#aidan's works
funky-dealer · 2 months
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first time drawing scavs i kind of hated it
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force-dyad · 5 months
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trashcatsnark · 1 year
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SilverV as Onion Headlines
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crownedinmarigolds · 2 months
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It's Aidan Evans! Commissioned by my darling @discodiablo! We're just having fun, guys... Thank you so much!
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You’re gonna look at me and tell me that I’m wrong?!
Somebody needs to cast this man as young Bruce STAT
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wistfulpoltergeist · 4 months
List 5 facts about a favourite sim of yours ♥♥♥ and send this to 3 simblrs whose sims you adore. (P. S. Now I want Arwin and Aidan for the full picture! I know you made them before but it's never enough of Arwin and Aidan!!!)
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Arwin and Aidan it is then! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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1) Aidan's from a Tartosian artistic and intellectual family. His father is a philosopher and anthropologist and his mother's a painter.
2) Aidan's living on his own since the age 16. And of course, there's a long story behind it I'm not willing to tell :D But I will say that living on his own taught him a lot of things.
3) Aidan plays the guitar! As you already guessed, Arwin adores Aidan playing something for him.
4) Aidan doesn't have a sense of personal space. Nor his, neither others. So if you think he stands too close to you - then he probably does. :D
5) Aidan can't cook, but he tries his best to make a rare and exquisite Tartosian dish for Arwin. Usually it looks weird. And tastes weird. But Arwin pretends he likes it.
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1) Arwin belongs to a very wealthy family of Del Sol Valley. As the only child and the heir of De Winter's successful mining business Arwin grew up under the constant demand to be the best in everything. And as a result…
2) Arwin run away from home, right from the doorstep to his marriage. Alice and Arwin meant to each other by their families as the perfect match. Needless to say there was no place for true love between them. And btw Alice married other man shortly after Arwin's disappearance. :D
3) Arwin worked as the waiter in the railroad cafe. It was a period of his deepest depression. He was even going to end his life by taking sleeping pills.
4) Arwin also worked as the mansion manager until... the owner of this place (an elegant old lady) fell for him.
5) Arwin can't cook. At all. He'll burn the kitchen if he tries. :D
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flipperbrain-awakes · 6 months
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1.03 Scything
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xvivinx · 1 month
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"And If You Call Me Young Man One More Time I'm Going To Put Your Head Through That D**m Wall"⏱️🧒🏻🪓
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bluetorchsky · 5 months
Some of my doodles from @00lari00's whiteboard! I don't have a lot of time to keep going cause of work tomorrow, so I'm hoping I can add more in the next few days
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Just my stick persona, Violet, and Aidan/Aiden saying "Hello!" in Irish Gaelic (I really need to choose a variation for this lad, but it's always the one with the 'a' in it)
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And my version of Terrence Suave from my DAD!AU (Deities and Dragons AU). It's the moment he finds out his partner of almost ten years, Randy, disappeared during a mission with Reginald delivering the bad news. The earring was an anniversary gift from Randy, while they would have gotten a diamond necklace from Terrence. This is where Terrence's anxiety skyrockets and his sanity descends lower and lower...
And yeah, apparently when I had finished the Terrence doodle, Whiteboard just didn't save it. I had refreshed the page after doing a pre-sketch of the ArcCoil family as plushies and whoops. His hair is gone. *rubs eyes* It's fine, it's there at least...
Can't wait to draw my other versions of the other characters that are on the whiteboard, lol. Just wish I had gotten Accordion and Violin down somewhere at least...
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anglophiletraveler · 27 days
In My Life Chapter 40
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Written by Paul McCartney and John Lennon
Sorry that it’s taken so long for this chapter.  I had a hard time writing this one, which is probably why I titled it Help!  Thanks for sticking around and supporting this story!
There was a mutual gasp in the room when Ross called out Elizabeth’s name.  A startled Demelza covered her mouth and looked at everyone around her… Dwight, Grace and Joshua and Verity.  Of course the staff in the room didn’t realize what was going on.  
Dr. Brown looked at Demelza, “Are you Elizabeth?”
Demelza couldn’t speak, she just shook her head.
Grace spoke up hoping that maybe she could make sense of what just happened, “Ross, dear, can you hear me?”
He shook his head and mouthed the word ‘yes’.
Grace smiled, “You’ve given us a scare!  Especially Demelza!”  Grace waved her hand nonchalantly but in a hope that Ross noticed Demelza was in the room.
It worked.
Ross tried to sit up, “Demelza!”  
“Mr. Poldark lay back down, you can’t get up,” a nurse was trying to get him to settle back down.
Demelza grabbed his hand and kissed it, “I’m right here.  I’m not going anywhere.” Tears were rolling down her cheek.  She could find out why Ross called out for Elizabeth later.  It was more important that he’s awake and feeling better.  
Joshua spoke up, “Son, do you remember what happened?”
Grace gave Joshua a dirty look.
“Not a whole lot.  Elizabeth had just called me.  I answered… phone on….  bluetooth, didn’t know it was her.”  It was obvious Ross was having a hard time breathing.  “She… bitch…”
“Shhhh Ross, calm down.  We don’t have to talk about this now.  It’s not important.  Just relax, I don’t want you to get upset.  She’s not worth it,” Demelza’s voice was a little stronger as she tried to get Ross to settle down.  
“I think maybe we should let Ross get some rest.  The last thing we need to do is tire him out right now,” Dwight spoke up in his doctor voice.
“I think you are correct Dr. Enys,” Joshua said.  He leaned over and gave Ross a kiss on the forehead.  “Son, it’s so good to see you awake.”
“Thanks dad.”
Verity walked up to Ross’s bedside and gave him a kiss on the forehead, “Behave yourself Ross.  I love you.”
Grace got up out of her wheelchair, “We’ll be back later on darling.  Get some rest.”
Ross looked at Demelza, “Don’t go.”
Demelza looked at Dwight.  “Alright you can stay, but I don’t want either one of you getting upset.  Ross needs to rest.”
Demelza smiled, “I promise.”  Dwight smiled at Demelza and Ross as he left the room.
Demelza scooted her chair closer to Ross’s bedside, and picked up his arm and kissed and leaned her face against it and sighed.
Ross noticed that Demelza looked tired.  Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun, her eyes had dark circles under them along with being bloodshot.  He moved his arm so that he could run his fingers through her hair, “You look… very tired, love.”
She hummed at the feel of his fingers in her hair.  She was worried that this simple gesture of love would never happen again, “I’m fine as long as you’re awake and doing better.”
“I’m sorry… that.. I worried you,” Ross’s voice was weak.
“Shhhh, you have nothing to apologize for.  It wasn’t your fault.  Just relax and get some sleep.”
“Did you… spend the night…here?”
Demelza sighed and looked him in the face.  He would know if she lied to him, “Yes, well not here in the room.  I slept on the couch in the waiting room.  The nurses were nice to me and gave me a pillow and a blanket.  I wasn’t going to leave you here!  I wanted to be here when you woke up.”
Ross smiled and let his finger caress her cheek, “Demelza, promise… me that you’ll …go home and get some rest.  Please baby.”
“I am totally fine.  I don’t need to go home.  Drake is taking care of Seamus for us, so I don’t have to worry about that.  So, Mr. Poldark, I am all yours!”  She was trying to convince him that she wasn’t tired and didn’t need to leave him.  “Honest Ross.  I’m fine.  If I get tired, I’ll go out in the lobby and take a break.  I almost lost you and I don’t want to leave you just yet.”
Ross smiled, “Right… but I’m not going anywhere.  Hey did … anyone find my cell phone from the accident?”
“Um no, if someone did find it nobody told me.  Do you remember the accident?” Demelza asked.
“A little.  Everything’s kind of foggy right now. I remember talking to Elizabeth on my bluetooth, and then I hung up on her.  Then she called again and after that …. I don’t remember anything.  My throat is really sore.  Can you help me with a glass of water?”
“Of course.”  Demelza got up to search through a drawer to find a straw for Ross to drink through.  “Here you go babe.  Does that help?”
“Yes, thanks.  I’m really tired. I think I’m going to take a nap.  Why don’t you go home so you can get some proper rest and then come back later,” Ross suggested.
“I don’t know…” Demelza looked at Ross and he definitely looked knackered, “Maybe I will.  But I will be back, so you are not going to be rid of me.”
Ross grabbed her hand, “Babe, I don’t ever want to be rid of you.  Lean down here and give me a kiss before you leave.”
Demelza leaned down to kiss Ross’s lips, then his nose and his forehead,  “I love you Ross.”  Demelza couldn’t help the tears dripping down onto Ross’s cheeks.
Ross raised his hand to run it over Demelza’s cheek, “I love you too, love.  I can’t wait for us to get married.” Demelza smiled but couldn’t keep herself from crying even more.  “Hey there, shhhh.  Everything’s going to be fine baby, please don’t cry.  You need to go home and get some rest.  You’ve worn yourself out.  I can see it in your eyes.”
Demelza stood up and wiped her tears away, “I’m sorry.  You’re probably right.  I’ll be back later.”
A couple days later, Ross was stable enough that he was able to be moved into a step down unit and also to be interviewed by police about the accident.  Joshua and Grace just happened to be in the room when the police arrived.  They were able to return his phone to him after they pulled the call history from it, to see if he was on a call when the accident happened.  He explained to him that his ex-fiance had called him and he hung up on her while wearing his blue tooth, and that she called back again.  At least he assumed it was Elizabeth, he never actually heard a voice from the other end and then the accident happened.
Secretly, Ross was more concerned if he was actually the one to cause the accident, but fortunately the police officer told him that another driver in the lane next to him caused the accident when he was distracted by his friend in the seat next to him. They were a couple of young college students not paying attention to what they were doing.   It turns out that he not only hit Ross’s car, but he rear ended the car in front of him, causing a chain reaction.  In total, there were seven cars involved.  Luckily there were no fatalities.  There were plenty of witnesses that all confirmed what happened.  The police officer left all of the paperwork with Ross that he would need to turn into his insurance company.
All three of them sighed after the officer left.  “Well, that’s a relief,” Ross said.
Grace looked at her son, “What’s that dear?”
“I was afraid that I caused the accident while talking on the phone with Elizabeth.”
“Well, you were honest with the officer and told him that you were on the bluetooth.  You weren’t actually holding the phone.  I still can’t believe that bitch Elizabeth tried to convince you not to marry Demelza!  Who the hell does she think she is!” Grace answered.
Ross gasped at his mum, “Mum! Watch your language!”
Joshua was smirking at his wife, got up and stretched his legs, “ I’m sure your precious BMW is totaled,” Joshua smiled at Ross.  
“Yeah, that’s what I’ve been thinking.  That really pisses me off.  I loved that car.  It was the first thing I bought when I got my job at the firm.  Now we’ll have to get two cars… one for Demelza and one for me now.”
Grace smiled and raised her eyebrows and hummed, “Hmmm interesting…”
Ross tilted his head at his mother and the dark Poldark eyebrows furrowed, “What?  What are you thinking, mother?”
She sat back and smiled while her crossed legs started bouncing, “Oh nothing, just…”
Joshua was spying the evil grin on his wife’s face.
“Just what mum?  What are you thinking?”
“Nothing!  My goodness you’re so suspicious!  You need to lay back and rest.”
“I am not going to relax until you tell me what you’re up to!” Ross’s voice was getting louder now.
“Shhh!  Don’t get all rattled, love.  I was just thinking that you might want to get a bigger vehicle, you know, for the future, like a van or…”
Joshua and Ross both gave Grace a dirty look.  “Mum, there is no bloody way in hell that I’m getting a van!  We don’t need a van!  Bloody hell!  What are you thinking!?”
“Calm down!  I was just thinking that maybe you might need something bigger with Demelza’s cello, and… and… the trips you might take, and if you start having babies you’ll need something bigger,” Grace was still grinning.
Ross shook his head and looked up at the ceiling, “Mother!  I told you that we might not even have kids.  We haven’t decided on that for sure.  Mum please don’t say anything to Demelza about this.  I promised not to pressure her about kids.”
“Is that something that you and Demelza are definite on?” Now Joshua was in on the conversation.
Ross looked at his father and then looked down, “Look, it’s… undecided at this point.  Demelza’s not sure about kids.  You have to remember that she basically raised her six brothers, so the thought of having her own children is a bit overwhelming to her.”
Joshua moved to sit back down next to Ross, “Ross, I always thought that you wanted children?  This is a big decision to make, have you really thought about what a life without children will be like?  Don’t get me wrong, I really love Demelza and think she’s a wonderful woman, but to not be totally certain about something this important before you get married can really cause trouble down the road.”
Ross let out a big sigh, “Dad, Demelza and I have talked about this plenty of times.  Yes, I want children, but I love Demelza more, and if she decides not to have children, then I will just have to live with it. I don’t want to lose her.   Now can we please change the subject before she gets here because I don’t want her walking in here with all of these long faces.  Please.”
Grace and Joshua both looked into their son’s face and saw how serious he was about his words, and knew they wouldn’t be able to change his mind.  
Luckily a nurse came into the room to check Ross’s vitals so the tension in the room lightened up. 
Ross looked at his parents, “So are two still staying in the hotel?”
Joshua nodded, “Yes, it’s nice that it’s just across the street and we can pop over so that your mother can have a kip.”
“Well, you can always stay at our place.  I’m sure Demelza wouldn’t mind…”
Just then Demelza walked in with a smile on her face, “What wouldn’t I mind?”
Ross’s face broke out in a bright smile, “There’s my girl!  I was just saying you wouldn’t mind if mum and da stayed at our place while they’re here in town.”
Demelza leaned down to kiss Ross, “Of course not.  You’re more than welcome to stay at the house.”
“Oh thank you Demelza, I was just telling Ross that the hotel across the street is really convenient for us so that Grace can go to the room and take a quick nap.  But if you need me to drive you to rehearsal and pick you up, I’d be more than happy to do that for you,”  Joshua responded.
Demelza sat on the bed next to Ross and grabbed his hand, “Thank you.  Maestro said if I wanted to take the rest of the week off, he wouldn’t have a problem with it.  But thank you anyway!”
Ross looked at Demelza, “Babe, are you sure you want to miss that much rehearsal time?”
“Well Ross, I didn’t even ask.  He called me so I think it’ll be alright.  Plus I’ve still been practicing at home.  And speaking of home, Seamus is really missing you.  He’s been moping around like crazy.”
“Aww poor Seamus!” Grace said.
“You should sneak him in for me!” 
“Ross, how am I going to sneak in an Irish Setter?” Demelza was smiling at her fiance.
“Nobody will mind.  Just say that he’s a therapy dog!”  All three just shook their heads 
at Ross.
Joshua stood up, “Well on that note, I think your mother and I will go get something to eat and head back to the hotel for the night.  Demelza dear, let us know if there’s anything we can do for you.”
Demelza stood up to hug her future in-laws, “Oh I will, thank you again.  Take care Grace.  Get some rest.”
“Good night Demelza.  You get some rest also!”
Demelza turned around and raised her eyebrows at Ross, “We're finally alone!”  She went over and put her hands on Ross’s face, careful not to knock off his oxygen hose, and gave him the deepest, lustful kiss that she could give him.  
Ross moaned, “Mmmm I could use more of that Mrs Poldark.”
“Hey now, don’t jinx us!  What… what is this stuff?”
Ross opened the envelope and bag and showed Demelza the contents, “The police brought it by.  It’s my phone and some other stuff that was in my car.  I guess I’m going to have to get a new phone.  Maybe then I’ll be able to find out for sure if it was Elizabeth calling back a second time.”
“Well, I can work on getting you a new phone tomorrow.  I don’t think the store will be open now.  Have they said when you can come home?”  Ross tried to pull Demelza closer to him, but she was resisting, “Ross, not here!”
“Oh you’re no fun!  Come on baby, just snuggle a little bit. I miss you,” Ross was starting to whine.
“Alright, just a little,” Demelza wrapped herself under Ross’s arm.  She couldn’t help herself and started caressing Ross’s belly.  “Mmmm I have to admit this does feel good.  Ross..”
“I think we should postpone the wedding.  It’s going to take a while before you’re feeling better, so I think we should postpone it.  When you’re feeling better and stronger, then we will have the dresses and the suits and we can go ahead and get married,” Demelza’s voice was soft.
Ross sat up, “Absolutely not!  We are not changing a thing.  You hear me?” 
Demelza looked up in Ross’s eyes, “Yes, I heard you.  But it doesn’t make me happy.  Ross, you’re going to take a while to recover, it’s not something that can be rushed.
“I am going to be just fine by the time of the wedding.  My respiratory treatments are going well, my physical therapy started today.  I will be fully healed and strong when I say my vows to you.   Speaking of which, do we have an officiant lined up?”
“Oh, um I don’t know.  I’ll have to check with Caroline about that,” Demelza weaved Ross’s fingers through hers.
Ross’s eyebrows furrowed like they always do when he’s thinking, “Speaking of which, I haven’t seen Caroline since I’ve been in the hospital.  I mean, not that I’d expect her to be here for hours on end, I just thought…why are you looking that way?  What’s wrong?”
Demelza let out a sigh, “Well she was here with me the whole first day while you were in surgery, but I just got the feeling that there’s something wrong going on between Dwight and Caroline.  That whole day they barely said two words to each other.”
“Did you ask them about it?  That is kind of weird for them.”
“Yeah it is, and yes I did.  I asked Caroline when Dwight had stepped out if they were alright, and she just said something like they were going through a rough patch.  Later on Dwight said the same thing and that it was nothing to worry about.  I haven’t seen her since, but  I have talked to her on the phone a couple of times, but we really haven’t had time to talk about it.  I’m really worried about them though.  Maybe you could talk to Dwight?  See if he will talk to you about it.”
Ross kissed Demelza’s hand, “If I get the chance without a bunch of staff around, I will.  Now, talk less, snuggle more.”
Demelza rolled her eyes and followed Ross’s instructions.  But of course, with snuggling, eventually comes snogging, until…
“Oh please!  Really Ross!  In a hospital!  Don’t you have more respect for yourself than that!”
Ross and Demelza jumped out of their skin and looked towards the door and there stood Elizabeth hand on hip, a very expensive handbag hanging from the other arm, a very expensive dress hugging all of her curves, hair and makeup perfectly done.
Ross sat up in bed, inadvertently yanking his oxygen tube from his nostrils, “Elizabeth, what the fuck are you doing here?”  Demelza’s face quickly turned beet red.  She climbed off the bed and straightened herself up in her embarrassment.  
“I came here to talk some sense into you.  I wasn’t expecting to visit your hospital room while the two of you are screwing.  Very tacky even for you Ross,” Elizabeth said.
“Elizabeth, you’re the reason why I’m in this hospital bed, so… please… leave!” Demelza noticed that Ross was starting to have trouble breathing, so she hit the nurse call button.
“Elizabeth, I think you should go, you’re upsetting Ross,” Demelza raised her voice to try to get Elizabeth to leave.  
“I am not going anywhere until I talk with Ross.  Alone!”
The nurse came in and immediately put the oxygen mask back on Ross instead of the hose that was previously in his nostrils.  She was an older nurse who looked like she didn’t take shit from anybody.   “Alright, calm down Mr. Poldark, you’ve got your heart rate up.  Take some nice easy breaths.  That’s right, nice and slow.  Okay gorgeous, now, which one of these birds got you riled up?”  Ross pointed to Elizabeth.  The nurse looked right at Elizabeth, “Alright sweetheart, it’s time for you to leave.”
Elizabeth just stood still, “I am not going anywhere, I need to speak with Mr Poldark before I leave.”
“Look lady, I don’t know who you are, and I don’t care who you are except that you’re upsetting my patient and now he can’t breathe.  So either you leave on your own, or I call security.  It’s your choice.” Demelza couldn’t help but smirk.
Elizabeth gasped and scowled at the nurse, so the nurse reached for the phone to call security, so Elizabeth finally left.  
Demelza was standing by the bed and rubbing the hair out of Ross’s forehead, trying to get his breathing to settle down.  
The nurse got a cool wet washcloth and placed it on Ross’s forehead.  She took a listen at his lungs, and looked at his heart rate blip across the screen.  “Now that we got her out of the way, I’ll put a note up on your door that all visitors are to check at the desk before they come in.  Alright?  So just calm yourself down.  We’re going to keep this mask on you for a little while longer.” the nurse looked at Demelza, “So redbird, are you his girlfriend?”
Demelza smiled at the nickname the nurse gave her, “We’re engaged.  That woman was engaged to him years ago but is married now to his cousin.”
“Ahhh she’s trying to have her cake and eat it too!  I get it now.  Well, we will take care of this at the desk.  Now, I think you should be going in a little while. Your future mister needs his rest after Miss Fancy Pants disrupted him.”
Demelza frowned, “Is he going to be alright?  What about his breathing?”
“Don’t you worry, I’ll keep both my eyes on ‘im for ya, and if there’s anything you need to know, I’ll call you.  You have to take care of yourself too, ya know. I’ll give you 30 minutes.”  The nurse smiled at Demelza and then left the room.
Demelza looked at Ross wearing the oxygen mask again.  He looked pale like he did a few days ago and that worried her.  “Oh Ross, I could just smack Elizabeth!  How could she come charging in here like that!  I’d like to get a handful of her hair and drag her around a bit!”
Ross smiled at Demelza picturing her dragging Elizabeth by the hair of her head.  He held her hand and tried to comfort her, “I’m fine, I shouldn’t…  have let her…  get to me like that.  She’s… not worth…it.”
“I don’t want to leave you Ross.  I’m worried now, and I want to stay and keep watch over you,” Demelza was almost in tears now.
“My love… I am fine and I’ll… be okay.  I have all of this equipment monitoring…me, and that nurse … watches me like… a hawk…  so don’t, worry, my redbird,” Ross smiled at her new nickname.  
Demelza gave a weak smile at that, “Alright. I’ll go, but I’ll be back first thing. I love you Ross,” she leaned down and kissed his forehead.
“I love you too Demelza.”
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vigilskeep · 2 years
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apparently i actually wrote a tiny bit ages ago for the concept of “isabela straight up sails into the fade guns blazing to get hawke back” and i’m enamoured with the visual still
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aidansplaguewind · 9 months
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Dancing & Drinking leads to 🥵 ....in Trouble With Sex (2005)
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garbagequeer · 24 days
saw someone criticize carrie sex and the city because she cared more when big was in the hospital because she cried than she did when samantha got cancer. which is crazy because they tell you in the episode that carrie is going into a crazy ass state of denial because she is so so scared samantha could die and this is kinda almost ruining her relationship... you guys just hate to see a real one lose their marbles day in and day out
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crownedinmarigolds · 7 months
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It's Aidan Evans for @discodiablo! A Toreador Volgirre who is just out to have a good time on the town! (Nothing will happen, I'm sure.) He was so fun to draw, thank you so much for commissioning me! I loved loved loved learning about him!!
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deathandthesoul · 3 months
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Had to use a fantasia to tweak him a little but Aidan's looking pretty good with the graphics update
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richs-pics · 1 year
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Devil's bit scabious with hoverfly
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