ahlulbaytnetworks · 2 months
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Holy Prophet Muhammad al Mustafā (صَلَّى ٱللَّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ‎) said:
“...[after Husain's (عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام ) martyrdom] Iblis ( لعنة الله عليه ) will fly around the earth on that day joyfully, along with his devils and demons. And call out to them: O devils! We have truly achieved our goal with the children of Adam. We have attained our target in their destruction and we have caused them all to inherit Hell, except those who stay committed to this group referring to Imām Husain ( عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام ) and his companions.
So focus your efforts in creating doubts among the people about them [The Ahlalbayt ( عليهم السلام)] and in inciting animosity towards them. Lure the people away from them and their followers so that you can strengthen deviation and disbelief of the people and so that no one survives...."
[Reference: Kaamiluz Ziyaraat, Chapter 88, page 287]
السَّلأمُ عَلَى الحُسَيْن، وَعَلَى عَليِّ بْنِ الحُسَيْنِ، وَعَلَى أوْلادِ الحُسَيْنِ، وَعَلَى أصْحابِ الحُسَينِ
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🍂🥀🍂 Companion of Imam (as) 🍂🥀🍂
🍂 Maytham al-Tammar 🍂
🍂 Full Name ~ Maytham al-Tammar
al-Asadi al-Kufī
🍂 Companion of ~ Imam Ali (as),
Imam al-Hasan (as), and Imam al-
Hussain (as)
🍂 Teknonym ~ Abu Salim, Abu Salih
🍂 Place(s) of Residence ~ Kufa
🍂 Death/Martyrdom ~ 60/692
🍂 Cause of Death/Martyrdom ~ He
was sentenced to death by Ibn
Ziyad, his body was left hanging for
a few days
🍂 Burial Place ~ Kufa
🍂 Works ~ A book in exegesis of
Quran, and a book of Hadith
🍂 Maytham al-Tammār al-Asadī al-
Kūfī (Arabic: ميثم التمار الأسدي الکوفي)
(d. 60/692) was a devout and loyal
companion of Imam Ali (as)
Although there isn't a lot of detailed
information available about his life,
he is known for being a date-seller
in Kufa who had many outstanding
qualities. Maytham was executed
by the Ummayad governor before
the Event of Karbala.
🍂 Name 🍂
Maytham was a non-Arab, and because he was the slave of an Asadi woman, he was ascribed to the tribe of Bani Asad.[1] Later, he was bought and then freed by Imam Ali (as) . When Imam Ali (as) asked him his name, he answered: "Salim". Imam Ali (as) said, "The Prophet informed me that your Persian parents named you Maytham." Imam Ali (as) then asked him to return to the name which the Prophet called him and he accepted, and was therefore called Abu Salim. His other title was Abu Salih.[2]
🍂 Life 🍂
Maytham was a date-seller in the bazaar of Kufa; therefore, he was given the title of "al-Tammar", "seller of dates".[3] There are also a few accounts that he was a melon-seller in "Dar al-Rizq" (probably the name of a locality in Kufa).[4]
Maytham was a companion of Imam Ali (as), Imam al-Hasan (as) and Imam al-Hussain (as),[5] but he is best known as a devout follower of Imam Ali (as).[6] He was a devoted and sincere lover of the Prophet (S) and his household (pbbut), and they were also affectionate towards him.[7] As reported by Umm Salama, the Prophet (S) praised Maytham many times during his life.[8]
Maytham received great spiritual knowledge from the AhlalBayt (pbbut). Imam Ali (as) taught him the secrets of succession and informed him of unseen matters.[9]
🍂 Family 🍂
His sons, Salih, Shu'ayb and Hamzah, followed their father in being loyal partisans of the AhlalBayt (pbbut) . His grandchildren were among the companions of the Imams and narrators of hadith.[10] One of his descendants, Ali b. Isma'il b. Shu'ayb b. Maytham, became a great Shi'a theologian and wrote some early theological books.[11]
🍂 Foretelling 🍂
Maytham foretold the death of Mu'awiya,[12] the martyrdom of Imam al-Hussain (as),[13] his own execution and the release of Mukhtar b. Abi 'Ubayd al-Thaqafi from prison.[14]
🍂 Works 🍂
Maytham wrote a commentary of the Quran from what he had learned from Imam 'Ali (as) .[15] According to one account, Maytham told Ibn 'Abbas that Imam Ali (as) had taught him the knowledge of Ta'wil (hidden meaning of the Quran). He asked Ibn 'Abbas to ask him any question about the interpretation of the Quran, and Ibn 'Abbas questioned him and wrote down his answers. When Maytham foretold the story of his own martyrdom, Ibn 'Abbas became suspicious about him and decided to destroy the writings. Maytham asked him not to do that and said, "Keep yourself from doing that until my prophecy is fulfilled; if it does not happen, destroy my interpretations".[16]
Maytham is also said to have compiled a hadith collection from which his descendants narrated. Some of these narrations are available in references.[17] These narrations are about love and hatred towards AhlalBayt (as), the precedence of Kufa Mosque over Bayt al-Maqdis, the hatred of hypocrites towards Imam Ali (as), the four-time confession of fornication and its penalty and other stories about the judgments of Imam Ali (as).[18]
Maytham was an outspoken and eloquent speaker who astonished even Ibn Ziyad with his words.[19] His speeches against the Ummayad caliphate made him famous for his hatred of injustice.
🍂 Imam Ali (as) & Maytham al-Tammar 🍂
He was a member of Shurta al-Khamis (the especial Guards of Imam Ali (as), who pledged themselves to fight with Imam Ali (as) in all battles and support him in all hardships.[20]
Since there is no report of Maytham's presence in any battle with Imam Ali (as), it is thought that he became acquainted with Imam Ali (as) in the last years of the Imam's life. This is also indicated by some narrations reported by Maytham about the events of the last years of leadership of Imam Ali (as), such as the invasion of the partisans of Mu'awiya to the districts of Heet and Anbar and their killing of women and children.[21]
While cursing Imam Ali (as) and his partisans, Mu'awiya also cursed Maytham.[22]
After the demise of Imam Ali (as), Maytham became a devout companion of Imam al-Hasan (as) and Imam al-Hussain (as).[23] Imam al-Hussain (as) was affectionate towards Maytham and treated him kindly.[24] In 60/680 Maytham went to Mecca to perform 'Umrah, but could not meet Imam al-Hussain (as). Umm Salama informed him of Imam al-Hussain (as)'s situation. Maytham then asked Umm Salama to pass his greetings to Imam al-Hussain (as) and to tell him that he would meet the Imam in paradise.[25]
Imam Ali (as) had promised Maytham a high level in paradise beside himself for his resistance against the governor of Kufa, 'Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad. The Imam had also informed Maytham of his martyrdom, the name of his killer and the story of his execution on a palm tree. He even showed him the exact tree on which he was going to be hung. It is reported that Maytham prayed beside that tree and talked to it. He told the story of his martyrdom to his friends, but once when he told Habib b. Mazahir in front of others, people began to mock him.[26]
🍂 Execution 🍂
There are two different accounts about his arrest and execution.
According to the first account, the governor of Kufa, Ibn Ziyad, was ordered by Yazid, the Ummayad caliph, to arrest Maytham and execute him.[27] Ibn Ziyad then asked the chief of Maytham's tribe to surrender Maytham or be killed. Maytham was arrested on his way back from Mecca to Kufa, probably in Qadisiyya. In the prison of Kufa, he met Mukhtar al-Thaqafi and foretold Mukhtar's release from prison.[28]
According to the second account, Maytham, along with some businessmen from Kufa, went to Ibn Ziyad to protest the injustice of his agent in the bazaar. There, ‘Amr b. Hurayth, the commander of the Kufa army, called Maytham a liar and a partisan of the liar (meaning Imam Ali (as). In response, Maytham called himself a truthful partisan of the truthful one. Ibn Ziyad then ordered Maytham to curse Imam Ali (as) and praise Uthman b. 'Affan and threatened to cut off his arms and legs if he didn't. Maytham chose martyrdom. He told Ibn Ziyad that Imam Ali (as) had said Ibn Ziyad would cut off his tongue. Ibn Ziyad wanted to prove the words Imam Ali (as) to be wrong; therefore, he ordered the cutting of Maytham's arms and legs only, and hung him beside the house of ‘Amr b. Hurayth.
After being hung, Maytham miraculously called people loudly to gather around him and listen to some narrations from Imam Ali (as). He then talked about the virtues of Bani Hashim and the evil of the Umayyads.
When Ibn Ziyad was informed of this, he ordered a leash to be put on his mouth. Maytham was the first martyr to be leashed in Islam.[29] According to other reports, Ibn Hurayth suggested cutting his tongue, and Maytham reminded people of Imam 'Ali's prediction. His tongue was then cut off by an agent of Ibn Ziyad.[30]
🍂 Death 🍂
Some sources report that after being hung, he was struck by a spear in his stomach, and said, "Allah-u Akbar", before blood gushed out from his mouth and nose. He passed away in Dhu l-Hijja 60/September 680, before the arrival of Imam al-Hussain (as) in Iraq.[31]
Under the orders of Ibn Ziyad, Maytham's body was left hanging for a few days. Finally, some date sellers stole his corpse and buried him in the lands of the Murad tribe.[32]
🍂 Notes 🍂
(1) al-Kashshi. Rijal (p. 9; al-Mufid. al-
Irshad. vol. 1. p. 323)
(2) Tabarsi. I'lam al-wora (vol. 1. p. 341)
al-Mufid. al-Irshad (vol. 1. p. 341)
(3) Ibn shahrashub. Manaqib
(vol. 2, pg. 329)
(4) al-Kashshi. Rijal (p. 78)
(5) al-Tusi. Rijal (p. 81. 96. 105)
(6) al-Mufid. al-Ikhtisas (pg. 3)
(7) Tabari. Bisharat al-mustafa
(p. 236-237)
(8) Asqalani. al-Isaba
(vol. 6. p. 317)
(9) Ibn Abi l-Hadid. Sharh-i nahj al-
balagha (vol. 2. p. 291)
(10) see: al-Kashshi. rijal. p. 80. al-Tusi.
rijal (p. 118. 138. 149. 157. 160.
162. 224-225.
(11) al-Tusi. al-Fihrist. p. 150. al-
Dhahabi. Tarikh al-islam (p. 316)
(12) see: al-Kashshi. rijal (pg. 80)
(13) al-Saduq al-Amali (pg. 189-190)
(14) al-Mufid. al-Irshad (vol. 1. p.
324-325) Ibn Abi l-Hadid. Sharh-i
nahjal balagha (vol. 2. p. 293)
(15) Agha Buzueg. al-Dhari'a
(vol. 4. p. 317)
(16) al-Kashshi. Rijal (pg. 81)
(17) see: al-Tusi. Amali (pg. 148)
Ghaffar al-Kulaini wa al-kafi
(p. 28)
(18) Barqi. Kitab al-mahasin
(p. 309-310) Shadhan qumi. al-
Fada'il (pg. 3-5)
(19) Kashshi. rijal (pg. 86)
(20) Barqi. Kitab al-rijal (pg. 3-4)
al-Mufid. al-Ikhtisas (pg. 2-3)
(21) Khasibi. al-Hidayat al-akhbar
(pg. 125) Diylami. Irshad al-qulub.
(pg. 272-273)
(22) Ibn Tawus. Farhat al-ghura
(pg. 51-52)
(23) al-Tusi. Rijal (pg. 96-105)
(24) al-Kashshi Rijal (pg. 80)
(25) al-Kashshi. rijal (pg. 80-81)
al-Mufid al-Irshad
(vol. 1. p. 324)
(26) al-Kashshi. Rijal. p. 78-84
(27) al-Mufid. al-Irshad
(vol. 1. pg. 324-325)
(28) Khasibi. al-Hidayat al-Kubra
(pg. 133) Sharif radip (54-55)
(29) al-Kashshi. Rijal (p. 84-87)
al-Mufid. al-Irshad
(vol. 1. p. 304. 324-325)
(30) al-Kashshi. Rijal (pg. 83)
(31) al-Mufid. al-Irshad
(vol. 1. p. 325) Tabarsi I'lam al-
wura. (vol. 1. p. 343)
(32) al-Kashshi. Rijal (pg. 83)
🍂 References 🍂
(1) Kashshi, Muhammad ibn 'Umar al-. Rijal. Mashhad: Chap Hasan Mustafawi. 1348 Sh.
(2) Shaykh al-Mufid, Muhammad b. Muhammad -al. Al-Irshad fi ma'rifat hujaj Allah 'ala al-'ibad. Qom. 1413 AH.
(3) Tabarsi, Fadl ibn hasan. I'lam al-wura bi i'lam al-huda. Qom. 1417 AH.
(4) Ibn Shahrashub, Muhammad b. 'Ali. Manaqib ali abu talib. Qom. 1379 Sh.
(5) Shaykh al-Tusi, Muhammad b. Hasan al-. rijal. Qom: Jami'a mudarrisin, 1415.
(6) Shaykh al-Mufid, Muhammad b. Muhammad -al. Al-Ikhtisas. Qom: Kungirah Shaykh Mufid, 1413/1992.
(7) Tabari Amuli, 'Imad al-din. Bisharat al-Mustafa li Shi'at al-Murtada. Qom: Nahawandi, 1387 Sh.
(8) Asqalani, Ibn Hajar. Al-Asabat fi tamiiz al-sahaba. Beirut. 1992.
(9) Shaykh al-Tusi, Muhammad b. Hasan al-. Al-Fihrist. revised by Jawad Qayyumi. Qom: Nashr al-Fiqahah, 1417 AH.
(10) Shaykh al-Saduq, Muhammad b. 'Ali b. Babawayh al-. Amali. Qom. 1417 AH.
(11) Ibn Abi l-Hadid. Sharh-i Nahj al-balagha.
(12) Shaykh al-Mufid, Muhammad b. Muhammad -al. Al-Irshad. Qom. 1413 AH.
(13) Dhahabi, Muhammad b. Ahmad al-. Tarikh al-islam wa wafiyat al-mashahir wa al-a'lam. Beirut. 1414 AH.
(14) Agha Buzurg, Tihrani. Al-Dhari'a ila tasanif al-Shi'a. Beirut: Dar al-Adwa', 1403 AH.
(15) Gafar, 'Abd al-rasul. al-Kulaini wa al-kafi. Qom. 1416 AH.
(16) Barqi, Ahmad b. Muhammad -al. Kitab al-rijal. Tehran: Dar al-kutub al-Islamiyyah, 1370 AH.
(17) Barqi, Ahmad b. Muhammad -al. Kitab al-mahasin.
(18) Shadhan Qomi. Al-Fada'il. Najaf. 1962.
(19) Khasibi, Husayn b. Hamdan al-. Al-Hidayat al-akhbar. Beirut. 1991.
(20) Diylami, Hasan b. Muhammad. Irshad al-qulub. Beirut. 1978.
(21) Ibn Tawus, 'Abd al-karim. Farhat al-ghura fi ta'iin qabr-i Amir al-mu'minin. Qom. 1998.
🍂 Tomb of Maytham al-tammar in kufa
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ismailignosis · 5 years
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"There are those who say that faiths divide. This may be true. But today we must explore every opportunity to have different faiths come together in addressing the problems of our respective societies. We come from the same common religious heritage, descendants of Abraham, and it is enjoined on us to address the problems of society on the same ethical premises." – Imam Shah Karim al-Husayni Aga Khan IV, (Ismaili Imamat and Government of Portugal ‘Protocol of Co-operation’ , December 19, 2005) #Ismaili #Ismailism #AgaKhan #AhlAlBayt #ProudIsmaili #HazarImam #OneJamat Please visit www.ismailignosis.com or ask.ismailignosis.com or visit our Facebook page www.facebook.com/IsmailiGnosis for more gems about Mawlana Hazar Imam, the Imamat, and Ismaili history and philosophy.  https://www.instagram.com/p/B6lPnr3hm3m/?igshid=1xnbdin5e3lrt
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fullnightbeliever · 5 years
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Labaik Ya Hussain a.s
Who saved Islam from the evils.
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amirdarvesh · 4 years
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#Repost @ismailignosis @download.ins --- “When Prince Karim’s predecessor (Imam Shah Sultan Muhammad Shah) was asked where the Aga Khan’s followers were to be found he smiled and replied: ‘Everywhere except dozakh’ - everywhere except hell.” (Frischauer, The Aga Khans 17) #Ismaili #Ismailism #AgaKhan #AhlAlBayt #ProudIsmaili #HazarImam #OneJamat (at Bandra World of Storytellers) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBdr3nInRUE0r4G63ir9TEe5Hys7zsfta_lKZk0/?igshid=zm9brd88hli4
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3linaturabi · 3 years
Imam prays for you before you asks him.
(1 min read interesting incident)
Abu Hashim Ja fari has reported: A man from Samarra' was afflicted with leprosy hence life had become hard for him. One day, he was complaining to Abu-'Ali Fahri of his plight. Abu-' Ali said, "Should you ask AbuHasan Ali ibn Muhammad ibn al-Rida to pray for you, your disease will be healed." One day when the Imam was returming from Mutawakkil's
house, the leper who was sitting on the way rose up to get close to the Imam to ask him to pray for the healing of his disease. The Imam said three times, "Go aside; Allah will restore your good health while pointing to him with his holy hand." Abu- Ali Fakhri saw the leper who told him about his meeting with the Imam. Abu- Ali said, "The Imam prayed for you before you asked him to do so. Make sure you will restore your good health soon." The leper went home.
The night passed; and when it dawned there was no sign of leprosy on his body.
Al-Khara'ij wa'l-Jara'ih:399/1, 11
Reference: Ahlalbayt The Celestial Beings
On The Earth
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poeticrevolt-blog · 4 years
A series of short reads on spiritual self-purification and refinement by Sheikh Husayn Mekki Editor’s note: Islamic Insights is honored to host a series on “Refinement of the Self” by esteemed guest columnist and scholar from Qom, Shaykh Husayn El-Mekki. His column will focus on interrelated topics ranging from akhlaq, ethics and morality as an all-comprehensive approach for character refinement based on Islamic teachings.
#ahlulbayt #spirituality #selfrefinement #islam #muslim #shia #ahlalbayt #ahlalbait #quran #quranic #God #gnosis #sufism #sufi #religion #spiritual #deen #whoishussain #behjat #bahjat #sistani #khamenei #hawza #ilm #dua #allah #selfpurification #ethics #akhlaq #islamic #morality #soul #esoteric
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ilmiprints-blog · 6 years
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A great historical lady depicted in Scandinavian style.
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divare-shahr-blog · 7 years
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#صلوات بر #محمد و #آل_محمد #اللهم_صل_على_محمد_و_آل_محمد إِنّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ ۚ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا - الأحزاب:٥٦ همانا #خدا و فرشتگانش بر پیامبر #درود و #رحمت می فرستند. ای #اهل_ایمان! بر او #درود_فرستید و آن گونه که شایسته است، #تسلیم او باشید. #اهل_بيت #پنج_تن #آل_عبا #معصومين #موضع _الرسالة #مختلف_الملائكة #مهبط_الوحي #معدن_الرحمة #نمازخانه پايانه مسافربرى #آمل ١٩ آوريل ٢٠١٣ #Salawat #Muhammad #ProphetMuhammad #LastProphet #HisFamily #ProphetsHousehold #AhlulBayt #Ali #Fatima #Hasan #Husayn #Muhammed #Muhamad #Muhamed #Mohammad #Mohammed #Mohamad #Mohamed #Mehmet #AhlulBait #AhlalBayt #AhlalBait #Ali #Fatima #Fatimah #Fateme #Fatemeh #Zahra #Zehra #Hassan #Husseyn #Hussein #Hussain #Hussayn #Husein #Husain #Huseyn (at آمل)
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ismailignosis · 5 years
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“I am the Christ who heals the blind and the lepers, who creates the birds and disperses the storm-clouds.  I am he and he is I (ana huwa wa huwa ana). Indeed, Christ is the establisher of the truth, he is the king of this world and of the hereafter.  Jesus the Son of Mary is from me and I am from him. He is the supreme Word of God.” - Imam ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib, (Ja’far ibn Mansur al-Yaman, Kitab al-Kashf) #Ismaili #Ismailism #AgaKhan #AhlAlBayt #ProudIsmaili #HazarImam #OneJamat #Christmas Please visit www.ismailignosis.com or ask.ismailignosis.com or visit our Facebook page www.facebook.com/IsmailiGnosis for more gems about Mawlana Hazar Imam, the Imamat, and Ismaili history and philosophy. https://www.instagram.com/p/B6gKfnrh5Bl/?igshid=1e2drxr9z0oue
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ismailignosis · 5 years
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"My commitment to the principle of tolerance is based on spiritual understandings which are rooted in ancient teachings. I would mention two touchstones in particular. The first affirms the unity of the human race, as expressed in the Holy Qur’an where God, as revealed through the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may peace be upon him, says the following: 'O mankind! Be careful of your duty to your Lord, Who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate and from the twain hath spread abroad a multitude of men and women.' (4:1) This remarkable verse speaks both of the inherent diversity of mankind — the ‘multitude' — and of the unity of mankind — the “single soul created by a single Creator” — a spiritual legacy which distinguishes the human race from all other forms of life. The second passage is from the first hereditary Imam of the Shia community, Hazrat Ali. the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet, whose words have been particularly important for me in my role as the 49th Imam. No belief is like modesty and patience, no attainment is like humility, no honour is like knowledge, no power is like forbearance, and no support is more reliable than consultation. Hazrat Ali’s regard for knowledge reinforces the compatibility of faith and the world. And his respect for humility and consultation is, in my view, a basis for tolerant and open-hearted democratic processes.” - Imam Shah Karim al-Husayni Aga Khan IV ‘Tolerance a Religious Imperative’ published on newsweek.washingtonpost.com (USA), 26 July 2007 http://www.nanowisdoms.org/nwblog/8142/ #Ismaili #Ismailism #AgaKhan #AhlAlBayt #ProudIsmaili #HazarImam #OneJamat Please visit www.ismailignosis.com or ask.ismailignosis.com or visit our Facebook page www.facebook.com/IsmailiGnosis for more gems about Mawlana Hazar Imam, the Imamat, and Ismaili history and philosophy.  https://www.instagram.com/p/B2EmO5tjWHb/?igshid=12l880p5sd2xu
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ismailignosis · 5 years
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"My mercy encompasseth all things." (Holy Qur'an 7:156) "The dispensing of mercy brings down [divine] mercy. '66 ‘ As you grant mercy, so will you be granted mercy. '67 ‘I am astounded by the person who hopes for mercy from one above him, while he is not merciful to those beneath him." - Imam 'Ali ibn Abi Talib Justice and Remembrance, Reza Shah Kazemi, 99 #Ismaili #Ismailism #AgaKhan #AhlAlBayt #ProudIsmaili #HazarImam #OneJamat Please visit www.ismailignosis.com or ask.ismailignosis.com or visit our Facebook page www.facebook.com/IsmailiGnosis for more gems about Mawlana Hazar Imam, the Imamat, and Ismaili history and philosophy. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx5BVMaDniu/?igshid=1atimje5ixhfc
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ismailignosis · 5 years
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"The knowledge of the oneness of God is beyond the acquisition of human mind by itself. There are some people who maintain that they can acquire this knowledge by themselves without the help of the Prophet or the Book of God. They go a step further and say that if God had not sent the Prophets, in this matter they could have easily dispensed with their teachings. If they think that by means of their intellect they can know the maker by seeing the things made and the Creator by looking at His creation, it is the height of insolence on their part. It is preposterous to imagine that a human being can acquire this knowledge without the help of the proper mediums namely the Prophets and the Imams. We know by experience that even the power of talking which is inherent in man and which is much easier for him to acquire than the knowledge of the Oneness of God, does not develop in him without the help of a teacher. Although it is in his nature to talk and God has provided him with the necessary apparatus for it, he does not and cannot talk unless he learns to do it from some one else. If this is the case of his talking how is it possible for him to acquire the complicated knowledge of the oneness of God without the help of a Prophet or an Imam? It is an impossibility." - Al Muayyad fid-din Shirazi  http://www.amaana.org/muayyad/muaylect13.htm #Ismaili #Ismailism #AgaKhan #AhlAlBayt #ProudIsmaili #HazarImam #OneJamat Please visit www.ismailignosis.com or ask.ismailignosis.com or visit our Facebook page www.facebook.com/IsmailiGnosis for more gems about Mawlana Hazar Imam, the Imamat, and Ismaili history and philosophy.  https://www.instagram.com/ismailignosis/p/BxKx7QOhDU5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=uoozw73u5bln
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ismailignosis · 6 years
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”There has always been a human tendency to seek a simple, all-powerful answer to the world’s problems. Those who have lived or worked in the developing world know this pattern particularly well. When progress seems to be moving at a snail’s pace, we are easily persuaded that there must be some “quick fix”. And thus we have lurched from one panacea to another, from dogmatic socialism to romantic nationalism, from embattled tribalism to rampant individualism. For a period of time we behaved as though our political systems or economic institutions or cultural traditions could save us — or perhaps that some heroic leader was the answer. I suspect that many of us have hoped, from time to time, that education would be the solution — and that if we could create the right learning institutions, then everything else would fall into place. But the plain truth of the matter is that everything else does not just fall into place. The hard reality of life is that there is no single button we can push that will set off an unstoppable wave of progress. Social progress, in the long run, will not be found by delegating an all-dominant role to any one player — but rather through multi-sector partnerships. And within each sector of society, diversity should be a watchword. Healthy communities must respect a range of educational choices, a diversity of economic decision-makers, multiple levels of political activity, and a variety of religious and cultural expressions. There was a time when many felt that modern technology would work against such diversity-blending and homogenising the world. Technology was dehumanising, they said. Digital communications would destroy individual expression. Globalisation would mean standardisation everywhere. This is not what has happened. Instead, what the advancing years have produced, on balance, is an ever more complicated world, with a higher level of diversity — as power is dispersed to the periphery rather than collecting at the hub.” - Imam Shah Karim al-Husayni Aga Khan IV 2006 Aga Khan University Convocation Ceremony (Karachi, Pakistan), 2 December 2006 http://www.nanowisdoms.org/nwblog/7997/ #Ismaili #Ismailism #AgaKhan #AhlAlBayt https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs8i15shUA4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1j8r6oprocdo9
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ismailignosis · 6 years
Happy 82nd Birthday to our beloved Mawlana Hazar Imam who continues to be the oldest Imam in recorded history! We pray that we can celebrate many many more! #Ismaili #Ismailism #AgaKhan #AhlAlBayt #ProudIsmaili #HazarImam #OneJamat Please visit www.ismailignosis.com or ask.ismailignosis.com or visit our Facebook page www.facebook.com/IsmailiGnosis for more gems about Mawlana Hazar Imam, the Imamat, and Ismaili history and philosophy. https://www.instagram.com/p/BrUH8FvhB_j/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xxujzgp53zf4
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ismailignosis · 6 years
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“The truth is that I represent an institution and this institution does not come and go. There, is where all my time and my happiness is, working within that institution. That is where my happiness comes from. I am very, very privileged because I was not the one who chose to be the 49th Imam. My grandfather made that choice in 1955 or so, and I was not aware of it. I think that every individual who has the possibility to contribute to the quality of life is a happy individual. You have a purpose, you see? I think the worst of disasters is having a life without purpose. I think it is a horrible idea.” - Imam Shah Karim al-Husayni Aga Khan IV Expresso Magazine Interview, “This is a faith of reason” (Lisbon, Portugal), 21 July 2018 http://www.nanowisdoms.org/nwblog/10987/#more-10987 #Ismaili #Ismailism #AgaKhan #AhlAlBayt #ProudIsmaili #HazarImam #OneJamat #DJAC2018 #OurAmericanJourney #IsmailisOfAmerica #IsmailisInAction Please visit www.ismailignosis.com or ask.ismailignosis.com or visit our Facebook page www.facebook.com/IsmailiGnosis for more gems about Mawlana Hazar Imam, the Imamat, and Ismaili history and philosophy.
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