#ai 'art' in heavy quotation marks
secretmellowblog · 7 months
Some experts have predicted that with the rise of AI, 90 percent of the internet's content will be 'synthetically generated' in a few years--and I don't understand how anyone can feel optimistic about the future.
Another thing that's horrible about the rise of AI is that you can't just post things online anymore and let them speak for themselves-- you now have to constantly post about your Process and Yourself as a Person. If a machine can generate soulless empty hollow products that look similar to the art you create, you have to constantly post about how you're a human being and explain why you draw the things the way you do, and discuss the meaning and intent behind your work. It's not enough to make a painting, and let people naturally intuit how you think and feel through the emotions you express in it-- you need to write a long-winded explanation of why you should follow a human being painting something out of sincere emotion instead of a machine producing hollow synthetic algorithmic sludge that imitates it. It's infuriating and horrifying. I hate how people are pressured to commodify every aspect of their life and personality to post online, because your existence as a human being is the only thing that can't yet be automated and turned into a product. AI generated imagery is a disease. It's the absolute pinnacle of the idea that 'art is just product' and of the cynical condescending belief that most people are just incurious unempathetic morons who just want to Consume Products without thinking.
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Seeing doubles amiright?, like, wow that's familiar oh yea it looks near identical to my besties art that was posted earlier this year, I mean maybe the heads the other way it can't be THAT copy pasted I so thought
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Hm. Yea it IS that bad, now, I've not seen the movie in a long time but I am 99% sure that is not a pose from the genesect movie so it's not referenced from there
"But they have different art styles!" I mean pretty sure using an image as reference without consent or credit but altering it for your art style still infringes on copyright and the original image made by the original artist. And you're really gonna look at me with the art side by side and go well duh the art style is different even if they're near identical so can't be stolen (you can still, steal something while having a different artstyle???)
"but the head is the other way and the hands are closed!" and the posing is the exact same the angle is the exact same the mouth open the sternums pointing similarly the definition of the chest in illusion to chest plate
And as well the minor differences look pretty deliberate imo? Can't copy the exact posing 1 for 1 as somebody (read nobody (save for me bitches cause I'm pissed) since people don't like to call out bigger popular artists for things like this and just let it slide because 'wellll we like this artist better so they can steal allllll the time~!' which guys popular or not it ain't fucking on), but yea can't just do the exact same so alter just enough to make it pass off as original (didn't work literally saw it in passing and clocked it right away and had to scramble to check and make a comparison refer my beloathed)
I just wanna know like, why? What the fuck? And I know swearing might damage my point but, just, I can't stand seeing or hearing about my friends getting treated like this having their original content taken and warped by other people who know to some degree they can get away with it, it's gross, if you wanna take inspiration you credit that appropriately hell even ask permission and respect if the og artist says no.
I don't think this panel should've been made or it should've been a helluv a lot different. Things like this is exactly the reason I'm scared to share my original ideas online, in case it gets taken and used specifically by this artist because I genuinely can't trust them at this point from what I've seen I don't want my ideas to be taken and then be brushed off with a "oh I've always wanted to play with this idea/it's always been implied actually! Don't look into why it's only showed up now after somebody made a post about their ocs with the same idea" cause being the lesser content creator guess what? I'll be the insane one if I say anything, I'll be told I'm wrong and have people jump my content claiming I've stolen or something because that's unfortunately how the Internet works! I've already had my works warped in a way I cant really even talk about! I know I'd probably look mad or like I was grasping at straws if I said anything then or now and at the time I valued my safety my comfort online and enjoyment online over saying anything and hey maybe I was wrong and the ideas were simply similar, but I doubt it. I know I could dig up and provide my references at least for my work, at the time when asked they couldn't do the same.
But this is my friend, and I'm not gonna let this shit slide anymore, I know this isn't the first thing this artist has, 'taken inspiration from' I use with heavy quotation marks, and I hope to fuck it's the last. But I don't know. I'm not gonna sit in silence about it anymore though, I will be calling it out as I see.
Plugging other people's artwork and original ideas character designs traits ect into your own to replicate to boost your own art makes you no better than ai art, because it takes without consent and spits out something warped and stolen.
This might come off as angry and petty and bitter, because it is, but don't mistake that for jealousy, I don't want what they have I'm not talking about this like a jealous ex trying to sabotage their fame because I know this is probably gonna damage my online rep and experience far more than theirs (or maybe I'll be lucky and this will become a tumbleweed in the desert) I'm talking about this because I want this kind of behaviour to stop. More popular 'better' artists shouldn't get free reign to plagiarise and pocket concepts from smaller artists just because they can, my friends content is not your fucking strawberry patch to plunder, it's not yours to take ANYTHING from. Make your own fucking original content. You've got your fame. Stop taking from us, leave us alone.
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darth-tella · 4 months
It's so exhausting whenever I find an image that I think is cool and it's something I want to share with a friend only to look closer to see that it's AI generated.
I know AI image generation isn't going anywhere and it can be a useful tool that is helpful when used properly (getting ideas and such). But there are far too many people out there who use it as a "Make Art because I'm too lazy to learn how to do it properly/pay an actual artist to draw it for me" button.
In short: if you're sharing AI "art" (I use heavy quotation marks here), at least have the decency to disclose the fact it wasn't made by a human.
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masterangst · 1 year
When I go online now and look up art. I'm flooded with AI art. Which to me is sad, because I don't think even really nice ones are as good as real art.
Not only that, but I saw a post that said "make money off your AI art"......WHAT? You mean you can make money from putting in a prompt and essentially doing absolutely nothing, while someone who does put in hard work and talent gets nothing. That's crazy to me. Must be a scam, because I put more effort into microwaving ramen than people who "make" (heavy of the quotation marks, cus I'm being generous with that word) AI Art
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digood223 · 7 years
PLA paper cups
Our PLA paper cups are produced from heavy-duty board for a premium quality product with superior stability, lid fit and insulation. All our paper is sourced responsibly from managed plantations and coated with PLA, an innovative corn-based bioplastic rather than conventional petroleum-based plastic. All components of our cups are made from rapidly renewable resources and are certified carbon neutral.
 These eco-friendly paper cups by XYA are perfect for your next party or for regular use in your office.
 Anymore, the paper cups' ink used to print on these cups is compostable! Not only are these cups earth friendly, they are also adorable. So why not save time, save money, and save the planet by ordering some today?
 Print your logo on our cups and tell your customers who you are with very delicious sip they take. Nothing is more important to you than growing your business. Our cups will help you promote and build your brand by offering the quality and distinction that will see you apart from your competition.
 a. Inquiry---Identify the specific products that you are interested in personalizing for your business
b. Quotation---Official quotation sheet will be sent to you with detailed information for the product on it.
c. Artwork submitting---Provide your logo, design, slogan, etc. All artwork must be submitted in a vector format. This is either an EPS, PSD, AI or an editable PDF file. The files in a resolution of minimum 300 dpi. If the art is not in a vector format, we cannot use it.  Moreover, if you do not have any concrete design ideas yet. Our in-house graphic design team can help you come up with an attractive design.
d. Confirm--- Review and confirm the e-proof of the artwork for your custom print.
e. Payment terms---Western Union, T/T, L/C
f. Mould making---Mould will be finished in 1 months after the payment of mould fee. Mould fee need to be paid in full amount.
g. Sample confirmation---Sample will be sent out in 3 days after the mould is ready.
h. Production---Mass production, shipping marks are needed after production.
i. Shipping---By sea, air or courier.
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