#again any Gyn that follows me or not is more then welcomed to chim in and ad what personally helped them curb any self harming tendencies
fiendishlywitchy · 9 months
do you know any wiccan/dianic literature that focuses on women's relationship with food/weight/body-image and in general is there any sort of wiccan/witchcraft/dianic literature that you think can help me overcome my eating disorder? i feel like the usual ''therapy'' and social media body positivity stuff just doesn't work on me. i need something like a mantra and a personal belief or even personal rituals to keep me from my eating disorder and only the rare times i adopt something akin to it does it help me not obsess over food and not have unhealthy relationship with food.
Hmm thats actually a good question Anon! Love your lady Landscape comes by Lisa Lister comes to mind as it is a book that teaches you to connect with your body in a more Holistic fashion; there is more of a focus on periods/ a side of sexuality from what I've researched about the book, but does claim to speak about how to become embodied in yourself winch seem to be mostly what you're looking for. I do know that eating disorders can cause disruptions in your menstrual period and otherwise harm that aspect of Feminine Help, so if you feel an issue in that department I'd sincerely recommend picking it up
Non Wiccan but I did see The Beauty Myth being advised frequently among rad circles as something that helped some Gyns i knew personally dispelling some myths about the worth of patriarchal beauty standards. It may be worth looking into as a way to unpack some of the societal conditioning that does no service to your condition.
I'd encourage you to look into A Goddess you'd want to tap into and embody and make your own mantra to aid you whenever your ED flairs up as well. A number of Dianic Go to Books such as Ariadne's thread, Spiral Dance and Women's Rites and Women's Mysteries can help you carve out the best solutions spiritually and magically for your condition. If you're interested in the Greek Pantheon, Goddess in Everywoman by Jean Shinoda Bolen can be of great assistance and a gateway of how The Goddesses tend to appear in our Psyche and Shape us.
The Divine Feminine Handbook Vol I by Marilyn Pabon talks explicitly about Holistic/ Intuitive eating and overcoming self doubt; during my research into books that could possibly help you this part stood out to me most.
If you're comfortable you can reach out to me any time you'd like Anon! I'm no stranger to a distorted view of my own body even if I have no ED and I sympathize with your plight sincerely.
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