#agri rental business
tractorrenta · 1 year
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kisaantrade · 1 year
Unlocking the Potential of Agriculture B2B Trade Portals for New Startups
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The agricultural sector in India is at a turning point. When India gained its independence from Britain 75 years ago, agriculture dominated the economy and accounted for more than 50% of its GDP. India continues to be one of the largest and most diverse food producers in the world, and agriculture—which accounts for more than 20% of India's income—remains a key sector of the country's economy.
However, serious issues prevent the country from reaching its full potential. If the problem could be resolved, a thriving agriculture sector would benefit the economy and greatly enhance farmer livelihoods and income. With a 50% increase from its contribution in 2020, agriculture could contribute about $600 billion to India's GDP by 2030. To get there, though, India must boost the sector's productivity and growth. Let us discuss the potential of agriculture B2B trade portals for new startups.
Indian agriculture has already benefited from Ag Tech
The number of agtech start-ups in India increased from less than 50 in 2013 to more than 1,000 by 2020, thanks to growing farmer awareness, increased internet access in rural areas, and the need for increased efficiency in the agricultural industry. 3 Additionally, the regulatory environment in India is gradually changing to support the expansion of digital technologies in agriculture.
Agtech in India is still growing, with innovations coming from both start-ups, or "agri fintechs," and major technology firms. Core companies in the value chain are using digital technologies like "super apps" to innovate and recognise the potential of agriculture B2B trade portals for new startups.
Suppliers are evolving into buyers, and financial services are being added by advisers
1) Agrochemical, fertiliser, and seed suppliers are utilising technology to develop direct-to-farmer sales channels that eschew middlemen and retailers. For instance, through its digital platform, nurture.farm, UPL (traditionally a core player in agrochemicals) offers mechanization services and agrochemicals to farmers. Additionally, the business has grown to offer market, advisory, and financing services.
2) Businesses, including banks and nonbanks, that specialize in lending money through farm and rural loans are utilising technology to better understand farmers, offer specialized products, and lower the risk of loans. As an illustration, the State Bank of India (SBI) created the YONO Krishi app to address the financial, input, and advisory needs of farmers.
3) Farm equipment retailers have begun offering mechanization as a service to farmers. Mahindra, for example, offers a tractor rental service.
4) Companies that deal with the buying, processing, or selling of agricultural goods have begun to integrate backward into the supply chain and build connections to the farmer's market. For instance, over the past 20 years, ITC, a core output player, has expanded direct-from-farm procurement using its e-Choupal network. The super app for ITC MARS has now been released. The app gives farmers access to contemporary equipment, high-quality inputs at reasonable prices, and financing through a partnership model.
Agriculture's potential B2B trade portals for emerging businesses
1) Wide Range of Customers Available: Startups have immediate access to a broad and diverse customer base made up of potential partners and customers in the agriculture sector thanks to B2B trade portals. As a result, startups are no longer required to make significant investments in creating their own customer networks from scratch.
2) Market Validation and Exposure: Startups can get important market validation and exposure for their goods or services by taking part in an agriculture B2B trade portal. They can increase their visibility and draw in potential clients by showcasing their offerings to a niche market of companies that are only interested in agricultural products.
3) Streamlined Sales and Marketing: B2B trade portals provide startups with a streamlined sales and marketing channel. For startups, they offer a centralized platform where they can create product listings, interact with potential customers, handle inquiries, and carry out transactions. This streamlines the sales procedure and enables startups to concentrate on developing relationships with customers.
4) Partnerships and Networking: B2B trade portals act as platforms for networking, bringing together startups and potential customers, suppliers, and distributors in the agriculture sector. Through these connections, startups may be able to scale their businesses and broaden their reach through valuable partnerships, collaborations, and joint ventures.
5) Reduced Time and Costs: For startups, joining a B2B trade portal for agriculture can greatly reduce the time and costs involved with entering the market. Startups can use the existing platform to reach potential customers, streamline transactions, and hasten their go-to-market strategy rather than developing their own sales infrastructure.
6) Credibility and Trust: Participating in a reputable B2B trade portal helps startups gain credibility and trust. The portal's verified profiles, product reviews, and customer ratings instill trust in prospective customers. This can assist new businesses in breaking through the initial trust barrier and establishing themselves as dependable suppliers in the agriculture sector.
Significant Obstacles for Agritech Startups
1) Information on Pre-harvest and Sowing Activities: Large businesses that rely on agricultural products want details on sowing and pre-harvest activities leading up to harvest. They also need an example of how farming communities can use technology to create benefits that last, like weather alerts on phones, advice on best farming practices, and guidance on how to deal with pest attacks.
2) A Lack of Visibility and Low Productivity: Another factor that has an impact on the agritech industry is low productivity and a lack of visibility in the supply chain. Blockchain technology and artificial intelligence are being used by many startups to address these problems.
3) Governmental Measures: Although the government has changed its agricultural policies, there is still a long way to go.
4) Lack of Commercial Guidance: Many of the existing agri-enterprises are having trouble growing their businesses past a certain point, despite experiencing some initial success. Project incubators typically offer such assistance to start-ups by assisting them with networking, building capacity, gaining access to information and resources, and other types of required expertise. Unfortunately, few of the roughly 300 incubators and accelerators currently in operation possess the knowledge and skills necessary to support farm-oriented businesses.
5) Droughts, Water Availability, and Climate Change: According to trends, the nation is concerned about disaster management, particularly when it comes to drought. To solve these issues, startups should concentrate more on cutting-edge technology.
How can Kisaan Trade assist new startups in maximising the benefits of agriculture B2B trade portals?
For new startups, Kisaan Trade can be extremely helpful in maximising the potential of agriculture B2B trade portals in the following ways:
1) Dedicated Platform for Agriculture: Kisaan Trade targets the agriculture market specifically, giving startups a dedicated space to network with potential customers, suppliers, and collaborators. Startups can benefit from the agricultural expertise and niche audience of Kisaan Trade by joining, increasing their visibility, and gaining access to pertinent opportunities.
2) Access to a Wide Customer Base: Kisaan Trade provides startups with immediate access to a large customer base made up of companies in the agriculture sector. This saves startups the time and effort of starting from scratch when creating their own customer network. Startups can reach a large audience of potential customers and improve their chances of generating sales leads by showcasing their goods or services on Kisaan Trade.
3) Increased Visibility and Branding: Kisaan Trade gives startups a platform to build a thorough profile showcasing their products, business details, and domain knowledge. The targeted audience benefits from increased visibility and brand recognition as a result. Startups can use the platform's features to highlight their distinctive selling propositions and set themselves apart from rivals, drawing in potential clients.
4) Opportunities for Networking and Collaboration: Kisaan Trade promotes networking and cooperation between start-ups and other agriculture sector participants. Startups have the opportunity to connect with potential partners, suppliers, distributors, and service providers, paving the way for fruitful partnerships and collaborations. Startups may be able to do this to increase their reach, gain access to resources, and find new growth opportunities.
5) Market Trends: Kisaan Trade might provide market trends, analytics, and insights tailored to the agriculture sector. Startups have access to information on consumer preferences, market trends, pricing dynamics, and market demands. Startups can use this information to understand the market environment, spot opportunities or gaps, and modify their strategies to meet changing customer needs.
In conclusion, Kisaan Trade is a useful B2B platform created especially for the agriculture sector. It functions as a specialized platform that links farmers, vendors, distributors, and other companies engaged in the agricultural industry. Businesses, especially startups, can access a wealth of advantages and opportunities by joining Kisaan Trade.
With immediate market access and exposure to potential buyers in the agriculture sector, Kisaan Trade gives startups access to a large customer base. The platform improves visibility and branding, enabling startups to present their goods or services to a specific audience and stand out from rivals.
You can reach out to us at any time with questions or for more information.
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leonerubycubic · 2 years
OX Agry identify the needs of an individual farmers & various problems in the agricultural industry and implement the integrated solution using the latest software technologies and makes the agri industry as a organized sector.
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nextwaveresearch · 2 years
Cold Storage Project in Pune, India
Setting up a cold storage business requires substantial investment. Carrying out a feasibility study for the cold storage with respect to your planned town would enable you to take the right decisions and ensure the success of your business. NextWave has recently carried out a feasibility study for a client that has plans to set up a 5000 MT cold storage facility in Dhule, Maharashtra.
 Key points covered as part of the Cold Storage project:
·       Analysis of the existing cold storage facilities in the town (their existing capacities, current capacity utilisation, rental charged, key customers, the cold storage’s strengths and weakness)
·       Products from the town stored in the cold storage with approximate volumes
·       Key potential customers for the new cold storage, challenges they are facing and expectations from the upcoming cold storage
·       Subsidy information and assistance provided in the process to avail the subsidy
·       Key insights and recommendations regarding the planned cold storage
The typical cold storage feasibility project like the above could be carried out at a competitive cost and in a time duration of 4-6 weeks.
 Cold Storage Subsidy in India for capacity up to 5000 MT
The National Horticulture Mission (NHM) is implementing the State Government scheme of subsidy for cold storage up to 5000 MT capacity
The following are the details:
·       Cost norm for the cold storage as per the Government is Rs 8000 per ton
·       Subsidy of 35% is available – Rs 2800 per ton
·       The application needs to be made through mahadbt.com for Maharashtra
·       After selection, within 15 days have to give consent that you are ready to do it
·       Within 2 months, have to submit project note and loan details – whether there is in-principle approval or loan sanction letter
·       This is followed by the pre-visit (spot visit)
·       Then will get an in-principle approval
·       Post this one gets 3 months to submit detailed project report, quotation and bank sanction letter
·       After this you will get administrative sanction
·       Then you get 12 months for construction
·       Disbursal of subsidy is after the Cold Storage is active
 Cold Storage Subsidy in India for capacity above 5000 MT
The National Horticulture Board (NHB) is implementing the Central Government scheme of subsidy for cold storage above 5000 MT capacity
The following are the details:
·       Cost norm for the cold storage as per the Government is Rs 7600 per ton
·       Subsidy of 35% is available – Rs 2660 per ton
·       The application needs to be made through www.nhb.gov.in.
·       Post the application process, there is pre-inspection – project site visit.
·       The main point in the inspection is to check if the project has started or not. There should be no construction before approval
·       Post the site visit would get the in principle approval
·       Loan needs to be sanctioned within 6 months (3 months extension also if required)
·       Bank will do title search and provide appraisal note. The client will have to submit the title search, appraisal not and sanction through the bank to NHB
·       NHB will then issue grant clearance. After taking the loan have to execute the project.
·       Project should be completed within a period of 18 months.
·       After project is complete, can claim the subsidy
·       To claim the subsidy through the bank there would be a scrutiny in the form of joint inspection. The inspection team consists of NHB official, Bank Manager, Cold Storage expert (on NHB panel), Agri officer and applicant.
·       On approval of the report the subsidy is released within one month
 Products kept in the Cold Storage with their temperature requirements
·       Anaaj, Pulses, Gud, Mirchi, Dry Fruits, Spices – 5 to 8°C
·       Dairy Products such as milk, curd, cheese, paneer - 0 to 5°C
·       Processed Foods such as Fruit Juices, Pulp, Concentrate – 1 to 3°C
·       Pharma Products – 2 to 8°C
·       Cut Flowers – 0 to 2°C
Meat, Poultry, Seafood, Frozen Products, Ice Cream – 0 to -20°C
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wished-bone · 4 years
Stop telling poor people to buy sustainable products
Start telling rich people they're not allowed to manufacture unsustainable products. Most suggestions for lowering one’s ecological footprint include intuitive changes like reducing plastics and waste, consuming less water, using cleaner transportation and making one’s home as energy-saving as possible. While these suggestions are well-intentioned and surely assist in mitigation, they are often unattainable, near-luxuries for the working class. The systemic structure of our society makes it virtually impossible to be poor and an ecologically responsible consumer. Furthermore, a huge percentage of the world's population are not landowners, and because they don’t have technical control over any territory, should not be responsible for the consequences of gross mishandling of resources by the wealthy.
For a truly viable climate action plan, the structure of society must also move toward sustainability from the top-down. If more limitations were placed on agri-giant monopolies, then more sustainable local businesses could compete with them. If tighter restrictions were put on car companies in regard to what they are allowed to manufacture, maybe more people could afford hybrid or electric options. If landlords were required to make their rentals energy-efficient, then the pressure wouldn't have to be on tenants (who don’t have the option to be homeowners) to lower their ecological footprint. Poor people don’t want to overuse and depend on cheap plastics, but the system is structured in a way that the more expensive, well-made alternatives are not an option for them.
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agrojayyworld · 4 years
Rise of a Digital Agriculture Platform-Agrojay Innovations Pvt Ltd.
Digital agriculture alludes to tools that carefully gather, store, examine and share electronic information as well as data along the farming value chain.
Now and then known as “smart farming” or “e-agriculture, digital farming incorporates exactness agribusiness. In contrast to exactness agriculture, advanced agribusiness impacts the whole agri-food value chain — previously, during, and after on-farm creation. Therefore, on-farm advancements, similar to yield mapping, GPS direction frameworks, and variable-rate application, fall under the space of exactness agriculture and digital agriculture. Then again, digital innovations engaged with e-commerce business stages, e-extension administrations, stockroom receipt frameworks, blockchain-empowered food traceability frameworks, tractor rental applications, etc. fall under the umbrella of digital agriculture however not accurate agriculture.
Digital agriculture encompasses a wide range of technologies, most of which have multiple applications along the agricultural value chain. These technologies include, but are not limited to:
· Cloud computing/big data analysis tools
· Artificial intelligence (AI)
· Machine learning
· Distributed ledger technologies, including blockchain and smart contracts
· Digital communications technologies, like mobile phones
· Digital platforms, such as e-commerce platforms, agro-advisory apps, or e-extension websites
· Precision agriculture technologies, including
o Sensors, including food sensors and soil sensors
o Guidance and tracking systems (often enabled by GPS, GNSS, RFID, IoT)
o Variable-rate input technologies
o Automatic section control
o Advanced imaging technologies, including satellite and drone imagery, to look at temperature gradients, fertility gradients, moisture gradients, and anomalies in a field
o Automated machinery and agricultural robots
On-farm efficiency
On-farm, accuracy agriculture innovations can limit inputs required for a given yield. For example, variables rate application (VRA) innovations can apply exact measures of water, fertilizer, pesticide, herbicide, etc. Various exact examinations find that VRA improves input use proficiency. Utilizing VRA nearby geo-spatial mapping, ranchers can apply contributions to hyper-confined areas of their homestead — here and there down to the individual plant level. Diminishing info use brings down expenses and decreases negative ecological effects. Besides, observational proof shows accuracy agriculture innovations can build yields.
Digital agriculture improves work profitability through improved farmer knowledge. E-extension takes into account cultivating information and abilities to diffuse requiring little to no effort. E-extension administrations can likewise improve farm profitability by means of choice to help benefits on portable applications or other advanced stages. Utilizing numerous wellsprings of data — climate information, GIS spatial mapping, soil sensor information, satellite/drone pictures, etc — e-extension stages can give ongoing proposals to farmers.
At long last, advanced farming improves work profitability through reduced work requirements. Robotization innate inaccuracy agribusiness — from “milking robots on dairy farms to greenhouses with automated climate control — can make yield and domesticated animals the executives increasingly proficient by lessening required labor.
Off-farm/market efficiency
Reducing information asymmetry
Value data influence serious markets’ productivity since it impacts price scattering, exchange, and farmers and customer welfare. Since the negligible expense of carefully conveying data approaches zero, digital agriculture can possibly spread value data. Likewise, cost data gave by Internet booths (“e-choupals”) in India prompted an expansion in farmers’ net benefits as profits lost monopsony power.
Matching buyers and sellers
Online business brings down the inquiry expenses of coordinating purchasers and sellers, possibly shortening the worth chain. Instead of experience many delegates, farmers can sell straightforwardly to consumers. Market get to administrations can likewise take care of the coordinating issue without fundamentally facilitating online transactions. These coordinating stages assist smallholders with organizing with purchasers and enter both local and worldwide worth chains. At last, it’s critical to take note of digital technologies that can likewise encourage coordination in financial and input markets, not only producer to-consumer output sales.
Lowering transaction costs in commercial markets:
Digital payments — whether integrated into e-commerce platforms or in mobile money accounts, e-wallets, etc. — reduce transaction costs inside rural markets. The requirement for sheltered, fast money related exchanges is especially evident in rustic territories. In addition, Digital payments can give passage to financial balances, protection, and credit. Utilizing conveyed record advances or brilliant agreements is another approach to lessen trust-related exchange costs in business markets. Numerous retail and food organizations have collaborated with IBM to create blockchain pilots related to food safety and traceability.
Agrojay is one of the best platforms for Digital agriculture
Agrojay Digital Agricultural platform will help the farmers for the following: 1. Farmers can directly connect with labs and research institutes.
2. Farmers can find agronomist for his crop, also he can give ratings and feedback to him.
3. Farmers can get pre harvesting predictions.
4. Farmers can directly connect with buyers and before harvesting, they can sell.
5. Farmers can easily connect with manufacturers of pesticides, fertilizer, Agri equipment.
6. Farmers can discuss their problems and solution with each other.
Download the app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wowinfotech.agrojay
Agrojay Innovations Pvt. Ltd.
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detectiveguapo · 6 years
The Gates of Hell
A Mayans MC one-shot (it was supposed to be a drabble, lol) featuring Miguel Galindo / Reader. I don’t do character/reader fics (usually) as I’m not totally sold on self-insertion in stories. But I do enjoy writing in 2nd person POV so I thought I’d give it a shot anyway. Let me know what you think.
Warning: sexual content, lots of swear words and body parts with naughty names.
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“You're the most beautiful woman in the room.” The whisper caresses your ear as his finger traces the line of diamonds across your neck. It’s a gift — one that toes the line of elegant and obnoxious. You’d rather never find out how much the necklace costs at the risk of causing yourself a stroke; but you have your suspicions. The size and clarity of the stones suggest it costs more than a year’s rent. So if you die from a clot in your brain from trying to process how much money is wrapped around your neck, at least you can store your ashes in the pretty velvet box it came in.
“This was a bad idea,” you say as you look on at the infestation of retail investors and venture capitalists.
“Having you around makes it less likely that I kill one of these imbeciles.”
“That doesn’t make me feel better.” You take his hand as he leads you farther into the hotel’s ballroom. “All these people networking and negotiating all the different ways they can fuck up this town… sounds like my idea of hell.”
Miguel grins, knowing he’s not left out of that equation. He leans over your shoulder and lets his lips linger on your ear. “The gates of hell have opened and you are my plus one.”
The statement and the depth of his voice sparks a flame that radiates desire through every nerve ending. You close your eyes and think of something un-sexy like that Chucky guy who works at the scrap yard and comes to your shop a few times a year to ask if you’re selling pornographic magazines. It kind of works because you’re able to muster up enough courage to turn in Miguel’s arms. You tilt your chin up to look him square in the eye. “I don’t know how you convinced me to say yes to this.”
Miguel smirks. “I can be very persuasive, cariño.” His hands run down your exposed arms, squeezing lightly at your wrists. He lowers his head, his gaze softening. “I know this isn’t your idea of a good night, but I promise to make it up to you when I get you home.”
You roll your eyes at the suggestion, but the corners of your lips lift into a sly smile.
He waves back at a man gesturing for him to come join their conversation. Groaning, he presses a kiss to your cheek. “Come save me in ten minutes.”
And just like that, he’s gone off to charm the suits into investing money toward the Santo Padre expansion project.
One moment, you’re at the bar nursing a gin and tonic while watching your man make deals and shake hands; and the next, you’re overhearing a conversation with a representative from a bookstore chain about how opening a store in Santo Padre stands to make him a big bonus this year. It’s certainly a lot more than you would ever make running your independent bookshop in La Unión — a neighborhood that celebrates both the old and the new in your border town.
“Our research has shown that our stores opening up in these communities leads to lower crime rates and higher education. So, really, we’re doing these people a favor.”
You nearly spit out your drink. “Excuse me?”
The man shifts on his stool to face you. “I wasn’t talking to you, sweetheart.”
“George —” his friend tries to interrupt.
“You were talking about my community, so please tell me more about how your big-box bookstore is going to save Santo Padre.”
The man smirks and takes a swig of his drink. “It might be too complicated for you to understand, but it’s really just basic business development. Commercial chains open up in wasteland communities like yours, then all of a sudden, property values skyrocket and rental costs rise —”
“— And pricks like you displace the people who have lived here for generations.”
“Please,” George says with a roll of his eyes. “Half this town is made up of illegals.”
“George, you shouldn’t —” his friend tries to interrupt again. He grabs him by the arm and tries to nudge him away from the bar.
“— Let me finish,” George says, jerking away. “All the more reason to drive those border-jumpers back to the other side of that wall.”
In a split second, the glass in your hand is empty and the man in front of you is drenched. The room goes quiet and you don’t have to see it to know that all eyes are on you right now. George stares back in shock as the gin and tonic drips from his ruddy cheeks down to his off-the-rack suit.
“You bitch!” He lunges forward and you stumble back, landing on a hard body that catches you by the arms. The body turns, shielding you from the impending attack. When you look over your shoulder, you see the dark braids and realize it’s Nestor — your boyfriend’s head of security.
Behind Nestor, George is being pulled away by his friend before the rest of the Galindo security detail can get to him, which they eventually will before he even makes it outside the hall. “You’re fucking crazy, man!” his friend cries out as he steers him away. “That’s Galindo’s girl!”
The taps are turned on, water running down the porcelain sink to drown out the noise from the hotel ballroom. Staring back at your reflection, you wipe the tears and take a deep, steadying breath. You repeat the mantra in your head: you will not cry, you will not cry, you will not cry.
“Shit,” you remark as you notice the black stain under your eyes. The mascara was supposed to be waterproof but it doesn’t hold up, and now you just want to cry even more because there’s no way you can go back out there without looking like a hot mess. You’re dabbing at your eyes with a tissue when the door bursts open and in walks the man of the hour.
Miguel’s on top of you in a few, quick strides, his hands cradling your face and his big, brown eyes searching for answers. “What the hell happened out there?”
You slink away from his hold, crossing your arms protectively over your chest. You shrug, not really knowing what you’re most upset about. Was it you coming to this event tonight even though you were reluctant to go in the first place? Miguel never forced you to go, but you saw how excited he was when he offered the invitation. He never passed up an opportunity to see you dressed up and have you be the woman on his arm — as possessive as it may sound. Was it the preposterous argument with the man at the bar? You’ve had a few run-ins with xenophobic assholes and you’ve always held your own and never let them get to you. But why cry now? Was it the comment about being Galindo’s girl? Was it the fact that you were only going to be respected because you were associated to the man standing in front of you?
“Por favor dime que esta pasando.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you invited big-box stores to invest in this expansion?”
Miguel’s brows knit in confusion. “You’re mad about this?”
“Why wouldn’t I be mad?” You cry out. “I’m an independent business owner and you’re letting Barnes and fucking Noble have 50,000 square feet of your land to sell discounted books and burnt coffee.”
“Baby,” he says, a tentative smile on his face. “You can’t be serious.”
“I’m dead serious, Miguel.”
“Santo Padre is one of the fastest-growing towns in Southern California. The first phase of the development was a success. The agri-firms created thousands of new jobs. New houses are being sold before we’ve even set the foundations. But, now, we have to meet the demands and that means letting these developers into town so the people can have their Targets and Best Buys.”
“Don’t pretend you’re doing this for the people. It’s greed. You want their money.”
“And so what if I do?” Miguel challenges back, his body looming over yours and his eyes devoid of any care. “You know who I am.”
“Yes, I know about the cartel,” you hiss out the last word. “But I also know you leased out your property so I could sell books for a living. And, similarly, you did that for countless other people in this town who were down on their luck.”
“— Babe, I did that because it was a lucrative business decision.”
“Well, I’m glad this lucrative business decision has paid off in more ways than you could’ve imagined.” You storm off, heels clicking on the marble. He grabs you by the arm and spins you around to face him. “Let go of me.”
“I wasn’t done.”
“I am.”
He loosens his grip just enough for you to walk away if you really wanted to, but his eyes are pleading for you to stay. “Meeting you was unexpected, and you know I’ve been grateful for that ever since. But please don’t be under the impression that I’m developing Santo Padre and employing half of its population out of the goodness of my heart,” he says with a scoff. “You know I don’t make business decisions out of emotion, but I’m willing to make the exception for you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I know what this is all about. You’re worried Barnes and Noble is going to drive you out of business because you won’t be able to keep up with their competitive prices. No matter what happens, your business will stay above water. I’ll make sure of it”
“Fuck you, Miguel.” The urge to shove him or slap him across the face is so strong that you feel as if your hands are charged with electricity. Clenching your fists, you take a deep breath and turn away from him. “I’m not going to be your pity side project.”
“I never said you were —”
“While all of these local businesses are going under because they can’t compete, mine stays afloat because I’m Galindo’s girl.”
“Who would say that?”
You gesture to the door and, with a sigh of defeat, you begin to explain what truly got under your skin. “Those guys at the bar. The guy I threw my drink on — he was giving me the rundown of how gentrification was going to save this town from all the uneducated and criminal Mexicans. And he wouldn’t have stopped, but his friend told him who I was. Galindo’s girl.”
“I’m —” he begins to say.
“— And I know I am,” you say with a heavy sigh. “I know I’m yours. Not yours as in your property; but yours as in we’ve chosen each other. I’m with you in spite of all the reasons why I know I shouldn’t be with someone like you. And you’re with me because —”
“— Because I enjoy your company.” His hands rest on your waist, his breath in your hair. “And because you’re the only person who can say ‘fuck you, Miguel’ and make me so hard I could drill concrete.”
You laugh. “No one wants to see that.”
His lips graze the shell of your ear, his hips molding to yours. “But you can feel that?”
You swallow hard. There’s no doubt his presence can be felt from the base of your spine to the curve of your ass. Arching your back, you release a moan that invites him to press into you a little harder.
“I’m sorry those guys were assholes,” he whispers, his arm snaking around your waist. “I’m sorry for being a capitalist criminal.” He shifts his stance so you’re both facing the mirror, staring back at a reflection that makes you revel in the idea of being a woman possessed — of being Galindo’s girl.
Your breasts are heaving, the diamonds across your neck refracting the warm glow of the lights above the sink. His hands course down your hips, fingers dancing around the hem of your little, black dress. He hikes it up your thighs, just far enough to catch a peek of French lace and silk. You reach around to grip the back of his neck, turning your head to skim your lips over his jaw.
“Look at yourself.”
You roll your hips and feel his length, rock solid, down your backside. God, you want nothing more than to be rid of the layers of clothing between you and have him slide in, fill you, and make you scream until you feel like he’s splitting you apart.
“All of this makes you hot.” Miguel’s hand disappears under the skirt of your dress, his fingers trailing upward along your inner thigh. Your breath hitches in your throat when his fingertips slide along the seam between your legs. “All of this makes you wet.” He moves smoothly along the folds toward the apex, and your torso lurches forward, hands braced on the marble counters. It gives him a chance to press farther against your ass, his strong legs on either side of yours, which are already so unsteady in six-inch stilettos. “All of this — all of this corrupt shit that I do — it makes you want me so bad.”
“Say it.”
“Fuck. No.”
He hikes your dress up so it’s bunched up your waist, while his free hand dives into your lace panties, fingers parting your slit. You gasp as he lunges in, two digits full, wasting no time to curve inward to find the spot that has your knuckles turning white and your lungs fighting for breath.
“Miguel,” you plead. But he doesn’t relent as he thrusts his fingers up your walls, thumb circling where you need it most. “Please.”
“Look at yourself getting off.” His voice buzzes in your ear, his lips tracing down your neck. “Admit it. Tell me it turns you on knowing you’re in bed with el diablo.”
As much as you try to suppress it, the moan that you release gives him the satisfaction he craves. Your mind wants your body to be stronger than that, but he’s got a hold over you so powerful that it’s both terrifying and alluring at the same time. Your lids are heavy and your vision is clouded by a haze of lust. The picture in front of you is so pornographic it makes your skin burn and makes you shy away into the safe warmth of his neck. Breathing in the scent of his cologne, the coils at the base of your stomach tighten. It’s like a Pavlovian response; you can’t help that his scent makes you salivate for him in an animalistic, illogical way. Your knees tremble, and you feel like you’re only tethered to the ground by Miguel’s arm around your waist.
He’s working to bring you close to that release like only he can. Someone with a natural ability to get a woman off just by looking at her a second too long. Someone who isn’t satisfied with mediocrity — a woman needs to be studied; her undoing needs to be perfected.
You’re so close to the edge as your body thrums with expectation. His name is poised at the tip of your tongue as you hold your breath. And then he slides his fingers out of your walls. He raises them up to show you they’re coated in your arousal, and it’s all too obscene that you have to bury your head farther into his neck. But he tugs at your hair, arching your head to the ceiling, and he presses his fingers to your lips so you can taste yourself. You’re going to fucking kill him after he makes you come.
As your lips part, he slips his fingers into your mouth, down your tongue. His eyes darken until they’re almost black and he swallows hard as he watches you take the length down your greedy throat. Miguel barely has his fingers out of your mouth before he’s kissing you, pushing you against the sink, pulling his tie, hiking your legs around his hips, tugging on his belt. You take his hands to still him, kissing him back slow and steady.
“I have to have you,” he rasps almost desperately. He’s right where you want him.
You push him just far enough to work on his belt and the button of his trousers. “You can have me when I say you can have me.” Holding onto the waistline, you jerk him back so he loses his footing. Then you have his trousers down his thighs, taking his underwear down with them. He’s hard. So. Hard. You can tell by the strained expression on his face that he’s been trying his best to stay patient while getting you off with his hands, but all this time all he wanted to do was fuck you within an inch of your life.
Miguel’s eyes are filled with lust — a desire that’s only reserved for you. It’s a look you know well. It’s a look that makes you weak in the knees, but also makes you feel so emboldened. To have this man at your mercy is a high you can’t even begin to describe in words.
Wrapping your arms around his neck for support, you lift your hips to slip your panties off then shove them into the pocket of his vest. He looks down at the lace fabric peeking out of the silk pocket, and looks up to give you a cheeky smile.
Miguel takes you by the swell of your hips, pressing you against his cock, grinding deliciously against your heat. He takes a sick satisfaction in watching how much it arouses you, how much your body responds to him. But there’s an element of tortuous self-control that twists him up inside as he restrains himself from penetrating you. He watches you as he moves, licking his lips when the head of his dick bumps your clit. You grip onto his shoulders with more force than necessary, and all it does is urge him on as he enters you slowly and then all at once.
Full. You’re so full of Miguel’s cock. And he’s pounding into you so hard that every thrust feels like a challenge, like he’s asking you if you can take more of him. He pulls your hair to the side, exposing your neck so he can leave hot kisses along the side. Your back arches, head resting on the mirror. His palms squeeze tighter on your hips, raising you off the counter just a little so he can get that extra leverage to fuck you even harder.
“There’s something about how much you love this fucking town,” he says in between grunts of pleasure. His voice is muffled by his lips pressed into the tops of your breasts. “I’ve never wanted anyone so devoted. So passionate.”
Your heart beats like a drum, but your brain can’t help being a smartass in the moment. “You’d know the feeling if you cared about something other than yourself.”
He pulls away, slipping out of you so fast, you whimper when he’s gone. His palms press against the mirror behind you and he tilts his head to the side. “I care about you, don’t I?”
You arch a brow.
“What do I have to do to make you believe it?”
“Finish fucking me,” you tell him as you take his dick into your hand, wrapping your fingers over the velvety skin. He stiffens even more as the head leaks with precum. “We’ll talk about your hard-on for Targets and Best Buys when we’re done.”
“Fuck you.” Miguel thrusts into your pussy so hard and deep, it hurts. But the pain gives way to a pleasure that quickly takes you back to that precipice. You wrap your legs and arms tighter around his body. But he’s not even touching you — his hands braced and eyes trained on the mirror behind your head. There’s something so erotic about this sudden shift in him. It makes you ache for him even more. It’s maddening how his intensity — either hot or cold — can make even the most stubborn cell in you beg for him to make you come.
You moan loudly and Miguel’s eyes dart to the door, and suddenly you’re reminded that you’re in a public restroom. Your body stills and you grasp onto the fabric of his suit in fear of getting caught. He shakes his head to assure you not to worry. “Nestor’s outside. No one’s getting in.”
There’s something so messed up about Miguel’s security detail standing outside of the restroom while you two are fucking. But that’s just the nature of sleeping with the head of the Galindo cartel. You thought you knew what you were getting yourself into when you let him kiss you between the stacks of historians and philosophers. You knew the risks. But you let him into your bed anyway because he’s handsome and charming and dangerous. And it’s only a transient period of your life when you can say you’ve truly lived. But what was transient has lasted over a year, and now everyone in town knows you as Galindo’s girl.
You close your eyes as his thrusts even out in pace and rhythm. You moan a little louder this time, and you’re pretty sure the person standing on the other side of the door can hear you. It won’t be the first time.
“Baby, I’m so close,” you say in between shallow breaths. “Kiss me or I’ll scream.”
“Let them fucking hear it.”
Your hands rise to the back of his ears, urging his face to yours but Miguel remains firmly in place. Your lips part and the orgasm tears out of your lungs and echoes into the room. The orgasm is so good it radiates across your belly, to the top of your head down to the tips of your toes. It’s electric.
Your heart is beating so fast and you can’t seem to catch your breath, especially when Miguel is fucking you harder and faster, his thrusts becoming more and more erratic. His palms slip from the mirror, then he’s holding you again. Hands all over your body. Fingers digging into your flesh, lifting you off the counter, sinking his hard cock deeper into your cunt.
“I love —” He pulls and pushes and buries himself to the hilt, grinding down so fucking good, you’re about to climax once more. “— fucking you.”
He growls to match your moans. And you tremble when he captures your lips, kissing you like a man starved of affection. He bucks violently as his grip becomes unyielding, and he releases molten hot and deep inside of you. He arches his hips up into you, every muscle clenched taut as he finishes.
When he pulls out, Miguel lays heavy on your limp body, forehead pressed against the mirror. His heart is racing against your own chest. He turns his head just enough that his lips brush against your temple. “Being Galindo’s girl has its perks,” he says with a soft laugh.
You playfully push him away, hopping off the counter to straighten your dress. “I’ll have to review the cost-benefit analysis of being with you.”
“I look forward to seeing your report on my desk in the morning,” he says, swatting your ass.
You narrow your eyes at him before turning to the mirror to wipe the dried mascara from under your eyes. You press your lips together for a blotted effect, knowing you’ll need a whole train case of makeup to conceal the aftereffects of being freshly fucked.
Behind you, Miguel buckles his belt and shoves the lace panties deeper into the pocket of his vest. He catches your eye through the reflection and winks. “Shall we?” he asks, holding his hand out for you to take. You slip your hand in his and let him lead the way back out to the ballroom.
Outside, Nestor is waiting. His face is serious the second you walk out. He holds it for all of two seconds before he breaks out into an impish grin. “Can I just say one thing?”
“Don’t,” Miguel warns one of his oldest friends.
Nestor giggles and ignores the warning. “If it means anything, chica, you might be Galindo’s girl, but you got my boy here whipped, talking about feelings and shit.” He slings an arm over Miguel’s shoulder and roughs him up a little. “Ain’t that right, Mikey?”
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landbase8-blog · 6 years
How to get Top 100 android project ideas 2019 - Codeshoppy
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tractorrenta · 1 year
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maishainfotech · 3 years
Dubai Edition in partnership with Forbes Middle East Superkoin Fashion TV Welthee Superkombat Fighting Championship
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Thank you Madhu Bhandari for attending I Success Awards
The Iconic Business Man of Satoshifx”
* Organizers: *
Covaciu Flavia Oana Irimia
Eduard Irimia
Madhu Shekhar Bhandari is the Founder and Chairman of Consta Group, One of the UAE’s leading conglomerates with diversified interests in telecom, Insurance, Real estate, Agri and Food, Water, Transport in addition to other ventures. He has joint ventures with several global leaders- COOP Cab, E-dukan on Rent, and others.
Madhu Bhandari has been the pioneer of Real Estate in the UAE and also started his career journey. He is the Managing Director of MBC Realty, MBC Realty has emerged with only one purpose in mind to help you sell, purchase, give or take an office on the lease, warehouses, shops, or any other kind of commercial premises you have in mind.
Madhu Bhandari brings German-based laboratory GENETIC DNA TESTING in the facilitation with AAHN and GERMANY and also launched Five Elements-based product which changed the LIFE and made a healthier body by the name of SWAFE (Space, Water, Air, Fire & Earth).
With this strength, he ventured into Health Care & researched extensively on five elements-Earth, Air, Space, Water & Fire for more than Ten Years. Madhu Bhandari holds worldwide patents & certifications for his products that bring all the five elements together for the good fortune of mankind in the safest way without any adverse effects. Thousands of testimonials speak out themselves on how their life has changed.
Mr. Madhu Shekhar bhandari is a founder & Director of Consta Group. Consta Group is an amazing multi-division company having premium technology in 18 different sectors. A revolutionary group that brings multiple benefits and services to millions of people in Dubai. Through different companies namely all Consta products (Mobile, Cab, TV, Sim, Auto, Jobs, Eats, Rent a Car, Doctor 4 Advice, Travel, Finance, Insurance & Shop).
In 2019, Madhu Shekhar also commences Immigration based company from one of the 18 companies of Consta group Citizenship Company from UAE. Consta Citizenship is leading in offering citizenship and residency solutions globally.
Madhu Bhandari has a proven executive management track record and over 40 years of experience driving sales growth in the industries ranging from Realty to Telecom, Health to Manpower, High-end Car Rentals to New age Crypto-world exchange trading, Wallet and COIN by the name of SatoshiFX and many others.
Maisha Infotech Pvt Ltd
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rupalic · 4 years
John Deere (US) and CNH Industrial (UK) are the Key Players in the Farm Equipment Rental Market
The global farm equipment rental market is estimated to account for a value of USD 46.8 billion in 2020 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.3% from 2020, to reach a value of USD 66.4 billion by 2025. The growth of the farm equipment rental market driven by factors such as shortage of skilled labor and an increase in mechanization in developing countries, rising demand for productivity and operational efficiency, and limited availability of arable land. The increasing government subsidies for farming equipment further provide open opportunities for growth of the farm equipment rental market. Key players in the farm equipment rentals market include John Deere (US), CNH Industrial (UK), Kubota Corporation (Japan), AGCO Corporation (US), Mahindra & Mahindra (India), JCB (UK), and Escorts Ltd (India). Product innovation, expansions & investments, acquisitions, agreements, collaborations, approvals, and partnerships were some of the core strengths of the leading players in the farm equipment rentals market. These strategies were adopted by the key players to increase their market presence. It also helped them diversify their businesses geographically, strengthen their distribution networks, and enhance their product portfolios. Some of the other leading players in the farm equipment rental market include Tractors and Farm Equipment Ltd. (India), Pape Group (US), Premier Equipment Rentals (US), Flaman Group of Companies (Canada), Pacific Ag Rentals (US), Pacific Tractors & implements Ltd (US), Kwipped Inc. (US), Cedar street sales & rentals (US), Farmease (US), EM3 Agri Services (India). Make an Inquiry: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Enquiry_Before_BuyingNew.asp?id=165100186 John Deere (US) stands as a leader among the various globally renowned businesses for agricultural equipment and technology founded in the year 1837 and has its footprint in more than 30 countries around the globe. Its key services include the manufacturing of equipment used in agriculture, lawns and gardens, construction, landscaping & ground care, forestry, golf & sports turf, engines and drivetrains, electronic solutions, government & military use, and rental sales. The company actively engages in technological innovations to constantly provide an edge to its equipment and has been awarded the AE50 award by the American Society of Agricultural & Biological Engineers. The organization pertains for over 182 years today and greatly promotes sustainability as one of its core values. Download PDF Brochure: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=165100186 CNH Industrial (UK) is a global industry involved in multiple business sectors, including manufacturing, designing, commercial, and implement designing. The industry has penetration in over 180 countries around the world. It has established 66 manufacturing units and 54 research & development centers. In the array of businesses owned by the organization, out of the 12 patented brands, the Chase HI, New Holland and Steyr and the 3 dedicated, commercial agricultural brands that the company offers to its customers. The key markets of the company can be listed as Europe, North America, South America and AMEA (Asia, Middle East, and Africa) with the highest market share being from Europe.
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newsoutbursts · 4 years
Tractor makers need to innovate to grow volumes amid uncertainties due to the impact of COVID-19
Tractor makers need to innovate to grow volumes amid uncertainties due to the impact of COVID-19
New Delhi: Even though sales of tractors have picked up post the Covid-induced lockdown, manufacturers need to take measures to tide over uncertainties stemming from the outbreak of the coronaviruspandemic by selling tractors as a solution both in agri and non-agri sectors, devising rental programmes and shared business usage, participating in the pre-owned tractors market, working on alternate…
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theinnernetsurfer · 4 years
#2.3 – What can we do? What is the government doing?
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Hi! I hope you’ve read #2, #2.1 and #2.2 before getting here. If not, please click on their links.😊
As with most things in life, the coronavirus too shall pass.
But from what we've seen in the last three months, it's set to stay longer than we all initially anticipated. Till a vaccine comes around, our focus should be on how we can position ourselves, to not only survive this period, but also come out stronger on the other side?
First, we must realise that though the lockdowns have ended, the threat to human life remains. History tells us that - the Spanish Flu of 1918 was most devastating in its second wave. And there could very well be a second wave of the coronavirus in India. So let's continue to be cautious, wear masks, exercise social distancing and maintain a high level of hygiene.
Second, since the economy has slowed down, and it looks like we're going to be in a recession for the next 2-4 years, we must invest in ourselves. Improve our skills and build new ones. One could use this time to improve one's health, mind-space, digital expertise, and so on.
Three key lessons ring through for individuals and organisations alike -
Be more conscious of how your actions affect Mother Nature.
Debt is a double edged sword. If you have any, pay it off as soon as possible.
Invest in digital.
While science and healthcare have do the heavy lifting of saving lives, policymakers must shoulder the burden by saving livelihoods and incomes.
Let's look at what the chief commander - the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the captain of the ship - the Government of India (GOI) have been doing to steer the ship to safety.
Reserve Bank of India
The RBI’s job is to regulate the flow of money in the economy, with the goal of controlling inflation. How does it do this? Well, the RBI regulates all the banks and NBFCs. And those two, put together, effect the flow of most of the liquidity in the system.
The RBI has taken a number of steps to free up liquidity and add more of it, to keep the economic time machine ticking. The rationale is - when businesses find themselves in a hole, they need extra liquidity for some time to dig their way out. By making liquidity available to the banks, the RBI has encouraged them to lend, and this should revive the economy ie. bring back the flow of money!
Yes, there could be some damage, like, rise in inflation (since more money is available but activity levels are still low), and some defaults by borrowers who are unable to dig their way out of this situation. But the other alternative is the death of many, many businesses.
Here is a simplified version of steps taken by RBI -
For the banks -
Banks are required to keep a certain percentage of its deposits with the RBI and an additional percentage with themselves, as a safety measure to meet withdrawal requests. These percentages have been reduced by the RBI. This frees up money for lending.
Lent money to banks at attractive rates. This additional money was to be used to purchase corporate bonds, commercial papers and non-convertible debentures. This would ease redemption pressures being faced by companies borrowing through bonds.
Guided banks to put in place disaster recovery and business continuity plans. Example - alternative data sites, etc.
Allowed banks to participate in offshore currency markets. This allows banks to hedge their risks.
Reduced compliance and regulatory burden on banks.
Added funds to NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development), SIDBI (Small Industries Development Bank of India) and NHB (National Housing Bank). These provide long term funding to agriculture and rural sectors, small industries, housing finance companies, NBFCs and micro-finance institutions.
The RBI is the banker for the Central Government and State Governments. States are allowed to borrow up to certain limits only. These limits have been increased and terms of borrowing have been relaxed.
Other measures -
Eased compliances on exports.
Offered a liquidity facility to mutual funds, to support them during mass redemption pressure during this time.
For the benefit of all borrowers - offered moratorium period on loans taken from all financial institutions, and then extended the period due to continued stress.
Government of India
The GOI is similar to a team of whole time directors who run a massive company called India. They’re tasked with a wide range of functions. From an economic policy standpoint however, the GOIs job is to achieve the economic growth target in an inclusive manner, and reduce unemployment. How is this done? By supporting the business and entrepreneurial environment in the country through - development projects, tax and regulatory policies, fair and approachable departments, attracting foreign investment, access to finance, and so on.
The GOI has taken the following steps to save lives and livelihoods, and to reposition India as a stronger economy. It's an ambitious plan covering a multitude of topics, and execution will be key.
For economically backward classes - Direct benefit transfers, free ration, free gas cylinders, special credit facility for street vendors, doubled cap of collateral free loans to women in self-help groups, loan relief.
Financial support to - senior citizens, widows, specially abled, women jan-dhan account holders.
For migrant labour - shelters created for urban homeless providing three meals a day + essentials (face masks and hand sanitisers), free food grains, MGNREGA support to returning migrants, etc.
For frontline workers - free - medical insurance with ₹50 lakh cover, masks, hydroxychloroquine tablets, PPEs.
For farmers - direct benefit transfers, distribution of many more kisan credit cards, and agri loans with moratorium benefit announced.
Total overhaul of the agriculture supply chain planned through a new central act (coming soon). Through cluster based approaches micro enterprises will be formalised. Schemes for transportation and storage of all fruits and vegetables announced. These reforms will allow farmers to access a wider market and get better prices for their produce, and should attract participation from the private sector, agri entrepreneurs and startups.
For MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) measures like - collateral free loans, equity infusion, TDS relaxations, eased compliance, provident fund contribution. Disallowing global participation in tenders up to ₹250 Crores. Liquidity support to lenders.
For formal economy workers - health and safety code made applicable, annual health check-up and appointment letters made mandatory.
Tech driven online education - Radio and podcasts to be used. 3 channels launched, 12 in pipeline. Support for visually and hearing impaired students. Health and emotional well being support for students, families and teachers launched. Top 100 universities to be permitted to start online courses.
Reforms focused on the ease of doing business announced - empowered group of secretaries appointed to fast-track clearances, project development cells within each ministry to be set up, states to be ranked on investment attractiveness to promote healthy competition.
Sector specific initiatives announced in - power sector, battery storage, coal mining, minerals, defence, aviation, social infrastructure (roads, railways, public facilities, etc), space exploration. This should bring in more private participation and hence improve efficiency.
Some other initiatives -
Changed FDI policy to protect Indian companies from opportunistic acquisitions from abroad.
Infused liquidity into power distribution companies.
Schemes announced for converting government funded housing in cities into affordable rental complexes. And incentivising development of affordable rental housing.
Set up PM Cares fund - to combat the pandemic.
Set up a Rural Infrastructure Fund.
Afforestation initiatives launched to help restore ecological balance and provide jobs.
Provided financial support to dairy corporations and beekeeping initiatives.
Offered relief to fisheries industry.
Vaccination and tagging of animals done on a large scale.
Though I'm concerned about the spread of the pandemic, the ominous second wave, and the cruel impact COVID will have on our country's fiscal deficit (amount by which government spending exceeds government revenue) - I genuinely feel optimistic about the prospect of India coming out stronger on the other side of this financial crisis.
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wealthpalofficial · 4 years
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Are you passionate about starting a business in travel & tourism? These numbers show what it takes to start on your own in this exciting industry. Indian tourism industry is growing at CAGR of 6.7%, accounting for 9.2% of GDP and approx. 8% of the total employment opportunities generated in the country. Tourism is no longer just about family vacations. Quite a few niche concepts are emerging and gaining traction as tourists look for unique experiences. E.g. spending time on a farm, getting to experience village life first-hand or travelling to participate in a festival celebrated in one part of the world. Other niches include: Agri-tourism Camping Adventure tourism Medical Tourism Space tourism Safari Cultural tourism Eco Tourism Cruises Religious tourism The key business divisions include ticketing, hotels, visa, forex, passports, group departures, customizes packages, travel insurance, car rentals, conference bookings and corporate bookings. Each division is a business opportunity in itself if one chooses to be a specialist. RESHMA SHAH, partner at TDas Travels at Opera House Mumbai says, “This industry is like an ocean. If you are aggressive and a go-getter, you can extract as many pearls as you want.” #newbusiness #businessrequirements #financialrequirements https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Zgs1pli4n/?igshid=2bfmdwc48t8s
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15 stocks to focus on this union budget | Trade Nivesh
Trade Nivesh In the upcoming Budget, market participants are anticipating several measures and reforms in order to bring back economic growth
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Ahead of Budget 2020, the Street is building up high expectations, which is evident in levels of benchmark indices. Sensex and Nifty50 are touching their fresh record highs almost on a weekly basis.
This comes at a time when the government is most likely to breach fiscal deficit target of 3.3 percent of GDP.
The Street is hoping for a Budget which would lay the roadmap for India to achieve the $5-trillion economy target by 2024.
“The sluggishness in the economy resulted in lower tax collections and the cut in corporate tax also has contributed its share, while the government borrowing programme swelled to all-time high levels for both central and state governments put together,” Dr. Joseph Thomas, Head of Research, Emkay Wealth Management told Moneycontrol.
“The market has more or less already priced in a 30-bps slippage, but any deterioration above 50 bps may impact the level of yields on government papers and general interest rates,” he said.
Economy-related sectors such as infrastructure, agriculture, banking, financial services, consumption and auto are hogging the limelight.
Experts feel that as the supply-side problem is more or less addressed, the Budget should focus on uplifting aggregate demand, as both consumption and investments are depressed, which are essential in reviving the economy.
Deepak Jasani, Head – Retail Research, HDFC Securities is of the view that Infra, agriculture, rural economy, automobiles, Make-in-India thrust, more on ease of doing business,  employment generation thrust could gain focus from the Budget.
KNR Constructions:
The announcement of 1-lakh crore spending on infrastructure has ignited the bulls in the counter. The stock has witnessed a sharp upside to Rs 295.50 levels, with a gain of 29 percent in the last few weeks.
JK Cement:
No matter how much spending the government will incur on infrastructure, the consumption of cement is going to be triggered, whose effect has started being witnessed in the prices. The stock has added over 14 percent this year.
ICICI Securities:
No doubt the market veterans are betting on the reduction in personal taxes by the government to curb growth concerns. Moreover, the additional disposable income will be bifurcated to consumption and saving.
Likewise, the additional disposable income bifurcated to savings will be channelized to equity markets. So, opening of more Demat accounts cannot be ruled out.
While the realty sector has been an underperformer in the last few years despite the government has taken several measures to thrust the realty stocks.
However, this year is going to be a game-changer as market veterans are betting upon tax-free rental income.
Titagarh Wagons:
Major railway wagon manufacturer is known to be the ‘talk of the town’ every January as Budget season kicks off and railway sector is always considered as a leading priority. The counter has seen a sharp up move to Rs. 60, with double digit gains.
The Company has been constantly profitable and during the September quarter, it has reported robust growth driven by growth in exports, turnkey works, and leasing, besides the consultancy segment continues to be the key segment.
The management of the company expects to close the current fiscal with an order book of Rs 8.000 crore with the company expect fresh order inflow from Exports, turnkey projects, and consultancy.
The company is debt-free and continues to be a zero-debt company with a strong liquidity position and improved operating margins.
KEI Industries:
The company caters to Power, Industrial, Infra, Railways, Metro Rails, Oil & Gas, Upstream, Aluminum, Refineries, Steel and Exports. It is working on increasing exports. It is exploring more business from Africa and the Middle East.
KEI can be a major beneficiary of the increasing demand from power, infrastructure, and real estate sector. The company has been focusing on expanding its dealer network as this sales channel offers better margins.
Institutional sale growth has been encouraging and management expects this division to grow in double digits, going forward.
The company expects revenue growth of 18 percent for FY20 and also expects a growth of about 17 percent in revenue for the next fiscal as well. The EBITDA margin of 10.5 percent is expected for a full year.
Gujarat Gas:
The company has strong, and steady revenue growth momentum along with sustainable margins. It shall continue to focus on growing the penetration in the current operating areas by increasing the PNG connections and additional CNG stations while tapping the untapped potential by the expeditious rollout of the distribution network in the newly acquired geographic areas as well.
With this focused endeavor, GGL shall continue its efforts in providing clean fuel solutions across all operational areas to augment an energetic top-line and bottom-line in the coming years.
The management of the company is aiming at setting up more than 63 CNG stations in the financial year 2020, for the target to increase the volume of 9-9.5 mmscmd in FY20.
The debt stands at Rs 1,800 crore and the management of the company is looking at EBITDA margin of around 13 Percent in FY20.
JB Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals:
The company accords high priority to the domestic formulations business, which offers a significant value proposition. During the current year, the company plans to continue to pursue focus on harnessing the potential of the existing products, launch new products selectively and achieve increased productivity.
It has a consistent, strong free cash flow annually, with a low debt-equity of 0.02x. The future outlook for the industry and growth expectations remains positive in view of increased government and private spending on healthcare.
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company:
Strong growth in Value of New Business on the back of increased retail renewal premium will ensure healthy return ratios for the company, also rise in the working population category and per capita income would lead to an increase in demand for life insurance products.The focus continues to be on growing absolute Value of New Business using the Four-P strategy of focusing on Premium growth, Protection, Persistency, and Productivity.
This has yielded the desired outcome and the company has been able to grow VNB with an uncompromising focus on quality.
In the upcoming budget, market participants are anticipating several measures and reforms in order to bring back economic growth.
Thus we believe the measures would benefit sectors like FMCG, Auto, Infrastructure, Cement and Agriculture & allied. Hence stocks like L&T, Britannia, Coromandel, M&M and Ramco Cements would remain in the spotlight.
L&T boasts of a strong order book, high earnings visibility, and a healthy project pipeline. Further, continuous monetization of non-core assets has been improving its working capital efficiency and likely to improve its returns.
Britannia Industries:
We believe the FMCG sector is currently facing a slowdown, however, revival is expected in the medium to long term.
Further, management expects a revival in the economy and thus it continues to focus on strengthening its presence by increasing market share, expanding distribution reach in both rural and urban areas, premiumizing and launching innovative products, steady capacity addition, and improved product mix.
Coromandel International (CIL):
CIL is a flagship company of the Murugappa Group. Coromandel is the second largest phosphatic fertilizer player with a market share of ~20% and boasts of higher utilization levels.
Recovery in southwest monsoon, as well as an increase in crop sowing for Rabi season on the pan-India basis, augur well for the growth of Agri and fertilizer companies. We believe Coromandel is well placed in the sector to capitalize on this opportunity.
M&M being the leader in the tractor industry with over 40 percent market share would be a key beneficiary of revival in the demand tractor industry.
We expect the tractor industry to recover as normal monsoon, easing liquidity conditions and lower interest would aid domestic sentiments.
M&M’s automotive segment is likely to witness challenges due to the increase in competitive intensity and BS-VI implementation. Nonetheless, we believe that these concerns are largely factored in and the core business is available at attractive valuations.
Ramco Cements:
It is one of the top cement players in south India. The company is well placed in the cement sector and continues its focus on innovating products, better product mix and improving utilization levels.
Further positive sector outlook and government focus on infra and housing schemes would lead the company to expand its capacity and gain market share going forward. Thus we remain positive on the company’s future growth prospects.
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techcoffee · 5 years
Episode 43
CICP Indiana & AgriNovus Indiana
CanCODE Canada
This is why DoorDash delivery workers usually prefer cash tips
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Talk tech & startups with local entrepreneurs over a cup of coffee. Weekly Tuesday mornings 7:30 EST #techCoffee #coffee #tech #community #southBend #indiana #startup #business #midwest
Transcript 0:02 all right and my live here and we're 0:06 live here so welcome back and it's three 0:13 to eight starting a little late 0:15 nevertheless we'll get started 0:18 shoot out a quick message with 30 all 0:48 right awesome let's see what's in the 0:50 news there was some stuff over the 0:54 weekend I was listening to about 0:58 businesses in this climate 1:00 and it's it's now the third time I've 1:06 heard about people taking a skill taking 1:09 that skill to the next step by saying 1:11 I've done this in this skill and here's 1:14 how I've done it here it is for you to 1:16 do so whether that looks like one-on-one 1:19 teaching in person or whether that looks 1:21 like a webinar that you then sell and 1:24 recorded pre-recorded so people can just 1:26 buy it and take it at their leisure 1:27 that's been a business the scooters and 1:31 bike rental even if you have a small 1:33 shop where you're renting those out you 1:37 don't have to be another big company 1:39 like bird or lime those things are far 1:43 and away gonna be an opportunity for 1:45 smaller 1:47 metropolitans for you to bring in 1:51 they're saying that people are going to 1:53 rent those things increasingly I know 1:57 here in South Bend we have lime scooters 1:59 and I've been riding them and I see more 2:01 and more people riding them and I guess 2:04 it's gonna take them to understand how 2:07 to use them what are you gonna use them 2:08 for 2:12 let's see what was the other one and the 2:15 third one I heard about so live webinars 2:20 oh and then the Amazon resale which has 2:23 been around me more and more people 2:25 apparently are starting to do that and 2:27 get the idea that you can buy something 2:29 on one platform resell it on another 2:31 like Amazon where the prices are a 2:33 little higher or buy something I'm wish 2:36 wait a few weeks and then buy it on 2:38 Amazon go to a garage sale buy some 2:44 stuff sell it on Amazon or buy something 2:46 on eBay and then sell it on Amazon I 2:50 heard that one again for a multiple time 2:53 so these things are being talked about 2:58 [Music] 2:59 that's what I was listening to over the 3:01 weekend let's check out what beta kit 3:05 has cheers to the morning coffee startup 3:21 shops the week hello fresh interface 3:24 wave and and funding Oh No and just me 3:33 and shoelace all right there's another 3:39 FinTech just like last week fit the 3:42 FinTech times when british 29 teens 3:45 british FinTech boom today being a grow 3:48 food network receives 50 million to 3:51 develop Agrotech solutions here in 3:54 indiana we have a granola this which is 3:56 part of the break up of the six connects 4:06 is another one who the hell is that 4:08 public-private partnership the americas 4:17 indiana so Connexus is an agronomist are 4:21 two of 4:25 two of the programs that came out of a 4:31 broader program that is escaping me 4:36 right now it is CICP yes the central 5:04 Indiana corporate partnership that's 5:05 right 5:06 the CICP the central immunity 5:08 partnership with Agra Novus ascend bio 5:12 crossroads Connexus energy systems 5:15 Network and tech points those are the 5:17 six that came out of CICP 5:20 Agri knows though is doing something 5:22 similar to what it looks like is 5:24 happening in Canada Canadian agri-food 5:26 Network receives 50 million to develop 5:28 AG tech solutions and really just 5:31 focusing on that AG tech the Canadian 5:34 agri-food automation intelligence 5:36 network a hundred and eight million 5:39 project aimed at developing its portable 5:42 farming solutions has there seemed it 5:44 received an investment of up to date 5:47 it's actually forty nine point five 5:49 million from the federal government and 5:52 just makes so much sense not many people 5:54 know the idea of farming being one that 5:58 gets you to the next step technology 6:01 wise so sitting in a combine driving 6:04 down the field 6:05 you're really tracking on GPS where 6:08 you're going dropping pins along the way 6:10 of different plants are seeing that got 6:13 enough water not enough water the 6:15 whatever the look the makeup of the plan 6:19 is you can drop a pin 6:20 in a different category saying this is 6:23 an issue area or this is somewhere we 6:25 want to look at or there's a weed or 6:27 there's an open spot that didn't get 6:29 seeded all those things that 6:33 you want to track the technology in the 6:37 combine has to be there 6:38 the GPS has to be there the location the 6:41 wayfinding those different points of 6:44 contact have to be there so someone has 6:46 to develop that tech and it could be you 6:53 that's obviously a very limited scope of 6:56 farming and agriculture that I gave 6:59 that's just an example though right 7:01 there's the there's the indoor farming 7:06 this investment is being made through 7:08 the stream for the strategic innovation 7:10 fund program time to attract support I 7:12 call the business investments in 7:13 Canada's most dynamic and innovative 7:15 sectors sounds good 7:19 I'd love to read more about that and see 7:23 what that's gonna bring so more and more 7:37 investment in agriculture I'll link over 7:44 to the CIC P's website for those 7:49 interested in what's going on here in 7:51 Indiana anyone else know about things 7:59 going on or have things going on in 8:02 agriculture in their area I'd love to 8:04 hear more about it or you can check out 8:07 our let's see check the coffee data word 8:14 that's another thing that's happening 8:21 [Music] 8:32 latest you'd see the same way 8:35 alright coffee the Lord will post all of 8:49 the links here let's see here's the 9:02 Canadian story wait a kit agar Novus and 9:23 the CICP in Agra Novus that's over here 9:26 at CIA CP Indiana calm yeah CICP need to 9:46 be launched and then you can put out the 9:54 ICP Indiana so a little more and 10:07 business going on getting the startup of 10:13 the week news startup news of the week 10:19 let's see what they have to say it's the 10:25 what Nashville's rocking over here 10:28 sector leaders in the week 721 this was 10:34 looking back it started news stories 10:36 week on truths Hillary influx after 10:38 government lapses on CL a program 10:40 funding 10:41 Oh for some of our accelerators and flux 10:47 CLA program funding it's the clas 10:51 new data on Montreal startup ecosystem 10:53 shows need for investment and scaling 10:56 capital investments in scaling and 10:58 capital ok impact Center updates now 11:03 will list reflects many big rounds Rob 11:07 Marin wants to replicate wave success at 11:12 Pluto and there's some milestones 11:20 learning code receives nine million 11:22 Canada's learning code that's crazy 11:25 there's so many code learning resources 11:28 out there people more building on how to 11:30 learn code and processes looks to me 11:34 more like training and and there's 11:38 opportunities for training there's 11:40 opportunities for learning the focus on 11:44 code seems to be I don't know buzzed 11:48 niche because it's code and it's the 11:52 wave of the future even though the 11:54 future is here the idea of code and 11:59 you're just having that in your 12:00 portfolio something you've done or a 12:02 program you've offered it seems to me 12:04 like a wellness package for a big 12:06 corporation so your insurance company 12:09 now offers a wellness package so you 12:11 check that box of offering for your 12:14 insurance packages and your premiums are 12:16 lower or something to that effect this 12:18 we've learned how to code let's let's 12:22 bring out some actual meaningful 12:25 learnings so that the end result is 12:29 people who can actually do development 12:31 and things that improve the lives of 12:34 themselves or others or they can follow 12:37 their passions through their their new 12:40 skills learning code Canada's learning 12:46 code initiative specializes in digital 12:47 literacy education received nine million 12:50 federal government as a part of the 12:52 second phase of its can code and 12:55 vestment alright so Canada code seems to 12:59 be a thing let's see what that's all 13:03 about 13:08 Canada see not the flux story this is 13:15 yeah Canada learning code here's that 13:28 story for those of you following along 13:41 grab some coffee here there's a small 13:44 group of folks gathering in the plaza 13:51 here and I'm curious to know what it's 13:56 for one of those things that just 14:00 happens that not everyone knows about 14:04 and if people didn't more people didn't 14:08 know about they'd probably go to or do 14:11 hey guys nevertheless promotion word of 14:22 mouth is a thing let's see did I just do 14:27 yes Canada's learning code so can code 14:31 let's check out what that's all about 14:36 code assessment criteria can code us 14:42 please please is this really a big can 14:51 code can code is a group of high school 14:56 students in Palm Beach California 14:57 Palm Beach County Florida twins in 15:00 teaching elementary students read a 15:01 program through engaging workshops so 15:03 it's more like can you code that us 15:08 let's see what Canada's initiative 15:10 called can code is all about innovation 15:21 science and economic development Canada 15:24 innovation science and economic 15:26 development Canada first two years of 15:28 can code provide proved to be a huge 15:33 success reaching over 1.3 million 15:35 students in over 61,000 teachers and 15:37 still counting we're pleased to announce 15:38 that we're extending kim code to build 15:40 on that success when was this written 15:44 budget 2017 innovation skills plan 15:47 advances the agenda build canada is a 15:49 work world leading innovation economy 15:51 that will create good jobs and grow the 15:53 middle class one of the key pillars of 15:56 this plan his skills and ensuring young 15:59 Canadians get the skills and experience 16:00 they need to kick-start their careers so 16:03 it's interesting that mmm-hmm focused on 16:06 young Canadians this young place still 16:09 annoys me that there are a whole bunch 16:13 of middle-class folks we could get 16:16 skilled up especially with the changing 16:19 economy and a whole bunch of folks who 16:21 are retiring and finding out that it's 16:24 boring after a couple years of doing 16:26 nothing finding out that they're not 16:28 gonna sit on a beach and they're now 16:30 looking for something to do and Walmart 16:32 greeters doesn't sound as interesting so 16:35 they're looking for a job an activity of 16:37 volunteer blah blah blah they're looking 16:40 for something to do some way to engage 16:41 and then we're allowing those 30 years 16:43 of experience these retirees 30 40 years 16:49 of experience to just sit there go by 16:51 the Weis wayside we're not reading these 16:53 folks when they have another 30 years to 16:56 live right they have another 30 years to 16:59 give our 17:00 economy in this world and we're saying 17:01 young people I think there's a huge 17:06 opportunity there for initiatives like 17:08 this can Canada to engage not young 17:11 people because it's easy because they go 17:13 to school every day and I can just 17:15 contact the schools right that's the 17:17 easy thing to do let's start there and 17:20 then let's engage that that middle work 17:23 force that middle class and then let's 17:25 engage the retirees who are now looking 17:28 for something to do it's amazing how 17:32 ancient cultures had multi-generational 17:35 groups and how they seemed to thrive and 17:38 how we just forget stuff like that when 17:40 we come up with new initiatives we don't 17:42 make the connecting links between people 17:45 who have the experience and people who 17:47 are looking to gain experience so I'll 17:52 link over to Canada's can code 18:03 initiative that's great 18:10 love to see that they even have they 18:15 have contact information for the can 18:17 code program phone fax TTY email hours 18:24 and a mailing address that's amazing 18:26 that's amazing 18:29 and a chat now what does this do 18:33 there's a chat Now link on a government 18:37 website yep type in your name email 18:45 address phone number oh it all you need 18:48 is your name and I can start chat and 18:52 I'm whoa 18:54 oh it's 8:30 to 5:00 Eastern Standard 19:00 Time want to send us an email here's a 19:03 link Wow literally a 19:09 chat with different programs they have a 19:14 little youtube link this is cute today 19:18 we live in a world a digital world 19:21 little robot and then a young girl on a 19:24 laptop that's great 19:37 this extension will see an additional 60 19:40 million invested over the next two years 19:42 starting in 2019 2020 it's great to 19:47 engage Canadian students kindergarten to 19:50 grade 12 to learn digital skills 19:52 including coding data analytics and 19:55 digital content development that's 19:57 something I saw in teaching where we 19:59 would give students technology and 20:02 expect that they already know how to use 20:03 it 20:04 we still need to teach folks software we 20:06 still need them to understand the 20:07 landscape of interconnected apps or 20:11 digital content creation and then how to 20:13 share that out is now it's less the 20:16 version and or now it's less this this 20:20 piece of who owns it it's more here's a 20:23 version of the content and what's the 20:24 latest version just like InDesign you're 20:26 never really done it's just here's the 20:28 latest version and we think we're at the 20:31 80% complete right the 80/20 rule where 20:35 hey we think we got 80% of it go ahead 20:37 and take a look give us some feedback 20:38 we'll go ahead and push it through and 20:40 say that this version is what we like or 20:44 this version is what we want to make 20:45 public and then it's a constant working 20:47 document it's a little more difficult 20:50 nowadays because you have to say this is 20:52 this is the latest version of the 20:55 working document that will push out we 20:58 could always continue we can always do 21:00 more right now though we're going we're 21:09 going to say we're happy with it so 21:15 investing in code and digital literacy 21:18 in Canada nine million another 60 over 21:21 the next two years 21:24 it'll be interesting stuff about how to 21:26 how you get that money who gets that 21:29 money is it a learning institution does 21:31 it have to be the schools is it all 21:33 about programming or can it be hardware 21:35 is it only going to the schools or is it 21:38 going to the teachers have is the how do 21:41 those funds get deployed is then the 21:44 conversation and I know here in the 21:47 states the state the state government 21:52 has allowed to say and then how schools 21:53 can earn money that the state has from 21:56 the federal government those sorts of 21:57 things really are I don't want to say 22:01 convoluted they're just very focused on 22:03 the system set up in between the 22:08 students the student learners and the 22:12 initiatives that politicians are pushing 22:15 forward and sometimes they're aligned 22:19 sometimes they're on par with what 22:24 students are going to be walking into in 22:26 their everyday lives hopefully that 22:30 continues to be play that continues to 22:35 get more and more aligned new another 22:41 story new data on Montreal startup 22:42 ecosystem shows need for investments in 22:45 scaling capital let's see what this is 22:50 about scaling capital here's the link 22:57 that's done and here's the link on this 23:01 one oh here is the code Canada code 23:17 Canada code link 23:26 I see that juicy that CA got it weird 20 23:53 minutes in get another ten minutes we 24:11:00 pump this to half an hour so this new 24:14:00 digital literacy mm-hmm 24:16:00 excuse me the investments in scaling 24:21:00 mean capitals my startup ecosystem has 24:23:00 been changing or the past number of 24:25:00 years 2015 started genome ranked it 24:27:00 amongst top 20 global ecosystems now 24:30:00 things in this city are starting to pick 24:32:00 up this is great so according to a 24:35:00 recent four by oh we should start up 24:39:00 Montreal a survive genome regional 24:40:00 partner the city ranked 33 overall 24:45:00 creating scale-up support found that 24:48:00 more than fluke gender starts with more 24:50:00 than 2800 founders call Montreal home 24:53:00 majority of those 38% are in the startup 24:57:00 phase with only 6 percent of the 24:59:00 companies considered established we'd 25:03:00 like to compare with comparable cities 25:05:00 including stockholm barcelona tel aviv 25:07:00 amsterdam toronto strongly believe that 25:11:00 in the last five to ten years Tillery 25:14:00 growth and voman capital not available 25:16:00 ok here it is one persisting issue for 25:18:00 Montreal startup community however is 25:20:00 capital volunteers report found that 25:24:00 funding is only available for a very 25:26:00 small number of startups only 12% of 25:28:00 startups received VC investment over the 25:30:00 past year well that's just VC though ok 25:34:00 whatever in 2018 1 billion was invested 25:37:00 in Montreal companies in the total of 74 25:40:00 investment rounds however 15 of these 25:42:00 transactions receive a majority of the 25:44:00 money collecting 89 percent of the total 25:45:00 investment despite being the largest 25:47:00 group pre startup and startup stage 25:50:00 companies only brought in 3 percent of 25:52:00 the distributed capital accordian 25:54:00 volunteer majority in terms of number of 25:56:00 investment rounds were four seed stages 25:59:00 26 bringing in 26 million is followed by 26:03:00 12 series a with more than hundred and 26:06:00 ten and eight series B with a collective 26:10:00 94.5 million the largest amount of 26:12:00 capital though came from to private 26:14:00 equity there we go private equity rounds 26:17:00 with brought in more than 300 million 26:19:00 and two series d deals with 180 million 26:25:00 this is a similar thing you know just 26:27:00 mapping I love this story 26:30:00 actually going through each of the 26:32:00 series how many how many companies were 26:36:00 a part of a series like that and then 26:38:00 what's a total in capital that these 26:40:00 companies were dealing with digging into 26:44:00 those details of how it happened who 26:46:00 they spoke with how they got connected 26:48:00 to it what it took to close the round 26:53:00 I'd love to open that up even into how 26:56:00 many different investors they're round 27:01:00 comprised of if you want to understand 27:05:00 or talk more about getting a getting a 27:10:00 lead investor and around that's a that's 27:14:00 a whole conversation then getting a 27:16:00 follow-on funding for a round once 27:18:00 you've got your lead investor those 27:20:00 sorts of things are entire areas of 27:23:00 expertise and conversations let alone 27:25:00 the ecosystem itself and what's 27:28:00 available what's even available how do 27:31:00 how do you even start to engage with 27:33:00 someone if you have a for example an 27:36:00 education company like a training 27:39:00 company that you want to do the 27:42:00 onboarding training or ongoing training 27:44:00 and skill up training within your 27:46:00 company investors who believe in 27:49:00 education and who are forward-thinking 27:52:00 and aren't vision 27:53:00 to public schools or charter schools or 27:56:00 private schools they might be interested 27:58:00 in education as it relates to people 28:01:00 within the world that are people moving 28:04:00 jobs or people moving to a new job 28:06:00 within the same company and they can see 28:08:00 your innovative education training 28:11:00 company as a good way to invest in 28:14:00 something that's on their heart or 28:15:00 something that they believe has good 28:17:00 upside so you can play to someone's 28:20:00 beliefs about how the world could work 28:22:00 you could play to someone's obvious 28:24:00 financial return hey we know we're gonna 28:26:00 do whatever X you're gonna do and so 28:31:00 invest in our company blah blah blah 28:33:00 playing into an angel investor or 28:36:00 private equity or some some VC playing 28:40:00 into what their KPIs are that's an 28:43:00 entire conversation and strategy that 28:46:00 needs laid out on top of things like 28:49:00 this within a community how many rounds 28:51:00 were done how many companies within 28:54:00 those rounds 28:55:00 how many investors were part of it 28:57:00 what's the breakdown of the investment 28:59:00 this is something that I would like to 29:02:00 see more of and and talk more about so 29:06:00 I'll link you over to that story but 29:10:00 it's great I mean that's great to see 29:12:00 that Montreal has kind of the 29:14:00 groundswell and now as companies are 29:16:00 growing they're building in the 29:18:00 different capital needs probably 29:22:00 networking needs economies of scale 29:25:00 right so maybe there's some more 29:27:00 accountants that opened up maybe there's 29:30:00 some more printers that opened up maybe 29:33:00 there's some more office spaces of 29:35:00 commercial real estate 29:36:00 hopefully was there and hopefully then 29:39:00 that that mountain just grows right 29:44:00 maybe that some it grows to the number 29:47:00 of companies sitting at the top all 29:50:00 right a couple more minutes let's dive 29:53:00 into a different story I'm gonna pop 29:55:00 over to Mashable see what they have beta 30:00:00 kits given us some good stories this 30:01:00 morning 30:05:00 ten extremely controversial thoughts 30:06:00 about cheese all right why is door - 30:10:00 delivery workers usually prefer cash 30:12:00 tips they're not - yeah they only have 30:16:00 two so one of the stories this is why I 30:20:00 door - delivery workers usually prefer a 30:21:00 cash tip same reasons servers prefer 30:23:00 cash tips you only have to claim so much 30:25:00 on taxes and oh I just wasn't that good 30:29:00 right like New York Times guarantees a 30:34:00 minimum for each job first door 30:36:00 guarantee visas cat5 of the customer 30:40:00 woman who answered the door a colourful 30:42:00 bathrobe tip three dollars via the app 30:43:00 but still received only 685 customer 30:47:00 posts and I'm a regular customer I 30:48:00 started doing cash it is this week I'm 30:52:00 hoping the word keeps getting out that 30:54:00 the situation keeps improving spies 31:00:00 alone that door - tips takes the tip 31:03:00 paid in the app button sure is a minimum 31:06:00 payout - its delivery workers 31:07:00 okay so door - takes the tip and they 31:10:00 just guarantee a delivery so it's a 31:12:00 steadier stream of income and it's not 31:15:00 as volatile based on tips this prompts 31:18:00 you to look at how the tip delivery 31:19:00 workers could bring food orders to your 31:21:00 door from restaurants or buy so just an 31:22:00 example in attempt to quarter 31:24:00 experiencing Dover in New York City the 31:28:00 company guarantees a minimum of mouth 31:30:00 making delivery displayed for - accepted 31:32:00 or rejected delivery spokesperson 50% of 31:35:00 the time customers don't leave any tip 31:36:00 so 85% of the time they do leave a tip 31:41:00 toward Ash's Mowgli's said mostly said 31:43:00 that they always prefer cold hard cash 31:45:00 cash on the percent one redditor wrote 31:47:00 like a - in Silicon Valley area 31:49:00 explained that most - look for cash for 31:52:00 various reasons although we can see some 31:53:00 small problems 31:54:00 the only issue would be that you spend 31:56:00 the earnings because it's more 31:58:00 accessible instead of having a direct 32:00:00 deposit II wrote this a robbery concerns 32:03:00 don't even register I mean that that's 32:05:00 so true if they guarantee you a minimum 32:07:00 and you get a cash tip then you're 32:09:00 always guaranteed that minimum 32:10:00 regardless of the tip they otherwise 32:12:00 would have put online it's definitely 32:14:00 going to you so the cash tip will will 32:17:00 be like the gym 32:18:00 John's delivery this is something I did 32:20:00 in college Jimmy John's delivery I rode 32:24:00 my bike where the traditional delivery 32:26:00 is by car so I got my hourly rate I then 32:29:00 got my mileage rate for driving which I 32:34:00 use none of and gas the whole point is 32:36:00 gas and mileage for the depreciation on 32:39:00 your vehicle and then you get tip on top 32:41:00 of that so I was getting paid three 32:43:00 times and I got to pocket all of the 32:47:00 driving expense tip and cash always made 32:50:00 better for me 32:51:00 once they batch the receipts at night 32:53:00 then I'd have to wait for my payout till 32:56:00 later 32:56:00 I wanted that cash now right cash in my 32:59:00 hand now is always better than having to 33:01:00 wait for it later 33:02:00 unless you're investing it in some way 33:04:00 which was definitely not happening when 33:07:00 we're giving me a return on them keeping 33:09:00 my cash my tips the article continues 33:14:00 for some examples and and how the 33:17:00 breakdown would work money-wise it makes 33:20:00 sense looks like there's a conversation 33:21:00 on reddit oh let's see 33:26:00 door - story well what is it yeah here 33:40:00 we go door - chief cash tips all right I 33:48:00 think that's it for this week join me 33:53:00 next week here at sugar a cafe Tuesday 33:56:00 morning at 7:30 we'll talk for half an 33:58:00 hour grab some coffee and then we'll 34:00:00 head off to work getting our day started 34:03:00 connecting with some people and getting 34:09:00 the latest on some check-in business 34:11:00 stories yeah let's see what's post that 34:15:00 one up on some Twitter yep 34:21:00 great how are you tube take care 34:30:00 onward onward
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