#tw EDs
squeakadeeks · 2 months
Can I be nosy and ask how you got scurvy. In exchange you can take anything you want from my fridge vegetable drawer
oh totally. the fact that i had scurvy remains one of the weirdest twists in this ol life o' mine.
part of this story is funny, the other part not so funny. (TW EDs)
the not so funny part is I got to the point of developing scurvy in an insanely predictable way. I've had a clinical ED all my adult life and a lot of the PSAs warn you about the surface level stuff like "your hair will fall out!" "you'll be tired all the time!" which....yeah. but if you restrict hard enough and long enough youre basically doing a "stranded on a desert island DIY POV" simulation. not to sugar coat it but I was deeply unwell and doing some absolutely Insane things. i was living hot Sir Ernest Shackleton boy summer. except it wasnt hot it was horrible and Shackleton probably wouldve been deeply disappointed and confused by the whole situation.
but as one would naturally imagine if you are tit for tat nutritionally larping as a castaway, you will. Develop Diseases. I remember suddenly noticing that my teeth looked like straight ass and I was getting mouth sores but I wasnt sure why. I developed a fever for weeks that i couldnt shake, the skin on my hands kept chafing off and my fingers would lock up, in general my skin was really bizzare looking with weird scabs and dark spots, and overall i felt utterly awful. Ive been struggling with this for awhile so some of that was my ""normal"" at the time so I didnt really connect the dots until I was reading something about scurvy and went "haha funny sailor disease" only to pause and realise that with my dietary habits, i hadnt eaten fruit or anything containing vitamin C in well over a full calendar year. this caused me to look up the symptoms of scurvy with dawning horror that this mystery onset of symptoms was disturbingly close to scurvy, prompting me to go to the dr and low and behold I basically had la croix flowing through my veins with how terrible my blood levels were.
I was moving out for grad school within the season and i really didnt want to start that with a goddamn captain hook ass disease so for months I had to macrodose on vitamin C like I was a prized guinea pig. seeing those huge tablets still gives me flashbacks.
what gets funny is literally within the week of learning I had scurvy....I also had a major ocular melanoma scare. of which one of the treatments is to surgically remove the eye and/or have eyepatches involved. so for a few months in the summer of 2021 i was hobbling around with scurvy and an eyepatch on this beautiful green world of ours.
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fiendishlywitchy · 9 months
do you know any wiccan/dianic literature that focuses on women's relationship with food/weight/body-image and in general is there any sort of wiccan/witchcraft/dianic literature that you think can help me overcome my eating disorder? i feel like the usual ''therapy'' and social media body positivity stuff just doesn't work on me. i need something like a mantra and a personal belief or even personal rituals to keep me from my eating disorder and only the rare times i adopt something akin to it does it help me not obsess over food and not have unhealthy relationship with food.
Hmm thats actually a good question Anon! Love your lady Landscape comes by Lisa Lister comes to mind as it is a book that teaches you to connect with your body in a more Holistic fashion; there is more of a focus on periods/ a side of sexuality from what I've researched about the book, but does claim to speak about how to become embodied in yourself winch seem to be mostly what you're looking for. I do know that eating disorders can cause disruptions in your menstrual period and otherwise harm that aspect of Feminine Help, so if you feel an issue in that department I'd sincerely recommend picking it up
Non Wiccan but I did see The Beauty Myth being advised frequently among rad circles as something that helped some Gyns i knew personally dispelling some myths about the worth of patriarchal beauty standards. It may be worth looking into as a way to unpack some of the societal conditioning that does no service to your condition.
I'd encourage you to look into A Goddess you'd want to tap into and embody and make your own mantra to aid you whenever your ED flairs up as well. A number of Dianic Go to Books such as Ariadne's thread, Spiral Dance and Women's Rites and Women's Mysteries can help you carve out the best solutions spiritually and magically for your condition. If you're interested in the Greek Pantheon, Goddess in Everywoman by Jean Shinoda Bolen can be of great assistance and a gateway of how The Goddesses tend to appear in our Psyche and Shape us.
The Divine Feminine Handbook Vol I by Marilyn Pabon talks explicitly about Holistic/ Intuitive eating and overcoming self doubt; during my research into books that could possibly help you this part stood out to me most.
If you're comfortable you can reach out to me any time you'd like Anon! I'm no stranger to a distorted view of my own body even if I have no ED and I sympathize with your plight sincerely.
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veganfairie · 2 years
people going "being vegan is so healthy" and like. it can be physically healthy, yes. and it can not be that. but for me, personally, I was so relieved when I stopped eating animal products. like, I'm mentally ill, yes, being vegan didn't cure that, obviously. But I'm also a highly sensitive, anxious and depressed person who benefitted greatly of stopping themselves forcibly eat corpses and drinking milk that should have been for baby animals that are now suffering or dead. for a long time I actually thought I harmed myself more by doing this than anyone or anything else. I was wrong, and when I realised that, I went vegan. and now, personally, my relationship to food and eating is so much healthier. I don't have to numb myself anymore to do it. I have started actually enjoying veggies. I try new foods. I feel more at ease with being. existing. I love being vegan.
aah omg i love stories like this SO much 🥺 i'm so happy for you and proud of you angel. i also have an ed and it's hell but going vegan helped me a bit too 💗 i cook with more vegetables now and i don't feel as guilty after a plant based meal. i LOVE the diversity my diet got after going vegan. 🌱 but the biggest way veganism helped was giving me purpose, a passion, an interest other than binging, purging and losing weight. i have happiness which helps me with binging and purging triggered by being upset. i'm so happy you and i were able to transition to a plant based diet without triggers. 💗 i love being vegan too, i'm so glad i stumbled upon the works of animal rights activists 🌸
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hi vik!
i just wanted to scoot in here and ask smth rq!! this is not an admonishment i’m just curious /gen
is there a reason skinny people have to be put down to lift fat people? like! idk personally i think body positivity should include All bodies big middle and small. if we’re skinny shaming people for their bodies we’re still commenting on how they look which can. really. have negative effects (as a person w eating issues)
plus like!! skinny is not always a choice just as fat is not always a choice. pre-diagnosis type 1 diabetics or people with overactive metabolisms or people who were in bad environments and developed an eating disorder just. idk it feels a little weird that body positivity (esp on tumblr) is Only about fat people it feels counterintuitive
this is all /nm /gen i am just!!! curious okay have a good day :D
Hi anon! I'm not quite sure what post you might be talking about, so I've scrolled through all my reblogs from the pst 24 hours to find all the posts about fat/skinny people to try and find the problem. If its not one of these post you were talking about feel free to send me the link of the one you were talking about, or that made you want to ask me this.
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I don't think this is making fun of skinny people, just pointing out art often over exaggerates skinniness to an extreme, making people think any drawing where a woman isn't incredibly tiny is a "plus sized" drawing even though irl they would be considered skinny.
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This one doesn't mention skinny people at all, just saying how some people from cultures out side of the us often like to dog pile on the idea "all Americans are fat and that makes them gross haha" which is a complete dog shit take for many reasons. I also say in the tags that we should not make fun of anyone for what they eat or how much they eat, that includes skinny people and people who only eat "healthy" foods, and people who don't eat a lot.
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I mean both fat bitches and skinny bitches alike can not cast fireball. Sadly. There should be more fat bitches casting fireball in video games tho
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I'm pretty sure this might be the one that made you upset, it has a much meaner tone then the rest. But it's also not making fun of skinny people. It's saying "if you reblog fat positive posts, just to say something along the lines of "i agree but im sooo small and skinny and tiny! But i agree!" You are scared of being seen as fat. And yes, I do understand that ED's play a real role in this, I have two teen sisters who both have ED's and last summer I only let myself eat anything other them sugar  free mints and black coffee once every three days I have both expected and seen first hand what ED's do. But that doesn't excuse the fact going on a fat positive post and showing everyone you are scared of being confused for a fat person can make fat people also scared about being seen as fat. It can also make anyone thats still pretty skinny or small thats even a bit bigger then you scared that maybe they are "too big"
I am really genuinely sorry if any I have personally said or reblogged has made you mad or hurt you anon. I don't think anything I've recently said was anti skinny or trying to make skinny people feel bad for there weight. Again if it wasn't one of these posts you were concerned about please send it to me so I can try and understand more of where you are coming from
/gen hope you have a good day too anon!!:3
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like-wuatafauq · 2 years
Remember to take your daily multivitamins if you're struggling with EDs, Depression,or if you have Chronic illnesses or any illness that causes malnutrition. For mental health, the brain is an organ! You can't just try to repeatedly tell it to change its way of thinking if it doesn't have the right nutrients to fight emotional and physical shutdown. Remember, multivitamins can't be the only source of your nutrients, but they help expedite your body and brain/mind to recover in order to execute your daily functions properly. There is no rush to your healing journey, you're doing amazing. Keep going. I'm proud of you.
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kisakunt · 2 years
u remind me of the edtwt bitches who r fatphobic and r openly pro ana. i think u actually got ur personality from them
this comment rly rubbed me weird bc i don’t say anything about my eating disorder on here, but it WAS in fact shared by someone else when i was cancelled. it’s actually a super private and horrible part of my life that has hospitalized me multiple times, nearly killed me multiple times, ruined my physical health for the rest of my life, and ruined my relationship with my family and friends and made me physically incapable. ik the only reason you said this shit was cos that bitchass pussy post and ik you think you’re funny as shit but even if i don’t eat i’ll still beat your ass so fuck off and politely kill yourself. it’s a mental disorder that i can’t get rid of, not something for you to make a fruity ass coward comment about. mind your own and get a job
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insidedyingim · 2 years
Babes with eds: what are some foods that are fairly low cal (doesn't have to be super low) that help give your body nutrients? I'm taking vitamins but I'm still worried I'm eating so low cal that it's going to be damaging to my body. Any tips appreciated!
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Is anyone else getting the ad on tumblr for intermittent fasting? You would think that this site and its history with glamorization of EDs would maybe not- actually never mind, it’s completely typical
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aropride · 29 days
when i was 17 and in the eating disorder trenches i saw people online talking abt how the fat liberation movement & unlearning fatphobia helped them recover and i did NOT like hearing that i was SO mad about it i was like well having an eating disorder doesnt mean im fatphobic!!! This is ableist etc etc. And then i learned abt the fat liberation movement and started unlearning fatphobia and guess what . it does help
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ciderjacks · 3 months
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this scene always makes me a little sad
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pandoragirlblog · 2 months
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galkcal · 1 month
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gallus-rising · 4 months
important observation on Tallman!Chilchuck
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he has visible ribs and cheekbones, his limbs are pretty skinny, and Laios' shirt is relatively baggy on him
add in this panel from the mimic fight + a bit of trivia from the Adventurer's Bible
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that man is not eating enough! he is malnourished! the dungeon crawling lifestyle has caused Chilchuck to develop disordered eating habits, if not a full on ED!!
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foodiebby · 2 months
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Found this on pinterest and it looked interesting to share!
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edluv-skinandbones · 3 months
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so real
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bcofl0ve · 7 months
What are you up to these days? You haven't posted alot...
law school 😭 and some health shit that’s really done a number on my energy and stamina. it’s my spring break this week though, so will be playing catch up while i have more free time/can spend more of the energy i dooo have on here.
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