#agaue whiptail
ratasum · 4 months
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Considering potential charr stuff in Janthir, it looks like we'll be rolling out Garrus again... but this time he'll be accompanied by his mate, my surly, angry elementalist Agaue.
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wall-legion · 6 months
Who fell first, Agaue or Garrus? (@commanderhorncleaver)
I would have to confirm with @ratasum but I'm pretty sure it was Agaue. Garrus wasn't far behind though, and when he fell he went HARD.
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rataprimus · 7 years
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“These bones I carry were borrowed from women much stronger than I. Know that when you need them, you can borrow mine.”
― Nichole McElhaney
Agaue Whiptail, Charr Elementalist
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ratasum · 5 months
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I forget how pretty Agaue is sometimes but man. Girl.
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ratasum · 4 months
Pride Month Showcase - Agaue Whiptail
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Angry, surly, and jaded, Agaue Whiptail was once a valued member of the Tail warband, formerly a proud Ash Legion charr, and has given much of her life to the High Legions. The daughter of a Flame Legion shaman, her mother escaped to Bovarin Estates, where Agaue herself was born, along with a stillborn sibling. She spent her life with the specter of her mother's abuse and her sire's cruelty hanging over her head, leaving her with a bitter hatred and distrust of the Flame Legion. After finally killing her father at the All Legions rally, and the revelation he was there to assassinate Efram, she finally made the decision to go to the Olmakhan with her mother Medea to recover and try to find peace. Agaue is demisexual!
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ratasum · 4 months
Comically I only have two characters who use the canon in game voices, and that's Qirri and Vezz, who sound like Colleen O'Shaughnessy and Steve Staley respectively.
Everyone else has other voices I've picked. A small selection can be seen below:
Rosie is Jessie Mueller
Agaue is Heather Headley
Elektra is Suzanne Plechette
Oaklinna is Minnie Driver
Makko is Carrie Ann Moss
Umbra is Ashleigh Ball
Xeonna is Eden Espinosa
I have more but I can't think of them at the moment so. Short list jfkdls.
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ratasum · 1 year
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I took a few minutes to compile gifs of the /sipcoffee animation on toons I have of each race to see if there were any differences in racial details or anything like that. Not really, but it was fun to do.
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ratasum · 1 year
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Agaue Whiptail | Liath Slaughterclaw | Avitus Softbow
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Umbra Shadowshot | Windcaller Macen
Quick look at all my cowcats. I don't post about them as much, but I love them. That's a lie I talk about Liath a lot but that's because she's old and mean as hell and hilarious.
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ratasum · 1 year
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I hadn't realized that it was Agaue's birthday! My angry, angry girl is six now!
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ratasum · 1 year
The moment it all changed. Agaue in Grothmar Valley...
It felt wrong to be here. Garrus had requested she come with him, largely because he had been uneasy himself, and because he'd wanted another Ash Legionnaire present. Or at least that's what he'd told her.
That she was sharing a tent with him while she was there was neither here nor there.
But he had been called to do "commander business," which left her wandering uneasily amongst faces both familiar and unfamiliar. Her hackles raised as she passed the Flame Legion camp, keeping her head down, avoiding letting her gold eyes drift in that direction. And she would have been happy to remain unnoticed.
Not that it seemed that would be her luck.
"A bit lonely, my dear," came a growling voice from her right, and she immediately jerked her head around, tail lashing. "You're the... legionnaire that has been roaming with the commander, aren't you? I have been seeing you on the podium, and yet you've avoided our little camp here. Nervous?"
Agaue's ears flicked back as her eyes narrowed, hackles rising even further as her shoulders tensed. "I have history with the Flame Legion and would much rather not make that history longer."
The massive charr chuckled, scratching his neck for a moment. He was a little gray around the muzzle, with heavy horns and markings flickering with flame... something about her left her uneasy. "Oh, I'm certain we can put that behind us, cub. Here, now, let's be properly introduced. My name is Sanctus Acridflash. I'm a shaman with the Flame Legion."
It was his name that sent a flash of recognition through her and all at once, Agaue's eyes flew wide, taking a step back away from him as lightning crackled up her arms. "Sanctus... Acridflash? You said your name is Sanctus Acridflash?"
Though he seemed a little surprised at her reaction, he didn't move from his spot, tilting his head to the side. "I did. Have you heard my name before, then...?"
"I have." She was growling, her frame tensing, ready for a fight. "My name is Agaue Whiptail. My mother, Medea, fled the Flame Legion under the cover of darkness to find a better future for the cubs she was heavy with during her flight. I was the only survivor she bore that cold night. That is who I am, Sanctus Acridflash. Or should I call you Father?"
Now he straightened, eyes narrowed, as he stared hard at her. Studying every detail of her face, his own tail lashing.
And then, he threw his head back and started to laugh.
"You are Medea's get, aren't you? You've got your mother's soft face." His lips curled back on sharp fangs, moving in far too close for Agaue's liking. "But it seems to me you got my anger, girl."
Those words were all it took to get the elementalist to lunge. With the element of surprise on her side, her speed and lower center of gravity allowed her to barrel the bigger charr over, her claws dug into his throat as she slammed her other hand against his chest, sheathing her claws in the thick fur there.
The shout of pain and surprise from him, and her angry roar, had drawn attention towards them, and already there were others moving to try to break up the fight. But Sanctus was waving them off, laughing up at the cub he'd sired, flames licking the corners of his mouth. "You truly do have all my rage, girl. What do you plan on doing, then? Are you going to kill me? There's a truce on. Or hadn't you heard?"
She felt the rage boiling inside her. She had always refused to use the fire she was born with, leaning into water and wind and lightning. But now she fell it boiling with the rage in her core, flames hissing between her bared fangs.
Agaue could hear Tribune Brimstone and that traitor Stoneglow. Could hear Garrus and Qirri both calling out to her. But she would not be stopped now.
Her claws dug in harder as she felt the flames in her blood, pouring through her claws as she hissed, breathing steam and smoke and fury in the face of the charr who had sired her, hackles raised, the ground around them crackling with the heat.
"Burn the truce. And burn you. You wanted the fire, Father? Then you shall have it."
She could hear him laughing even as the flame from her poured through him, up his throat, bleeding from his mouth as she burned him away from the inside, claws buried deep in his throat and chest.
He was long dead when her fur began to cool and she felt leather-bound paws gripping her arms to pull her back, and she growled as she was yanked to her feet. She would have snapped, but Garrus's voice finally reached past the awful ringing in her ears, repeating her name as he pushed cords of hair out of her face.
"-gaue? Agaue! Burn me, Agaue, what happened here-"
"I killed him," came the response, and all at once she felt exhausted. Weak as she swayed towards him, glad he was bracing her. "His name was Sanctus Acridflash. He brutalized my mother. I killed him."
But then there was Crecia in the corner of her vision, rage clear in her face. "You were out of line, Legionnaire Whiptail. We are trying to make a truce, bring peace to the charr-"
"You have brought these monsters back to roost! You expect them to roll over? When they have brutalized so many others who couldn't escape as my mother did? As yours did?! You're a blind fool!" Pushing away from Garrus, she staggered briefly, giving her head a shake. "I need... I need to lay down..."
Crecia's hackles raised, visibly. "We will talk about this-"
"No," Garrus interjected. "You won't. I'll talk to her later. Go lay down, Agaue. I'll be close behind."
She didn't respond, just flicking her tail before slowly making her way down the path. Her own warband was here, and she knew she would need to talk to them. To explain.
But after this? Nothing would ever be the same again.
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ratasum · 1 year
Also it looks like Agaue won the poll so my pretty girl will be at the NA art party after guild missions tonight!
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ratasum · 1 year
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It can be a genuine struggle for Agaue living amongst the Olmakhan, but she's healing from her trauma. Slowly, certainly... but progress remains progress. Or so the elders tell her.
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ratasum · 1 year
A question for Agaue, sent to the right blog this time! What was going through your head when the void incursion went global and started eating the world? Did Garrus warn you what was about to happen? And did you ever lose hope that you were going to make it through to another sunrise during the void's onslaught?
Her ears flick and she chuffs softly before sighing, running her hand back over her corded mane.
"Garrus did his best to keep us up on the situation during the whole situation, but communications grew less frequent as things got worse. He'd briefly attempted to send the Dragonwatch Krewe to the Sandswept Isles, but none of them were having it. Could have told him that myself. But when everything began to come undone... I did my best to help Mother keep the doulas and the new cubs calm."
Her gaze darts to the skyline and she straightens. There's something almost unreadable in her expression... it could be fondness. It could be a sort of surety. But it's there, regardless.
"I can say that as frightened as everyone was, I put my trust in Garrus fully. What other choice did I have? I refused to give in to fear. Regardless of whether the next morning came, I knew he was doing everything he could to keep the world safe. That was the more important thing to focus on."
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ratasum · 2 years
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I did have a picture of him!
Anyway, at the top, Agaue's parents: a brutal Flame Legion shaman named Sanctus Acridflash and her mother, the soft-spoken Medea, who escaped under the cover of night to get herself and her unborn cubs to safety.
For IC purposes (I did use the fire attunement for in game combat), Agaue refused to use fire for most of her time with the Tail warband.
The moment she finally did was when she killed Sanctus.
It was an ugly, vicious, painful death.
She does not regret giving it to him.
She's slowly started getting used to using fire attunement since then, even if she's still somewhat uncomfortable with it.
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wall-legion · 2 years
🖊Let's have some Garrus!🖊
Garrus has a secret. It's not like a OH MY GODS/COGS/PALE TREE/SPIRITS I WILL NEVER TRUST THE COMMANDER AGAIN kind of secret, it's actually kind of wholesome: he really, really wants to be a dad. However, he wants to do it on his terms. (This part is my headcanon for charr culture so Here There Be Dragons?) Charr have challenge matches to get the best breeding partners, and his greatest fear is that he's going to go back to the Black Citadel and immediately have a mile of female charr who just want to have cubs with the Commander and are willing to fight and possibly die for it. He doesn't want that for any of those female charr, and he doesn't want to just have a cub with someone for the sake of having a cub. He wants to actually have a relationship with the cub: more so after seeing what being disconnected from his father and having to deal with the shadow he cast did to Ryland. And of course, he ultimately only wants to do it when Agaue is completely ready to do it.
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ratasum · 2 years
Saw @the-tired-commander do this so I decided to give it a go jfkdls.
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Top row: Vezz, Deshauna, Qirri Second row: Laxzzi, Makko, Umbra Bottom row: Zatte, Pheazza, Agaue
Blank below the cut!
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