#aj thegreatest
yah-gurl-ari · 5 months
from aj to you How picky is Apollo with food? What will and won't he eat?
Oof! This was from a while back but I'm always happy to help and answer questions! I'm going to try to be sure to answer these asks a lot more frequently.
Apollo in my head is a picky eater, at least early in his life. Oskar had him on diet of fast food and whatever unhealthy drinks you can get your hands on due to being on the road (Also not being able to cook). Though it's not like Oskar is a healthy eater and never was a good role model.
I like to think that Phoebe has way better eating habits and her family likes to have variety and family dinners if possible. The all-American family to Apollo's trailer park trash ya' know? So staying with them was more of struggle for his pallet but know as he is older, he probably won't turn down a meal but doesn't want to eat at the table as a family.
Though when in doubt, order Doordash.
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strangeauthor · 7 months
Happy B-Day!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
thank you!!!!
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Cordelia and her pet bird she created with her magic, Sprinkles the Wraith Eater running away from Depression.
Cordelia Butterfly Thomas belongs to @aj-thegreatest, and one of the main characters of her Starkie AU series, Cordelia & Phoebe.
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Fashion and SVTFOE Fankids Fanart
Cordelia Thomas Butterfly, Morphea Greason Butterfly, and Skylar Butterfly wearing a Mermaid Tail puffy side sleeved dress made by mochipanoffical (Instagram).
Cordelia Thomas Butterfly belongs to @aj-thegreatest
Morphea Greason Butterfly belongs to @dangerpack
Skylar Butterfly belongs to dreamy_artz (Instagram)
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Butterflies and Roses, from an outfit ask that I got from my tumblr!
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ohcorny · 5 years
Hey, just wanted to say I really love the use of colors to show a characters emotion in Never Satisfied! It’s a great detail that makes the scenes even better
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laylaylamode · 5 years
Draw Isis please he’s a cutie
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Wonder what he's dreaming about
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princesscallyie · 6 years
What do the cheer uniforms for Townsville high look like? Is it just the one from Gigi’s info dump?
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No, that was her personal one. The school colors are black, white, and silver. And their mascot is the monsters (only the og ride or dies know this from that old fic I did).
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lattetimes · 6 years
Ok so I keep up with marbles, but I’m not actually an authority of what dogs look like when stressed, but mostly what she has done recently is like give her dogs baths, put Halloween costumes on, and like make treats for them. Doesn’t seem abusive and she tries to be considerate with her pets. But I could be wrong
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yeah, i haven’t found anything regarding Jenna doing anything bad to her pets. so i’m not sure where that came from tbh.
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thepaladincosplays · 6 years
New character’s up! Forgot to mention but @aj-thegreatest did the art for her!
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vrronica-sawyer · 6 years
Idk if you want to hear this, but as a black person i personally think modern mac’s design looks great! But it would be nice if she had hairstyles that some black teens would have (like braids, dreads, etc)
I was definitely thinking of giving her dreads!! Like I said yesterday I’m probably gonna change her hairstyle up a lot on the comic.
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Cordelia Butterfly Thomas and Phoebe Jacobs belong to @aj-thegreatest
Morphea Greason Butterfly belongs to @dangerpack
The Moon Jellyfish Dress Concept belongs to @nyahalloshop
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Ah, the beach, it is a wonderful time to goes surfing and building sandcastle with your friend, Phoebe Jacobs. Especially when it is the season is now summer, the best season of your entire life, Cordelia Thomas Butterfly! You can goes and have fun at the beach every day until September.
A hardstyle music start to play in the background. That is odd? You could have swore that you heard only just seagull cawing and the ocean waves with car driving and the smell of gas in your nostril. You listen to the music carefully and felt drowsy, not before picking up the beautiful melody. A familiar melody.
Your eyes widen in absolute shock and fear. Your mind went down memory lane, when The Magical High Commission and Dari, with inside help, manage to saves you.
“Interesting,” said the Magic Aficionado, Dari Oridonia-Bloomgren examined you. You felt uncomfortable when being watch. Especially when you were in your mermaid form. You hate being the center of attention. “Who would have thought a mewman is powerful enough to put a mermaid to sleep. Wish I were there for further research.”
“Be careful what you wish for. Wishes do have consequences as well,” said Rune, a member of The Magic High Commission. Then they turned to you. Their eyes are serious and concern for your safety. “Don’t listen to her music, Princess Cordelia,” they said. “You’re lucky you made it back alive. She is a dangerous criminal.”
Remembering Rune’s warning, you grabs a hold of your best friend’s hand and fleeing to safety.
“Oh no, no, no! I should have listen to Rune’s warning! And Dari’s-!” You said, then quickly realize something. “I need to get her advice!”
Phoebe, your best friend and current wielder of your wand is surprise and do not know what it is going on. The music and your reaction.
“Since when you listen to Dari?” Phoebe questioned.
As you and your best friend run for safety, Sloth, also known as Morphea Greason Butterfly take a notice of the two girls fleeing. It is absolutely tiring to look at the two, after finally coming to this universe. Oh well. They will never escape her concert. Meanwhile Apollo, whose listen to Morphea’s music, sadly passed out and is now sleeping on the pavement. Oof.
Apollo, son of Brittany Wong and Oskar Greason belongs to @yah-gurl-ari, AJ’s friend and editor of Cordelia & Phoebe.
Cordelia Thomas Butterfly, Dari Ordonia-Bloomgren, Phoebe Jacobs, and Rune belong to @aj-thegreatest, the author of her Starkie AU series, Cordelia & Phoebe.
Morphea Greason Butterfly belongs to @dangerpack/@citadelstarcosevendeadlysins.
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hotsassbacon · 2 years
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Elijah folfax (Libby folfax Jimmy Neutron x Eddy Ed Edd Eddy)
Okay here’s my boy Elijah! I’ve redesigned him so much BUT fun facts: hes a big boy standing at 6’7 and he also sounds like Fezco from euphoria he’s constantly high because of what happened with Devon also he tucks his missing arm sleeve into his hoodie because he’s insecure about his arm
Sera Belongs to @aj-thegreatest
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The Misfits Chapter 3: Niko Part 1
A Few Years Ago
A young boy is walking home from school, after another gruelling day of negativity from his peers. He always felt like he were when his brother, Serpent, his mother, his Uncle Dipper being there to protect him: it’s why he didn’t feel comfortable when he had to go get stuff for mom when she wasn’t around. He was looking at a shopping list that his mom gave him.
“Let’s see, eggs, bacon, a carton of milk, chocolate bars, and bread,” he said.
“AaaaHHhhhhnnghh!” He heard a scream.
“What the heck!” he thought.
He dash and follow the sound of the scream, he see the stairs heading to what appear to be an abandoned subway station. It was covered in dust, mud, and musk because it hasn’t been running ages ago. Yet life still occurred, vines growing on the walls, cockroaches, and rats hiding, and a voice of pain can be heard. He followed it until he sees a little girl with cyan hair lying there and crying in pain. The boy quickly dash toward her. He gets close and sees her hands covered in deep scratches, her right ankle having a gash._
_ “Are you okay?” he asks, hoping to get an answer only to hear the little girl crying.
The boy doesn’t know what to do, he gives her his hand and the girl grabs his hand and stands up, pulling out wet wipes. As he’s wiping her face he takes in her features: she’s younger than him due to her size, her skin was brown, she was wearing a purple skirt with a black stripe going horizontally in the middle. She looks like she’s been here for weeks and hasn’t been fed for some time.When he was wiping her face, his eyes are filled with shock. The girl’s face is covered in blood but the red and blue veins did not obscure because they were glowing and her eyes are a mixture of creepy purple and green.
“What’s your name?” he said. The girl tries to think, but all she can do is groan in pain from thinking too much. The boy calms her down my stroking her hair.
A 15 year old girl is sleeping until…..
**Beep-Beep-Beep!!! **
An annoying sound of her alarm clock wakes her up. After hitting  the snooze button with her red tail, she crawls out under her bed and yawn. She uses one of her hands to push her bang to look at the time. 6:00 AM. Her brother must have set the time for her. Her room is is filled with stuffed animals on the floor and crayons and papers scatter there as well. Photos of precious memories  (her 8th birthday, Christmas with her big brother and her mom, and her big brother’s 13th birthday) on the purple walls. She look at the note she saw on her front door. Her brother must have write it. Niko grab the paper and swallow it in her whole mouth. She give a big smile.
“Today is DA day!”
She cheer, then she tripped herself on the floor.
Niko went to the bathroom to brush her teeth with a purple toothbrush that have her name on it. She look at the mirror and sees her reflection: She has reddish-brown skin, cyan and white colored hair style in a bob with bangs covering her eyes, a red dinosaur-like tail. Niko touch her head to see if she have her horns. To her relief, her horns are not here, because she fear people might call her a freak. She look at her hands. Sometime her hands are claws and sometime human hands. She gasp and saw her claws, she started to panic, she took a deep breath and concentrate on reversing her claws back to hands. And she did it.
_It is still you. _
Niko grab the clothes she is going to wear for school in her drawer and head straight to check if her mom is there. Niko see her mom, a redhead, getting ready to go to work by dressing herself up in a lumberjack attire and donning her axe.
“Mom, is Ethan awake?” Niko asked.
Wendy look at her. “Hmm? I’m not sure, Niko. Can you wake your brother up? I am heading out. Be back at 5. I’m going to stay at work a little late, so make sure you tell Ethan to make dinner tonight, okay?”
She makes sure Niko remember by writing it down on paper and giving it to her.
“Okay mom.”, she answers, putting on her headband. It is blue with a pink heart on it. She is dressed in a purple shirt, white pant, and pink-purple boots. The problem was it that she put her purple shirt backwards. Niko didn’t notice this but her mom did. Smiling, Wendy helps her shirt on right.
“Niko, you gotta pay attention when you put your shirt on.” Wendy playfully chides.
“Sorry.” Niko apologizes, looking down in shame. Wendy bought her into a hug, cheering up, she knows her daughter had low self-esteem issues.
“It’s alright, sweetie”, she soothes, giving her daughter a kiss on the head.
“Make sure you tell Ethan what I said, Niko!” she shouts as she leaves out the door.
“Okay, mom.” Niko responds, eating the paper in order to remember what to tell her brother.
She opened her door and she is in a room, her brother’s. The room is covered in Fall Out Boy posters and movie posters of his favorite genres, sci-fi, crime noir, and horror taped on the wall. He also has piles of DVD on the shelf. Right as she was getting near his bed, she stepped on one of his DVD’s. She picked up;  it read “No Country for Old Men” and she put it in the DVD shelf. She gets near the bed and sees her brother still sleeping, snoring like an old man. She walk toward him, stare at him for a moment.
“Brother get up, it is 7:30,” She whispers, but he doesn’t budge as he still snores.
She tries to wake him up again by pushing him, but it yields the same results. She puffs her cheeks realizing it’s become pointless to Ethan up. She tries to wake up Serpent.       
“Serpent.”, Niko whispered, nothing happened. “Serpent!!”, she whispered and slowly, a dark blue ooze started to seep out of Ethan’s back. Serpent woke up.
“What is it, Niko?”, he grumbled, his eyespots blinking slowly.
“Can you wake Ethan up? It’s time to go to school.”
“.....Ethan is going to be late, sis. I’m pretty sure you don’t know, but he had a night terror last night. He’s going through a lot of emotions right now and I think it would be better if you let him sleep.”, Serpent explains.
“I love you two. I hope you guys get the chance to become heroes.” she thought.
 Niko was reading a book and heard the sound of the door open. 
 “Ethan?” She called. 
She teleport and sees Ethan. She ran over and give him a hug, which oddly enough he didn’t return. 
“Did you make a big impression to the Vanguard League?”, she asks her brother in joy. 
But instead of seeing him in confidence, all she saw is depression, pain, and, especially, anger. He doesn’t say it, but she knows. She knows something horrible happened to Ethan. 
 “Ethan, what happen?”, she asks, worried for her brother. Ethan doesn’t move, he doesn’t speak for the first couple of minutes. He has his face down, so Niko can’t tell what he is feeling. He pulls a paper out of his back pocket and unfolds it. On top of the paper, it says on the top: 
 “I….I didn't make it,” he chokes. Tears are dripping down his face as he continues. 
“I didn’t understand why, but now....n-now, I do”. After that, he walks into his room and shuts the door.  Niko tilted her head in confusion, but saddened by the news.
 “I am so sorry,” she said, feeling sympathetic about how crushed her brother is..
On the Bus
As Niko got on the bus. She put her backpack on her seat and check the inside of her backpack to see if she have everything. Instead of unzipping her backpack she use her X-ray vision.  Inside her purple backpack. Math Homeworks in her Math Textbook (with help from Andrew Cunningham), her completed Biology Worksheet (with the help from Ethan) inside her Biology textbook, her lunch bag, overdue library book, a bunny pencil case, and agenda.
The bus start to move. Niko check her phone she got out of her pocket and see a text message from Ethan. 
 Ethan: Niko, why didn't you wake me up!
 Niko: 😟. I did, but Serpent said you have been emotionally stress. 
 Ethan: I am going to be late. 
 Niko: Ethan wait-
 *Ethan left the conversion*
 “Darn it,” she curses. 
Just then, the bus stop, Niko look at the window and see a girl outside sitting on a bench. Niko examine her: She have brown skin like her, and depending on her height, she is possibly a year younger than her. She have eye are yellow like a sunflower petal. Her red hair is in pigtails. Her attire are a salmon pink sailor uniform top with a sky blue ribbon, short salmon pink skirt and thigh-high heeled white boots. She is wearing goggle probably because it is sunny outside. As she get on the bus, she remove her goggle. Niko grab her backpack, put it on her shoulder and slide down in hoping that she can sit down with her. Hoping that Niko can make a friend.
“Excuse me, do you want to sit down with me?” Said Niko. The young girl look at her and thought for a moment. “Okay,”
“I am Mari Salazar, what is your name?” Said the red pigtail girl,
 “Niko Corduroy,” Niko reply. 
“I am fifteen years old, I am a raised in Townville and live with my mom and big brother, Ethan. I loves to draws and drink milk,” 
 Mari giggle, she never see anyone one so energetic. Niko tilted her head in confusion. She wonder if she said something funny so she ask. 
 “What is so funny?” she ask.
“Oh nothing, for the first time in my first week in residing in Townsville, I never see anyone too excited.” She explains. “People will be scare of me or surprise and try to be on my good side if I mention about my father.” she explain.
Niko bow her head. She shouldn't have said too much, how ever she start to talk again.
“Your father?” she ask.
“My father is Rex Salazar and he is one of the greatest heroes of all time, he secret weapon for Providence, a global organization dedicated to protecting the world from rampaging EVOs. EVO stands for Exponentially Variegated Organism. They are organism that has had its intracellular-nanites activated.
Niko smile because she never knew that Mari is a child of a hero. She wonder if she can introduce Ethan to her. Maybe he can be friends with her too. 
 “So why did move to Townsville?” she said.
 Mari blush a little. “Oh it is kind of personal but, I want to join The Vanguard League, so I can be a hero just like my dad, and one day work for Providence. However, I am not good at fighting, but I will try.” she answer.
 “The Vanguard League,” Niko thought.
 Niko remember the day, five months ago when Ethan is miserable because of his rejection from the Vanguard League. To make it worse, his friend, a member of The Vanguard League, Rénee wrote a letter to him that he can not join because of how dangerous Serpent was (even though to her, Serpent is a sweet and thoughtful person with an attitude) and also, the crimes that Ethan’s father did. She never met him and Ethan, her mom, and Uncle Dipper never talked to her about it. They might be the reason why he have night terrors last night and going through a lot of emotions right now. Niko tighten her fists.
“Don’t get your hopes up,” she said to Mari. “Even if they are nice and accept many super-powered teenage heroes, they will shatter your hope, one way or another through a background check or one simple mistake.”
Mari looks at her, she looked angry at the moment. She wants to know but she believes it’s best not ask. Mari thinks about the Vanguard League and then her family. She thinks of the black sheep that is all alone in the shadow of the sunshine, her family and their legacy. 
Lunch Break 
 As she return her library book and quickly ate her lunch, Niko head to the cafeteria, she hope that Mari is here eating her lunch. Niko starts thinking of conversations for another interaction with her when all of a sudden she accidently bump into someone. She realize it is Cayenne. Niko gulp in fear. She heard about Cayenne from her brother. Ethan doesn’t like Cayenne at all because of the constant insults she sends his way. 
“Hey! Watch where you are going!” she said. 
 “I am sorry,” she whispers.
Cayenne glare at Niko eye-to-eye, but Niko's bang hide her eyes.
“Why your bangs covering your eyes, you look like a mop. Can't you get a haircut? Or at least put your bang up?”
“No.” Niko whimper.
Cayenne lift her eyebrow for a moment. Did that student said no to her. 
 “What did you say?” Cayenne demand. 
 “I said no.” Niko answer quietly. 
 “No!” Niko yell. 
 Feeling annoyed, Cayenne raise her hand that is close to Niko. “If you are not going to let me see your eyes, let me do it for you,” “
Are you… touching me?” she said in fear. 
 As Cayenne lift her bang up to get a glimpse of her eyes without answering her question, Niko start to scream. 
 The students stop what they are doing to see what happen. Cayenne back off and glare at Niko as she kneel on the floor shivering.
 “Do not touch me,” Niko said. “Why is this happening to me.” 
“Fine, whatever weirdo.” she call her as she walk away.  She start to mumbling words at Niko: “The only one you should blame for the situation you are in is yourself.” 
 Niko start to cry, she should have listen to her brother, but her meeting with her is unintentionally. Just then a she heard a male voice in a Irish accent. 
 “You are alright?” said the boy. Niko turn around and see Ryan, the emo and lone wolf of Townsville High. 
She blush slightly. She cannot believe it got worse, her crush is talking to her. Instead of Ryan lending Niko a hand he just stand there and lend against a wall. He brush his rusted red hair that falls over his right eye with his hand. 
 “I am not,” she said honestly. “Cayenne touched me.”
Ryan didn't show any sympathy and instead he coldly said to her: “Whatever, like I give a damn.” He said. 
 “But why did you ask that I am okay?” Niko ask in confusion. 
 “Why do you care!?” Ryan snapped.
 “Sorry.” said Niko and then look at the floor.
 Just then a strawberry blond haired girl wearing a bell-shaped blue dress shirt with a pink flower in the center appear and recording a video on her phone.
 “Story Time, it was clear that a romance was blossoming between them,” Ryan and Niko turn and see Vivian, still recording the cellphone.
 “Vivian! Cut that crap, we are not in love!” said Ryan angrily. “
Aw can't you at least give her a kiss?” Vivian tease.
“Why don't you confess your love to Cayenne as soon as I break your phone?” Ryan said as a threat and a tease. He put in fists together to show her his rage.
As a moment of silent occurs, Vivian start to run.
 “Get back here!” Ryan yell as he chase after her. 
 Niko’s cheek turn red as she is blushing when she heard the word, kiss. Just then Tamara Thunder come and see Niko lying on the floor. 
 “Niko, why are you on the floor?” she ask. Niko stand up and wipe her clothes. She look at Tamara and sadden. 
“I’m sorry, Tamara. I just had a moment.”, she said in a mixture of sadness and self-loathe. Tamara looks at her and gives her a consoling frown. 
 “Hey, how ‘bout your big sis take you to class?, she grins. Niko gives her a returning smile. 
“Thank you.”, she acknowledges. With the two girls walk to Niko’s classroom. When it comes to Ethan’s friends, Andrew and Tamara, they were basically Niko’s older siblings. Whether it was Andrew teaching her a little bit of martial arts or Tamara explaining to her how to be stand up for herself, she appreciates them. As Tamara take Niko to third period class she wave a goodbye.
Final Period: Biology
Niko sit on a black desk. She see a girl in front of her. She have wavy black hair, brown skin, and almond shaped black eyes. She is wearing a blue t-shirt and ankle-length jeans and shoes that are not fancy or athletic. She saw her reading a Biology Textbook. Niko look at her eraser labelled the name, Lauren Lee. Niko thought for a moment. Suddenly, her teacher come.
“Good Afternoon, class I hope you put your Biology worksheet on my desk,”
 Niko's eyes are widen, she quickly open up her textbook, and found her worksheet and hand it over to her teacher. Then, she sit down.
 “Thanks you, Niko. Where was I? Oh yes, we are going to start out anatomy unit. Let's start by dissecting fetal pigs. Everyone please find a partner to work with.” 
 As everyone gotten a partner, Niko just sit there and all alone hoping that someone will ask her. But sadly she did not, then her teacher glance at her with concern. Then she saw Lauren who is looking for anyone who don't have a partner also. Lauren has just been transferred to highschool level biology because of how outstanding her grades are in science that her classmates barely treated her equally, while Niko who need to have determination if she get the chance to graduate. So the teacher got a idea.
“Lauren is it okay for you to be with Niko?”
 Lauren Lee stare at Niko. Niko wave shyly and give a big smile in hope to show her that she is harmless. Lauren thought for a moment she look at anyone who haven't have a partner and then look at her the teacher. She sighed, feeling in defeat. 
 “Okay,” As the teacher left. 
Lauren tell Niko: “Since we are partners, you have to do exactly on what I am telling you.” 
 Niko sit down and watch as Lauren holding a sterile knife and cut sound the umbilical cord and in a “U” shape. Then, she cut the ribs and sternum with a bone cutters. She open up the chest cavity and look at it. Lauren ask her Niko to come to her. As Niko stand up to  go be with her. She could smell the fresh smell of a preserved dead piglet. She see the inside of the pig's organs. It look messy. Is this what butcher do. “Niko see this membrane,” said Lauren as she point at the thin membrane around the heart. 
“This membrane protect the heart. Write that down on your assignment sheet.” Niko obey her instruction and write it down. She keep standing there as Lauren continue to dissect the pig. Niko look at the clock and sighed. She never thought it would be boring. All she does is sit down while Lauren get the fetal pig, set up the dissection, and command Niko to write her notes.
 “Lauren can I-” 
 “No.” Lauren interrupts.
Niko puff her cheeks, this is boring. But that give her an idea. As Lauren make a longitudinal cut through the throat toward the mouth, she try to remove the skin under the chin without cutting it too deep. She almost got it until Niko poke one of her shoulders. She turns around.
 “Hey Lauren, look at me. Hee hee hee.” said Niko as she put two test tubes up her nostrils.
 Lauren stop what she is doing and see Niko fooling around. 
 “Niko! Put them out of your nose, are you trying to make a fool of yourself and slack off?” she snapped. Niko shun for a moment. She put them out of her nose and apologize.
“I am sorry, it is just that I want to help you, but I am bored. You are doing the work while I have to sit down and copy your sheet in my own words. That is not teamwork.” Niko explain and then puff her cheeks, to show her partner how unfair she is and bored. 
 Lauren glare at her.
“That is because I am very focus on getting good grades, unlike some people,” she said coldly.
 “I am not doing this for my parents, I am doing this for myself.” Niko glance at her.
 “Are you saying I am dumb?” she ask.
 “No, but you are slacking off.” Niko took a deep breath, she know that arguing isn't the answer, she need to act tough, just like her “sister”, Tamara taught her. 
"Okay, then and whose fault is it for me to slack off? It is the leader, and do you know who is the leader? YOU!”
 Lauren start to open her mouth, but then close it. She never see Niko so serious. She often see her drawing in class instead of listening to the lectures.
 “If you want to have a good grade on this assignment and I want to do something, tell me not to sit around and have me do something!” 
 Lauren look at her even though her bang is covering her eyes. Lauren can not tell if she is serious or not, but her posture and the tone prove that she is seriously. Plus, she is telling the truth, she have been doing the work for herself and Niko, which means:
“Fine,” Lauren said as she give the knife to Niko. “You will dissect the fetal pig, and do not worry, I will guide.” Niko smile, it work.
 “Thank you Tamara.” 
3:00 PM, outside of school:
 Niko wait for her brother to meet her so they can walk to school together. She wait, and wait, and wait until she feel like he is not coming. She grab her cell phone and send a text message to Ethan. 
 Me: Ethan where are you? I am waiting outside of school 😢.
Ethan: Niko I can not walk home with you. I am busy. Please take the bus.
 Me: Okay. Thank You. Oh I almost forgot. Mom is going to be back at 5 PM. So you have to make dinner. 
 Ethan: Niko, you should have texted me in the morning? Why didn't you say anything? Niko: Sorry I forgot. Ethan: Ok. What do you want for dinner? 
 Me: 🌮 
 Ethan: Fine. 
 Me: I love You! 
 Ethan: Love you too. 
 Niko smile at the text and hug her cellphone with all her heart, she is lucky to have a big brother like him. 
 She saw Mari on the bus stop, but she is not alone, she is with a young man. She could not tell what the young man look like because of her bangs. Niko decide to take a closer look. Without hesitation, she start to walk to the bus stop. To her surprise, suddenly out of nowhere, an object covered in dark energy hit her face. She is knocked out for half an hour and wakes up, rubbing her face and feeling her forehead. There was a knot where she got hit and just when her eyes started to water, the bus showed up. She walked in, waiting for the bus to take her home. She couldn't understand, why was she hated. 
 However, she is not alone two people are in the same bus as her and they are sitting behind her, a  young woman standing 5’ 10'’ have short magenta hair with an undercut, light green sclera and purple irises. She wear a shoulder black shirt tucked in loose light purple shorts and black combat boots. She also wear her golden choker sealed with a dark pink jewel, and two ear piercings, a golden hoop and dark pink stud to match. And next her is possibly her half brother, standing 5'2” whose have pointy ears, green eyes. His hair is spiky and "greenish-blue" in color and he has an average complexion. His signature attire is a red hoodie, blue jeans, red high-top converse shoes, and fingerless gloves. His jeans is held together by a dark gray belt, and a buckle with his initials. 
 The young woman smack him in the head feeling piss for what he did. 
 “Nice going Edward,” she said. “You just made her cry. We're supposed to heroes undercover  and what did we do, knock out a girl.” she whisper as she look at Niko rubbing her eyes to stop tears from flowing in her eyes. She feels bad for what happen. The young man, Edward rub his head and look at her.
 “Relax, Sarina, we must not let Mari blow her cover,” said Edward. “This is our chance to infiltrate Claymore, a thief wanted for stealing in five countries, Jump City and now Townsville that the Young Blood Alliance recruited.”
 “She does not look dangerous!” Sarina exclaim to him as if she care more about the girl than the mission that Kingsley assigns them. “Plus, what if she just came to see Mari as a friend?” 
 Edward crossed his arm and glare at her. “Don't judge a book by it cover, she may look innocent, but I sense something dark within her. And you do too,” said Edward being serious about the mission.
 Edward Logan also known as The Changer, and Sarina Roth, children of  member of The Teen Titans, Beast Boy, Raven, and Starfire. They are affiliates of The Vanguard League recommended by Danielle Stone. They are task on a watching over Mari, a Vanguard Leaguard member-in-training  in hope she can complete her mission to find and capture the thief who is a human EVO. If this succeed, they will become official member of the Vanguard League.
 Edward Logan’s powers are different from his parents, Beast Boy and Raven. He may have telekinesis, but he have matter manipulation and thought projection. He know the basic moves of Martial Arts. 
 While his half sister, Sarina Roth inherit both her mom, Starfire and Raven's powers, Starbolts and Starwaves, Lazer eyes, Super Strength and flight is what she is most familiar with. She is attempting to learn Raven’s powers with slow progress. She is also very smart and uses this to analyze and critique problems and give solution to help people. 
 Sarina glance at Niko again, he might be right, but her psionic ability, empathy is eating her alive. She never seen anyone feeling self-loathing and facing hatred. This make Sarina feel like she want to explode. 
 “She’s just like me,” Sarina thought. “Being good without any benefits, and her still feeling like an outsider in the City of Townsville.” Sarina take a deep breath and let the air filled in her nostrils so that she won't let her powers unleash by her emotions. 
 Sarina look at the POW Card that Rénee, Vanguard League's Secretary of Knowledge gave to her. (Ever since Ken and Eiffel integrating Pow Card tech into the databases. It become very useful for them): 
 Name: Claymore Salazar
 Level: - 7 
 Species: Human EVO
 Alignment: Villain
 Powers: the creation of dimensional portals that can connect any two places, and possibly the past and future. 
Description:  He is a government project between the old hero, Rex Salazar and Breach, an unstable human EVO. He was suppose to be the next gen weapon for the Providence until his mom escaped from the government facility. After, being rejected from his father, he lives a life of thievery by using his power. 
 “We need to find him immediately, who know what have he been doing?” 
 At home:
Niko walks back into the apartment complex, reaching the 3rd floor and heads to door number 310, unlocking it with her key. She closes the door, locking it in the process; she goes to the kitchen and finds an ice pack  in the freezer and put it on her face. She plan to go to her room and try to find something to cover up her face so that her brother won't know, but then came trouble. As she heads to the living room, she sees her brother sitting on the couch. He turns his head, giving her an expression of worry. 
 “Niko, where were you?” Ethan said as if he have not see her for months. “It’s 4:45, mom and I have been worry about you, I wanted to search for you, but mom said to stay here in hope that you come home.” 
 “I was waiting for the bus,” Niko frown, sitting on the couch with him. Ethan look at her and saw Niko having an ice pack on her face. Ethan quickly push the ice pack away from her hand and to his eyes he saw a knot where she got hit. 
 “Who did this to you?” Ethan said as he put both of his arms around her shoulders, his face far from pleased.
 “I don't know,” she answer. 
 “What do you mean,” he said as he raise his voice. 
 “I..Ii.. I was walking to the bus stop to wait for the bus and I saw Mari. She was talking to someone and suddenly out of nowhere, an object covered in dark energy hitted my face.” She explain. 
 Ethan let out an inhumanly growl, what kind of person used their super powers to hurt innocent people, especially his sister? He didn't know who “Mari” is maybe she must be behind this.
 “Who is Mari?” Ethan ask another question. 
 “She is a friend I made today.” She said shyly. 
 At first Ethan is joy that Niko made a friend because she mostly go and eat her lunch alone and go to the library to read books or hang out with him and his friends, now she is growing up. But he need to know more about Mari.
 “What is her last name?” he ask the fourth question. “Salazar, why?” she answer the fourth time. 
 “I am just interesting because what if she did this.” He said. 
 Niko's eyes are widen, Mari would never do that. Niko met her in the morning and she was nice. Is her brother going to tell her to avoid her? 
 “I do not think so, she was talking to someone else, a young man. Probably her new friend from school or a brother when I went on to the bus stop.” She expresses in hesitance. 
 Ethan pause for a moment. Niko bows her head and give a sigh. 
 “I am sorry for making you have a heart attack….” She said. “I know you have been emotionally stress recently because of a night terrors, school, and- It won't happen again. I promise,” 
 Then, Niko rub her left arm with her right hand feeling less confident on her promise because she feel like she will break her promise, so she said her final sentences. 
 “I hope because I might forget one day…..”
 Ethan sadly smile and ruffled her hair. 
 “Don’t worry, sis. I’ll make sure you won’t.” 
Lauren Lee and Edward Logan belong to @shorty-tori
Ethan Corduroy, Andrew Cunningham, and Tamara Thunder belong @ej-cappy-universe
Sarina Roth belong @aj-thegreatest
Violet, Mari, and Claymore @hotsassbacon
Ryan, Vivian, Cayenne, and Rénee @princesscallyie
Niko Corduroy and Munchausen Young belong to me
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kururu418 · 2 years
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