#again sorry for any typos!!!! :')
shizunitis · 1 month
No, ur absolutely so right about Bingcest. Preach louder because like. It’s just so fun. Any reason why they would be doing it is so fun. Is Bingge fucking Bingmei to show him how he needs to fuck Shizun? Is it a domination thing? What crazy kinks would Bingmei learn from Bingge? How would he try and incorporate them with Shizun? So many questions. I want Bingge to bite Bingmei’s lips when they kiss.
anon i love you and am willing to go through the abyss for you empty-handed and with my hands tied. will give you my firstborn. thank you for letting me talk about this please never leave me
now that the bingmei rp is over, and keeping in mind that i am forever sleep deprived, in a vaguely bingge mood, and also very sorry for what that means for any passersby, here’s my answer. horniness and thoughts (hopefully coherent enough) under the cut
though i find the shizun sandwich version of bingcest to be extremely tasty and a great apperitif, i feel like the pure bingge-bingmei storylines my brain throws at me every now and then are so fucking good (read: hhNnNg) on their own.
a non-exhaustive list of some ideas i didn’t ever think too deeply about but like for reasons:
what if bingge is bingmei’s shizun.
what if bingmei gets stranded in pidw.
what if bingge accompanies bingmei in the abyss.
what if instead of only having bingge and bingmei, we also throw in oo!lbh into the mix and make this the worst throuple to have ever existed.
what if the system fucks up and there’s two binghe’s from the very beginning, twins or clones or whatever, and they brave the world on their own so as not to strain the washerwoman’s already precarious situation further than they did the first time around.
what if bingmei wishes very, very hard for a father during his disciplehood, and the system plops bingge into his world when shen yuan is mia.
what if bingge goes out and tries to find the svsss world again but ends up in oo!pidw.
what if bingge and bingmei live to the ends of their lives and meet after the universe is wiped as cosmic beings and they have incomprehensible sex to soothe the pain.
what if bingmei suspects bingge came back to steal shizun during the monthly wifeplots, and just jumps the gun and goes after the fucker directly.
what if modern au.
what if modern au where they’re separated at birth.
what if actual lab clones of each other!
et cetera (many more examples. none of which i can think of right now and if i’m being honest? half of these i thought up on the fly, so i was lying. fibbing. other words. never ever assume i know what i’m talking about)
in any and all these situations shen qingqiu and/or shen yuan could and perhaps should be integrated, but for my purposes he can take a moment to breathe. i’ll return him his husbands shortly.
back to the point: i love every iteration of bingcest.
bingge and bingmei being very alpha vs. alpha about fucking and literally fighting for dominance. bingmei being horrible at kissing and bingge getting annoyed with the teeth thing and showing him how to actually bite someone (stealing your desires as they perfectly align with mine, anon) and then finding out that what bingge would consider lowly and ignoble (is that how you use the word? probably not), bingmei blushes and whines for so prettily.
exchanging blood and it fails to do anything but induce arousal in the other and then using that as a way to torment each other.
i want the snapping teeth and the clawing and the violence. the almost-tangible, suffocating hatred and frustration. them choking on their leashes tied together without their knowledge. choking on them where the’re tied to opposite ends of the bed as they try to get to the other. and so forth
but soft bingcest works beautifully too. don’t know how they’d end up in that situation but i’m picturing it and it’s very nice.
bingge’s vanity and desire to be perfect projected onto his own self staring back at him, bingmei’s bratty disobedience challenging bingge’s desire to subjugate and conquer and take, all of this culminating in the two of them understanding their differences but also loathing them in a way. why is he different, he’s me, why can’t he understand, why isn’t he doing what i would, why does he hate me, the likes
oh!! bingmei should yell that at bingge actually. or growl it while he pins bingge down to get him to listen to him. and bingge should want to say, “are you stupid?” but holds back because now isn’t the time. where did the brat even get that idea from? he’s done everything he could to make him stronger, to make him realise that the world is a shit, cruel place and they only have each other in the end, and yeah it’s a shit hand to be dealt, but is it? is it really?
hm. don’t really know where that thought ends up but i’m pretty sure it ends up with both of them fucking unbearably tenderly (by their standards) in a forest somewhere.
i don’t mean to exclude shizun because. i wouldn’t fucking dare? but bingcest is. it’s dear to me. i’m a bingcest purist if you’d like, but bingcestqiu/yuan is second on the list. third is mobingcumplane/moshangbingqiu but that’s another thing altogether
(i have no actual clue if there’s ship names for these already. surely there are?)
BUT. adding shizun into the mix is wonderful. i’ve rec’ed it before but through the eye of a needle is SUCH a good fic PLEASE give it a read it’s my favourite fic ever ever in the history of ever
i love the idea of shizun trying to tame these two idiots and failing miserably. i also love the idea of him succeeding. i want bingmei making bingge drink some ‘respect shizun’ juice and i want bingge to give bingmei some much needed ‘fuck shizun’ lessons. i want shizun to direct their every movement while he casually drinks his tea and pretends like he’s not foaming at the mouth seeing the two protagonists being “forced” to go at each other like they’re passionate, devoted lovers.
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there’s so much i want from bingcest. i want the guilt, and the confusion, and the rage! i want the angst! the territorial spats, the dick measuring contests (literal and metaphorical). the comfort! the. idk man they should be allowed to be horrible to each other, it’s not like they can die.
(holy shit what if one of them dies. fuck i’m exhausted but please. kill one of them and make the other revive him. somehow. maybe we can make regret of chunshan reality but it’s bingcest, if you understand)
but mainly i want the two pretty idiots humping each other’s thighs like teenagers. making bingge crawl for bingmei is also a very fun thought that would make him (plural) react in a very entertaining way. getting bingmei to power bottom is chef’s kiss when bingge’s on the other end. teaching bingge about the beauty of surrendering to his own self, which he does not trust with anything but also understands more than he’d like or wants to acknowledge is also neat. they would get up to degeneracies that i can’t speak of. i’m shy and also inarticulate about them
oooh also lebingcest. exactly the same as before but it’s better. because lesbian yaoi
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btsjk-biased · 3 months
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CREATOR GAME TAG - post some of your gifs before and after coloring!
I was tagged by lovely and talented @jinstronaut and @jkvjimin! They always make the prettiest gifs!
Sadly I delete my psds and gifs after I post them. But I have saved some coloring settings, so I have recovered some gifs for you to see the coloring comparison (timing, number of frames and etc. can be a little different from the original posts, apologies for that! some gifs here have more frames to show off more of the coloring in just one gif)! This is me just showing a glimpse of how I color my gifs. I will be saving some psd files while making gifs from now on.
As you can see, there is nothing special in how I color my gifs. It all depends on the original footage. I don't use actions and color every set from scratch. I try to add a bit of contrast, sharpness and etc.
Original posts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Tagging some amazing creators @jung-koook, @anpanmann, @yooboobies (no pressure, only if you want to, I hope it's okay that I tagged you) and anyone who wants to do this too! 💜
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merriclo · 1 year
I want to know your LU headcanons!
ohHO i will absolutely tell you tysm for asking!! i’ve been wanting to talk abt them for ages but just never got around to it ig ahjdkcka
Time’s actually like 32 and is just really committed to the bit of being ancient
Sky is horrific at making new friends. he grew up with the same small group of people, so he never learned how to make friends with complete strangers because there simply wasn’t the need to. so, when he first starts traveling with the chain, he makes little wooden charms for them because he isn’t entirely sure how else to get close with them. Zelda always enjoyed his woodcarvings, so maybe they will too??
as a result, the entire chain has little trinkets made by Sky. on Legend’s bag there’s charms hanging off the straps, and Twilight wears his as necklaces (both because it looks cool as fuck and it helps the shadow crystal stand out less). yes Wind has specifically commissioned him to make something for Aryll
yeah yeah bunny Legend but consider: the mermaid suit (which I like to think is more of a curse bc get fished pink man <3) giving him some marine animal qualities as well. no matter what tho that bitch is an Ariel kinnie, they’re collecting all the shiny shit they can find
Sky is obsessed with doing puzzles the Right and Proper way, meanwhile Wild cheeses absolutely everything he can
Wind believes in all of those classic pirate superstitions
the witches in Legend’s era adore him. Grandma Syrup dotes on him, Maple is like a teasing older sister, and Irene is like a teasing younger sister. this is where he learned most of his magic skills from, and he takes all potentially enchanted or cursed items to them to check out. he’ll never admit it, but Legend finds lots of comfort in all of them, as they’re one of the few people who’ve stayed in his life this long.
Wild’s a pretty good medic!! during his adventure, he very quickly realized how dangerous infection is, so they learned about a lot of home remedies and medicinal herbs, as well as how to tend to a wound from other travelers at stables and inns. he didn’t really get a choice in learning, considering how he probably got stung or bit by painful insects or accidentally brushed up against painful plants a lot during the early days of their adventure, and thus showed up to stables covered in rashes and hives and such, causing every decent person in the area to flock to them and try to help. their Hyrule is very sweet, okay?
they’re not the only one who’s well acquainted with medicinal herbs, though! while I think all of them would have a basic understanding, Time, Hyrule, Warriors, and Wind would know a lot. dw i’m elaborating
Time quite literally grew up in the forest, was raised by a tree, and had actual forest spirits for siblings—he knows his plants. he and Saria would peel willow bark and collect dandelions together
I like to think that Hyrule being half-fae makes him very sensitive to all magic-based auras, including that of plants, so they’re very good at picking out the healing herbs, even if they’re not quite sure what they’re called
listen ok hear me out about Warriors. young Time was appalled that he knew jackshit about nature and forcefully taught him. also, before modern medicine, medicinal plants were used all the fucking time on the battle field. yarrow, an herb that stops bleeding and prevents infection, is called soldiers’ woundwort because of this. i mention this because he was probably concerned about the health and safety of his troops, so he learned what the medics were doing and using.
Wind grew up on a small, tight-knit island, realistically they would’ve had to have learned how to use the things around them to their fullest advantage. that being said, his knowledge is sort of useless outside of his own era, aside from what he was taught in the war. ok i’m done talking about medicinal herbs now i promise sorry it’s a hobby of mine ahhsjdka
Legend’s terrified of dogs. in Link’s Awakening, the dogs are literally balls on chains with huge mouths full of sharp teeth (basically just Chain Chomps). if you want to get angsty with it: it comes from guard dogs being sent after him on his first adventure. he became a lot less scared to more he spent time with BowBow (the ball and chain dog) but, when he woke up, he got the belief that he could only be safe around a dog in his dreams. he’s pretty damn uncomfortable around Wolfie at first, but after lots of time and learning to trust Twilight, he’s able to slowly overcome his fear. sort of. mostly just with Wolfie. he still hates staying at stables in Wild’s Hyrule.
if Wild doesn’t want to explain/source something he’ll just say it came to him via divine intervention. Sky believes it every single time
I was thinking about Legend’s story a while ago and realized it was kind of similar to Joan of Arc’s so take that as you will. idk if this even counts as a headcanon but i’m putting it here
Warriors and Twilight are really close friends because they both understand the struggles of wrangling dirt worshipping nature freaks. anytime Twilight (lovingly) complains about Wild, Wars will counter with whatever asinine feral child antics young Time got up to and suddenly Twi will feel very blessed and lucky
whenever Four sees someone with their hair in a high ponytail he subconsciously thinks they’re very smart and respectable because Dot always wears her hair in a high ponytail
Hyrule is completely fine with not sleeping on a bedroll. they like the dirt, actually. let them sleep in the dirt.
Legend uses apples in his red potions, both to increase their potency and to make them taste better. he also learned how to enchant apples to be healing on their own so sometimes when someone’s hurt he’ll just shove an apple in their face
uhh so ik this is a lot but this isn’t even close to of all my headcanons so yeah there’s that lmao
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don’t pick up your raj like this!! it’s RUDE!!!!
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elisela · 1 year
Eli babe I’m not sure if you’re even still taking Soft™️ prompts anymore but if you are I have a MIGHTY need to see you write #36 - giggling during sex 🥹🙏
Sometimes it takes almost nothing—
—Derek’s hand will close around his hip, Stiles will kiss him and fist a hand in the back of his hair, tugging until Derek’s head is tilted up and he can bite down in the junction of his shoulder.
—Stiles will crowd up against Derek while he’s doing dishes, or folding clothes, slinging an arm around his waist and playing with the button on his jeans, and Derek will reach behind him and pull him closer.
But sometimes—Derek comes back to bed in the golden morning hours and Stiles allows himself to be pulled against a strong chest. The only movement from either of them is the slow, rhythmic sweep of Derek’s fingers across his sternum, arm settled warmly over his side. Stiles drifts in and out of sleep, picks up Derek’s hand and presses a kiss to his knuckles. It’s returned on his shoulder, a pathway of soft, lingering kisses that make their way up his neck and end in Derek’s teeth gently scraping his skin, and Stiles lets out a full body shudder.
Sometimes they don’t bother fully undressing—
—Stiles will end up on his knees, Derek’s jeans only pulled down enough to expose his cock. He’ll swallow him all the way down and let his mouth go lax, close his eyes when Derek’s hand slides around the back of his head and leave scratches on his thighs that will heal instantaneously as Derek fucks his mouth.
—Derek’s mouth will work it’s way down Stiles’ body, hot and fast and desperate. He’ll unzip the pants Stiles is wearing and rip the fabric of his boxers, jacking Stiles’ cock as he looks up at him. Stiles won’t take his eyes off Derek for a second.
But they’re already naked now, skin to skin in their bed. Stiles brings his hand up and around to scratch through Derek’s hair, soft noise escaping through his mouth when Derek’s hand starts to dip lower.
“Mornin’” he mumbles, voice cracked with sleep.
Derek’s response is barely intelligible, muffled against Stiles’ skin. But his follow up—“This good?” is clear, and Stiles hums in assent. He’s half-hard and Derek’s hand is only just above his stomach, fingers still skating up and down. He grinds his hips down and back slowly, tightening the grip he has in Derek’s hair when Derek moans.
Sometimes they’re quiet—
—Stiles will whisper “oh god oh god oh god”, head tucked into Derek’s neck, will try not to act like he’s not getting jacked off in the middle of dance floor in a seedy club.
—Derek will whisper his name, soft, pleading, bent over the back of the couch while Stiles fucks him, holding him down, one hand squeezing the back of his neck.
Sometimes they don’t say anything at all. Stiles is hard by the time Derek rolls on top of him, cock curving up against his belly. He ignores it to get his hands on Derek; resting on his shoulders, dipping down to his hips, pulling until Derek acquiesces and slides up, knees on either side of Stiles’ head. He kisses the inside of Derek’s thighs, opens his mouth to suck on his cock, so thick in his mouth, Derek’s soft exhale the only sound in the room.
Sometimes they’re loud—
—Stiles will sit behind Derek on the bed, eyes on the mirror, hands holding onto Derek’s. “Tell me,” he’ll say, and Derek will take a shaking breath and a start to talk, will tell Stiles that he wants to suck him off under the table, wants to be fucked over Stiles’ desk at work, wants Stiles to come on his ass and chest and face. Stiles will stroke him as he talks, firmer and faster the louder Derek gets, the more he says, the more detailed the fantasy.
—Derek will say, “let me hear you,” just before he spreads Stiles’ cheeks and licks into him, works his fingers and tongue into Stiles’ ass until he comes, and keeps at it until Stiles is hard again and almost screaming.
But sometimes—Derek’s making little thrusts into Stiles’ mouth, and Stiles lets out a noise of protest when he slides away. “Not yet,” Derek says, chest heaving slightly in a way that makes Stiles feel strangely proud. “Wanted to fuck you.”
“Well,” Stiles says, waving a hand, “get on with it.”
Derek snorts quietly and rolls his eyes, but seconds later he’s settled back on top of Stiles’ body, mouthing at sweaty skin. Stiles curls a foot around Derek’s calf and breathes out, focusing on the feeling, the buzz of arousal singing through his veins, the drag of Derek’s hands on him, the—
He lets out a stutter of quiet, surprised laughter when Derek’s beard brushes his side and sends a ticklish shiver through him. “Sorry,” he says, and Derek looks up at him with such affection that Stiles can’t help but grin and lean awkwardly to kiss him. He settles back down, sighing out in pleasure when Derek’s tongue drags up his cock, and then—
“Jesus!” His leg jerks up at the feeling of Derek’s beard rubbing against the inside of his thigh, and he clamps a hand over the sensitive spot. When he looks back down, Derek is clearly trying not to laugh.
“Sorry,” Derek says—lies—managing to look at least halfway apologetic. Stiles isn’t fooled.
“Maybe we should switch,” he says, but Derek shakes his head immediately. Stiles gives him a look. “No funny business.”
“Never,” Derek says, and his head ducks back down. Anything Stiles was about to say flies out of his head when Derek starts sucking his cock again, tongue swirling around the head, pulling off to lick at his balls, one of his fingers rubbing over his hole.
“Suck me,” Stiles says, spreading his legs a little more, shifting so Derek can finger him. Derek’s hair is soft when he winds his fingers in, and when he moans at the direction, Stiles gives more. “Just like that—god, Derek, that’s so perfect—use two fingers, fuck, fuck, yes—so good, that’s so—argh!”
Derek is laughing when he sits up, and Stiles can’t even be mad.
He can pretend, though.
“What the fuck, Derek,” he complains, pressing his lips against the smile that automatically wants to appear whenever Derek appears outwardly happy. “I was enjoying a perfectly good blowjob.”
Derek snickers once more before taking an audible deep breath. “I really—sorry,” he says, and falls forward when Stiles rolls his eyes and reaches for him. “It seemed funny?”
“It was not,” Stiles informs him, but he grins anyway and pulls Derek down for a kiss. “You gonna fuck me or have you decided to just go for tickle attacks now?”
“Definitely gonna fuck you,” Derek says, and Stiles heart skips a beat when he realizes Derek is still smiling.
Sometimes it’s just a release—
—Derek will come home from the gym still worked up, adrenaline flowing. Stiles will drape himself over the arm of the couch, ass up, stroking himself as Derek fucks him roughly. He’ll plant his feet and push back against it, hope there will be bruises on his hips the next day.
—Stiles will flex his fingers in Derek’s hair, holding him down, rolling his hips. He’ll say, “you can take it, baby, just a bit longer, please, fuck fuck fuck, I’m gonna come down your throat, you feel so fucking good—” and Derek will take it, hands on Stiles’ thighs, grounding him.
“Derek,” Stiles whispers, the only word he’s said for the past five minutes. “Derek, Derek, oh—please—”
“I know,” Derek says. His voice sounds strained, and Stiles isn’t sure if it’s because he’s close to falling apart or because he’s had his tongue in Stiles’ ass, eating him out since they both calmed down. “Do you want—”
“Yeah, yes, please.” He’s begging; he knows it, and he’ll happily do it again if it means he gets to come on Derek’s tongue. It’s one of his favorite things, and one they almost never have time for. “Touch me again. I’m so close, I swear, just—”
Derek’s hand closes around his cock, and Stiles closes his eyes and cries out when he feels his tongue again, circling his rim before pushing in. Derek has always eaten him out like he’s starving for it, fucking him with his tongue just as relentlessly as he does his cock. Stiles whines when Derek stops stroking his cock but then his fingers are pushing in, hard and fast, and Derek bites at the swell of his ass before leaning forward and over him.
“You look so good like this,” Derek says, voice pitched low; Stiles lets out a sound that sounds half-strangled, but he can hardly breathe. “But you sound even better when you’re begging to come. Come on, baby, let me hear how bad you want it.”
He’s going to burst apart. This is Derek’s apology, he’s sure of it, and he’s not going to let it go to waste. “Fuck me with your tongue,” he says, the words stuttering out, breathless. He’d long since lost his ability to control his breathing. “Please, Derek, please—feels so good, I’m so close, wanna come on your tongue—you can fuck me after, bend me over and—oh fuck yes—”
He thinks he screams. He’s aware that he gets louder when Derek’s fingers rub relentlessly over his prostate and his tongue traces around his rim, but when Derek pushes his tongue in again, Stiles feels every muscle in his body seize up before he lets go all at once, gasping for air as he comes all over the bed and his own chest.
Everything—it floats after that. He rolls when Derek pushes him onto his back, flings his arms around Derek’s shoulders and holds on to sweat-soaked skin as Derek pushes into him, breathing heavily, leaving open-mouthed kisses on the side of his neck. He winds a foot around Derek’s thigh and tries to pull him in closer, tilts his head to better hear the gasps and shallow breathing, the murmured pleas coming from Derek’s lips, and finally, the sweet sigh of relief when he comes.
Sometimes, it’s all they have time for—
—Derek will grind against him in the kitchen; he’ll suck bruising kisses onto Stiles’ neck as he strokes himself, will come against the soft skin of Stiles’ stomach and rest against him for a few seconds before Stiles will squirm away and half-heartedly glare, his own erection obvious as he wipes himself off with a dish towel that he’ll fling in Derek’s direction with a laugh before grabbing his coffee and taking off.
—Derek will whisper, “come on, come on baby,” and Stiles will come, collapsing against Derek, legs feeling like jello. He’ll watch as Derek brings his hand up and licks it clean, will make a face and say, “look, that’s actually gross—” and Derek will laugh and make sure his jeans are buttoned and drag him out of the alley by the movie theater in time to join their friends.
But now—now, Stiles wiggles until he can hold onto Derek properly, tucks Derek against him and presses a hundred tiny kisses on his face and neck. Now Stiles says, “God, I love you, let’s always take days off together, that was amazing, you’re amazing—” and Derek kisses him back and smiles and tells him if he loves him that much, Stiles won’t mind getting out of bed and getting him coffee.
Stiles doesn’t get out of bed. He pushes Derek out instead, raises his arms triumphantly—and regrets it the second Derek makes a grab for his armpits and starts tickling.
Sometimes they don’t have time for anything at all—
—Stiles will tear through the living room at six in the morning cursing about being late, will talk at Derek instead of to him, will catch himself at the door and turn back to give his husband a kiss goodbye.
—Derek will come home late, cringing at the dark house, the clean kitchen. Stiles will be asleep already, laying restless in their bed, and Derek won’t do more than strip down and brush his teeth before joining him.
But today—today, they won’t get out of bed for hours.
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iztea · 9 months
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They still feel off specially the eyes i could feel them about to manifest their own life and run off
Even my linework is ... Idk what's wrong and it's the problem maybe I'm staring too much but I don't think so
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Sorry for bothering alot but i loved your last advice ty
i think the main problem with the first picture has to do with the proportions and anatomy of the lower body area aka the neck and shoulders. i'd make the shoulders wider and add some sort of form to the neck so that it looks believable instead of a flat rectangle shape ( maybe make it slimmer a bit too? although that might be just a stylistic choice so you do you). That's the first thing i'd fix because otherwise the head looks too big in comparison to the rest of the body, and it can throw you off
I actually think you did a great job with the eyes, they have a lot of life and that comes from the fact that they are the most rendered part of your piece, which is not a bad thing. The thing is, while it is true that the eyes are the main focal point of a face and portrait in general, that doesn't mean you can neglect the other parts, so i think it is also a consistency issue or not figuring out exactly what sort of style or rendering you want to go with that holds you back (which is totally fine and normal ofc). So let's pick a semi-realistic stylized rendering style for this since this is the vibe i'm getting from this piece.
If that's the style we're going for, then the face should have a bit more form. You have to remember that our facial features ( eyes, nose, lips) are connected with each other via the planes of the face, right? So, for a semirealistic style, revisit your reference and try to idenitify what those planes are and how they connect to those features, and most importantly, where the shadows hit, and just accentuate them more, because at the moment they look like 3rd forms plastered over a 2d surface which is not right, our skin has form as well. Color-wise, don't be afraid to go darker with the shadows, they really make your drawings pop. Without looking at a reference, i'd def add some shadow under the lips, a bit where the lips connect to the nose, under the neck, and in the lower body area.
I'm really trying to avoid the most basic answer which is " practice anatomy !!1! " because everyone can say that however, at the end of the day, this is the main thing the face lacks. And tbvh you don't have to actually know anatomy, you just gotta know some proportions things that make the face look believable enough. I feel like the features are mostly just drawn from the reference without an understanding of the structure behind it. Something tells me that in the reference picture, the person had their head tilted a bit upwards, but here it's kinda flat and the features are just painted without following the motion. Try to draw over your reference picture the vertical and horizontal lines and make up the head shape behind it to figure out the way it is tilting and facing, because the lips, eyes nose, etc will follow that same sort of flow, they're not stationary. I'd also make the eyes a bit smaller, or maybe make the skull bigger bc i think they are touching the outer edge too much now, and also narrow the distance between the nose and lips just a bit. Kinda hard to explain without actually doing it myself. But really, try to play with that, and try getting comfy with drawing 3d forms i know it's easier said than done but..... there really isn't any shortcut unfortunately As for the lineart drawing, yes it's actually pretty solid, i like that duplicate blur thing you did, i'm familiar with that technique and it def has its perks so that's great. Im not an expert on lineart, however here i think there are too many " unnecessary" lines that could easily be omitted (purple). Less is more and all that~ The hair strands at the end feel too stiff and identical (green). If you notice, they all just end in this " V" shape and they rarely overlap thus making the image look flat. Try to break this pattern by introducing more spontaneity aka random hairflies, making the strands overlap, adding more shape variety etc
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Make sure that the lines connect properly whenever they meet, and also although you already did it and i think that's great, you can make some lines even thicker, go even further and add even more lineweight. As a general thing, usually, the exterior or contour lines are thicker and whatever it is inside is thinner so experiment with that, you can start from the nose- thicker lines for the nostrils thinner for that nose tip i forgot what it's called and also add thin lines that just hint at the form. Lineart is hardd so i don't blame you, but if you're gonna keep the lineart in, try "shading" with black blocks so to speak, make sure the lineart layer can stand on its own, and pay more attention to the lower part area (neck and shoulders) even if it is less exciting to ink
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alxastrx · 1 month
When you're one of the most selfish mc who only saves people because it's part of a job you never wanted and did not get to chose or you would've died, who took your co-workers' morals and ideals because you didn't have any and desperately wanted to fit in somewhere, be it with the heroes or the villains, who's activelly haunted by one the most tragic past to have been created and suffer from a psychosis so bad (dare I say schizophrenia) that even your enemies acknowledged that you are mentally ill and objectively flawed in your judgement, never hesitated to try to kill anyone and has the most egoistic reason to be a good person but the fandom still thinks you're just a kind crybaby "I don't know what a gun is" homosexual twink.
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#him being refered as an angel by Shibuzawa is FUCKING IRONIC !!#ASAGIRI IS ALWAYS IRONIC WHEN IT COMES TO LIGHT NOVELS CENTERED AROUND ATSUSHI#Ex : The plot of 55min being parallele to the Decay of Angels arc#He's also called the Man-eating tiger and yes I do think that Dazai lied to him when he said he never ate anyone to preserve his psyche#and was also called “the man who can see the future” and has time travelled with Akutagawa like why aren't we talking about that#his relationship with Mori is also actually good#Mori is one if not the only character who saved and helped Atsushi during their first meeting and kept good contacts with him#because yes Atsushi has seen Mori knowing that he was the pm boss off-screen and they had a normal exchange#I also think that Shibuzawa Atsushi and Fyodor are connected to a form of Holy Trinity#Believer/God/Angel or Messenger#Joseph/Jesus/Mary#or Fyodor and Atsushi as Jesus and Judas#but the instance of trinity in bsd are dare I say extreme#Oda/Ango/Dazai#Sigma/Fyodor/Nikolai#Atsushi/Akutagawa/Kyoka#and so on#and the whole situation around his ability which is unlike any other#It turns him into Byakko (her own being) (similar to Natsume) and nullify his wounds no matter how lethal (similar to Dazai and Yosano)#and enhance him even with his ability off making him constantly stronger than other characters and dare I say equal to the hunting dogs#yk the MODIFIED humans#and the plot of both 55mins and Dead Apple being around abilities and giving us Atsushi lore make me think that Atsushi and Byakko are 1/2#probably a sort of higher being since some abilities are very religious centered (how Fyodor sees abilities and Shibuzawa) 2/2#but I think it would lend toward a “sinner” position which would be crazy because that Atsushi would then probably be the reason why Fyodor#hates abilities so much if Atsushi and Byakko are somehow be connected to the “sin” of abilities#and so you guys know Atsushi's orphanage was a church so yes he's related to christianity#and the Decay of Angels is LITTERALY full of religious people to different degrees#and it would be ironic (once again) if the antagonists were the “Angels” and the protagonist a demon#I just realized that I did a lot of typos sorry I got too excited#but yeah keep calling bsd bad written (we're on barely chap.115 no good manga was finished by chap.115 guys just wait for the rest to drop)
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karinasbaby · 5 months
moots as songs
hello my beloved anon thank u for sending this to me and giving me another chance to express my undying love for my mooties !!!! <3
going to try to make this as short as possible 🙏🏼 (i failed btw) (ilovemymootiessomuchplsleavemealome)(itriedtodoallofmymootiesandimsorryificouldntdotheonesidontinteractwiththatmuchmybelovedseitherwayiloveallofyouveryverymuch<3)
@enha-stars | end of the world intro - ariana grande
- if i had one last day on planet earth i would spend it with hana, this song feels like the embodiment of a hug from the sun and just feels like a warm blanket wrapping around me with sunlight lulling me to sleep and that’s exactly how i feel like with my dearest pookie vanilla flavoured sugary sweet pancake beloved hana <3
@sjyluv | soft core - the neighbourhood
- i love mimi & the soft vibes that she gives me sm. her account on its own & it’s aesthetic just gives me so much warmth and safety so !! it had to be one of my fav the neighbourhood song, i also feel like it matches her personality a lot ! someone very calm, loving and kind :D !! i love u a lot my dearest :( <33
@alvojake | confident - justin bieber
- is it the confident and flirty vibes i always get with kayla? might be. but this is one of my favourite jb songs and it also gives off so much kayla vibes. like i just know you’re fine as hell and so pretty so 🙏🏼 also i get alot of jake vibes from kayla, jake sometimes = jb in my head so the math is mathing for me !! (the beginning of this song literally plays in my head whenever i talk to u)
@pprodsuga | the great mermaid - le sserafim
- it’s the magical fairy & mermaid glowing vibes i get from seph, this song makes me feel like a girlboss and that’s exactly what sephseph is and i love her a lot bcs she makes me feel so safe and confident and comfortable !! this song is also an empowering song which i really love bcs that’s also how seph makes me feel (this doesn’t make any sense but it does in my heart and in my head)
@lheebra | one and only - enha
- my sweetest danidandan that always radiates light & warmth. i had to pick one and only for u as it’s one of the cutest songs ive ever heard and it always fills me up with so much joy (am i describing u or the song here? we’ll never know) but i genuinely love u and our little interactions sm they make my day okay ily i’ll stop my yapping now ✋
@riftanswhore | street star - p1harmony
- give it up for my fav p1h song of all time and also the funniest & coolest person on tumblr thank u very much 👏 for some reason i’ll always associate jul w p1h bcs she’s actually keeho in my eyes so !! yes. street star also matches u energy and aesthetic and it’s such a fun song too so !! yes jul as street star. ilysm and i hope u have a wonderful day/ night my beloved jul <3
@sleepyhoon | nasa - ariana grande
- this is due to the fact that violet seems like a very cool person and her acc also gives me space vibes which i adore a lot. either way !!! this is a very cute and light song that makes me feel like im walking through clouds (am i talking about the song or violet? we’ll never know pt2) and i just really love this song it brings me sm comfort :( ily violet and i hope u have a great day my beloved :D <33 (i also was contemplating putting goodnight n’ go for u cuz it also gives me the same vibes of ur acc so just know that song is for u as well my dear violet 🫵 so honourable mention: goodnight n’ go - ariana)
@jaeyunluvr | perfume - nct dojaejung
- pretty people listen to nct and my dear kayzie can confirm that !!! the amount of pretty vibes & summer night vibes i get from this song r immaculate and those same vibes apply to kayzie babie <3 i just know if i were able to spend one entire summer w u it would be thee most memorable one in my life like ever anywho i love u a lot and i miss u and i’m sending u a lot of love bby !!!!!
@heelvsted | chase atlantic - mamacita
- it’s the cool & dark mysterious vibes i get from rin ! either way i always associate her w chase atlantic bcs of her aesthetic & her (amazing) works like u two r locked in 🤞 in my head so yes !!! this is also one of my fav ca songs and it’s just very rin coded and i love that very much. any incredible ca atlantic always gets associated with rin for me, she just gives me alotttt of ca vibes and i bet u even look like this song rin 🫵 (honourable mention: meddle about by chase !) anywho i love u a lot and i’m sending u so many hugs & kisses hope u have an amazing day my love !! <33
@rkvriki | the aisle - pinkpantheress
- again pretty girl song for one of the prettiest girls ever !! this song reminds me of butterflies, strawberry smoothies and stargazing :3 and all of that also applies to ana, this song is so cute & it’s so pretty to listen to so it reminds me a lot of ana & her pretty personality, i love u lots lots my sweetest ana and i hope u have an incredible day my love !! ♡♡ (honourable mention: i’ll-it magnetic & naked by doja cat <3 aka very cute and pretty sounding songs that just fit her whole vibe & aesthetic <3)
@sparklovespink | igual que un ángel - kali uchis
- pretty girl song for one of the prettiest girls ever, kali uchis makes songs for pretty ppl so !! i just had to. (recently got into her music and this is just so spark.) might be also due to the fact that i always associate u with pink, glitter, flowers and just pretty pretty things cuz that’s what u radiate !! love u so much my sweetest spark and i’m sending u sm love :D !! <33
@ak4e7a | crash landing - nct 127
- starting this one off by saying that crash landing is one of my favourite songs in the entire world ✋ (just like how chels is one of my fav people like ever) this song just gives me lavender, space, stars, moon and pretty energy, all of which remind me of chelsea (it’s the purple eyeshadow) and i just adore her a lot and she fits this song’s aesthetic so much so yes !!! ily & imy my beloved chels :D <33
@moon7jay | alright - victoria monét
- victoria’s songs always give me so much mature, girly (pretty girl) & just sexy mysterious but very loving vibes (very confusing but it makes sense in my head) and all of this apply to nia so !! (i was also stuck between choosing a lot of her songs so just know her whole discography gives me u vibes my dear xynia !!) this is also one of my fav victoria songs so it had to be chosen for one of my favourite ppl as well so ! yes ! sending u lots of love my sweetest nia ilysm and i hope u have a wonderful day !! :D ♡ (honourable mention: closer to you - jungkook)
@hoondrop | unknown - nct dream
- choosing one of the prettiest & most comforting songs ever for my dearest moon who fits the vibe of this song a lot !! (moonlight by ariana is also one i associate w u a lot) moon just gives me the vibes of someone that’s very calm, mature and also emotional which i love very much like i feel very safe & comforted whenever i see “hoondrop” and it’s just so !!! idk how to explain it ily a lot and i have since last year so im very thankful we get to be moots now :D ill stop now but just know that ily a lot ok bye !! have a wonderful day my beloved :D <33 (almost out sun & moon by nct for u as well & i just had to let u know my beloved !! so honourable mentions: moonlight - ariana | sun & moon - nct)
(u know i had to put the besties next to eachother)
@jaylaxies | fly girl - flo
- ahem* hello new moot 😁(thatiforsurehaventbeenfangirlingoversincelastyear) fly girl for my dearest aria that literally radiates light & just pretty pretty energy all over. again i feel like she’s a very mature & calm person, i just get a lot of confident and loving energy from her which always makes me feel very comforted and safe and i appreciate that a lot (her blog also smells like cinnamon in my head so ! yes very comforting aura & vibes) anywho !! sending u lots & lots of love my sweetest aria and i hope u have a wonderful day/ night !! :D <33 ♡♡ (honourable mention: main thing & just like magic by ariana aka peak pretty girls song)
@fariest | kitsch - ive
- a very cool & cute song for one of the coolest & cutest ppl ik !!! kafka just gives me a lot of cool girl vibes and it just reminds me sm of ive as a whole group and i love that sm so yes !!! kitsch !!! one of the best songs on planet earth for one of the sweetest (and most talented) person ever, kafka also reminds me of summer for some reason idk i just get a lot of warm vibes and i love it sm and !!! i get the same vibe from ive as well so atp ive = kafka for me :D sending u a lot of love kafka & wishing u an incredible night/day :] !! ♡
@fakeuwus | the boy is mine - ariana grande
- a song by mother herself for mother nic 🙏🏼 one of thee prettiest ariana songs for one of the prettiest ppl i ever know (also chose this one for personal reasons [said personal reason is bcs this nic & jay’s song in my head]) this song is just so pretty confident girl coded and i associate that a lot with my talented beloved nic !! imy and ily & i can’t wait to talk to u my lovely nyk (also honourable mentions: kiss by nct dojaejung & heated by beyoncé another song by mother for mother u just give me pretty & cool girl vibes so yes.) (OH and i’m that girl by beyoncé bcs yes. u are that girl nyk☝️ never stop girbossing my beloved)
@evermorehoon | cry for love - baekhyun
- it’s the warm & mature vibes i always get from raven, again another very calm & mature person on enhablr that makes me feel so safe in a way? either way bambi was also a very close song i was going to choose but cry for love bcs i also get the feeling that raven is a very deeply emotional person, she always radiates lots of love in my dash so !! anywho i love u a lot my beloved raven & im sending u so so much love i hope u have an incredible day !! <3 (honourable mentions: bambi & un village by baekhyun you’re very baekhyun coded for me so ✋ OH and bills by enha <3)
@sharksandminhos | charmer - stray kids
- could it be because of us constantly flirting in whatever chance we get or is it bcs of my beloved soulmate’s username that i always associate her with skz? both !! we’ve been to around 3 dates so far and each time she somehow manages to make me blush even more so one she’s a charmer for SURE ! anywho i love u a lot and i hope u have a wonderful day :D !! <3 (honourable mentions: wow by skz & be my baby by ariana :D !!)
@wvnkoi | if only you knew - no guidnce
- one of my fav ever songs for one of my fav ever people ! no guidnce’s songs r always so fun and chill to listen to and this is one of their cutest songs so yes !! it matches seol in my eyes perfectly, it might also be the loving & mature aura i also get from her but seol & no guidnce’s whole discography sound like a perfect match for me. i love u lots & lots my beloved and i hope u have a wonderful day !! (honourable mentions: committed by no guidnce cuz i feel like you’re so a deeply emotional person loving wise ihopethismakessenseomgbutijustfeellikeyouloveverydeeplyanddearlyanditssocute)
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for my beloved mooties that i adore and love so much pls accept my ring & my flowers i hope u all have an amazing day / night :D !!♡♡ 🫧💞💞💞
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pinkhairswagtourney · 11 months
part four: just a plain ol' pink hair swag tourney all stars: would include the most popular characters / the top 16 characters from each previous tourney teams: runs like a typical pink hair swag tourney , but instead of 1v1 , it's 2v2 !! ( requires preliminaries to determine who should be on a team with one another ) niche: would include only lesser known / niche pink haired characters ( requires preliminaries to determine the obscurity of potential nominees ) cringefail part two: a second cringefail tourney to determine another pink haired cringefail loser champion not-pink-enough part two: a second not-pink-enough tourney to determine another swaggiest "pink" haired champion
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leviscolwill · 1 year
imagine jude with ex!bestfriends to enemies to lovers though... he would be a little shit I'M SURE
oh absolutely. ex!bsf jude would ‘accidentally’ call you one of the embarrassing nicknames your mum uses when you're hanging out with your shared friends. take other friends (or girls he's talking to) to your secret places and pretends he didn't cry his eyes out with you right there. he keeps telling everyone he doesn't miss you but the truth is he wrote and deleted hundred of messages bc he misses his best friend :( whenever you go to the same parties he can't help feeling jealous when he catches you dancing with another guy cause it was supposed to be your thing, so when he sees you two talking he can't help but, again ‘accidentally’, spill his drink on the dress he's been looking at all night. he would only realise he's gone too far once he sees you crying in the bathroom so he does everything from that point to have you back, as his best friend or something more, because he's always wanted more with you.
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alicenpai · 1 year
i'm going to montreal - here's my otakuthon 2023 catalogue!! ❤💙💛🥀
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i'm tabling with castella & we're at table O575, come by and say hello! :3 so pumped to visit montreal again hehe! 🌟 due to travel weight restrictions i have to leave some stock at home... im not sure if anything will sell out, so come early!! :3 there is also a possible shipping mishap rn, and some sticker stock may not be available for this con.. just as a heads up 🧍‍♂️
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poisonedfate · 4 months
hello!! drunk merlin chat time!!!! what do you think the main cast's tolerance to alcohol is like/what kind of drunk are they?
hi! thank you so much for entertaining me :D please do tell me your thoughts too!!
as main cast (now that i'm thinking about it, i don't know if you mean characters or actors, but i'm gonna go with characters since that was my first thought) i'm gonna take the core four, because that's all my brain can handle right now
morgana - she says she has a high tolerance, but it's lower than she would like you to believe. she tries to play it off, but she gets all sweet and fuzzy. the jokes that would usually make her glare get her to crack a smile instead, she'll throw out a compliment (or ten) that sounds too genuine only to pretend she didn't say it in the first place (not cause she realises the weight of it, but because she's too laid back to care)
gwen - doesn't drink too much in the first place, but can handle her drink pretty okay, because she knows when to take a break. overall, i think she'd somehow get into deep conversations when she drinks, chatting away with anyone and everyone. drunkness doesn't seem to have too big of an effect on her, she's as lovely as ever. her traits would come of stronger - her kindness, her ability to be good listener, giving advice. she'd have the cutest giggles. she would also be more of a "yeah, i can do that, watch" person if provoked. if someone suggested throwing knives or something, she'd ace it. and she wouldn't even brag, just smile.
arthur - similar to morgana, i think he's a type of love drunk. they're siblings after all. where morgana is a little more in her own world, kind of airy and floaty (without it being too exaggerated), arthur is the touchy, grabby, involved in it all love drunk. he smiles a lot and has fun, think he's a little messy, without being harmful. he barges into conversations without being pushy and can be talked into things he wouldn't usually do with ease. again, similar to morgana (it's a pendragon thing), he loves to say he can handle his drink, but his tolerance is not as good as he makes it seem - though it takes him good while to get from tipsy to drunk.
merlin - giggly, for sure. i think he'd still be a little hyper-aware of things, but he'd be a tiny bit more talkative than usual (still careful, though). he'd seem a little.....less weighed down. relaxed, even. i think he'd be cheery, if not a little show-off-y. i can seem him loving company, but also liking alone time - a breath of fresh air, despite all the thoughts running through his head. he's one to disappear during the night and turn up an hour later. absolute lightweight.
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nervocat · 8 months
i’m so sorry for butting in but omg it’s really cool that you hunt,, though i don’t myself, i’d love to for food one day — i’ve wanted to for a long time but physical issues have held me back 😭 what kind of deer do you/have you typically hunted? i collect bones and i nearly got my hands on a roe deer skull once but i wasn’t able to 💔💔
It sucks tho that your physical issues have prevented you, it's so fun to hunt honestly you just have to have the patience for it (which I have surprisingly since I don't have patience for pretty much everything)
shortened AGAIN because of my long rambles 😭😭
But the deer that me and my family hunt are white-tail deer and my parents went to Nebraska a couple years a go and my dad almost got a HUGE buck but it wouldn't stop running so he couldn't get a good shot. It was after a doe tho so he probably couldn't have stopped it either way
This might sound cruel or weird but my dream hunt is to hunt a wolf. Idk I just think it'd be rlly cool to and it'd be a nice challenge and good experience, though idk if it'd be good for food.. hhghhhhhh
And I have the bone of part of a deer jaw I got from hiking with my family one year. I could probably find it and take a picture of it honestly if you wanna see it.
I had to look up what a row deer skull looked like.. but that would've been rlly cool if you did get that skull
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These are the deer skulls I have from my own deer I shot :33 my dad still has to clean my last velvet skull
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mialicassi · 1 year
ok, but, headcannon that snotlout likes to crochet. and he's really good at it, but only his mother and hookfang knows bc he's afraid to tell someone and have they thinking its not manly enough for him.
so sometimes, when he's alone, he makes crochet outfits for hookfang, for him, for the gang and for their dragons and stores them all in a chest bc he doesn't want anyone to see it (and hookie would never wear it anyways).
until one day, on the edge, hiccup found it unintentionally and decided to surprise his cousin by making the whole gang wear it.
and snotlout may have shed a tear or two... but he'll never admit it tho
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st-hedge · 1 year
a new chapter of the 'little souls' fic is up!
the fic is going on a brief pause now while i write and revise the final chapters. i want to make sure im happy with where this has gone, so hold on! nothing is getting abandoned. the remaining chapters will be posted in rapid fire once im happy with them (there are 4-5 remaining)
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moominpopzz · 5 months
When Did My Hair Get So Long by Worthikids is a william wisp song do you agree
Even down to the VIBE of the song it gets him SO PERFECTLY
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To me it is so him trying to come to terms with the fact he’s this walking corpse,, like before Kota gave his heart yk, it’s him and all these bitter emotions he has towards himself as he tries to come to terms. It’s the not being able to and getting disgusting with himself in layers cause of it
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THE HAIR THING. UGH. HES THERE DAY BY DAY WATCHING AS HIS BODY FALLS APART MORE AND MORE ON HIM. Watching the body that shouldn’t be moving have these mishaps, he’s a corpse so why is it that despite everything else crumbling his hair keeps growing. Why? Why can’t the one bodily function he has consistently working prove to him he’s still alive. His hairs growing, but not even that helps. Hair continues to grow when someone dies, so not even that can FUCKING HELP HIM FEEL LIKE HES ALLOWED TO BE ALIVE
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