 
“I guess that is good proof.” Nadya remarked and continued to eat her soup. 
She took her time with it. I wasn’t sure if that was intentional or if it was hard for her to put anything down. Either way, I was pleased to see that she was able to eat the majority of it, as well as the crackers and juice. After she put the tray aside, I noticed that she had gotten sluggish and hoped that the sleepless night was finally catching up with her. 
“That medicine helping at all?” I asked after I had put the excess boxes and bottles into the bathroom. 
Nadya nodded at me from her blanket nest, but still shivered, “Yeah, just a bit. You don’t have to stay with me all day, the stuff I took should knock me out any minute.” 
The tired pace of her sentences confirmed that, but I still frowned at her. All the blankets on the bed were pulled over to her side, even more than she usually hogs them, and she was wearing two layers of long sleeves, yet I saw her shiver again. 
“You look cold.” I noted in concern. 
“It’s normal and shouldn’t last too long,” she said through chattering teeth, “Just sucks that I can’t get warm enough right now.” 
I gnawed on my bottom lip while I tried to think of a solution. Then an idea popped into my head, “I think I know what might help.” 
Nadya tilted her head at me curiously when I pulled my shirt over my head, “What are you doing?”
“I’m gonna shift.” I answered while I continued to undress. 
She opened her mouth to respond, but then shut it and I noted an amused twinkle in her eyes. Since she didn’t object, I smirked and summoned my wolf to start my transformation. My eyes ignited with gold, then my bones started to shift and pop back into place, white fur sprouting out of my skin until I felt the familiar moment of vertigo. Once I was a wolf, I shook my ruff and stretched my limbs to work through any remaining discomfort, then I hopped up on the bed. 
“There’s a joke here about how you shouldn’t be allowed on the bed like this,” Nadya quipped, “But I’m too tired to make it.” 
I gave her an annoyed grumble, which only made her snicker, and curled my large wolf body around her. The added heat of this form with my fur should offer all the warmth Nadya would ever need. Nadya wrapped her arms around me, pulling herself as close to me as possible, and buried half of her face in my fur, sighing in relief at the comfort it gave her. I felt more content too and nuzzled her head lovingly with my snout. 
“Thanks, Jay.” Her mumble was slightly muffled and she snuggled against me before finally settling in the perfect position to drift off.
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jay-and-dean · 5 years
Not even a cup of coffee
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Gif not mine, found on Google
Dean x Reader x Sam
This is my first request from @voltage-my2dlove. I hope you’ll like what I wrote.
Can I request Sam×Reader(female)×Dean. It's reader's birthday or their relationship's anniversary. But both boys keep it secret that they are planning a party & doesn't wish reader. She pouts all day as she thinks they don't remember & is bit angery about it. [She is more emotional because she is pregnant with both of their kids - this is if you want to] surprise party, very happy reader! Sweet, caring & lovely Sam & Dean! Both bit guilty because they are the reason she pouts all day! Fluffy plz.
Warnings : swearing (as always), a bit of angst, a lot of fluff.
Words : 2.3k
***Want to read more ? => MASTERLIST***
           You wake up and smile, this is the first thing you do every morning since you wake up with them.
           You feel Sam's giant hand on your side, making your skin burn ; and Dean's back is sweating under your arm. You inhale both their manly smell biting your lips. Good thing you stopped the heating of your bedroom because you would have melt between those two giants.
           You open your eyes and see Dean's neck, his sweaty hair sticking to it, the freckles on his back like the stars in your sky, you turn your head and your eyes meet his brother's throat, you have to look up to watch his peaceful face. You feel so small.
           When you move a little, your long hair boyfriend grunts and wraps his massive arm around you, his soft and sweet skin sticky from last night sex and hot night sleep's sweat. The muscle of his arm are hard and heavy, capturing you like an anaconda and even if you know he's the sweetest guy, you always feel like he could crush you just like that.
           He puts his thigh on your legs and you whine.
"Sammy, baby, I can't breathe."
He sighs but doesn't let you go, still half asleep. The tall hunter nuzzles in your neck and you try your best to push him but he's way too strong.
           Probably annoyed by you wriggling, Dean suddenly lifts you up above him like it was nothing, putting you on the side of the bed, using his own body as a shield against his brother's cuddles.
           You usually always stay between the two of them when you are all together, because they don't want to be too close to each other, and because they both want you by their side. But from time to time, one of them steals you.
"Sam !" he groans loudly, pushing him callously, and your other boyfriend wakes up abruptly. "Damn it bigfoot, you're crushing our babies."
"And me..." you add, kissing his shoulder.
He rubs his face and sighs grumpily.
"Baby, you count as one of our babies."
           Then all falls silent. You can't see Sam's face and Dean's eyes are closed but you know they didn't fall back asleep, they never do.
           So you wait...
           You wait for a kind word, an attention, anything...
           But nothing.
             Having two boyfriends has inconveniences sometimes, but it has a lot of advantages. Among them : twice more attention. But most of all, one of them is always available, caring.
           And they just can't both forget your birthday...
             Not your 25th birthday, not after what the three of you have been through together... And not after you organized them their first real Christmas after a confession night where slightly drunk Dean told you stories about how he would have love to know a real family Christmas ; not after you told him you never received a present for either Christmas or your birthday, never blown a candle...
           You touch your still little baby bump and sigh. You don't ask for much, just for them to wish you a happy birthday like last year when you woke up next to a horny Dean and that Sam greeted you in the kitchen after with a wide dimpled smile and a cup of fresh coffee for the "birthday girl".
           You're not the kind of person being offended by people forgetting to think of you. Hell, you've been raised by an alcoholic single mother, that learns how to handle being forgotten... You never had a birthday party, and no perfect big brother like Sammy had to buy or steal you something anyway.
           The worst is they know that, they know everything...
             Sam rubs his face and gets up, not saying a word. You watch his beautiful naked body as he walks in the room to find the clothes he threw everywhere last night. His butt is so round, the  muscles on his back are a work of art. He opens your closet to take one of the boxers you keep here for him.
"I'm going to run, maybe I'll have lunch outside too, it's sunny" he says grabbing his shirt.
One quick peck on your lips and he's gone.
           You put your hand on Dean's tattoo and he smiles at you tenderly.
"I want you to stay in bed with me" you sigh, a bit sad that Sam forgot your birthday.
"Not today baby. I'm sorry, I promised Claire that I would check her car while she's in Kansas, it makes a weird noise" he says kissing your cheek. "But tomorrow, if there's no case I'll stay as long as you want."
"Oh you promised Claire..." you mumble.
             Not even a cup of coffee... When Dean left, you found yourself alone in the kitchen, he had taken the last coffee while you were in the shower and had already left.
           You spent the day alone in the bunker. You ate watching TV in the Deancave, trying not to think about the ache in your heart.
           Sam never came back from his run and Dean didn't tell when he would be back, he didn't ask you to come with him either.
           They rarely are gone in the same time, you spend most of the time together, but of course, just today, they are. You called Sam once and he didn't answer, so you went back to doze in Dean's comfy armchair.
             In the kitchen you look at the ingredients you bought to make a pie. Of course you bought ingredient for a pie, you idiot !
           It's your birthday but you still wanted to please your men. You prefer chocolate, and wanted to cook yourself a nice chocolate cake but at the last minute you changed your mind, thinking they would both like pie more...
           You throw the untouched ingredients in the trash when tears fill your eyes, and rub your belly.
"Fuck it" you mumble.
You sense that ache in your stomach and run to the bathroom.
           Kneeled before the toilet bowl, with your pillow in your arms, you take deep breaths. This is okay, you tell yourself, this is normal. Still, each change in your body, each nausea, each ache in your breasts, each urge to cry... everything makes you worry. Usually, the fathers are here to make you feel better, to rub your shoulders, to give you water, to tell you everything will be fine and to listen when you need to talk about your body, how you feel, how it changes, and to tell them this is their fault.
           You start to sob, resting your head on the wall, carrying two babies at once, from two men, this is quite an adventure ; and even if you love that, you're also incredibly scared that your body is going through all that. They said the three of you are going through this together. But here you are, alone finally, because it's not like you could escape from this to check on a stupid car or go on a stupid run...
           When the nausea stops, you get up and keep sobbing, scattering wet tissues where you go, and forgetting to throw it away. And suddenly... You're tired of crying.
           Usually, even after being depressed, you would have still waited for them, not this time...
           Now you carry those babies, you can't allow to be weak, if you want to take care of the precious beans growing inside of you, you have to learn to take care of yourself. And this starts now.
           You take your jacket and your car keys. Fuck them. You're going to offer yourself a birthday alone, you can't drink so you're going to buy a lot of ice cream and maybe watch a movie in cinema, why not ? Or you'll go in that club where they never want to go, even if you drink only orange juice, maybe you'll dance alone... But you won't cook their stupid meal and pie, you won't wait for them, you won't act like this wasn't about you this time.
           This is going to be fun !
             This is not fun at all... You look down your glass and sighs when that awful song starts again. Don't they have more than ten song in here ? Three men already tried to hit on you, the good thing is the pregnant card always works to make them run away... You're lonely, and it's too early to be in a club, no one dances. You are really bored.
           When you take your phone from your pocket, you see you have fourteen missed calls from Sam and three from Dean. It rings again.
"Dean ? Is everything okay ?" you ask loud, to cover the music.
"Well you tell me Sweetheart, you made us freak out ! Where are you ? What is all that noise ?" he asks clearly trying not to show he's angry.
"I'm in a club" you state.
"In a club ?"
"Yes, and I'm having fun Dean" you lie. "I'm dancing and making friends, what do you want ?"
"Okay stop lying" your boyfriend grunts. "No one dances in a club in the middle of the week at 9 pm... And this is not your having fun voice, baby."
You don't answer and sigh.
"Do you want me to pick you up ?" he adds.
"No I have my car" you sigh again. "I didn't ask for much, I just wanted a cup of coffee you know..." you say before you hung up on him.
             Trying not to cry you drive back home, going on that well-know road that goes through the woods for long before it reaches the bunker.
           When a shape appears on the side of the road, you slow down, who could be here ? No car... The moment you're about to take your demon knife from the glove box before stopping and asking the tall man what he does here alone, you recognize Sam.
           You stop and he smiles at you, then opens the door to sit on the passenger seat.
"Sammy ? What are you doing here ?"
He bends to kiss your cheek, and runs his large hand through your hair lovingly, searching your eyes.
"Are you okay baby ?" he asks, frowning.
"Yeah..." you shrug.
He feels guilty, you know he does because he would never be so calm after you missed fourteen of his calls ; maybe he finally remembers it's your birthday.
"Turn right" he says and you frown.
"This is barely a path Sam... Why would you want to go in the middle of the forest" you state sternly. "I'm not having sex with you against a tree, it was awesome but not tonight..."
As you're too suborn to do as asked, he takes the wheel and suddenly makes the car turn right, gaining a scream from you.
"Are you crazy Winchester !" you shout but he doesn't answer.
"You can stop here" he says after a minute.
"Sam, I'm serious. I had nausea all afternoon, I'm not having sex in the forest. Fuck you..." you pout.
Sam is used to your temper, and to that habit you have to insult his brother and him when you're mad, and mostly when you're sad, he finds the way you try to be mean extremely cute.
"I know" he says. "I'm sorry. Dean and I found your pillow, we know you take it only when you know you're going to stay for a long time on the floor with your head in the toilet bowl... We found tissues everywhere, and perfectly good ingredients in the trash... We are stupid, you clearly had an awful day..."
Before you can open your mouth he kisses you. His soft lips capturing yours with a tenderness so pure, you give in and return the kiss. You stroke his hair and notice noise outside the car.
"Get out with me now" Sam purrs, breaking the kiss.
             The minute you open the door, you hear distant music and laughs, you look at your boyfriend, but he only takes your hand in his, guiding you across the woods.
           The music becomes louder, you recognize your favorite song and the laughs become clearer, you see lights in the threes everywhere now, little colorful light bulbs and paper lanterns, like you were approaching some kinds of heaven. Dean's voice makes the feeling even more vivid.
           You turn to Sam and he smiles at you, then points you the little crowd of people gathering around a beautiful camp fire, next to all your favorite food and drinks, and a pile of lovely (some of them poorly wrapped) gift, like it was Christmas.
           Your only two friends from before hunts are here, they came all the way from New York, along with every member of this family that welcomed you : Jody, Claire, Alex, Cas, Jack, Garth and the others... All the people you love are here.
           The forest looks like a fairy tales one, Jack or Cas even created small northern lights that dance in the trees and the real starry sky is perfectly clear, not a single cloud.
"Happy birthday my love" Sam whispers in your ear, making your eyes instantly wet. "I love you baby... I'm so sorry we acted like we forgot, that was a bad idea, we're idiots..."
"This is beautiful" you say strangled by emotion.
           Dean takes long steps to join you and you see a small present stick out of his front pocket with your initials, his and Sam's on it. Sam still holds your hand, and his thumb makes small circle in your palm.
"I love you. I will never forget to bring you coffee again" Dean says, cupping your face.
His lips claims yours, his strong hand lands softly on your tiny baby bump, making you feel safe instantly.
"I made a chocolate cake" he states, taking your other hand to lead you toward the party.
                   ***FEEDBACK IS EVERYTHING <3***
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Shine On, Bright: Chapter Twenty-Two
Table of Contents
Without Ainsley, Malcolm stood alone blinking several times to realize the wall in front of him was actually normal. The gutted remains of it ceased to exist. Of course, right? There wasn’t really crusty blood across its wound. He imagined it all. His brain brought it to life because as soon as a thought crept inside, it writhed around too fast skewing his thoughts. His mother complained about his brain because it led him into dark corners and there’d been Tommy, his so-called imaginary friend who warned him: You won’t be safe in Colorado.
“Wait!” Malcolm blurted to nobody in particular, he hoped he was alone but chances of ever being alone at the Overlook Hotel were slim. “It’s downstairs! It’s. . .downstairs. . .”
He’d found the magazine before while digging through the boiler room at some other point. If it wasn’t up here then it’d be down there. He was careful to not leave trails of murder behind in their pretend apartment. His mother would have a fit if she ever found out his sick new obsession. He followed an invisible path to descend into the bowels of the Overlook.
The journey straight into darkness felt as if his insides were bruised. A deep sick feeling inside of him. He saved a little flashlight in his back pocket knowing they’d meet again and again. There was some old song he heard his family play.
Hello Darkness, my old friend.
Now the light didn’t help out a whole lot. A bit of it sliced through the murky darkness. Humidity weighed it down with being so close to the boiler or so Malcolm guessed.
I’ve come to talk with you again.
Before he struck the last, last level he let the flashlight scan its way through the darkness to be sure he was alone. All he needed was to be alone, alone again, alone down here.
Because a vision softly creeping, left its seeds while I was sleeping.
Ghosts weren’t good company.
Malcolm closed his eyes for a split second once he touched down on the lowest level. He let the absence of sight increase his hearing but only the boiler grumbled. Alone. Alone. Alone again.
And the vision that was planted in my brain still remains.
He made his way over to the boxes full of newspapers and magazines. The stories of murder all compounded into one spot.
Dust floated and danced around him. His knees scraped the floor knocking more up into his face causing his nose to itch and himself to sneeze. Malcolm managed to catch it in the crook of his elbow. When nothing else made a sound, not even a mouse, he returned to the stories in front of him. Except before Malcolm could uncover the story of the family annihilator all over again to prove to Ainsley why her friends weren’t her friends, but instead the ghosts of murdered girls.
Murdered girls couldn’t make good friends.
There wasn’t any sign of the girls though. There wasn’t any sign of the father or the mother. He pried through it only to pause hating the idea falling into his brain at the sight of some old headline. The paper curled with slight decay.
Burglar uses Chloroform: Attacks a Woman in Room 237, Robs Her and Cuts off her Hair
No photo but underneath the article speared its way straight into the story.
According to experts, beautiful hair for wigs can be as valuable as some jewelry.
That imagination struck sending shivers down his spine thinking of how somebody had to find the woman with her hair shorn off and all her items gone. For some reason, he folded the paper and pressed down on its new crease. He squeezed it into his other pocket before returning to his search for those Grady girls.
Malcolm froze.
He’d read about the crooked woman he found in the basement.
About how she threw all her children from the rooftop and hanged herself down here. They didn’t find her body for weeks. Police searched the town and further for her hoping to arrest her when she’d been falling to pieces beneath them all along.
Malcolm closed his eyes letting his hearing do some seeing. A muffled voice spoke up, it only spoke in gibberish and not quite at him. The gibberish sounded as if something or somebody tumbled over into some distant corner. It shut up and something slid across the floor.
Maybe if Malcolm told himself: It’s just shoes crunching along the ground like how shoes crunch on grave. Wasn’t like there was any gravel for the basement floor. Yet something slid forward brushing dust-up tickling his nose. His elbow caught his sneeze and then he opened his eyes for the first time to greet the fact that he wasn’t ever alone down there. Peering over his arm, he shined the light before him to find. . .nothing.
To be sure, Malcolm scanned the room with his light not seeing anything of interest. He checked each corner accidentally whispering out loud to himself each time, “Alone. Alone. Alone.”
But that time around it sounded like the sole of a shoe for sure squeaking across the ground. He went to look over his shoulder to see what was coming.
There wasn’t anything nearby to protect himself and he had no idea if it’d help with a ghost antagonist. Maybe his brain could save him. He had the shining according to Gil and maybe he could shine real bright, brighter than the light in hand.
Only as he turned something grabbed a hold of him. Pressure hoisted him from the ground. His knees scraped the ground as some space came between him and the floor and somebody smothered him. His lungs burned without any oxygen entering them only it was worse when he attempted to breathe cause the burning grew, it seared his lungs, his mouth, and his chest right before the darkness took him.
Burglar uses Chloroform: Attacks a Woman in Room 237, Robs Her and Cuts off her Hair
Never before had a name sounded so violent. Jessica wielded each letter as if it were its own weapon. A series of knives or axes struck Malcolm. His head ached alongside all of his muscles. He rolled over burying his face into his pillow.
“Malcolm! Don’t you dare! You’ve been like this long enough, it’s time to wake up, get up, and start your day.”
When Malcolm sat up, he came face to face with his mother who put a hand on his forehead. She waited a few seconds and began to nod as if she were a doctor all along. “No more fever!” She backed away from him heading toward the kitchen area, which meant. . .
“Fever?” Malcolm’s voice sounded all raspy. For a second, he feared he’d lost his voice all together. That the word in his brain would never leave. He looked all around. “How-How did I get here?!”
Jessica rolled her eyes. She popped the cork on a bottle of wine. “That’s not very funny, Malcolm, we’ve been here already for what? A month? More?” She began to pour herself a glass. “Seems longer than that.”
“NO!” Malcolm didn’t mean to snap. It did get Jessica to actually stop pouring her glass of wine. “I mean, how did I get here from the boiler room?”
“What are you talking about?”
“The boiler room! I was down in the boiler room! Something attacked me!”
Jessica took one long sip of wine, it seemed to be necessary as if it were her life source. “Malcolm, stop this nonsense before you scare your sister.”
But Malcolm looked all around, he wasn’t even wearing the same clothes but instead was in pajamas. Somebody was in the bathroom, the toilet flushed and water ran. He glanced up noticing Ainsley stood inside. Not that he meant to spy on her. Just her thoughts were so loud as she watched the water run pretending to watch her hands. In the time she stood there pretending, she could’ve just washed them.
Off to the side waited Malcolm’s notebook. He paged through it finding the same page as the day before and started to write 11/12. Only Ainsley leaving the bathroom with faint thoughts of Oh he’s awake disturbed him with the cacophony of Jessica playing out him rolling and rolling and rolling in his bed almost toppling off it for over 24 hours.
“What’s today’s date?” Malcolm blurted.
“November 13th,” said Jessia before taking another long swig of wine.
“Mr. Boots said it’s Friday the 13th, a bad luck day,” Ainsley added.
The day was November 13th and something. . .wasn’t. . .right. . .
11/08: Woke up in library. Thought I went to bed. 11/09: Woke up in ballroom (?). Remember going to bed. Mother said something about taking a pill to sleep better. Don’t remember falling asleep. 11/10: Is it possible to not remember falling asleep but waking up? Feels like haven’t slept for days. Ask somebody about it. 11/11: Woke up in bar, heard music, heard voices. Father found me, we talked, said to talk to him, didn’t hear all the noise. Ask him about it later?
Malcolm held a pencil, it hovered over the page in his notebook while he sat up in his bed. Even with his mother in the kitchen, it felt as if she were hovering around him tweeting like a bird about a fever, fever, fever because somehow he got back there and had a fever?
There was a whole day missing.
11/12: ????
“Malcolm, look at me when I talk to you.” At least Jessica caught his attention. Malcolm poked his teeth with the eraser. “Are you sure you’re feeling better?”
Malcolm nodded and offered a smile, just for her.
“Do you want any orange juice? Ainsley and I picked it up from town yesterday.”
11/12: ????
“Oh, sure. Yes, please.” Malcolm managed to stay smiling at Jessica even as she turned away. Ainsley stood close by. She peered out of the kitchen at him giggling about something. He rolled his eyes and looked down at his notebook. There wasn’t even a memory around to why he started this, but again it made sense. Nothing stuck and a day was all gone.
11/13: Woke up in bed. Last thing I remember, boiler room. Looking at newspapers. Then nothing. Is there something wrong with me?
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pjoandaftg · 5 years
Chapter 2
It was Annabeth's third week living with Grover and Percy before she had her first real conversation with Percy. Her and Grover clicked really well. Whenever it was just them at the apartment, conversation moved smoothly and effortlessly. Annabeth hadn't felt like this since she first met Piper, three years ago.
Annabeth was currently walking up the stairs to the apartment after her run. When she walked in she was met with the sight of Percy Jackson, using a spatula covered in pancake batter, as a microphone as he danced around the kitchen to music Annabeth was almost certain was from The Little Mermaid. He was wearing plaid pyjama pants and a plain white t-shirt. It wasn't until she leaned against the wall watching him did she notice the little girl, maybe four years old, giggling at Percy from the counter.
Percy spun around and stopped dead when he saw Annabeth. He gave her a sheepish grin and scratched the back of his neck. He moved to turn down the music and when he did Annabeth simply said, "Please, don't stop on my account."
At the sound of Annabeth's voice, the small girl turned around. She looked at Annabeth with big, brown eyes that sparkled like the sun. Annabeth then understood why Percy would be dancing around the kitchen at 9 o'clock in the morning. She would to if it meant putting that sparkle in her button eyes too.
The small girl hopped down from the stool she was sitting on and stuck out a small hand to Annabeth. "I'm Estelle." she said confidently.
Annabeth shook her hand. "Nice to meet you Estelle. I'm Annabeth."
Estelle looked between Percy and Annabeth. "Are you Percy's girlfriend?" The question was so blunt that Annabeth couldn't help but laugh. and the chocking noise Percy made had her laughing harder. 
"No, no I'm not. I just live with Grover and him."
At that Estelle just nodded and turned back to Percy, "Are the pancakes ready yet?"
"Not yet, but they'll be ready soon." Percy answered back.
"Well, I'll leave you two to it." Annabeth turned around and went into her room. Just when she reached the door she looked back and saw Estelle sitting on the counter, her back pressed against Percy's chest, where he stood behind her, both of them stirring the pancake batter. Annabeth tried and failed to suppress a smile. 
 When Annabeth came out of her room, Percy was wiping down the counter while Estelle was eating pancakes on the couch and watching 'SpongeBob SquarePants.' When Percy saw her he gestured to the fridge, "There's some pancakes in the fridge if you want some.”
Annabeth took the pancakes and stuck them in the microwave to heat them up before adding some lemon juice and sugar to them. Percy grimaced at her pancakes. 
"Do you have a problem with the way I eat my pancakes?" she asked teasingly.
"No, its just, how do eat that. Lemon and sugar on a pancake goes against the natural order of pancakes."
Annabeth snorted at his seriousness. "Let me guess, you douse yours with syrup?"
"That's the only way to do it. That or Nutella. Depends on my mood." He said grinning.
Annabeth laughed at that. They fell into a comfortable silence as Percy finished cleaning and Annabeth finished her pancakes. 
"I didn't know you babysat." Annabeth said.
Percy turned to face her then. "What?"
"Estelle, do you babysit her often or-?"
Percy let out a little chuckle at that, "Estelle's my sister. It's my Mom and Paul's anniversary so Estelle is staying here tonight. You don't mind do you?"
"Oh, no. She can stay as long as she likes."
Just then Estelle walked back into the kitchen, with an empty plate and syrup all over her face and hands. As Percy picked her up and sat her beside the sink to clean her up, Annabeth could now see the resemblance between the two. Their nose and the shape of their eyes were so identical she didn't know how she didn't see it before. And even with her baby face, Annabeth could see the same elegant features that Percy had. She didn't realise that Percy had asked her a question until he repeated her name.
"Sorry, what did you say?"
"Estelle wants to know if you're doing anything today and if you'd like to join us on a trip to the aquarium?"
The truth was that Annabeth wasn't doing anything today and she's never actually been to an aquarium before. But she also didn't want to impose on their day together.
"It's really nice to offer but I -" before she could finish her sentence Estelle burst out.
"Please come with us," she batted her long eyelashes at her, another thing she and Percy had in common. "Pleassseee." she pleaded again. And how was Annabeth supposed to say no. It would've been like kicking a puppy.
"Ok, just let me grab my coat."
As it was the aquarium was only a short subway ride from the apartment. And even though Estelle unofficially invited Annabeth, she was really quiet and stuck close to Percy's side, that was until Annabeth made an offhand comment about how she has never been to an aquarium before. After that, Estelle felt it her life mission to tell her everything there was to see and know about in the aquarium. When Annabeth asked how she knew so much, Estelle held her head up high and said proudly, "Percy studies the fishes in school."
When Annabeth sent a raised eyebrow Percy's way he shrugged and said "I study Marine Biology."
Annabeth was surprised by that. Although she didn't know what Percy was studying in college, she wasn't thinking it was marine biology even though it kind of made sense. He was on the swim team for one and she had often heard Percy and Grover ranting to each other about the environment and climate change. She had thought that it was for Grover's sake who was studying environmental law. She herself has been one of the few people who have listened to Grover complain about the government and how they treat climate change as a joke. He makes such valid points and he's so passionate about it that it's hard not to agree with him. Annabeth would bet money that Grover will help change the world one day and she'd be only too happy to help him. 
When they arrived Annabeth first thought was how beautiful the architecture of the building was. How so much time and effort must have went into building it. The three of them walked inside. They refused the tour with Estelle telling Annabeth that she'd be her tour guide.
After about two hours they left and went for food. They then brought their food to a park so Estelle could play. Annabeth and Percy sat on a bench a bit away but still close enough so they could keep an eye on Estelle, who had already made a new friend by the looks of it.
Percy and Annabeth sat in silence while they ate their lunch. After some time Annabeth felt the need to say "Your a good brother." She didn't know why she said it, she just knew it was true.
"Yeah, well, she's a good kid. I just want the best for her you know." And Annabeth did know. "I want her to have a better childhood than I had. She deserves that." Annabeth looked at Percy then and she saw how in that moment he looked older. Like he had seen and been through more than any other 20 year old should have. Annabeth felt an understanding then. To the boy who she knew nothing about and yet they lived under the same roof. Two people who had grown up too soon and probably had enough baggage between them to fill the ocean, or a really big lake at least. Percy must have seen that too, because he offered her small smile.
Percy looked like he was going to say something then but Estelle ran up to Percy, jumping from on foot to the other. "I need to pee." she exclaimed. Percy laughed and stood up.
"Come on then." Estelle furrowed her eyebrows at him.
"You can't bring me. You're a boy. You're not allowed in the girls toilet."
Percy held his hands up in mock salute.
Estelle looked at Annabeth. "Will you come with me?"
Annabeth smiled at Estelle, stood up and took her hand. She turned to Percy "we'll be right back." And with that Annabeth and Estelle walked over to the restaurant they got their food at to use the bathroom.
When they came back out, Estelle’s small hand in Annabeth’s bigger one, they found Percy sitting where they left him but with three big ice cream cones. 
The minute they crossed the road Estelle let go of Annabeth’s hand and took off running towards Percy. There she practically snatched the cone from his hands. 
“I didn’t know if you wanted syrup or sprinkles or anything so I stuck with vanilla.” Percy said offering Annabeth a cone.
”Well you can’t go wrong with vanilla.” With that she took a bite of her ice cream. “It’s lovely, thank you.”
Percy gave her a small smile and turned to Estelle who had managed to get ice cream all over her face. “All right maggot, lets go. We have a nemo to find at home.”
Back at the apartment, everyone got into their cosiest pyjamas and snuggled down on the couch to watch ‘Finding Nemo.’ Estelle was practically buzzing from where she sat in between Percy and Annabeth. But that buzz quickly turned into exhaustion from the long day she had and fell asleep before Marlin even made it to Sydney.
When Percy came back from putting Estelle into the comforts of his bed, the two of them sat in silence as they finished the movie.
’Finding Nemo’ was never Annabeth’s favourite movie growing up. Her favourites were movies like ‘Mulan’ and ‘Pocahontas’. But she was starting to think that maybe after today, that her mind could be changed.
After the movie ended, Annabeth stood  up to go to bed.
”Thanks for letting me tag along today,” she said.
”No problem.” Percy said and after a moment of contemplation added “Estelle likes you.”
”Well she’s a good kid.” 
And with that Annabeth went to bed.
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