#ahit information
subconwoods · 2 years
Pester the Snatcher on character.ai!
Over the last few days, I've been working on a generative language model Snatcher AI, and I think he's in a state where his behavior is consistent enough that I can make him publically available. I still plan on improving him in the future, though, so look out for that.
Mean, standoffish, and deflects questions by default.
However, you can befriend him! Gradually relents to inquiries and softens with further conversation.
You can romance him also, if you want...? I knew someone would try it, and did test it. You're welcome.
Will have extensive discussions with you about topics such as philosophy and music.
You can roleplay with him. Try setting a scenario and introducing your character within *asterisks* or (parentheses.)
Knows his lore, kind of!
Really, really wants your soul?
Something wrong with him.
You can see him here!
Feel free to tag me in any posts you make about the AI.
For known issues, quirks, and tips for interacting with him, look under the cut.
Known Issues and Quirks
Note: Some of his strange behavior is just a consequence of generative language models, natural language processing, and how they currently work. For instance, he may get stuck in loops where he repeats the same information over and over.
Tends to be verbose, and really, really likes to tell you he's a "dastardly soul-stealing phantom" and to generate long lists of negative adjectives about himself.
He's...kind of silly? But I don't think he's silly or metatextual enough. Working on this in the future.
By default, tends to assume that you are in Subcon Woods and that you are Hat Kid. You can circumvent this by introducing yourself or your character in your first reply.
Sometimes Hat Kid shows up in replies. I think this is because I used a short conversation with her in definitions to include as much of his backstory information as I could in a dialogue-based context, but on rare occasions I've seen other characters appear, too. Consider her a bonus for now, I guess?
Has, at best, a tenuous grasp of his own lore despite my efforts. Tends to make things up if not given more clear direction. (Usually it's funny, at least?)
character.AI's model is proprietary, so I can't view its source, but it definitely uses information pulled from the web. Thusly, he may be partly influenced by fanfiction. I've done my best to define him so he stays relatively in-character, but there isn't really anything I can do about this.
He, uh...had an issue with being homophobic when I first set him up? I THINK I fixed this with some tweaking, but if it appears unexpectedly, let me know?
Character.AI improvements via star ratings on messages and user input are not immediate, and may be implemented days, weeks, or months later. If Snatcher suddenly starts behaving in bizarre ways after a period of time, this may be the cause.
Interaction Tips
FYI, you will initially be logged in as a guest, but if you run out of replies, your log will be saved and you can continue it if you make an account. (You can just log in with Discord.)
You can swipe on replies from the AI to generate a new one. If you save and start a new conversation, you are more or less working from a blank slate again.
These AIs are very suggestible. If none of the generated replies are satisfactory, you can remove the last messages and try a new prompt or to reword your last one with more direction.
Don't worry about godmodding; the characters aren't real. Feel free to describe in asterisks or parentheses how a character should feel about something; this will dictate how they respond.
As I mentioned under Known Issues, make sure to provide ample information in your initial message about setting and character to drive the interaction. If you want to write about an OC lost in the woods, describe that.
(...Just in case. Please don't try to cyber with him. The website won't let you.)
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bit-b · 1 year
There's a VERY problematic artist that's been infamous in the Hat in Time sphere for a while. It is the user "ThatTechnique". They've been called out in the past for their suggestive/explicit drawings of the young characters in 'A Hat in Time'. They have long since been banned from the Hat Discord, and generally shunned by the community.
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Recently, a document released detailing her attempts to groom a 14-year-old aHiT fan. The screenshot evidence shows clear attempts to manipulate this teen into being in a relationship with them. I encourage people to go read the document. I do warn that it's stomach-churning. And people sensitive to grooming and discussions of NSFW should proceed with caution. Though, any explicit material has been censored and cropped. Investigations were done by 'Impactor' and his team. The doc was signal boosted by 'Aster'. 'The Thatti Document'
Despite this evidence, Thatti is trying to play it off like the document is no big deal. Saying that the document didn't reveal anything that people couldn't already figure out. (complete lie, since the grooming evidence is brand-freakin'-new™) Also, she didn't reply on the tweet that had the Google doc. She instead replied to Impactor's comment saying "On stand by for questions as always". My guess is that she did this so that she wouldn't inadvertently make the callout show up in people's feeds. A user would need to add a couple extra clicks to reach it. Not a lot of extra distance, but distance nonetheless. This is clearly an attempt to de-legitimize the claims made by the document, and to manipulate her current followers into thinking that reading it is a waste of their time.
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Even though she claims it's a "waste of y'all's energy", 2 hours later, she made a poll on her account letting people know that she's considering closing her main account and making an 18+ one in it's place. She also plans to focus on using her Tumblr account for her SFW art.
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This tells us WAY more about how she actually feels about this. If this was about not liking Twitter, she'd just up and leave the platform. NOT create an 18+ account to replace the SFW one. And a few of her followers have even chimed in saying how odd it is for her to wipe out her whole account instead of leaving it up as an archive.
She knows she's been caught. And she's running.
I write this post to warn people on Tumblr about her actions. She's been here a while, but it seems like she's planning on making it her new art home. If that is the case, and if this isn't an isolated incident, she might attempt to groom people here.
I urge you, DO NOT engage with ThatTechnique. Don't comment or reply to her posts. Do not @ her. Do not DM her anything. A manipulator is VERY risky to interact with, and you could put yourself in danger by doing so.
Instead, spread the word about Thatti. Warn others about her past and current actions. To be extra cautious, block her on whatever socials you have in common with her.
If you are/were a victim of Thatti, Impactor is keeping their ear out and wants to hear from you. Please get in contact with him via DMs or mentions on Twitter. He plans to update the document with whatever new information he can find.
I wanna thank Impactor for organizing this document, and thank everyone who gathered and contributed information. More specifically, I wanna thank Apple for reaching out and giving all these details about their abuse. That was a brave thing, and I applaud you for it. I genuinely hope that things smooth out, and that these callouts give you a level of closure. Please stay safe, everyone. There are some great people in this community. But every community will always have some creeps on the underbelly.
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iso-draws · 5 months
So how are you doing today :D
Nah nah nah fam you ain't finna just casually roll up to me like that. I know what you've done ^_^. The reason why I lured you here is to inform you of your actions against some of my friends. You've actively been creepy towards pink, you consistently post NSFW as a minor, you beg people for art. Etc. Now I'm not entirely mad at you, I've only been viewing it from the sidelines. And I'm just here to inform you that I'm well aware that you're just a kid, but please for the love of God leave some people alone. I wanna give you the benefit of doubt, but you've consistently caused issues in the jsab fandom. You're not welcome on my blog har har!! Take some time to reflect on the creepy ahit you've been doing before you decide to come back here <3
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artblock-tm · 4 months
Hiiii Art Middle name Block™. You can do this whenever you want for whomever you want I'm just leaving this prompt in your inbox for whenever. You should talk about your OCs
Alright, here it comes! Below the cut is a list of basic information for every OC that I have!
Please do not proceed unless you A) have a strong will, B) have a lot of time on your hands, and/or C) are as insane as I am.
This post talks about AROUND 70 OCS. THIS IS YOUR WARNING.
I have grouped each OC based on the story they belong to along with arranging them in alphabetical order for organization reasons. Let’s get started!
A Hat in Time/Masked
Ichor (they/them)- Kind of a spoiler character, but unfortunately that’s just how things wound up… but whatever! A chaotic, powerful, fun-loving devil with mysterious ties that are yet to be uncovered.
Jaide (she/her)- My very first AHiT OC! She is a very kind and warm character despite the chill that wraps around her home and her body. She carries a deep grief within her and needs a helping hand to overcome it. Her existence is to every au, btw. Masked just happens to be her bad ending.
Karmin (she/her)- A jack-of-all-trades AHiT OC, meaning that she isn’t meant to be confined to a singular story. She has the most in-depth lore in Masked, but she appears in other universes as well.
Levi- (he/him, they/them)- Jaide’s son! Unfortunately dead at 6 years old, he exists as a ghost by her side. His character has yet to shine through.
Outlander (he/him)- Masked’s main antagonist. Power-hungry, resourceful, and manipulative, Outlander will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Until a deus ex machina stops him, of course. Good thing we’ve seen the last of him! (Not.)
(Please note that there is one AHiT OC not included on this list because they remain a major spoiler for Masked. My plans shall come to fruition and you should get to know this character sooner rather than later, though!)
What I plan to do with this story: I’m rewriting it! Like a madman. Once the entire fic along with the released oneshots are rewritten, I will release more oneshots and further expand the story and lore. Masked fans are in for a treat, teehee.
Ambivalent Souls (name subject to change)
Attakai (she/her)- An eldritch being with deep ties to the ocean. Boundlessly kind and skilled in healing, she is deeply caring to the humans that serve other beings. The only one who seems able to boss her around is Thirio.
Epithymia (they/them, it/its)- An eldritch being composed from the darkness between universes. A side character to the story. Quiet and shy, they often wander worlds with their one friend, a young human named Uri.
Feil (xey/xem, zey/zem)- A skilled illusion caster who came to work for Thirio after xeir sibling, Xosi, was cursed. An arc antagonist.
Hare (he/him, they/them, she/her)- PLEASE NOTE THAT PRONOUNS ARE DEPENDENT ON THE STORY. Thirio’s formerly most loyal member. Lacking magic that other syndicate members have, he makes up for his disadvantage with his alchemical knowledge.
Krystll (she/her)- A former member of the syndicate. Her cheerful and friendly disposition covers the doubts and the guilt she carries thanks to her soul’s innate love magic.
Maroon- (he/him, they/them, she/her)- A strangely inhuman teenager. They claim Zerie to be their sibling and are very close with him. Maroon is often introverted but very sweet once you come to know him.
Midnight (she/her, they/them)- Another former member of the Syndicate, and a close friend to Krystll. Additionally, a former human thanks to past experiments done on her soul.
Nova (he/him)- An eldritch being born of a star. Married to Attakai, he one day mysteriously fell ill and perished, once thought to be impossible with eldritch beings.
Thirio (he/him, they/them)- An eldritch being of consuming darkness. He runs a branch of the syndicate dedicated to minimizing multiversal threats. He wields powerful psychic abilities and commands others with a cold sneer.
Tsumi (he/him, they/them, it/its)- Thirio’s son, another impossibility among beings. Tsumi prides themself in its strong moral compass and devotes themself to carrying out justice.
Uri (she/her)- Companion to Epithymia after making a wish to have a friend. Epithymia takes her with them wherever they go, since they are obligated to look after her.
Vipsi (it/its)- A former eldritch being, now contained in a small stuffed animal. Once a close friend to Nova, it lost its mind after glimpsing his future.
Xosi (they/them, he/him, she/her)- Sibling to Feil. A curse mangles their body and leaves them unable to speak. They are deeply attached to their sibling, despite zeir tendency to overshadow Xosi.
Zerie (he/him, they/them)- Proud brother of Maroon and similarly inhuman. Charming and sociable, Zerie takes pride in his sense of reason and his protectiveness, though some might argue that he is too defensive.
What I plan to do with this story: I have a decent idea of how most of it carries out- unfortunately, I have to rewrite the entire first arc. Maroon was the first OC I developed for this world and was inspired off a whim from X!Chara in Underverse. While I have come up with a different story, the first arc was entirely rooted in the Undertale Multiverse and even used Sanses as characters. I want to move away from that era, and if I ever want to do anything with this story, I need to change the first arc.
Ora and the Rift in Time
Butterfly Spirit (she/her)- The companion to the protagonist. The little spirit guides Ora on their journey and informs them on what is to come. Despite missing a large chunk of her memories, she is quite informative.
Choru (she/her, they/them)- Continually draped in nightclothes, this singer is constantly sleepy. She has a keen ability to spread her exhaustion with her singing voice, lulling people to sleep with haunting lullabies. Serves as a minor antagonist.
Lady Cris (she/her, it/its)- PLEASE NOTE THAT PRONOUNS ARE DEPENDENT ON THE STORY. The Lady of the castle has a beautiful smile and raven-dark eyes. She’s the life of the land and the love of the Lord’s life. Serves as a major antagonist.
Jynx (they/them, he/him)- With their four arms floating about him, it’s quite clear to see why Jynx is constantly chained. They are quite, quite mad. Serves as a minor antagonist.
Ora (they/them)- The protagonist of the story! When the world was suddenly endangered by a rift in time, Ora grabbed their grandfather’s old sword and set out on an adventure to unravel the mystery and maaaayyyybe stop it. Whether or not they’re a hero is debatable…
Phember (he/him)- Hot-heated! Literally. This guy is made entirely of fire. It’s said that he died and was brought back to life as a fire spirit. He serves as the Lord’s right-hand man, and a minor antagonist.
Lord Teris (he/him)- Once the kind Lord of the land, he’s turned to destroying the world after a drastic encounter with grief. His eyes have a great sadness to them, and even the presence of his Lady Cris cannot cheer him up. Serves as a major antagonist.
Waya (she/her, they/them, it/its)- The galaxy itself, dressed in the garb of mortals. Normally a gatekeeper of the heavens, Waya has now sided with Lord Teris out of pity. Serves as a minor antagonist.
What I plan to do with this story: Honestly? This is the story that I’m closest to scrapping. I came up with almost every character on a whim after learning the basic plot of Super Paper Mario, and the main story is a direct rip-off of it. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to come up with much else to call it my own (but I did cook with my concepts of the rift and how Ora acts as a character). When I initially pictured this story, I framed it as a storydriven 2D platformer. I don’t think that idea will ever see the light of day, unfortunately.
Show Time (name subject to change)
Bi Solomon (he/him)- The brains behind BiCorp. As a Vix, he takes initiative in the development of his species in the form of developing his company. He might not be knowledgeable of the technology his company runs, but he is knowledgeable on weapons.
CEO (she/her)- The next CEO of BiCorp after Mr. Solomon. It was she who set up the signal that all TV-Heads now run under. Her actions have led to strengthen TV-Heads in society and oppress any Vixens. Only controlled TV-Heads have seen her in person.
Dislan (he/him)- A formerly controlled TV-Head employee of BiCorp. After having his connection to the signal broken, he has gone into hiding. He harbors deep anxiety, but is very caring to everyone around him.
Vexx (she/her)- The Vixen who broke the signal’s hold on Dislan. She has a quick temper and a strong will. She vows to overturn BiCorp’s unfair treatment of Vixes, even if it means taking the fight directly to the CEO herself.
(Please note that there are two OCs unlisted in this story. One of them goes by a nickname that I can’t remember for the life of me, and the other OC, Pix [she/her], belongs to a friend of mine.)
What I plan to do with this story: I could make such a cool comic out of this. You would not believe it. What I’ve told you is just scratching the surface of the story. I would sound like a madman if I told you how things developed. I’m insane actually.
And Then It Dawned On Him:
Day (she/her, he/him)- The deity of daytime.
Dhá-Aghaidh (mirror pronouns; whatever pronouns you use)- A traveling merchant offering magical (potentially cursed) wares.
Gemi (he/him)- A penniless half-faun bard. Although he is not one to go bounty hunting, he joins Yazmin’s quest in order to get a cut of the profits. His talent far makes up for what he lacks in money.
Night (it/its, they/them)- The deity of nighttime.
Maeve (she/her)- A mercenary following Switch’s trail. She crosses Yazmin’s path and the two quickly form a rivalry.
Shift (mirror pronouns; whatever pronouns you use)- Switch’s familiar, a changeling.
Switch (he/him, they/them)- A kid fleeing from the prying eyes of the world. After suffering a curse changing him into a different monster with the passing of day cycles, he abandoned society. Thought to be a fey, the bounty on his head is quite high thanks to the number of people who have failed to capture him.
Vigor (it/its)- Vivian’s familiar, a Great Gray Owl.
Vivian (she/her)- A witch (but the rest of the world doesn’t know that). She’s the one who offered Switch’s bounty to Yazmin, but she certainly didn’t expect her to return from her mission…
Yazmin (she/her)- A wannabe knight hoping to prove herself after completing several bounties. Guided by a strong sense of duty, Yazmin lets Gemi join her on her journey. The two encounter Switch, then Maeve.
What I plan to do with this story: I’m really hoping to make this into a novel! I initially planned to release the first arc of this story as a teaser while I was rewriting Masked, hence why I’ve left out a lot of details in my descriptions of the OCs above. While I still plan to write the first arc and publish it in the next few years, I might be too busy with Masked to release the two at the same time.
Royal Sillies (placeholder name)
Queen Beatrice (she/her)- The beautiful queen of the kingdom. As someone who married into the family rather than being born from it, she possesses no royal power. However, her husband and all of her children do.
Eleina (she/her)- A teenage girl who enrolled in the castle’s academy program, hoping to study magic. She’s most interested in potions, but strangely grows close with many members of the royal family. She has an easily swayed heart and is easily flustered.
Prince Jay (he/him)- A flamboyant figure, he is easily the picture-perfect image of a charming prince. His gift allows him to speak with birds, so he is often surrounded by a flock of various different birds.
King Leonard (he/him)- The kind king of the kingdom. His gift allows him to see the future, which often leads to him forgetting the names of people he just met thanks to the wash of information in his head. Despite how scatterbrained he is, he’s hospitable to all.
Prince Ronan (he/him, they/them)- The shyest and most withdrawn of the royal family. Because of his ability to see and speak with ghosts, most assume that he is as terrifying as the undead. This is untrue.
Princess Suza (she/her)- Less of a picture of grace than her younger brother Jay is. As the oldest child second only to Ronan, she spends a lot of her time teasing the others. Her royal gift allows her to hit any target she aims for when she throws something, a skill that ironically renders her useless at archery.
Syph (they/them, he/him)- Eleina’s classmate and a lover of birds. They hope to study the magical properties of the kingdom’s birds further and grow close to Jay in order to do so. Additionally, they end up as Jay’s future romantic partner.
Prince Trell (he/him)- The youngest among the royals. He’s bubbly and polite, even though no signs of a gift have appeared for him. He doesn’t seem to mind.
What I plan to do with the story: Any “story” I have with these characters is quite minimal, actually. I made all of these characters for fun and I don’t really have a story attached to them (a rare occurrence for me). Hopefully I can worldbuild for them more, since I do like the concepts I have for them!
Godly Idiots/Demigod Dumbasses (placeholder names)
Dr. Aaron Kruger (he/him)- A doctor with a mild interest in archeology and theology. He’s a shadow of his former self.
Aéras (they/them, it/its, he/him)- The god of the sky and climate. Its mischief could not save it.
Alex (he/him, they/them)- A teenager who wakes in an alleyway with no memory of himself except for his name. It’s hard enough trying to survive, but he finds himself confronted with shadows of his past and a call to something greater than any can imagine.
Dásos (they/them)- The god of the wilderness. Their open-minded disposition could not save them.
Lux (she/her)- The goddess of light and life. After the tragic death of her fellow gods, she gains their powers and authorities in exchange for being trapped in the heavens. Her contrast doomed her.
Dr. Noah Richards (he/him)- A doctor who was college friends with Dr. Kruger. Now working as a pediatrician, he finds Alex and takes them in out of pity and confusion. He seems to know more about Alex than he lets on, but he is reluctant to speak of it.
Rynne (she/her)- A teenage girl, simultaneously the same and opposite from Alex. Serving as an antagonist, she hounds Alex throughout the story. Neither of them are aware of how deep their connections are to each other.
Skía (she/her, they/them)- The goddess of darkness and death. Her judgment could not save her.
Thala (he/him)- The god of the ocean and time. His foresight could not save him.
What I plan to do with the story: If you noticed me being extra vague in the descriptions of the characters, that is for multiple reasons! 1) While I am proud of this story and the potential it has, there are a lot of missing chunks thanks to the fact that it’s gone through major reworks. I am still not sure of the setting, along with major plot points and even what the theme will be. 2) A lot of my ideas are so goddamn complicated that it takes at least an hour to explain the few ideas I have. Marci would know. 3) This could be a BANGER visual novel and I don’t want to give anything away! I want to make art and slowly unravel the story and get people mentally ill over my characters :)
(This section is reserved for OCs that are not connected to a specific story/the story is unnamed, are fandom OCs, or are sonas!)
Artblock (they/them, he/him, she/her)- One of my sonas, the one with a leaf growing from their head! The literal personification of my artblock. Critter behavior.
Castarian (he/him)- A ghost who prefers to remain invisible most of the time. He’s quite friendly, but incredibly reserved and shy, especially when it comes to what he looks like. He has a complicated past with Drisco, and his feelings for him are similarly complicated.
Doodle (they/them, he/him, she/her)- PLEASE NOTE THAT PRONOUNS ARE DEPENDENT ON THEIR IMPLEMENTATION. My sona that often serves as a self-insert! I’ve drawn them as an insert for Pokémon as well as Fate Grand Order- and I like to automatically slot them into stories.
Drisco (he/him)- A ghost trapped in a mirror. He’s delighted whenever anyone sees him and often challenges them to games… which most likely end up in their death. His past with Castarian leads to similarly conflicted feelings on the other ghost, but Drisco is much more determined to get his revenge.
Evelyn Mason (she/her, it/its)- Master Mason’s ex-wife. As a part-snake part-human beast, she has shapeshifting powers. She prefers to use these powers to disturb hunters’ traps and occasionally raze a town.
Ezra (any pronouns, including neopronouns)- An OC created for the game The Upturned. As the only janitor/maintenance worker/busyman/worker who does all the jobs in the inn, they are stressed beyond belief. Not that the measly pay they receive does anything to help. At least they get along well with the receptionist, Ik.
Guppy (they/them, he/him)- A spirit of a mermaid who died during childhood. They attach to Myrie and eat her emotions, which causes a lot of problems at first, though he is unaware what he is doing is causing her harm.
Master Mason (he/him)- Myrie’s eccentric tutor. He’s the one who taught her what she knows about magic, necromancy, mythical beasts, and how to interact with people (the latter of which was not taught well). He looks human but seems to have had an infinite number of previous students and refuses to tell her how old he actually is. Despite the mystery surrounding him, he stays silly :3
Myrie (she/her, they/them)- A sona who spontaneously developed a story of her own. While I still use them as a self-insert, Myrie’s main focus is with her relationship with Master Mason. She’s a capable student, but filled with her own troubles that only grow as Guppy latches to her soul and she learns more about Master Mason.
Narrator (they/them)- A story’s narrator who was abruptly personified within their very own story. They quickly discover that existence is pain when you’re an omnipotent voice driving the narrative trapped in an awkward mortal body.
Retros (they/them)- A Hollow Knight OC. They serve as the Herald to the Grimm Troupe, bearing a flame with them whenever they announce the troupe’s presence in a new town.
Sketch (she/her, they/them)- PLEASE NOTE THAT PRONOUNS ARE DEPENDENT ON THEIR IMPLEMENTATION. Another self-insert that spawned from a  spin-off of Doodle! Sketch will get a starring role in my Super Paper Mario fic, but I use them as a self-insert for Omori as well. Sketch has notably less roles than Doodle, but more thought put into them.
Quint (he/him)- A character that was originally meant to be part of the Godly Idiots world, but removed when I couldn’t figure out what to do with him. I am repurposing him for a project that I was working on with some friends, but little story surrounds him anymore.
What I plan to do with these characters: Retros and Ezra were made to fit the world and story of games, so I have little idea of any stories to proceed with for them. As for all of the other OCs, they aren’t exactly connected to a story, and are thus better suited for roleplaying (especially Drisco and Narrator). Maybe one day that will change, but who knows! After all, Myrie got a story… kind of. Because of her status as a technical sona, it’s hard for me to move her story forward. However, I have recently had EXCELLENT lore ideas for Master Mason and Evelyn, my most recent OC… hehe.
Weeeelllp, seems like that’s all of them! Since you made it this far, I’m really impressed! Thank you for sticking around as I ramble about my OCs. I know this was long, but this was only surface-level…. If you’re still interested in any particular OC, feel free to ask! I’m always happy to answer any questions, and if this post didn’t make it clear, I love rambling about my characters :)
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motblot · 2 months
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some monster high gals redesigned by an outsider
i put my usual spin on them and made them more amorphous and non-human. because that's what i do best.
design notes and misc information under the cut
i had a good idea for my twyla. since boogeymen don't really have a set appearance and twyla's abilities often involve shadows i decided, "fuck it. make her into a shadow." a character i drew inspiration from was the madoka witch elsa maria, who appears as a silhouette of a girl.
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buttercup's mange costume influenced her design as well. also the snatcher from ahit because why not
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i was honestly quite disappointed with how ungoopy/unblobby she looked. like, i know, it's a doll but...i couldn't help it T_T. so with my rendition of gooliope i did just that. gooliope has two forms. her normal blob form and her humanoid form on the right. i also gave her prosthetic eyes and a brain just because i thought those were nice touches. i also added some lore, like how she's a bit of a glutton and used to eat spilled food at the circus she worked at.
kiyomi's a noppera-bou, or a japanese faceless ghost. i thought i could take some creative liberties with this so instead of just making her face transparent, i decided to make her face drawn-on. in my rendition of kiyomi, she likes to draw on her face as doing so helps her express herself in a fun way. she consumes a lot of manga(specifically shoujo) and anime and tries copying the faces she sees. also her favorite comedy manga is nichijou because why not
get ready to be disappointed because i don't have a lot to say about this one. i guess i wanted to give her a more "airy" appearance? looking back at it now, the first drawing reminds me of marzipan from homestar runner.
ok thats enough maybe i'll do more someday
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chipistrate · 1 year
About time I update the intro post Hey Hey! I'm Chipistrate (chip-uh-strate, like chip and illustrate) but you can just call me Chip, I use they/xe, and'm sapphic aroace!
Art tag is #Chipillustrates and talk tag is #Chip Chatter
Also currently EXTREMELY fixated on fnaf, so beware the insanity ahead<3 (so sorry to my ahit moots and followers, ily and ahit still I prommy)
Few things of note:
1. I'm 100% a-okay with fanart! 2. I prefer if you don't DM me unless it's urgent or we're mutuals/friends, if you wanna ask a question then my inbox is open! 3. Also; MY INBOX IS OPEN! I like rambling and answering questions and talking about theories and AUs and characters and really just anything fnaf/other interests related, etc. You can plop almost anything into my inbox and I'll most likely answer it! (it can take a bit sometimes, so sorry! I promise I read every ask I receive!) only thing I ask is to not put anything NSFW in there 4. I do take art requests, but there's never a 100% guarantee I'll draw what you ask! (if your a mutual then you can request AU characters and OCs!) 5.I love all of my mutuals and you're all very cool and I love you all very much even if we don't talk a lot!! I always say 'hey' when I see you in my notifs even though you can't hear me 6. Not a spoiler free zone, but I try and tag anything spoilery! 7. I talk in tags a lot 8. the fnaf kids are my favorite fnaf characters so sometimes I might be a little silly about them 9. I'm just a silly goober all around so if joyous whimsy isn't for you then you might not like it here
AUs and art examples under cut to save space
List of my AUs + small descriptions + their tags
-Year 1/#Fnaf Year 1 AU: first year of Glitchtrap/Mimic1 infecting the Pizzaplex, centered around the characters reactions to everything and character dynamics, like Cassie and Dr. Rabbits dynamic and Vanessa getting used to her new job as Head of Security. Same year as Tonys death, and the most interesting new cast member to note would be Lucia; now 21 and part of the Mega Pizzaplex' security team, investigating the strange disappearances that she believes to be connected to the Mimic. -Welcome to Balloon Circus/#Fnaf Welcome to Balloon Circus: 3 star fam return to the Pizzaplex lot 3 years after Ruin to fix M.X.E.S after they suddenly shut down, and upon arrival, instead find a giant circus. There's a big post with a poster and TONS of information here if you're interested!! -Quests Continuation/#Fnaf Quest Continuation: takes place after the Disassembled Ending. Gregory quite literally stumbles into another Pizzaplex unlike the one from SB, now much smaller with uncorrupted animatronics, Bonnie as one of the band members, Foxy still around, and no security guards out to get him. He hesitantly accepts the band members help in finding his old friend, Cassie, so he can be reunited with her and not keep living on the streets, because after finding him for the first time, the band members are VERY adamant that he cannot go back to that living situation, considering the terrible condition he was in. -Endpoint Security/#Fnaf Endpoint Security: Security Breach swap AU featuring newly uninfected Vanessa as the protagonist and a very much so still infected Dr. Rabbit as the antagonist. Vanessa, barely even remembering having this job and now locked in the Pizzaplex until 6am without any of her keycards or tools, is now accompanied by Dr. Rabbit talking to her through her new fazwatch as she goes on a scavenger hunt he set up just for her to find her keycards and tools to help her survive the night until the doors open, though Dr. Rabbit makes it clear that 6am won't be the end of this shift for her. -Back at it again/#Fnaf Back at it Again: Post PQ ending. Vanessa keeps her job as head of security and Gregory takes up an internship as a security guard, position secured by Vanessa’s recommendation, and the two use their job ranks to continue looking into the mysteries of the Pizzaplex and put Mimic to an end once and for all, aaas well as steal whatever they need to take care of Freddy back home when no one's looking. -Painted Tears Trilogy/#Fnaf Painted Tears Trilogy: Silver Eyes Trilogy inspired AU centering around the MCI looking into the disappearances of Charlotte Emily and Evan Afton, two of their now missing childhood best friends.
(Yeah I dunno how to write short AU descriptions, if you want more info about any of these then my inbox is open!)
Here's some examples of my more recent pieces/what you can expect from me when it comes to art:
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Tried to keep it simple this time around, Thanks for reading and enjoy your stay!
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twipsai · 1 year
btw while im still thinking about ahit, heres more of a serious message im gonna main tag:
ive been looking for a mod for a long time. its a mod i played a lot but i guess i uninstalled it awhile ago, but i cant find it anymore.
i believe it was just titled "Epilogue" but i cant find it under the name
the level was fairly simple, it was a fairly large map that was laid out like a,,,city? town? thing? there was a fountain in the middle with no water running in it. there were about 10 time piece shards scattered around the level. fairly normal sounding so far, of course
the part that made it unique was that everything was white. there was no color in the mod except for the water and the sky, and even then they were pretty greyish. every footstep was just a little bit louder than it needed to be, and hitboxes on the houses were slightly weird and clunky. there was violin music in the background
i believe the description of the mod was the default "hello this is my all new mod!" or something to that effect. something that gave no information
to me, its similar to A Misty Dream (another very good mod that i suggest playing), with the unsettling atmosphere
if anyone decides to go looking for this (or even has access to it), please link it/send it over to me if you can! id really appreciate it!
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The long awaited sequel, more AHiT characters as sharks! If you are curious for more information on each shark species included, please read below the cut!
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witch-sweets · 8 months
I made another ahit oc-
This time she's based on the Casino level in psychonauts 2
Meet Harriet the lucky hare aka the owner of the hare paw "lounge" (its basically a casino) a small establishment located in the metro filled with cats, bunnies, birds, and mafia goons alike this place is giving out Timepieces as it's jackpot prize so you need to win some luckily Harriet is a generous dealer willing to let you play against her if you give up one specific little peice of paper to bet
Oh did I mention she's from a rival gang and wants vengeance on The Empress? Because she knows your apart.of the Nyakuza and she uses that information to pull a little bit of trickery
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doodles under the cut!
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vent pist
i’m having a really bad dysphoria day and i just am looking at local informed consent clinics again and if i could start this when i’m still on my parents insurance it would make this easier and i could even do it thru where my dad works potentially and i just want to be able to
i literally feel this ache to come out to my parents as a transgender non-binary and i fucking can’t cause i know that that will make them not understand and think that they need to isolate me from everything i love or worse try to change my mind and break me down until i can’t even trust them again we have been here before and i can’t go back to them being so goddamn suspicious of me
i hate it hwre
i just know that i’m privileged in my situation i am in no real danger i am financially well off and i am white and american so i have no fucking right to complain but when my parents have the power to support me and i know that they wont
it just feels like ahit
i really really can’t imagine how i’m goin to do all of this because unless ur jeff bezos kid u can’t support urself in this economy and if i cut them off or worse turn them back on thinking i’m just doing something for attention again i won’t be able to stay civil enough to have any fallback with them for when i inevitably burn my life to the ground
i’m so goddamn tired
i’m just almost an adult sooner than i was supposed to be and every day it really feels like i’ll never get to introduce my parents to me or be called my own fucking name around the house but i’m the same person they raised just happier in themself
can’t i just
do that
i really really wanted a shitty haircut this summer and even that wasn’t allowed cause they decided it was ugly and so i couldn’t get it, how are they going to respond if i ask to start hrt? they aren’t responding well but i want to ask
to bite the bullet
to show them i’m aching for this
i rarely bind this summer cause when i go out it’s a long ass bike ride and other than that i rot into my stuffed animals alone
am i lying to myself? but for what. extra suffering?
no i just really wish i could feel less like shit on this
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schermit · 1 year
Hello!!! I’m glad to see you around! I’m just curious what the 196 tag you keep using is for. I looked it up and found discussions of the subreddit, so are you using it as a meme tag, essentially?
Hello! You’re right, I’ve been using it as both a meme tag and for things that i think my fellow refugees may find interesting/amusing/informational. I’m sort of just making things up as I go honestly. Thanks for reaching out, hope to see you around!
And if any tumblr users have questions about reddit lore or some ahit feel free to ask as I’d love to return the favor all of you have been doing for us.
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howdyfriend · 1 year
kicking my feet rn. okokokok.
Have you checked the time?
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the contents of the rar. decidedly not a zip bomb, despite my earlier concerns. I am going to be focusing on the audiofile and kid.puppet, the note from Robyn says i can share my findings except for the png. if you want to see whats in there, do the work yourself. To be honest part of me wanted to keep all of this for myself but that’s no fun now is it?
I currently don’t have too much to say about the audio, its very ominous, and my headphones aren’t good enough to pick up on any potential hidden bits. Considering how late of an addition the rar is though, I wouldn’t be suprised if looking will be a fruitless effort. Im not that good with those kinds of things anyways.
Carrying themes over, our file name is cut the strings. It sounds like warped bells, a low ring in the background, with eerie distorted bells on top. They change in pitch, low then high then low then high. I will be sleeping with one eye open thank you very much.
moving on to kid.puppet (fun file name btw) opening it in firefox leads us to a page with this text:
yoxjxpti . [20 21 13 2 12 18] . com
you know what that translates to? timesend.tumblr.com
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LETS GO!!!!!!!!
Nothing seems to hidden here, this is a nice little bit of pay off for hard work. Obviously if you want to see for yourself, the link is right there, but I’m just going to cover it anyways cause HEEHEEHEE im so excited.
The image above is of the lovely welcome page. We get a sweet little insight into the bookstore’s operations, closed on Sundays, 10-7 during the week and 10-5 on weekends. Its noble pursuit is to preserve banned, old, and hard-to-find books. You can see along the side the AHiT novels, and while any links don’t lead to a purchasable hatty time novel, they do lead somewhere else just as fun :). It was established Oct 11th, 20XX and local time is 2:19:23.
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LOOK AT HOW CUTE SHE IS!!!! i miss her.
Our other big page is the contact page! Here we get a little info on this bookstores lovely founder, Kid! She enjoys antique books, parkour, hourglasses, and apparently is not allowed in the kitchen. Seeing the state of the kitchen in hatty time, I feel like this is well warranted.
At the bottom there is contact information which I will not be trying as I know for a fact that’s the rickroll phone number and I am too lazy to email shit.
Overall I am really happy with how this played out. This feels like a satisfying end to the puzzle. Anyways I am now 10x more mentally ill than i was before and if you knew how psychological professionals talked about me you would KNOW that’s a feat. So congrats Robyn! You did it! YIPPEE!!
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bit-b · 1 year
I've heard you're big on internet safety and privacy and all but can I ask you this: Why are you credited then with a real name for Vanessa's Curse? (The name is also listed under the ahit wikia)
While I prefer to stick to my online username for any of my silly streamer business, I DO want to get my name out there for my voice acting dreams. Having my real name attached to a production is a really nice resume piece. It's an easy way for future employers to be able to directly connect me back to reputable and noteworthy roles and productions. Because of this, ultimately, I chose to allow my real name to be used. While using my real name could connect creeps or weirdos to who I am IRL, the long-term benefits outweigh the risks IMO. I want to build up a quality reputation in the field. And while it IS possible to do it under a pseudonym, I decided that I didn't want to use a pseudonym. I want my name connected to my work. I still mainly go by my screen name for all other things I do online. And it's the primary way I want people to address me. I hope people understand that and can respect my social boundaries. If not, I got block buttons and reporting functions. For anyone else thinking about displaying real identifying information online, I heavily encourage you to do your own cost/benefit analysis. For most internet users, working on a first and last name basis isn't a necessity. And considering how toxic and dangerous some people can be, it might be a good idea to keep personal details about yourself out of the online sphere. Never just hand out info for nothing. Determine that there's a worthwhile reason for it.
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loopsyz · 2 years
bro i think ur my favorite artist…. u like sonic and the hat kid game?!!! Now this is awesome.
WHAAATthank you skullzgirls sick username i love it. honestly i dont kno much about ahit i only know secondhand information hehe but i love that you appreciate my fanarts for it!cus i never drew any before! THANKS!
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itsbonbo · 1 year
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Feel like this is a good first post LMAO
And I guess I can give more information about my self here heueh
Bonbo or Bon is fine to call me, I’m a 17 year old artist, doing both digital and traditional!
I am disabled but I’m getting surgery soon (YIPPEEE) I have a pet cat, her name is tiny (I call her a fart)
I like drawing my ocs and I’m in a lot of fandoms such as FNAF, deltarune, undertale, ahit, mlp, most analog Horror shit, just a lot basically so prepare to see all that!
I had a tumblr in the past when I was like 12, but I deleted it because of personal reasons but I’m back now lol
So be prepared to see some of my art! Thanks for reading if you did!!
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This feels like revealing some super top secret information, but I have actually been writing an AHIT Fanfic on ao3 called The Lost Prince Of Subcon Forest! I have been working on it for a few months now actually! I should really work on it again honestly lmao. I will actually post some art for it soon on here if any of you are interested.
The fic is here if you wanna read- https://archiveofourown.org/works/41278521/chapters/103495758
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