#ak-fantasies imagines gallery
ak-fantasies · 4 years
I always win
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Yunho Imagine
inspired by: I don’t know… I just thought yunho playing basketball was hot ..
Genre: Fluff?? School!AU
Summary: He didn’t like losing, especially when it comes to games.
(a/n: omg hey... lol ... uhhhhhhh sooooo i randomly had this inspiration to write this.. sorry for not uploading in the longest time ever ... hahahahahahhahahhah ;^; i hope this makes up for it ..)
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You bounce the ball once before spinning it in your hand. You look at the net and took a deep breath before dribbling the ball two more times and spinned it again in your hand before getting ready to shoot. As soon as the ball left your hand, a loud thud scared you causing you to throw the ball way way of course.
“What are you doing?” You heard the voice of someone you could recognize anywhere. Quickly running to get the ball that had air ball and missed the net completely.
“Uh… sorry, I was just leaving..” You said, quickly not looking at the owner of the voice and leaving the gym quickly.
Though you didn’t turn around to look at the owner of the voice, you already knew who it belong to. Yunho. The captain of the basketball team and very tall, but also very handsome. Him and his group of friends were very popular around the school. You hate to admit but you had the biggest crush on him. You really remember why you really liked basketball, it was because of him. You blushed profusely as you had never expected someone to come during that time, especially since you’ve always done that, shooting and playing by yourself. You never had the confidence to tryout for the team, but you had practice and played by yourself.
“Hey! Wait!” You can hear Yunho’s voice as you clearly can hear him running. You started running, trying keep your basketball in your hand well running. However, you couldn’t hold on to it and run as fast as your could and ended up dropping it, but instead of going back to grab it, you left it and ran as fast as you could. The basketball managed to slow Yunho down as he went to grab it and by the time he got the ball, you were already far away that he wouldn’t be able to catch up. He pouts as he held the ball in his hands.
Today was a rare day that he forgotten something in the gym and thus is why when he saw someone in the gym, he called out to them. Only to have them run away from him. It confused him. He looked at the ball in his hand and smiles before heading back to the gym. When he arrived, his friends were already there.
“Where you go?” Seonghwa asked him and saw Yunho had a ball in his hands.
“Uh.. long story..” Yunho said, before Seonghwa tried to reached for the basketball. Yunho quickly pull the ball away from the older’s grasp.
“Yah! Let me see that ball..” Seonghwa pouts.
“No.. Its not mines.. I’m holding it until I could find the owner.” Yunho said and the others raised an eyebrow.
“The owner? Couldn’t they just buy a new ball?” Hongjoong spoke up, stretching his arms.
“Im sure they will come back..” Yunho said, before returning to their practice.
Later on that night, you sighed. Without your basketball, you couldn’t help but be a bit sad. How were you going to get your basketball back without having to face Yunho? Yunho was too popular to walk up to and honestly you couldn’t face him after running away from him.
You sighed and called your best friend, San, that night whining.
“Sannnnnnnnieeeee….” You whined, as he sighs.
“What? What do you want me to do?” San asked, knowing you would want him to ask Yunho, someone he was only close with because of his boyfriend Seonghwa was on the team.
“Could you get it back for me? Ask Seonghwa to ask Yunho for it.. or something..” You said, whining. He sighed.
“I can ask but I’m sure Yunho won’t give it to Seonghwa. Why don’t you just ask him yourself? Cause not you have an excuse to talk to him.” San snickered, a smirk appearing on his face. You pout, giving up in knowing San wouldn’t do it. “I don’t see why you can’t just talk to him (y/n)… It’s not like he’s gonna bite you or something.”
“He won’t but everyone else would.” You said, knowing how vicious girls at your school can be.
“Please, they wouldn’t dare touch my best friend.” San said, making you smile.
“I think you’re a little delusional.” You said, making him gasp in disbelief.
“You did not just said that to me..” San said and you mocking repeated what he said, causing you both to laugh. “I’ll ask Seonghwa but don’t be surprised if it doesn’t happen.” San said giving you a sense of relief.
“Thanks Sannie, you’re the best.”
The next day, San and Seonghwa found you sitting by yourself, eyes closed and face laying on your arms.
“Hey…” Seonghwa said, greeting you, causing you to shoot up.
“Did you get it?” You said, looking at Seonghwa who had nothing in his hands but holding San’s hands.
“No.. Yunho said if you want it, get it yourself.” Seonghwa said, causing you to sigh. You were never getting your ball back.
“I told you (y/n)..” San said, making you glare at him.
“Just go and ask him, why are you so scared for?” Seonghwa asked and you stood up angrily.
“FINE!” You said, glaring at the two of them.  You walked toward the gym, your feet dragging as you really didn’t want to do this.
Once you reached the gym, you can see Yunho shooting with your basketball. You glared as you stomped in.
“YAH!” You shout, making Yunho slightly jump at the sudden noise. Yunho looks over to see you stomping over to him. He found it rather cute.
“Why hi… You’re San’s friend right?” Yunho asked, holding your ball between his hips and his arm. You sighed.
“I just came to get my ball back.” You said when Yunho took a step closer to you, making you step back a bit. He smirked.
“Oh yeah? How you going to do that?” He asked and you raised an eyebrow.
“Can I please have my ball back?” You asked, politely this time. Yunho smirked but before he could really answered, you quickly knocked out the ball from his hands and ran to catch it. It really took Yunho a couple seconds to completely process what just happened but when he did, you were already out the door. He chuckled lightly at your actions.. Not only did you manage to completely steal the ball from him, but you also manage to make quite an impression on him. He wasn’t going to lose if thats how you wanted to play.
You decided that you were not going to play in the gym after school anymore as you didn’t want to risk another interaction with Yunho. Why was it that, your first instinct was to run away from him?
But as week passed by, it was proven difficult to avoid him. Yunho would constantly show up when you least expected it. Such as when you and San were talking as San was waiting for Seonghwa. Yunho unexpectedly came with Seonghwa today.
“Hey babe.” Seonghwa said, giving san a quick peck on the cheek before sitting down next to San. You missed it as you found your glaze occupied by Yunho.
“Oh, Yunho came with you?” San asked, taking you out of your thoughts. You quickly looked away, but Yunho smirked as he caught you staring at him.
“Oh yeah..” Seonghwa said, shrugging. Yunho took a seat next to you as you ignored him. Your eyes glued to San who was looking at you in amusement. You got up and picked up your basketball on the way, making your way to the courts nearby. You dribbled the ball, wanting to take your mind off of Yunho. You got near the three-point line and took a shot, your shot making a swish as it made it in the basket. You run to grab the ball when Yunho took it before you even reached it.
“Hey..” Yunho said, holding the ball in his hands.
“Hi?” You said, placing your hands on your hips.
“Let’s play a game..” Yunho said, spinning the ball in his hands. You make an attempt towards it but he was faster. Yunho smirked and held the ball with both his hands and leaned in close to you. “Let’s play a game. If I win, you let me take you out on a date. If you win, you take me out on a date.”
“That sounds like a lose-lose situation for me. How about if I win, you leave me alone?” You retorted back at him, causing him to chuckle.
“Then I guess, I better not lose then.” Yunho said, handing you the ball. You sighed and walked to the free-throw line.
“Okay, we play one game of 21. First to 21 wins. Shoot for ball.” You said, passing him the ball with a chest pass.
“21 is too long. First to 11 and you shoot first. I want this to be fair.” Yunho said, passing the ball back to you with a bounce pass. You rolled your eyes, thinking how cocky can he be. You stepped up to the free throw line. You bounced the ball once, twice, and then spinned it your hand before shooting the ball, making the basket.
“My ball.” You said, walking towards the half court line as Yunho went to grab the ball.
Yunho passed you the ball and you passed it back saying “check”. Once you got the ball back you held it a bit before make a fast move toward your right, dribbling the ball, causing yunho to chase you but you faked him and spinned around him running towards the basket into a lay-up, making your first point. Yunho took a minute to process that you had just made a point passed him. He sighed, he didn’t like losing and surely enough he was not going to lose.
He grabbed the ball and passed it to you again, starting another round.
“check.” You said, passing the ball to yunho. He threw it back to you and you pump faked him before dribbling passed him down the court, reaching the free-throw line and shooting it, making it swish into the basket. You smiled as it had been a long time since you were able to play a game. San always gave up after you made the first point because “you’re too good and I don’t want to play anymore. Ask Seonghwa.”
“You’re pretty good.” Yunho said, passing you the ball. You shrugged.
“I can’t say the same about you. Check” You replied, passing him the ball again. Yunho felt hurt in his pride a little but he was determine to win.
He passed you the ball and when you start dribbling towards the basket, Yunho managed to steal the ball, clearing it before making a shot from the three-point line.
“That right there is 2 point.” Yunho said, grinning. You rolled your eyes before grabbing the ball.
You two kept up the game until it was 10-9. You were losing by 2 and you really couldn’t let Yunho win. Yunho held the ball, before dribbling closer to you. He quickly faked to his left before crossing the ball to the right getting in closer and when you manage to catch up, he took a step forward towards you, causing you to back up and when you did, he stepped back and shot a fade-away. You tried to block the ball but was too late and you rushed to hopefully rebound the ball if it was to miss but unfortunately it didn’t. You pout and sighed. You looked at Yunho who had a smile on his face.
“Looks like I won.” Yunho said, coming closer to you. You rolled your eyes.
“You got lucky.” You said and he chuckled.
“So I get to take you out on a date.” Yunho said and you had hope that he forgotten about it.
“Fine..” You said and he took your hand and pulled you closer to him. You landed in his chest, as he chuckles.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked and you blushed. You looked at him but pushed him away.
“Like you would want to.” You said and he pulled you back to face him before kissing you. And wow, did his lips feel so soft. You were lost in the feeling that when he pulled away, you had the biggest reddest face. He smiled, enjoying the reaction he was pulling from you.
“(Y/n) I want to take you on a date.” Yunho softly smiled, causing you to feel the butterflies in your stomach.
“You win this time..” You said, agreeing to the date.
“I always win..”
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gretchensinister · 3 years
Favorite Books 2021
I read 121 books this year. (I’m in two book clubs and this is my main form of entertainment. Don’t imagine that I’m also keeping up with popular TV series or podcasts or playing plotty video games.)
Anyway, I wanted to share my favorites and ones I would recommend. The order is the order I happened to read them in over the year.
First, favorites:
The Fade by Chris Wooding: A favorite because of the unique, alien setting (complete alternate planet) for a political intrigue plot. Main character is a female assassin who is actually old enough to be the best at her profession.
Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee: A favorite because the artificially immortal, possibly insane (but then who can say in a such a corrupt system?) General Jedao is the exact (like UNCANNILY EXACT) kind of character I go for. Big sci-fi empire, you will have to roll with the setting, but you don’t actually need to know math to get the plot.
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke: A favorite because it’s short, sweet, surreal, and troubling. A what-if of a book that lingers. A man is in an endless network of hallways and galleries of statues, and eventually figures out more about how he got there.
Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik: A favorite because sometimes you want a fairy-tale situation and you want an author who you can feel confident in.
Uzumaki by Junji Ito: A favorite because it was just so wonderfully disturbing. Now I notice spirals so much more.
The Book of Dragons ed. Jonathan Strahan: A favorite because I love dragons and this anthology had a wide variety and I enjoyed the large majority of the works in it.
The Monster of Elendhaven by Jennifer Giesbrecht: A favorite because of the absolutely awful (morals and personality) main characters and the gay eroticism of their horribleness to each other. Yes, it’s in the text. Cannot recommend this highly enough.
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern: A favorite because it’s a story about stories, and okay, it is a little more vibe than story at times (or maybe I’m just dumb), but that’s not like…a bad thing.
The Unspoken Name by AK Larkwood: A favorite because it’s got all kinds of stuff I like in it! Alternate worlds, shady immortals, dead* gods*, looking for a macguffin and finding love instead!
The Fifth Season by NK Jemison: A favorite because I was immediately drawn into the world, the characters, everything, I want to know more and more and more about the mystery of this world and how the characters are going to deal with it ending (not a spoiler). So good I feel like I need to gnaw on something, IDK.
Honor Lost by Rachel Caine and Anne Aguirre: This is the last book of a trilogy and I recommend the whole thing. It’s a fun YA space opera, and it takes a lot for me to enjoy YA these days. I will say that you have to just kind of roll with the space travel component (it makes no sense given the scale of space and no standard FTL travel or gates/hyperspace etc.). But I’ve never read a regular published book where the development of an interspecies polyamorous relationship is the heart of the series.
A Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe by Alex White: Space adventure, science fiction setting with magic woven into that society. High stakes treasure hunt.
A Desolation Called Peace by Arkady Martine: Sequel to A Memory Called Empire. All the complicated questions about empire from the first book, but now with a developing war and first contact situation with really alien aliens.
More recommendations! Why not favorites? The answer is that there was some aspect that I recognize is something very idiosyncratic about myself that puts them not on my personal favorites list but I still think they’re very good.
The Brilliant Death by Amy Capetta: YA set in fantasy Italy, magic of a type I haven’t seen before, and much more playing around with gender than I’ve seen in almost any fantasy novel.
The First Sister by Linden Lewis: The first book of a series, yes it’s more space empire rebellion and intrigue, I plan to continue with the next book.
Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse: The more I think about this one the more eager I am to read the sequel (April 2022 last I heard). Set in a pre/non-Columbian South and Central American world. A suppressed religion’s chosen one does what he’s chosen for.
Nimona by Noelle Stevenson: This graphic novel is fairly well known, I would guess, among anyone who’s likely to see this post. Main character shapeshifter, nemeses and questions of heroism and villainy.
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia: Definitely both very gothic and Mexican. Got that unsettling claustrophobia of the gothic house to a very strong degree.
The Sundial by Shirley Jackson: Horrifying but also dark, dark humor. Maybe it’s the end of the world, but if only the main characters in the book are going to live through it, who’d want to go on? Jackson’s writing always makes me want to shriek; she makes it look so easy to do it well.
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V E Schwab: A young woman makes a deal to live forever, but to never be remembered. Three hundred years later, that changes.
The Cipher by Kathe Koja: Two people find an impossible, inexplicable, completely black hole in an apartment building storage room. And it gets worse and more horrifying from there. I highly recommend this one because it is so horrifying and weird, but I also found it difficult to read because it’s in first person and the narrator is a depressed bastard. There’s no clearer way to say it, and I found it hard to deal with being in such a character’s head sometimes.
Nightbreed by Clive Barker: Recommended because I enjoy horrifying and weird things, and the metaphor in this 90s comic series just hit me hard. The haven of the Nightbreed gets destroyed, and now the monsters have to deal with the aftermath and search for a new refuge. The metaphor’s very obvious when you read it but it’s still a metaphor so if that puts a bug up your ass don’t say I didn’t warn you.
The Beast’s Heart by Leife Shallcross: A Beauty and the Beast story from the perspective of the Beast. Clear links, narrative-wise, to Beauty by Robin McKinley, though not directly related (I’ve just read a lot of Beauty and the Beast stories and it’s sometimes easy to spot particular influences). Kind of angsty (not a huge surprise given the premise) but if you’re interested in this premise this book does it well.
I will not be providing any identity list for the characters in these books beyond what I’ve already mentioned in my brief notes, because I find that trend tiresome and uninformative when I’m deciding what to read. BUT! I am willing to talk more about any of these if you’re interested. Anyway, remember that I’m just a random person that a few of you know and most of you don’t, I just read 121 books this year.
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ak-fantasies · 5 years
Take Me Back
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Yeosang Imagine
Pairing: Yeosang x Reader
Genre: Angst
Summary: He left you, but here he is asking you to take him back
Sequel to Arranged
(sort of was listening to I can’t Stand the Rain by Super M) 
You had spent the night over at Jongho’s after that night. He had driven and picked you up. During the car ride, Jongho stayed quiet as you silently cried through the ride. You held onto the divorce papers tightly in your hands as you watched the buildings and street light zoom on by. Jongho never questioned and offered his home as your home until you can get the courage to tell your parents about what just happened.
You had signed the divorce papers and put them in a yellow folder. You cried so much, you honestly didn’t know how to pick yourself up. Jongho watched you quietly.
“(Y/n).. It’s okay.. Your parents will still love you, okay?” Jongho reassured you and you nodded. Finally taking that step, you called your parents to ask if you could visit them. Of course, they’re your parents, they love seeing you. Jongho had offered to drive you but you couldn’t burden him any more than you’ve already had.
When you arrived at your parent’s place, as soon as you saw them you broke down. They were confused but they held onto you until you could properly form words. When you finally explained everything and what was in the yellow folder you brought, they smiled and hugged you tighter.
“It’s okay.. You’re my daughter. You did everything you could, we will work out another contract with their family for our company. Don’t worry okay… You’ve done nothing but your best.” Your father consoled you and you just continued crying. Your mother gave you a small smile and kissed your forehead.
“We will always support you no matter what, okay?” She said and you gave her a sad smile. With that, you start staying with your parents again. They had sent the divorce papers to Yeosang and had sent people to pick up your things from the home you used to share.
As Yeosang watches the movers take your stuff, he didn’t know how to feel. The last week had been hell ever since you left. He thought back to when he received the divorce papers. He had felt relief. At that time he had Yoona with him and she gave him a smile.
“Does this mean we can be together now?” She asked and he gave her a smile. He always wanted this, but somewhere in the back of his mind, he remembers you crying. He remembers you telling him that you love him, but that's all over now. He had Yoona. He went to his parents with Yoona by his side, ready to introduce her to his parents.
“Father…” Yeosang said as he saw his father, who was relishing in anger at the table.
“Yeosang! What is the meaning of this letter I received from (Y/LN)’s family?” His father was angry that his son had divorced without his approval.
“I divorced (y/n).. That’s why I’m here.. This is Yoona, the daughter of Hwang JinHwan.” Yeosang introduced when his father throws the papers at Yeosang and Yoona.
“You divorced (y/n) who is from a good family for this trash?” His father scowled and stood up. “I’m not giving my company to someone who can’t make good decisions for himself. You are no longer my son.” His father left Yeosang standing there, speechless. Yeosang’s mother walked over and softly smiled at Yoona and Yeosang.
“He’s just angry, I’ll try to talk to him.” She said and followed her husband. Yeosang stood there, feeling empty. Yoona huffed.
“Yeosang! What does that mean?!” Yoona asked and turned to Yeosang. Yeosang turned to Yoona and he smiled.
“Don’t worry, I’ll try to work it out,” Yeosang said and Yoona huffed.
“You better or we are over.” She said and walked out the front door.
Yeosang thought about that day every day, and now watching the movers take your stuff, just made him feel very very empty. His father made it clear that it was (y/n) or no one and not even his mother could change his father’s mind.
Soon later Yoona had dumped Yeosang for another CEO’s son who agreed to marry her as soon as possible. After the movers took all your stuff, Yeosang walked into an almost empty home. He looked around to see everything you made the home felt like home was gone. It just felt cold and dark. Yeosang couldn’t believe how much his life fell apart after you left. He just wanted you back now. Your words, “I married you cause I actually love you,” ringing in his mind. He thought back at everything you did, packing him lunch, wearing the clothing he bought you, trying your best for him. He missed it.
Months passed. You were walking with Jongho, laughing at the joke he had made as you held the warm coffee in your hand.
“You know what I thought when I first saw your smile?” Jongho said and you looked at him with questioning eyes.
“What?” You asked and he smiled at you.
“Oh shit…” He said, making you confused but after a while, you realized what he was getting at.
“Jongho!” You exclaimed and playfully hit him as he laughed. You laughed along when you saw Yeosang standing outside your company building. He was looking at some paper in his hand and looking at the building to check if it was correct. He looked like he hadn’t shaved in weeks. Yeosang took deep breaths as he debated if he should go in to try and talk to you. You remember hearing that his father disowned him after the divorce but you didn’t know what had happened to him. You looked at Jongho who wrapped his arms around you. You both walked closer and you made eye contact with Yeosang. Yeosang’s heart dropped when he saw Jongho’s arms around you.
“(Y/n)…” he said, his voice almost breaking. Your heart broke. Even after months, you still knew that you love him.
“Yeosang, what are you doing here?” You asked as Jongho stood by your side.
“I wanted to come.. and ask you to take me back.” Yeosang pleaded. You could literally hear your heartbreaking, seeing him again. He looked so unwell as if he hasn’t been taking care of himself.
“Leave. You’re unwelcome.” Jongho said, stepping in front of you. You softly stopped him and tell him to go ahead first. Jongho left and you stood there with Yeosang.
“Jongho.. huh..” Yeosang whispered as you had him sit down by the fountain.
“We aren’t together..” You cleared the situation, as you sat down beside him. You frowned, looking at Yeosang. He still looks handsome, it just looks like he spends most of his days drowning in alcohol. You took his hands and handed him your coffee. He watched you hand him the coffee and he broke down crying. You felt the pain in your chest.
“Yeosang… You can’t just come here.. You need to pick yourself up and move on.” You said, and he just kept crying.
“I’m sorry for everything.. I shouldn’t have let you go. You love me so much and I just hurt you like that.. I can’t stand this pain. I miss you.. Please.. take me back.” He cried you didn’t know what to do. Of course, you love him, you still do but you didn’t know if you should take him back. Yeosang was experiencing the worst and here he is crying for forgiveness. What do you do? You didn’t know because somewhere in your heart, you love Yeosang but you also love Jongho.
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ak-fantasies · 5 years
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Yeosang Imagine
Genre: Angst
Pairing: Yeosang x Reader
Summary: You married him because you love him, but did he?
You looked through your closet, trying to find the right outfit for the night. You and Yeosang had been invited to a big meeting. You may have been arranged to be married but you felt happy. You actually truly love him. When you first met him, you probably fell in love at first sight. It may sounds cliche but you can say that you truly love him. Though maybe to him, this marriage is only for his family’s company. You didn’t mind, because you love him.
You finally settled on a dress that Yeosang had gotten you for your anniversary. You put on the dress, looking at yourself in the mirror, it fit just perfectly. Yeosang always knew the outfits to fit you the best. You smile as you looked at yourself.
You settle that you would try your best to give your all to show Yeosang that you love him.
“(Y/n), are you ready?” You hear Yeosang’s voice from outside your room. You quickly applied your lipstick and grabbed your bag before heading out.
“Yes!” You shout back, going down the stairs you see Yeosang standing at the bottom fixing his watch. You smiled and walked down.
“We’re going to be late.” He said as you reached him. You give him a smile and fixed his tie.
“Okay, let’s go.” You said after fixing his tie. He put out his hand and you took it.
When you both arrived at the company party, you stood by Yeosang as he greeted everyone. You stood there, following him and greeting everyone.
You saw a group of wives standing and waving you over. You excused yourself from Yeosang and walked over.
“(Y/n).. Nice to see you here.” They greeted and you smiled.
“Thank you for inviting us.” You slightly bowed and they just gave you a soft laugh.
“How your marriage?” They asked and you looked at Yeosang who was talking comfortably with the other important people in the room.
“It’s going fine.” You said and the wives all smiled at you. You admit that Yeosang treated you fine. He didn’t really have much to talk about, but he gave you gifts for your anniversary.
You continued talking until Yeosang called you over. You excused yourself and you walked to Yeosang.
“Ah, (y/n)..” You smiled as you saw your uncle.
“Hello Uncle..” You greeted and you saw someone standing next to him.
“Oh (y/n) this is my head of department, Jongho.” Your uncle introduced and you greeted them. Yeosang and your uncle softly excuse themselves to talk business, leaving you with Jongho.
“So, I guess you two were arranged to be married,” Jongho spoke and you looked at him.
“Yeah, how you know?” You asked. Jongho stopped the waiter and grabbed two glasses of champagne.
“Your body language. You love him but he’s cold to you.” Jongho said as he handed you the other.
“I see.” You said, not realizing that it might have been simple to tell that one of you were more in love than the other. You accepted his drink and he just gives you a smile.
“To our new friendship,” Jongho said and held his glass out and you smiled and clinked yours with his and took a sip.
You and Yeosang walked out, you hand around his arm.
“Yeosang?” You heard a female voice and turned toward the direction.
“Yoona?” You heard Yeosang said with great surprised in his voice. You looked at Yeosang and you could see the glisten in his eyes.
“Oh my, how long has it been?” This “Yoona” said and you were a bit annoyed.
“I’m doing well. Why are you here?” Yeosang asked and she just smiled at him. You could feel how your heart hurt a little inside, but you let it go. He just hasn’t seen this person for a long time.
“Oh, (Y/n) this is Yoona, her father is the head of the department for the new company. She was also my first love.” Yeosang introduced her. Why did he just introduce her that way?
“We should catch up.” She said and Yeosang nodded.
“(Y/n) are you able to find a ride back? I would like to talk to Yoona.” Yeosang asked and you being the softie you are, you allowed it.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.. Don’t worry.” You said. Yeosang and Yoona walked off and you just watched him walk away. You’re fine, this won’t change anything. You told yourself this as you began to walk toward the direction of home.
“Hey, you need a ride?” You heard, looking at the car that stopped by the street. You see that it’s Jongho. You smiled and accepted his offer. In the car, you looked out the window.
“You okay?” Jongho’s voice brought your attention to him. You looked at him and gave him a soft smile.
“Yeah. Just tired.” You said, leaning back into your seat.
Once you got home, you exited out the car.
“Wait. Here’s my card, it has my number. If you needed anything.” Jongho said, extending out the card to you. You politely accepted and thanked him for the ride. You walked in, yet somehow the house felt cold and lonely.
The next few days, Yeosang hasn’t been around lately, but you never bother as he was busy. You figured that you would make his favorite today, so when he gets home he has a nice dinner to come to.
You spent hours making dinner, setting up the plates and the candles to make it more romantic. You could hear the door open, and he walks in with Yoona. You saw him smiling and laughing. It hurt, he never really smiled like that with you. You quickly blew out the candles and walked to greet them.
“Yeosang, welcome home.” You said and smiled. Yeosang looks at you and then at Yoona.
“Yoona, this is my home,” Yeosang said, ignoring you.
“I made dinner.” You said as Yeosang walked by with his hands behind Yoona.
“You eat. I’ve already eaten.” He said leading Yoona to his office room. You watched them go into the hallway. You sighed and went to the dinner table and put everything away. You spent hours for nothing, but you didn’t mind. You still wanted to make it work.
The next day, Yeosang was home. You walked to his office room and knocked on it.
“Come in.” You hear and you walked in.
“Yeosang. Are you busy?” You asked and Yeosang looked up from his papers.
“Oh (y/n). You’re here.. I wanted to talk to you.” Yeosang said and walked over to you handing you papers.
“What are these?” You asked, looking at them.
“Divorce papers.” He said, nonchalantly. Your heart dropped. Did he say divorce paper? You could feel tears building up.
“Why?” You asked you were stupid to ask. Yeosang sighed and shrugged.
“It’s better this way. You get out of this marriage and I can be with Yoona. Besides, we both only married for our family’s company.” Yeosang said. Your shaking hands dropped the papers, as tears start streaming down your face. Yeosang stopped and watched you. He had never seen you cry and it was shocking.
“You think I married you for my family’s company? Yeosang, I married you cause I actually love you.” You said through your sob as Yeosang watched you like a deer in headlight. You bit your lips, trying to contain in as many tears as you can. You looked at the ring on your finger. You picked up the papers from the ground, still crying. Tears came and you didn’t know how to stop them. You just kept wiping them as you stood up and took the ring off your finger. You handed it to Yeosang and walked out his door.
“Wait.. Where are you going?” He asked, finally gaining some composure. You looked at him and just smiled.
“I’ll be safe. Don’t worry.” You said and left. You walked out of the house and called a number.
“Hey, it's me. Could you pick me up?” You said, through your sobs.
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ak-fantasies · 5 years
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(a/n: mingi’s teaser photos just came out and omg i just felt so inspired by it that i haddddd to write thissss so enjoy )
Mingi Imagine
Pairing: Mingi x Reader
Genre: College AU, Slight Angst
Summary: Of course you just happened to like the playboy Mingi
Warning: slight cussing, mentions drinking
As big the campus is, you still ended up in a classroom with a well-known dancer in the school. Your luck may be the worst in the world, but you still couldn’t help but fall in love with him.
Song Mingi, the most groovy dancer in the school. Everyone knew that he was really good and had one of the coolest styles in dancing. He was so beautiful, his new red hair complimented him so well, and when he danced you can just see him even better.
You just so happened to like him when you first saw him. You somehow stumbled unto him practicing hard and late. No one was around so you stood in the shadows watching him work hard. When you explained to your friend that you saw someone that caught your eye, they spent weeks helping find him. It wasn’t until you saw him performing at the center of the common space with his dance team. When you had informed your friend, they immediately told you that it was a bad idea. And indeed it was. He was a playboy and every party you go to, everyone says the same.
Sitting in the corner of the room, you softly jam to your favorite playlist. The professor wasn’t there yet, so you went in and just waited for everyone to slowly trickle in. You softly murmured the words of the song playing when Mingi sits right next to you. You can feel your heart beating as your breath hitched a little. Maybe you were shy, but you were always just shy around your crush. It’s not your fault that he is just so, so beautiful. Like who gave him permission to be so beautiful.
“You know, you can always take a photo.” You hear him say through your earphones, making you realize you were staring. Your face flushed red as you turned your attention back to your notebook in front of you. You can hear him laugh a little as you took out your earphone due to the professor starting to talk.
During the whole lecture, Mingi would turn to look at you as you paid him no attention.
“Look, I know you want to look at me, you don’t have to pay so much attention to class.” Mingi leans over and whispers, causing you to freeze for a split second before turning to look at him.
“Excuse me?” You whispered back, looking at him and he just gave you a smirk. You scoffed, but maybe inside you were dying a little.
Continuing your best to ignore him and his advances until the class was over, you quickly gather your stuff when Mingi stops you.
“What’s the hurry babe?” He asked and you try leaving when he grabbed your hand, preventing you from leaving.
“I’ve got another class.” You said and he smirked.
“Babe, you don’t have to make excuses to leave. I know you don’t want to leave.” Mingi said and you just pulled your arm away as you leave. Mingi grabbed his stuff and chased after you. Why is the hottest guy in the campus following you, you don’t know but you just didn’t want him too. As much as you liked him, you just don’t how to act around your crushes.
As you walk, every girl turns to see Mingi following you as you kept speeding up your walking speed.
“Babe, why are you rushing?” Mingi said, and you just plugged in your earphones and continued to walk to your class. At some point, you walked by some of his friends, where they stopped him allowing you to make your grand escape to your class without him knowing where you went. All you wanted was to admire your crush from afar since you never had a chance.
After you finished your class, you put the hood of your hoodie on as you quickly walked home. You hoped that you wouldn’t see Mingi, luckily the class you had with Mingi was only twice a week and in a big lecture hall, so all you had to do was go in early and sit in the front next to other people. Yes, you would rather sit to random people in the front than sit in the corner and have Mingi find you.
You got home when your friends were getting ready.
“Where you going?” You asked as you dragged yourself to your room.
“We’re going to a party.. Come with us..” One of them said, coming up to your doorway.
“I don’t want to. You know Mingi followed me today.” You said and they freaked.
“WAIT! SONG MINGI FOLLOWED YOU?!!?!?!” They said, together surprised.
“Yeah..” You said, and you sighed. “I really don’t know that boy.”
“Let’s go out, maybe it’ll get your head out and away.” One of them suggested and you sighed but agreed.
“Besides, why are you annoyed that Mingi followed you.. don’t you like him?” The other asked.
“I do, but-“
“But you aren’t good enough, whatever. You’re hot and I would date you.” The other interrupted you as they walked away. You sighed and got up.
“Maybe if you put on some makeup and dress a little more.” The other suggested and you just agreed to them. It’s the first week of classes, when could you get the chance to enjoy your college fun?
You arrived at the party, your friends had done your makeup and your outfit was a cute navy blue shirt with straps and stopped by your belly button with a bow and some black jeans. As much as you wouldn’t admit it, you were hot. You all got into the house and the first thing you notice was the boy with red hair. You quickly ducked into another room, coming across a bunch of people. You grabbed a cup and filled it with the mix alcohol punch. You groove to the music as you sip from your cup. You watched as your friend go crazy and down shot after shot. You slowly sip your drink when a couple guys come over and try to flirt with you.
“Hey, what’s a girl like you doing over here alone?” One said, eyeing you down. The other licks his lips as you just let out a soft laugh.
“Is this your first time picking up a girl?” You asked, the alcohol taking over and making you feel a bit more confident and sassy than you normally are.
“Feisty. I like that.” One says but you just shrugged and walked around to where your friends where. You felt eyes on you and when you down a shot of liquor down, you felt someone pull you away.
“Wait! MY drink!.” You said, turning to see that it was Mingi who pulled you toward the hallway. He placed you on the wall and smashed his lips onto your lips. Oh my god, he was such a good kisser. You can taste the alcohol he drank. He pulled you in closer but you pushed him away. You gasp for air as he smirked.
“I knew I liked you.” He said, smirking and you just scoffed.
Maybe you both enjoyed the kiss but you really were sure if it was just him being him.
Your friend basically dragged you away from Mingi that night as you both were just constantly making out in the hallway.
The memory was a bit fuzzy but you were nervous about going to class. Maybe you should tell him?
You waited outside the class when you see Mingi with his arm around another girl. Fuck. What did you expect? It was just a night and he just likes to fuck around. He was the biggest playboy on campus. Mingi made eye contact with you and smirked. You just laughed at yourself softly and walked into your class. You didn’t let it bother you.
As soon as Mingi sat next to you, you glared at him and he acts like he wasn’t just with another girl.
“Hey, babe.” He said and you pick up your stuff, confusing him. You were already heartbroken, but were you going to let him get the satisfaction of leading you on, no. He grabbed your wrist.
“Touch me again and I’ll scream.” You threaten and he lets go immediately.
“Look, hun, are you mad about that other babe?” He asked and you just softly laugh at him.
“Look I like you.. but if you don’t like me, I really don’t give two fucks.” You said and moved to another seat a few rows in front. Heartbreak really will change a person.
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ak-fantasies · 5 years
No Manners
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Mingi Imagine
Pairing: Mingi x Reader 
Genre: College Au / Slight Angst?
Summary: Heartbreaks changes people, he broke your heart. But when you become a big flirt, he couldn’t resist you 
Sequel to Playboy
Warning: includes profanities, mentions drinking, kind of suggestive?
Inspired By: No Manners- Super M (literally I think this song is really uh-)
After the whole incident with Mingi, you made no contact with him. Just because he was famous doesn’t mean anything to you. You were indeed heartbroken, and every day in class you would sit next to anyone, making sure there was no open seat near you. You wore makeup, dressed up, and did everything you can to look good every day to maybe make Mingi regret doing that to you. Finally, after finals, the holiday break came. You were ready to party, drink every weekend. Heartbreak can change people and it made you changed. It doesn’t matter to you, you liked how guys started coming to you after you changed how you dressed and start building up your own confidence.
Entering the house, your friends had run off to start their shots with a couple of people. You looked around, trying before walking up towards the bottle of vodka on the counter. You found yourself a cup and pour about a quarter of the vodka into the cup and then poured juice filling the cup 3/4 of the way up. You took a sip and as you sipped on your drink, you notice someone you haven’t seen in a while. Mingi. You chuckled and walked over, seeing as there were a couple of guys over near him.
“Hey, San.” You greeted, as you approached Mingi and his friends. You knew San. Maybe hooked up once after the whole Mingi ordeal. San was a big flirt and don’t really fuck someone twice but you were the exception. Mingi furrowed his brow as his friends began to crowd you.
“Damn (y/n), you looking good.” San flirted, already a bit tipsy. You smirked and licked your lips.
“Thanks..” You said turned your attention to a guy next to you.
“Hey…” He said, looking at you. Up and down your body. Mingi felt a bit irritated. You were flirting with his friends in front of him. And fuck, you were hot. How was he supposed to keep his hormones contained?
After minutes of his friends flirting with you, you were getting tipsy from your own drink but wanted more. Your newfound friend, Wooyoung, offered to get you more drinks with San. You accepted and when you turn towards Mingi, you just shrugged and walked away. Mingi grabbed your wrists and pulled you towards a room in the house. As he slammed the door, placing you in-between him and the door.
“You really like to tease me, don’t you?” He said and you rolled your eyes.
“Not everything is about you anymore Mingi. Get over yourself.” You said, pushing him off you. He pressed himself closer onto you. He smashed his lips on you, pressing you against the door. You managed to push him off after a small struggle.
“What the fuck Mingi!?” You shout and slapped him. Mingi touched his cheeks where you had slapped him.
“You really think that you flirting with my friends and dressing up like this won’t get me riled up?” Mingi said, grabbing your wrists and pinning them above you.
“Fuck off. I don’t want anything to do with you anymore!” You shouted and Mingi furrowed his eyes.
“You love me… You still fucking do..” Mingi said and feeling the anger build up in your stomach you tried to get out of his grip.
“Let me fucking go.” You said and Mingi just smashed his lips upon yours again. You were fighting and struggling but hell he was such a good kisser. His lips were definitely made for kissing. When you kissed back, he smirked and pulled away.
“If you hate me..” He managed out, “Then say it with no manners.”
“Shut up..” You growled and he smirked.
“Babe, you got to say it coldly. Farewells aren’t great… You got to leave it worst. Or I won’t believe you.” He whispered, his kisses trailed down your jaw.
“Stop..” You breathed, and he smirked upon your skin.
“I could be addicted to you,” Mingi said. You hated this, you hated this effect he had on you.
“You’re only fucking around with me.” You said and he looked at you.
“For you… Your charms…” He whispered and leaned in again. You both were stuck in the stage of being addicted to each other. One of you always made the first move, no manners between the two of you.
“The more you hide it, the more I see it (y/n)…” Mingi said and you turned away. Where would this lead to, the future is rough. But damn did you both have each other wrapped around your fingers, both addicted to one another.
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ak-fantasies · 5 years
Dream of You
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Han Seungwoo Imagine
Pairing: Seungwoo x Reader
Short: Soulmate AU
Summary: When one goes to sleep, they dream. They dream about their soulmate’s day or at least some parts of it. It becomes more and more descriptive when the soulmates are closer to one another. If one was to wake up to not dreaming anything then it means the soulmate has died or isn’t born yet. The face of the soulmate is never revealed in these dreams, how one finds their soulmate?
Seungwoo doesn’t really remember when these soulmate dreams started but for as long as he could recall they existed. He really doesn’t remember much from those dreams. But as he started growing up, he began to see his soulmate’s life. He knew her name because of the many times she would get picked on during school. Of course, he never saw how she looked. He would always forget those moments in the dream. But her name stuck. (Y/n). He did not understand these dreams and always thought they were just weird dreams until everything was explained in high school. Soulmate. He did not know how he felt about this term. On one end he loves the fact that he has someone destiny with him. But he didn’t want to be tied to one person. What if they were a horrible person? But how could he say that? (y/n) wasn’t. She was sweet and kind but mistreated.
Everyday Seungwoo would see how her classmates pick on her, call her names, push her, and just make her feel horrible. Somewhere deep inside Seungwoo wanted to meet her. Where she was, he did not know.
Soon enough Seungwoo was attending college. His dreams started to become more and more vivid and he remembered more and more.
“Yo!” One of Seungwoo’s friend, Hanse, threw his arm around Seungwoo.
“Hey!” Seungwoo greeted seeing all of his friends sit down.
“What’s up?” Another one of his friends, Seungsik asked.
“Nothing much. I’m so tired.” Seungwoo laid down his head.
“Is it because of your soulmate dreams?” Seungsik asked as he got out his laptop to start the project they had.
“Yeah.. It’s becoming more and more vivid. I’m seeing more colors, more of her day, and remembering more from it.” He said, frustrated since his group of friends had already found their soulmate.
“That means she’s close to us. Maybe she is attending this college?!” Hanse says a bit too excitedly.
“But from my dreams, I don’t recognize anything. Nothing looks familiar.” Seungwoo sighed out.
“Let’s at least do something to get your mind off it. Project.” Seungsik says, pulling up the powerpoint.
The trio starts on their project, going on until the shop they were at kicks them out. After being kicked out, they all head back to their dorms, talking about their plans and what more they can do on the project.
The trio arrives at Seungwoo’s dorm first.
“Well.. I’ll see y’all tomorrow.” Seungwoo said and Seungsik gave him a pat.
“You’ll be fine. She’s nearby. You’ll both meet. You’re destined to.” Seungsik said, trying to cheer him up.
“Yeah.. Anyways.. See you guys.” Seungwoo says before heading into his room.
The next day, Seungwoo woke up in a state of surprise. He quickly picks up his phone and dials the first number he could.
“Seungsik… You won’t believe what happened!” Seungwoo shouted, with such surprised and excited.
“Woo.. it’s 6 in the morning.” Seungsik said quietly, slowly falling back asleep.
“Sik… I saw the cafe... I saw you and Hanse in my soulmate dreams.”
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ak-fantasies · 5 years
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(a/n: just a little birthday present for me from me.. uwu... i had this in my note dungeon for the longest time cause like i just suddenly had a daydream about how his lips felt... so yeah .. ignore my delulu self.. its short yes lol)
Seonghwa Imagine
Pairing: Seonghwa x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: You wanted to know how his lips feel
There he was, sitting right in front of you. As he talked you could only focus on his lips. They look soft. You wanted to know how his lips are.
“(Y/n)?” His voice brought you back to reality.
“Yes?” You answered and he laughs.
“Are you listening?” He asked.
“I am… Hey Seonghwa.. Have you ever kissed anyone before?” You asked, catching him off guard.
“Uh…” He started but you just soft laughs.
“Sorry… I was out of it..” You explained and lean back onto the chair.
“It’s okay..” He chuckles, making your heart skip a beat. Seonghwa slightly stand up to reach over and flick you on the forehead. You yelp in reaction and placed your hand on your forehead. You gave a glare at Seonghwa as you see him just laughing at your reaction.
“What was that for?” You asked as you pout and he just smiles at you. He shrugs and you just placed your focus back onto your work.
“Okay, so we have to-“ You were stopped by the sudden action of Seonghwa leaning over the table and his hand lifting your face to meet his.
“Seong-“ You barely manage to say before he leans in and places a kiss on your lips. Soft, warm. His lips were just perfect, it made you feel like you were in the warmth of home. You could literally feel the butterflies in your stomach. Even if it was just a moment, you felt like it was the longest second in your life.
When he finally pulled away, it felt like all the warmth had left your body. You were speechless. Yes, you wanted to know how they felt but you never expected it to ever happen.
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ak-fantasies · 5 years
You Fool
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(a/n: wahhh double update? what’s this? must be a lucky day lols ;) anyways enjoy ~)
Yunho Imagine
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Yunho x Reader
Summary: You think he likes you, and obviously you like him
Inspired by: Fool - Wonder Girls
You lay down on the bed texting your best friend when they suddenly called.
“Hello?” You answered, and your best friend begins to shout.
“(Y/N)!!!!” He shouts, scaring the crap out of you.
“What Mingi!? Stop shouting.” You said, touching your ear as if it would ease the pain or something.
“Sorry… its just I heard YUNHO LIKES SOMEONE!!!” Mingi shouted again, you pulled the phone away from your ears to prevent hearing loss. Then when you processed what he said, you quickly bolt up from your bed.
“WHAT?! REALLY?!” You shout back, your heart beating.
“Yeah! I’m LIKE A hundred billion percent sure its you!!!” Mingi said and you blushed.
“No way…” You denied, but in the back of your mind, you thought maybe he’ll like you. Your face was now flushed red, what if he did like you? But what if it wasn’t true?
“I’M SURE ITS YOU!!!! THE WAY HE LOOKS AT YOU!! Its like he’s like completely in loveeee” Mingi dragged out the last word, almost teasing you. “Anyways (y/n) I got to go.. Talk to you later!” And with that, he hung up. Leaving you to lay back down onto your bed, you hand on your chest, feeling how fast its beating. It felt like your heart was beating out of your chest.
Yunho’s smile pops into your head. That one bright beautiful smile. His cheeks that turn easily red, his fluffy hair. Just the very image of him makes you want to scream. You can easily see him laughing into his hands and the sound of his laugh vibrating through your mind. You grabbed a pillow and literally screams into the pillow.
The next day you get to class to see Yunho sitting at the usual seat. He waves to you, grinning like no tomorrow. You happily walked over and he greeted you. You two talk until the professor walks in. Then it was just working and listening. Yunho would poke your side once in a while causing you to jump and glare at him. He would curl in his lips to prevent himself from laughing. You brought your hand up, forming a peace sign you did the “ I’m watching you” signal to him as you turn your attention back to the professor. The professor then forces you all into different groups, separating you and Yunho because one you both would never work on your assignment and two it just ended that way. You worked with another guy. You would look over at Yunho to see what he’s doing. Every time you look at him, you try hard to show him you like him. Sometimes you wondered if he knew you liked him, does he even have a clue?
As class finishes, you start packing your things. Yunho starts walking by but not before your partner from the earlier assignment stops you.
“Would you like to go and get some coffee sometimes?” He asked, surprising you. You were sure Yunho heard it because Yunho came over and wrapped his arms around your shoulders.
“Let’s go~,” He said in his usual cheery tone. You apologized to your classmate and walked with Yunho. You both walked out and Yunho lets go of your shoulder.
‘You fool if you like me just say it.’ You thought as Yunho turns to you.
“Let’s go eat, I’m hungry how about you?” He asks, making you just chuckle about his childishness act.
“Sure..” You said, giving in to his pleads. You both walk over to your usual place to eat. On the way, his hand interlocks with yours. You blushed at this sudden action as he acts all shy at first but slowly builds confidence since you weren’t rejecting his action.
‘Why can’t you just say you like me?’ You thought but this was cute enough, so you forgave him in your mind.
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ak-fantasies · 5 years
Best for the Both of Us
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Seonghwa x Reader
Genre: Angst
Summary: You left him because it was best for both of you.
You watched him grow into what he was. Debuted as an idol, getting a lot of love from fans. You supported him through it all. But of course, you missed him.
You called him, only to reach his voicemail.
“Hi Love, it's Me… I missed you. Just wanted to check up on you and see if you were okay. I miss you a lot... Call me back soon. I love you. Bye.” You left a voicemail.
Hours went by, and still nothing. You figured he was busy. You didn’t pressure him. You knew he had his things to do. They just won their first win and you understood if they were practicing or celebrating. Maybe you could visit them and bring them food. But you held it inside. You knew he needs space.
You texted Yeosang, just to make sure Seonghwa was under good hands.
(Y/N): Hey, How’s everyone? What are you all doing?
Yeosang: We celebrating,,,
(Y/n): okayyy, Seonghwa is okay right??
Yeosang: Yup
Yeosang: got to go, talk to you later.
You sigh. It was rather strange to have Yeosang act so distance. Somehow you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.
The next day you bought some chicken and went to their practice room at the company.  You walked in and the staff greeted you.
“Hello. I’m here to drop off a delivery here.” You said and the staff nodded and handed you a guest pass. You walked to the practice room to see the boys sitting around and stretching.
You smiled and looked instinctively for Seonghwa.
“Seonghwa, yesterday (y/n) messaged me. Have you not messaged her yet?” You could hear Yeosang voice before you could even open the door.
“Ugh, she’s so annoying.” Seonghwa groaned.
“You shouldn’t say that about your girlfriend. You know we all are friends.” Hongjoong said.
“Yeah.. But it’s not the same. She’s just not interesting anymore. It’s been boring. Actually, I met someone who was really cute. I feel like the relationship isn’t going anywhere so I might just break up with her.” Seonghwa said nonchalantly.
You could feel your heart breaking but you don’t say anything.
“Seonghwa, you don’t mean that.” Yunho furrowed his eyes.
“I mean you guys met her yesterday.. Wasn’t she cute?” Seonghwa smiled, the atmosphere was silence. You can feel that they all felt horrible. You kept a smile, held in the tears.
“Seonghwa, you’re taking (y/n) for granted,” San spoke up.
“San trust me. I don’t feel the same for (y/n) anymore. Besides, I’ll break up with her tonight. I’m going to visit her tonight.” He said and everyone sighed.
Keeping yourself from crying, you knocked on the door. Everyone shut up and you walked in.
“Hey! I brought you guys chicken!” You said, giving them the best smile you could manage. Everyone kind of felt awkward because of what just happen but they didn’t know if you heard.
“What are you doing here?” Seonghwa said and walked over to hug you.
“Well to congratulate you all of course! Your first win deserves chicken.” You said and hugged Seonghwa back. How was it that you could miss him so much, the smell of him was so comforting but also heart breaking.
“Thank you.. You didn’t have too.” Hongjoong said, and you smiled.
“Of course I have to!” You said, in a cheery tone.
“Thank you..” San said, hugging you. You hugged him back. San didn’t let go.
“I’m so sorry. Please don’t cry. If you need anything, call me.” San whispered. You almost felt tears in your eyes but you held them and thanked him. You could fool them all but San.
San released you and you smiled.
“Well, I’ll get going..” You said and everyone said goodbye. You left and went straight home. Losing all motivation to do anything but cry to yourself for hours.
You wake up hours later, checking the time it’s been 3 hours since you got home and cried, during which you fell asleep. You still felt like shit but you decided that it was time to leave. You packed all your things and went to a friend’s place. You decided it was time to move. You came back to the apartment and sat there. You waited for Seonghwa.
Hours later, the door opens, you see Seonghwa coming in. You stood up and smiled.
“Welcome back.” You say and he gives you a smile. He walks in notices your things missing.
“Did you put stuff away?” He asked and you gave him a small smile.
“I’m moving out.” You said and he was shocked.
“The lease is under your name now. Well, It’ll be under your name by tomorrow.” You said, trying to hold in the tears.
“Why?” He asked.
“I…” You paused to find the words. “I think it’s better for both of us.. You’re getting more popular and have less time nowadays. You need to focus on your fans. I don’t want our relationship to hurt your career. The only way to prevent that is for us to break up.” You said, almost hoping that he would stop you. “I wish you the best in all of your dreams and path. Thank you for giving me joy and happiness.” You said before setting down your keys to the apartment and walking out the door. Somewhere inside you wished he runs after you. Wish he stopped you from leaving. But it never happened. He didn’t care anymore. He doesn’t love you the way he used too. It had to be you who breaks up with him, that way whenever someone says he was a jerk for leaving, you could always stop them by saying you left not him. He didn’t need that in his life. He didn’t need you in his life.
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ak-fantasies · 5 years
Squeal: Second Chances
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a/n: ask and it shall happen lol .. anyways i hope this is okay.. >< It might not be what you wanted though but yeah..
Wooyoung Imagine
Pairing: Wooyoung x Reader
Genre: Angst(?)
Summary: He left a couple months ago, and now he’s back at your front door
(squeal to Why?) 
You awoke to the sound of banging on your door. You walked out, still out of it since you literally just woke up. You can hear the banging getting a little more desperate as you got closer. You opened the door to see Wooyoung stand there, soaked to the bones as it rained a couple hours before.
It’s been months since you have seen woo young, especially after the breakup. He had left you for his ex. Now, here he was in front of your door again. You admittedly had slowly moved on but seen him brought up feelings you thought you left.
“(Y/n), I miss you…” He whined you blinked coming back to reality.
“Wooyoun-“ you were stopped as Wooyoung kissed you.
“What the HELL!?” You shout as you pushed him off you. He whined and stumbled into your apartment. You could taste the alcohol when he kissed you. You sighed in defeat as you closed the door. He stumbled into your room and laid on your bed. You sighed as you got a bottle of water and walked over to him.
“Wooyoung.. You can’t just come to my apartment drunk and expect me to take care of you.” You said, flipping Wooyoung over. You made sure he was on his side as you took off his shoes and replace the bottle of liquor from his hands with the water bottle.
“I miss you…” He said again, this time tears ran down his face. You reached for your box of tissue. You quietly took a couple and dried his tears. You made sure you had a bag ready just in case Wooyoung had to throw up. You took your office chair and brought it to the side of your bed, where Wooyoung was. You watched as he continued to cry. You try to get him to drink the water but every time he wanted to throw it cause it wasn’t alcohol. But you manage to convince him every time to not do so.
“I was stupid you know.,” Wooyoung said, in the midst of his crying. “I left you to go to someone who just cheated on me again. I left the one who loves me. I was so delusional. I left (y/n) because I was a stupid dumbass..” He slurred. You sighed, he was drunk because she cheated on him again. Now you’re here dealing with the aftermath, again.
“Wooyoung.. why you come here?” You asked and he tried to get up but you would hold him down.
“I wanted to see your face…” He said, very clearly. You blushed as he pulled you closer to where you were about an inch away. Your heart skipped a beat. Of course, you moved on but seeing him triggered all the emotions you still had.
“Wooyoung.. we are over..” You state but Wooyoung shook his head.
“You still love me.. I know it..” He said and you hated that he was right.
“I may still love you but.. we are done.. you left..” You reminded him. He pulled you onto the bed with him and rolled over to where he was on top of you.
“Wooyoung.. what are you doi-“ You stopped to see Wooyoung crying even harder than before.
“I just want a second chance..” He cried as he looked at you in the eyes. He lets you go and gets off you.  “I just want to make things right.. With you in my arms again. I want you back.. I miss the way we played at night, I miss see you every day. I miss the talks we had.. I miss my best friend.. I miss having you here where I have a hard day.” He wipes away the tears as the kept coming down his face. Deep inside your heart broke as you watched him crying. You wrapped your arms around him, embracing him.
“I’m here.. Your best friend is still here for you..” You whispered as he continues to cry.
You weren’t ready to give him a second chance yet but you knew that he would wait for you. He would wait for that chance you give him, but for now, you had your best friend back and he had his.
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ak-fantasies · 5 years
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Pairing: San x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Inspired: I love you 3000 by Stephanie Poetri, its not a songfic I just felt like typing something super fluffy after listening to this song
Summary: It felt like something straight out of a movie, you saw him once, you looked for him, you found him
So many blind dates, you didn’t know what to do. Playing matchmaker as such you haven’t found one who has interested you. Of course, you’re not super pretty but you like to think that you’re pretty enough for yourself. You felt beautiful, that's all that mattered.
Once again you excused yourself after your friends left with the guys they were interested in.
“I’ll head out first..” You smiled and picked up your bag. The guy left stumbled over his words but couldn’t say anything before you left.
You let out a sigh as soon as you got on your bed. There was one guy, the one you were searching for. But college campuses were huge so you were unsure if you would ever find him. You thought back when you first saw him.
“Excuse me, do you-“ the person walked off before you could finish your sentence. You sighed in frustrations when a guy comes.
“Do you need help?” He asked, and you let out a big sigh.
“Yeah uh..” You fumbled with your phone trying to point to this location on your phone. “I’m really bad with directions so I can’t find this building. My interview is at 11..” You desperately asked and he looked at the location.
“That’s across campus.” He said and looked at his watch. “You don’t have much time..”
You let out a sad sigh. “What do I do…?” You let out.
“We don’t have much time, so it’s okay if I grab it right?” He asked and you were confused when he grabbed your wrist and pulled you. You both ran to the building and somehow you got there on time. You took deep breaths when you quickly thanked him and walked toward the interview room. You took one last look at him.
When you finished and exited the room, he was gone.
You walk into a coffee shop just a few blocks away from the campus. Looking at the menu you couldn’t help but hear laughter from a corner of the room. You let a small smile as you cashier greeted you.
After order, you take your stuff and sit at a table. You heard more laughter and curiosity took over so you looked towards the direction. That’s when you found him. He was sitting there, laughing with his friends. You quickly looked down at your papers, when you heard your name being called. You got up and quickly got your drink. As you got back to your seat, you can sort of hear their conversation but you didn’t want to rude and listen in. As you continue to do your work, they all got up at some point and started making their way to the exit. As they walked by, one of them turned towards the guy.
“So San, you still looking for that girl?” A guy who was really tall and had blondish hair asked.
San. What a cute name. You secretly smiled to yourself as you had just found his name.
You continued to go to the coffee shop, in hopes to see him again. As you took a break from your studying, you received a text from your friend.
(F1/N) : Hey, you want to go on a group blind date?
(F2/N) : Pleaseee~
(Y/n) : Sure, when?
(F1/N) : tomorrow, at 17:30?
(Y/N) : Okay~
On the day, you met up with your friends a few minutes beforehand. They both are putting some last-minute touches of their makeup as you retouched your lips. You all hear footsteps, and your friends quickly put away their makeup palettes.
As the boys entered, your friends shyly waved, that when you saw him. Your heart started beating. You let a small smile slip as they all walked over.
“Hello.” You all greeted each other. You all played a game where you all introduced your names.
Throughout the night, he was the life of the night. Making cute jokes, being loud, and just genuinely a kind person.
Later that night, he sent you a text.
San : did you get home safely?
(Y/n) : Yes, did you?
San : hahah yeah, well good luck on studying, its testing week!~
(Y/n) : thank you~! Good luck to you too~~
You sent that text, with a smile on your face.
As the months go by, you both got closer. He would text and ask if you wanted to hang out. Of course, you said yes.
“So what’s your plan today?” He asked as you two walked towards the cafeteria.
“Hmm, eat and then maybe go to the coffee shop and study.” You said and he looks at you.
“Shall we study together?” He asked and you nodded.
“Sure.” You said with a smile. He chuckles and you just fall more with his smile. He looks at you with this smirk.
“You’re staring at me..” He smirked, “You’re not falling for me are you?” Your face flushed and you let out a sarcastic chuckle.
“I don’t know.” You let out and he raised an eyebrow. “I mean I just want your dimples..” You said. You poked your right cheek with your right index finger. “If I do this, will I get them?” You asked. He just laughs at you.
“I think you’re perfect the way you are.” He gives you a wink, which made your heart skip a beat. You playfully hit him as you both continued your way. He then pokes your cheeks.
“Cute.” He says as he runs off afterward. You yell and follow him.
“San..” You pout as he slowed down for you.
After getting lunch you both walked over to the cafe and you take out your stuff.
“I never asked but you were the guy who helped me find the building… Am I right?” You asked as you both had just taken out your school notes. San sat there and thought for a bit. His actions made you question yourself before he busted into a smile.
“Yeah.” He said cheekily. You pout as he just chuckled about your reaction.
“Thank you..” You said and he shrugged.
“It’s nothing. I’m glad you made it in time.” He said. He placed his chin into the palm of his hands as his elbows rested on the table. You blushed. You looked at him. You can feel it. In his eyes, he wants to ask. He wanted to ask you the question. The butterflies took over as you shy away from his stare.
You both studied for a while when he started to complain about studying. You just softly smile as you ignored his whines.
“(Y/N)..” He cooed. You looked up to see him leaned over the table.
“Yes?” You asked and he pouts.
“Can we go?” He asked and you just softly laugh.
“Yeah, let’s go..” You said as you start packing your stuff. He let out a small ‘yay’ and started packing his stuff. As you both walked to your place, you couldn’t help but look at him again. San smiled as he caught you staring.
“(Y/n).” He stopped and you stopped with him.
“Hmm?” You looked at him. San took your hand and smiled at you. His dimples showing, his eye smile showing.
“Let’s start dating..” He stated. It wasn’t even a question, but a statement. You let a big smile slipped.
“Yah, that is even a question..” You said, laughing and playfully hitting him. He laughed along with you before taking a hold on your other hand.
“Okay.. then (y/n).. Will you go out with me?” San asked and you give him a smile.
“Do you know me well enough?” You asked and he let a small pout as he thought. “What do you think I’ll say?” You continued.
“I think you’ll say ‘yes’?” He said and you shook your head.
“No…” You said, he was a bit confused. “That’s not enough…” You smiled, “I’ll love to..” You answered. He smiled his signature smile and interlocked his hand into yours.
Hand in hand you both, he walked you home.
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ak-fantasies · 5 years
Eternal Youth [2]
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Soulmate: You stop aging at the age 18, until you find your soulmate to which you start aging again. (A/n: testing an idea I found and thought it’ll be fun so let me know if you want me to continue this idea or not)
Jackson x Reader
Summary: You stop aging around 18 but start aging again when you meet your soulmate. If your soulmate dies, you stop aging again, but they are reincarnated. When you die, your soul continues to search until you find your soulmate and die old together.
Warning: contains profanity, probably blood, probably mentions of sex
Jackson sees the glow from the dagger. His face furrowed because he was sure that a few hundred years ago he had killed his soulmate.
‘Maybe the dagger is broken.’ Jackson thought as he took the drink in his hand and shot it down. Jackson looked at Mark who all this time has yet to find his soulmate.
Mark watched his friend’s eyes widen.
“What?” Mark asked and Jackson shook his head.
“My soulmate,” Jackson said and Mark's eyes widen.
“Wait again? Your soulmate? I hope that whatever happened last time don’t happen again.” Mark said and Jackson nods.
“Yeah..” Jackson said as he tried to find his soulmate.
“I can’t believe that you found her and then she got killed..” Mark said, not knowing that Jackson was the killer of his soulmate. Jackson watched the room to see a girl who walked up to the bar.
“One martini please.” The girl said and Jackson walked closer. He never approached girls so all the girls in the room were glaring at that girl.
“A martini.. I’ve never seen a girl like you around.” Jackson raised an eyebrow and she turned towards Jackson.
“I know what I like. And you might be one.” She said with such confidence. Jackson just needed to know her name.
“What can a guy do to get your name?” Jackson raised an eyebrow and the girl chuckled.
“A drink would do..” She said, picking up her martini and taking a sip.
“Two vodka shots.” Jackson said to the bartenders. She chuckled and leaned over.
“(Y/n).” She said and it made Jackson’s heart drops. He faked a smile and continued his fun. He might as well have some fun.
Jackson kept ordering drinks and making her drink. Mark walked over and inserted himself into the conversation.
“Hey, what’s your name?” Mark asked and Jackson glared. (Y/n) drunkenly laughs and falls over.
“(Y/n)..” She slurred and Mark raised an eyebrow. Mark leaned over and whispered to Jackson.
“She has the same name as your old soulmate,” Mark said and was shocked.
“Yeah, I think she might be my soulmate then,” Jackson said, trying to wave Mark off.
“Let’s protect her until we are sure,” Mark said as (y/n) starts pushing away from the bar and making her way to the door.
“Hey, where you going?” Mark asked and followed her.
“Myfriendsarewaitingforme.” She slurred but Mark held her up.
“You’re fine, we will take care of you.” Mark said as Jackson followed. HE didn’t want to AGE. Not now, not ever. He furrowed his eyes. Jackson felt anger. He didn’t want a soulmate. Jackson sighed and followed Mark. Mark brought (y/n) to his and Jackson shared apartment.
“Mark. She’s fine. I don’t think we should, what if she thinks we kidnapped her?!” Jackson said, desperately trying to not have Mark house his soulmate.
“Jackson.. It’s fine.” Mark said, tucking her into his bed. Mark pushed Jackson outside and gave Jackson a smile.
“Mark….” Jackson whines and Mark tilted his head.
“What? Jackson, you got your soulmate back!” Mark said and Jackson pouts. UGhhhhhh, Jackson didn’t want this. Jackson and Mark slept in the living room. Jackson couldn’t kill his soulmate when she’s in his apartment, Mark will suspect something.
The next morning, Jackson couldn’t sleep as (y/n) came out of the room.
“Uh…” She said as she saw Jackson.
“Good morning.” He said and she smiled at him.
“Morning..” She said and walked over.
“You’re not going to question?” Jackson asked and she shook her head.
“You’re my soulmate.” She said and Jackson's eyes widen.
“How do you know?” Jackson asked and she smirked.
“Maybe, I remember you.” She said and Jackson froze. Jackson tilted his head and turns to her. She leans up to kiss Jackson and pulled away.
“What?” Jackson asked.
“Are you going to kill me again?” She said and Jackson grabbed her throat. He dragged her outside and into the alley. Jackson pulled out the dagger and holds her against the wall.
“How?” Jackson asked and she smirks.
“I’ll keep coming.. Until you realize it.” She said, and Jackson held the dagger to her throat.
“Why?!” Jackson asked as (y/n) smiled.
“Because you are killing your soulmate.” (Y/n) said and Jackson chuckled.
“And I don’t care.” Jackson said. Jackson placed the dagger on her neck.
“WHat are YoU DOING?!” Mark said, scaring Jackson.
“Mark…!?” Jackson said, dropping (y/n).
“JACKSON! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Mark runs pass Jackson and helps (y/n).
“Mark… I don’t want to age..” Jackson said. Mark glared at Jackson.
“It doesn’t matter what you want. You’re not killing her.” Mark said and stood in front of Jackson.
“Move Mark. Before I kill you.” Jackson said.
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ak-fantasies · 5 years
Wherever I’ll follow
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(A/N: oooooooh heres another ateez short one shot .. I was feeling really inspired by echo by SF9, 
Heres a link so you can listen to it while reading <3)
HongJoong x Reader
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Inspiration: Echo - SF9
Summary: You left him, so he searched around the world for you
You meeting Hongjoong was one of the best thing that ever happened to you. He gave you so much love and help you through everything. You were grateful for him. The story your relationship was one you love to look over.
But blissful moments never last. Of course as every relationship, you had your fights. But tonight was the night that left you two apart.
You were leaving tonight. You couldn’t take it anymore. You didn’t feel loved anymore, so you broke it off. Either way, you were leaving the country for a job opportunity you recently gotten. Without telling anyone you left.
Leaving Hongjoong to find out you leave through your close friends. He panicked. Why did you leave, he didn’t know.. But he understood why you left. He got scared of the feelings for you. He loves you. But how could he say that? But now he was too late. However, he couldn’t give up on you. Taking a breath in and out, he started to search for you. Wherever you are, all around the world, it doesn’t matter he is still searching.
He kept following wherever you were. Whenever he could he would check to make sure you were there. Following you, he would fly to where you were seen. But he was always one step behind.
Every day he ended with thoughts of you. Trying to call for you.
“Hongjoong.. Maybe you should just give up.” Seonghwa said, worried for his friend.
“You don’t understand. They mean everything to me. I can’t cope like this..” Hongjoong said as he looked at your social media. You were coming back. He won’t hesitate this time. He’ll do it right to be back with you. But will you listen even if it just a little late? Would you be willing to start again?
There you are, in the place, you both met. It's like it is repeating, almost like an echo. He walks in and sees you sitting at the table. Hongjoong didn’t hesitate and walks over.
“(Y/n)…” He can barely whisper, as it almost comes out as a cry. You looked up to see Hongjoong there, almost as if he was going to cry.
You couldn’t believe he was there. You didn’t know he still searching. He hugged you and didn’t let go.
“I finally found you again.” He whispered you can his heart beating. ‘Again,’ what does he mean again.
“Hongjoong..” You started but he stopped you.
“I need to let you know, wherever and whenever you need me I want to be there. I’m sorry I wasn’t there. I hesitated and lost you. I ran all over the world, searching for you. I would keep running to you until I run of breath until I’m next to you again. I couldn’t say these words before you left. And I know you waited long to hear it, so please listen even if it’s late. Our story isn’t over, it continues.. So let us start again you and me. I’ll protect you.. I want my life to be with you. Our love is like an echo, always repeating and responding. I miss you, and I love you. Let’s start over. Without you I’m not perfect, but with you I’m as perfect as I can be.”
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ak-fantasies · 5 years
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Hoshi Imagine
For my cute friend who is not on Tumblr XD  Happy late late birthday for her.. I really wanted to gift this to her as it was her birthday but here I am late af
Pairing: Hoshi x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: You knew Hoshi for years, but today something was different, you look different today.
(Light drinking mention)
[Inspired by Love Air - AB6IX]
You sat at the table with your friends, being treated out for your birthday. You hung with your best friend Jihye and your other two best friends Hoshi and Jeonghan. You four had been best friends since you could remember. Jihye and you bonded as kids. Hoshi was your neighbor who you would play with every day. Jeonghan came in later but that didn’t mean that you weren’t close. You all got along well and even made the promise to stay friends no matter what.
“What do you want?” Hoshi asked you as you stared at the menu.
“Hmm… I think I might go for (your favorite food).” You said as soon as you saw it.
“Always..” Jihye laughed. You glared at Jihye as you handed your menu to the waiter. Jeonghan chuckled as he softly yawned.
“Are we that boring Jeonghan?” You glared and he puts his hands up like he didn’t do anything.
“What did I do?” Jeonghan was confused before you all laughed.
“Why are you yawning?” Hoshi asked and Jeonghan scratches the back of his head.
“I sort of did an all-nighter,” Jeonghan admitted and Jihye softly slaps his arm.
“Yah, you knew we were doing this and you pull an all-nighter again?!” Jihye said, getting mad in your place.
“I was working on something, jeez..” Jeonghan defended himself. You chuckled at their interactions. You let them argue as your attention focused on Hoshi. You would be lying if you told yourself that you didn’t like Hoshi. That childhood crush that never vanished. Today, he looks as beautiful as always and you always wish for more but could never act upon your own feelings.
“Yah, (y/n).. You need to tell Jeonghan that he can’t keep pulling all-nighters..” Jihye said, bringing your attention to them again.
“Jeonghannie… You can’t keep pulling all-nighters… Especially not for games.” You said, and Jeonghan pouts.
“I was grinding my character to max level,” Jeonghan said, pouting. You chuckled at his childish behavior.
“Jeonghan, are you sure you’re okay to function today?” Hoshi asked and Jeonghan nodded.
“Perfectly fine.. I don’t want whatever we planned today to go to waste. It’s (y/n)’s birthday, we can’t waste the day!” Jeonghan proclaimed and you just smiled. That is why you love this small group of friends of yours. You all mean so much to each other, which is why you were afraid that your crush on Hoshi would Jeonghange this.
Once, your food came, you all just talked about everything that has happened recently. You all decided that some alcohol refreshments would be nice to celebrate.
As soon as you all finished and left the restaurant, Jeonghan was drunk and Jihye was trying her best to keep him standing.
“Jeonghan, it’s (y/n)’s birthday yet here you are drunk off your butt,” Jihye complained. You laughed as you were feeling a bit tipsy yourself.
“It’s okay Jihye.” You confirmed as Jihye walked towards the taxi she ordered.
“I’m sorry (y/n)… I wanted to continue with you today but I have to take Jeonghan back since he’s not in the condition to continue.” She frowns and you shook your head.
“No… Thank you for spending time with me, but you need to go get your man..” You said, causing Jihye blush.
“Stop.. I don’t know what you’re talking about..” Jihye denies as the taxi approaches. You chuckled as you watch Jihye get into the car with Jeonghan.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Jihye said before the taxi took off. You waved them off. You turned to see Hoshi standing next to you. This whole day he’s been quiet, so you weren’t sure what was going on with his mind.
“Hoshi.. You okay?” You asked as he turned to you and smiled.
“Yeah… Are you going to go home?” He asked and you shrugged.
“I think I’m going to walk for a bit..” You said, wanting to enjoy the night time and the weather.
“I’ll walk with you.” He said, making your heart skip a beat.
“It’s fine.. You don’t have to.” You said and he smiled at you.
“I don’t mind. Besides, it’s your birthday..” He said.
You both walked by the Han river, seeing the lights light up. You smiled, your tipsiness almost lifting, but you still felt wobbly. When you stumbled, Hoshi caught you, turning your face into a tomato. “Ahhh.. I’m sorry..” You said, quickly pushing yourself away from Hoshi. Your heart racing.
“That’s okay.. Just don’t hurt yourself.” He said, and you nodded. You both find a spot and sit down looking out into the river view. You could literally feel your heart pumping out of your chest.
“It’s a nice night..” You said, breaking the silence. Hoshi hummed and you turned to look at him. He was truly beautiful.
“You know.. you could take a photo.. It lasts longer.” Hoshi said, catching you off guard. Your face flushed bright red as you quickly look away. He laughs and leans in closer to you, his hands forcing your face to look at him.
“Hoshi..” You said softly as he gives you the smile that you always love.
“It’s crazy… This whole day… I see you every day, so beautiful.. but today… You look even more beautiful..” Hoshi said, causing you to cover your face with your hands and pulling away from him.
“Don’t say things like that.” You said and he just softly chuckles at your reaction. He takes your hands and holds them down with his.
“(Y/n)..” He says, causing you to open your eyes and look at him. He smiled, making your heart jump again.
“Hoshi..” You said.
“You always make my heart jump. I can’t escape the plan my heart makes. You pushed me over the edge, how am I supposed to feel? You were beautiful and yet today you made my heart go crazy, it’s making me feel dizzy.” Hoshi confessed, making you feel like you were dreaming.
“Hoshi..” You began but his quick peck upon your lips made you lose track of every word in the language.
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ak-fantasies · 5 years
Scary things
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(gif credit to owner)
(a/n: heyo. lol i had this idea in my head for a while and I just tried it out.. lol.. sooo yeah uhhhh.. sorry if its kind of weird)
EXO Chen Imagine
Genre: Angst, fluff ending
Summary: The scariest thing is losing the people you love the most.
Warning: contain blood, death/murder, and profanity.
You hid in the box, afraid. You could hear the screams from outside.
“Mommy..” You whispered, crying quietly to yourself and holding tightly onto your small teddy bear. Her pleading screams ringing through your ears.
“You BITCH!” You can hear the man’s voice and suddenly your mother’s screams stopped. You can hear things falling over, glasses breaking, draws being pulled open, but you stay quiet.
“Where’s that bitch’s little brat?” You hear the man’s voice. Scared, you stay as quiet and as still as you could. The footsteps became quieter and quieter. Tears rolled down silently as you can hear the front door slam shut. You stayed in the box, holding your teddy bear even tighter. Your heart beating faster, remembering the happy times.
Your mother has been everything in your life. She gave you everything that she could. Your father was never around, but you wish he was. He would send you birthday cards but nothing more. You always dreamt about your father, what he was like, how he looks like. You drew drawings of your mother and you with your father. A happy family. That's what you wanted.
After hours you finally left your safe place and walked downstair to see your mother on the ground, blood everywhere.
“Mommy!” You cried out, tears now streaming down your face. You ran down to her and tried to shake her up.
“Mom.. Wake up.. You can’t leave me.” You cried, your hands now covered in blood. Her head was bloody, and there appears to be stab wounds blood marks all over her body. The house was destroyed. You quickly got up to get the phone and dialed the police.
“What’s your emergency?” The operator said, and you just burst out crying.
“Hello.. My mom.. she’s hurt.. Hurry my mom she’s hurt.. I’m scared. He might come back.” You cried and the operator tried to calm you down.
“Okay, sweetie.. We are sending police on the route. What’s your name?”
“(Y/n)..” You said, looking back at your mom. You walked back sitting next to her body. “Please hurry.. My mom needs help.” You cried and the operator continues to keep you calm.
“I understand. We have police on the way, okay sweetie.” You hear and nodded your head.
“Okay..” You sniffled.
About 3 minutes later the police came to see you next to your mother, all bloody.
“Hey, are you (y/n)?” The officer asked. You nodded your head. They make their way over and lead you out, while the other check for a pulse.
“She’s gone, sir.” The police offer said and the other sighed.
“Is my mommy going to be an okay officer?” You asked, tears on the edge of your eyes. The officer gave you a sad smile.
“Your mommy is going to a special place now. Do you know where your daddy is?” The officer asked as he puts you in the car.
“My daddy is supposed to come to find me. My daddy was to come so we can be a big family.” You said.
“I see.. Well I’m going to take you to the police station okay, so seat belt.” The officer said and you nodded. But you knew something wasn’t right.
Once you got to the police station, they placed you in the conference room. You sat there looking at your teddy bear that another officer brought to you. You also got a change of clothes from another lady officer.
“Teddy.. will we be okay?” You asked as you look over to the officers and you see some other with suits. You adjusted as one of them comes into the room.
“Hi (y/n).. I’m Minseok. I’m here to help you.” The man said and you looked at him.
“My mommy isn’t coming back is she?” You asked, your own voice almost breaking. The man looked at you and sighed.
“No.. (y/n), we are trying to figure out who did this to your mother. Do you know where your dad is?” The man asked and you shook your head.
“Daddy was supposed to take me and mommy away. Daddy and Mommy were going to be a family again.” You said, looking at your teddy bear.
“Can I ask if you remember what the guy who attacks your mom look like?” Minseok asked and you nod your head.
“It was mommy’s old boyfriend.” You said and Minseok gave you a pat on the head.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” He said before leaving the room. You looked at your teddy bear, wanting to cry.
“I miss mommy, Teddy.” You said.
Hours passed, during which you meet with a lady who is talking to you about your family. When you hear the door unlock and you see Minseok with some guy. You were confused about who the guy was. He walks over and the two other people leave.
“Hi... Do you know who I am? Do you remember me?” The guy asked and you shook your head. You looked at him, if he was an uncle you would surely remember. “Do you remember this?” The guy took out something and unraveled it, revealing a drawing you made for your dad.
“Dad..” You cried, and he nodded. You cried and hugged your dad.
“My little princess.” He cried, hugging you back.
“Dad. Mommy is gone now. I was afraid.” You cried. The first time you ever met your father..
“I’m not going to leave..” He said, crying. Minseok knocked on the door before entering.
“Jongdae, sorry to interrupt but we were wondering if we could have your permission to have (y/n) identify the criminal?” Minseok asked, and Jongdae nodded.
“Honey.. are you okay with it?” Your father asked you and you nod.
Later on that night, your father has taken you back to the hotel.
You stayed in bed, holding onto your teddy bear.
“Dad?” You said, and he pokes his head out from the bathroom.
“Yes?” You took a moment before saying.
“I don’t think I can sleep.” You said and he gave you a soft smile. Your father came out and sat at the other bed.
“I’ll sing for you okay?” He said and you nodded. He sang you a lullaby, eventually helping you fall asleep. He walks over and gives you a kiss on your forehead.
“Goodnight my little princess..”
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