#ahsoka - 6 hrs
redbean-nom · 4 months
kind of funny that 80% of star wars media released after the sequels has been dedicated to explaining the "somehow" of palpatine's return
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broke-on-books · 1 year
Am I ACTUALLY going to skip class next week to raodtrip 3hrs to my friends house so we can watch star wars with her DAD
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datzyuk · 1 year
ezra....taking the lightsaber piece that matches kanan's................
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insanityclause · 1 year
Was there a reason given for the change in time slots? Do you think it is a good or bad thing? A Friday time slot probably is better right?
A good thing. It’s worked out well for Ahsoka to drop during evening hours in the US. Same for most other streaming shows. I think D+ has finally come around to doing it too.
It’s only 6 hrs earlier, gets ppl talking about the episode on Friday, and then those who haven’t watched or want to watch again can catch up on the weekend.
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morose-magnetrix · 4 months
Ok so I’m flying tonight to the conference my boss didn’t want me to go to and I need to decide what content to download for my 6 hr trip. Please leave any suggestions as well 💚💚💚
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anakinfruit · 3 years
thanks for the tag @emilykenobi !! 💗💗
1. Why did you choose your url?
ok there’s actually a long running inside joke about it but basically it comes down to I was assigned Anakin Fruit by a uquiz and then shenanigans occurred and i changed all my discord names to Anakin/Vader fruit and then ti continue one the trend i changed my tumblr url to match
2. Any side blogs?
yea i don’t use any of them anymore though so I’m not going to plug them. but i do have a separate art account @nooodledoodles if you’d like to follow that :D
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
too long. idk since i was 13 or 14 and im 21 now, so do the math? what is that like 7-8 years
4. Do you have a queue tag?
nope, i can’t be bothered to queue anything thats just extra steps, we reblog in spurts like men here
5. Why did you start your blog?
i wanted to look at homestuck fan art
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
because @dilfdarthvader originally had a bi leia one and i wanted a bi anakin one so she made one and it’s beautiful
7. Why did you choose your header?
I wanted to convert my blog fully into star wars and I needed a header to match the theme so chose this one if anakin and ahsoka because i love them. I don’t remember who made it off the top of my head but i reblogged the post i got it from so it can be searched up
8. What post of yours has the most notes?
i believe its a photoset of how attractive the Carolina hurricanes roster was a couple of years ago?? or a Carter Hart gif from world juniors im not quite sure. I know something broke a thousand notes though
9. How many mutuals do you have?
bruh i dont even know who follows me and who i also follow but i know i can say for certain i have at least 50, it’s definitely more but theres probably only about 50 id recognize right away? maybe? i dont knowww i only talk to a select few and the m.a.d. server
10. How many followers do you have?
1,135, don’t ask my why or how, theyre just there i dont even know how many are active
11. How many blogs do you follow?
1798, i’m just follow happy
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
oooh yea, i dont think theyve ever gotten any traction tho
13. How often do use Tumblr a day?
*nervous chuckling* i’m like chronically online, according to my screen time its around 2-2.5 hrs per day, which honestly i was expecting higher
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
i don’t think so, not that i can recall
15. How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
fuck em, i see em and aggressively scroll past i don’t need to be guilt tripped when im trying to zone out from the world thank you very much
16. Do you like tag games?
yeeee please tag me in things 🥺
17. Do you like ask games?
also ye, send me things!!
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
oh a good deal of my star wars mutuals i think, maybe? i’m really not good at judging popularity
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
nah, they’re just my pocket phone friends
i tag: @dilfdarthvader @moodysgirlsblog @cloudsofheaven @itsjml @aghsoka @shipaycon @quirkofthewild
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parasitebestpicture · 5 years
20 Questions
Rules: answer 20 questions, then tag bloggers you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @the-radio-star thanks kween
NAME: Emma
NICKNAMES: stupid idiot, poo poo brain
ZODIAC SIGN: aquarius 🦾
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: english, some italian
NATIONALITY: american 😔
FAVORITE ANIMAL: elephant/tiger/wolf
FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS: villanelle, eve polastri, amy dunne, renata klein, ahsoka, camille preaker, john wick, the entire kim family from parasite, dolores abernathy, etc.
DOG OR CAT PERSON: both but i have a cat so 🤷‍♀️
DREAM TRIP: italy (or japan or south korea or ireland or greece i’m not picky)
BLOG ESTABLISHED: idk maybe 2014??
RANDOM FACT: i once pooped 8 times in one day
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bbdhollywoodstudios · 4 years
VETO #4 Results
Tumblr media
For this veto, everyone had to do a scavenger hunt through the Big Brother Disney: Hollywood Studios blog. Madison chose 6 (I chose one). 7 Star Wars characters were chosen to give our veto players a word(s). Once they got all of the words, they had to put the sentence together in order to complete the veto. The person who did it the fastest will win the veto. Let us see the results.
The 7 characters were:
1. Princess Lei
2. Darth Vader
3. Darth Maul
4. Palpatine
5. Ahsoka
6. General Grievous
7. Baby Yoda
The phrase was “The Spaceship You Are Looking For Is The X-Wing”
6th place: Sam L.  Strike
5th place: Billy 5/7 (1 hr and 2 minutes)
4th place: Brandon 6/7 (45 minutes)
3rd place: Kevin 1 hour and 34 minutes
It has come down to Josh and Jonathan
The winner of the power of veto is...
Jonathan!!! with 25 minutes vs Josh’s 39 minutes. Congratulations you have won the power of veto and the power to remove a nominee or to not use it.
Veto ceremony will be an hour when this post is sent.
Good Luck!!!
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shadowsong26fic · 7 years
Coming Attractions!
First Monday of the month! So, if that’s my new date, I’m actually on time for once hurray!
::singsong:: This is the arc that will not end… (j/k, I’m having fun. It is taking longer to get through everything than I thought it would, though.)
We are in good shape, ish. I did miss one week this month, and I was late a couple times due to IRL stuff [a thrilling saga involving two car insurance companies, the registrar’s office of the university where I got my BA four years ago, HR and IT at my current job…]
Anyway. I’ve got about 2-3 more chapters to go, I think? Need to check in w/Coruscant again of course, and Obi-Wan and Ahsoka are definitely gonna yell at Anakin after the Poor Life Choice he made in last week’s update. We’ll also hear from Leia and Beru, so that should be fun.
Then we’ll finally start Arc Five,is tentatively titled Lessons and will probably focus mostly on the kids—the twins, of course; Lavinia; probably Winter; possibly Biggs and Leia’s other friends… It’ll be a quieter arc, probably; more along the lines of Homecoming, where we’re getting people situated/positioned for future plotty shenanigans. Although we will most likely spend some time with Darth Infernalis, too.
Also, the next chapter will probably put me over 100k (omg). I feel like I should do Something Special/a bonus to mark the milestone. Any suggestions/requests?
The next chapter is coming, no really. Like I mentioned earlier, this month was A Mess, IRL-wise, so, in dealing with all that, I didn’t get as much writing done as I wanted to on anything, including/especially Distaff. This coming month, though, I swear.
I got the entry bit up this month! Or, well, the first of three parts of it, anyway. Part 2 of said opening might take a while, because it involves people shooting at the boys and I need to iron out who is shooting and why. I actually have most of Part 3 written, but Part 2 obviously needs to go up first.
So I might do that Part 2 later this month, if I get it finished, or I might post Ahsoka’s entrance, since I have that mostly finished and I’m very fond of it. We shall see!
AU Outline:
This month was Ventress accidentally adopting tiny time-travelling Luke Skywalker! She was so annoyed, I love it. As always, all five of these can be found in the #au outlines for the win tag.
Next month will probably be the Mask of Zorro/California Gold Rush AU Fusion No One Asked For, but that I may change my mind.
…sigh. See aforementioned “RL was a disaster” comments. I’m almost tempted to just finish this one out as an outline and jump to Machinations at this point, but IDK.
For those of you who don’t know (because I’m not sure I’ve summarized it properly on this blog yet), Masks is the first installment of Masks!verse (ha, I’m creative), which is basically what I call an In Spite of a Nail AU, where Lavinia from Precipice exists in a canon-adjacent timeline. I say ‘canon-adjacent’ because it’s sort of a…weird hybrid of Official Disney Canon and Old EU/Legends Canon? It picks up in the immediate aftermath of Yavin and is a true In Spite of a Nail AU for the OT timeframe (i.e., the story focuses on locations/people that the movies don’t, and, while she does some specific things that change some details, no major plot points during these four years are changed). However, I tend to stick closer to Legends for post-Endor developments (for several reasons, mostly relating to I like the way things played out with the remnants of the Empire and the New Republic in Legends, politically/government-building wise; better than the parts I’ve read in the tie-in canon novels on the same subjects. Which is probably a large part of why I haven’t read all that much of the new tie-in novels; also Mara Jade, also Pellaeon, neither of whom has been recanonized yet sooooo yeah).
Anyway, some of the content from post-ROTJ novels is therefore excluded (as is Rebels, still, for unrelated reasons). But Masks!verse does eventually link up w/TFA (the third part, Martyrs, picks up shortly after the end of said movie). Canon may be locked at that point; it all depends on how much TLJ throws what I have planned already, and how much I decide to care.
As with everything, did not get as much done as I would’ve liked this month. Did not work on The Caladrius or any other crossover piece, but I got a few short bits out, for all three worlds I post to RF. Sadly did not work on anything potentially publishable/unrelated this month.
So, I’ve been thinking about doing an open question night once a month. I mean, I’ll of course answer asks/whatever that come to me outside of an event like that, but I’d be online/available for active interaction if I did this, if that makes sense? Considering holding these on the fifteenth if I do this. Or maybe the third Monday of the month, to alternate with the Coming Attractions posts? Something to think about.
I’ll also take prompts (for short/under-5k stories), which I’ll plan to fill by the next Open Question Night, barring RL shenanigans or something.
ETA: On a semi-related note, I do have a meme open; feel free to send me one of the things!
Monthly Goals:
July Recap:
1. Keep up with Precipice updates.--well, like I mentioned above, I missed one, so...not really.
2. Get the friggin Opera House done and posted already.--...oops.
3. Debut Auxliiaries.--Yay! An accomplishment!
4. At least write some Masks. In order. Bits from Machinations or the timeskip between them don’t count. Even if it’s not a full postable chapter.--Yeah, not so much.
5. Do another crack outline :D--I did it!
6. At least 1k on Phoenix!verse.--Again, not so much.
7. Work on another origfic crossover.--Nope.
9. Seriously, Shadowsong. The archives.--Nope.
10. At least 10k on any/all projects.--uh....::quick tally:: Looks like I did actually make it! Huh, I didn’t think I had... But this was also a long month, so to speak, and a couple of my Precipice chapters were on the long end, so.
August Goals:
1. Keep up with Precipice updates.
2. Opera House.
3. Another Auxiliaries snippet
4. Work on Masks.
5. Another crack outline
6. At least 1k on Phoenix!verse
7. Work on another origfic crossover
8. The archives are sad and lonely and three years out of date. I should fix that.
9. At least 5k on projects that are not Precipice.
10. At least 15k total on any/all projects. [considering that even this month I met my goal, I figured I should up it and see what happens.]
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horrorgay · 8 years
i was tagged by @mazkanata
some questions below!
Gender: genderfluid??? all of the above??? none of the above??? mess. 
Star Sign: aquarius, moon aries
Height: 5′6
Sexual Orientation: pan
Hogwarts House:  hufflepuff :’)
Favorite Color: pastels! blues, pinks, purples and yellows.
Favorite Animal: deer!!
Average hours of sleep: 7 hrs
Cat or dog person: i love cats but i’m allergic so dogs :)
Favorite fictional characters: oh henny idk. i love so many many characters. i can’t answer this. ahsoka? ani? obi? george cooper???
Number of blankets i sleep with: 7
Favorite singer/band: i don’t really have one right now but my most played is Lemonade! 
Dream Trip: iceland, cambodia, new zealand, and china!
Dream Job: literally any part of making movies!
When was this blog made: oh boy. january 2013. 
Number of followers: 5,505 currently. i just lost a whole bunch tho lmao
What made you create this blog: fucko @astralluke showed me a bad 2013tm post and now im here 
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