#aggretsuko tsubone
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What is your favorite part of season 5 so far?
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sanriographics · 2 years
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Hello there Tsubone fans.
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moonyartsblog · 1 year
Serie 7 Post 11: For the penultimate appointment with this series dedicated to Aggretsuko, I show you another Husbando that I love so much 😍 Let me introduce it properly: Ookami is usually a very respectful accountant of his senior employees and regularly organizes the end-of-the-month office parties. He also seems to be pretty laid back and agreeable since he works less. Despite working in the accounting office, Ookami appears to be awful with his own personal finances. In the TV Short, Favoritism, he finds Retsuko explaining her excuses to Tsubone, Retsuko then rages at her for being mean to her instead of Ookami. To make things worse, he compliments Tsubone on her new perfume scent. He is also described by Fenneko as somebody who's shallow and has an annoying habit of repeating "seriously" and/or "that's crazy", as well as not the type who gives practical advice. However, he can sometimes actually spit out a few meaningful and straightforward words that hit the nail in the head.
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barryductions · 1 year
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Part 2! Director Gori Washimi Chief Tsunoda Director Komiya Puko Chief Tsubone THE CEO Retsuko's Mom I hope you guys enjoy these designs as much as I do (even though the proportions are somewhat off)! I can't wait to post more content for this series in the future! See you all later! Aggretsuko and all characters (C)Sanrio #aggretsukomanga #aggretsukofoeba #aggretsuko #mangaart #characterdesign https://www.instagram.com/p/CoJa1_Qug4V/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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matt0044 · 6 years
Retsuko: “My paperwork isn’t too heavy and Ton’s not on the warpath. This day might not be so-”
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Retsuko: “-bad...”
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drilanime · 2 years
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ap-kinda-lit · 4 years
Aggretsuko as The Office
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olkihattuluffy · 4 years
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//Yeah we're gonna be short staffed today...
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kimchi-toast · 4 years
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Literally just finished this inui drawing, kinda crappy background but it works hahaha
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tsunxda · 5 years
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I’m laughing too hard at this
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jennifertehart · 5 years
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Aggretsuko fan art illustration done few months back for Animangaki 2019, bottom to see the rage version. Been a big fan of the series so I promised myself a fan art.🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻 Prints are still available for this artwork, dm me if interested!
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-Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker-
Ton: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
Retsuko: ...I did. I broke it.
Ton: No. No you didn't. Komiya?
Komiya: Don't look at me. Look at Haida.
Haida: What?! I didn't break it.
Komiya: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Haida: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Komiya: Suspicious.
Haida: No it's not!
Tsunoda: If it matters, probably not, but Fenneko was the last one to use it.
Fenneko: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Tsunoda: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Fenneko: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that Tsunoda!
Retsuko: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it Mr. Ton.
Ton: No! Who broke it!?
Anai: Mr. Ton...Tsubone's been awfully quiet.
Tsubone: REALLY?!
-Everyone starts arguing-
Ton: -being interviewed- I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it. I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
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scribe-of-planes · 5 years
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I don’t know if either of these have been done but I sure hope not.
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glacialisxqadira · 5 years
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I did a whole makeup series of Aggretsuko in my instagram: https://www.instagram.com/recursive_simulacra/
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kingdomofkitten · 5 years
Ikariverse: Then and Now
Haida: *running inside the hospital* Oh, man, I hope I’m not too late! *goes up to the reception desk* Excuse me, I’m here to see Retsuko? I believe she was checked in here?
Receptionist: And who might you be, sir?
Haida: I am her boyfriend, Haida. She’s having our son, and...well, I gotta be there for that, you know?
Receptionist: Very well. Give me a second. *grabs the phone* Dr. Sakamoto? A Haida is here to see the patient Retsuko? Apparently he is the father of the baby she is giving birth to. ….yes...alright...okay. *hangs up* Take the elevator over down the hall, go up to the twelfth floor. The room with Retsuko will be the second one on the right, you cannot miss it.
Haida: Thank you so much! *rushes over to the elevator*
*eventually, he makes his way to the room where Retsuko is staying*
Fenneko: *sees Haida open the door* You’re laaaaaate~ :3
Haida: I know! It’s hard when your train breaks down so close to the station! Where is she?
Retsuko: H-Haida! *he rushes to her bed, as she’s breathing heavily, and pushing* You made it!
Haida: *holds her hand* Of course! I wouldn’t miss it for the world!
Doctor: Now, Retsuko, we’re gonna need just a few more pushes from you. Just a few!
Retsuko: Okay! HRRGNNNNGH! *pants* Oh, god, he feels like a nuclear warhead right now!
Haida: I-it’s okay! We can do this!
Retsuko: H...here goes!
Doctor: One last push! Make it good!
Retsuko and Haida: ...3...2...1…..hrrrrrrrrnnnngaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-*gasps, as Retsuko suddenly goes into her death metal rage* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*and then...just like that…*
???: WAAAAAH! WAH, WAAAAAAAH!!! *they see him, a small brown-ish young red panda/hyena cross, crying his little heart out*
Retsuko: *panting...before seeing the baby* ….o….oh my god! Is that?!
Haida: It-it is! :D
*the doctors cut the umbilical cord, and get the baby cleaned up, before handing him to Retsuko*
Doctor: Congratulations, you two, you have yourselves a healthy, young baby boy.
Retsuko: *holding the infant, tears of joy streaming down her face, and voice cracking* Oh...oh, look at him, Haida! Our own son!
Haida: *similarly crying, with a giant grin across his face* I know! Oh, I can’t believe it! I-I’m a father! WHOO!
*as the two celebrate, their friend, Fenneko, simply took a photo of the happy family...with herself smiling right along with them*
*Retsuko and Haida, with their son, now named Ikari, are making their way to their place of work. There’s just one thing odd about it…*
Retsuko: Why do we need to go in on a Saturday? It doesn’t make sense, we never did before.
Haida: I don’t know. Maybe...maybe they just had a little extra work they needed to get done?
Retsuko: Perhaps…*sigh* and on Ikari’s birthday too! I was thinking of so many fun ideas we could do! Like, go to the amusement park, have a picnic, something!
Haida: Hey, don’t worry! I’m sure by the time we get done, we can still celebrate!
Retsuko: I hope…*the elevator opens, revealing their office space….which is strangely dark...and empty* ….uh….
Ikari: ….hellooooo? Wheo is evewybody?
Haida: IIIII….don’t know. :/
Retsuko: Well, we’re not gonna get anything done with the lights off. Where’s the switch?
Haida: Um….oh! Here it is. *flicks the switch, turning the lights on*
*suddenly, a whole bunch of co-workers, dear friends, and even people they despise (mostly Ton, Komiya, and Tsubone) all jump out, with smiles on their faces*
Co-workers: SURPRISE!
Retsuko: What the-?!
Ikari: *to Fenneko* Aunt Fenny! :D
Fenneko: Happy birthday, squirt! :3
Haida: Wha...you guys hosted a birthday party?
Ton: Yeah! Even though you two are a couple of slackers, with a nuisance you bring into work everyday, we kinda grew a little fond of the fella.
Washimi: It was a collaborative effort, we had to get everyone on board with the idea.
Fenneko: Believe me, some were not so keen to the idea. Ain’t that right, Komiya?
Komiya: I was hesitant, I won’t lie, but it was because Ton was too!
Tsunoda: Not that it matters! The point is, we’re all here now!
Kabae: Ikari, remind me, how old are you now?
Ikari: Thwee! :D
Ookami: Three? Well, he’s getting to be an old man, isn’t he, Haida?
Haida: Hehe, yeah…
Retsuko: ...I just can’t believe you guys would do this. O_O
Gori: Girl, that’s your kid! And we all love him to bits! Of course we were gonna try to make some kinda party!
Tsubone: I even brought him a present! Now wasn’t that thoughtful of me-
Retsuko: Is it a jar?
Tsubone: …..ooooon second thought, perhaps this gift isn’t good enough.
Retsuko: That’s what I thought.
Tsunoda: What’re we standing around for? Let’s partaaaaayyyyyyy!
*as the party begins, the two parents observe their joyful son, and the people surrounding him, equally happy*
Retsuko: ….you know, there are a lot of days where I absolutely hate this place...but sometimes? It’s not half bad. There’s good people here.
Haida: Even if there weren’t, I wouldn’t say I hate this place.
Retsuko: Really? Why’s that?
Haida: It’s where I met you.
Retsuko: Oh, yeah! Heh...we really got it made, haven’t we? :)
Haida: Yeah, we really have. ^_^
Ikari: Mommy! Daddy! Come on, weo gonna have cupcakes! :D
Retsuko: Oh! Coming, sweetheart! *to Haida* Let’s make sure they didn’t lace those things.
Haida: Gotcha.
*they continue on the party, and have themselves a fun little time, celebrating their child’s three years in their lives, and hope for so many more…*
Sooooooooo, was that kinda short, and not very deep? Yeah. But hey, who needs mega-complex stories of biblical proportions? Besides, I wanted to get something out for the birthday, and...well, here it was. Hopefully you all enjoyed it! ...now I need to sleep. :P
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