#aiko iwasaki
takatsuki-division · 9 months
Aiko’s thoughts on Blade Maiden
“Ah Furukawa-san. We hardly spoke during the last rap battle but I recall seeing her in the halls clearly distressed by something-!” He frowns “I don’t recall what it was though- or if she even told me”
“Kirumi speaks highly of her- she’s been spending more time with the members of blade maiden as of late. I shouldn’t be surprised though considering she’s married to one of them”
“I knew her boyfriend back when I was in the navy- he landed a good catch with Oshiro-san” he smiles “I’ll have to pay a visit to the museum she works at sometime- though I’m sure I’ll look out of place”
He roars with laughter upon seeing her picture
“Oh she’s fun- when I found out that her and Kirumi were an item I dragged her to club nova one night. As her older brother I well…I wanted to make sure she was the right girl for Kirumi. I gave the whole big brother speech about hurting her if she hurt my sister…and she decked me in the nose”
He laughs
“Serves me right for threatening a damn MMA champ- I knew right then and there that she was perfectly fine weirdly enough. Though I didn’t voice that opinion until after the bleeding stopped”
Blade Maiden
“An interesting group of ladies to say the least- part of me hopes we get a rematch with them someday! I’m eager to kick their ass this time”
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mswyrr · 5 months
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Scientists have known this for years but it's an inconvenient truth that requires elites actually do something so instead we get bs about how "mild" it is.
People in charge could take some money and spend it on clean indoor air and paid sick leave any time they want and it would lessen the damage tremendously.
Some states and school districts etc are investing in clean indoor air and that is great. But it needs to be mandated with teeth like fire codes are.
Good news is that a recent study revealed clean indoor air is even more effective than we thought- lowering co2 in a room not only indicates the air is fresh (not rebreathed) but makes the air less hospitable for the virus to survive in. Clean indoor air could do so much.
There's currently no cure for long covid and the multiple, sometimes quite severe, effects.
I'm hopeful, however, that the recent Times 100 in health recognized so many people (including Dr Al-Aly whose work Eric Topol cites in the tweet above) working on long covid and better covid vaccines and there's been pieces on indoor air in major outlets, but it's not a problem that is going away, it's getting worse with each wave of reinfections.
I'm also hopeful due to the work of Dr Aiko Iwasaki at Yale. She's focusing on Long Covid and better vaccines that drive down transmission.
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uenodivision · 10 months
Hypnosis Mic Shuffle Team, Vol. 3 (Part 4) (Cont.)
Prince & Princess
Kirumi "Crystal" Mayeda
Eldrid "Valkyrie" Iwasaki
Doesn't Matter (How Much Time)
Black Shrine
Yuriko "Black Dahlia" Kuromiya
Nadya "Vipera" Kuromiya
Worthy of the Name (Rap Battle)
Secretive Masterminds
Queen Card
Kanon "Mz. Hyde" Hojo
One Division At a Time (Remix)
Secret Lovers
Yorii "Sireen" Sakuma
Elliot "MC Nanashi" Shimizu
Kureha "Eclipse" Koizumi
Kanra "D. Vil" Akemi
My Shining Star (Take My Hand)
Master & Expert
Miho "Iron Maiden" Kobayashi
Goro "The Expert" Eguchi
Obey Me (Iron Maiden Solo)
Peace and Quiet
Makina "Screen Shot" Setsukura
Nikki "1-Up" Yoshie
Miku "Hex 13" Shirazuki
Leave Us (To Our Monotony)
Divine Intervention
Masa "The Father" Judice
Oki "ATLAS" Teagan
Juu "10" Judice
Eiji "MC Mogul" Noguchi
God Makes Us Better (Than You)
Three Wise Women
Anika "Rush Hour" Kiyozaki
Chinami "Oracle" Chinen
Aira "Nightingale" Otonashi
The Misanthropes
Akari "Cinder" Himura
Juu "10" Judice
Wet Em’ Up (Pow, Pow!) (Remix)
Cyber Sound
Aiko "A.I.-ko 1.0" Shinomiya
Saburo "MC L.B." Yamada
Masuzō "Malphas" Shinomiya
Ageha "A.D.A." Shinozaki
Synthetic Planet
@takatsuki-division @taito-division @edogawa-division @minato-division01 @minato-division03 @shizuokadivision @setagaya-division @saitama-division @shinagawa-division @akihabara-division03 @akihabaradivision @ginza-division @ota-division @nerima-division @katsushika-division
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neonbreakor · 1 year
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"I love Aiko Iwasaki. Happy womencrushwednesday"
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plaguebearing · 1 year
@veroxins said: [MSG]: If you come home and see an ambulance outside, don’t worry. I’ve got it all under control.
Aiko squints at her phone.
[MSG]: Daiten Iwasaki [MSG]: Are you injured or is somebody else
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embitea-official · 6 years
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Commission Showcase!: BnHA OC Aiko Iwasaki (BnHA Gala Event) [ X ] *** Total Worktime: 4 Hours
I think I bled my eyes out dotting and coloring the ‘leaves’ along the dress. (;; ΄◉◞౪◟◉ ) A very interesting take on a villain OC with a mun just as great! Do check out Dr. Iwasaki when you get the chance, I promise you won’t regret it! ☆⌒( ゝω・)
Could have done better on the leaf embroidery of the dress in accordance to its reference, but it’s now 4AM and honestly I think it came out just fine~♡
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taito-vs-takatsuki · 3 years
Drama Track: A Warrior's Name in the Stars
Pt. 3
--- The Epilogue ---
-- Division Rap Battle Stadium, Chuohku Division --
[The battle between the Divisions of Taitō and Takatsuki had finally come to an end. The only people remaining from both teams were the third member of Blade Maiden, Eldrid Iwasaki, and the leader of Shattered Moon, Ryoko Minamoto. All other four competitors were lying on the ground unconscious, their stamina and energy depleted.]
[Both Eldrid and Ryoko looked no better, as both were completely spent. As an MMA fighter, Eldrid was used to tough opponents and long-lasting fights, but those were nothing compared to these rap battles. She felt she could sleep for an entire year, and still wake up, exhausted. Breathing heavily, with her one good eye, she looked at her opponent, Ryoko, who was in the same state. Now, it was just a matter of who would be the first to collapse.]
[The crowd watched with bated breathe as both women were on spaghetti legs. The atmosphere was tense, as many people in attendance found themselves sweating, afraid of what might happen if the team they rooted for were to lose. All were on the edge of their seats, waiting to see which of these two women luck would favor the most. Alas, the question was soon answered...]
[Though it was obvious that she tried to stay awake, the computer programmer, Ryoko, finally collapsed on her hands and knees, giving one last look of defiance to the MMA fighter, before falling onto the ground, defeated. Eldrid's eye rose in surprise, and she looked as Ichijiku walked onto the stage at the point.]
Ichijiku: Ryoko Minamoto has fainted! All members of Shattered Moon are down! The winners of the D.R.B. match between Taitō and Takatsuki are Blade Maiden!!
[At the Deputy Prime Minister's announcement, the crowd erupted in cheers and yells as Taitō Division emerged victorious. Eldrid was still breathing heavily as she looked at all of the audience cheering for her and her team. This was nothing new to her since she was used to people cheering for her. Looking back at her teammates, who were still down and out, the MMA fighter wished they could have been awake to experience this.]
[Turning to walk away to assist her teammates, the Viking descendent turned to give one last look at the computer programmer, who was still lying on the ground, unconscious. Scoffing at her, Eldrid lumbered over to her teammates, effortlessly picking them, though it took one or two tries due to how exhausted she was. She then began walking out off the stage as Chuohku attendants tended to Shattered Moon.]
-- Resting Room --
[Everything hurt, the pain was the first thing Ryoko noticed when she finally awoke after collapsing. She knew she lost, the look on her opponent's face said it all! Rubbing her head, she watched Aiko walk past her and out the door, he murmured something about going to find his girlfriend. Taking a good look around the room Ryoko noticed Kirumi speaking to someone…was that who she thought it was?]
Ryoko: Leave, brat.
[The girl in question was Lana’s little sister. Apparently, she's good friends with Kirumi and had brought something for the gray-haired girl. The moment she heard Ryoko speak, she seemed to tense up before quickly leaving the room.]
Kirumi: That was rude.
Ryoko: Don’t fuckin' care.
[Kirumi sighed, taking a seat next to Ryoko and pulling something from the box Kanade had given her. It was a bunch of moon-shaped cookies apparently! She offered one to Ryoko, but the programmer declined it.]
Kirumi: Suit yourself.
[There was a silence between them that lasted for only a few moments.]
Kirumi: Ryoko.
Ryoko: Hm?
[Kirumi gently placed a hand on Ryoko's back.]
Kirumi: We’ll win next time.
[A smile flashed across Ryoko's face- a rare yet genuine smile.]
Ryoko: Yeah… next time, we’ll win.
Kirumi: Do you need some alone time?
[This was a common thing with Ryoko. Whenever something as big as this happened, the programmer tended to hide away in her room for a few hours. Ryoko nods and Kirumi gets up, picking up the box and leaving a cookie behind for her friend in case she wanted a snack.]
Kirumi: I’ll give you some space then, there's someone I want to go talk to anyway.
[After Kirumi left the room Ryoko leaned back in her chair with a groan of pain, nibbling on the cookie as she began to think to herself.]
-- Taito Resting Room --
[The second member of Blade Maiden groaned as she opened her eyes, only to swiftly close them as she was hit with a bright light. Preparing herself this time, Fleuret slowly open them again, letting her eyes get used to the light, blinking.]
Fleuret: Where am I?
???: Finally awake, Sleeping Beauty?
[Looking to her left, the museum curator looked as her teammate and friend, Eldrid was sitting on a chair in the room, a half-bitten green apple in her left hand.]
Fleuret: Eldrid? *Tries to sit up, but stops as pain shoots through her chest*
Eldrid: Yeah, you might wanna take it easy. Out of the three of us, you got hurt the worst.
Fleuret: The worst?
[Suddenly everything came flooding back to the forefront of Fleuret's mind. She briskly sat up, but clenched her teeth as she was again shot with another pain.]
Eldrid: What did I just say? Sit down before you hurt yourself even more.
Fleuret: Sorry. *Strains herself, and lies back down* But, the match... what happened? Did we... lose?
Eldrid: What? Of course not. We won, obviously.
Fleuret: *Her eyes grow wide* We... won?
Eldrid: Yup!
[The museum curator felt herself tear up, though she didn't know why.]
Fleuret: *Wiping her tears with her arm* Thank goodness.
Eldrid: *Cocks her good eyebrow* You okay, Goldie?
Fleuret: *Sniffs, still wiping her eyes* Hai, I'm fine. Just... happy.
[Eldrid held back a laugh and went back to biting into her apple, waiting for her friend to get herself together.]
Fleuret: *Finishes wiping her eyes* By the way, where is Azusa-san?
[Not answering, the MMA fighter pointed her head towards Fleuret, who struggled to turn her head, but looked as her friend and team leader was sleeping peacefully.]
Fleuret: Is she... okay?
Eldrid: Yeah, she's just exhausted. She went nuts after you got taken out. It was totally different from her usual self.
[Fleuret felt herself smiling at this. Despite how she may seem, Azusa took the safety of those she cared about very seriously. Fleuret saw much of this during their time in high school. It often got her hurt or in trouble, but Fleuret was truly grateful for her friend.]
Fleuret: *Looks back at Eldrid* If you don't mind me asking, what happened after I was knocked out?
Eldrid: *Smirks* Well...
[Before Eldrid could start her story, she and Fleuret looked up at the door, as they heard someone knocking on the other side. Groaning, the MMA fighter stood up, still a bit fatigued from the rap battle.]
Eldrid: It'd better be room service or something...
[Behind the door stood Kirumi, holding the box of cookies. Despite losing the rap battle, she seemed to be in good spirits… though she did look a bit hurt physically but that was due to the blow she received in the rap battle that knocked her out (that one, in particular, was the worst in her mind). Holding the cookie box up with a smile when she saw Eldrid open the door.]
Kirumi: I come bearing gifts… specifically from a fan of mine.
[The box of cookies did have a label addressed specifically to Kirumi and Aiko.]
Kirumi: I didn’t make them, but I wanted to share them! While I would normally share them with my team… I have no idea where Aiko and his girlfriend are, and Ryoko's being… Ryoko.
[The silver-haired girl smiled.]
Kirumi: I figured you guys might be hungry…it’s not much but it’s something.
[Eldrid looked surprised as Kirumi was behind the door. The MMA fighter admitted that she was happy to see her, especially since they had just battled each other not even an hour ago. After the exchange of insults and tirades the groups had unleashed on each other, it would have made sense for hostility to still be felt by the opposing teams. Eldrid was happy that wasn't the case.]
Eldrid: *Smiling, taking the box* Thanks! These look nice. *Opens the door more* You wanna chill with us for a bit?
Kirumi: I'd love to!
[She made her way into the room upon being invited inside. She was happy she didn't get shooed away especially after what just happened not too long ago… it didn’t help that Eldrid hated the silver-haired girl's team leader. It seems though that this hatred didn't really extend to Kirumi.]
Kirumi: Is Azusa-san going to be alright?
[Kirumi was a bit alarmed seeing a very unconscious Azusa.]
Kirumi: I don’t think I lasted long enough to really see most of the fight…Ai told me we lost though.
[Seeing Kirumi enter the room, Fleuret smiled and bowed her head at her, as her injury still prevented her from standing.]
Fleuret: Good to see you again, Kirumi-chan. *Looks at Azusa, who was still sleeping* Azusa-san will be fine. I think she was more exhausted than she let on.
[Eldrid nods, before sitting back into the chair, biting into one of the cookies from the box. Her eye grew in size as her taste buds enveloped all of the cookies' flavors. Truthfully, Eldrid wasn't really into sweet things, as too much sugar made her slow and tired. She liked them, but only in moderation.]
Eldrid: *Looks at Kirumi, still biting them* These aren't bad. Who made these?
Kirumi: Oh! Kana-chan…I mean Kanade made them! She came up to me after the match and handed me the box! *she chuckled* I’ve actually worked with her before believe it or not…considering the acting we both do is technically in two separate fields… Ah, I’m starting to ramble again my bad!
Eldrid: *Laughs at Kirumi* It's fine, I like listening to you. *Points to Fleuret* Besides, you're nothing compared to Goldie here. Get her interested in a subject, and she will literally talk for hours about it.
Fleuret: Ce n'est pas vrai! I simply enjoy intellectual talks.
Eldrid: Which would explain why you work in a museum.
[As the two teammates were teasing each other (with Kirumi listening), all three women were shocked as the leader of BM, Azusa, quickly sat up in her bed. Looking around, she surmised that she was back in her team's break room.]
Fleuret: Azusa-san?
[Azusa did not hear her teammates at first as she was still trying to get her thoughts in order. After a couple of seconds, she stood up from her bed, ignoring what injuries she had. With little more than a bow of her head to the three women, she ignored the stares she was getting as she left the room, stopping in the hallway. Though she did not intend to be rude, the dojo instructor had no idea how long she had been out, and only one thought on her mind: making sure her father was alright.]
Kirumi: Azusa?! [Kirumi was slightly confused, where was she going!?]
Kirumi: Should we go after her?!
[After wandering the halls for a while, the dojo instructor finally found what she was looking for: a telephone. Picking it up, she punched in a pile of numbers and silently waited for the other end to pick up. She had her eyes closed and her face was neutral, but she was silently worrying on the inside.]
[Because of her father's failing strength, Azusa tried to remain near at all times, with the only time being when she training her students in the dojo, or out shopping for necessities. And even then, she tried to lessen her time for at least 20-30 min., maybe even less than that. She was thankful for Jakurai Jinguji of Shinjuku for coming to check on him once a week. However, today was not the day for him to visit, so her father, unfortunately, was by himself.]
Azusa: Please pick up, father.
[She had hoped her father was awake and had the strength to answer the phone. Alas, her hopes were dashed as the phone, after five or six tones, instead went to an automated voice messaging system. She sighed, hanging the phone back on the receiver. She thought about living the stadium and rushing back home, but quickly brushed the thought aside. No way Chuohku would let her leave. And even if they did, doing so would be the same as admitting defeat, as every team needed three participants to continue.]
[Lamenting, she sighed as she placed her hand over her face, upset.]
[With his hands stuffed into his pockets Aiko made his way down the hall, his mind blurry as he contemplated his loss…he just wanted to find Yuki. Instead, he stumbled across the leader of Blade Maiden…why did she look so upset?]
Aiko: Azusa-San? *he called out to her*
[He wasn’t exactly sure what was going on but being a nice guy he wanted to at least check on her.]
Aiko: Are you alright?
[Azusa looked as she heard someone speak, and was surprised to see it was one of the Mayeda siblings. Truthfully, she was glad that he was speaking to her, as it showed that there were no feelings of resentment between the two of them for the words and actions that they both had previously said an hour ago.]
[This was one of the reasons that Azusa did not hold either Chuohku or the D.R.B. in high regard. The PoW had no reservations about forcing anyone to join the D.R.B. against their will. They cared not about the stress or pain that the participants may have had to go through. Having the weight of not only your entire division but also your friends and family on your shoulders was not a good feeling.]
[And more often than not, the actions displayed, and the words said could have dire effects on both parties involved. It made Asuza wonder whether Chuohku enjoyed the chaos that they inadvertently bring with them when forcing someone to join their tournament.]
Azusa: *Bows her head* Thank you for your concern, Mayeda-san. But I am well. Thank you for asking.
[He wasn’t dumb, he could tell something was bothering her… but he wouldn’t press the issue. It wasn’t his place to pry; instead, he gently placed his hand on Azusa's shoulder and smiled gently at her.]
Aiko: You're one hell of a lady Azusa… you’ll get through this.
[Azusa looked as the man comforted her. She could tell that he was comforting her, which was a kind thing to do. It was men like him that gave Azusa hope for the future.]
Azusa: *Bows again* Thank you for your words, Mayeda-san. You have the heart of a gentleman. You will make a very fortunate woman very happy someday.
[Smiling at the older sibling, the dojo instructor bowed one final time before she turned to leave. As she did, she could hear the cheers of the crowd from the arena as another battle was beginning. The Blade Maiden leader knew not what else to expect from this tournament. But she and her friends would do all they can to make it through and achieve victory. ...At least, that is what she hoped fate would have for her...]
The End
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taito-division · 3 years
Eldrid's Thoughts on Takatsuki Division
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Ryoko Minamoto
"Fuck this bitch straight to hell. Lana told me that she was the one who was responsible for sending her and her sister back to their bitch of a mother. And take it from someone who's been abused, you try your hardest to escape from the past. You do not go back running towards it! Dumb bitch should have minded her own business!"
Aiko Mayeda
"Never met the guy before, but from what I hear, he's a DJ. …Hmm, I wonder if I pay him, could he write up a new entrance theme for me?"
Kirumi Mayeda
"The DJ's young sister, huh? …Not gonna lie, she's kinda cute. Honestly, her looks remind me much of Yuma. Maybe next time she's in town, I'll hit her up."
Shattered Moon
"Besides their snitch of a leader, I've got nothing against this division team. The siblings are alright, but if they come here to Taitō, they'd better not bring their bitch of a leader along. If they do, I'm gonna have some choice words with her, and they're not gonna be pretty."
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stray-cats-gosaro · 7 years
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plagued-yakuza · 5 years
@purepestilence​ - from here.  
Overhaul blinks quietly at that offer, the brief shock soon giving way to a disapproving stare. He crosses his fingers elegantly, staring down at Aiko in a politely displeasured stance.
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“Not at all. And I’d rather not know why you have those.”
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| @purepestilence – Continued From Here |
He hesitated then.
Tomura hesitated even though he said he wouldn’t. He knew he shouldn’t, but he turns to look towards Aiko. It was hard to read his expression, given how *Father* hide his key facial features, but with how his actions were…
He was feeling more guilty than anything – like he knew he shouldn’t be doing this.
“…It’s for your own safety, Aiko.”
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takatsuki-division · 10 months
Broken apart by death- held together by a string of fate
The team known as Shattered Moon is no longer- well…the leader is gone.
Ryoko Minamoto is dead- found at her computer unmoving and unresponsive by her roommate and teammate.
Now the team has reformed.
Their leader is the DJ known as Overdrive- but you can call him Aiko Mayeda. Stepping up in place of his fallen friend- will he play the part of leader well?
The second is the voice actress known as Echo- real name Kirumi Mayeda (though outside of the DRB she hyphenates her last name to be Mayeda-Iwasaki). Still recovering from actions both past and present- will she be able to overcome her fears?
The third member is Yukiko “Yuki” Sakura- also known by her MC name “Radiant Queen”. A former adult actress turned bartender- all she wanted to do is marry and lay low for awhile. Will she be able to avoid her previous fame?
Together these three form- Fractured Eclipse
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zabala0z · 2 years
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If we’re making our connections to the actual danganronpa universe and finding similarities, then here are the supports and minor antags.
We could always tell Kei and Aiko were antags just because of their descriptions
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plaguebearing · 5 years
@nia-isomi from here
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Aiko may not have been the best at dealing with her own crises, but if a friend was hurt or in danger she would always step up and handle it. It was that instinct that drew her to the scene of the kidnapping, she recognized the danger immediately.
Having just come from her less legal job, Aiko was armed - a fact that she’d likely need to explain later, but it came in handy in the moment. She drew her gun from within her lab coat, taking aim between the attackers eyes. She held the gun and spoke with all the confidence of somebody who knew how to use it.
“Put her down. Now.”
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taito-vs-takatsuki · 3 years
Bring It On (Blade Maiden vs Shattered Moon)
My dear, sweet Kirumi, I truly apologize I really don't want to do this, but I refuse to compromise Your stupid bitch of a leader pissed me right the fuck off! So don't stand in my way, you can't afford the payoff! You call yourself Crystal? Ha, don't make me laugh! With a single punch, I could break you right in half! This is the end of Shattered Moon's piss-poor saga! Say goodbye to Earth, and hello to Valhalla!
Violence is never an answer, but for you, I’ll make an exception You think you can beat me, well I’m bout to raise an objection You're a good fighter, but can you explain this Do you have a brain? Or are you only good with your fists Do you know who you're up against? I speak for a fucking living! Don't underestimate me, I won't be so forgiving I’m sorry to inform you, Blade Maiden is done The era of the broken moon has only just begun!
Broken Moon, you say? And exactly what use is that? If you have something broken, then simply fix it, little gnat! But none of you would understand, because you have no format Enough talk and words, time to commence combat! Aiko-san, Overdrive, whatever you call yourself Tell me, has all that vulgarity you call music made you deaf? If not then listen closely before you fall with your pride You will never defeat the one who has Honor by her side!
Time to make some noise, the true king is here Bow down to me, or I’ll show you the true meaning of fear Combat? Very well, take up your sword little knight I highly doubt you’d stand a chance in a fight All talk and no action, where’s your honor now! Give it up Blade Maiden, the end is coming soon Kneel for your new rulers, welcome the era of the moon
Bring it on! We're not stepping away from this fight! We'll stand tall against our enemy, day or night! Bring it on! The battle lines have now been drawn! We'll not cease until all foes are dead and gone!
[Battle Maiden:]
Defeat is not an option, Battle Maiden!
[Shattered Moon:]
We refuse to submit, Shattered Moon!
Victory is a must, nothing else to discuss So draw your swords and prepare for war! Now, bring it on!
'Think lightly of yourself, and deeply of the world' Wiser words have not been spoken, and I hope you heard Ryoko-san, tell me truly, are you happy with your life? You'd probably say yes, but I can tell you're full of strife Lashing out, causing trouble, picking needless fights It's a wonder that you even know your wrongs from your rights It's quite fitting that you named your team, 'Shattered Moon' But the only thing I see shattered here is you!
What do you know! I’m being preached at once more Honestly Azusa, your words are such a bore I'm tired of these games, let’s go, Samurai Think you can beat me? You're more than welcome to try Your swordsmanship can only get you so far Especially when your rap game is so sub-par Come on darling let me see what you can do It's almost a shame that I’m gonna have to crush you
You three lack foresight, you can't see what's in front of you Until you look beyond yourselves, you'll fail at all you do
What a weak defense! It will fall before our sword None of you can see that you're just pawns on the chessboard
Be happy, all three of you will soon become angels It's just a shame that your deaths will be slow and painful!
[Ryoko] I'm sick of this shit, let’s settle this fight Its time for us to leave blade maiden in the dark, and for us to step into the light
[Aiko] No matter the attack, our claim to victory is not lost Give up now or pay the cost
[Kirumi] Our words are our weapons, our mics wage war Come now, it’s time to settle the score!
Bring it on! We're not stepping away from this fight! We'll stand tall against our enemy, day or night! Bring it on! The battle lines have now been drawn! We'll not cease until all foes are dead and gone!
[Battle Maiden:]
Defeat is not an option, Battle Maiden!
[Shattered Moon:]
We refuse to submit, Shattered Moon!
Victory is a must, nothing else to discuss So draw your swords and prepare for war! Now, bring it on!
Fleuret-san, tell me truly, are the Mayeda siblings worthy?
Not at all, my friend, they're 100 years too early They made a poor choice waging war against us And now the moon they worship will slowly turn to dust
Really now? Are you sure that's not a misconception?
Afraid not, they lack honor, and that's not a preconception Overdrive wastes time doing senseless things He lacks the knowledge to walk the path of being a king And Crystal, though is kind, is simply second-rate When toppled over, like the King, she is put in checkmate In simpler terms, both of them are worth avoiding
I see, my, how truly disappointing
[Kirumi] Oh my oh my, what low-class insults
How about we point out some of your god damn faults Maidens living in the past, your reasonings are a mystery I’ll be sure to leave you both forgotten in the pages of history
Now now dear brother no need to be so harsh on our dear friends
[Aiko] Harsh? Hardly a fitting trial for their timely end Azusa stuck in the past, kendo is so damn out of out of style Is going after her even worthwhile? Don't even get me started on Fleuret! That honor happy knight One look at her and I can tell she wouldn’t last in a fight! I can’t even continue! These two aren’t worth the trouble!
Very well then, let’s leave them behind in the rubble
Well well, lookie here, it's just me and you, bitch Now to fulfill my promise, get ready to get lynched! You know the old saying that 'Snitches get stitches?' Well around here, snitches wind up in fuckin' ditches! You say you had your reasons, well I don't give a fuck You're a fuckin' stool pigeon, you wannabe ugly duck! Your friendship with Lana was nothing more than a crutch So from me and her to you, we say 'fuck you very much!'
[Ryoko] Hm~? Did I hear something? Was it just a waste of time? Sounds to me like dear Eldrid is running out of rhymes It's not like you’d understand, I did what I had to. If you were in my shoes you’d fucking do the same to I don't feel a fucking thing for her, not sorrow nor empathy Both you and her get no sympathy from me Guilt trips don’t work on me, life isn’t fucking fair Give me a reason why I should fucking care
Bring it on! We're not stepping away from this fight! We'll stand tall against our enemy, day or night! Bring it on! The battle lines have now been drawn! We'll not cease until all foes are dead and gone!
[Battle Maiden:]
Defeat is not an option, Battle Maiden!
[Shattered Moon:]
We refuse to submit, Shattered Moon!
Victory is a must, nothing else to discuss So draw your swords and prepare for war! Now, bring it on!
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bfa4ange · 2 years
Some Artists to look at...see bold inparticular
Caroline Achaintre -- Igshaan Adams -- Nevin Aladag -- Olga de Amaral -- Ghada Amer -- El Anatsul -- Evgeny Antuflev -- Leonor Antunes -- Polly Apfelbaum -- Hrafnhildur Arnardottir / Shoplifter -- Tonico Lemos Auad -- Lisa Anne Auerbach -- Jonathan Baldock -- Phyllida Barlow -- Yto Barrada -- Kevin Beasley -- Mary Lee Bendolph -- Sanford Biggers -- Josh Blackwell -- Cosima von Bonin -- Paloma Bosque -- Geta Bratescu -- Huguette Caland -- Pla Camil -- Barbara Chase-Riboud -- Chiachio & Giannone -- Sarah crowEST -- Alexandre da Cunha -- N. Dash -- Cristiana de March! -- Daniel Dewar & Gregory Gicquel -- Tracey Emin -- Josh Faught -- Christina Forrer -- Terri Friedman -- Orly Genger -- Yann Gerstberger -- Sam Gilliam -- Nury Gonzalez -- Sheela Gowda -- Kyungah Ham -- Harmony Hammond -- Channing Hansen -- Mona Hatoum -- Tamara Henderson -- Nicholas Hlobo -- Jim Hodges -- Zon Ito -- Takahiro Iwasaki -- Sergej Jensen -- Reena Saini Kallat -- Kimsooja -- Adrian Kiss -- Abdoulaye Konate -- Teresa Lanceta -- Ruth Laskey -- Sarah Lucas -- Eric N. Mack -- Goshka Macuga -- Turiya Magadlela -- Ibrahim Mahama -- Lavanya Mani -- Britta Marakatt-Labba -- Teresa Margolles -- Annette Messager -- Hana Miletic -- Kazuko Miyamoto -- Oscar Murillo -- Senga Nengudi -- Maria Nepomuceno -- Ernesto Neto -- Rivane Neuenschwander -- Otobong Nkanga -- Eko Nugroho -- Katherine Nunez & Issay Rodriguez -- Fusun Onur -- Sara Ouhaddou -- Rosana Palazyan -- Hardeep Pandhal -- Zoe Paul -- Sheila Pepe -- Grayson Perry -- Michael Raedecker -- Jessica Rankin -- Elaine Reichek -- Faith Ringgold -- Lara Schnitger -- Tschabalala Self -- Indre Serpytyte -- Yinka Shonibare MBE -- Jakkai Siributr -- Kiki Smith -- Shinique Smith -- Renee So -- Valeska Soares -- Do Ho Sun -- Gunes Terkol -- Aiko Tezuka -- Rosemarie Trockel -- Richard Tuttle -- Cecilia Vicuna -- Brent Wadden -- Franz Erhard Walther -- Pae White -- Anne Wilson -- Haegue Yang -- Yin Xiuzhen -- Paul Yore -- Billie Zangewa
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