#aka a mythical/eldritch creature and a human
1-marigold-1 · 7 months
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decided to do a redraw of a screenshot from "the Lovers" trailer but with shiny duo, because,,, salmon pearl,,, I love drawing fish hybrids/mermaids/sirens
the og screenshot:
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also bonus doodle because them <3
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prompt-radar · 5 years
henlo im back w more prompts,,, hp ones ofc because im in literally no other fandoms rip (also posts w purple are max) i apologize in advance bc some of these are pretty cringy lmao
in which harry is very good at drawing people nude, and has taken an interest in drawing his *really* hot potions tutor, tom riddle. he accidentally leaves his sketchbook behind and tom flips through his sketchbook. ———————
hogwarts is alive an take the shape of a human,, harry meets her on the astronomy tower in 1st year and doesnt know who she is, and they become best friends (aka hogwarts is a pretty lady who wants to adopt harry potter bc hes babey)—————————————————
fem tomarry au,,, the names dont change. harry goes down to the chamber of secrets and certainly does *not* expect tom riddle to be the hottest girl she has *e v e r* seen. (and well, being attracted to girls and seeing a very pretty girl does no good for the hotwiring of ones brain)——————————————————-
harry’s hair turns pure white after being hit with the killing curseas a baby.—————————————-
harry get sent back in time while in fred and george’s joke shop, and somehow the room he was in is also sent back in time into the middle of the forbidden forest. he decides that hes going to use every prank in there to make tom riddle’s life *hell*. ———————————————
harry is weirdly good at braiding hair and styling hair, so he becomes the gryffindor hair stylist. ————————————————————-
in where harry attracts really weird mythical creatures to him. ones with odd mutations, ones thought extinct, cryptids, eldritch horrors, things you’d see in those “unsettling images with happy music” videos, two headed phoenixes, albino thestrals, etc etc. harry leaves a cup of water on his trunk at night and he wakes up in the morning and its full of glowing algae (yes he attracts plants too) and gives it to mrs sprout.
anyways ty for bearing w me and hopefully (please) someone will write these
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kira1982 · 7 years
hey fwiends reblog this and tell me what mythical creature you’d be and why just cause its fun
id be a fairy cause im a tiny motherfucker with an intense love/passion for nature (my love for the earth really surmounts anything) and will definitely use less than genuine ways to defend it (aka not giving any lazy humans slack for their damages)
Ok go @eldritch-hedgehog @heckheckheckhekc @transparent-intimacy @mountbooty @blackwwatch
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faelapis · 7 years
Gem Designs
anonymous asked: hi, how do you feel about gems looking like humans? i've seen a lot of redesigns made to criticize that that tap more into an eldritch horror aesthetic, making them look like monsters or mythical creatures. do you think it would be better to have the gems look more different?
those redesigns are fun - i haven’t seen it as a serious criticism, but they’re always creative. more to the point... there’s a reason aliens often look humanoid in media: it’s humanizing. it helps the audience sympathize. in a 11-minute show like su, you need to be able to convey visual information about a character quickly. this is a great video about why it’s done - it focuses on non-humanoid aliens, but it gets the point across. 
the designs of su are rather fun, horrific and strange sometimes, though: having humanoid limbs be “standard” conveys information about fusions by having their number of body parts be a part of their personalities, as well as suited for their fighting style (three arms for a yo-yo fighter like smoky quartz, six arms for a multi-weapon wielder like alexandrite).
in the case of the cluster, which is way outside the human norm, it also conveys the Otherness of this kind of existence, and the “wrongness” of half-dead, non-consensual fusion experiments. 
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one thing i love about the designs of all gems? their limbs, especially upon regeneration, are like wooden marionettes. this is incredibly fitting, as their bodies are just illusions piloted by their living gemstone. 
their holograms are basically light-puppets, hosts the gems generate, who only exist as long as the gem is connected to that temporary host - it exists until the gem regenerates a new form (like... a gem’s old body is gone forever. it was just a hard-light illusion. her eyes and fingers and hair is all-new, and it will dissipate when the connection to her gemstone is broken - the only “real” part of her). 
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the gems are explicitly non-organic, and having their base materials be injected into the earth like viruses is a cool touch, also enhancing their Otherness by the fact that birth and death don’t work like we’re traditionally used to. 
there’s also a lot of fun to be had by the enormous size differences in the show. pearls are basically little dolls compared to diamonds, and even the best of shapeshifters can only stretch their forms so much, which ties into the storylines around ‘fitting’ into your caste or being ‘defective’. 
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oh and, representation: characters like garnet, ruby, sardonyx, ect, are all obviously black, and female-aligned gay people can relate to pearl, ruby, sapphire, rose, ect, despite them being aliens. i feel this would be much less obvious if the gems were less humanoid, and this would also go against body type variety if pushed far enough outside the humanoid zone. the show focuses much more on the gems being like us than unlike us - the surprises usually come from how we are different, like the gems not aging. it would perhaps be a stronger argument that the gems aren’t “really” gay/black/non-binary/asian/bi/ect. representation if the gems didn’t “look human”. 
the show is very proud, in particular, of mainly being about women/female-aligned aliens and humanizing them in a show that “anyone” can enjoy. many gems defy gendered expectations without living inside the human patriarchy, where a woman “shouldn’t” be as tall, muscular, chubby or strong as jasper and rose. rather, the tall and beefy jasper is the ideal of her kind, and canonically-XXL rose is revered for her beauty. 
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yet another reason? guys, we didn’t always know the gems were aliens. this is something i feel people forget - for a while, steven assumes the gems are just... magic. yknow, like witches or something. we know their bodies are an illusion, and it’s slowly hinted that the gems might be alien invaders, but it’s not outright confirmed until “the return”, when greg screams it out loud (and the homeworld trio arrives in their big, green alien ship). 
having them be ‘obviously’ alien by looking like lizard-people or tentacle monsters kinda ruins that whole twist. this would be a shame - i think it’s one of the more interesting revelations in the show. it helps build the important episodes of s1B, as well as raise interesting questions in s1A (lapis says “home” is not on earth, but what does that mean? did the gems leave or... arrive here? what are they? - stuff like that) after the gems are already humanized and assumed to be “like us” in some way. the show also plays with a lot of alien motifs in s2: there’s episodes like “joy ride”, aka the alien cornfield episode, and the cluster is the Eldritch Horror to peridot’s Little Green Man (of who both are sympathetic, which i think is really cool). 
the connections between gemkind and humanity is also, obviously, a big theme for the entire show. yknow... communication, building bridges, learning from each other, facing problems head-on rather than running from them, finding common ground. hence steven being steven.
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so there’s a lot of reasons to have them look humanoid! personally, i think representation is the most important part, because su gives us a lot of characters we’ve never seen before, especially not in children’s media. 
if you DO want your dose of less humanoid interpretations of the gems, though, look no further than @radioactivesupersonic‘s abstract gem series! their design of characters like rainbow quartz, blue diamond and sapphire are all fantastic. just because i like the canon designs doesn’t mean there aren’t cool alternative interpretations out there ~
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