#Starkie AU
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Cordelia Butterfly Thomas and Phoebe Jacobs belong to @aj-thegreatest
Morphea Greason Butterfly belongs to @dangerpack
The Moon Jellyfish Dress Concept belongs to @nyahalloshop
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Fashion and SVTFOE Fankids Fanart
Cordelia Thomas Butterfly, Morphea Greason Butterfly, and Skylar Butterfly wearing a Mermaid Tail puffy side sleeved dress made by mochipanoffical (Instagram).
Cordelia Thomas Butterfly belongs to @aj-thegreatest
Morphea Greason Butterfly belongs to @dangerpack
Skylar Butterfly belongs to dreamy_artz (Instagram)
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some comments on a youtube clip of the garashir first meeting scene
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incorrectstarvs · 10 months
Marco: Star, what did you put in the mailbox? It’s all stuffed!!
Star, playing games on her phone: oh yeah I sent Jackie a bouquet of roses shaped into a heart
Star: oh also wrote it was from you
Marco: you did WHAT???
Star: okay so I miiight’ve accidentally…wrotemynameonitandnowjackieaskedmeoutonadatepleasedonthateme
Marco, gaping: WHAT
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A sort of high school AU
Hazbin is this popular online video game.
Adam (one of the four original beta testers) plays as a Winner whose account got hacked and downgraded to a Sinner.
Lucifer (the main programmer and first beta tester) plays as the King of Hell and fallen archangel.
When Adam becomes a Sinner, he runs into Lucifer again who after a lot starky mocking agrees to help Adam find out who hacked his account.
They don’t go by Lucifer and Adam in the game, they know each other in real life but don’t know its one another in the game (if that makes sense)
Adam begins to fall in love with Lucifer in the game. He also already had a crush on Lucifer back when they were beta testing the game before he confessed and Lucifer quite meanly rejected him (Lucifer had his own crush issues at the time) and they fell out.
In real life Lucifer and Adam are childhood friends who grow up together and have recently rekindled their friendship after becoming dorm mates at university. As kids Lucifers family moved away, which made them lose contact, Lucifer just stops responding to Adam. In the last message between them Adam tells Lucifer he likes him but Lucifer never responds.
Lucifer has had a crush on Adam as kids and is deeply in love with him when they meet again in university. Where Adam agrees to give Lucifer a second chance as friends. Lucifer increasingly becomes jealous and possessive when he learns Adam is speaking to somebody online and that Adam has feelings for them. While at the same time he is becoming annoyed with Adam in the game (he doesn’t know it’s him)
Lucifer in the game eventually rejects Adam in the game when he confesses. In real life Lucifer gets pissed off at the online guy who broke Adams heart.
…don’t know if they’ll ever learn its them in the game.
Just thought it was an interesting concept.
Maybe Adam does learn who Lucifer is in the game and is hurt. He pulls away from Lucifer in real life because the dudes broke his heart THREE times!!!
I would say this is more of a College Au more than anything.
I love this idea though!!
Luci.... When are you gonna learn. Poor Adam!
I think they would learn it's the other in the game if one of them let's Something personal slip that only the other would know.
The angst is strong with this one......
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superconductivebean · 13 days
Hello there! I wanted to ask 5, 16 and 20 from the MC asks ☺️
hihi!!! I wanted to do the whole @rypnami's MC questions list ^ ^ But I think I'll do in the form of this ask, to have it answered.
I'm also putting it out in the tags, so here's how Julia looked in 1890:
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1) if your mc was an animagus, what would their form be? if they are, what is their form?
Julia isn't an animagus.
If she would become an one, she's definitely a hare. They're fast, bloody smart, and their punch can break a rib or two.
2) if they could choose what animagus form they would take, would it be the same? or would they want to have a different animal form?
She'd preferred to turn a magpie, to play along the in-House joke about her personality and, well. Flying.
3) does your mc have a favourite colour? why is it their favourite?
I think Julia would like earthy tones? I imagine the designs of both of her study and cottage to be accounting for a lot of light but the walls and furniture are of dark colours. I'd call it Sharp's influence, but Julia has always been surrounded by shadows, darkness, clouds; let alone she's from the North.
As I am also a northerner, sleeping through That Bloody Sunnight is impossible with lightly-coloured walls. That's why, probably.
4) in a modern au, would your mc use social media? what would their preferred platform be? why is if their preferred one?
She'd totally have tumblr and a youtube channel + a reddit account, possibly. Julia has a bunch of obscure hobbies in the modern aus, so I'd also throw -exchange websites in here.
My trash child would be into fanfiction, too.
5) did you consult wand lore when choosing their wand? if so, why did you pick what you did? if not, would you ever change wand details to match your mc?
Back when I was messing around with the linking accounts and all that, I let the game to parse my wand details. It's of Rowan wood, 10", the core is the unicorn hair; Julia uses it, I never changed its details.
6) what is your mc’s diet? are they vegan, vegetarian, do they eat whatever? why?
Julia will eat everything if it isn't sweet, Firewhiskey, or boom berries. Her childhood was rather challenging food-wise, if not scarce on it; she doesn't mind other foods, but she also prefers to have a great variety on her table.
7) what is your mc’s backstory as to why they didn’t join hogwarts until 5th year? or did you retcon that part of the story when creating them?
*ugly crying* it's too big i will not tell it here just know that there was a some kind of divine intervention, demiurgic comedy, ceridwen's brew of awen mention, and a parental wish for a child to be talented
8) what house is your mc in? why are they in that house?
9) were you inspired by characters from other media when making your mc? if so, which characters? and how did they influence your mc?
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Meh this is old.
Сiri: Julia is gifted with a special magical talent that put a target on her back, too (Ashwinders would benefit from having her around either way but her ability would've become the WE'RE RICH moment). On her journey, she's brought to an old castle and met the future father figures here (Eleazar and Aesop <- -> Vеsemir and Gеralt). 8th book does not happen ihateitihat but Kaer Morchen siege's tragic end does; I couldn't forget about the Old Druid Technique, neither about the anniversary video where Сiri hugs Geralt at Corvo Bianco 🥺Сiri was the main inspiration for Julia & Aesop's mentorship plotline;
Lоhse: terrible but witty humour, Lоhse Invented Lesbianiasm, and I got a feeling HL was at least somewhere tinely inspired by DОS2? By default, Lоhse uses elemental magic, water-based spells; AM closely resembles water, if not to assume directly associated with it, but it's a sidenote because as I said, Terrible Jokes Came First;
Emily: I'm still uncertain if I should've chosen Cоrvo but either way, if HL had what Dishоnored had, it would've been an amazing game all throughout; so far, it only manages to look like it graphically, on the low settings. But I digress. Both Julia and Emily had to make tough, if not terrible, choices guided by forces they couldn't quite understand or fully comprehend;
Moist: my trash man believed in an angel once and lived a better life, so did my trash child Julia;
KATZENJАMMER: Julia's family theme songs;
Tilda Swintоn.
10) does your mc have any special abilities? (legilimens, parsletongue, metamorphagus, etc) how do they choose to use these powers? did you give them powers for fun, or does it relate to their backstory/plot?
No, Julia doesn't have any other things going on about her.
11) what is your mc’s blood status? how does it affect their time at hogwarts? how does it affect their home life?
Half-blood. Accepted at home back in the Netherlands and her Faroese/Danish side of the family doesn't really mind (they're happy she's alive and could bring closure to the wound caused by her father's death), but ohboi she caused fire to families like the Malfoys or the Gaunts. They're her biggest haters; they couldn't believe a witch of her talents could be of muggle decent.
At some point, she changed her official last name to her Faroese one just to spite some people.
12) did your mc open the repository? why or why not?
After Ranrok destroyed it, she didn't bother restoring it nor opening it. Julia is very wary of that particular thing Isidora did and didn't want to absorb powers she wouldn't be able to control.
13) if your mc opened the repository, how did absorbing all that power affect them, if it did at all?
Julia would had committed a suicide short after, unable to handle the flood of unlocked memories. Her rage would've been the end of her.
14) what does your mc think of the keepers? do they trust them? why or why not?
Percival: Thought he was an insight she needed, turned out a man who had an agenda that severely misaligned with the end goal of protecting the school.
Charles: The homely man. The kind who will hide critical intelligence in order to keep or to save their good standing. Can't be trusted. Good at transfiguration though.
Niahm: The gentle maternal figure—the one Julia would deliberately seek sometimes to have what little of guidance on AM she could get.
San: The stall, but the voice and act of reason.
15) how does your mc’s story continue after 5th year? how do they cope with everything that happened with ranrok, sebastian, etc?
To trash with Sebastian, she had her uncle to deal with and Ranrok to debate with in her dreams. And then, The Bureaucracy.
16) did your mc learn the unforgivables? why or why not?
Julia doesn't approve of the simplicity these curses imply.
She only realised the meaning of her own words when she got older.
17) did your mc turn in sebastian? why or why not?
Julia's reasoning was quite different from the one from the in-game.
Certain the Ministry would only ruin everything for everyone after the officer Singer told her and Natty off of their investigation, she didn't want to give Sebastian's secrets away to them—and for them to establish she was up to something this questionable didn't sound all right. Even though she didn't do anything and was actively against Sebastian's schemes, she didn't know the laws very well to know whether or not her and Ominis' bystanding would get them into trouble as well.
The Ministry ended up learning about The Event, but as Julia had predicted, it didn't care and it didn't do anything about it, busy with the full-fledged international scandal the Rookwood gang caused.
18) what is your mc’s family like? do they have siblings? do they still have parents?
Her dad is a lovely man. Her mum is a wicked but funny bitch. Her uncle is a huggable guy but he will scorch everyone disagreeing with him. The rest are rather vast crowd of people but of regular people, some are cool, others aren't; her auntie married a dragon caretaker and caused Family Drama over sheep but that's a whole another story.
19) does your mc have a love interest? who is it? why did your mc fall for that character, if they do have a love interest?
Imelda and Poppy. I had a post about them somewhere…
Here. It's still a WIP but 80% of it is settled.
20) does your mc have a favourite spell? if so, what is it and why do they like it the most?
She likes elemental magic. It looks magic. ^ ^
21) if you could change anything that the mc does in the game, what would it be? why would you change it? how would you change it? (ie; a line they say, an event of a quest, things of that nature)
I've gotten plethora of opinions/perspectives on how to redo, remake, what to add and all that; it's scattered across my blog in 2 languages.
It all will be very tedious to dig up so I found a reblog chain that covers the basics. Here.
22) does your mc have any pets? if so, why do they have the pets they have? and for fun, what are their pets’ names?
A little story.
My very first catch after a stray hippogriff (I thought you need to catch an one to ride an one lmao) was a kneazle rescue from a poacher camp. He was a sable black large kitty, I named him Samuel, and Realised only months later while talking to @thriftstorebabayaga. Sammy stayed as Julia's pet kneazle and he became the plot reason for Julia to wear the scar.
She rescued Sammy from poachers on her first week of school and got injured in the process.
23) when designing your mc, why did you choose the appearance you did? has it changed at all since you first made them? would you change anything now?
No, Julia's design came together last February, first try. The only detail that changed was the amount of freckles. I keep adding more.
24) where is your mc from? where is their family from?
Technically, Julia is from the Netherlands. But she grew up 1) on the ship, the trading vessel belonging to her father, 2) on Faroe islands, 3) and visited her grannies in Holland sometimes.
25) what is your mc’s favourite season? why is it their favourite?
She enjoys winter albeit she's hurt by the cold. No particular reason for liking it, except for it's the no gnat season.
26) how about your mc’s favourite holiday? what makes it special to them?
Christmas: days off, no gnat, food!
27) if your mc wasn’t in their current house, where would they have been sorted? why do you think they’d be there?
Hatstall between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. She's reckless enough to be considered Gryffindor but her sense for bird fountain community would push her to the Hufflepuffs. She'd enjoy either option.
28) does your mc have a favourite childhood toy? if so, what was it? do they still have it with them?
That stuffed kneazle that she keeps away because it reminds her of the happier life.
29) what kind of music would your mc like? is there a reason?
ATEMLOS DURCH DIE NACHT— German pop, Italian pop, and she stole Sharp's collection of Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and The Doors.
30) last but not least, just tell us something you love about your mc!
the main tragedy of her life is bureaucracy and that fact amuses me greatly. that she defeated it is The Fantasy of her fantasy genre story
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thisbelongsto-nohbodys · 10 months
Sasha, Baby Percy & kid Lily: *Watching Tarzan as Sasha holds Percy*
Sasha: 🎶 For one so small You seem so strong My arms will hold you Keep you safe and warm This bond between us Can't be broken I will be here don't you cry🎶
Lily: That’s cheesy Ma.
Sasha: Ah but it’s true, ain’t that right Percy?
Percy: *Baby talks*
Anne: *Listening from the kitchen*
Marcy: *Smiles and looks to Anne* That’s just so adorable.
Anne: *Nods in agreement* She has a great singing voice that’s for sure.
Cute scene and the Trio would def sing Disney lullabies to their kids
(Also fun fact: back when I was working on a Married Starkie AU, I had an idea for a comic where their daughter’s wild magic was going crazy and JLT sang that Tarzan song in order to calm her down long enough to get close and hug her. I wish I made that comic…)
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lonely-lorddominator · 3 months
How has Star been? Who did she married?
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(using my Married!Starkie AU to keep H-Poo alive and make crossovers since Cleaved wouldn't work with them)
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littlebodybigdreamz · 2 years
The One with Ringo's Sister
I'm backkk, okay so this AU is about y/n being Ringo's slightly younger sister who has a thing with George Harrison. But things don't go the way you think they will.
On another note, I began to write this Au as a cute one, but this turned a bit sour somewhere along the way. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy it, mmm maybe I can make this a two-parter. We'll see.
Word Count: 2,471
Gif belongs to @seallgaire :)
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Being Ringo’s sister had its hardships, one being the rule he gave you when he joined the band. His rule was to not date any of his bandmates, he didn’t want there to be any love lost between him and his new bandmates.  
“Alright alright , I don’t even date a lot of guys. How could you say such a thing.” Y/n had told her brother Richard. “Haha, you jokester you. You’ve dated three of my bandmates! I don’t need another pointless squabble with a lead singer over my sister!”, Ringo exclaimed in a higher voice than usual. 
“Oh, alright Starky, I won’t.” I said to him using the nickname I often had called him since childhood. “Okay we have a deal then?”, he said hugging y/n. “Yeah yeah.. But if one of them comes up to me I’m not going to shoot them down”, y/n said releasing Richard from the hug, and with a grunt and sigh Ringo walked away. 
A few years later, Beatlemania was in full swing, Paul, Ringo, John, and George were traveling all over meeting new people. Visiting new countries and such. The boys even had some movie contracts under their belt. John had quickly become y/n’s closest friend in the band. Paul always watched y/n but never made any moves. And George, being the quiet- more intimate one talked to y/n and even began to teach y/n some guitar riffs during a jam session between the boys.   
“There you go y/n”, George had said over y/n’s shoulder as his arms wrapped around her shoulders to position her fingers and hands on the correct strings.  
“Hey hey hey now, y/n, sis, I thought you wanted me to teach ya”. Ringo had said from his drum set. George silently chuckled, y/n felt this as she felt his chest move from behind her.  
“Mhmm, as much as I would love to learn from you Rich, I think learning from a real guitarist would be more beneficial”. Y/n said turning to her brother who was starting to fume at his drum set. 
“Alright y/n come take a walk with me”, Ringo told his sister as he walked toward the door that had a bright EXIT above.  
“oooooo, someone is in trouble.” John said as George moved away. 
Following her brother outside he halted which in turn y/n walked into his back, “Ouch”, Y/n said rubbing her nose.  
“What the hell y/n! We made a deal! No messing around with my bandmates!”, Ringo said in a hushed tone. “Ringo- Richard, don’t you think in a situation like this there are two sides?”, Y/n said looking up at her brother, sighing he said, “Listen, sis, I just don’t want you to get hurt. There are a lot of girls that come around. I wouldn’t want to get caught up in between you and the band.” He said holding y/n shoulders lightly, looking down at her.  
“I know... I know, but can’t you just trust I won’t make any mistakes with him”, y/n said, “With who?”, Ringo asked an eyebrow raised because y/n had let her and George’s secret out like nothing.  
“Uh nobody. I actually got to go.” Y/n said looking at the watch on her wrist, walking into the recording room. “Alright boys, I got to go, see you all later.” Y/n grabbed her jacket and purse. “I’ll see you later y/n.” George said as he walked up to her and kissing her hand.  
“oooo Georgie and y/n sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes-”, John began to sing before y/n cut him off. “Alright Johny boy, I have to go now, bye”, Y/n said running out of the studio. 
Later that day, Ringo returned to the house he shared with y/n. They were hosting a party, y/n was setting up string lights in the conversation/dining room when Ringo barged through the front door almost causing y/n to lose her balance on the stool she was standing on.  
As Richard barged into the house and y/n regained her balance on the stool y/n heard his footsteps approach her. 
“So, y/n want to tell me anything?” 
Y/n ignored his question and kept pinning the lights onto the wall.  
“Mm, no, mind helping me out? The party is in two hours, and I have to start getting ready soon.” Y/n said checking the clock. 
With a grunt, Ringo reached for the other side of the lights and stood on a chair. 
“I invited Maureen tonight; I hope the boys like her. I’m actually kind of nervous.” Ringo said sighing, he usually never opened up to his little sister. But he realized it was time to not think of her as just his little sister. It was time to trust her. Or at least try to. 
“I think it will be fun to have her over, the boys and I were talking about doing acid later in the garden. You two should join us.” Y/n said finishing up with her end of the lights. 
“Mm, yeah that sounds- yeah fun. Maybe we will, yeah definitely. I’m actually- listen y/n-,” Ringo paused as he finished with his side of the lights. As he stepped down, he looked at y/n, “What if she decides she’s not into me?” he said looking at y/n with the puppy eyes she had known since childbirth. 
She laughed, of course this was his fear, he was used to the girls only going for him because he was the last available pick. 
“Don’t you worry Starky, she seems different than the rest”, Y/n told her brother while rubbing his arm to comfort him. 
“Listen, just get the rest of the lights up and get ready. Wear that blue suit of yours. Maureen is going to love it.” Y/n exclaimed as she headed up to her room. 
An hour and a half passed when the doorbell rang, y/n was almost finished and sighed as she finished her hair. When the doorbell rang again, she yelled for her brother to get the door. 
Only he didn’t respond to her, instead she was met with silence. 
“Ringo! Get the door!” 
Again, there was silence. 
“Ugh fine I'll get it,” Y/n said walking down the stairs to the front door. The doorbell rang once more. 
“I’m coming! I’m coming!” 
Opening the door, she was met by the familiar guitar player, George. With a bottle of fine wine under his arm he smiled at Y/n. His toothy grin making her break her serious grin into a smile. 
“Hello, y/n, my, you look gorgeous doll.” George said kissing y/n’s cheek. “Here I brought this, I remember how much you enjoyed it when we had dinner the other night.” George lingered close to y/n, smiling, she took the bottle out of his hand. “Thank you, Georgie.” Smiling, she closed the door behind him. 
As he walked into the conversation pit, he noticed the new string lights placed on the walls. 
“I like the new look, oh I brought the tabs malady”, George said reaching for the bag in his pocket. 
Removing a small zip lock bag filled with a sheet of tabs he presented graciously to y/n. 
Smiling she grabbed the baggie, “Shall we go put this baggie away?”, Y/n asked playfully waving the bag in the air. “We shall.” George said the following y/n to her bedroom. 
A few minutes later the two were making out like teens on her bed. 
As she laid on top of him, his hands roamed up and down her body. It should be known that up until this point, they had yet to sleep together. In fact at this moment, they were too busy, attached to each other by their tongues and bodiesthey hadn’t heard Ringo calling for y/n. Otherwise they would have broken apart in time before Ringo came barging into her room. 
“Heya, y/n, I need yer help with my fucking tie. I-”, he stopped talking as soon as he saw the two of them lying in bed. 
Quickly y/n got off George, “I’ll just- leave you two be.” Ringo said walking quickly out the door.  
He simply had no words for the two, one thing he knew for certain was that he didn’t want y/n to have a broken heart. But he also knew George was a lost puppy when it came to love. 
As Ringo walked out of the room the doorbell rang, diverting himself from walking to his bedroom he walked to the front door. 
Opening the door to Linda and Paul they smiled, “Hello darling, are we here early?... See I told you we’d be the first ones here, Lin.” Paul said looking at Linda. 
“No no, you two are right on time. George is actually the first one to get here.” Ringo said letting them in. 
“Oh, Georgie is here. Where is our beloved boy?”, Paul asked walking through the house. 
“Right here Paulie”, George said stepping out from the dining room with a cup filled with red wine. 
The two boys laughed and hugged each other, y/n walked out behind him and hugged Linda. As they all exchanged hugs and filled cups of wine Ringo pulled y/n to the side. 
While everyone conversed and listened to a new record, Ringo and y/n talked in the hallway leading towards the front door. 
“Okay listen y/n. The thing is, I just don’t want ‘ya to get yer heart broken. I promise ‘ya I'm not trying to be your evil older brother. I just know George... he’s sweet and all but-”, y/n interrupted Ringo. 
“No, I will not have this conversation with you anymore. If you don’t support this, don’t say anything anymore.” Y/n said before walking away. 
Ringo watched, annoyed at his sister, whatever this is on her he said to himself. 
A few hours later the night was in full bloom, all the guests had arrived. People were drinking and talking, music played loudly, in the house. 
As the door opened in came Maureen and Pattie. 
Linda was the first to bring it to her attention that Pattie was in her house. Y/n looked towards the entrance; Pattie was in fact there with her beautiful blonde hair done so effortlessly. Her big eyes catch every guy's attention. She was very different than y/n with jet black hair and dark brown eyes y/n was her polar opposite. 
Y/n diverted her eyes when George and Pattie hugged for a little too long. 
“Hey, honey it’s just a hug. Let’s get us some more wine, shall we?” Linda grabbed y/n’s arm pulling her to the kitchen. 
“Hey, so have you two slept together yet?”, Linda asked gulping down some wine. 
“No, we uh haven’t yet. I guess we just haven’t had the time, or when we do, we always get interrupted.” Y/n said grabbing the wine bottle and chugging it down. 
“Woah there y/n hun, save the rest for everybody.” George said gently hugging y/n from behind. “Mhmm, here Linda, George, how about we go taje some tabs shall we?”, Y/n said walking away. 
The two smiled as they watched y/n walk half-drunkenly to her bedroom. 
Minutes later y/n reappeared in the kitchen, only to see Linda and Maureen standing near a new bottle of wine. 
“Heya girls where did George go?”, y/n asked while looking around. 
Yet her eyes caught the emerald, green suit George had come with. Outside with a certain blonde Pattie. As she walked closer to the window, she noticed how close in distance Pattie and George were. 
Her arm reached out for his and he let their hands meet. As they looked into each other’s eyes they didn’t notice the girls in the kitchen watching. 
Y/n began to feel a pang of hurt in her stomach, that was reaching up to her heart. 
As more people began to form around the window, they all watched as Pattie and George inched closer and closer. Finally, their lips met, the boys, John and Paul awed while y/n just stared out of the window. 
From behind, Ringo came into the kitchen wondering why the party had been moved to the kitchen. Actually, he was looking for Maureen. 
Y/n took a few steps back, grabbing a nearby bottle of red wine she walked away. Passing Ringo watched as his sister walked away sadly handing him the bag of tabs. 
Looking through the window he watched George and Pattie kiss deeply. With a huff he handed the bag to Maureen and walked out the back door to the backyard. 
“Hey!”, Ringo yelled, as the two broke apart George looked up to see Ringo approaching him quickly.  
“You messed with the wrong sister.” Ringo said, extending his arm back then landing a nasty punch to George’s face. 
An audible gasp was heard from the inside as Paul and John came running outside. 
“Hey, boys, let’s not do this right here like this c’mon Ringo.” Paul said, pulling Ringo towards the inside of the house. 
Unbeknownst to them all y/n had watched this all happen from the window of her upstairs bedroom. She was relieved her brother had stood up for her, she would have to thank him somehow. But that would have to be done on another day. 
A few minutes later a small knock came from y/n’s door, she averted her eyes from the ceiling to her door. It was Ringo, “Hey sis.” He said lightly opening the door wider and shutting it behind him. 
“I will never look like the supermodels you all hang with.” Y/n said, tears began to form in the corner of her eyes. 
“Oh sis, he doesn’t deserve ya, he’s just a kid. He doesn’t know what he missed out on by doing that to you.” Ringo said holding his sister closely like how their mom used to when they fell or were just having a bad day. 
“How about we go into the garden and trip hmm? Everybody called it a night a few minutes ago. So, it’s just us.” Ringo said pulling away. 
“Wait what about Maureen?” 
“I told her it would be best to leave so I could be there for you. One on one, brother and sister time.” Ringo said smiling. 
Y/n laughed of course he told Maureen off; Ringo would always be y/n’s older brother. He would always care for her. Even after warning her about the dumb boy in his band. 
The rest of the evening was spent in their beloved garden their mother had planted before her death. They stared at the sky that kept breaking into a million pieces and gluing back together. 
She wondered where the guitar player was that night. She wondered if he was with the model or if he had learned his lesson and was moping at home. 
She giggled.  
He wasn’t. 
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toondisneyartz · 1 year
A Sweet Night
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Starkie is one of my personal favourite ships to draw because due to some of my head canons, I am able to sneak in some fun references. This animation took absolutely forever, but here it is. I had a ton of issues posting this on Tumblr, however, here it is. This takes place a few years after the finale of SVTFOE (AU) and both Star and Jackie are 18 and still play with plushies (I want to break the stigma of adults who use plushies for comfort). If you have anything AGAINST this ship, please scroll away and have a nice day :)
Star Butterfly and Jackie Lynn Thomas are owned by Daron Nefcy and Disney TVA Made using Procreate
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My interpretation of Phoebe Jacobs’ Light Mewberty Form
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This is an idea I have after looking through the SVTFOE AU - Era of Light and Darkness contents in Instagram a few weeks ago and finishing reading Cordelia & Phoebe - Chapter 11: A Beautiful Butterfly Part 2.
I saw some daughters of Star Butterfly and Marco Diaz unlocks or gains the power from their inter-dimensional sisters of Light Mewberty Form, and a few Dark Mewberty Form when joining the Special Forces as a Dark Sisters.
I was thinking about how none of the Tomstar, kids, Ostar kids, Janstar kids, Starkie kids, and of course children who associate with Star’s children-who-ends-up-getting-the-wand-from-circumstance-and-their-friend-allows-them-to-have-it-to-learn-magic-and-gains-a-cheekmarks do not have a Light Mewberty Form or a Dark Mewberty Form.
It is true that The Era of Light & Darkness, a SVTFOE AU story will be continuing, once the hiatus is over and will reveals more contents, and possibly giving the opportunity for Star’s children (Tomstar, Janstar, Starkie, Ostar, Star x OC) to unlocks or receive the power of Light Mewberty Form from Luminous Butterfly’s Light Magic or the other inter-dimensional sisters. So without further ado, the nice and kind Phoebe Jacobs unlocking the next level power of Light Magic, or any of Star’s children from another timeline, going Light Mewberty Butterfly Mode to protect her world and the people she love (and the ones who struck a nerve on her lol) from Darcel and the Mewni Empire.
P.S. the knife is a manifestation of Moon’s Light Sword spell that Cordelia casts.
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Phoebe is a character from Cordelia and Phoebe and belongs to the author of Cordelia and Phoebe and The Butterfly Ballade, @aj-thegreatest.
Luminous Butterfly (mention) and the Light Mewberty Concept belong to the creator of the SVTFOE AU - Era of Light and Darkness, @darcel-luminous.
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Ah, the beach, it is a wonderful time to goes surfing and building sandcastle with your friend, Phoebe Jacobs. Especially when it is the season is now summer, the best season of your entire life, Cordelia Thomas Butterfly! You can goes and have fun at the beach every day until September.
A hardstyle music start to play in the background. That is odd? You could have swore that you heard only just seagull cawing and the ocean waves with car driving and the smell of gas in your nostril. You listen to the music carefully and felt drowsy, not before picking up the beautiful melody. A familiar melody.
Your eyes widen in absolute shock and fear. Your mind went down memory lane, when The Magical High Commission and Dari, with inside help, manage to saves you.
“Interesting,” said the Magic Aficionado, Dari Oridonia-Bloomgren examined you. You felt uncomfortable when being watch. Especially when you were in your mermaid form. You hate being the center of attention. “Who would have thought a mewman is powerful enough to put a mermaid to sleep. Wish I were there for further research.”
“Be careful what you wish for. Wishes do have consequences as well,” said Rune, a member of The Magic High Commission. Then they turned to you. Their eyes are serious and concern for your safety. “Don’t listen to her music, Princess Cordelia,” they said. “You’re lucky you made it back alive. She is a dangerous criminal.”
Remembering Rune’s warning, you grabs a hold of your best friend’s hand and fleeing to safety.
“Oh no, no, no! I should have listen to Rune’s warning! And Dari’s-!” You said, then quickly realize something. “I need to get her advice!”
Phoebe, your best friend and current wielder of your wand is surprise and do not know what it is going on. The music and your reaction.
“Since when you listen to Dari?” Phoebe questioned.
As you and your best friend run for safety, Sloth, also known as Morphea Greason Butterfly take a notice of the two girls fleeing. It is absolutely tiring to look at the two, after finally coming to this universe. Oh well. They will never escape her concert. Meanwhile Apollo, whose listen to Morphea’s music, sadly passed out and is now sleeping on the pavement. Oof.
Apollo, son of Brittany Wong and Oskar Greason belongs to @yah-gurl-ari, AJ’s friend and editor of Cordelia & Phoebe.
Cordelia Thomas Butterfly, Dari Ordonia-Bloomgren, Phoebe Jacobs, and Rune belong to @aj-thegreatest, the author of her Starkie AU series, Cordelia & Phoebe.
Morphea Greason Butterfly belongs to @dangerpack/@citadelstarcosevendeadlysins.
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aj-thegreatest · 1 year
What is the differences between Mewman/Mewni Witchcraft and Earth/Human Witchcraft in your Starkie AU, Cordelia and Phoebe?
Oooo, a nice fun ask to procrastinate writing the next cheater
Tbh, I think Mewman Witchcraft would just be…normal magic? I’m going off my headcanon that all mewmans have magic, but the Butterflies were the only ones that were taught how to use it. And since everyone is being taught magic, I would lump witchcraft into that!
There are definitely spells on Mewni that younger, more Eclipsa-Kin students want to use because of how “dark” they are. So they would consider that witchcraft or “witchy.”
But on Earth, a lot of witchcraft comes from making the magic themselves! It isn’t innate like Mewni Magic, so they have to use items and cast spells. There is one other element I wanna touch on for this, (because there’s an instance where Earth Witchcraft aligns with Mewni Magic) but that’s a spoiler!
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jaysheartbreakdiary · 2 years
Liebe shubs
Es dut mer leid dasi en iidot bi. Ich wot dass du weisch dasi wükk egal wie was überechunt egal obi faxe miteme ander typ mach oder lach ich wükk immer nur dich lieb. Es dut mer leid weni mengisch e grossi fressi ha vor anderne so wenn sie mich fröget „was seit din fründ dazue?“ ich denn seg was het er zsege? Im sinn vo ich los nöd uf dich. Es dut mer leid dasi mit eim gredet ha und gseit ha wartet ha gad e diskusion vlt macht fründ schluss debi hesch ja nödmal wele schlussmache oder so. Twahrheit isch ich mach mer sehr wohl gedanke was du würsch sege i de entscheidige i mim lebe und twahrheit isch dasi dich so zimlich für alles bruch und absolut nöd strong independent bi wenns um dich gaht. Vlt duni drum so dieganzit schluss aspreche wili weis das so mis starki jovi fasade am weggah isch bi dir. Dss isch eig öpis schöns will mit dir chani herzigi angsthas brüell jovi sie. Ich wots au sie es isch nur neu und ich muss mich zwinge das es nöd schlimm isch dass du die siete vo mir kennsch. Ich wot no sege ich wür das was ich mit dir ha nie für irgenden typ wegrüere oder beende. Du glaubsch a mich und bisch so geduldig. Ich weis bi eght en idiot. Ich suf nümm ohni dich oke? Ich versprichs der. Es dut mer nomal leid shub.
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Do you believe in the Fallverse?? (The shared universe of Gravity Falls, SVTFOE, Amphibia and The Owl House)
Maybe not Star vs since at the end Earth and Mewni was fused and so it makes putting them together a bit harder unless it’s its own ‘Verse (which considering HPoo and Magic is gone in that verse makes crossovers hard without dimensional scissors). Granted anytime I need to use Star vs characters for a joke with those other shows, I use the version from my old Married Starkie AU.
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indigo-lite · 5 years
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AU content 
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