#again idc if you headcanon link as trans or non-binary like he’s a character for us to project ourselves onto
smilesrobotlover · 5 months
💛 what’s a popular ship you can’t get behind and why?
Totk zelink, botw zelink, aoc zelink, just that entire zelink. Idk why, there is def chemistry, I just don’t like it. I actually have the entire zelink tag blocked cuz I’m sick of seeing them 💀 I’m kinda on the fence with zelink in general but that specific one I do not like.
💖 what is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
Kinda broad there XD idk, I guess phantom hourglass doesn’t deserve all the hate it gets and it’s not a bad game in general. Sure some can say it’s the worst in the series but to say it’s a bad game? Nuh-uh, that’s just wrong. There are much worse games out there I assure you. Phantom hourglass is flawed but there are so many GREAT things about it! Idk if that’s very unpopular tho, a lot of people have started liking it lol.
I guess a better unpopular opinion is that the ocean king temple isn’t that big of a pain to get through? At least if you know what you’re doing and if you don’t have a guide, it’s actually very fun to explore the temple. But this one I def understand the hate even tho my opinion has changed on it lol
🏳️‍🌈 any characters that are seen as queer but you don’t see them that way?
😳 do I even want to MENTION this? A specific character does not really come to mind truthfully, but I am sick and tired of people saying that Link can’t be cis or whatever. Like yes he’s androgynous for us to project ourselves onto him, and so people have every right to project their headcanons onto him and make him trans, gay, etc. but others also have a right to make him not queer. Now I really don’t have many lgbt+ headcanons about a lot of Zelda characters (save a few) so I ultimately don’t care about others having queer headcanons, and if you want to make Link or any Zelda character lgbt+ then go ahead! I admit I do that with some of the characters that I do have headcanons for! But if you believe that a link can’t be cis and straight because “that goes against his androgyny” you’re actually stupid. Cis people can be androgynous. Straight people can be androgynous. Nobody fits these perfect little boxes. I think we should just be respectful to headcanons and understand that none of them are actual canon, therefore people can do whatever they want 🤷‍♀️ no need to gatekeep or force people to have headcanons that simply aren’t canon, ok?
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