[  ASLEEP  ]:     sender, having climbed into bed to cuddle the receiver (who they believe to be asleep), tells them that they love them. (Hardison)
meme: i love you prompts status: accepting (from mutuals) [ ASLEEP ]: sender, having climbed into bed to cuddle the receiver (who they believe to be asleep), tells them that they love them
The bed dipped at the side. Alec barely stirred. There was only one person it could be, after all. And Alec had long gotten used to Parker's comings and goings.
He murmured something, his eyes still closed, and lifted his arm for her to tuck herself close if she wished. Sleep still beckoned, and this was routine. This was Parker.
She shuffled closer, made herself comfortable. Alec smiled to himself, content with her close. Always so happy when she chose to stay close.
He was on the edge of falling back to sleep when he heard her whisper his name. Heard her ask if he was asleep. Some instinct kept him keeping still, and he was so glad he did when she whispered something he was pretty sure she would never have said if she knew he was awake.
I love you.
Yeah, he was pretty damn content here with Parker. In fact, he was downright ecstatic.
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prodgl · 3 years
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@agoodthief​: "I think I'm getting the hang of this! It's kinda fun" (yay video games xD)
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   it’s pride that blossoms across his features when he kicks back into the    couch. pride stemmed  from  several of his very own machinations: one,     the monitor wall was a  worthy investment.  not  one  by  any  monetary     means, of course, but one of a grovelling  kind. four kay on oled framed    seventy  inches  filling  a  wall  that  made gaming a damn near religious     experience.
   two;  how hard had he fought for a day to  win  their  date  bet.  if  pride     didn’t  swell then, it certainly did now.  a  weekend  on  the  couch  with     orange soda, a perky blonde,  and  a  rerun  of  assassin’s  creed  black    flag certainly had skydiving beat. 
   three; that said perky blonde only had smiles blooming on her features.     that she had found control of kenway on the screen, that the game had    nothing but her favourites: thievery, sneak-ery, and a great leap of faith.    every achievement, as miniscule as it may seem  to  another gamer, he    celebrates.  cheers  and hoots as she solves them. and he continues to    do the same, for she’d  do  for him the same when he steps off a ledge.
         “look at you go, girl! baby’s all grown up.”
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hittcr-a · 4 years
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              “parker-- -! get th’ hell down.” it wasn’t that he expected her to hurt herself or anything. it was just disconcerting to have her above him like that. truth be told, eliot didn’t like letting anyone have the high ground. especially not a squirrelly thief. “i saved you a seat and everything.”
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💧 - How would your muse react to losing a best friend? How would they cope?
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We’ve already gotten glimpses at how Nate reacts to loss. He will avoid it at all costs, but when it does happen, he is vengeful. Detective Bonano wasn’t even a close friend, but Nate almost killed one of the men responsible for his injuries. Nate is fiercely protective of people he cares for and people who he perceives as innocent. He goes above and beyond to care for the families of those who have died, and too far in his vengeance.
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bearyunfita · 4 years
agoodthief replied to your post: has anyone seen the previews for beth riesgraf’s...
I have only seen the pictures she’s been posting. No previews. ):
here’s a link to beth talking about her character!!
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riggsanity · 5 years
au hc meme: Leverage verse?
(1) Riggs turned down the initial invitation to join Interpol. Building a life and a family with Miranda, he wanted to stay in Texas with the Rangers. After Miranda’s death, he needed to get as far away as he possibly could. When the offer came again to reconsider, he accepted without a second thought.
(2) Given his work with vice and homicide back home, the cases he works for Interpol tend to lean more towards hunting down illegal shipments, smugglers, arms dealers. He also has questionable connections from his past.
(3) He’s not a fan of the professional dress code at all. He feels very awkward in the clean cut, suit and tie look, like pretending to be something he’s not.
(4) Riggs has a very “shades of gray” view of his job. He’s not in it for accolades or promotions, he’s in it to get the job done and put away horrible people who do horrible things. If he has to extend a hand across the aisle to get things done or break a few minor laws, he’s willing to do it and pay the consequence after the job is done. 
(5) He doesn’t have much of a solid foundation. His mailing address is his work, he doesn’t have much in the way of belongings (more weapons than clothes to be honest, which doesn’t say much), and he tends to bounce around motel rooms instead of getting an apartment or leasing a house. 
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wantediniceland · 5 years
∞ for a half asleep text
(( don’t know what meme it’s from, no longer accepting ))
[4:04 a.m. text: Parker] I’m really worried about that bird that flew inside the kitchen last week. What if we let it out in the wrong place? What if that wasn’t its territory? What if it’s lost, or got beat up by other birds, or eaten by a cat? What have we done??!
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bloodtipped · 4 years
Hey, I'm glad to have you on my dash. I know times are tough but you've been a positive force on my timeline for like...over a year now? (On mindmastered and orneryknight) and talking to you ooc is a joy. I hope to see you around for many years to come. Thank you for being here.
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incorrect quotes meme || alec & parker [ @agoodthief ]
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iqof190 · 4 years
@agoodthief replied to your post: @writelikeyouarerunningoutof replied to your...
boo buffering!
ya its not working and i :’)
dailymotion doesn’t have all 5 seasons (at least that i could find) and putlocker is a bitch so u kno
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wurmbabe · 3 years
@agoodthief SENT: ‘  duh, first rule of fight club.  ’ (Zeke)
“I am like ... 80% sure that was not the first rule of fight club.” He’d seen the movie. Once. Wasn’t really his style. But he’s fairly sure, ‘steal from the rich’, while a good motto, was not the first rule of fight club.
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hittcr-a · 4 years
It's that time of the year again! Time for Parker to give Eliot a gingerbread house and go crazy with Christmas decorations. How does Eliot feel about his annual gingerbread house? Does he ever start making the pieces for the gingerbread houses for Parker?
eliot has a complicated relationship with gingerbread. i think he loves that parker loves the holiday season so much. i think he loves that she relates and has something that she loves to do. i think he’s okay with her decorating his house and bringing him gingerbread houses. i think eliot likes the idea of gingerbread houses but gets a little annoyed that they’re really difficult to eat. like. i think he likes the decoration aspect but he’s also of the mindset that if you can’t eat it when it’s clearly made of food, what’s the point? he’ll help decorate, if parker wants him, but it’s going home with her after christmas because he can’t handle the idea of having to throw it away because they are, in fact, inedible. 
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🌠 - Would your muse make a wish on a star? If so, what would they wish for?
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Nate doesn’t profess to believe in such things. If he did, though, maybe as a kid, he’d wish for a family. The one he was given never really felt like one should.
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bearyunfita · 5 years
“you’re one of mr. ford’s friends.” olivia states it without preface, giving the thief a kind smile. her eyes were sharp, like her father’s, but there was a gentleness to how the young woman carried herself. “i want to ... help.” she says, after a moment. “that’s what you guys do, right? you help?”
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riggsanity · 5 years
agoodthief replied to your post: Blurred Lines (Leverage/Lethal Weapon AU ‘verse)...
Is his work related to Sterling’s at all?
I think he’s crossed paths with Sterling occasionally but didn’t merit much attention except when he probably annoyed him immensely!
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Five times hugged. (Hardison)
meme: five times memestatus: accepting (from mutuals)
It did not take Alec a long time to realise that Parker was a little bit touch averse. Contrary to popular belief, he was not an idiot. So despite the fact that Alec was a tactile person by nature, he limited himself to high fives and fist bumps, and let Parker come to him as and when she was comfortable.
The first time Parker initiated a hug? Felt like Christmas had come early. It was a brief thing, arms flung around his lanky form for a second before she had disappeared like the whirlwind she was, but it was a goddamn revelation.
One hug, and Alec was addicted.
Only thing was, he didn’t know exactly what he’d done to deserve it.
Over the time they had worked together, Alec learnt a few things about Parker that he hoarded the way he hoarded video games and little nuggets of obscure trivia no one needed or cared for. These included that while Parker was not fond of physical displays of affection unless she knew and trusted someone completely, she was also absolute pants at the concept of boundaries, both physical and otherwise.
So when he came out of the shower at his apartment, nothing but a towel around his waist to the sight of Parker perched on his window, half-way out, he froze, eyes wide and mouth agape. She merely smiled, stepping back through to give him a quick hug and peck on the cheek before she was gone.
By the time his brain rebooted, he had been staring at nothing for a good fifteen minutes.
It took him another half hour to realise she had raided his fridge and he now had only the vegetables Eliot had forced him to buy left to munch on.
Parker was damned lucky he loved her.
Sometimes Alec still woke up struggling to breathe. In the few minutes it took him to register his surroundings, the dark made him think he was still in that coffin, and his phone was dead. There was no comfort of Parker’s voice telling him to hold on, no faith that his team - his family - were coming for him. It was just Alec and the dark, and the harsh sounds of his breaths in the quiet of his room.
When Parker found out, she broke into his room to stick a bunch of glow in the dark stickers to his ceiling. How she found out, Alec still did not know. But it was Parker, so it did not matter. He appreciated the gesture, because now his eyes would open after a nightmare to the reminder that he had someone who cared about him staring him in the face.
She would sneak him hugs after his nightmares, and he stopped questioning how she could tell, just enjoying the feeling of her arms around him.
Alec could not tell you what he did to deserve Parker.
But he sure was glad to have her in his life.
If Alec thought he was addicted to Parker’s hugs before, now getting to kiss her as well made him question if he had died and gone to heaven. He would be the first to admit that he could be too much for people - too nerdy, too tall, too optimistic, too loud, too black - but he and Parker meshed in ways most people would not have expected. It was almost too good to be true.
Except that it was true, something that he was reminded of every time Parker leaned comfortably against him. Every time she draped herself against his back in a half-hug, or settled onto his lap because it gave her a better view of the television or pressed a kiss to his cheek or his lips just because she wanted to.
This was his life, somehow.
And he loved it.
There was a high that came from getting away with the perfect crime. With toppling an empire and watching it burn. With sticking it to the man and winning. A high to helping the underdogs and the downtrodden.
But Alec’s favourite high was Parker smiling when he approached her, eyes lighting up and arms lifting in a silent request for a hug. Not because she needed it, but because she knew that Alec expressed himself best through physical affection and she trusted him. His favourite high was wrapping his arms - loosely, always loosely so Parker could slip away if she wanted to - around her body and feeling hers wrap around his neck, and just holding her for a second.
It was a drug that Alec could not get enough of.
And the best part of it was that sometimes, it seemed like Parker felt the same.
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