#i hope all of these companies burn to the ground! it will be a net good for humanity
secretmellowblog · 7 months
Some experts have predicted that with the rise of AI, 90 percent of the internet's content will be 'synthetically generated' in a few years--and I don't understand how anyone can feel optimistic about the future.
Another thing that's horrible about the rise of AI is that you can't just post things online anymore and let them speak for themselves-- you now have to constantly post about your Process and Yourself as a Person. If a machine can generate soulless empty hollow products that look similar to the art you create, you have to constantly post about how you're a human being and explain why you draw the things the way you do, and discuss the meaning and intent behind your work. It's not enough to make a painting, and let people naturally intuit how you think and feel through the emotions you express in it-- you need to write a long-winded explanation of why you should follow a human being painting something out of sincere emotion instead of a machine producing hollow synthetic algorithmic sludge that imitates it. It's infuriating and horrifying. I hate how people are pressured to commodify every aspect of their life and personality to post online, because your existence as a human being is the only thing that can't yet be automated and turned into a product. AI generated imagery is a disease. It's the absolute pinnacle of the idea that 'art is just product' and of the cynical condescending belief that most people are just incurious unempathetic morons who just want to Consume Products without thinking.
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domes · 8 months
part, 03
Prompt:  "In a hole in the ground there lived a..." As the boxes burn the flames shift colors, I always forget how entrancing fires are. “Hey,” Seth snaps his fingers I front of my face, “are you alright? You’re breathing really heavy.” I set the prairie dog carrier down and check my pulse. “Yea, it must be the elevation, or I’m just freaked out, I don’t know, I think I’m fine.” Seth looks back down to the lodge and the lights come back on. “Ok we gotta move pretty fast but you’re gonna need a coat, hold on.” He runs into the cabin leaving the door open. A thick Carhartt hoodie about a size too might flies out the door, followed by one of those cat backpacks with a dome window.  Seth sets to transferring the prairie dogs to the backpack, “I didn’t get your name.” I put on the hoodie, “K” I go by “K.” He hands me the prairie dog backpack. ” Ok, K, nice to meet you, I truly hope you don’t die tonight, you’re carrying the prairie dogs, because they tend to piss when they get moved like this, and I’m not risking my ass and getting piss down my back at the same time, good with you?” I adjust the strap and try to judge the heft of the backpack as the prairie dogs shift back and forth throwing my balance off, “yea thanks, but what’s happening?”  Seth hands me a flashlight, “The fucks that kill the power will also kill you, I don’t know what they are but they killed my weird ass prairie dog owning coworker friend and nobody cared, hell the company didn’t even replace her. Now I have to do twice the work, and keep you from getting got too.”   We hike up into the darkness. Among the scraggly mountain pines the slow onset of dawn feels both inevitable and like it will never fully come. When we slow enough for me to catch my breath I ask Seth, “I feel a little weird following you, like what is even happening?” Seth stops for a second and I’m am so grateful for the chance to breathe. “Honestly, I don’t know what to tell you, I’m going to do what I am going to do, I’ve stopped them before and I even think I killed one, it’s complicated and I fell ass end into this, it’s not my thing, you can come with me and maybe live or do whatever you want, don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t have the fucks to give to try to convince you, but if you leave you have to take John, Odie, and Nermal with you.” I check my phone and it finally turns back on, but we’re far enough from the highway that I get no signal, “Are you serious with this?” Seth starts walking again, “Mostly, not about the dogs though they stay with me, I love those fuckers.”  We continue on a little faster than I am comfortable hiking for what seems like hours until we stop for a second in a breathtaking, if I had any to give, mountain meadow. Seth bends down and tears up a handful of grass and shoves it in his pocket. “We’re almost there, there’s a switchback that brings the road pretty near here, you might get signal when we get there.” At this point I cannot even respond, it takes every breath just to keep moving forward, if he’s planning to murder me, he won’t have to expend all that much effort.  As morning finally breaks Seth leads us into a small clearing covered by camouflage netting. He pulls the netting back revealing a bunch of inch long or so bits of hollow bamboo cane sticking out of the soil. Seth methodically sets a single blade of grass across the top of each of the bamboo shoots. He holds a hand out to signal that I should stay where I am and holds his breath.  A burst of air from within one of the shoots blows the blade of grass off of it, and I almost collapse to the ground as my phone buzzes in my pocket. Behind me the prairie dogs exchange excited yelps.
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ladysmeg13 · 2 years
Cedar falls Iowa from 1960-1969
After I was born my parents were told I had a curve spine so the doctor said to help improve the growth of my spine I recommended that she takes acrobats which will make me stronger and have a happier life. I will always have a curved spine but won't be all crippled up as I get older. Mom had to do stretching exercises on me until I was old enough to start acrobats lessons. I started taking acrobats lessons as soon as I could walk with Dorothy Fisher Dance Company and continued till I was 17 1/2.
I lived at 2116 Franklin Street in the middle of the block on a hill in a house that looked like a barn. At 6 I learn how to ride a bike from the top of are hill with my dad's help one big push down the hill I go getting half way down I crash and burn the first time. At 7 my older sister taught me how to roller stake down the same hill and I again crash and burn the first time.
In 1964 for my birthday in July I was given the greatest present any kid was hoping for will not exactly what I was hoping for I got the chicken pox. Will it did make it better when I give them to my younger brother Todd. And in 65 I got scarlet fever while at the sitters so mom had to come get me and I stayed with her at Cedar Heights School on the couch in the office until she got off work.
Mary Peters lived on the corner 3 houses down from me. In July of 66 Mary came to are house asking dad for help to catch 2 bats without hurting them and then letting them go free back outside. So dad wearing his motorcycle helmet a long sleeve shirt with the collar up and a bright orange scarf around his neck holding a fishing net and a tennis racket walked over to Mary's on a warm summer night around 7:30. Dad enters her home and is glad she had her windows open to let in the cool breeze of summer. As dad is checking each room the lights go on to force the bats to move to the next room until dad is in the small living room with 2 bats in a dim lighted room. Trying not to break anything while he is swinging the racket and net at the bats who are flying over and around my dad's head. Some of the neighborhood kids including me are looking from the outside through the windows and laughing. After 25 minutes both bats have been caught and back outside with only one picture smashed and on the floor.
At the end of are block is dry run creek which is dry most of the times except in 3/21/61 it was 96.10 ft. above flood stage, 4/8/65 94.70 ft. above flood stage, 3/31/62 93.70 ft., 10/2/65 91.90 ft., 7/18/68 90.50 ft above flood stage which is 88.8 ft. A garden we had next to dry run creek flooded out losing everything from to much water except for one plant that seemed to thrive and grow are the pumpkins which grow to a very large size that never turned orange so for Halloween we had giant green and yellow pumpkins to carve.
Also during the floods we all help out are neighbors down the hill packing and moving their belongings to higher ground. Putting on my swimming suit I go next door to Linda's house and enter the side door and down the basement I go. The closer I get to the bottom steps my feet start to get wet. The water is clear, clean and cool being distracted by the water I forget how many steps are at the bottom. I trip down the last three steps and fall face first into the water. Already down in the basement working is Linda and her sister Lori they are picking up everything that isn't nailed down. Hearing a bang and a splash they look over to see me coming up out of the water and all I hear is laughter. From behind me I hear look out right before three inner tubes come flying down the stairs right before I get hit in the back of the head with one.
From 1966 through the middle of 69 I went to Main Street School were we ate and had gym in are classroom. After school I would wait for my dad to pick me up on his 1964 Harley Davidson or in a beat up blue pickup. Dad worked as a custodian for the high school, Lincoln, cedar heights school and in 1966 dad started at Viking Pump. Through Viking Pump all us kids got tickets to the movies at the theatre on main street and during Christmas we got a gift and stocking full of candy. Viking Pump also had roller skating parties at the Roller Dome in north cedar. On Christmas eve in 64 around 7:30 pm we hear a noise from outside and dad whispers it sounds like Santa so we go to the window to look out . I said it can't be Santa because we don't have snow no the ground so how can he get to are house without snow. Right when dad was going to explain how Santa could get to are house without snow we hear the noise again this time it was right out front of are house. A few minutes more we hear a knock at the door my sister, my brother and me take off running to the door to see how was there. Opening the door stood Santa with a bag of toys over his should and behind him was a beat up red pickup. So now I know how Santa can get to are house without snow.
In the early 60's Cedar Falls had home with blue stars on them for a safe place kids and young adults could go for help. Which came in handy for me while I was walking home from school and some older kids attacked me I got hurt. So I went to a blue star home and got help where I waited until the police came then my dad got there a few minutes later and took me home. On the hill by the college there were anti-war and peace rallies, flower power. Young men along with three of my cousins are going to Vietnam to fight and are dying . I was glad they all made it home ok but not all did 3 young men from my neighborhood came home in coffins which had to stay closed for the funerals.
In 1969 are landlord decided to put are home we were renting up for sale not even asking us first if we wanted to buy it. So making my parent look for a new home which they did in Dike Iowa. Moving day is March 21, 1969 also my parents wedding Anniversary, first day of spring. We had a lot of guys that work with dad in trucks, vans moving everything even an old player piano along with a dog, cat, snake, turtle, fish and other critters to 205 W. state street. At the new house I heard a lot of swearing from dad and some other guys that are trying to get the player piano into the front porch door and the house door too. Half the time the piano got stuck sticking out the door and they had to wiggle it back and forth to make it move a inch forward so it took along time to get it through both doors.
I found out later from some old neighbors that are old house was never sold after we moved out the land lord pulled it again every year or two they would put out a for sale sign a week later it was taken down. And then some one else would be moving in. After I moved back to town I would walk to the old neighborhood to see if anyone I know still lived there. I have seen the sign myself at our old house and I would call the number to ask about the house were they would say it not for sale they changed their minds and it is being rented out so it not available. That night I would call mom and tell her about are old house and what I found out she was hurt but also glad that we didn't live at a place where the landlord didn't care about the renters only the money. So moving and buying a home in Dike was a better deal maybe for my parents but not for us kids.
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thatkpophoelife · 3 years
PAIRING: Jungkook x Fem. Reader (ft. Taehyung and NCT Jaehyung)
RATING: Mature 18+
GENRE: NonIdol Au. Highschool Au. Smut. Fluff 
WC: 8K
SUMMARY: You and Jungkook have been best friends since the beginning of time. You spent every waking moment together until one night your at a party and the feelings you have been trying to keep inside decide they want to erupt and make your life harder than you ever could have expected. 
WARNINGS: Swearing. under aged drinking. Big dick Jungkook. Oral (Fem. Rec.) Nipple Play. Fingering (Fem. Rec.) Multiple Orgasms. Cream Pie. Unprotected Sex. Slight Daddy Kink. Slight degradation (hardly mentioned). Thigh Ridding. 
A/N: I’m so happy I’m finally done with it. I am so happy with the result. I have been working hard for the last few days getting this ready to post so sorry if anything is spelt wrong or doesn’t make sense. ENJOY! 
You and Jungkook have been best friends since the first grade. It all started when you fell off the monkey bars during recess. Your palms and knees were bloody and scraped. The cement was rough against your skin and you could see those small little rocks in the small cuts on your hands. As a little kid they seemed way worse than they really were. You were scared you would need to go to the doctors for stiches and then they would need to give you a shot. You were like 7, things like that terrified you.
When you looked up through your watery eyes, you could see a little boy with cute cheeks, deep brown eyes, and bangs. You looked back down at the ground and wiped off your cheeks and nose. When you looked back up you saw the same boy but with his hand out for you to grab. You reached out to grab it and he pulled you up with a huge grin and a huff.
“I’m Jungkook but my friends call me Kookie.”
“I'm Y/N. Thanks for helping me up Jungkook.” You though it had a nice ring to it.
“No problem. I have a band aid in my pocket, you can have it”
“Really? Thanks.” When he handed you the band aid you couldn’t help but notice it had a small picture of Woody from Toy Story on it.
In the days that went by, you two hung out nonstop. He told you almost everything that you could learn about a 7-year-old. You learned his birthday was September 1st, he has an older brother named SeokJin that everyone calls Jin, he likes pizza, and loves soccer. You knew other things of course, but those were just some of the basics.
You became best friends extremely fast and spent most of your summer together. You went to the beach more than once a week. Your parents became friends with his parents and there was no going back on this friendship now. You did develop a teensy tiny basically non-existent crush on Jin but it quickly went away when Jungkook called you out on it and asked you to never see his brother in that light again. You agreed because even though you were only now 8, you still had your priorities and Jungkook was in the top 3.  
By the time second grade came around he asked you, aka forced you, into joining his soccer team so you could “spend more time together.” You whined for the entire first practice. Since your mom was excited to finally see you doing a sport, she put your hair up in pigtails and bought you neon pink knee socks with a just as neon yellow visor. You were not happy. When you got to the field you felt out of place and like everyone was laughing at you. Those worries effected how you played. Just because you never played the sport before doesn’t mean you weren’t somewhat decent at it.
You knew how to dribble kind of well and you had decent aim when trying to make the ball in the net. But your real strong suit was goalie. You were never afraid of the ball or of getting hurt. If you needed to you would gladly dive for the ball if that’s what your team needed to win a game. You were never a girly girl so getting dirt on your knees never bothered you.
Despite all of this you still didn’t want to try out. Your mom was loud and never stopped cheering your name, no matter where you were. You had no other siblings so it’s not like she had anywhere else to be. She had her own small company that way she could create her own schedule and get to go to anything you wanted her to and as far as she knew that was everything. All of your class field trips, sport games, school plays, everything. You were too nervous to tell her otherwise because you didn’t want to hurt her feelings. You know that she only went overboard because she loves you so much but sometimes you wished she loved you a little less. And your dad was always busy with his 9-5 job so he never went to any of your things.
You never stopped playing though. You ended up enjoying the sport more than you could have expected. It was even more enjoyable since you were actually good at it, you always got to be goalie in all of your games. You and Jungkook were actually the star players on your co-ed team. And whenever Jungkook would ask you about why you still played even though you “didn’t like it that much” you always said you liked it enough to continue playing and that you had nothing better to do. You knew deep down that he knew you enjoyed the sport just as much as him, but you also knew he would never call you out on it.  
You won almost all of your games, and you and Jungkook always fought over who deserved the trophy’s. Your argument was that the goalie was a key role to stop the other team from scoring. Jungkook’s was that he made most of the goals to keep your teams score up too high for the other team to ever catch up. It always came to a vote among your teammates, Jungkook always won and you knew it was because most of the girls had a crush on him and wanted him to like them back.
Besides that, nothing exciting happend in your friendship for a while. You spent a lot of time playing soccor in parks and when it was soccor season. You spent all of your summers together and both you’re your guys’ parent let you two get a golden retriever to take care of named Olive the summer before 6th grade. She was staying at Jungkook’s though because it was his idea in the first place. It didn’t mean you never go to see her there. You spent half of your summer there so you saw her a lot.
In your summer of 7th grade Olive got hit by a truck. You were both devasted and Jungkook spent a week at your house. All because Jin forgot to let Olive in at night so she decided to run. Jungkook didn’t talk to Jin for almost a month.
Then in 8th grade a boy named Park Jimin decided to throw a “End of the Summer Almost Freshmen in High-School” party. In reality it was more like ten people that were all in some way shape or form a part of his friend circle. You were invited because they needed another girl to come and Jungkook talked you up so much Jimin had no choice.
The night was all fun and games until his parents went to bed. He quickly grabbed an empty 16-liter Coca-Cola bottle and sat it in the middle of the floor and had everyone gather around in a circle. You were beyond nervous considering you hardly knew any of the boys that were playing and you have never had you first kiss.
A few rounds went by and nothing particularly interesting happened. Jimin kissed some girl named Emily that you didn’t like that much anyways. Then it was Jungkook’s turn. He spun it and you could hear your heart pounding in your ears. It felt as if the bottle was spinning non-stop. Past Emily, past Nichole, past Maddison, past Jimin, past everyone else. Then it stopped, and pointed at you.
You felt your heart speed up. You couldn’t kiss your best friend. It was wrong in so many ways. But the chanting of your names in the background couldn’t go unnoticed. You had no choice but to kiss him. Well, you kind of did but you were hoping that by doing something like this people will start to like you more and not look at you as Jungkook’s best friend. You both sat up and looked each other in the eyes.
Slowly the rest of the world started to silently drift away. You don’t know if it was because everyone around you stopped talking to watch the kiss or because you were to focused on Jungkook and nothing else. His right hand slowly went to up to your caress your cheek while his left hand was on the floor keeping him balanced. You couldn’t help but notice the sparkle in his eyes. The way they traveled from your pupils, to the tip of your nose, and finally landing on your lips. The way his thumb rubbed gentle circles into your cheek leaving a burning sensation wherever it touched. The way he locked eyes with you one last time to make sure he had your permission first.
You noticed that the second you nodded your head giving him permission; he didn’t waste a second to kiss you. The kiss was soft but urgent. Like you both have been waiting for this very moment for so long. Once he broke the kiss, he looked you in the eyes and gave you a look you would never forget. He smirked.
You couldn’t help but shake your head in absolute confusion and utter disbelief. Did he want that kiss to happen? Did he do that because the guys were watching? You didn’t know. The only thing you knew, was that you’ve had a huge crush on your best friend since the very beginning.
Ever since that day he helped you up from the dirty ground when your hands and knees you scraped and bloody. Ever since he told you it was a good idea to co-own a puppy. Ever since the last day of middle school when you took a selfie jumping with glee. These feelings had been hiding ever since the beginning, and Jungkook’s lips was the only thing to break down the barriers and release those feelings.
You didn’t bother to sit back down in the circle. You wanted to go home, needed to go home. You didn’t want to wake up your parents and ask them to pick you up. You also didn’t want to walk through the door and have them ask why you came home. You knew exactly what to do.
Call Jin.
He answered on about the fourth ring. “Hello?” said the course and tired voice from the other line. You felt bad the second you heard him speak because you knew you woke him up.
“Hey Jin. Umm I was wondering if you could pick me up from the party?” You were prepared to literally beg him to come pick you up.
“Whatever. It’s the same house Kookie’s at, right?” You couldn’t believe you didn’t even need to ask twice.
“That is very correct. I will be ready and waiting outside for you to pull up.”
“Loser. I will be there in 10, don’t make me wait.” You couldn’t help but smile widely while you were getting you stuff together and putting your shoes on.
“Y/N? What are you doing?” You have got to be kidding.
“Hey Jungkook, what are you doing here?”
“What do you mean what am I doing here. I was invited” You can see it written all over his cute little bunny face that he was so confused.
“I- I'm just not feeling too well, I'm going home” You couldn’t help the painfully obvious stutter as you lied to your best friend’s face.
“How, it’s a sleep over? Your mom won’t be thrilled if you called her at 1 o’clock in the morning.”
“I already called someone, and they should be here any minute now so you can go back and enjoy kissing those other girls.” What did you just say? You couldn’t stop the words before they came out. Would that be how he found out you liked him? Is that the sentence that would ruin your friendship? Sometimes you felt so very stupid.
“Okay I will.” With that he walked back to continue the game of spin the bottle with a huge smirk on his face. You couldn’t help but stare, eyes wide and mouth agape. You couldn’t help but wonder if that kiss meant nothing to him. As far as you knew that was his first kiss, and it was most defiantly yours.
As you were lost in your dark cloud of thoughts, your phone dinged making you jump a little. It was Jin texting you that he was already there to pick you up. If you were honest, you weren’t expecting him to be here this fast.
You quickly picked your bag off of the ground, slipped on your black and white checkered Vans, and made your way out the door. When you got to Jin’s car, you quickly threw your stuff in the back and climbed into the passenger seat.
“Where to Y/N?” You could still hear the sleep in his voice and see it in his eyes. He was wearing a simple grey Champion hoodie with black Nike joggers. His hair was all messy from sleeping and the moon perfectly aligned his features. You couldn’t lie, Jin was one of the most attractive men you have ever seen, but you prefer guys closer to your age. Plus, you like the younger brother anyway. Hey snap out of it you need to not like your best friend.
“Um, Y/N? Where do you want me to take you because if you don’t speak up, I will take you straight home.”
“Oh, sorry. Can I just crash at your guys’ place? I know Kookie’s not there but I don’t want my parents asking questions and to yell at me for waking you up.” Yes, you were playing the, ‘please don’t rat me out’ card. But you weren’t lying to him so what’s the problem?
“Sure, just sleep in Kook’s bed. You tend to snore sometimes.” He reached over to ruffle your hair with a huge grin on his face
“Hey! I do not snore!” You felt like a 5-year-old throwing a fit with the way you pouted out your bottom lip, crossed your arms over your chest, and sank into the seat.
“Whatever dork. Why do you want to leave early anyways? Did something happen?” You could tell he was genuinely concerned, and he was crazy good at keeping secrets so what was the harm in telling him about your mild crush on his little brother.
“At the party after Jimin’s parents went to sleep we all played spin the bottle and when it was Kookie’s turn I suddenly was really really nervous it would land on one of the other girls and I didn’t know why but then it landed on me and we kissed and now I think I have a moderately huge crush on him that I never realized I had before and I'm kind of freaking out. Don’t tell anybody though please,” You finally took a breath after your long and wordy run on sentence.
“You’re just now realizing?” Jin had a huge smile on his face and was laughing but you had no idea why.
“What do you mean ‘you’re just now realizing?’” You had no idea what he was talking about.
“Y/N you and Jungkook obviously have had huge crushes on each other for like ever. He admitted his to me a while ago.” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing and you knew you would ask Jungkook about it the next time you saw him.
“Can you just take me to your place. It’s late and I'm tired,” After your friendly reminder Jin drove off to his house so you could sleep. He didn’t poke and prod at it any more and you were grateful. Jin was the older brother you never had and you were the little sister he always wanted.
When you woke up Jungkook was already there. You told him about how Jungkook told him that he had a crush on you. Jungkook shot you down almost immediately saying it was just a way to attempt to humiliate him. You felt hurt. Your best friend of years and your huge crush basically said it would be humiliating to have a crush on you. Lucky for you, you left very shortly after and spent your weekend preparing for your first year of high school and getting over your crush on Jungkook. Mostly.
Your freshman year was chaotic. You and Jungkook had only a few classes together so you almost drifted apart. It didn’t help that ever since the party Jungkook seemed to be hiding something from you. Something big. The only thing that kept you close was soccor and Jin. But after first semester Jungkook started hanging out with seniors and going to parties. You asked to go once, thinking that he would stay by your side and not let you be taken away by some guy you didn’t know. That wasn’t the case.
Once you entered through the doors Jungkook quickly left your side and got drunk. You caught him in a corner making out with a girl you had never seen before. Then you watched as he pulled her away to a room. Your curiosity got the best of you and you followed close behind. After a minute of them being alone in a room you began hearing moans. You were destroyed.
You quickly made your way to the door so you could go back home, when you ran into a very beautiful man. He couldn’t have been much older than you. He had beautiful chestnut hair and two beautiful dimples. You didn’t even bother asking for his name once you saw the mischievous glint in his eye. You let him lead you to a room, know what was going to happen.
That was how you lost your virginity. It wasn’t special liked you hoped it was going to be. You later learned his name was Jaehyun. It didn’t matter because you didn’t plan on talking to him again. Neither of you wanted anything more than sex that night.
You and Jungkook got into a fight one night. You don’t know what happened to start the fight. All you remember is that it ended with both of you in tears and him hugging you like he never wanted to let go. You made up and everything that happened before that was forgotten. Mostly.
You spent the rest of your school years studying hard and getting through all of your actual difficult classes so the only non-elective class you were taking senior year was your English class. Which you had with Jungkook, of course. You spent your summers with him and you both made it into varsity soccor. He knew the truth about your love for soccor when he heard you talking to your mom about it.
You still hadn’t had a boyfriend yet in your sophomore year. You were just too busy with school to actually try to get a dude’s attention, and you said your junior year was going to be different. You would meet a guy, get Jungkook’s approval, fall in love, have the ‘break up talk’ when you sign up for college, and most likely do just that, break up. The only key problem is that whenever you were walking in the halls and saw a cute guy Jungkook would always say he was a dick and that he doesn’t know how to treat a woman. You tended not to ask questions.
But now you were standing in front of your full-length body mirror, smoothing out the wrinkles in your outfit and occasionally touching up your make up or hair. Your first day of senior year outfit was simple but was sure to turn heads. You opted for a tight-fitted white crop top that showed your cleavage, skinny ripped jeans that hugged your ass perfectly that also had a rip under your left ass cheek, and your black heeled Timberland’s. Your hair was perfectly curled and your makeup looked flawless. You asked Jungkook to bring one of his black leather jackets for you to wear over everything. Damn you looked good.
Just as you were shaking out any last nervous jitters you heard a honk, indicating that your best friend was here to pick you up. You quickly grabbed your bag, ran down stairs, and grabbed two slices of toast for breakfast. Saying by to your parents you turned the nob of the door handle and ran out towards Jungkook’s car. As you opened the door to his red convertible, he looked at you and his jaw dropped. You missed the way his eyes scanned your figure and he darted out his tongue to wet his lips. He was eating you up in his mind, hoping you didn’t notice.
“Hey Kookie, do you have the jacket I asked for?” You handed him a piece of toast as your put on your seatbelt, shaking him out of his trance as he gave you said jacket.
“Ready for our first day? You’re going to be turning heads in that outfit,” You missed the way his eyes snuck a glance at your cleavage before driving off.
“I know right. I’ve been single all of high school so far and this year I want that to change.” You had a huge smile plastered across your face as you spoke. “I like your outfit by the way, it’s nice.” He was wearing black skinny jeans, black doc martins, a black tee, and a black faux leather jacket. And because of Jungkook’s new found passion of working out his thighs looked incredible.
“Thanks. Are we still going out to lunch so we don’t need to eat cafeteria food?”
“Duh, what else, and chew with your mouth closed you look like a 7-year-old.” You rolled your eyes and Jungkook did not miss the small and simple gesture.  
“Hey! You’re the one who became friends with this 7-year-old.”
“That’s not fair you were an angel sent from heaven, my savior. Now you’re just a jack-ass.
“I know you love me.”
“Jungkook what would you know. At first you thought that 7x7 was 64.”
“Oh my god woman will you just drop that I was in 3rd grade.” You both just laughed at each other’s silly antics from when you were younger until you pulled into the school’s parking lot. The second you stood up and walked over to walk in with your best friend, every one stopped and stared. It felt like one of those dramatic movie scenes where the wind is blowing and everything turns into slow motion while you hear the main characters internal monolog.
“Why is everyone staring at us, is something in my teeth? Did my makeup smudge?” You pulled at the side of his jacket making him lean down so you could whisper in his ear. Just because you were walking in 4-inch heels did not make you as tall as him.
“No dummy. We look like the ultimate power couple right now. The hottest girl and guy in school, of course they’re staring.” You were so busy nodding your head and looking at other people that you didn’t catch the way his eyes fell to the curve of your ass.
You walked into school going to your respectable homerooms, then meeting up in the hall to go to your shared English class. You noticed that the popular girls kept trying to befriend you. You knew it was because you were now a threat and they did not want you to be prom queen. Last year you weren’t but guess who was, Emily. You still didn’t like each other. You don’t know why you didn’t get along but it’s not like you wanted to be her friend or something.
You and Jungkook sat down next to each other talking about how weird the day had been. People were still staring but who could blame them, you both had huge summer glow ups.
When you looked up at the clock hanging above the door, you notice a boy you’ve never seen before. He was incredibly attractive and had a beautiful symmetric face. You felt like you were drooling while you stared at him. Then he looked over at you and smiled. How the hell does a man’s smile look like that. You finally met the man that would actually rival Jungkook’s own good looks.
“Hey can I sit here?” You jumped when he asked the question, not expecting his voice to also sound hot.
“Yeah, Y/N by the way.” You held out your hand for him to take, but instead of shaking it he placed an opened mouth kissed on your knuckles. Wow he was hot. It made your thighs clench. Jungkook just rolled his eyes.
“Taehyung, it’s nice to meet you Y/N.” You were so entranced by this new boy’s handsome good looks you didn’t see the terrifying daggers Jungkook was sending his way. He read him like a book. He would lead a girl on, take her innocence, and then leave her out to dry.
Jungkook didn’t just guess this either, he had Taehyung’s snapchat and snapped him one summer after he saw him at a party. Taehyung had told Jungkook his tactics, and Jungkook even went to his house where he witnessed him use those very tactics.
“There’s a party at my house Saturday night around 10 pm, if you give me your number, I can text you the details and you can come.” You turned to Jungkook giving him hopeful eyes until he sighed and nodded. After all you don’t go to a party without your best friend.
“As long as Jungkook, my best friend since 1st grade might I add, can come with.” You weren’t going without him and that was that. Taehyung agreed without hesitation and you gave him your number. You quickly regretted it though because once he opened his mouth you lost interest extremely quickly.
All he could seem to talk about was all of the girls he’s hooked up with and how he could get any girl he wanted. You knew what he was trying to get at and became bored very fast. You were actually extremely grateful when the class started.
You and Jungkook passed notes the entire time, all about the egotistical boy next to you. And even though you didn’t like him, you would go to his party because you wanted to actually live a little your senior year. But sadly, one potential future boyfriend was out the door and you were back at square one.
The rest of the week passed by fast and because you had mostly easy elective classes you had no homework over the weekend for the first time in years. Which meant you had all sorts of time to party. You texted Jungkook to pick you up at around 9 so you would have time to get ready but still be at the party in time.
You woke up around noon on Saturday from your alarm. You didn't wake up because you wanted to but because you didn’t want to ruin the sleep schedule you didn’t even have. Why did you wake up again? Anyways once you woke up from you slumber you texted Jungkook to clear up some last-minute details.
are you up yet? I just woke up. why dont I wake up like disney princesses?? I look like a monster :(
Disney princesses are pretty thats why you don’t look like them in the morning or ever for that matter
stfu your no prince charming either
Really? Then why would almost every girl in our school blow me???
If thats the case then why don’t you get some so you can stop complaining to me about how horny you always are??
Because I have my right eye some one
WHO?!?! and why havent I heard about this until now?? and why just your right eye??
Because not EVERYTHING is your business smartypants and dont talk about my left eye
whatever I will find out about this mystery girl though… MARK MY WORDS!! YOULL BE JUNGSHOOK
Whatever you say smartypants whyd you text me anyways?
Right! your still picking me up, RIGHT?!
Its you’re, but yes I'm still picking you up
Good, I will be ready in 3-4 hours :)
You do know the party is at like 10 right
Not how you spell dammit but alright
Stfu english nerd and good bye until 10
 With that your conversation with Jungkook ended and you started to binge watch Haikyu!! until around 6. Then you rolled out of bed and started getting ready. You got into the shower, shaving everything. You didn’t know what was going to happen tonight so you figured you would be extra prepared. You even used your exfoliator, if you anyone got to touch you, they would be lucky.
Then you did your hair. You curled it perfectly and then put it in a high pony tail. Perfect party hair in your opinion. Then you did your makeup making sure to keep it simple yet amazing. You opted for a winged liner, perfectly done brows, and dark red lipstick. Lastly was your outfit. Your room was a complete mess after you threw half of your closet onto the floor but your pretty sure you found a great outfit.
You put on your matching set of black lacy lingerie that made your ass look good and your boobs even better. You than grabbed a different white crop top with a dangerously low cut making your black lace peak out from the sides and small booty shorts that barely covered your ass. Then you grabbed the same leather jacket you wore on your first day of school and put on a pair of sneakers. You went to that party with Jungkook once so you knew how crazy and disgusting the ground could be.
By the time you were completely done it was already 8:47. You didn’t think it would take quite that long to get ready but at the same time you did. You were touching up your makeup when Jungkook texted you he was waiting. You didn’t tell your parents about the fact that you were going to a party and they knew that if they saw you dressed the way you were, they would flip. So like any other teen, you made plans to sneak out.
The only person you to actually worry about catching you was your dad because you knew if your mom caught you, she would laugh at you and tell you to have fun. Your dad on the other hand not so much.
Jungkook parked a block down from your house and turned off his car headlights so he wouldn’t be as noticeable. You opened your window as quietly was possible and began to scale your wall. Thankful that your bedroom window was the one closest to the gutter and that you chose sneakers as your shoes. Once you hit the ground safely, you bolted for Jungkook’s car and got in as fast as you could.
“Hey cutie,” Jungkook said wiggling his eyebrows. Luckily for him, his car lights were off so you didn’t catch him gaping at your breasts.
“Sup, you ready to party?” You asked as he turned on the car and started to drive where the GPS told him.
“Yes, now remember no sleeping with some random dude and no drugs”
“Same to you mister”
“Ok so if you want to stay out late text your mom and ask if you can spend the night at my house because my parents are out of town and Jin is going to this food thing with his friends for like three days.” Jungkook said as he merged into traffic.
“Good idea,” You pulled out your phone and texted your mom knowing she would understand much better than your father. “She said that’s fine”.
“Good so if you get hung over you don’t need to try and explain it to your mom,” Damn was Jungkook always this smart, and did he always look this good.
After driving the rest of the way, you pulled into Taehyung’s house and you were awestruck. It was huge and surrounded by hedges. You couldn’t see another house within a mile which was good because that means the cops won’t be called because of noise complaints.
You stepped out of Jungkook’s car and walked into Taehyung’s house immediately being greeted with the smell of alcohol and weed. You quickly got separated from Jungkook and made your way to the kitchen to fill a red solo cup half full with some beer you found and apple juice. You slammed it down, wincing as it made its way down your throat. It wasn’t the best tasting but it was better than the beer by itself.
Once you were done making yourself the same drink again, you made your way outside and found a huge pool with a jacuzzi right by it. You scanned the area, seeing a couple making out in the pool and three boys you didn’t quite recognize playing around in the pool. As you continued looking around taking another sip of your drink you noticed something strange. Standing next to the pool was Jungkook and Emily.
She was twirling her hair in her fingers and giggling while Jungkook looked her up and down smirking the entire time.
You know you’ve been telling Jungkook to get a girlfriend for years now, but you thought he knew you were just joking. For some odd reason you were upset. You didn’t know why at first. Maybe because you didn’t like Emily, maybe because you didn’t want Emily to steal him away from you. You were Jealous. You hated when it hit you like a pile of bricks. But you definitely  intended on doing something about it.
You quickly downed the rest of your drink in your red solo cup hoping it would give you more courage, and made your way over to them.
“Hey Jungkook I need to talk to y-,” You were walking towards him and before you knew it you were falling into the pool. Your first thought was that you tripped but when you resurfaced from the water you saw Emily looking at you with a sly grin. All you could do was glare.
“Oops,” Emily snickered as she grabbed out her phone and took several pictures of you. Great now your hot ass makeup and hair was completely ruined. Shit you’re wearing a WHITE shirt and BLACK bra that are now wet. You looked down to confirm it and sure enough your shirt was more than see-through. AND Jungkook’s leather jacket was ruined. At least you wore sneakers.
“What the fuck Emily,” You were startled from your stare down with the girl when you heard Jungkook’s low voice. It was loud and honestly kind of turned you on. Wait you shouldn’t be thinking about your best friend like that. You shook the thought out of your head and looked up at Jungkook. His fists were balled up at his sides and his jaw was clenched. He looked fine as hell.
As you slowly made your way to the side of the pool, he took off his leather jacket and knelt down. Once you got to the side he reached down with both arms, inserted his hands under your armpits, and hoisted you out of the water. He then helped you take off his ruined leather jacket and threw it at Emily. “Happy now?” He then took his perfectly fine leather jacket and draped it over your shoulders instructing you to hold it closed. “Come on let’s go get you cleaned up.” He bent down and whispered it into your ear causing shivers to go down your spin. You could only nod in response.
As he led you towards the doors of the house, he yanked his jacket from Emily’s hand and gave her one of the scariest looks you’ve ever seen. All you did was smirk and stick your tongue out at her like a 5-year-old. You were very satisfied.
He led you through the crowd of people dancing and grinding on each other like they weren’t in a public setting. He then led you to what you assumed was going to be a bathroom but ended up being a bedroom. You couldn’t help but wonder how he knew his way around so well.
When you entered the room, you realized it was huge with a bathroom connected to it. “Why did you take me here instead of a normal bathroom?” You asked.
“Because most likely they are occupied by other people and I don’t really want to walk in on some other couple having sex. Especially when I'm with you.” What was that supposed to mean? “And before you ask how I know my way around, I used to be sort of friends with Tae. I only came here once when he tried hooking me up with some random chick and I guessed I just remembered my way around.” He was so honest so easily.
“Did you do anything with the chick?” You felt stupid the moment you asked.
“What?” You don’t know if he didn’t hear you or what but you still asked again.
“Did you do anything with her, the girl he tried hooking you up with?” You felt pathetic.
“I told you have my right eye on someone else.” He said leading you into the bathroom.
“Who is this lucky girl anyways?” You asked sitting on the sink countertop while you took off Jungkook’s jacket.
He paused, “Let’s just say, I played a game of spin the bottle at Jimin’s house before freshman year started. I kissed her. She was the only person I kissed that night. I realized that I had a massive crush on her but she left and felt hella crushed. I stopped playing and couldn’t help but feel like I was losing her forever. But I still spend all of my spare time with her and I couldn’t ask for a better best friend. Deep down I’m afraid that she will never like me back because of the girls I slept with freshman year but I want her to know that I only did that to try and convince myself that it I wasn’t in love with her. After I found out she slept with some random guy one night at a party that I took her to I came to my senses and let myself love her. I still regret the night I took her to that party because I wish I was the one to get to take her innocence away.”
You looked at him, you mouth agape, “oh” You knew he was talking about you.
You watched his eyes dart down to your lips as his tongue poked out lick his. His hands drifted down and grabbed your waist softly, just in case you wanted to stop him. He slowly leaned down, brushing your hair behind your ear and whispering in a deep raspy tone that made your panties wet, “You can stop me at any time”.
Within moments his soft, plush lips were on yours. Your hands made their way up his back and intertwined into his black curly locks, tugging harshly. Jungkook let out a low groan that made your body hot. One of his hands crept up and lightly brushed against your nipple making you gasp into the kiss. Jungkook didn’t waste any time and immediately his tongue was exploring your mouth.
Once you broke the kiss, gasping for air, Jungkook placed his hands underneath your thighs and picked you up, causing goosebumps to emit across your body. He carried you out of the bathroom, throwing you on the bed. You watched as he took off his shirt and crawled over you. You’ve seen him shirtless many times but this time it was different. You happy felt up his chest and you didn’t have to worry about him questioning you because he was kneeling over you, devouring you with his eyes.
Before you knew it, he was trying to take your shirt off. You gladly assisted him, pulling off your bra along with it. Once it was off and you looked up at him, you felt shy. Jungkook was just staring at your chest and wasn’t saying anything.
“Do you need to make it obvious that you don’t like my boobs?” Your hands went up to cover yourself. You were always insecure about them.
“Your right Y/N I don’t like your boobs; I fucking love them,” He quickly moved your hands away and leaned down. His mouth connected with your nipple, his tongue making your back arch into him. You felt yourself growing wetter by the second. His teeth gently grazed your nipple and you let out a loud whimper. You really hoped your great-grandma wasn’t watching you right now.
He left of your nipple with a pop and kissed his way to your other, leaving small hickeys marking his path. He did the same things to this one. You couldn’t wait anymore and moved your hand down to your core. You needed some sort of friction, but Jungkook’s hand stopped you.
“Ungrateful slut. I’m giving you all of this pleasure and you can’t wait. I want you to ride my thigh and maybe if I like what I see I’ll let you finish more than once tonight,” You looked at him in awe. When the fuck did he learn to talk like that. It was hot as hell but still.
He went and sat on the edge of the bed and looked at you. You werent sure what to do, so he pulled you onto his thigh. You froze up right away. You were straddling his thigh too afraid to do anything. He looked you dead in the eyes as his hands went down to your waist, forcing you to move. Relief flooded you. You were so happy that he finally let you have some sort of friction.
Your hands went to rest on his shoulders so it was easier to hold yourself up. You quickly started doing all of the work. Moving yourself at a fast pace on Jungkook’s thigh. You could feel his hard through his pants and it only made you more needy. He continuously clenched his thigh making you come undone even faster.
“Oh my god Jungkook. I think I'm gonna- I'm gonna cu-,” You let out shaky breath feeling that familiar knot build up in your stomach. Right as you were about to snap Jungkook stopped your hips from moving.
“Did you really think I was going to let you cum already? Go lay down.” You obeyed him quickly, watching as he kneeled down at the end of the bed. He grabbed your pants and with one swift motion slid them off, throwing them somewhere else in the room.
“Fuck Y/N. You’re so wet. I can’t wait to taste you. This good little pussy” He ripped your panties off of you, eliciting a loud groan. You were becoming impatient, squirming in front of him. He used his hand to hold your hips in place, while his other went to rub delicate circles on your clit. You watched as his face dove into you. Licking a stripe up your folds, collecting all of your juices.
“Fuck Y/N. You taste so good.” He groaned out, quickly diving back in. His eyes were blown out in hunger. He moved his hand away from your clit and replaced it with his tongue. Sliding one finger in you, moving at a slow pace and curling it, reaching your g-spot. A loud moan escaped you as you started trying to rock your hips against his face. Interlacing your fingers in his locks.
He pulled away to take a breath, “Do you think you can handle to fingers? Gotta prepare my baby for later. Yeah? I'm gonna stretch you out so good. Gonna destroy this pussy.” With that he inserted a second finger into you, reattacking your clit with his tongue. His pace kept intensifying. You could feel the familiar knot in your stomach build.
“Fuck Jungkook. I'm gonna-,” your words turned into a drawn-out moan when he hummed against your clit.
“Cum for me baby.” At that, the knot it your stomach snapped and relief washed over your body. You tried closing your legs but Jungkook held them open.
Once he was done lapping up all of your juices, he moved up and kissed you, hard. You could taste yourself on his tongue. Your hands made their way down to undo Jungkook’s pants. He broke away from the kiss and stood up, pulling his pants and underwear off in one swift motion.
You stared at his member for a second in awe. You knew he was big, but no that big. The tip was an angry red and you could see the veins. You were growing wetter just thinking about the delicious stretch.
“I hope you don’t mind,” he said “I'm gonna have to go in raw.”
You smiled up at him, bucking your hips up towards his hard to get some sort of friction. “I'm on birth control.” That was all you needed to say before he slowly started entering you. The stretch being uncomfortable.
“You okay?” He asked worry on his face. You shook your head, “It’s just, new.”
He smiled, “Just tell me when you’re ready.”
After a moment you shook your head, giving him the okay to start moving again. He slowly pulled out all the way before pushing in again, hitting your g-spot as he did. You could feel the veins on his cock, and your legs wrapped around his small waist as your hands wrapped around his neck.
He slowly started to pick up the pace, pulling out all of the way before pushing back in. It wasn’t long before the pain morphed into pleasure. Moans spilling from your lips. The louder you moaned the faster he went.
“Ha-harder, da-daddy,” you didn’t mean to say it, but when you did his head snapped up.
“Fuck, you’re going to be the death of me.” He starting snapping his hips into yours. You could hear the head board hitting the wall with each thrust but you didn’t mind at all. All you felt was bliss.
“Da-addy I-I'm gonna c-cum.” Your walls started clenching around him.
“Fuck baby, cum. Cum for daddy” With that you did. Your release hit you hard. Your legs shaking as you dug your nails into his back piercing a few layers of his skin. Moaning out his name.
Even after you came, he kept pounding into you, chasing his own high. Beautiful moans escaping his lips as he did. Your moans making him close. His body was coated in a layer of sweat.
“Cum in me daddy. Please. Fill me up.” You choked out as he relentlessly pounded into you.
“Fuck, I'm going to cum.” You tightened around him one last time, feeling as his seed shot into you. You both laid there for a moment. Neither one wanting to leave. You could feel your mixed juicing seeping out of your whole as he began to soften inside you.
He slowly pulled out of you, “You need to go to the bathroom.” He picked you up bridal style from the bed and walked you over to the bathroom. Setting you down on the toilet so you could pee. When you were done, he picked you up and set you on the counter, taking a warm rag and cleaning you off making you sigh at the pleasant feeling. He carried you back to the bed and laid you down, getting into his boxers.
He laid down next to you and covered you both with the blanket, before wrapping his arm around tightly around your waist. His chin on your head as he cuddled you. It wasn’t long before you both drifted off to sleep
When you woke up and saw your best friend next to you, sleeping peacefully, you were relieved. Relieved that it wasn’t a dream and relieved that he didn’t up and leave in the middle of the night to leave because he regretted it. You leaned over and draped your arm over his torso and snuggled up to him, resting you head on his arm. He groaned, making you halt your actions.
“Good morning beautiful.” He said with a smile, kissing you on the top of your head.
You smiled happy it was him you woke up next to, “Morning.”
A/N: I hope you enjoyed. :) Send any ideas you have for anything. P.S The gif wouldn’t load :( so sorry about that. 
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saintprinsessa · 4 years
Feeling You: Wanda x Fem!reader
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Summary: You were in the middle of a war zone, the Avengers had found Hydra’s base and planned on attacking them by surprise, but the plans didn´t go as initially thought.
You saw how Wanda was in danger and you just went to help her.
Even if it cost you everything.
Trigger warning: Explicit descriptions of serious injuries (broken bones and burns), just a bad word, a little self-consciousness, and a lot of angst.
Words: +5000 (Got carried away)
Author´s note:
I don´t love this one, it made my heart ache a bit tho.
This takes place when Vision was still awkward with the Avengers, so he is going to talk with more estimation.
Also more Agatha ones are coming! :)
Any mistakes are on me and me only!
Anyways, please enjoy!
The team was trapped, you were going in front, trying to clean the way to give access to Cap and Widow, they needed to enter the building and destroy the heart of it.
While fighting some guards, you looked up instinctively and saw Wanda attacking from a high position in the air, throwing energy blasts towards some armored trucks.
She is safe.
A bad feeling hit your gut, and your eyes searched around the field.
They landed on a guy who was standing on a tall rock not so far from you.
Before you could react, he shot an electric net, which captured Wanda, instantly wrapping leaving her motionless and shocking her until she was unconscious.
With widened eyes, following her all the time, you ran into the guy, throwing him into the nearest tree, knocking him over, and ran to catch Wanda.
You gave yourself an electromagnetic impulse, and then your body was collapsing into Wanda’s in the air, but as soon as you touched her, the electric shot went through you, you shut your eyes tight and groaned.
You grabbed the net, your eyes started blooming with light, and with an inhuman effort, you tore it from her body, making her fall from you.
The net was giving you electric shots but you did your best to let Wanda land without her getting hurt.
Her body landed gracefully.
Yours not.
You were like a ragdoll being thrown into the ground, your ribs crunched, twisting inside you and making your organs turn, one of your arms twisted backward, you grunted loudly as your head hit the ground in a bumping motion, and you were dragged various meters, the hard rock floor cutting through your skin and bruising you.
Slightly dizzy, you managed to lift your head.
You needed to see if Wanda was okay.
And when you saw her chest rising slowly, you let go a relieved sigh.
Widow, Cap, and Bruce screamed at you, and by the time you were processing what they said, an explosion was the last thing you heard.
And then everything went black.
Wanda jolted awake terrified, breathing sharply, holding the sheets for her dear life.
What happened?
She cleaned some of the sweat on her forehead and started to ease her nerves, trying to calm herself.
Wanda left her room and went to the kitchen, the halls of the Avenger’s tower were empty.
When she arrived, they were all gathered in there, all with worried looks on their faces, some facing the ground, some staring at something.
And then, the realization hit her.
Someone was carrying her back to the ship, in the middle of all the shouting and explosions, she saw that they were winning, she could remember that something hit her and she lost balance, but she was confused, she was falling from high, why her body was unharmed?
Then she saw another body being carried near her, and she quickly recognized who it was.
But she couldn’t see your face, it was blurry and fading, your body seemed...
Then she fainted.
“Where is (y/n)?”
The question was hesitant, almost like a whisper, and bit her bottom lip.
Maybe she just didn’t want to hear the answer to that question.
Wanda searched between all of them, they looked at each other with sad faces.
Clint avoided her eyes, Natasha was fiddling her fingers, lost in her mind; Cap looked at her but quickly returned his gaze to the floor.
Vision was leaning onto the counter with his arms folded.
He flinched, Wanda used a stern tone, not a good sign.
“Where is (y/n)?”
Her thick sokovian accent slipped, the question was venenous, her eyes flashed red for a second.
Vision couldn’t bear it anymore, that was too much pressure.
“This compromises me a lot, Wanda, (y/n) fervently asked us to not tell you.”
He said nervous, clasping his hands together while he approached her.
“She is currently at Dr. Banner´s laboratory.”
As soon the sentence left his mouth, Wanda hurried off the room.
Vision turned around to watch the other’s faces, who only nodded, and quickly followed Wanda.
The doors of the lab flushed brutely open, Banner jumped backward losing balance and fell, Wanda made her way towards him stomping, her magic surrounding her menacing.
Her eyes lighted up dangerously for a second as a warning.
Bruce only pointed on a left hall, quickly shooting up on his feet and guiding Wanda, she was following closely, every step as a threat for him to walk faster.
He unlocked the door and Wanda pushed him aside, not having a pinch of patience.
She gasped.
You were nowhere to be seen.
If looks could kill, Banner would be three meters underground.
“I- I swear I left her here.”
He put his hands as if surrender, he quickly went to check your last vital signals registered on the machines.
“Her body was recovering quickly.”
He smiled nervously at Wanda, her anger was replaced with concern.
Thousands of negative thoughts were racing on her mind.
Vision appeared, traversing through the wall, his eyes saw the empty gurney in front of him and then settled on Wanda.
“I bet she is breathing and stable, Wanda.”
He tried to comfort her while he patted her shoulder, just for Wanda to turn and hug him.
She started sobbing like a child, she couldn’t contain herself.
She had so many things to tell you.
Vision soothed her, caressing her back awkwardly, he didn’t know what to do with human emotions.
Four weeks had passed.
You hadn’t shown any signals of life.
Tony had sent multiple drones to seek for you, the other avengers were searching every day in your favorite spots around the town.
Wanda, on the other side, every day that passed, the first thing that she did was go to your room, and run her hand through the sheets of your bed, your figure still draw in them, she would spend the whole day locked in there.
She also had a shirt that you gave her, she would sleep every night in her bed, hugging the shirt tightly.
“I should have told you, I should have done so many things, (y/n).”
She felt heavy, her eyes swollen for crying till she was dry, her throat sore, she was tired.
She still hoped that one day, she would wake up, go to your room and you would be there.
You would be sleeping peacefully, waiting to the alarm to wake you and spend your day making the avengers laugh at your silly jokes, training almost half of the day, and in the afternoon, while everyone was occupied, you would approach silently to Wanda’s bedroom, hesitantly deciding if knock or not the door, which she would sense you and would permit you to enter, you would find her sitting leg-crossed in her bed, while watching a 50’s black and white sitcom.
She would invite you with a warm smile and a slight nod, asking silently for you to sit on her side.
At some point in the show, she would look at you from the corner of her eye.
You would be watching the show attentive, trying to understand what was happening, but your thoughts, were flooding with Wanda’s presence, how warm she felt, how her company calmed you, she made you happy, she made you feel safe.
You would feel that someone is looking at you, and you would turn to see Wanda, who is now looking at you fully, with a small blush on her cheeks.
You would smile at her, your heartbeat would rise and your eyes would gleam with emotions.
Wanda would retrieve the smile.
You would say cheerily.
She would reply sheepishly.
The show would end and you would ask if she wants to see another episode.
She would say yes.
She always says yes to you.
And you would spend the entire afternoon watching the show, maybe you would leave Wanda for some snacks and then would return with your arms full, making Wanda laugh.
Or maybe you would fall asleep because the show not more entertains you, and she would look at you with devotion and adoration.
Some nights you would stay there, Wanda always let you stay, she would hug you, let her head rest on your chest and sleep with you, the next morning you would jolt awake and shower thousands of apologies to Wanda, she just would laugh and say that it was okay.
Some nights you would wake up in the middle of the night, super embarrassed, apologizing and leave, saying that it won’t happen again.
Wanda despised that kind of nights.
She loved your company.
Vision entered her room once again, always forgetting about privacy.
He would do this every day, bringing her some food, and she would eat half of it, just for respect.
Wanda’s head shot up, watching Vision approach to the bed.
“What do you want, Vision?”
Wanda asked dryly, her accent became evident these past weeks, it seems that it tended to appear when she was annoyed.
“I excuse myself for the bargain, Wanda, but I kindly remind you to ingest the nutrients your body needs.”
He replied while gesturing towards the plate he left that afternoon, deep in him, he was hoping that Wanda at least, ate, because her lack of resting and lack of self-care was clearly evident.
She scoffed and returned to her curled-up position.
Vision sighed, this needed to change.
She was not fine.
His voice was stern now.
No response.
He put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed gently.
“You need to eat something, if you continue like this, you will pass out.”
Still no response.
“The Avengers, including myself, are doing everything in their limits to find (Y/n)”
He trailed off a bit in the end.
Wanda turned her head to look at him.
“She will appear, I can sense it.”
Now her whole body was facing him.
“I think she would like to find you doing well.”
He dedicated Wanda a slight smile, she replied with another.
“Thank you, Vision.”
He just nodded and left the room.
Two weeks passed after that.
Wanda recovered some color on her face, her lips were plump again, and her eyes were refreshed, she would give a small smile if she encountered someone on her way to the kitchen or returning to your bedroom.
When she opened the door, she squealed when she found Vision inside but smiled afterwards.
“Vis, what are you doing here?”
He was in the middle of the room, looking outside through the gigantic window.
He glanced over his shoulder but didn’t move.
Wanda, slightly confused, approached him.
“Are you okay?”
She grabbed his shoulder, slowly turning him to her.
She locked her eyes onto his.
But they weren’t Vision’s eyes.
They were (y/e/c).
Vision talked, but that wasn’t only his voice, there were hints of yours too.
She smiled hopefully and cupped Vision’s face.
“You look stunningly delicious, Wanda.”
Vision smiled fondly like he was feeling your excitement.
The compliment was a joke between you and her, she was trying to learn english compliments and asked if the Froot Loops could be described as “stunningly delicious” .
She laughed a bit and looked into your eyes.
It was you but how?
“How have you been? Have you lost weight?”
The Vision-controlled-by-you asked pressing her cheeks together, her face now looked like a Blowfish.
The body quickly retracted his hands and took a step backward.
His eyes turned blue again.
“I’m sorry, Wanda, I hope that didn’t bother you.”
That was Vision, embarrassed of grabbing Wanda´s face like that, even if that was you.
You apologized mentally to him, he said that it was fine.
Wanda laughed a bit, she realized that you two were talking mentally as he had his eyes closed but they were moving furiously.
“How are you doing all this?”
She approached Vision again, he opened his eyes and they were yours.
“It’s a long story, but we are somehow connected.”
You smiled a little while remembering something.
You sighed and looked at her again.
“I just wanted to see you, to check if you were doing fine, Wanda.”
Her eyes started watering, and she shivered a bit.
Oh how much she missed you, how much she missed your face.
“Where are you right now, (y/n)?”
She simply asked and that took you by surprise.
You gulped and tried to take Vision back, but she grabbed your shoulder to keep you in place and grasped your chin so you couldn’t avoid her gaze.
“Where are you!?”
Her voice broke, she was crying.
Your eyes closed shut, you were concerned for her, you wished, no, you dreamed of being there, replacing Vision.
“I’m sorry, Wanda.”
You cupped her face and hugged her tightly so she won’t move.
“I really am.”
She shoved Vision backward so she could look at your eyes.
“Wait! (Y/n)!”
She shook Vision when she saw how (y/e/c) were fading to give access to Vision´s ones again.
“Don’t go...”
Wanda trailed off when he saw the pitiful look on his eyes, she started sobbing loudly.
“I apologize, Wanda.”
He hugged her, but not like you.
Nobody could hug like you.
They stayed in the room after that, it was quiet, Vision was sitting beside Wanda the entire time, she stopped crying after some time; when it got too late, he left the room and quickly returned with some food.
Wanda mumbled as Vision was setting a little table in front of her.
“How is she connected with you?”
Wanda asked nervously, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear and scratching her arm.
Vision nodded and sat again, giving Wanda a glass of water and observing her.
She took the hint and began to eat.
After a few seconds, he started talking.
“I don’t have a proper explanation of it.”
Vision said frowning.
“One day, (y/n) just approached me, she touched the stone...”
He motioned his hand hanging over the stone a little.
“And suddenly, I could feel not just me, but her too.”
He looked at his hands.
And it was true.
When you arrived at the tower, Vision was a really interesting being for you.
You quickly befriended everyone, even him; he would ask about some human things, and you would gladly tell him everything you knew about it, still amazed at the fact that he could think properly and feel too.
One day, the curiosity took the best of you, and you asked if you could touch the stone, slightly embarrassed, you didn’t know how Vision could feel about it.
He smiled at you and nodded, bending a little so you could reach his forehead.
You thanked him and softly pressed your digits into the rock.
Everything made sense, his existence, how his body worked, how he could feel things, you now could see how he was conformed, you watched his energy flowing in his body.
He was a sophisticated invention, and when you looked at his eyes, the stone glowed.
Your eyes flashed.
Vision could see your brain working, your veins pumping and your nerves functioning, you were something more than a simple human, yet you were made in blood and flesh.
He could feel you and you felt him.
You two shared a smile.
He was a good artificial friend, and you were the closest he has been to a human.
When you got hurt in the battle, he left the Avenger’s tower, even if told he had to stay and not intervene, and when he found you, lying unconscious on the ground, he carried you to the lab immediately.
He felt how you were physically hurt, while you were screaming to the others from pain in the lab, crying.
He felt.
He had felt you thinking loudly while you escaped.
Then he felt how you were hiding from the avengers.
You were hiding from Wanda.
He could feel...
Your sadness.
So he contacted you, through a mind bond you both had, at first that scared the shit out of you, but quickly was replaced by relief.
He was... happy to be talking to you, you two agreed that he would check on you, but he wouldn’t say anything.
In his visits, he told you about everyone, you felt horrible, and when he told you about Wanda’s breakdown, you made him promise that he would take care of her.
And he gladly did.
Because this was not an order, like the ones that Stark gave to him.
This was something that you asked.
And while you were asking, he felt your sorrow.
So when he returned another week and told you that Wanda was doing better because he raised her hopes about seeing you again, you had to do something.
You couldn’t appear, no.
His stone was enlightened again.
And you understood that this connection was deeper than you initially thought.
When you looked at him, he nodded, and you hugged him.
Wanda stopped chewing and gazed at him, in disbelief.
He sighed.
“Wanda... is there any possibility that I could see inside your mind?”
She gave him a confused glare, frowning, and shook her head.
“It’s just... I feel like...”
His stone gleamed for a second.
Wanda’s eyes shot up and she approached him, she slightly raised her hand, and Vision stiffened.
That was not what he wanted, and Wanda caught up.
She closed her eyes and let her hands rest on her legs.
Vision nodded and softly pressed his hand into her temple.
Now, he no only felt how you were observing, but now, you were feeling Wanda too.
She felt painfully broken, flooding with anguish and melancholy, she felt like someone tore apart half of her soul.
You felt her.
And now you were crying disconsolately.
Vision quickly drawled his hand back, he had his eyes closed and a pained look on his face.
Wanda blinked a few times and give a concerned look at him.
“Vis, what happened?”
Vision opened his eyes.
A tear ran down his cheek.
“I know where is (y/n).”
You were gathered in a corner of the room you were living in, crying, you couldn’t stop your tears anymore.
You missed Wanda, you missed her laugh, her voice, her eyes, her warmth.
You missed the moments you spent with her.
I should have told her...
You heard someone bursting into the living room.
You didn’t have the forces to confront him right now.
You froze.
It wasn’t Vision.
It was Wanda.
“(Y/n)!? Where are you!?”
She screamed with hope in a faint voice.
Everything was dark, Wanda quickly lighted the only bulb that was in the room.
“(Y/n)! Please!”
She cried out, her heart pumping hard in her chest, her face tear-stained was desperate looking around.
And from all the darkness, you appeared.
Wanda went through thousand of emotions when she saw you.
You were different.
Skinny, almost in your bones, your body slightly curved, like you were using just a foot to put your whole weight, one of your arms was bruised; the other one holding a cane.
You stepped more into the light, and she took in your face.
Your lips were dry, you had a big cut in the bottom one, half of your right ear was missing.
And the whole part of your eyes was bandaged.
You were wondering if your mind tricked you, there was no sign of someone in there.
Until you felt an arm wrapping you tightly.
You dropped your cane and hold onto the figure.
Wanda started sobbing into your shoulder, she had one of her arms grabbing you strongly by your back and the other one was grasping your shoulders, trying to feel you as most as she could.
“I thought that I had lost you.”
She continued to cry until she had little hiccups.
You were crying too, your bandages were damped at this point.
“I’m sorry...”
You replied breathlessly.
She left the embrace, but she continued to hold you, her hands were now at your waist.
“I won’t leave again.”
You nodded slowly, trying to reassure her that it was a promise.
She observed you and reached the bandages to tug them off, but you quickly grabbed her hand, stopping her.
“Wait, Wanda.”
You called quickly, your heartbeat raised, and your breaths became shorter.
“You don’t have to.”
You were anxious, repeatedly trying to put her hand down.
She cupped your face with her other hand and caressed your cheek with her thumb.
“I want to, (Y/n)”
For a moment, you dug your nails into her wrist but you quickly surrendered.
It was Wanda after all.
As soon as you nodded, she retrieved her hands and used her magic to undo the bandages.
It all happened slowly, she carefully took every layer, hesitating a little, because every layer she took off made you stiffen more.
At the final layer, she used her hands, she grabbed gently the last strand, removed it, and let it fall into the ground.
She gasped and her eyes softened.
The superior part of your face was the most affected.
The whole upper area was in a dark crimson pinkish color, burned, and in living flesh.
It covered all of it, and it reached from ear to ear.
It seemed like it was healing slowly, but the worst part was your eyes.
They were covered mostly in a milky white layer, leaving a quarter of your (e/c) at sight, swollen and sticky, tears staining your eyelids.
Now they were moving, desperately trying to seek something.
Wanda sensed your hesitation.
“I’m happy to see you.”
She smiled and leaned forward but stop inches enough so you were feeling her hot breath against your face.
“Does it hurts?”
You blinked a few times.
“No, it doesn’t.”
She brushed her nose with yours.
She read about it in a book, it was told that Eskimos couldn’t kiss because of the cold weather, so they brush their noses gently to show affection.
It was something that she liked, and you despised.
You crunched your nose and smiled.
She smiled too.
“Wanda, I have something to tell you.”
You took a step back, trying to make some room but you almost tripped so she caught you by your back.
You had one of your hands grabbing her coat and the other one her arm.
“And if I don’t say it know, It seems that probably I won’t have the chance to do it other time”
You chuckled quietly.
“ I...”
You sighed, she was giving you time to talk, you thanked that.
“I love you.”
She became ecstatic.
Your eyes stared forward, unsure, moving rapidly, waiting for an answer.
The room was silent.
You were trembling at this point.
She shook her head rapidly, coming back to reality, and when she realized that you couldn’t see her, she grabbed your hands and let you cup her face.
You eagerly touched her features, going from her forehead, tracing the corner of her eyes, caressing her cheekbones, and when you cupped her jaw, you could sense that she was smiling.
“What do you feel, (y/n)?”
A tear touched your hand and you carefully wiped it away.
“I just feel you.”
She kissed the palm of your hand.
She said softly and her eyes shot up red.
She was letting you into her mind.
Memories, feelings, and thoughts of her were being shown to you, so you shared yours too.
You saw how she would check on you while you were training, using a facade of “I like to see some moves to use later” knowing that she doesn’t use close combat, or how she would prepare foods that you liked in a thankful form for missing dinners when you preferred spending the night with her.
You saw how the high ranked members on meetings would make her feel less saying that she was dangerous, so it was safer to not use her in order to protect the civilians on there; but she would simply shrug it off because, in the afternoon, she would see you again.
You saw how she spent these weeks going to your bedroom and hugging your shirt, crying until she fell asleep.
You saw how she was shattered into million pieces and made her best to compose herself in the hope of seeing you again.
On her side, she saw how your eyes were fixated on her in Stark’s parties to see if she was having fun, and when you come to realize that she was getting a bit uncomfortable, you would smoothly distract anyone that was talking to her to give her some space, or how would you seek for her in every mission just to see if she was doing fine, even if you were the one that needed help.
She saw how you would have a terrible day and it all disappeared when you saw her.
She saw how you caught her while she was falling in the mission, and made sure that she was okay.
She saw how your body fell, twisted, and cracked, how the mine near you exploded.
How you screamed in agony, crying loudly and begging the others to not let her see you like this.
Because in every thought that you had.
She was present.
You abandoned each other’s mind, her magic burst in a blast in the room when you broke the connection.
You both said in a whisper at the same time, with your foreheads pressed.
Her gaze was fixated on you while she was brushing her slender fingers through your long hair.
“Yes, Wanda?”
This time, your eyes were searching for something, it seemed like you were searching for her lips.
“Can I kiss you?”
Your eyes shot up and somehow they looked into Wanda’s
“You can.”
You closed her eyes and stood still, Wanda closed hers too and leaned, kissing you dearly, making you both melt into the kiss.
It felt good.
Like new stars forming in the universe, like a laugh of a newborn or the soft caress of a mother.
Her lips had a faint taste of salty tears mixed with her sugary strawberry lipstick.
Your lips felt softer than they seemed, they had a taste of chocolate syrup covered with a hint of mint.
You had been eating your favorite candy, Vision had brought a box of them without being asked.
It’s a gift, he said, smiling.
Your hand tried to reach her face so she took your hand, grabbing and squeezing it lovingly.
You were the one that broke the kiss, with your eyes still closed but you didn’t pull apart from her, her body was emanating the heat you missed and craved.
She didn’t try to move away neither, she was enjoying the moment.
“I love you too, (y/n).”
She murmured against your lips while you formed a smile.
She laughed, and took you into her arms, picking you up, and started swirling you around.
You chuckled and screamed startled at her to stop, she stopped and lifted you higher, with a smile on her face that quite reached her ears and observed you for a moment.
Your hair was falling in cascades on her face, it framed your features perfectly, your eyes were squinted because of your wide smile.
She lowered you a bit, so now you were hovering her face.
You instinctively inclined your head, searching for her face and she made it easier when she guided your lips to hers.
This one felt like shooting stars too.
Your heart was doing stunts in your chest, she hummed into the kiss and both of you sighed excitedly.
You let your hands rest on her shoulders and wrapped your legs around her torso, then she had her hands securing you by the waist.
She broke the kiss this time, your body was melting into her touch.
You let your chin rest on her shoulder and closed your eyes, letting go a deep breath.
This felt right.
Wanda nodded, and raised her hand to rub your back, she agreed.
This indeed felt right.
“I’m sorry.”
You said suddenly, swallowing a sob, the guilt tightened your chest.
“Don’t be.”
She was smiling sadly, she still couldn’t conceive the thought of never seeing you again.
“But I only caused problems, I made you feel miserable.”
You buried your head into her neck, your voice was quiet.
“I was sad because I remembered all the happy moments that you shared with me, I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you, but you are alive, (y/n).”
She was excited now.
“I have the chance to show you how much I love you.”
You giggled and kissed her neck, making her laugh too.
You backed a bit, forgetting that you couldn’t see her, but that didn’t bother you in the slightest, she was there, and you could feel her.
You asked knitting your brows.
“Yes, (y/n)?
She cupped your cheek, watching you with a goofy smile.
“Are we floating?”
You laughed a bit, you could somehow sense that you weren’t on the floor, but it became obvious when you let go of your legs from her waist and your feet just felt air.
And you were right.
Absently minded, Wanda started floating while sharing the kiss with you.
“Yes, we are.”
She was laughing sheepishly, she slowly started lowering you both, holding you tenderly, until she reached the ground and she helped you to stand.
You both had your hands intertwined.
“I’ll stay with you from now on.”
She stated, taking your expressions, you were thinking.
“First me disappearing, then you gone? The others will freak out.”
You chuckled at the thought, imagining the chaos that would lose Wanda’s disappearance.
She kissed both of your hands, and leave them to grab your temples and rest her head over yours.
“Vision knows where are we, if they need us, they can talk to him.”
You shook your head, smiling.
“Poor him.”
You could hear a soft voice in the back of your head.
I wouldn’t mind in the slightest.
“Oh and (Y/n)?”
Wanda asked, a smile could be heard in her voice.
“You look stunningly delicious.”
She snorted and gently kissed your nose.
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rattlerinthewheel · 3 years
Fruit Bat: Scud/Reader
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He should know better than to irritate the vampire that’s already pissed, wounded, and starving—so you teach him.
For the Kinky Things Happen bingo square: vampires and discipline, at @pandoratriestowritestuff’s request for some Scud. Credit to them and @phoenixblack89, who talked about Scud getting spanked and choking on a donut, for the respective scenes.
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You’re still pissed at him.
But it’s hard to give him the silent treatment when you need to get at the junk around the tables. Move, pass me that wrench, throw me that wire, is dry and distant, work-related; but turn that shit down, quit spewing crumbs, stop grabbing me, and other growls that aren’t related to the tech you’re fiddling with get read as some sign—to keep doing those things, but that’s sure not what your glares should be saying.
Well, it isn’t a surprise that he’s being a dumbass about it. A moron about a lot of shit, lately, the bandage on your arm can vouch for that. And it was an accident, sure, you wouldn’t usually blame him for aiming that UV flashlight at anything that swarmed at him on a job; but he’d been high and you’d called out a warning, dammit, and he still got you with it. Burned like a motherfucker, like acid.
His apology was huffed, high-sluggish, and rank like the shitty weed he’d been toking.
Maybe he’s realizing you’re really pissed, content with just your hand as company for a few days, because you haven’t taken a break even once from this group project—a net of UV panels you can drape over the van; they stay off for now, obviously—to get your hands down his pants, or his down yours.
But Josh—Scud’s dumb, and it pisses him off to be called Josh, so of course that’s what you call him—is definitely high, not as sharp as he’d otherwise be, and his logic is coming from his dick today. His brain would be screaming at him to not agitate the vampire that’s wounded and pissed.
He’s prodded at you the whole damn night so far, brushing your groin to grab a tool there’s fifteen more of scattered around that he can get to, angling his head in a way that makes the churning veins under too damn tempting, flat-out groping your ass when his first two tactics don’t get him anything more than warning hisses.
Except when he decides he doesn’t like a particular hiss you give, too much teeth for his liking, because when his hand drops from where it’s gotten in a squeeze it claps right back down across the ass cheek it grabbed. Fucking hard, too; "make peace, not war" your ass.
You whirl where he’s scrambling back to his side of the room, giggling, hands raised with his palms out like he can call a truce. Like he hasn’t been doing this shit all night and your hisses and menaced fangs are supposed to be equals, or something.
Well, they aren’t. And you feel like cashing in some payback.
"C’mon, baby, lighten up!" trails his getaway while you give chase. You don’t run after him, but Josh stumbles and darts around like you are. It’s one of the oldest hunting tactics, just following, while the prey tires itself out trying to get away. Vampires don’t need to use it, you could just as easily catch up, even with a bandaged arm.
But Josh wants to goddamn play, so you’ll follow suit. For now.
Smoker’s lungs, stoner’s, don’t let him keep it up as long as a guy his age could. Josh staggers, stumbles a last time like his clothes weigh fifty pounds, and drops on the steps up to another part of the workshop. By his couch and TV, the little nest he’s made for himself, and you don’t think that’s accidental; but you don’t plan to move things to that shitty couch, not anytime soon.
You walk right up to him, and Josh goddamn grins, leaning back on his hands and spreading his legs like he’s offering himself up like a damn meal. He’s still got one of those shitty donuts, and he takes a bite, still grinning, and flicks a crumb at your leg.
"You’re a child," you growl, getting a whiff of syrup lactic acids, probably burning his calves like battery; iron thumped in and out of his heart, jumping in his throat, flushing his face; that damn weed turning everything earthy, chalky like loam, but still good.
"I’m a delight," spews more crumbs with another giggle. "Besides, baby, you love it."
You do—when you aren’t pissed at him. "Love to kick your ass," you huff, toeing the step by his foot.
His hum makes you swallow. Fucking thirsty, you are, and that’s just the worst kind of trifecta for Josh to be near right now: starved, pissed, and wounded. Your nerves are shot, and his chase didn’t tire you, but it sure as shit reminded you of what hunts are supposed to take care of. And his hum, that sounds vaguely like a dying, helpless churr from a punctured throat...
But the hum bubbles into a chuckle, as you’re stepping away to beat it and get back to work—so Blade doesn’t have you to stake and Josh to mend, or a drained corpse to bury—when you get a lazy kick to your calf and a teasing, "The little fruit bat running away? Afraid I’ll smack him again?"
You’re starving, agitated, and your arm throbs. It’s not a nickname you hate, but it sets off something.
You stop, turn back slowly, and flick your eyes to either side to make sure you won’t be skewered by stray junk out of place. All clear, so you skulk up, schooling your face into a careful, bland look that puts Josh on edge more than a scowl.
"Ain’t my ass about to get smacked, boy," is throttled with a snap of fangs and a low pounce, and Josh can only drop the fucking donut and yelp as you tackle him.
He gets a bit of ground, because his hand clamps right down on the bandages, making you bark at the bolt of pain. It’s been longer since your last drink than you admitted to Blade, before he left, and that doesn’t help. But Blade would’ve had you come with, otherwise, and you figured dealing with Josh was worth getting the panels for the van closer to field testing.
Because as much as you want to skitter up the wall and drop Josh from the rafters, most days, you don’t want to get back to the van and find a drained, stoner-sized juice box.
So it’s a little ironic that he’s sprawled over your legs, when the scuffle’s over. It’s not what you intended—to pin him to his stomach, straddle, and give a few smacks before letting him go—but you sort yourselves out. First Josh, and you wrap an arm over his waist to keep him down; then yourself, and you sit up properly so his ass is right where you want it.
These days, child rearing isn’t what you were accustomed to, and Josh doesn’t figure it out until he feels your hand settle across the seat of his cargo pants. "No fuckin’ way," is half telling, half laughing, and the weed probably has something to do with that second part.
Because the first part’s not amused, but just in case he doesn’t get it across that he’s not thrilled to be pinned this way, Josh starts trying to buck off your lap.
"Yes fucking way," you hiss, and your hand cracks down over his right cheek.
It’s loud, even for his human hearing, and goes off like a shotgun blast. Josh twists his head back, huffing. The scowl he tries to give doesn’t have the kind of impact he hopes for, when it twitches at the second swat you land, right over the same spot. Harder than the first, because you won’t have him scowling at you, goddamn brat.
"Hope you know how to sleep with one eye open," cracks when you get a handful of flesh, quieter when he hangs his head. The pants are thin, and you feel the warmth from the swats, hell, hear the blood fizz under the surface. "Get you back for this."
You frown, not at the threat, but another rush of blood you hear. Feel, even better, in your lap.
You growl and throw a withering look his way, because fucking seriously? "You gettin’ hardover this?"
You hear the bones grind, Josh gritting his teeth, when you give the spot you’ve hit twice now a slow rub. Christ, he is, and he’s halfway there by the time you’ve rubbed enough circles into the warmed skin that you have to strain to hear the fizzing blood. You should’ve guessed he was into this, not like he doesn’t rile you up to pin or chase him anyway, this even makes sense.
The swipe to his left thigh is sudden, vampire speed but not strength because you aren’t that cruel. Your ears perk at the sound it gets, when the crack settles again, but before you can ask if he’s fine you feel his thigh rise up into your hand. You can’t help but scoff, because Christ’s sake, you weren’t trying to get frisky with him—and that ship’s goddamn sailed, because you’re helping him get hard.
You’re getting hard, too, can’t be a hypocrite about that. Josh feels it, pushing up into his side, and when he twists his head back again he’s flushed and his mouth’s open. His eyes are glazed over, brow’s furrowed, you think, but it’s hard to tell with the mop of hair in the way. Dammit,and you get a handful of his shirt in your striking hand to keep him from toppling over, and unwrap the other to push the hair off his face.
You can hear his sigh just fine, but it thrums into your fingers where you keep them pushed into his scalp, warm, damp from work and running from you. "Done already, baby? Maybe we can switch," buzzes up your arm.
Shit. You aren’t excited for that, because if he’s going to get you back he’s damn well working for it. But you can feel him reacting to you, swamping your senses; a whine when your fingers curl in the bangs before combing out, his hips shimmying when your arm loops over again, the muscles of his hide clenching as you drag down his pants and boxers.
That last one gets a sharp breath that’s followed up with a sharper swat. You suck in a gasp yourself and tighten your arm, giving your hard-on friction to grind off of, as you run your fingertips over the barely-pink skin. Warm, hot, without the fabric, and it fizzles louder like damn fireworks, when you drop your palm over the left cheek.
"Baby? Not getting any, uh, urges? Know I look good ‘nough to eat normally, but—"
"Shut up," you snarl, and then you’re smacking him again.
It’s anger at this bullshit, your injury, your arm throbbing as Josh twitches against the hold you just double down on when you start laying down swats quick and hard. He could’ve killed you, and he was too damn high to realize it, to apologize, still hasn’t.
But it’s some twisted fascination, too, watching the barely-pink go hot pink, white in the beat after a blow before it blooms darker, then red. You hear the blood fizz, pop, and simmer with each shade the flesh darkens to. Ass goes slower than the thighs, more meat to them, and that reminds you that there’s something to grab so you do. Not after every swat, just to give you both a breather, and you groan when you peel your hand off each time and a five-fingered print flares white before reddening again.
"Hope you choke on those damn donuts," you groan, throaty, when you realize your aim goes off because Josh is rutting into your damn lap. "Quit moving, lemme."
He goes rigid when you grab a hot thigh and spread him open, shift him right so his cock isn’t snug against your leg, and start to stroke. Cruelly slow, but it’s not like he’s getting out of this without some discipline. But you wouldn’t exactly mind doing this again, either...
"No one’s dead, then?"
Josh yelps and finally does buck off your lap. You let him, falling in a heap with his pants still down to his knees, because you’re too busy cringing back from the circle of UV light pointed at the floor. On concrete, not too close to the steps, but you’ve had enough of that wicked light as it is.
Blade doesn’t look bothered by Josh’s undressed, red ass, or the wet spot he left on your jeans. Neither of you finished, just pre-cum, but you’re not keeping a nose or ear out to scent or hear if Josh does by accident in the scramble. You’ve got something else on your mind, that wicks away the lust and anger and drags hunger up your throat so fast you’re dizzy.
The IV bag’s tossed to you, torn into and drained in the time it takes Blade to fish out another from his bag. You hear the flashlight go off and pounce out onto concrete to burrow into the second one he gives over, then growl for the third you can smell when he doesn’t offer it.
"There a problem?"
Your growl sputters, and Josh must’ve gotten his pants back up because he draws attention to himself now. "All good, B. Just looking for some shit for the panels."
Blade doesn’t ask what shit required Josh’s nose being two inches from the lowest step, or being over your lap while he looked, but you go deaf to what they do talk about when the third bag’s thrown your way. By the time you finish, wiggling the puncture marks over your yawning mouth to get the last drop, Blade’s gone and Josh’s face wrinkles.
"Oh, now you don’t want to bother me?" you purr, all fangs, your arm hardly aching and your throat good and wet.
"Shit, dude, would table manners kill you?"
You purr louder, a chuckle, as Josh turns away and goes to hide on his couch with his TV. Close to dawn, anyway, and it’s better to have two pairs of hands for the panels. At least that’s what Josh will tell Blade, probably, if he asks why he isn’t working on it in the morning when you’re sleeping. You’re betting on Blade either calling him out, saying a sore ass doesn’t mean a day off, or just letting it slide. He’s not stranger to vampire strength, even if it’s never been applied to his ass.
Well, Josh can tell him all about it, and you wipe the blood off your face, purr throttling in a real laugh, as Josh decides to lay down on his stomach while he fumbles with the TV.
"Gonna get you back," he reminds you.
In the dim, barely-lit room, with just some cartoon to flick pale tones over the dark space, you lurk over and crawl up onto the back of the couch, balancing on your side, so you can lick your fingers clean and run them through his hair. You tune out the shitty TV to hone in on his blood, calming down, still sputtering around his warm ass. It’s white noise you lose yourself in, purring at his swears when he shifts and agitates the flesh.
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kim-monsterlings · 4 years
Kiana - F Werebear x F Human (Reader) // SFW Monster Match
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Monster match for @hannabisssssssss​​ with request here <3 thank you so much for the ko-fi!
Matches will be under the read more!
Content: SFW/Citrus; reader caught in a rope trap, saviour trope, light flirting and fluff, fear (of another bear), fluff and faint allusions to intimacy, close touches, cuddling, kissing
Masterlist // Monster Match Info + Masterlist // My Ko-Fi
Perhaps venturing farther into the woods than you had before wasn't so smart, not with dusk clouding through the amber canopy.
Though, that had been your reason for coming, for creeping deeper from the tree line on the day the leaves finally began falling to blanket the roots almost tripping you.
The thin veins of leaves made for beautiful canvases, nature's palette ready to be decorated.
With the forest floor concealed, so had been the thick netting triggered by your misplaced footing.
Dangling from a splintered branch and dizzying with each spin made you seize tight. Every muscle locked in an effort to halt the swinging, with your fingers curling tight to the rough rope in the hopes it wouldn't burn so badly as it dragged down your bare arms and cheeks.
With every struggle, the thin rope suspending you twisted, until you forced yourself to still.
You could free yourself with exertion, but to free yourself at such a height would no doubt fracture something, at the very least, and your phone had fallen as the rope snatched you from the ground.
Not to mention the creatures living in these woods, those that wouldn't hesitate to let you drop only to trap you once again. Those like fae, waking now at the sun setting lower, so the quiet clearing of a throat behind you - beneath you, had you rushing for a plan, some way of escape.
"Thank you," they said, a warmth to their gruff voice. "I believe that trap was intended for me."
The netting swung wide and your stomach knotted.
You were held only by the rope twining through her hands - paws, rather, as it rose along her furred forearms.
One wrong move, and the rope would catch on her claw.
"I've got you," she breathed, before lowering you an inch - if that - when you gripped the rope tighter. "I've got you, I promise."
As captivating as she was - with strong arms tensed, muscle leaning back on heavy thighs, you favoured closing your eyes than seeing the hard ground near. Any second now you could fall, slip from her hold, and-
Land softly.
Paws helped shuck the rope tangling around you, pressing gently to your waist in lifting you to an unsteady standing.
You drew in a breath as deep as you could, relishing that freedom now without a dragging burn, though it was warmed by the sweeter scent of the were-creature leaning closer, standing almost a foot taller on her hind legs.
The back of a paw stroked to your cheek. "Are you lost?"
You couldn't help but swallow hard, the adrenaline waning. "As opposed to wanting to be trapped?"
Her claw pressed to your cheek. "I'm sorry you wound up in it. I found these," she said, and brought forward your bag - albeit squashed, and your phone. "Think you can make it home okay?"
You could, easily, but asked her to accompany you back. With polite introductions passed, Kiana left you at the tree line, her soft ears twitching when you whispered goodbye.
Armed with a serrated kitchen knife the next day should any rope traps ensnare you once more, you found Kiana where the trap had been laid.
Not the Kiana you had seen yesterday.
Winding the rope to her arms and bundling it tight, the sunlight on hair the same honey as her fur stole your breath. She turned at that, freckles warm on her dark cheeks.
And you watched her near, following up from her thick boots and round hips to her full chest, meeting bright eyes when she came to stand before you.
"I think I'm lost," you said. "Walk me?"
Kiana drifted with you deeper into the forest, until it blossomed into a company of reciprocated questions.
You asked to see her again when her fingers had brushed through yours when leading you home; hopefully not in need of saving again.
Though if it brought you to her, you wouldn't mind.
Evenings prior to curling against a blanket of fur had never been better spent. Kiana's tawny pelt warmed you against the whistles of wind only steps beyond the cave - one she often lured you to with the promise of a sweet evening together, more so with the knowing of it passing tucked beneath her chin - or muzzle, as she was now. 
Though you much preferred the nights resting along your sofa with Kiana still wrapped around you - always the big spoon, her palm gentle on your soft stomach, breathing deep now and having only her rich scent embracing you filled you with the same comfort. 
One, slow stroke of her paw from your back down to your thigh roused you from that peace. She always parted from you the same; her nose cold snuggling against your chest, somehow leaning closer yet retreating all at once. 
"You stay here," she said, a rush of heat from her hot breath turned against your cheek, cold now without her scruff. "Stay here looking pretty, okay?" 
The trouble with you came in being human and needing warmth a little hotter than only Kiana. Without firewood, the temperature of this cave fell - no matter how thick the blankets tucked close were. 
With your fingertips slipping from her smooth paw, you hummed. "Where else would I go?" 
It was so easy to slip into a state not yet sleep - and you wouldn't let yourself rest without Kiana by your side, not out here, but you weren't yet fully awake. The light tapping of claws to stone lifted a smile to your lips and you were stretching out, anticipating the nuzzling growl soon to come, though none came. 
No flaring of sparks burned beyond your scrunched eyes, but the dim fire reflected off of a darker pelt shadowing the entrance of the cave. 
Not Kiana. 
What little experience you had in calming a bear stemmed from spats with your girlfriend, easily solved by a quiet period apart or a light scratch to her fuzzy ear, and her whispered apology returned when needed. 
You couldn't defend yourself against a wild bear. 
A male, no less. 
No back entrance to the cave would lead you away, and each creeping step of his large body brought him nearer to you, scrambling back now against the hard wall. You distanced yourself as well you could from the hamper. 
Was it better to remain in the focus of Kiana's faded scent, or try and run? 
The low huff hadn't emanated from him, still scratching at the cave wall, and as of yet he hadn’t noticed you, clutching at the dinner knife stolen from the hamper. The deepening growls rang in the cave until the intruding bear raised himself as much as the stone ceiling allowed, a returning growl greeting your girlfriend. 
Times like these, as desperate as you were to be anywhere but here, you were reminded of why you loved her: not only for her strength and nature to protect her home, but for how precious you were to her.
And it was entirely reciprocated.
Only one, heavy swing of his paw struck her chest, though Kiana was far lighter on her paws in forcing him away. He rose in a last effort to his full stance before retreating with a final grunt. Trembling warmth snatched you close once the intruder faded into the distant woods, the firewood thrown aside.
With the rush still coursing through you, the words tumbled free. "What took you so long?" 
You cradled her face to yours in softening against her with a kiss. Kiana eased into you, only wincing when you stroked over the red flush of shallow claw marks on her bare chest.
"We'll stay at mine tomorrow," you mumbled, leaning down to brush your lips to the dip of her bare chest. "And I will be looking after you."
Her grin nuzzled to your crown. "Can't wait."
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aster-aspera · 3 years
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One place to fall
Prompt: Can’t go home
Relationship: Jon/Martin/Tim/Sasha
Warnings: food, Jon just generally being a bit sad? Idk, if there’s something you want tagged, feel free to tell me
If you liked it, please reblog
Jon woke up that morning with a strangled gasp, the afterimage of his dreams still burned into the back of his eyelids, keeping him from falling back to sleep. He rolled over, expecting to find the comforting warmth of one of his partners to keep him company in the lonely hours of an early day. Instead, what greeted him was the cold grey wall of Georgie’s guest room. It didn’t take long after that for the memories to flow back.
Three days. He really should stop expecting them to be here at this point.
They’re not here, they can’t be here, and he can’t go home, not for a long while, not till the police stop suspecting him for a murder he didn’t commit.
He sighed, rolling over onto his back when aches started running up his side. He stared up at the off-white popcorn ceiling, trying not to think of how Tim was probably sprawled out over Martin and Sasha, stealing most of the blankets and driving his sharp elbows into their sides. He tried not to miss Sasha’s warmth against his side and the sound of Martin’s soft snores. He always used to complain about their sleeping arrangements, but now he would do anything to be back in that bed.
He groaned and rolled over a few more times, trying in vain to find a position that was comfortable enough to attempt sleep again, not that that would go very well, with the nightmares plaguing him as soon as he closed his eyes.
Eventually, he conceded and got out of bed, grabbing his cane from the wall and taking a moment to work the stiffness out of his limbs. He limped into the kitchen and smiled at the Admiral when he raised his head sleepily. He wondered if he could convince the others to get a cat when he got home. If he ever got home.
The smile slipped off his face and he turned to open the curtains, letting in the greyish light of an early dawn. The Admiral mewled plaintively at his feet, pushing against him. He bent down carefully to run his fingers along the cat’s back, closing his eyes for a moment and just letting the feeling ground him.
He straightened and made his way over to the cramped kitchen, intent on making himself a small breakfast to keep him company whilst he waited for the world to wake up. He reached towards the cabinet over the sink, and for a moment expected their mismatched collection of mugs with ridiculous quotes and terrible puns. He shouldn’t have felt the disappointment he did when instead it was just a shelf of plain white cups.
He shut the cabinet door a little more forcefully than strictly necessary, breathing deeply against the sudden swell of emotion in his throat.
In the scope of all that had happened to him, this should have been minor, this should have been fine. It was just Georgie, the person he had used to love, the person he still cared for. And his partners were really just a phone call away.
So why then, did it feel like he was breaking? Why did every little reminder this wasn’t his home tear something apart deep in his gut?
Home had always been his safety net, and now, he had nowhere to fall.
And now he just had to sit here, stare at the blank walls and hope the police would finally realise he hadn’t been the one to kill jurgen Leitner. Every day that hope felt a bit further away.
He opened the group chat he shared with the others. There were no new messages, of course not, none of them were awake yet. Six am was a bit early even for Tim. He scrolled back to their conversation from last night.
A picture of Tim grinning into the camera while a pot bubbles over behind him.
Sasha: Tim’s cooking tonight, send help
Martin: If the house burns down or he poisons us, I want you to know I love you
Jon: I’m sure it won’t come to that.
He scrolls back down to the bottom of the chat, a small smile on his face at the easy conversation of last night. It wasn’t the same as being there with them, but it was a small comfort.
The three dots that signalled someone was typing popped up on his screen and he noted with surprise Sasha was already online.
Sasha: Youre up early
Jon: I could say the same for you.
Sasha: Needed to pee
Jon: Yes, I suppose that makes sense.
Sasha: So what’s your excuse
Jon: My back hurts again.
Sasha: :(
Sasha: And is that the only reason?
Jon: No
Jon: I miss you.
Sasha: Darling
Jon: I’m alright, I just wish I could see you
Jon: In person that is.
Sasha: We could come over?
Jon: I don’t think that’s wise.
Sasha: Yeah, i guess
Sasha: We miss you too
A swarm of emotions bubbled up in Jon’s throat at the words, threatening to spill over in a mess of heartache and sorrow and fear. They press against the bounds of his throat, choking him, filling him with so many feelings he could not even begin to parse them out. He just wanted to go home.
He swallows it down, tucks the whole mess into a corner of his mind and puts down his phone. He doesn’t want to bother Sasha, or any of the others. He’s already put so much on them, dragged them into the fear and confusion that was the archives, he had no right to bother them with more.
And he knew he was just being dramatic, he was a grown man, he should be able to handle being away from home for a while. He just needed to get himself together, focus on the next step.
He picked up a stack of statements from the coffee table, slipping on his glasses and burying himself in the comforting rhythm of paper and pen. At least this was something he still controlled, still knew how to do.
Georgie appeared at some point, giving him a disapproving glance to find him working so early and coraling him into eating breakfast with her. She can’t stay long after that, and both Jon and the Admiral watch her leave with the same forlorn air.
Jon looked up from his work as a heavy knock resounded from the front door. His first thought was that it was Georgie, back from her errands early. But she would just have let herself in, and Jon knew for certain she had her key with her when she left.
And who did that leave? The police? Some avatar coming to settle a score? Gertrude's killer finally come to finish the job?
Every option was bad, and every option would not let a flimsy door stop them. He stood up, walked into the kitchen as calmly as he could with dread and paranoia hanging over him like a dark cloud and grabbed the largest knife he could find. The knock came again, and he could hear indistinct whispering from behind the door.
Multiple people then. That wasn’t good for his chances. He gripped the knife just a little bit tighter.
“Hey boss, open up,” came a familiar voice, one he used to hear rough and sleepy in the mornings and soft and loving in the evenings. His heart brightened in a momentary thrill at the thought of his partners, or at least, one of them, being on the other side of that door, so close to him again after all those days without them. And all he had to do was open up that door and pull them into his arms once more.
That thrill was almost immediately dampened again as he realized they should not be here. It was why he had left in the first place. They were too connected to him, too wrapped up in his messy web of conspiracy and paranoia. If the police saw them here, if Elias saw them here, they would be leading all of it right to Georgie’s doorstep.
“You’re not supposed to be here,” He told the door and tried not to think of the warm hands behind it.
“We’re not supposed to do a lot of things,” Came Sasha’s amused voice.
“Like date each other,” Tim filled in, “But here we are, so you going to let us in now?”
“No, the police could find out, and you might get Georgie in trouble and there’s just so many reasons this is a bad idea.”
“Jon please, we’re worried about you, Georgie said you weren’t doing well,” Martin said softly
Jon sat down on the couch heavily, knees protesting from standing up too long. He stared at the door.
“And standing out here is probably a lot more risky than being in the apartment, so best let us in.”
He sighed. You never could argue with Sasha’s logic. The others looked up victoriously when he finally unlocked the door.
“There he is!” Tim crowed, as Sasha and Martin offered him a warm smile while bustling into the apartment, both laden with grocery bags. Sasha pressed a light kiss to his forehead as she passed and he tried not to start crying at the feeling.
“You have to leave,” He said as he shut the door, “You’re not supposed to be here.”
Martin and Sasha didn’t look up from where they were unloading piles of vegetables and snacks from their bags.
“What? No, hey guys, I missed you, happy to see you all?” Tim complained as he draped himself over Jon’s back. Jon scowled at him.
“Jon, stop being stubborn, we’ve all been through hell the past few weeks, and right now we just want to be here to keep you company,” Martin said in that firm yet gentle voice of his.
“You really shouldn’t be alone after all that,” Sasha said as she dumped out a tupperware container into a pot.
“I’m not alone,” Jon said grumpily, “I have the Admiral.” Though he had apparently decided to make himself scarce for the time being. Jon cursed him for the betrayal.
“Are you saying you prefer the company of a cat to ours?” Tim asked, pulling them both back onto the couch and settling a blanket over them.
“Maybe,” Jon pouted, burrowing into Tim’s chest despite the fact that he was still upset with them, “He doesn’t uselessly endanger everyone to come give me cuddles.”
“Well we’re here now, and we’re not leaving till you feel better.”
“And admit it, you’re happy we’re here,” Martin said, apparently finishing up with his preparations in the kitchen and curling up next to Jon on the couch.
Jon did not want to admit it, but something warm and content curled up in his stomach, the warm feeling of home returning to his bones. A warm and savoury smell drifted through the room, clearly coming from whatever Sasha was warming up on the stove.
This apartement did not look like home in the slightest, the walls and ceiling all wrong, the furniture hard and uncomfortable and unfamiliar. But with all of them here, and that familiar smell of soup and Tim’s conditioner surrounding him, it wasn’t all that bad.
Sasha sat down on his other side, handing everyone a bowl of soup and giving Jon a gentle kiss on his knuckles. Martin pressed one to his temple and Tim just ruffled his hair fondly.
A few words were exchanged between them, but Jon didn’t bother paying too much attention. He knew he should still be angry, or at least have a firm conversation with them on what they had agreed on. But not now, not when they were here and he was home and for a moment he could forget all about Leitner and the institute and just be safe.
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aitarose · 4 years
May i please have some Osamu and reader on spending their day at home just making out maybe?
KITCHEN BITS (O. MIYA) pairing: miya osamu x fem!reader
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synopsis: routine meal preparations with the so-called master chef, osamu miya—and a little bit of kitchen shenanigans.
word count: 1.3k
genre: time skip, established relationship, fluff
warnings: suggestive, cursing
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notes: this is literally just them making out and being thirsty which is fair 
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The pleasant mouth-watering aroma of Osamu’s nationally famed onigiri steamed above the kitchen stove. The scent was perfection to the nose, a smell that would have any normal person hypnotized in the direction of his local restaurant. 
His recipes were delicious, somewhat of a delicacy that even Atsumu held to godly standards—standards that his twin brother always seemed to be able to meet. Standards that were nothing but small roadblocks in his drive to success.
Some would say that food was the way to a man’s heart, the physical gift being the greatest thing anyone could ever receive—but in his eyes, there was no need for presentation and delicacies to win his love. 
As his love had already been won, it’d been won by her.
“What’re you up to?” She asked, arms snaking around his waist, face pressed against his backside as she admired the concentration he held while immersed in the ingredients in front of him. The smell was divine, that of his signature dish.
“Finishing dinner.” Osamu replied, holding a wooden spoon out to her, passing it as if to say that she was now his sous chef. Taking control of the utensil, Y/N maneuvered to see the beautiful food, feeling a deep hunger rumble in her stomach.
It was a daily thing, cooking together, being in each other’s company for as long as they possibly could after the long hours of their respective work days. He was her favorite sight to come home to—the gentle look in his eyes, puckered lips, and strong stature.
Yes, she was hungry—but her hunger wasn’t thinking of food.
He seemed to be thinking the same thing, staring at her rather than the inflamed gas stove, the fire in his eyes matching the hue of the flame—burning and passionate.
By some invisible force, they stepped towards each other in synchrony, bodies colliding as Osamu’s hands buried themselves in her hair, tangling the already messy locks into knots and weeds. His grip was tight, grounding the both of them, making sure their minds were still touching the ground. 
His kisses were fervent, desperate and needy as her mouth danced against his, biting his lower lip in an attempt to deepen their connection—the wooden spoon in her left hand dropping to the ground with a hollow thud, whilst her palms held his face, pulling him closer. 
“‘Samu.” She whispered against him, feeling his breath on her nose. Her heart was pounding fast, a million beats a minute as her chest began to heave, heavy breathing and all. “‘Samu, the food.”
Ignoring her concerns, he craned his neck down, peppering her neck with sparse kisses, sucking on her skin and creating waning spots of shadows. Closing her eyes, she let him continue, too distracted by the feeling of being in his arms to care about anything else.
They were addicted to the taste of each other, having a physical hunger that could only be satisfied through acts of love—acts of love that stemmed from their emotional connection. The kind of connection that could never be broken.
There was no one else quite like Osamu. Out of all of her relationships, there’d not been a single person that had ever been able to make her feel the way he did. How he pleased her needs and listened to her wants, following the steps of her unspoken recipe, never missing a beat. 
As his lips trailed upwards, stopping at her chin and lingering, his lust-filled eyes meeting hers, she felt time stop. All that mattered was him, all that ever mattered was him and what he needed at that very moment, in that very second. 
Wordlessly, they communicated through longing glances, foreheads pressed together, her lips nipping at his. She jumped up knowing that his arms would catch her, that he was always going to be the safety net to pick her up as she fell.
His hands held her tight, gripping her thighs and adjusting her weight to a comfortable hold. As her legs wrapped around his waist, clinging to his body like it was a support beam, her face leant down to meet his once more, his silver locks mixing with her own.
She’d never grow tired of the way his mouth moved with hers. The way he grabbed at her throat, large palm encircling her vocal chords, guiding her jaw towards his and passionately connecting their lips in repetition. He was the customer, and she was his four-course meal. 
Gasping between kisses, she delved deeper, her already bruised lips fighting for control as she reached down, taking a hold of the bottom of his wine stained tee and yanked it to the ceiling—laughing as it flew across the room and into the sink’s dish water.
“Well, that’s one way to clean it.” She giggled, arms latched around his neck, hands rubbing the bare skin of his back. He really was the prettiest sight in the world, toned chest and tousled hair—not even a model could fare in comparison to his beauty.
Shaking his head in amusement, Osamu hoisted her up higher, her neck now having to crane down to meet his lips. “Yer ridiculous.” He more or less groaned between kisses, being fully consumed by her insatiable hunger, craving for more and more of her—wanting as much as he could get. 
The world seemed hazy, a hallucination that only existed when they were the main characters—a mirage that came to life due to their passion and the overwhelming love that they felt. The overwhelming love that they’d communicate through stolen kisses and endless hours in bed. 
“Gonna pay for that.” He mumbled, nodding at his soaked shirt that’d been abandoned amongst the dirty dishes, cringing as it sank beneath the tinted water’s depths. Though his eyes were distracted, his body was attending to her, reacting to the way she was leaving her own marks along his neck. 
With a seductive look on her face, eyelids heavy and full of lust, she neared his ear. He felt his breath catch, an unexpected moan leaving his lips as she nipped his skin, whispering the one thing he’d been waiting for her to say—insinuating what he’d been getting at all along.
“Then make me pay.”
It was as if a switch had been flipped in Osamu’s brain, his muscles working overtime as his longings devoured her. The sound of her light squeal in surprise drove him further off the rails, igniting the flame in him that eternally burned for her and only her. 
As their mouths molded together, familiarizing themselves with the already familiar taste of one another, he blindly made his way to what he assumed was the kitchen island, eyes closed in blindness to his endless love. 
He set her down quickly, arms maneuvering around her in order to keep her attention, not noticing how he’d gone in the exact opposite direction that he’d meant to. Rather away from the divider and towards the bright and hot stove. 
“Fuck!” She yelped, falling off of the counter and onto the floor, holding her bottom like her life depended on it. Her expression had evolved from pure ecstasy to an overload of red, hot pain. 
Panic on his mind, Osamu kneeled down at eye level to her, and tried to think of any way to make her feel better—a way to apologize for his somewhat laughable mistake. Taking her palms in his, pressing kisses to the tops and closing them around his own, she seemed to relax for a moment.
“Let me draw you a bath?” He asked, hoping that the serene water and soaps would relieve her nerves of their stress, relax her into an easy slumber. An easy slumber that wouldn’t involve him getting his ass slandered when she’d awake—when she’d awake and immediately tell Atsumu all about it.
Pushing his shoulder back lightly and hanging off the side of the counter in an attempt to stand up, Y/N shook her head, finding the situation all the more hilarious. “I’ll draw myself my own bath, ‘Samu.”
“And you’re going to stay here and finish dinner—for real this time.”
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© aitarose.tumblr 2021. do not copy or claim my writing, works, themes, copy and paste my words, or headers as your own
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silverwhiteraven · 4 years
Beauty and Self-Expression in Wing Culture
So it's like 3am as I start to write this, and instead of sleeping at 2am I was thinking about the Wing AU I've been seeing for Miraculous Ladybug, courtesy of these three lovelies: @justaferal-bastard @thechatsmeow @tizzymcwizzy
[Warning: I got carried away and this goes from analysis, to idea, and then into a short fic-snippet.]
Actual Warning: It gets kinda, like, minor-angst about how the idea works?? More of a potential hurt/comfort at the end, IDK? But it has character growth! We stan Adrien rebellion against Gabriel! And healthy use of beauty products!
I love AUs like this that are saying 'What if Idea! What if apply Idea to World!' And then there's me, who likes to say 'Yes, yes! Now lets take World, and apply it to Idea.' And this is what happens.
So I was having some thoughts and things about Adrien and his wings, ya know? The wings are always tucked in close to back, always straight up, always prim and proper and stoic, as his Father and social economic class dictates. It puts people off at first because wings are one of the first things you see, one of the first things you subconsciously assess and judge and take into account. But to anyone who actually looks at the rest of him and stays around him and pays attention to him notice, there's a clear disconnect between how he holds his wings and how his actual personality is. It becomes obvious that his wings are like that from years of following a rule of conduct given to him, and a lot of birdie-see-birdie-do behavior of being around his own family and the Bourgeois.
Basically, wings, too, are subjected to self-images and self-expression. People of higher classes use their wings to show their class, power, and wealth; 'I don't fly' is basically 'I don't have to work for what I want'. Lower classes do that sort of thing less and less, and their wings are used more freely to express the self; not just free in actual movement, but with decorations as well, with things like feather-dyes, jewelry, and fake/decorative feathers and down to make themselves more unique and more like themselves.
Then I thought, well, what else? What about cultural beauty standards?
Well wing-types likely will be subjected to this, much like body-types. Already certain wings already have inherent uses. Falcon-like wings for speed, goose wings capable of long distances, hummingbird's for agility; all these physical traits that may or may not even match up with the main body that on its own also gets told has types meant for certain activities (tall people and basketball anybody?). Imagine all those wings that are colored and shaped like those of Birds of Paradise, though, swoon. But those weren't the thoughts I had.
My thought was the techniques in which beauty standards are met and maintained. Physical things that alter the looks. For the normal body, we have things like paddings, corsets, binders, and lifestyles, too, like dieting and working out. Extremes can even go to surgery.
So here was the specific thought I had about Adrien:
Using unseen binds like netting, straps, or even cords, hidden underneath the feathers and down, to hold the wings in place and in whatever form is wanting to be presented.
Everyone should know that long-term and over-use of anything that restricts the body is unhealthy and can cause damage, even permanently. And I imagine Adrien has been modelling since he was small, too, so he would have been subjectes to it since before he even knew what it was, what it could do. Before he could comprehend what was happening and give consent to it.
Shealtered and with all his social and media intake controlled, he would have no clue that these are things he should be allowed to not do. And, sorry to anyone who liked the picture-perfect Mother Image Adrien paints of Emilie, but just like with him not being allowed to go to school or socialize outside of Chloé, or having to work a job and take unwanted extracurricular lessons and activities, Mama Agreste, at the very least, enabled Gabriel to doing something such as Wing-Binding to their unconsenting amd still-growing child.
Given! It isn't absolute in how bad it is, he can remove them for physical activities like P.E. and Fencing, or when photo shoots are doing Wing-Fashion, and when he's at home, too, but still, all that time in public having to use them because his Father says so sucks, a lot.
And again, the damage it could cause, both to his wings as they grow, not being allowed to stretch and strengthen, but also to the feathers, having to grow past and rub and push against what's holding them or sitting below.
It's kinda heartbreaking thinking how lovely he looks but just how much getting to that pleasing image might have just crippled him.
And then I thought about Chat Noir.
Chat, with wings free to move as he pleases, free to droop and drag, free to stretch and feel the wind, free to puff up and shield another.
And when he stretches those wings, be they magically dyed a new color or made bigger, they now have an emphasis on the burden they bear outside of the magic.
The feathers once unseen when tucked are now out and bare, spread out as he makes himself look bigger while he hisses and intimidates an Akuma. Everyone can see how the edges of his feathers are jagged and don't smooth out, some of the shafts are crooked or even broke, and as he beats his wings, they swear some will simply come out, from the quil and all, and disintegrate before they even touch the ground.
Ladybug asks him about it, and he grins and shrugs, "Probably a stylistic choice on my Kwami's part; they aren't actually that bad when I'm out of the suit."
"Mon gryffon," she calls his attention to her with one of her nicknames, a serious and sad look in her eyes. "Not that bad is still bad. Why are they like that?"
"Bindings kinda chaff sometimes, I think the suit just makes it look really bad," he answers, but he doesn't understand, why is she looking at him like that? A little bit of it clicks. "I thought most did it?"
She shakes her head, spreading her own, beautiful wings to him, and he can't help but reach out and run his claws gently through them. Her's don't show the signs of the Wing-Bindings his do. His head snaps to look down to the Parisians on the streets and those above them in the air, looking for signs of his own condition in the open wings. His heart beats hard and it almost hurts as another piece clicks.
"No, Chat Noir," Ladybug answers softly, "that isn't normal... Whoever makes you use those, they shouldn't have. No one still growing their wings should ever use those, ever."
He nods in understanding. His grin, long gone, comes back as he whipes away the tears that has built and he holds out a hand to his partner. "Care for one last fly before we part ways? I think I still need the practice." Especially since I've never flown outside of the suit, and I don't think I'll get a chance to yet, either, goes left unsaid.
But sometimes realizations like this are a part of the recovery. Chat Noir flies with his Lady, and thinks about how Adrien is going to tell his Father he won't wear the Wing-Bindings again, or at least about how to hide the future fact that he got rid of them all so that he can't anyways. He thinks about how he's going to practice flying, maybe ask Marinette for tips.
Chat Noir, the Gryffon of Paris, adds a new determination for the future, alongside winning Ladybug's heart and defeating Hawkmoth: Let his wings be free, and heal, because he'll be damned if he lets Chat Noir be the only time he ever flies, and, once his role as the Black Cat is over, with no suit to aid him, he will simply burn his Father's company to the ground if he never gets to fly again because of what Gabriel had done.
Anyways!! That was the thoughts I was having, it's 4:30am and I hope y'all really like, uh, whatever this is!!!!
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matchasparrow · 3 years
Exploration of a Maglor AU - part 3 - On Doriath and the fate of the Silmarils
Part 1 Part 2
Now the important question - the first kinslaying - what happens?
Dior has a Silmaril, her brothers need the Silmaril.
Maedhros sends letters after letters, asking, explaining, apologising.
There is no reply, no other answer than Dorinthian pride.
Maglor goes. She travels through the dense forests and spell woven woods, through wildlands and settlements of Nandors alone. Her sole company being the memory of Aredhel speaking to her.
She stands before the proud lords and ladies or Doriath, before beautiful Dior, and sings as Luthien sang before Mandos. She pours her grief and guilt and the darkness that is the doom. Sings of a future, free of blood oaths and darkness and hateful fueds. There were few dry eyes in the audience. But Dior still sits, eyes sombre but unglistening on Thingol’s throne. Even her voice does not have the power to erase the sins of the Noldor in the eyes of Luthien’s son.
She kneels. Both knees on the ground. Scarlet dress stained with mud spread out on pristine white marble floor. Voice still carrying the lingering notes of the song.
“Please. Give me a chance to make this right. “ she pleaded, tears flowing unabashed.
A heavy pause. They look into each other’s eyes, hooked and searching.
Dior waveringly stood, and treaded towards her. He bent down and delicately took the starlit gem from around his neck and dropped it into her palms.
“Then make it right.”
Or at least, that’s one version of the events.
In this version, Maglor collects the Silmarils. So how did Eonwe and the host of the Valar come to middle earth without Earendil and Elwing and the Silmaril? How did Earendil even meet Elwing?
The Silmaril leaves Doriath, Morgoth attacks. Doriath’s been vulnerable for years, and he wants revenge. The slaughter was merciless. Reinforcements poured in from Himring and the Pass of Aglon on Maedhros’ orders, but they were too late. Dior and Nimloth were dead, along with a fifth of the people in Doriath. Elwing survives, carried by her nursemaid and a horde of guards, they fled to Sirion along with the rest of their people. Elurin and Elured were missing. Taken by the enemy, perhaps. They hoped that they were dead. Weeks passed, and there were no taunts, no mock ransom from the enemy. And thereafter nothing were heard from the sons of Dior ever again.
(Perhaps, in the chaos of the invasion, the boys ran and ran, directionless and fearful, till they reached the dark lands of Nan Elmoch. There the boys clung unto each other, cold and famished in the abandoned, drowsy woods. They curled up under tall, unfamiliar trees as they breathed in air laced with heavy magic. - except - it was not wholly unfamiliar. They were the scions of Luthien, of Melian. And the life of the forest responded to these part Maian creatures. They unfolded their secrets to them - the sweet honey and rich purple fruits offered themselves up for their tastes, the low humming plants sang them to sleep at night, moss and vine stitched themselves up to be their blankets and cloaks. Leaves sheltered their way and white luminescent flowers bloomed for them, lighting their way to each other whenever they became separated. They were enchanted, and the enchanter. They loved these woods and the woods loved them. And together, they sunk to the bottom of the ocean as tall waves rolled over Beleriand.
Perhaps the trees again wove themselves into a net, warding the forest from the water, sealing themselves off from the world, and forever hence Elured and Elurin wandered the woods as princes of an Atlantis. )
Back to Maglor.
So there is a greater force this time since they were on heavy guard against an attack and reinforcements, though late, did arrive.
And the survivors were stronger, Sirion was a refugee camp, but it was also powerful - and now all the forces of middle earth were united, martyred by evil.
Maglor was a Feanorian. Her brothers felt no urge to snatch the Silmaril from her hands, so in turn, Maglor used the light of the Silmaril to help Sirion grow whenever she visited Sirion, which was often. The Feanorian forces defeated much of Morgoth’s forces when they attacked at Doriath, so Maglor could worry less about retribution and attack on their own forces, at least for the next few years - so Maglor, guilty about the sacrifice of Doriath, spent a lot of time with Elwing in Sirion, and almost helped raised her along with the courtiers and Celeborn and Galadriel.
Being at Sirion was an advantage in other ways too. It was at the crossroads of many lands and peoples, and a perfect place to perfect strategies and alliances.
Elros and Elrond are born. They adored Maglor with her stories and songs. And always they want more, more, more. Their hands always tugging on her dress and getting her to play catch with them on the beach.
They are stronger, but it is not enough.
It was peaceful. Too peaceful. The calm before the storm, the silence of a predator before he pounces.
Sirion and Himring and Nargothrond are attacked. They win. They lose more than a quarter of their people. Celegorm and Caranthir die. They cannot hold on much longer.
Idril and Tuor left, and they have not returned. Earendil sits at the docks every day, sometimes with his family. Elwing lace her fingers through his, but there is a disquiet and restlessness in his heart that she cannot understand.
Earendil sails. He comes back more tired and defeated every time. He cannot reach Valinor.
“He thinks he needs the Silmaril.” Elwing said to Maglor.
Maglor stands with her on the edge of the cliff, looking at the far horizon for lands that she has not seen in centuries. She sees nothing. She closes her eyes and searches within her bond with Nerdanel, and she feels nothing. This is the long defeat, and she will lose her brothers one by one, with or without the one Silmaril she has by her side. “I think so too.” she replied.
She gives the Silmaril to Earendil, and says nothing of it to her brothers. For all they know, the Silmaril is still with her. She could tell them, she suppose, what could they do to Earendil, far out at sea. But she is caught between lying to them, and betraying their trust in the worst way. She feels sick to the bones, as she answers them with cheerful letters from afar, casual to ease suspicion. “I’ll come to visit soon” She lied.
Could she tell Maedhros? Who’s now aloof and half-mad with grief? Curufin was the one brother she has never quite been able to control. They loved each other, despite everything - every fight, every hair pulled, every disappointed look - but Curufin would be the last person she would confess to. She could not bear looking into the ghost of her father’s face to tell him that she has given away his most prized creation (prized above his children, she’s sure) to the Sindar, all for a chance of bribing the Valar to their aid. A bitterness grows in her heart, and she cannot swallow it down. The Ambarrusa are good secret keepers, but she will not burden them ...with what? She asks herself. With the task of forgiving you? So you can feel absolved of your guilt? And feed your fantasy? The days without a reply or sign grew longer, and she began to despair.
Her brothers grow uneasy, something burns in their chest. They think it’s the other 2 Silmarils calling to them. “We must attack.” Curufin seethed at every opportunity, eager for revenge.
The time is indeed coming, Galadriel has sensed as much.
A new star appears in the night sky. And that’s when they knew. Hope and despair and fear jugged for space in her heart. But in the end she will not be conquered, she gathered her troops, checked the defenses, and prepared for attacks.
No letter of accusation and rage came from any of her brothers. No letters came at all. She writes to them, letters of confession and apologies and firm reasons. Still, there is no reply.
Finally, Maedhros writes a letter telling her to return to the gap, for they sensed an attack was imminent. It was signed “Regards, Maedhros Feanorian”
She goes.
The Ambarrussa dies. She never got to apologise to them face to face, nor hear their forgiveness. She would hold their hands again, hear them laugh, and run through the woods, free and unburdened, she resolved. She would not let them fade in the void. Curufin's empty eyes stare into her, and it burns her promise into her fea the way the oath burns into theirs.
The host from Valinor arrives.
They finally got the other 2 gems together, this time, she did not have to steal them.
Earendil descended from the night sky. He could not touch the ground, but there was no rule about her going up. The last 2 Feanorians stood on Vilgront and held the 3 Silmarils together for the first time in an Age. She feels no different, but Maedhros slump in relief. “We’re free’ he said, and he gave the Silmaril back to Earendil. “May your hope shine on middle earth and bring aid to all those who need it” He gave his blessings and turned to Maglor.
“Thank you, for eveything” and clasped her so tight she couldn’t breathe. She held him, wrapped her arms round his tall, slender frame and tried to picture that she’s embracing Celegorm, Caranthir, Curufin, Amrod, Amras and...father.
She cries, tears flow unabashedly and she’s just so happy that they’re free - free from darkness, free to start anew, free to go home.
They readied the ships back to Aman. One Silmaril they gifted to Earendil, one they gifted to Gil-galad and Elrond, to give aid and light to whoever is in need in middle earth, one they brought with them back to middle earth, as a symbol of victory and remembrance.
When they go back, their brothers and mother are waiting for them on the shore. This time, the Valar were merciful.
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ais-for-alex · 3 years
The Scars of Our Past: Chapter 26
Logan was avoiding mirrors, the moment his eyes caught sight of his own image in the reflective surface he forced himself to look away almost instantly. He couldn’t stand to see the gash just over his eyebrow, still held together by a steri strip, the skin around it purple and blue with mottled bruises. He couldn’t stand to look at it, because each time his eyes caught hold of the physical reminder of that game Logan found himself snapped back onto the ice. Back to that moment he glanced up through bloody fingers to see his normally even-tempered best friend filled with a white-hot rage, beating another man down onto the ice. Logan would see that horrible look in his eyes, the look that if someone hadn’t pulled him off of Carrow, Finn would have continued hitting him until his hands bled.
Almost worse than that though, was the memory of their conversation afterward, in the locker room. Logan could hear Finn’s words, playing over and over, like the needle of a turntable getting stuck creating a fucked-up loop of his voice.
You’re a fucking coward. You’re a fucking coward.
The hardest part was that Logan knew Finn was right, he is a coward. He had been running away from his feelings for his best so long, now it was all he knew how to do. Sadly though, it seemed that while Logan was too busy running with his tail between his legs, he had finally pushed Finn to his breaking point.
In all the years he had known him, Logan couldn’t remember a single time he had actually raised his voice to him, despite all of the shit they had been through together. The sound of hurt in Finn’s voice as he begged Logan to just tell him, was a sound he wouldn’t be forgetting anytime soon.
I know.
It felt weird now, sitting in the locker room. The rest of the team seemed completely unfazed, they moved and joked as if Logan and Finn hadn’t flung themselves over the jagged edge of a cliff and were now tumbling through the endless sky. Just waiting to see if there were rocks at the bottom of the fall waiting to break their bodies on impact. In their defense though, the team didn’t know any of that, however, Logan still felt like their cheer was out of place.
Finn hadn’t been there when Logan got in that morning but even without the man himself there, he was avoiding Finn’s stall like the plague. Logan had zero desire to step back into that space, back into those memories so he kept his eyes firmly trained on the floor. He made quick work of getting his skates and pads on, so quick he ended up being the first player out on the ice for practice.
Beginning his warm ups Logan took in a deep breath, held it for a moment, then when he breathed out, he pushed away every thought in his head. He let the scrape of his skates on the ice drown out the memory of Finn’s voice, he let the smooth glide of the puck against his stick ground him in the moment, he let his mind focus on Kasey getting the puck past his sharp eyes into the back of the net. Over and over those were the only things Logan let his mind focus on, scrape, slide, shoot, that was it. He breathed a sigh of relief when he finally heard Coach’s whistle signaling the end of practice and he joined the throng of his teammates shuffling off the ice.
Logan savored the feeling of hot water coursing over his body, the feeling of it rinsing away the sweat that clung to his skin, he closed his eyes and let the spray wash over his face.
“Dude! Drop it,” Finn’s voice echoed through the shower as he wandered into the showers.
“Oh, come on Don Juan, tell us about her!” James said teasingly.
Her, Logan’s eyes opened, the water stung but he didn’t care, her?
“So what? She sees your fight on the ice and suddenly you’re just irresistible?” Logan turned to find James ruffling Finn’s hair.
“Pfft, I’m always irresistible,” Finn laughed and gestured to his naked body, “unlike some of us,” he said, giving James a bit of a shove before turning on the shower head and stepping into the steaming water.
“Ok first off rude,” James said indignantly as he turned on his own shower, “and second I’m not letting this go until you tell me something, hair color, eye color, was she at the game? She’s not a snake’s fan, is she? Ugh,” James shivered in disgust.
“Seriously?” Finn scoffed, turning his head to shoot an exasperated huff. When he did though Logan’s eyes zeroed in on the dark red bruise over his pulse point, distantly it clicked in his mind that this was probably what had prompted James’s probing but in that moment he didn’t care. Logan felt sick, the thought of Finn going out and finding just some random girl after their fight made his skin crawl.
“Please! I live vicariously through other people!” James shouted.
“Fine, blond. You happy?” Finn asked with a shake of his head.
“No, but I’ll accept that’s the only information you’re gonna give me.”
Logan was done, he didn’t want to hear another word, didn’t want to think about Finn and her whoever she was. He quickly shut off the shower, snagged his towel, and hastily moved towards the exit. Out of the corner of his eye though he noticed Finn glance up at him just as Logan slipped through the door back into the main area of the locker room.
He moved mechanically, it felt like his hands had flipped into autopilot as he pulled his clothes on over damp skin, darkening the fabric of his shirt as his hair dripped onto his shoulders until Logan roughly shoved a snapback on his head. Logan grabbed his things at random and chucked them into his bag hoping to make a quick escape, but just as he was zipping it up Logan felt a warm hand settle on his shoulder. Every muscle in his body tensed then melted as a shiver ran down his spine as the soft brush of Finn’s thumb against his neck, Logan couldn’t help the sigh that fell from his lips.
“Hey,” Finn whispered in a hushed voice, “it’s not what you think.”
It felt like his heart was breaking but Logan shoved the feeling aside and shrugged out from under Finn's touch.
“It's fine Harz, you don’t have to explain yourself to me. If you want to go out and screw around with random girls, it’s your right to do so. Not my place to have an opinion.”
“Lo…” Finn’s voice was sad and soft.
“I’m- I’m going home,” Logan said, slinging his bag onto his shoulder, the strap digging into the place Finn’s hand had just been.
“Give me a minute to get dressed and I can drive you,” Finn replied. Logan’s heart shattered even further at that, the small selfless offer, because this man; even when he was mad and hurt he just couldn’t seem to stop himself from caring for the people in his life.
“No,” Logan said firmly, “it's fine, go finish your shower. I’ll see you tomorrow.” With that Logan stepped away, leaving Finn behind standing in front of his stall as fled the ice rink out into the blistering cold winter air.
Logan pretended not to notice the slight tremble in his fingers as he slid his phone from his pocket and typed in the pin number. He pretended that the cold afternoon air wasn’t burning his lungs as he made his way down the sidewalk heading home. And he pretended the reason his heart was beating out of his chest was just lingering adrenaline from practice rather than the roiling jealousy in his stomach. Logan pretended he wasn’t turning green with envy over some faceless, nameless woman who got to so carelessly touch Finn the way his fingers had itched to touch him for years. He pretended that the blood running through his veins wasn’t spiked with bitterness, that it was her lips that sucked wine colored marks into the warm skin of Finn's throat rather than his own.
Shakily, Logan pulled up his contacts and scrolled past Finn’s and easily found the number he was looking for, the call rang loud in his ear for a moment before finally connecting.
“Hey,” Leo greeted, his voice filtering through the phone, his breathing was loud like he was panting heavily.
Logan wasn’t entirely sure why he had called Leo, all he knew was that he was sad, and jealous, and hurt, and the one person he would normally turn to for comfort was firmly off the table considering he had just walked away from him. All he knew was that Leo made him happy, and Logan desperately wanted to feel happy right now.
“Hey,” he said softly, “whatcha doing?”
“At the gym,” Leo huffed, “running- grabbed the call- on my- headphones,” his words were interrupted by sharp breaths.
“Oh, um- sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt your work out.”
“S’ok, I’m- almost- done,” there was a faint beeping on Leo’s end of the call as he turned down the speed on his treadmill, he was still panting but his breaths seemed to start coming easier. “So, what’s up?” Leo asked when he was breathing a bit more evenly.
“Ah, not much. Just left the rink and I-“ Logan paused, he wasn’t sure how he wanted to finish that sentence. He what? Ran away like the coward he is? He wanted to be comforted by the man that made his insides squirm just to think about over another man?
“Lo? Are you ok?” Leo asked, voice soft and filled with concern when Logan’s pause stretched a bit too long.
“I- yeah, I’m- I’ll be fine, it’s nothing,” Logan shook his head as if he could shake loose the thoughts in his mind.
“Alright, if you say so,” Leo said, accepting the answer but Logan could hear it in his voice that he didn’t entirely believe it was nothing. “Hey! What are you doing in like an hour?”
“Um, nothing?” Logan answered a bit thrown off by Leo’s sudden question, “Why?”
“If you want some company, I can come over? We can hang out, if you want?”
Logan felt something tight in his chest break loose at Leo’s offer, “yeah?” he asked hopefully.
“Yeah,” Logan could practically hear the smile in Logan's voice, “It’ll be fun.”
“I guess I’ll see you soon then,” Logan said softly, a smile beginning to pull at his lips.
“I’ll see you soon.”
When the call ended Logan sighed and slipped his phone back into his pocket, he glanced up when a car honked near him only to find Dumo’s car pulling up next to him.
“Why the fuck are you out here walking?” Dumo asked through his open window as the vehicle rolled to a stop.
“Ne posez pas de questions stupides, vieil homme. Laissez-moi entrer,” Logan huffed, trudging over to the passenger door.
Logan rolled his eyes at Dumo’s chortled laugh as he popped the lock to let him into the car.
French translation: Don't ask stupid questions, old man. Let me in!
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Chapter 25 Chapter 26
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i-like-plan-m · 4 years
Prompt: (Part 1) Lan Qiren and his young (maybe 14 and 10 yrs old, respectively?) nephews (Lan Xichen and Lan Zhan) are all going to a discussion conference. To go to that conference they pass through Yiling. An attack occurs and tiny Lan Zhan gets separated from Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen for whatever reason. Lan Zhan meets young Wei Wuxian and for some reason, Lan they have to run away from the attackers and end up in the burial mounds as that’s the only palace they can hide.
(Part 2)To Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen, Lan Zhan goes missing and they can’t find him among the dead nor anywhere in the village. Eventually, they leave but never stop looking around the cultivation world in hope of someday finding him. I’d like to see how Lan Zhan’s disappearance affects the Lan family and how they change as characters with a Lan Zhan filled a hole in their lives.
(part 3) Meanwhile, in the Burial Mounds, Lan Zhan and Wei Wuxian have to figure out how to survive in this dreadful environment as well as get to know each other and become close as they hurt and struggle throughout their stay. They try to find exits but the Burial Mounds is designed to keep its occupants in, not out.
(Part 4)Some years later when they finally find an exit, they have no idea how to function in normal society as all the company they have had for the last few years was each other and they can’t really remember how to interact with other people. A prominent theme could be their codependency and separation anxiety that they have for each other and how they try to fit in with other people. If you’re interested, please feel free to make any adjustments or make any changes to the prompt!
...this got long, whoops [posted to Ao3]
The problem, Wei Ying reflected, was that, regardless of his ratty robes and threadbare shoes, Lan Zhan was just too damn pretty to be overlooked. 
It made traveling unnoticed impossible. Worse, Lan Zhan didn’t even notice. He only cast an icy glare at those who wandered too close, forever mistrustful of strangers who dared approach him-- or worse, approach Wei Ying. He acted as though he expected someone to snatch him right off the street. 
To be fair, it had happened once or twice. 
Demonic cultivators, it seemed, were not appreciated outside of the Burial Mounds. Wei Ying took the brunt of the harm that the occasional cultivator they crossed (and always the ones with far too much moral superiority to allow Wei Ying to pass without harassment, the bastards) inflicted upon them. They never expected the full force of Lan Zhan’s fury to come crashing down upon them. 
Wei Ying wondered if perhaps they were gaining a reputation in the cultivation world. It was potentially a problem-- he had no intentions of returning to the Burial Mounds. Not after six years of uninterrupted hell, with only his Lan Zhan there to keep him sane. 
The Burial Mounds had taken so much from them-- hope, joy. Memories, even, of their lives before. But not each other. Not even literal mountains’ worth of resentment and hate and slaughter could separate them. Between Wei Ying’s quick, clever thinking and Lan Zhan’s indomitable will and strength, they’d slipped the net and stumbled back into the world outside, one that held so much life and brightness it physically hurt to witness. 
But oh, how he loved re-learning how to be human. The Burial Mounds had made them something else, something a little too strange to be just ordinary cultivators. They’d learned to wield resentment early on-- Wei Ying much faster than his forever stubborn Lan Zhan-- in order to survive. There had been no other option.
Now, though. Now they had the freedom of choice. Lan Zhan could unbind his golden core after years of hiding it from the Burial Mounds’ sights, could use his own spiritual energy instead of the resentment he so detested. 
Wei Ying smiled, eternally fond, and glanced sideways at Lan Zhan, who was eyeing a particularly boisterous vendor with a familiar, dangerous glint in his eye. 
“Aiya, Lan Zhan,” he said, exasperated. He nudged him in the side, drawing Lan Zhan’s attention away from the vendor insistently flapping poorly drawn talismans after them. “You’ll scare everyone away, looking like that!” 
“He should not sell useless protections,” Lan Zhan muttered, staring straight ahead. “It gives false hope.” Behind them, there was a cry of dismay as the vendor’s talismans burst simultaneously into flames. 
“So cranky,” Wei Ying sighed, leaning his weight into Lan Zhan’s side. “Simple wanderers like us can’t judge others for how they make a living!”
“I can and I will,” Lan Zhan said reasonably, and Wei Ying dissolved into giggles. Lan Zhan frowned down at him, softened by the slight, affectionate curve of his mouth. “He makes people think they are safe when they are not.”
Ah. Wei Ying sobered. “Well, when you put it that way..” Hard to argue, really. After half a lifetime of the same feeling in a place much worse than this... The vendor wasn’t so harmless after all. 
He stared into middle distance, lost in thought as they walked, never more than an arm’s length from Lan Zhan. 
Lan Zhan’s gaze flickered to Wei Ying when he remained uncharacteristically quiet-- after years of forced silence in the Burial Mounds, sometimes because their lives quite literally depended upon it, Wei Ying responded to the freedom of the outside by chattering nonstop, as though compensating for six years of quiet. 
Wei Ying stuttered to a stop a moment later, realizing that Lan Zhan had stepped aside, out of the stream of people. He had a single heartbeat of pure, unfiltered panic, dizi clutched tight in his hand as he searched frantically for Lan Zhan. He raised it to his mouth, prepared to send a burst of noise into the air to find him-- and then went limp in relief as Lan Zhan appeared beside him once more. 
“Lan Zhan!” He scolded, trying for stern but undermined by the wobble in his voice. “You can’t just disappear on me like that! I was about to level the street.” He was only kidding. Mostly.
“Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan said disapprovingly anyway, then softened. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you worried.” And then, because Lan Zhan was the greatest thing to ever happen to Wei Ying, he held up a jar of Emperor’s Smile. 
“Forgiven!” Wei Ying chirped, and snatched it from his grip. Lan Zhan watched the spill of the alcohol from his mouth, down his neck, and suddenly turned sharply on his heel and stalked back into the street, ears a delightful shade of pink.
“This way,” he said, guiding them to a small building just off the main street. Lan Zhan’s qin needed serious repairs-- it had been a stroke of pure luck that he’d had it with him the day they’d been swallowed whole by the Burial Mounds, and only with his meticulous care had it survived. A few strings had snapped on their last night hunt, and Lan Zhan had been so quietly devastated that Wei Ying had badgered him into visiting Caiyi, known for their famous Emperor’s Smile... and their mastery of music. 
The shop was large and clean, with small rooms off to the side for repairs. Lan Zhan strode immediately to the desk, quietly discussed the items he needed with the owner, and then followed behind the closed door of the back room. Wei Ying nursed his Emperor’s Smile and wandered around the shop, pausing occasionally to inspect the dizis displayed on the wall. 
He smiled, sharp and dark, and rubbed his thumb along his own instrument. Chenqing was slender and pitch black, carved in and from the Burial Mounds. He suspected these dizis would shatter under his full power where Chenqing only sang for more. 
“Sir,” the owner said politely, hovering behind him. “Looking for a new dizi?”
“Oh, no,” Wei Ying laughed, wincing internally at the flicker of indignation from Chenqing. He patted it reassuringly. “This dizi has been my friend through many dangers. I couldn’t bear to part with it.”
“It is certainly... unique,” the man said, like he’d had to choke it out. Amused-- his carving skills at the time had been fueled by desperate terror and shaking hands-- Wei Ying nodded cheerfully in agreement. 
“Is Lan Zhan almost finished?” He asked, and let the man guide him into the room. 
“How’s it going?” Wei Ying asked, hooking his chin over Lan Zhan’s shoulder to watch the way his long, elegant fingers ran along the qin. Suddenly flushed, he sat back and sprawled out beside him, averting his eyes to his Emperor’s Smile. 
“Repairs require attention and care,” Lan Zhan said, intently focused on his instrument. 
Wei Ying left him to it, knowing he’d get no attention from Lan Zhan until the qin was fixed, and closed his eyes, tipping his head back against the wall. His situational awareness was unmatched except for Lan Zhan, so they both noticed when someone else entered the store, unseen through the closed door. 
But Wei Ying was aware-- always aware-- that this man was a cultivator, and so immensely powerful his spiritual energy was almost tangible. He opened his eyes and eyed the door, absently mouthing at Chenqing’s mouthpiece now instead of the jar of alcohol. 
There were quiet voices outside, and he exchanged a wary glance with Lan Zhan. The shop owner didn’t sound agitated, though, or like he was ratting them out to the newcomer. 
Soon after, another door closed and soft music reverberated through the thin walls. He didn’t recognize the song, uncultured as he was by the Burial Mounds barbaric version of society, but something about it made him ache. His eyes burned at the outpouring of emotion, a lament of grief and regret, of pain so encompassing it reshaped the very air. 
“Another qin,” Lan Zhan murmured, hands frozen in place over his own instrument. Wei Ying sat up and curled a hand around Lan Zhan’s wrist, needing the touch to keep him grounded, to keep the memories of the Burial Mounds at bay in the face of such a song. They sat in suspended silence until the song ended, heads bowed under the weight of such grief, and listened as the cultivator very softly thanked the shop owner and left. 
“Who was that?” Wei Ying wondered, and the shop owner paused as though confused as he entered their room. 
“That was Sect Leader Lan, young master. He comes every week to play.”
“A sect leader?” Wei Ying traded a glance with Lan Zhan, who had clearly once been a member of the Lan Sect at one point but had no memories of it otherwise. “Can’t he afford a qin of his own? Why does he come here?”
The shop owner’s mouth twisted with something like pity. “He comes to play for his lost brother, young master. Sect Leader Lan still deeply mourns the loss, but the qin was his brother’s favored instrument. It is hard for his uncle to hear, I’m told.”
“Everyone mourns in their own way,” Wei Ying said, sympathetic. He waited until the man left again to turn to Lan Zhan, who hadn’t moved. “Lan Zhan?”
“Hm?” Lan Zhan blinked as though awakening from a deep sleep. 
“Are you alright?”
“Yes. I have finished with the repairs.” He stood and left the room, off to use their meager funds to pay for the supplies. 
But Wei Ying didn’t move, wondering if perhaps the sect leader would know of Lan Zhan’s family. How to find them. Part of him wanted to take Lan Zhan out of Gusu immediately, to keep him to himself, and he hated himself for the thought. 
If there was a chance for Lan Zhan to find the family he’d lost, then Wei Ying would help him... even if it meant losing the only thing that mattered to him in the world. 
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strongerwiththepack · 4 years
I got heat stroke and interaction room and can I have Gordon?
From the Whump Generator. After googling ‘interaction room’ with very little success I had a look at the generator and assumed you actually meant ‘interrogation room’ haha thank-you for the prompt, hope you enjoy x
Gordon & Heatstroke & Interrogation Room
It had been a few months since their dad had returned and, after some hurdles, they were finally settling into the new family dynamic. Scott was going over some Tracy Industries reports with him at the moment. His dad was working towards taking back a more active role in the company so Scott could focus more on his commander role for International Rescue.
It was going to take some time before Scott could fully step back though. Their father had missed 8 years of business growth and technological advancements. He was also earning back trust from the board due to health concerns. They didn’t need to worry, his dad was pushing through physical therapy at an impressive speed. It ran in the family apparently.
His dad was ready to get back in the game and Scott would make sure he was prepared. He was surprised as he felt himself yawning unexpectedly. It had been a long day. He’d had a rescue in the early hours of the morning and gotten back just in time for lunch then spent the afternoon doing paperwork with his father.
The sun was now setting on the beachfront and the sounds of the piano filled the lounge as Virgil played softly in the background. He was tired, but it was more of a content tired opposed to the bone-weary tired he’d often felt before the Zero-XL. He stood up straight to stretch out his back as his father sent away the last report they had written.
And then the piano music stopped abruptly.
“Gordon?” Virgil queried.
And sure enough Gordon was hurriedly making his way in from the pool deck. He froze at his name but kept his back turned to them.
“Yeah?” His brother answered, still not turning his head. Scott narrowed his eyes, Gordon was definitely up to something. He shared a knowing look with Virgil as their father also stopped what he was doing.
Before he could say anything though, Alan bounded over from his position in the den, with his handheld games console.
“Where’ve you been all day?” The smaller blonde whined. “Check this out, I beat your high score on Zombie Bashers.” He thrust the console in Gordon’s face. “Told you I could-wow what’s wrong with your face?”
“Something you want to tell us Gordon?” Scott asked at Alan’s remark.
His mischievous brother pivoted slowly and Scott squinted in the rapidly diminishing light of the sunset. Gordon was wearing a cap and keeping his head bowed which conveniently hid his face.
“Nope, don’t think so Scott. Just gonna head up and get changed before dinner.”
His brother pointed down the corridor before spinning quickly in that direction and trying to sidestep Alan. Then he stumbled, falling onto one knee and holding a hand to his head with a hiss of pain.
Scott was stunned for a second as his father abruptly stood up from the desk, his chair screeching behind him as he did so. He could see Alan panicking as he stood over his brother, looking towards Scott to tell him what to do.
“Gordon!” Scott snapped out of it in time to run over. “What’s wrong?”
“Urgh-I’m fine, I’m fine.” Gordon stated as he got close, quickly pushing himself off the ground. As soon as he did so though he wobbled again, crashing into the wall with a thud.
Scott could see what was going to happen seconds before it did. He was too far away.
“Alan!” He yelled. “Catch him!”
His littlest brother startled for a second and then Gordon was falling. Alan’s reflexes clicked in as soon as he caught the movement. He frantically grabbed his older brother around the waist but it was the wrong angle and Gordon’s momentum pulled Alan down with him. Scott winced as Gordon’s head cracked off the linoleum, Alan only managing to slightly slow the fall.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Alan whispered frantically as he hands hovered over his usual partner in crime who was frighteningly still.
Scott slid down next to them, gently pushing his littlest brother to the side as he checked Gordon over. He could hear his father reassuring Alan in the background and was grateful that wasn’t something he needed to worry about right now. Virgil ran past them, Scott hoped he was getting a stretcher.
Gordon’s hat had fallen off in the fall and Scott could now see the redness of his skin. It was irritated and peeling in some places.
“Is he alright?” His dad questioned behind him, a slight shake to his voice. After 8 years without his sons, Jeff couldn’t quite stomach the injuries anymore. That’s why he was focusing on Tracy Industries and not International Rescue. Scott couldn’t blame him, it never got easier.
“Heatstroke I’m guessing.” Scott reported, pulling his brother into the recovery position. “We’ll get a scan in the medbay.”
Virgil returned with a stretcher and between the four of them, Gordon was lifted effortlessly onto it. Brains was waiting for them as they entered the medical bay.
“Oh m-my” The engineer stuttered as he took out his scanner. The sunburn did look a lot worse in the harsh light of the room. Alan curled up on a chair in the corner as they worked. Scott made a mental note to talk to him later.
His focus was Gordon right now.
Gordon squinted in the harsh light and hissed as the movement pulled at the tight skin on his face. He was burning and he reflexively kicked at the sheets that covered him.
“Son?” He heard a gentle query as his head turned towards the voice and opened his eyes properly. The world was spinning but he made out the concerned face of his father. He was so dead.
Gordon blinked again before the nausea overtook him and bile made it’s way to his throat.
“Sick.” He chocked out and then there were hands pulling him into a sitting position and a bucket thrust under his head. He wretched pathetically as he emptied the contents of his stomach into the basin. Someone was rubbing his back soothingly and Gordon turned to see Virgil on his other side and Scott standing at the end of the bed. Yep, he was so dead.
He rested his head on the bucket and groaned.
“I think you’ve got some explaining to do, young man.” His father commanded gently.
“Uhhh” Gordon whined. “I was an idiot and got sunburnt?”
“A little sunburn doesn’t cause you to collapse and traumatise your little brother Gordon.” Scott deadpanned. “You have severe heatstroke, what the hell were you doing?”
Guilt spiked in his chest at the accusation. He’d need to make it up to Alan somehow. Virgil helped him lay back down as he pulled the bucket away.
Gordon placed his arms over his face and groaned. “Can we save the interrogation for later Scott?”
“No.” His brother replied. Where was the sympathy?
“I found a bale of sea turtles caught in some nets just off the shore, okay?” Gordon moaned. “I wasn’t planning on being out as long as I was.”
“Something tells me you weren’t wearing this hat on the water either?” Virgil added waving the cap that had fallen off his head when he fell.
Gordon narrowed his eyes at his brother. No solidarity between co-pilots anymore apparently.
“How long were you out in the water?” Scott asked.
“I don’t know, I left after lunch till whenever I came back in?”
“That was five hours Gordon.” Their dad startled.
Gordon shrugged. “I didn’t really notice, I’ve done longer.”
“Not without any of us knowing Gordon.” Scott reprimanded. “What if you had passed out in the water? None of us even knew you were out there.”
Gordon looked around at the three-stern faces peering down at him.
“I’m sorry okay?”
“No, it’s not okay Gordon.” Scott rebutted.
Gordon didn’t know if it was the heatstroke, the concussion or the guilt he was feeling for worrying his family but he felt his eyes start to water suddenly. He avoided anyone’s gaze a he blinked rapidly to clear his eyes.
A hand landed on his shoulder and his fathers voice rumbled. “Gordon’s had a long day Scott, why don’t we get back to this after he’s had a chance to rest.”
“Yeah, okay” Scott conceded. “Feel better kiddo.” He said gently as he squeezed one of Gordon’s feet. Virgil got up too, squeezing his hand and giving him a reassuring look before he and Scott left the room.
Gordon peered up at his dad who was looking at him with worry still etched into his face. That was not an expression he ever wanted to cause.
He sighed. “Sorry dad, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
His father gave a tight smile. “Just get some rest Gordon.”
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fe-husband-heaven · 4 years
Dimitri x Wife!Reader - Commission (N/SFW)
@queenofthespacesquids has graciously commissioned Dimitri smut from me :') and has been an absolute angel during this whole mess of a pandemic!
This reader is a general female reader and the commissioner wanted to share the Dimi love so they've allowed posting here!💖💕💖
Thank you once again for commissioning me! I hope everyone else enjoys it too!
The twelfth sigh that day fell from Dimitri's lips. Drooping shoulders accompanied the heaving huffs he gave as his horse trotted along the roads of Fhirdiad.
"We'll be arriving soon, boar. Contain yourself."
Felix travelled afoot alongside Dimitri's white steed. A frown on his face, he shot Dimitri a judgemental look.
Dimitri paid him no heed.
"Awww, c'mon Felix. Give the guy a break. He's a man separated from his lady, doesn't it break your heart?"
Sylvain rode up to the two on his own horse, sticking to Felix's left.
"The only thing it breaks is my patience. I'd understand if this was his first time away, but he does this every time."
Sylvain laughed, his swordsman friend only deepened his scowl.
"Well...They've only been married for a little while..can't imagine they've had too much time alone considering he's the freaking King."
Felix scoffed,
"Y/N's with him all the time, they're attached at the hip, it's a miracle they haven't fused together yet."
Both of them turned to face the blonde man when he gave another longing sigh at the mention of your name.
Sylvain trotted his horse closer to Dimitri, which forced Felix to move to his left. Felix gave him a "Tch." in response.
Sylvain patted Dimitri's shoulder,
"Think of it this way, I'm sure your lady was very lonely. When you get back, she'll probably want lots of-"
Felix stomped on the ground near Sylvain's horse, spooking it and causing it to rear up before it sprung forward, Sylvain, fumbling to stay on and regain control.
"That absolute fool…Don't listen to his inane..."
He trailed off when he looked back to Dimitri, who looked extremely troubled.
"..Lonely..?..My wife is..lone...ly..?"
Dimitri's expression quickly went from yearning, to worry. Felix slapped a hand to his forehead in defeat.
"Ugh, you two are absolutely impossible…"
The gates of Fhirdiad were in sight not long after that. The soldiers standing guard alerted their fellow knights about the return of the king.
Many thought that Dimitri should remain on the throne and not step foot out into danger, it was  a great risk to have the king out and about after what happened to the previous one.
But Dimitri firmly believed in being involved with the people, and seeing for himself what his people needed. The Kingdom was still recovering from the war, constant patrols were necessary.
Unfortunately, this meant that he was often forced apart from you. He would take you with him but it was not the most intelligent of ideas to have both the King and Queen away at the same time. 
He wondered...were you really lonely? He knew Dedue had stayed behind as your guard but did you miss him the same way he missed you?
He sighed again, he wanted his wife.
"We're here, boar. Quit moping."
Dimitri looked up, they were in fact in front of the gates. But he honed in on something much more important.
His wife.
She was waving. Smiling and waving at him from just a little bit inside the gate. He could see a couple of advisors begging her to come back inside where it was safe. 
Felix and Sylvain essentially watched a man be reborn right in front of them. Dimitri perked up and a bright glimmer found its way into his blue eye, he kept his gaze on her. He knew he was to remain cordial and in line with the rest of his troops but...his wife.
The moment he was able to, Dimitri clambered off his steed and headed straight to you. You stood, adorned in blues and whites, the colors of Fhaergus. Laughing lightly as you held your arms open for him. He did not hesitate to jump right into them and return the hug you gave him.
He squeezed tightly, and pulled back far enough to pepper a couple kisses on your face.
He remained completely unaware of the dozens of eyes watching the two of you. Many of them simply civilians who had come to witness the return of their king. They smiled at the scene, Fhirdiad was well aware of the King's love for the Queen.
This was not the first time he had arrived absolutely starved for his wife's company. The people found it soothing, King Dimitri did not seem so far out of their reach when they saw how very much like them he was. Many were quite fond of the two of you and those of older generations would have a couple "Ahh to be young again.."s when the two of you were spotted together.
Once again, a royal advisor came along to try to usher the local King and Queen back into the palace.
"Please, your majesties-" Cut off by the firm grip of a hand on their shoulder, the man who was about to plead the resident King and Queen to please for the love of the goddess head back inside, turned towards the source of the sudden looming shadow.
He came face to face with a less than pleased Dedue.
"Do not interrupt their Majesties…"
Dedue had not meant for the man to apologize and run away but...he could not help the pleased feeling that ran through him at having protected the precious time their Majesties had together. The Queen doted on him and The King never failed to remind him that he was family. He was extremely grateful, he thought it to be the least he could do.
He quite enjoyed seeing them happy.
Briefly pausing his barrage of affection, Dimitri's lips pulled down into a frown accompanied by what can only be described as puppy dog eyes.
"Were you… lonely..?"
You...weren't sure how to respond. Of course you wanted him home but were you lonely? Dedue and the others had kept you company and they made it difficult to be lonely.
Your attention was caught by a redhead casanova standing a few feet away from the two of you. He was nodding, giving you a thumbs up, and mouthing "Say yes". You then watched as Felix jabbed his elbow into his side before dragging him off by the collar, probably off to go train.
Turning back to your giant lion of a husband, he was still awaiting an answer. You don't know what possessed you to trust Sylvain but between not knowing how to respond and his look of confidence, you threw caution to the wind.
"Of course..!.Isn't it natural to miss my husband?" 
For a moment he looked even more saddened, like it was somehow his fault that you had been lonely. You smiled softly at him and laid a gentle hand on the side of his face, cupping his cheek.
"Hmm, didn't you miss me too?"
Leaning into your touch, Dimitri's frown dissipated, and a serene expression was left behind in its departure. Your hand was tenderly covered by his own as the other arm wrapped around your waist tightened just a little.
Smiling at each other, it seemed as though no one else existed around you. Just a husband and wife who were reunited.
"Your majesties."
Dedue stepped forward.
Dimitri turned to look at him, keeping you in his arms as you did the same.
"Please Dedue, call me "Dimitri". You know you're family to us, Y/N and I would love nothing more than to drop formalities."
Dedue smiled tenderly, his heart warmed.
"Yes, your majesty."
You couldn't help the giggle that escaped you at the way Dimitri was rendered speechless. You doubted that Dedue would ever move past the habit, Dimitri would have to settle for having his name used in private!
Giving your husband a comforting pat, you turned your attention back to Dedue when he continued speaking.
"Your majesties, there are no matters that require your assistance urgently. Please, take this time to rest...both of you." he added.
You smiled and thanked Dedue, who with a bow, went off to the kitchens. His cuisine had grown quite popular among the people and he was often requested for cooking duty in spite of his status as Dimitri's right hand man.
Shooting Dimitri a bright grin, you wrapped your  arms around his as his hold on you loosened.
"Shall we go?"
His smile softened further, your lips parted to tease him about being handsome but before you could, a surprised yelp escaped your lips as you were suddenly pulled off of your feet and into strong toned arms.
You heard a couple whistles from onlookers as you collected yourself, Dimitri had already begun moving and walking off towards your room as if he wasn't carrying an entire human being in his arms.
You stabilized yourself by wrapping your arms around his neck, marvelling up at him briefly before laughing.
"Hmm, this is familiar!"you chirped.
Dimitri's strides slowed just a little as he focused on you. He pressed a kiss to your forehead, not noticing the respectful bows of passing attendants.
He laughed lightly,
"Ahhh,yes, our wedding night, you nearly tripped on your own dress when I set you down."
You made an offended sound but felt your heart warm. Dimitri used to be nothing but proper to you, now he was comfortable teasing you.
"Yeah well, you cried when you saw me in it."
Dimitri sputtered,
"T-that is not..!..I-.."
He stopped walking, locking eyes with you as red burned on his cheeks and tips of his ears.
"That is unfair Y/N...you were beautiful.."
You smiled contently at him, sighing softly. Somehow, you had netted yourself the sweetest man on the planet. Tooth-rottingly sweet. You wondered if he knew how charming he was.
"How did I get such a precious husband again..?"
You leaned up to press a kiss to his lips. Not satisfied with a peck, Dimitri careened his neck to return the kiss. A wave of warmth ran through you as the sound of lips melding together slipped into your ear.
You pulled back just enough to murmur against his lips,
At probably the fastest speed you'd ever seen him move, Dimitri barreled through the castle halls at breakneck speed. You couldn't help but laugh at his eagerness as he neared your room. Barely getting the door open and crossing through, he was back at engulfing your lips, shifting you in his arms so you pressed against him.
Pulling away reluctantly, you patted his shoulder.
"Set me down here."
He seemed unwilling to let you go but the ever obedient husband he was, he voiced no complaints. Though he did look like he was itching to snake his arms around you again.
Locking the door, you watched with amused eyes as Dimitri's face went crimson the moment you got on your knees in front of him.
"M-my love…!.you don't have to..!.please let me-"
Dimitri moved to help you up but you simply grabbed a hold of his hands and brought them to your cheeks.
"Dimitri…" you locked eyes with him, taking in the flustered expression he wore, "You're always spoiling me...let me take care of you too…!"
There were a lot of things in life Dimitri could handle. Being king, fighting in arduous battles, even the most extraneous of labors. But seeing his wife kneeled in front of him, eager to please him in such a lewd manner was not one of them.
"Y/N...if it is what you wish…"
You frowned, you wanted him to enjoy it too…
Looking back in front of you, you were surprised by the bulge protruding from his pants. You couldn't help the cat-like grin that enveloped your lips.
Reaching out to tug at his belt, you purposefully brushed against the swell, not missing the soft intake of breath from him. You looked up and smiled cheekily at him,
"What I wish,huh…" teasing evident in your voice.
Maybe it was a little mean, but the way he buried his face in his hands as his blush travelled down his neck was well worth it. He was so cute it was almost unfair. This was most definitely not your first time doing anything intimate so to see him flustered even after all the other nights he seemingly couldn't be satiated…well, it was adorable!
You decided to give his heart a bit of a break and turned your gaze away. Working his belt and tugging his pants and undergarments just low enough for his length to slip out, you swallowed thickly as you were reminded about how well endowed your husband was…
Placing a hand on his thigh to stabilize yourself, you curled your fingers around his member and gingerly began pumping its length. Dimitri's hips lightly followed your hand as you rubbed and teased the tip. You thought you wouldn't tease him more but the slow pace you took was probably his greatest enemy right now.
"Y/N..please, this is torture.."
You laughed but indulged him. Tongue wet and warm, you gave a long drawn out lick before taking his cock in your mouth. Head beginning to bob up and down the thick throbbing length of your King, you didn't fail to notice the way Dimitri's hands clenched as he leaned against the door for support.
Struggling to maintain himself, Dimitri watched as he disappeared in and out of his beloved wife's mouth, the lips that kissed him so sweetly, wrapped around him and sucking with such rhythm and heat that he had to fight his own wanton need to buck into your mouth.
It seemed that despite how fervently he had pounded you into the mattress so often after your wedding, he would still be a blushing mess when at your mercy. But he couldn't help it. His wife, his precious wife...full of nothing but love for him..there were times where he was unsure of whether he deserved such devotion.
He knew he shouldn't doubt your decisions but he couldn't help but wonder why him. You told him often about everything you loved about him but the question lingered. What exactly had he done to be blessed with you? Perhaps it was pointless to mull it over, he couldn't let you go either way.
Still...his wife..his wife...Y/N Blaiddyd…
His length twitched in your mouth, and your pace stopped as gentle hands reached down to brush hair out of your face, tenderly caressing your cheeks. You looked up to meet loving blue eyes, Dimitri's expression was soft, and you weren't sure what insighted it. 
But it didn't matter, letting your eyelids flutter shut, you nuzzled a little into his touch before continuing. His body responded to your affection with a slow roll of his hips, and a soft breathless moan of your name.
Encouraging him to keep moving, you pulled him a little closer. His breathing was growing rapid and the wary slides into your mouth were building into broken thrusts, desperate to keep feeling the inviting heat of your tongue.
Your jaw was getting sore but the face Dimitri made as he got closer and closer to release was too great of a reward to stop. Burning the image of your King panting and losing himself to pleasure into your mind, you couldn't help but feel a little pleased with yourself. 
"..!..Y/N..!!..I'm going to-..!"
Expecting you to let him go, Dimitri was helpless against your increasing speed. Bucking into your mouth while his fingers dug into your hair, he shut his eyes tight as the ache and throbbing of his cock was finally rewarded with the white pleasure of release.
Driving him in as deep as you could, you enjoyed watching him as the rush of warm cum spurted down your throat. Making a show of swallowing, you let his member slip from your lips.
But before you could make a comment that would net you a cute blush and a stammer from the golden haired man, you were pulled up carefully and wrapped into a tight hug.
After a split second moment of surprise, you returned the hug, one hand reaching up to stroke and play with Dimitri's tousled hair. Burying his face in the curve of your neck, Dimitri murmured a soft but bashful Thank you. You would have laughed if it wasn't so sweet. 
He was still so polite…thanking you for sucking him off...heh.
"Hmm, don't thank me yet. I'm not quite done with you!" You sing-songed.
Dimitri pulled back just enough so you were facing each other, you admired the color on his cheeks. He kissed your forehead softly, 
"May I..?"
Now it was your turn to be putty in his hands, it was hard not to be when he was asking with such decorum to undress you. Your face matched his as you turned around, giving him access to the lacings and buttons on your dress.
He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the back of your neck as he worked on freeing you from your clothes. 
You busied yourself with a mantra reminding you not to pounce on him, but that internal chant was disrupted by the sudden sound of fabric tearing, followed by something dropping on the floor, rolling to a stop in front of you. Looking down, you saw a button.
Silence filled the room and nobody moved a muscle as you stood, feeling a little colder than when you had first walked into the room.
"Did you rip my dress?"
He didn't respond immediately.
"...I..will acquire a new one for you…"
He knew you wouldn't chide him, but he still felt guilty. Expecting you to laugh it off, he was caught by surprise at the sudden barrage of peppered kisses on his face accompanied by you latching onto him through arms snaked around his neck.
He hugged your waist reflexively and though he was extremely happy to be at the receiving end of so much affection, he wanted to know what he had done to deserve it.
You cuddled into him, full of glee, having the dam holding you back from smothering him in as much love as you could muster, broken. 
"Dimi, you're so cute! Hnnng, why is my husband so cute??"
Dimitri was unsure of what to say but he was happy he was being complimented,
"Two seconds ago, while I was doing something sinful to you, you were absolutely gentle and careful with me but now that you try to be the same to my dress, you go and tear it!"
It was amusing, but also so endearing that you couldn't help the swell of blatant affection that had welled up in your chest. Dimitri was much too kind, handsome, adorable, strong, and intelligent all in one. You were often teased about how much your husband fawned over you, but you were very much the same.
He made you very happy and it's all you wanted for him as well.
Leaning forward, Dimitri captured your lips in a drawn out loving kiss before resting his forehead against yours.
"..Of course...I could never hurt you.."
That netted him a return kiss from you. 
Being even just a little rough during sex constituted as hurting you to him. He knew you weren't helpless, and you could very much handle yourself, but he couldn't help but treat you like you were fragile. He always believed you had to protect the things you love. 
Boy, he really took the priest's "to love and cherish till death do you part" seriously…
"My apologies for tearing your dress..I'll replace it, I promise."
And the sweet man was still concerned over something so trivial...You reaaaaaally loved your husband.
You pecked his lips before leaning forward to purr in his ear,
"It's okay. I like it when you tear my clothes off."
It was not but a split second after that you were carried off to your bed, the sound of fabric being torn off your body, music to your ears as an impish grin rested on your lips. With his immense strength, it was an easy task.
The chill from the sudden lack of coverage was ignored as you relished in your riled husband fumbling to take off his armor. When the plates of steel had hit the floor, Dimitri was quick to sink the bed with his weight and hover over you.
"W-would you like me to do the same..?"
Even when he was eager, he was polite.
As sure as you were that he was skilled with his tongue, you had no more patience left to spare.
Shaking your head, you pulled him down so you could let your lips meet, murmuring against them,
"No...I don't want to wait anymore...I just want you, Dimitri."
Making a sound that was strangled by the way he smothered your mouth with his, you felt the hardened tip of his cock align with your entrance, ready to slip into you.
"I-it's wet..." Dimitri noted against your lips.
For as much teasing as you had given him earlier, you were certainly getting your dues at how torturously slow he was sliding into you.
You knew you couldn't rush it but feeling every inch of Dimitri's length filling your core and being unable to have him just pound you into the mattress..it was unfair.
Feeling Dimitri's hips meet yours, you were relieved that you didn't have to wait much longer. The kisses that Dimitri was making to your neck were growing to be too much when coupled with the feverish groping of your chest.
Filled with him, your hips moved on their own and rolled up onto his cock, wanting for him to move. 
The slippery inviting heat of his wife's insides mixed with his wife's needy hips spurred Dimitri into slow drawn out thrusts. Thrusts much too leisurely for you.
Maybe it was the way you breathed it out next to his ear or the fact that he was always quite obedient in bed but Dimitri did as he was asked.
Building up to a strong steady pace of deep rams of his cock into you, Dimitri wrapped his arms around your waist, keeping you close and in place as he slammed himself in and out of you.
Finally being given what you wanted, your legs wrapped around him as little cries of his name escaped your lips. It had been much too long since the last time you'd done this.
"I-..missed you..!"
You panted out, digging your fingers into his hair as your stomach burned from the pleasure.
Dimitri hugged you tighter against him, almost in comfort and agreeance. It was all he could do, he couldn't trust his mouth to form any words at the moment.
He had missed you so dearly, he did every time he had to leave you behind or when you left his side. He loved you more than anything else in the world and it pained him to think you might've felt lonely all on your own. 
He was always elated upon his return to find you smiling and welcoming him back, he found comfort in having a home to return to and being able to do the same for you whenever you travelled to neighboring territories to maintain peaceful relations.
Every time you parted, he felt a piece of him was missing. The nights he spent away from you, wondering what you were doing and whether you were faring well, were torturous. Quiet nights, missing you and your company would lead to the shameful pumps of his cock into his own hand, imagining it to be his wife's heat he was plunging into.
He missed you, this, everything.
Maybe it was unbecoming of him, the King of Fhaergus, to love sex with his wife so much but the mutual wanton need to be together and be one was much too enticing to him. Being as close as he could be to the person he vowed to share his life with..it was precious to him, and he was sure you were the same.
"I..!.love you, Y/N-"
Garbled words in between frenzied thrusts somehow still clutched at your heart. You're not sure why, maybe it was just hitting you how much you truly missed him but your eyesight blurred with sudden tears.
Maybe it was just Dimitri. So full of love and so willing to offer it to you despite him sometimes wondering whether he deserved yours. You just wanted to seal away all those worries.
"Dimitri-..!..Dimitri..!!..I love you-..!.I love you, I love-"
Your cries of his name and declarations of love were muffled by desperate lips melding with yours, tongues slipping against each other as the bed creaked with each jut of his hips. The lewd sound of skin slapping against skin and the wet squelch of you clenching around him burned into your ears.
Hips bucking up wildly, the building white heat that pooled in your stomach finally spilled over the edge as you shook and trembled against him, vision blurring momentarily. All at the same time as your husband's erratic thrusts grew jerky before you felt the hot spill of his seed inside you.
Panting and settling against each other, you ran shaky fingers through Dimitri's hair, smoothing away any strands plastered to his forehead.
Ignoring the wet feeling of cum slipping down the curve of your ass.
You sighed contently as your breathing evened out, a feeling of serenity taking its place. Your husband peacefully rested against your chest, eyelids fluttered shut as he let you caress his face and play with his hair.
The two of you stayed quiet for a long time, just basking in the afterglow of your affection. Dimitri silently relished in his wife's gentle tender hand, enjoying the coolness of your wedding ring when it touched his skin.
He listened to the calming beating of your heart, the same heart that was so open and devoted to him. The same heart that loved him back with as much fervor as his own. The heart that his beloved wife promised belonged to him, just as he had promised his to her.
He moved slightly, indicating he was listening. 
"..Welcome back."
Shifting, he faced you, joining your mouths in a soft sweet kiss.
"I'm home."
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mkkhaikyuu · 4 years
Autumn Skies: Chapter 3
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Autumn Skies - Chapter 3 The First Snow
•°O°• [[December]] Present •°O°•
Cold air hits you as soon as you step out of the classroom. You started walking down the hallway, trying to bury the jealousy that resurfaced in your chest from what you just saw.
The image of Kuroo pulling Hana in for a quick kiss as you were about to step out of the room kept playing in your head. You know you should be used to it by now. It’s not like it was the first time you saw them kiss, or hug and hold hands for that matter. But it still feels like a punch to the gut each time.
Stopping outside the guidance counselor’s office, you took a moment to compose yourself before knocking and entering.
“Oh, y/n! It’s been a while,” Miss Yukino, the guidance counselor, greets with a smile. “Have a seat!”
You try to muster up a smile of your own as you sat on the chair in front of her desk.
“So, have you thought about it?” she began, leaning forward to rest her chin on clasped hands.
“I have, but I’m still undecided,” you answered.
Miss Yukino studies you for a moment, and you steeled yourself, silently hoping your turbulent emotions didn’t show on your face. If she suspected something, she didn’t say anything about it.
“Why? What’s holding you back?” she finally asked. You found the question amusing. There was a long list of things holding you back.
Every year, different universities and some private companies offer academic scholarships to seniors at Nekoma High. Some of the scholarships are offered only to the seniors running for the top ten of the batch. You and Kuroo were among the top ten.
Back in the last week of October, the guidance counselor called you to her office to tell you the news. Apparently, you qualified for two scholarships – one from the University of Tokyo and the other from Yale University.
So now you were stuck between two choices. You’d always dreamed of getting into the University of Tokyo. Who wouldn’t? It was one of the best universities in the country. You’d already imagined yourself being a university student there more times than you could count.
On the other hand, you’d thought about studying abroad before but never seriously considered it. Studying abroad would mean being alone in a foreign place with no familiar face to seek comfort from. Sure, you were independent to a fault but leaving behind the comforts and familiarity of home? That was probably too much. You didn’t think you could handle that. Besides, it would be too costly. You’d never in a million years think you’d ever get so lucky as to receive a scholarship from a renowned university located on the other side of the globe. You haven’t even told your family about it.
In an effort to decide, you’d paid a visit to the University of Tokyo’s nearby campus that afternoon of the spring interhigh qualifiers (which was also Kuroo’s birthday). You’d also done some research on Yale University. It was a prestigious university that consistently tops world university rankings. That should’ve been enough to convince you to choose Yale. In the end, you still couldn’t decide which one to go for.
However, there is one thing that can decide for you. The scholarship from the University of Tokyo was final, that is, all that was left for you to do was accept it and hand in your application. On the other hand, you’d actually just made it through the first round of screening for Yale’s scholarship. You’d still have to go through a few more exams and a series of interviews. You wonder if putting in the extra effort is even worth it at all though. Based on your research, Yale University is pretty selective, having an extremely low acceptance rate. The last thing you needed was another reason for you to get your hopes up.
As if reading your thoughts, Miss Yukino puts a hand on your shoulder, causing you to look up.
“This is a rare opportunity, y/n. You’re the only one who qualified for this scholarship, you know. Just give it a try. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain just by trying.”
She smiled, her eyes conveying so much faith in you that you couldn’t help but nod firmly. She was right. You owe it to yourself to at least try. Trying and ending up failing was better than having what if’s constantly haunting you. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and you couldn’t believe that you’d almost let it slip through your fingers.
With newfound determination, you told Miss Yukino that you’d give it a try. In turn, she breathes a sigh of relief, happy that she was able to convince you. After she instructed you about the next steps, you thanked her and left.
You changed into your tracksuit and went to the gym. As the manager, you’re supposed to be at practice sooner so the gym would be ready once practice starts. Luckily, you weren’t going to be late this time.
Stepping into the gym, you quickly went about your pre-practice routine of preparing towels, filling up water bottles and setting up the net.
As you tied the last string of the net to the pole, you gasped and froze as your vision suddenly went black. You felt a familiar pair of hands covering your eyes, warm against your skin. You knew it was Kuroo. He liked to sneak up behind you to surprise you whenever he had the chance.
“Kuroo!” you warned. You pried his hands off your face and turned around to glare at him like you always did. You were standing on a chair since you couldn’t reach the part of the pole where you needed to tie the net. From your position, you could clearly see his handsome face as he laughed, finding your reaction amusing as usual. Warmth creeps up into your face and you felt the traitorous butterflies fluttering in your stomach. Why was he making it so hard for you to move on? You quickly turn away before he sees your burning face.
“How many times do I have to tell you to leave the task of setting up the net to me, y/n?” he asked with a shake of his head, hands planted on his hips. Deciding to ignore him, you carefully stepped off the chair while holding on to the pole. Kuroo instinctively reaches a hand out to your arm to steady you.
Inwardly, you sighed. Doesn’t he know what he does to you? You couldn’t believe he was this dense and oblivious to your feelings. You’d always known Kuroo to be extremely perceptive. What was he being so clueless for?
The rest of the team starts arriving in their practice uniforms. Sighing in frustration, you walked away wordlessly from Kuroo, shifting to manager mode.
Practice began shortly after. You were off to the side as the team played against each other three versus three. You kept yourself busy with scorekeeping and updating the team’s stat sheets.
After practice, you collected the sweaty towels. Lev, Inouka, Yamamoto and Fukunaga picked up the stray balls and put the net back in the equipment room.
Suddenly, you heard Lev call out, “Hana-senpai!” Lev flailed his slender arms around, beaming at Hana. The other boys paused to greet her then went back to what they were doing.
Hana waits at the entrance, looking around for her boyfriend. Her long dark hair cascades down her back in soft waves. You bitterly admitted to yourself that she was indeed beautiful.
She spots you near the storage room and waves, walking over to you. You waved back. The two of you didn’t talk to each other that much. At most, you would just exchange greetings whenever you met.
“Hey, y/n. Do you know where Tetsu is?” she asked. You bit your tongue upon hearing the nickname.
“Showering, probably. He should be back soon,” you answered. As if on cue, Kuroo comes out of the locker room. Kenma also walks out not long after Kuroo, his attention already on his game. You quickly excused yourself from Hana to go get your things.
The sky was dark and light snow covered the school grounds. A scarf was wrapped snuggly around your neck and you wore your hoodie under your tracksuit jacket. You, Hana and the team walked out of the gym together.
Yaku glances at you and asks, “Hey, we’re having a Christmas party, right?” Upon hearing that, the rest of the team and Hana also look at you. You nodded.
“Yeah. Is next Saturday alright?” you asked. They all agreed. The first-years bounced in excitement, yelling about presents, decorations and food. Yamamoto rambled on about doing a Christmas play or something. Meanwhile, you and the other third-years started talking about your plans and ideas for the party. You tried to avoid looking at Hana and Kuroo who were walking arm in arm.
“I can help with the preparations,” Hana suddenly offers. You raised your eyebrows in surprise. Before she notices your surprised face though, you quickly gave her a grateful smile. The boys were quick to offer their help as well.
“Thanks. I’d appreciate that,” you told them with a small laugh, “I’m actually kind of busy these days so any help is welcome.”
“Busy for what? The final exams?” Kuroo asks. You hummed in agreement.
“Well, that and other stuff,” you murmured.
“Oh? Like what?” Kuroo presses on, raising an eyebrow. You raised an eyebrow back at him and tell him it’s nothing. You didn’t really want to talk about it. Kuroo sighs exasperatedly.
“You’re so secretive these days, y/n. You never tell us about what goes on in your life anymore,” he turns to Kenma who was walking silently beside you, “right, Kenma?”
Kenma only gives him a deadpan look before saying, “That’s because you’re barely ever around anymore.”
Kuroo gasps and jokingly puts a hand to his chest, “Haaa?! Kenma, you take that back!” He then points to Kenma while looking at you pleadingly, “Y/n, tell him he’s wrong!”
You shook your head and chuckled fondly at him.
“You’re so dramatic,” you, Kenma, and Yaku say at the same time. Kuroo’s jaw dropped. Kai smiled amusedly behind him.
“I can’t believe you three would gang up on me like that,” he muttered.
Kuroo was right though. You’ve both just been so busy with your own lives these days. It’s not like he has been avoiding you or anything. He still came up to talk to you all the time when he had the chance. But it’s been a while since you were able to catch up and talk about things that had nothing to do with volleyball.
“I’m actually preparing for university,” you mumbled. They all looked over at you, in surprise and out of curiosity.
“Did you get the scholarship from the University of Tokyo?” Kuroo asks.
“I did. What about you?”
Kuroo’s face lights up, “Yeah! Guess you can’t get rid of me that easily, can you, y/n?” He laughed.
“Idiot. We probably won’t even run into each other at the campus at all. It’s huge,” you told him.
You were about to tell them about the possibility of you studying abroad but cheers and congratulations erupted from the team for the two of you. Instead, you saved the news for another time. Hana merely watches with an unreadable smile on her face.
“It’s getting late, Tetsu. We should go,” she says, tugging on Kuroo’s sleeve, the smile still on her face.
Reaching the school gates, the team went about their separate ways.
You, Kenma, and Kuroo accompanied Hana to the bus stop. While waiting for her bus, you and Kenma sat on a nearby bench, giving the couple a bit of privacy.
You try to listen as Kenma tells you about the game he was playing but your eyes seem to gravitate towards the lovebirds across from you. They stood under a snow-covered tree, with Kuroo wrapping one of his arms around her waist as they talked. You watched as they laughed about something you didn’t know about. They were completely in their own little world. One that you had no place in.
You wonder about what could have been if you’d confessed to Kuroo before Hana came into the picture.
“Y/n, maybe you should stop staring,” Kenma interrupts your thoughts. You turned to look at him.
“I’m not staring.”
Right after you said so, your gaze returns to the couple before you could stop yourself.
“Are too,” he quips, the hint of a smirk tugging on his lips.
“Am not,” you insisted, looking away to glare at Kenma’s game instead.
“Are too.”
“Am no– oh, the bus is here,” you said.
The two of you walked over to Hana and Kuroo.
“Call me when you get home safe, petal!” Kuroo calls out as Hana gets on the bus. You and Kenma wave goodbye to Hana and she returns it.
The three of you stood there for a moment watching as the bus leaves and disappears around the corner.
“So, petal, huh?” you joked. Kuroo glared at you while Kenma snorted.
“You’re just jealous,” Kuroo retorted. Your jaw drops. Well, he was right. Every inch of your being was oozing with jealousy but you weren’t going to let him know that.
“As if I’d even date you,” you said, crossing your arms over your chest. Standing next to Kuroo, Kenma gives you a deadpan expression before he sighs and starts walking.
The three of you settled into your usual, comfortable banter as you made your way home.
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a/n: Sorry this took a while! I hope you like it. Let me know what you think. :)
Disclaimer: Kuroo Tetsurou, Haikyu!! and other Haikyu!! characters belong to Haruichi Furudate.
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