#ahn jeongha
dramalocks · 1 year
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☇✈ record of youth ; simples ♡❞
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la-incomoda-social · 1 year
Record of Youth (2020) ~ Kdrama ~
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Dos actores y una maquilladora luchan por abrirse camino en un mundo donde pesan más los orígenes en los que nacieron que sus sueños.
Recuerdo que cuando se estreno este kdrama hubo algunos comentarios respecto a la posibilidad de que fuera una celebración o reflejo de la verdadera carrera del actor principal, Park Bogum. Yo, personalmente, no lo veo. Por lo que he encontrado, antes de ser actor pasaba su tiempo aspirando a ser un cantautor en vez de modelo, después a lo largo de su carrera ha tenido algún que otro escandalo teniendo más que ver con sus creencias religiosas y no su sexualidad.
En resumidas cuentas, lo más parecido a la realidad se puede encontrar en la imagen de "bonachón" que Bogum siempre ha llevado por bandera y que su personaje también refleja, aunque en ocasiones de tan bueno puede pecar de tonto. Por último, estaría en el hecho de que a la vez que su personaje llegaba a la conclusión que las mejores vacaciones tras todo lo ocurrido las podía pasar en el ejercito, lo mismo hacia Bogum iniciando su servicio militar tras terminar las grabaciones.
Y con esos dos párrafos podría concluir la experiencia de ver este kdrama, porque nunca me había desagradado tanto la existencia de un papel principal. Es algo lógico que las historias giren en torno a un protagonista, lo que cansa es cuando incluso la vida de los personajes secundarios solo se puede desenvolver alrededor de dicho personaje principal. Cuando esto ocurre, provoca que todas las situaciones de felicidad, enfado, tristeza, tensión... sean por culpa de, en esta ocasión, Sa Hyejun.
Si la relación romántica no hubiera empezado tan pronto Ahn Jeongha, interpretada por Park Sodam (la hija de la familia pobre en Parasitos), se podría haber encontrado con otros tipos de dilemas relacionados a su carrera mucho más interesante, en vez de "ahora tengo que esconder mi relación o la hago publica", "que si este chico no para de decirme lo siento y su amigo, se lo que se trae entre manos, pero nunca va a pasar" "mi madre piensa que tengo dinero porque salgo con..." etc. La pobre digo yo que tendrá más vida que aquella que se resuelve al rededor de un hombre.
Ahora, lo que si resultó verdaderamente interesante y pocos hablan, es de todo aquello relacionado con lo que se lleva a cabo detrás de las cámaras en la industria del entretenimiento. Tenemos el tema de los abusos de poder en las empresas. Decenas de jóvenes son estafados por empresas que les aseguran convertirlos en estrellas y acaban llevándose todo su dinero. Hay varios ejemplos reales como el grupo de kpop B.A.P que llegó a denunciar a su empresa por una injusta distribución de beneficios o cuando recientemente se descubrió que el famoso cantante Lee SeungGi que llevaba 18 años con su empresa, los mismos que llevaba sin recibir ninguna ganancia por su música.
Después tenemos algo ligeramente más problemático, poco a poco Corea del Sur ha estado intentando meter la patita en temas LGTBIQ+, pero por desgracia no siempre es representado de forma positiva, o al menos yo no lo he visto. En esta ocasión tenemos a un diseñador homosexual que en un primer momento intenta convertirse en sponsor de Hyejun, pero él lo rechaza porque ni quiere recibir ese tipo de ayuda en su carrera ni él mismo es gay. Años pasan y se vuelven a encontrar, y el diseñador está triste porque ni siquiera son amigos y se acaba suicidando, y la verdad la razón no me quedó demasiado clara ¿lo hizo por qué Hyejun triunfó sin su ayuda? ¿por qué estaba solo en su gran casa, tal y como se le mostró en su última escena? No lo se, pero no tardó mucho en correr el rumor que el diseñador había tenido una supuesta relación homosexual con un actor y por supuesto eso es un escandalo. Suicida y gay, quizás los peores miedos de la sociedad coreana. Para lo longeva y grande que es la industria hay muy pocas personas abiertas sobre su sexualidad y, sinceramente, seguir representándolo en las obras audiovisuales de esta forma me parece tan triste.
Record of youth es un buen kdrama para pasar el rato y ver un capítulo por día si tienes unas horillas libres, pero si hacer un comentario sobre el entretenimiento era su verdadera intensión enmascarada tras la cara bonita de Park Bogum y la actriz del momento como es Park Sodam, se podrían haber mojado mucho más y haber ido a extremos más descabellados. Si por otro lado, la escusa del kdrama era darle una bonita despedida a Bogum, pues enhorabuena supongo.
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komunyoung · 4 years
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Ahn Jeong-ha in Episodes 7 & 8
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ahnjeongha · 4 years
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this look was an ultimate serve,,
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onceuponakdrama · 3 years
Record of Youth KDrama Review
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Bingo Card for Record of Youth
Synopsis: Record of Youth (or Youth Record) follows the lives of young people in the world of modeling. Sa Hye-Jun [Park Bo-Gum] is smart and handsome. He is a nice guy and a popular model, but what he really wants is to become an actor. Meanwhile, An Jeong-Ha (Park So-Dam) works as a make-up artist. 
trigger warnings: death and sucide mentions, slight family abuse 
Overall Main Plot: Rating - 6 out of 10 
I think a major point in this drama is that it’s very realistic, which also means it’s a little angsty (considering it’s a melodrama). It also had subtle mentions of classism and how it impacts specific families, especially with the comparison of Hyejun’s family vs Hae Hyo’s family. Speaking of which, there’s a lot of family drama, which I feel is the main plot—other than Hyejun being able to achieve his dreams as a successful actor and dealing with the scandals of people trying to tear him down after his success. I did like the realism of it all, especially with the family dynamics due to past grudges being held or sibling favoritism, and by the end of it, things are actually solved as they talk to one another to work things out. The main plot was fairly satisfying with the success of Hyejun and the family dynamics. There’s also Jeongha being able to achieve her dreams of opening her own makeup shop and gaining happiness and success from it. However, there were a lot of problems with some of the elements within the main and side storylines. 
Plot Holes - there were so many holes throughout the plot that were started and eventually just dropped. Even the major ones were built up and ended up being anti-climatic. I was more excited with the build ups, but then ended up disappointed as it goes throughout. One example is with Haeyo’s family—his mother was doing all of this stuff, only to be so easily forgiven at the end with no real character development that all that interference with Hae Hyo’s and Haena’s careers means nothing. Again, it is a real problem of the rich parents having a hold on their children, but there’s no actual resolution. Another example is with Charlie Jung’s death, which was dragged on throughout the end. Like, why are they blaming his suicide on someone who just modeled for him? There was so many problems with the rumors they were spreading about him and I’m surprised they didn’t do anything about it other than suing them. Again, another real problem but it’s so poorly addressed and felt disappointing. 
Side Stories - I felt unsure about who this drama was about, since it kept including side stories of the more disliked characters, even when it had nothing to do with the main characters. While I liked that the main characters were resilient with their problems and pushed through, I hated that the side characters barely learned anything and continued to be in the storyline, even though they literally did not matter. I wanted more scenes with the more likeable characters and wanted to see how they would progress to contribute to the main storyline. It also would have been nice to actually see the change in people, considering how Hyejun and Jeongha had good faith in people towards those who didn’t deserve it. A part of me wanted them to snap (like when Jeongha poured water on that one lady’s head), but they would just continue to be the “bigger person” and it just felt so repetitive. 
Characters: Rating - 6 out of 10 
↣ Sa Hyejun [played by Park Bo Gum] - I felt so bad for him throughout the entire drama. He was clearly the black sheep of the family and also the scapegoat, especially in the eyes of his father and brother. I was really rooting for his success, which I knew would come soon at some point. He’s also super soft and it was endearing when it comes to his grandpa, mother, and Jeongha, but that was really bad in terms of his career. I didn’t want him to turn out completely ruthless, but I did want him to grow a bit more of a backbone. It just felt like a bit of waste because he remained consistent throughout (which is good) but there was no actual growth to him as a character. The whole thing about him is that he’s “good” or “pure” and everyone kept pressuring him to be more “fierce” in the acting industry. I kind of did want that, but I think he was already strong—in the sense that he knew what he wanted and which way he wanted to go, without others’ interference. I did like that aspect of him, but, again, the growth is nonexistent. 
↣ Ahn Jeongha [played by Park So Dam] - I actually really liked her character because she felt so real. I really connected with her and her sense of realism, but also dreaming of a happier life. I admired her for quitting a stable job to pursue something bigger in life and how she acknowledged the difference in her fantasy (the idea) of Hyejun vs how he was in real life. She was also very independent, but it caused to be a problem because she didn’t want to accept help from others. I felt that she was a great character. While it did go a bit downhill towards the end, I still understood where others were coming from. (Others have mentioned how she got less airtime and became a side character in her own drama, which is true, but they also said she became weaker at the end by breaking things off with Hyejun.) I don’t think she became weaker; I think she grew to be more aware of her limits and wanted to expand herself to obtain her goals. However, I would have liked more time being dedicated to her to see as to how she became successful at the end. We got to see Hyejun, but we didn’t see much of Jeongha and it felt pretty disappointing because she had a lot of potential to grow as well. 
↣ Won Hae Hyo [played by Byeon Wooseok] - okay. There’s a lot here. I just wanted to say, I liked him in the beginning and I like that he continued his friendship with others... but, I really did not like him much beyond that. That’s because he was so jealous after the whole Hyejun being more famous and being compared and not to mention he kept going after Jeongha even though he knew Hyejun and her were dating. Like sir. You are not that great. I felt bad for him because his mom is the whole reason to why he even has a career in acting, but then he just accepted it as his strength? I was so confused because that’s not a strength, that’s just money that’s not even his. I guess the writers were trying to give him some development, but even then, it wasn’t much and it didn’t make any sense. He was one of those rare second leads that I was not rooting for at all and did not care much about; I was just annoyed. 
Personal Notes: I really liked Hyejun and Jeongha. They are so pure and deserved everything, but I really did not like that they kept believing the good in people when those people didn’t deserve it. There was not much character development, which is why the rating is lower even though the main characters were my favorite. I also wanted to take this opportunity to say that Hyejun’s father and brother were the absolute worst—that is until his father apologized in the end, which is super late, especially after he hit him and still thought Hyejun would mention him during his acceptance speech at the award ceremony, but like... Jesus. His brother was also annoying in the sense that he was so arrogant for no reason and so two-faced about Hyejun’s career like, dude, just be honest with each other. However, I will give it props for a real family dynamic, although we could have lived without a bit of it. 
Romance: Rating - 9 out of 10 
On the contrary to the rest of the plot, I absolutely loved this non-problematic couple. I thought the build-up of the romance was natural and, when they were in their relationship, it felt so nice to see in comparison to everything else that was happening. I really liked their scenes together and it felt so wholesome because I was rooting for both of their successes and their romance. The only thing I didn’t like was the breakup, but like... I understood the reasons behind it and also kdrama writers always have to have some kind of break-up and time skip even though it is not necessary. They reminded me of the drama, Love O2O, in the sense that the couple had great, natural chemistry, but everyone around them was the problem and that’s the only annoying thing about the drama. Other watchers said their romance was kind of bland, but I think it was nice because it was so natural—their banter, the interactions, the support they provided for one another. This is one of the dramas to watch for the romance, especially since it was so light. 
Second Plot/B-Plot and Secondary Characters: Rating - 4 out of 10 
I felt like this is one of those rare dramas, where the people around the main characters are the most annoying parts and they don’t even drive the plot. They’re just there. Other than Hyejun’s grandpa, Jinu and his family (because they’re so supportive and cute), Haena, Subin, and Minjae (although, she is debatable of how often she meets with Tae Su), I wanted everyone else to die off. Even the antagonists didn’t feel like they served a specific purpose other than to annoy. I thought the ex-girlfriend (Ji-Ah) was going in a good direction towards the end where she was gonna be friends with Jeongha and Hyejun, but we never heard from her again. Again, this drama doesn’t seem to really resolve the problems they’ve built up throughout the entire drama. I did like the sub-romance of Haena and Jinu and they deserved better—I wish they had more time together in the last episode where they just broke things off or we would have a reunion or something. There was also the whole Minjae thing; I liked her, I really did, but she really needed to stop meeting with Tae Su. Speaking of which, Tae Su was never given any redemption or arch—he just continued to be annoying with Do Ha and I really wanted him to crash and burn. Instead, we get this desperate attempt for him to win back Hyejun even though he treated him so horribly. This was just bad writing to the max and some of them had real potential to do more. 
Additional Notes: 
Aesthetic and Color - this drama has a lot of good aesthetics and colors. I think it really set the vibe of a more chill drama, but it’s actually a melodrama. I think it just felt more like a relaxing drama because of the colors and softer ost. It has nothing to do with the plot, but if it matters to you... just a note. 
I mentioned earlier on the notes of classism that the drama portrayed, which felt very real. At first, I thought it was ridiculous that Hae Hyo was more successful than Hyejun because Hyejun is clearly more attractive and the entertainment industry loves that. But, then I saw more, like how Hae Hyo was pulled out of the modeling agency faster, he had those connections, etc. Even as Hyejun got more successful, there was the difference of Hyejun quitting his jobs and paying his family’s debt and house vs Hae Hyo doing acting for fun (ish) before he was to take over his father’s academy or something. 
THE REPORTER - I was gonna mention this in the secondary characters, but then I realized she doesn’t need to take over that whole section. She was great as an antagonist, but she was so annoying and stupid. She didn’t bother to check any of the facts and just published stuff because she wanted to take down Hyejun. There’s also the fact that she never apologized, formally speaking. She just accepted the charges and we didn’t get a scene of the two of them and that was a lost opportunity. I also hated how she said she was a reporter, but acted like a writer. Like, girl—go write drama scripts then since you want all the drama. It was all so stupid. 
Overall Rating: 6 out of 10
↣ Yes: this is a drama about family and rebuilding those connections. If you like romance as a side/sub-plot, this is a drama for you. There’s a lot of emotional drama, so if you like that side of acting more rather than comedic, this is also a good choice. The romance is also very great; it’s very healthy and lots of communication is built throughout—it’s very natural. There’s also a lot of hope in this drama, in the sense that Hyejun has been going nowhere and then he manages to get the success he’d been aiming for and seeing that progression is very satisfactory. 
↣ No: this is very slow-built; if you are more easily frustrated, maybe just pass on it. Again, there’s a lot of frustration on the characters as well: both main and side characters. There’s also the family drama, which the center of this drama, so if you wanted more of a romantic comedy, this isn’t for you either. There’s also the love triangle trope, but there’s no second lead syndrome since the second lead is kind of jerky considering he’s after his friend’s girlfriend. 
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lgcmanager · 4 years
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thank you to everybody for your auditions! in fact, some of yours were so interesting that they inspired extra roles ! thus the number of lead roles was changed from 4 to 6 ! since we now have 6 lead roles, we’ve also added 4 more supporting roles! next week schedule and episode details will be released ! thank you for the wait !
Ahn Jaeyoon as Lee Sihwan
Choi Daehyung as Tyler Sarasin
Im Nari as Kwon Mijoo
Kang Seyoon as Park Taejoon
Lee Hanbyul as Choi Yeji
Lee Jaewoo as Song Jaesik
Jang Taesung as Kim Youngjae
Kang Dongwon as Nam Daehyun
Kim Luccas as Lee Chanhee
Kim Noeul as Shin Dabin
Lee Jiae as Bae Haemi
Lee Rachel as Jeon Eunbi
Lee Youngmin as Park Kwangsoo
Oh Max as Kim Jinho
Son Alec as Go Namgil
Tangrisuk Sao as Somrak ‘Luck’ Metanee
Ahn Jaehwa as Lee Sohee
Ahn Jaesun as Han Wonbin
Choi Jongsuk as Park Joongi
Geum Danbi as Son Jiyeon
Hwang Subin as Kang Jaehyun
Jeon Haru as Baek Minsoo
Jung Miso as Kang Ahrin
Kang Yonghwa as Choi Eunpyo
Kim Jinah as Lee Jeongha
Kim Jinseo as Kim Woohyuk
Lee Jiho as Hwang Dohan
Liu Jiao as Yang Xinyi
Min Soyoun as Jeon Eunjoo
Nam Jueun as Im Yewon
Oh Eunhye as Song Yerim
Son Jieun as Lee Sodam
Tsai King as Jacob Chen
Yoon Dowon as Kim Taehyun
Yoon Shinha as Jung Minseok
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desativadohdg · 5 years
Olá, pessoas! Gostaria de entrar na comunidade mas não com personagem k-idol ou ator, talvez algum influencer, modelo e etc. Um fc considero mais "random"! Vocês que gostam de acompanhar pessoas famosas pelo instagram poderiam me dar umas dicas de quem fazer?
Oi, anjo!!! Não sei se você pretende entrar com um fc masculino ou feminino, mas vou deixar alguns aqui, com o user do instagram ao lado:
Junghyuk - artistboy_
Im Jino - jjinno_
Keane Jin - jin.wn
Kyo -  I__am__kyo
Hyogo - mmh___01
Jun -  _juuuuuuun_s
Choi Jiwoon -  luckwoon 
Jin -  nodular_body.tdf
Lee Yejin -  y_outhfit
Ekyom -  ekyooooooom
Sido -  siiiido
Dohyeon - do.hyeon_im
Hardy - kimhardy__
Hajin - s__g______
Kim Hyunwoo - oddhw
Ahn Jaehyung - oystarisland
Koo Yeahjin - kukukuyeah (essa aqui eu ia AMAR porque é irmã do fc do meu personagem, hehe)
Song Eunjin - _eunjinsong
Biya - b_2ya
Mary - marycake
Pony - ponysmakeup
Lee Sangbi - bba_na_na
Jessica Vu - jessyluxe
Kang Yena - yeanagiwaen
Sarah Hemi - wawasewa
Park Sora - sora_pppp
Son Yeji - yevelllllly
Elaiza Ikeda - elaiza_ikd
Jeongha - 1993kg
Haneul - haneulina
Chacha - chacha_ru
Hillary Trinh - hyulari
Joan - joankeem
Mei - princessmei
Pedimos aos nossos players que, caso alguém mencionado nessa ask já tenha dito que não gostaria de ter sua imagem associada ao roleplay, que nos notifique para que o nome seja excluído da publicação.
Espero ter ajudado, anon!!!
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lgcmedia · 5 years
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March 5, episode recap.
The episode begins with a reminder of this season’s mission, as announced by Bae Siwoo and recap footage of the past episodes.
The episode begins straight away in the recording studio where all the trainees are sitting on one side. On the opposite side, six placards are hung on the wall, each with the name of one unit song. Right in the middle, facing a camera, stands Bae Siwoo. “For the past two weeks, our trainees have each learned 4 songs. Following the coaches’ and i’s evaluation, we have decided which song each trainee will perform.” The idol explains. He’s then seen talking to the contestants: “once your name is called, please stand up and move to the placard of your assigned song.” He takes another pause. “For Team Awkward Silence…”
However, before he announces the first name, the scene cuts to footage for the 6 coaches and Bae Siwoo on the day they’ve reviewed evaluations. The coaches and Siwoo are shown gathered around a conference table, with each trainee’s evaluation footage playing on a monitor. Not much is said the first time the clips play, and only the sound of pens scratching paper is heard. Some clips seem to stir more reaction than others, with the coaches talking over the video with each other about who suits each concept best based on performance. There are a few disapprovals for each coach, and even Siwoo, but after what appears to be hours of footage, they are done.
The show returns to the studio, where all the trainees are still waiting for the first name to be called. “Ahn Jaesun… Center.” Jaesun is the first to walk to the placard labelled “Awkward Silence.” The camera focuses on his reaction and the other boys’. One by one, Bae Siwoo announces the members and their positions. He does the same for the other two songs.
IM HYUNJIN (Leader & Rapper)
KANG JUN (Main Rapper)
LEE JIHO (Sub-vocal)
YOON DOWON (Main Vocal)
JEON HANSOL (Sub-vocal & Sub-rapper)
JI HANEUL (Main Vocal)
TSAI KING (Center & Leader)
PARK DOHYUN (Sub-vocal)
AHN DOHWAN (Sub-vocal)
JEON HARU (Sub-vocal)
PARK SEOJIN (Main Vocal & Leader)
Once all the boys are sorted out, it’s obviously time for the girls to know their fate. Viewers are taken back to the day of their evaluations. Once again, the coaches and Bae Siwoo are serious as they review each girl’s footage. Just like with the boys some clips seem to stir more reaction than others, with the coaches talking over the video with each other about who suits each concept best based on performance. Here again, there are certain disapprovals, but after what appears to be hours of footage, they are done reviewing everything.
The show returns to the studio, where the girls are still sitting. “For Team Crush…” Bae Siwoo announces. “Im Hana… Leader and sub-vocal” Hana is the first girl to walk to the placard labelled “Crush.” The camera focuses on her reaction and the other girls’. One by one, Bae Siwoo announces the members and their positions. He does the same for the other two songs.
IM HANA (Leader & Sub-vocal)
KANG JINA (Main Vocal)
SONG AHYEON (Sub-vocal)
AHN JAEHWA (Main Vocal)
HAN JEONGHA (Sub-vocal & Leader)
HEO JANE (Sub-vocal)
JUNG MISO (Center)
GEUM DANBI (Rapper & Leader)
NAM JUEUN (Sub-vocal)
ONG JOLIE (Sub-vocal)
SON JIEUN (Main Vocal)
RYU JINHEE (Sub-vocal)
Finally, everybody has their unit songs. The camera pans to each team one by one before going back to the show’s host. “Now that everybody has been sorted, this leaves only positions for FLASH and FAVORITE.” He explains. Obviously, big announcements aren’t over yet. “Both AHN JAESUN and GEUM DANBI will retain their positions of overall leaders.” He explains. The two leaders’ reactions are shown. “GEUM DANBI will also serve as center for FAVORITE.” Once again, the camera focuses on Danbi. Bae Siwoo continues: “LEE JIHO will be in that position for FLASH.” It’s Jiho’s turn to become the focus. “Main vocal positions will be held by ONG JOLIE and IM HYUNJIN.” 
While it seems more than enough for one episode, Bae Siwoo has one more announcement to surprise the views and the trainees: “you will be performing each unit song in front of an audience of 1000 people... they will then vote for the unit they think did best.” This announcement brings a lot of reaction from the trainees. Most of them are surprised, and many worried expressions are shown. The camera then focuses on Bae Siwoo, who is smiling smugly: “The winning team will be announced on the final broadcast.”
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lgcrp · 5 years
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( please make an ic post before next week’s activity check to be considered active! )
kim luccas ( @lgcluccas​ ) – mar. 13
tachibana yumika ( @lgcyumika​ ) – mar. 13
han jeongha ( @lgcjeongha ) – mar. 15
ahn jaeyoon ( @lgcjaeyoon ) – mar. 16
yoon dowon ( @lgcdominique ) – mar.16
heo peter ( @lgcpeter ) – mar. 22
moon junho ( @lgcsxthmoon ) – mar. 22
yoon shinha ( @lgcshinha ) – mar. 25
ahn jaeeun ( @lgcjaeeun ) – mar. 27
jung sungmin ( @lgcsungmin ) – apr. 1
park viggo ( @lgcxvg ) – apr. 8
son lilith ( @lgcxsmn ) – apr. 8
if you need a hiatus, please message the main by SUNDAY, MARCH 22 at 4 PM with your date of return to facilitate tracking. you may contact an admin directly to make sure we received your request, but always make it official through the main. this would greatly help us.  thank you !
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rkxayah · 7 years
rk muses and where to find them
i decided to update the list of all the districts in which rk muses live! I checked profiles as well as an older list that had been made for this so if yours isn't listed it's because i couldn't find it anywhere. please comment below so i can add you! also, those who live as roommates or in the same building will be grouped together. unless it's indicated on your muse's profile i don't necessarily know it so forgive me for any mistake and feel free to tell me so i can fix it!
i will try to update it every week or so. happy plotting!
kang gary ( @rkkanggary )
kim jisoo ( @rkjisoo )
lee sungkyung ( @rksungkyung )
park sunyoung ( @rksunyoung )
same building
lee jihyun ( @rkqri ) / tuan yien ( @yienrk )
ahn elly ( @ellyrk )
chae hyungwon ( @rkxhaneul )
hong siyoung ( @rksiyoung )
hwang tiffany ( @rktiffxny )
im dayoung ( @rkdayoung )
jo eunae ( @rkeunae )
joo minhee ( @rkxminhee )
kim joonmyeon ( @rkmyeon )
kim yulhee ( @yulrk )
lee taemin ( @taeminrk )
lu han ( @luhanrk )
son wendy ( @rkwendy )
wong viian ( @rkvivi )
wu kris ( @rkkris )
yang jiwon ( @rkjiwon )
yoo kihyun ( @rkihyun )
yoon bora ( @borark )
adachi yuto ( @rktxshi ) / jeon soyeon ( @rkcheonso )
im jaebum ( @rkdefsoul ) / kim chungha ( @rkchungha )
kim yura ( @rkyura ) & lee hyeri ( @rkhyeri )
kim yeri ( @rkyeri ) & park joy ( @rkjxy )
oh sehun ( @rkohsehun )
kim jongdae ( @rkxkjd )
kwak aron ( @aronrk )
jegal seoyoung ( @rkseoyoung )
bae suji ( @sujirk ) / pyo eunji ( @rkpyoeun )
bhuwakul kunpimook ( @bambamrk )
byun jeongha ( @rkjeongha )
ahn sohee ( @rksohee )
bae joohyun ( @irenerk )
hong jonghyun ( @rkhongjonghyun )
jung chaeyeon ( @chaeyeonrk )
kim hyuna ( @rkhyunakim )
kim jiwon ( @bobbyrk )
kim sejeong ( @rksejeong )
leechaiyapornkul chittaphon ( @tenrk )
nam joohyuk ( @rkconor )
zhou jieqiong ( @rkjieqiong )
kim kibum ( @rkkey ) / lee rachel ( @rkrachel )
oh jinseok ( @rkjinseok ) / park jimin ( @rkxjimin )
same building
baek yerin ( @rkbyrin ) / kim yoojung ( @rkyoojung )
min yoongi ( @rkxzac )
wu xuanyi ( @rkxuanyi )
jeon jeongguk ( @rkjkook )
jung jessica ( @rksica )
kang kyungwon ( @rkyuha )
lee chaerin ( @kaiark )
lee jieun ( @rkjazzeun )
lee jinsook ( @rkyeorevm )
zhang yixing ( @rkzyx )
im jinah ( @rknvna )
jeon jiyoon ( @rkxjiyoon )
kim jeonguk ( @jeongukrk )
kim seolhyun ( @seolhyunrk )
ha huidong ( @rkhuidong )
lee minyoung ( @rkmin )
lee seunghwan ( @rkkangjoon )
jung soojung ( @rksoojung )
kim jennie ( @rkjennie )
kim jinwook ( @rkjinwook )
kim jonghyun ( @jonghyunrk )
lee sungyeol ( @rksxngyeol )
manoban lalisa ( @rklisa )
nam dawon ( @rkdawon )
park chanyeol ( @rkpcy )
park chorong ( @rkxchorong )
choi jinri ( @rkjinri ) / park luna ( @rkluna )
jeon hyosung ( @rkhyosung ) / song jieun ( @rksxngji )
park jinyoung ( @rkjunixr ) / wang jackson ( @rkwjson ) / yoo taeyang ( @rktaeyang )
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rookieskrp · 7 years
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[ 2139 ] song kyungil ( history ) - expires today!
[ 3399 ] seo hyerin ( exid ) - expires today!
[ 2407 ] yoo taeyang ( sf9 ) - expires tomorrow!
[ 2312 ] kim dongyoung ( nct ) - expires tomorrow!
[ 4141 ] lee sungkyung ( model/actress ) - expires tomorrow!
[ 2712 ] baek juho ( sf9 ) - expires apr 21st
[ 6643 ] wen junhui ( seventeen ) - expires apr 22nd
[ 3891 ] kim myungsoo ( infinite ) - application pending! *messaged
[ 7362 ] ahn solbin ( laboum ) - application pending!
[ 1103 ] kim joonmyeon ( exo ) - application pending!
[ 0615 ] kwon soonyoung ( seventeen ) - application pending!
[ 0178 ] kim yugyeom ( got7 ) - application pending!
[ ——- ] byun jeongha ( model ) - application pending!
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camphaven-rp · 6 years
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The following have been reserved until May 30 (TODAY):
Kang, Mina, Gugudan with bubble generation
The following have been reserved until May 31:
Coleman, Zendaya, actress with solar manipulation ( Hummingbird Senior Counselor )
Park, Sooyoung ( Joy ), Red Velvet with technology manipulation ( Hummingbird Junior Counselor ) !!!EXTENDED!!!
Seo, Sujin, (G)I-DLE with necromancy
The following have been reserved until June 1:
Fan, Chengcheng, Nine Percent with elemental constructs (fire) ( Cardinal Cabin ) !!!EXTENDED!!!
Holland, Tom, actor with darkness manipulation !!!EXTENDED!!!
Kim, Myungsoo ( L ), Infinite with fear manipulation !!!EXTENDED!!!
Park, Jeonghwa, EXID with aura manipulation !!!EXTENDED!!!
Song, Yuqi, (G)I-DLE with telekinesis
The following have been reserved until June 2:
Byun, Baekhyun, EXO with weather manipulation ( Oriole Junior Counselor ) !!!EXTENDED!!!
Byun, Jeongha, model with firework generation
Do, Kyungsoo ( D.O ), EXO with berserker physiology ( Cardinal Junior Counselor ) !!!EXTENDED!!!
Hong, Euijin, Sonamoo with plant physiology
Gabriel, Seychelle, actress with merfolk physiology !!!EXTENDED!!!
Hwang, Hyunjin, Stray Kids with sand manipulation
Im, Nayoung, Pristin with water manipulation
Im, Youngmin, MXM with ecological empathy
Kang, Seulgi, Red Velvet with love manipulation !!!EXTENDED!!!
Lee, Jeno, NCT
Lee, Kikwang, HILIGHT with teleportation ( Blackbird Senior Counselor )
Lee, Taeyong, NCT with plant manipulation !!!EXTENDED!!!
Moon, Gayoung, actress with pain manipulation
Oh, Sehun, EXO with storm manipulation
Ong, Seongwoo, Wanna One with firebird physiology
Park, Jihoon, Wanna One with bone manipulation
Park, Sunyoung ( Luna ), f(x) with data manipulation ( Robin Senior Counselor )
Shin, Hyejeong, AOA
The following have been reserved until June 3:
Jung, Wooseok, Pentagon with weight manipulation
The following applications are pending:
[ Beodeul Jin ] Baek, Jiheon, fromis_9 with enhanced strength
[ Chloe Winters ] Cameron, Dove, actress with dream materialization
[ Linong Chen ] Chen, Linong, Nine Percent with time manipulation ( Cardinal Cabin )
[ Aaron Kim ] Choi, Minho, SHINee with amphibian physiology ( Assistant Activity Director )
[ Hyeri Choi ] Choi, Yerim ( Choerry ), LOONA with pocket dimension manipulation
[ Meili Zhou ] Chong, Ting Yan ( Elkie ), CLC with probability manipulation
[ Zhang “Bambi” Fen ] Dong, Sicheng ( Winwin ), NCT with skeleton physiology
Grubbs, Teilor, actress with earth manipulation
[ Jasper Han ] Han, Jisung, Stray Kids with projectile enhancement
[ Justin Huang ] Huang, Minghao ( Justin ), Nine Percent with superintelligence
[ Noel Jang ] Hwang, Minhyun, NU’EST/Wanna One with blood manipulation
[ Jeongguk Jeon ] Jeon, Jeongguk, BTS with empathy
[ Seyoon “Basil” Bae ] Jeong Dongsu ( Arkay ), soloist with wound transferral ( Assistant Nurse )
[ Louise “Lou” Elizabeth Jang ] Jung, Eunwoo, Pristin with telepathy ( Assistant Lifeguard )
[ Caroline Jung ] Jung Jinsol ( Jinsoul ), LOONA with super speed
[ Sera Ahn ] Kim, Chungha, soloist with paint manipulation ( Meadowlark Junior Counselor )
[ Celia Kim ] Kim, Doyeon, Weki Meki with animal telepathy
[ Avery Kim ] Kim, Jennie, BLACKPINK with memory manipulation ( Meadowlark Senior Counselor )
[ Luna Seo ] Kim, Jiwoo ( Chuu ), LOONA with fish physiology
[ Milo Song ] Kim, Jongin ( Kai ), EXO with enhanced combat ( Cardinal Senior Counselor )
[ Valerie Kim ] Kim, Jungeun ( Kim Lip ), LOONA with charm manipulation
Kim, Jungwoo, NCT with metal manipulation
[ Sunwoo Ryu ] Kim, Sunwoo, The Boyz with biological manipulation
[ Taehyung “Sterling” Kim ] Kim, Taehyung ( V ), BTS with ice manipulation
[ August Lee ] Kim, Younghoon, The Boyz with power replication
[ Dorothy Grace Lachance / Kang Hana ] McDonie, Nancy, Momoland with light manipulation
[ Noah Park ] Moon, Bin, Astro with psionic combat
[ Maia Vera ] Morrone, Camila, model with power negation
[ Vincent Park ] Park, Jimin, BTS with pyrokinesis ( Oriole Senior Counselor )
[ Chaewon “Silver” Park ] Park, Chaewon ( Gowon ), LOONA with biometal physiology
[ Jackson “Jace” Moore ] Sharman, Daniel, actor with shark physiology ( head lifeguard )
[ Jack “Jamie” Zhao-Thomas ] Wong, Yukhei ( Lucas ), NCT with hallucikinesis
[ Jieqiong “Julie” Zhou ] Zhou, Jieqiong ( Kyulkyung ), Pristin with absorbing touch
0 notes
komunyoung · 4 years
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“I thought about it, and you’re always allowed.”
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lgcmanager · 5 years
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a reminder on side-events; they are non-mandatory occasional events that your muse can choose to participate in or not.
while missing an event might mean missing out on points, be aware that choosing to take part in it could have positive or negative consequences for your muse. there is also no telling which part of the event will have consequences either since they will be tailored to make it difficult to guess what could impact your muse. while the final consequences are decided at the same time as the event is created, we will only reveal them the sunday after the deadline. so choose wisely: are you willing to make a gamble with your muse?
** please note that this time around, EVERY TRAINEE in the company will take part in the first part of the event canon wise, whether or not a mun writes for it. because of that, there might also be members added to teams or taken off teams so keep an eye out!
VALENTINE’S DAY is a day when GIRLS give BOYS chocolates. On february 3rd, ALL THE FEMALE TRAINEES of legacy entertainment are informed that they will be visiting FOUR SCHOOLS on february 14 to distribute chocolates to the boys! for this special occasion they are given a NEW ORIGINAL SONG ( ROLLIN’ ROLLIN’ ) to learn and record. while the song will be released digitally on valentine’s day as a gift for the fans, the girls will be split in FOUR teams lead by future dreams season 1 members. each team will visit two classrooms per locations, spending 30 minutes in each class during which they will individually introduce themselves, perform the song, give chocolate and finally take pictures and give autographs.
TEAMS: ( other positions such as main vocal will be revealed later on )
February 3: Lyrics and music guide distribution
February 10: Recording
February 11 to February 13: Choreography practice in teams
9AM to 10AM: SOPA (mixed)
11AM to 12PM: DONGSUN HIGH SCHOOL (boys only)
1PM to 2PM:  BUPYEONG HIGH SCHOOL (boys only)
3PM to 4PM: HANA HIGH SCHOOL (mixed)
** distribution will fully be confirmed at the end of the event to take in members change until then
there are three main choices, each can be accessorized. please note that the outfits will all be in the red for the first outfit. outfit 1, outfit 2 (red blazer and tie instead), outfit 3 (red instead of black).
WHITE DAY is a day when BOYS give GIRLS chocolates. On february 3rd, ALL THE MALE TRAINEES of legacy entertainment are informed that they will be visiting FOUR SCHOOLS on march 13 to distribute candies to the girls! for this special occasion they are given a NEW ORIGINAL SONG ( PRETTY GIRL ) to learn and record. while the song will be released digitally on white day as a gift for the fans, the boys will be split in FIVE teams. lead by future dreams season 1 members. each team will visit two classrooms per locations, spending 30 minutes in each class during which they will individually introduce themselves, perform the song, give chocolate and finally take pictures and give autographs.
TEAMS: ( final positions such as main vocal will be revealed later on )
February 3: Lyrics and music guide distribution
February 16: Recording
March 9 to 12: Choreography practice in teams
9AM to 10AM: HANLIM (mixed)
1PM to 2PM:  EHWA HIGH SCHOOL (girls only)
3PM to 4PM: YERIM DESIGN SCHOOL (girls only)
** distribution will fully be confirmed at the end of the event to take in members change until then
any variation of the oufits here
no one knows when exactly, a certain tradition was born within legacy trainees. some say it’s due to the lack of debuts, trainees have taken upon themselves to show appreciation to their peers. and what better time than the period between valentine’s day and white day! the event is kept secret from the staff (or so people believe) and organized by senior trainees (npcs). this year JUNG YURIM and KIM SEOJUN have taken the responsibility of giving 5 small bags of chocolate and 5 small bags candies to trainees interested in taking part into the secret event. the seniors will only give one rule: DON’T GET CAUGHT.
you have until MARCH 14 to complete the requirements for this event. the official tag for this event is lgc:givelove.
PART 1: to receive +8 SKILL POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE AS YOU WISH, write a thread [ 4 posts of 8 lines each minimum ] with another trainee of your team. the thread can take place at any moment during the days of preparation for the event or the day of the event
PART 1: to receive +4 SKILL POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE AS YOU WISH & + 4 NOTORIETY, write a a 300+ words solo about a class visit, be it the performance, sweets distribution or fan interaction.
PART 2: to received +1 SKILL POINTS + 1 NOTORIETY per submit, write a 100+ word submission giving sweets to 10 other trainees. 5 of those submits MUST be sent to muses you haven’t interacted with yet. the submissions may have the same format, as long as a few words change, they will be accepted. for those received the submissions, you do not have to reply, make sure to publish everything before the event ends so that people can collect their points. please also keep in mind that as there is a possibility that the recipient of one of your submissions drops out without publishing your message. we thus encourage everyone to send more than the necessary amount out, just to be sure that you’ll be allowed to collect your points, though you may not collect more than the total of +10 skill/+10 notoriety for this task!
to validate your skill points and collect your notoriety points, please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog before MARCH 15, 11:59EST.
- TEAM THREAD: +8 ( skill points distribution ) [ LINK ]
- VISIT SOLO: +4 ( skill points distribution), + 4 notoriety [ LINK ]
- APPRECIATION SUBMITS: +1 ( skill points distribution ) + 1 notoriety per submissions [ LINK(S) ] **MAXIMUM OF 10 POINTS & 10 NOTORIETY
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lgcmanager · 5 years
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SEASON 002, PART 002
                                                    PART 1  && PARTICIPANTS LIST
** please note that if anyone drops from here on, they will not be removed from the show, simply considered npc **
On FEBRUARY 17, contestants are brought back in the studio for the first time since january. this time, all the chairs are on one side of the studio, while placards with names of each songs are hung on the opposite wall. they are instructed to sit as they please for the time being. shortly after everybody is seated, bae siwoo makes his entrance. just like last time, he takes the time to converse with the trainees a bit before cameras officially start rolling. shortly after the coaches who have been teaching and monitoring the progress of the trainees during the past weeks enter, cameras begin rolling.
after a short introduction for the camera, siwoo moves on to the reason why everybody is gathered here; songs assignments and positions. “i will announce the members of each units and their position. once your name is called, please stand up and move to the placard of your assigned song.”
IM HYUNJIN (Leader & Rapper)
KANG JUN (Main Rapper)
LEE JIHO (Sub-vocal)
YOON DOWON (Main Vocal)
IM HANA (Leader & Sub-vocal)
KANG JINA (Main Vocal)
SONG AHYEON (Sub-vocal)
JEON HANSOL (Sub-vocal & Sub-rapper)
JI HANEUL (Main Vocal)
TSAI KING (Center & Leader)
PARK DOHYUN (Sub-vocal)
AHN JAEHWA (Main Vocal)
HAN JEONGHA (Sub-vocal & Leader)
HEO JANE (Sub-vocal)
JUNG MISO (Center)
GEUM DANBI (Rapper & Leader)
NAM JUEUN (Sub-vocal)
ONG JOLIE (Sub-vocal)
SON JIEUN (Main Vocal)
RYU JINHEE (Sub-vocal)
AHN DOHWAN (Sub-vocal)
JEON HARU (Sub-vocal)
PARK SEOJIN (Main Vocal & Leader)
“now that everybody has been sorted, this leaves only positions for FLASH and FAVORITE. both AHN JAESUN and GEUM DANBI will retain their positions of overall leaders. GEUM DANBI will also serve as center for FAVORITE, while LEE JIHO will be in that position for FLASH. main vocals position will be held by ONG JOLIE and IM HYUNJIN.” he quickly brushes on the topic of full groups songs since the focus point is on units this season. “on MARCH 22, you will be performing each unit song in front of an audience of 1000 people. they will then vote for the unit they think did best. you will also each given 45 seconds of appeal time to the crowd. your coaches and i will also be present and be grading your performances. to avoid leaks and spoilers, winners will be announced on the morning of APRIL 2, hours before the final broadcast.”
WEEK 1 (February 17): PRACTICE
WEEK 2 (February 24): SONGS RECORDING [ **by units, recording both unit song and group song** Awkward Silence (Monday), Simon Says (Tuesday), YCMN (Wednesday), Crush (Thursday), Uh Oh (Friday), Violeta (Saturday) ] & PRACTICE
WEEK 3 (March 2): PRACTICE
WEEK 4 (March 9):  MV Filming [ FAVORITE on the 9 ] & OFF for the rest of the week [ boys will be practicing & performing PRETTY GIRL, girls are given free practice time ] 
WEEK 5 (March 16): MV FILMING [ one mv per day following this order; Crush (Monday), Uh Oh (Tuesday), Violeta (Wednesday), Awkward Silence (Thursday), Simon Says (Friday), YCMN (Monday, 23) & Flash (Tuesday, 24) ] & FINAL REHARSALS
MARCH 22: PERFORMANCES starting from 1PM
** click on link to see outfits **
Intro MC (Bae Siwoo)
Appeal time (Bae Siwoo with Unit Violeta)
Appeal time (Bae Siwoo with Unit Awkward Silence)
Awkward Silence
Appeal time (Bae Siwoo with Unit Crush)
Appeal time (Bae Siwoo with Unit Simon Says)
Simon Says
Appeal time (Bae Siwoo with Unit Uh Oh)
Uh Oh
Appeal time (Bae Siwoo with Unit YCMN)
You Calling My Name
Closing MC (Bae Siwoo & All Future Dreams S2 Trainees)
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:futuredreams for everything related to this event. you have until march 22 to complete the following requirements :
APPEAL TIME: Write a 150+ words solo about your muse’s appeal time on march 22. REWARD: +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE, +4 NOTORIETY !
PERFORMANCE: Write a 300+ words solo or a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with another same gender trainee about a moment that could’ve been caught on camera during the performance or backstage of it. REWARD: +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE, +5 NOTORIETY !
to determine the winner, we won’t only be using points, but also activity of members of each groups. the process is simple; ANY REPLY (no solos or text thread accepted) written from today’s activity check until march 22nd can be used to gain points. each reply equals 2 points, for up to 10 replies (20 points). we know each units do not have the same number of members, so we will bring the numbers to a common denominator.
for a reply to be eligible, it needs to have a minimum of 8 lines. on top of making the team gain points, each reply will reward +1 POINT TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE, + 1 NOTORIETY !
to validate your skill points and collect your notoriety points, please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog before MARCH 23, 11:59EST.
- APPEAL TIME: +5 ( skill points distribution ) + 4 notoriety [ LINK ] - CONCERT: +5 ( skill points distribution ) + 5 notoriety [ LINK ] - POINTS: + x ( number of points) + x ( skill points distribution ) + x ( notoriety ) [ LINKS ]
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lgcmedia · 5 years
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feb 13, episode recap.
The episode begins similarly to how the first episode did - a reel of all the contestants’ introductions videos are shown once again with the video ending on the logo of Legacy Project: Future Dreams Season 2. This time, the bottom reads Episode Two. 
The camera lands on Bae Siwoo as he welcomes the audience to the second episode of the show. “Last week, you met fifteen of the trainees participating on the show. Tonight, you’ll meet the remaining contestants.”
A brief three-minute segment recaps the contestants that were introduced last week before the episode transitions to the first contestant that will be introduced this week. This time, the previously unrevealed trainees are now shown filing into the room before the first trainee in this set of new contestants is revealed.
In the same manner, her introduction video is played before it fades to her entrance into the room with the judges. A short snippet of her interview and time with them is shown, with the segment ending as the trainee sits in her chosen spot. Each contestant is given a similar three-minute snippet that focuses on them individually. For returning contestants, rather than an introduction video, their highlight video from last season is played, followed by their own first interview, while their comments on the new contestants are shown in between clips.  By the end of the episode, the following contestants have been revealed (not in precise order here):
Jeon Haru
Im Hana
Kang Jun
Jung Miso
Lee Jiho
Ong Jolie
Park Viggo
Saetang Samee
Tsai King
Son Jieun
Yoon Dowon
Park Dohyun
Song Ahyeon
Ahn Dohwan
Yoon Minah
Im Hyunjin
Han Jeongha
By the end of the episode, all of the Legacy Project: Future Dreams’ contestants have officially been revealed. 
The scene cuts to a small auditorium with a noticeably blank space. The chairs are empty, while Bae Siwoo stands at the front. “It’s time for our contestants, new and old, to meet! Let them in!” As he finishes his sentence, doors on both sides of the auditorium open. New contestants are shown entering from the left side while those returning enter stage right. Reactions of both groups meeting are shown; some happy, maybe even relieved, while others seem not so thrilled. Only little interactions are filmed as each trainee finds a seat and the spotlight returns to the host. “Last season, our contestants competed to win a solo song. However, idols work in teams. No matter the position, each member of a team is equally important. This time, you will not be competing individually, but in groups. Each group will have a different concept and the winners will release and promote an original single.” He concludes with a knowing smile. 
The episode ends on these exciting words. A preview of the next episode follows, showing trainees reacting positively to the earlier snippets of this season’s songs and their subsequent struggles during rehearsals.
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