#aka flirting with 70% of ladies he meets
chalkanthit · 4 years
Could you draw Spirit Albarns Parents? (Apparently Spirit comes from a family/Clan of and produces personal Death Scythes for Death)
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Sorry that I took so long to reply anon, but here is a raw concept at last!
Also I think it's more a Version of said parents when Spirit freshly attended the dwma so they appear much younger on this one.. It can also be that a follow up of them in their older state comes after all the Christmas madness going on-
Also, just had the silly idea to actually make spirit come after his mother entirely bc why not?
Thanks as well for the question btw;;;
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holy-stevie · 4 years
Next to you
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Summary: Steve Rogers is your best friend. You had been by his side through everything, but what happens when he gets an oppurtunity to go back to the love of his life? 
Warnings: angst, Steve Rogers is an asshole. 
a/n: Just a little steve drabble i’ve had in mind for a while now 
Please do not post my work on any other sites 
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You had been next to Steve Rogers side for as long as you could remember. You met him when you were both at the sweet age of sixteen, bumping into each other awkwardly in the art room at your high school. Ever since that encounter the two of you had been best friends, the skinny blonde man with the most endearing blue eyes and strongest will had become your family.
When Steve Rogers got into an alley fight, you were there to pick him up from the ground, to make sure his wounds were treated, and he was home safely. You would step in when the punches got too brutal, when Steve wasn’t able to get back up himself. As much as he would complain at the idea of you stepping into his fights, he couldn’t help the relief he held at the right hooks Bucky had taught you to throw, the move you had learned to complete expertly at this point. You would make a joke about him having them on the rails before pulling him up from the dirty sidewalk and taking him home, making sure he was fed, clean, and dozing off before leaving.
When Steve Rogers was finally accepted into the army, you were by his side. Erskine taking the deal to take you with them, knowing that Peggy Carter wouldn’t mind having another young lady to train on her army base. Steve didn’t like the idea of you going into a dangerous war, but after you gave him the challenging glare you had been giving him for years he just shook it off. You trained together, you slightly excelling under Peggy’s watch as she wanted to make a soldier out of you as an example to the ego fed men surrounding you both.
When Steve Rogers laid in the middle of a lab in Brooklyn about to go through his life changing moment, you were right by his side. You were there giving him a comforting smile and telling him that he could do this, and he did. You stood agape next to him when he was let down from the pod, now a six-foot hunk of muscles and tan skin. You were by his side when Erskine was shot, quickly pulled to stand behind him as two more shots were fired from Peggy before both of you rush to the scientists’ side. You were by his side when he was offered his stage gig as Captain America, unable to follow him on his tour you still stayed by his side through the form of letters you sent every week.
When Steve Rogers arrived at the camp of the 107th you ran into his arms the second you saw him, neither of you caring about the mud and blood on your uniform. You stood by his side when he confronted Phillips and stormed a hydra base to save your mutual best friend Bucky Barnes. You watched from his side as he stared after the beautiful Peggy Carter in the red dress, teasing him about his lack of flirting abilities. You drank bottles and bottles of alcohol from the destroyed bar after Bucky Barnes fell from the side of a cliff in the alps.
When Steve Rogers crashed the Valkyrie into the ice to save the world, you were right next to him. You were right next to him when they found the plane 70 years later, never leaving his side for a second in the crash. You put on a brave face for him when you were told that both of you were in the future, the world as you knew it, gone. You held his hand gently when you were both escorted to your new apartment, everything changed from what you remembered. You rested your cheek against the top of his head as he cried in private over the friends he had lost, over the love that he had lost.
When Steve Rogers and the other avengers faced the battle of New York, you were by his side. Fighting back to back with the new adjustments S.H.I.E.L.D had given you both, fighting the Chitauri together. You were quick to run to his aid when he was shot down past his limit, covering both of you as you held out a hand to help him up from the ground. You slumped next to him when you ate swarma with your teammates in a run-down shop, holding each other up through the exhaustion from the battle caused by the handsome Asgardian.
When Steve Rogers was on the run from S.H.I.E.L.D aka Hydra, you were running along with him. When the deadly assassin hunting both of you was revealed to be Bucky Barnes, you fought next to Steve to get your friend back. When Bucky aimed the gun at Steve you were the one to take the two shots, giving Steve the opportunity to change the chip. You were by his side on the riverbank after Bucky had pulled you both out, barely breathing but alive. When you awoke in a hospital bed, he was by your side quietly singing along with your new friend Sam Wilson.
When Steve Rogers was in a trance from the daydream the witch had put him in, you were there by his side, holding his hand reassuringly. Patiently waiting for him to come out of the trance, whether that be in a breakdown or a sudden surge of leadership with the team. You stood by his side as your team fought a team of feral robots, both of you jumping from the robot made asteroid with seconds before it dropped.
When Steve Rogers didn’t sign the accords you obediently stood by his side, arguing with the people you were starting to consider family. You helped him fight through a German police force to save Bucky, ending you both locked in the headquarters as Tony pleaded with you to sign the document. You stood next to him to fight against your team for the sake of your childhood best friend Bucky Barnes. You helped each other up off the ground after the power from Tony’s suit was cut, not saying a word as he drops the shield that Howard Stark had made for him.
When Steve Rogers stood in the outskirts of the legendary city Wakanda, you were right next to him as you always had been. You fought the hardest you ever had on that day, not stopping for even a minute to let the aliens surrounding you get the advantage over you. You faced the Titan together, getting knocked down together. You stood by his side while you both watched Bucky Barnes disappear.
When Steve Rogers lost all hope in himself, you were there by his side on the bedroom floor, holding him as he broke. You sat on the cold floor patiently for hours as he cried, what seemed like endless tears. You went to every support group with him and made sure he was fed, clean and asleep before taking care of yourself. You were there the countless nights he woke up screaming for his friends, his family.
When Steve Rogers and the remaining Avengers planned the time heist, you were by his side, watching the natural leader in him and Tony take over. When he stood a few feet from the love of his life you were standing by his side, lips pressed together as you watched the longing flash across his face. When he laid defeated on the ground you were by his side pulling him to his feet, “We’re soldiers Rogers, we die on our feet.” You were by his side as you both mourned the loss of Tony Stark.
Now you sit next to him, but you are not by his side. You sit with your hands clasped together, not daring to meet his eyes as you fight the tears from escaping your eyes. He was leaving, leaving Bucky and Sam, leaving you. You should have put the dots together when he was standing at the damn window, she was his everything.
“But what about us? Do we not matter anymore Steve?” You ask, you know your question wasn’t fair. He had been fighting his whole life and he wanted to settle down, have a family. With his true love, Peggy Carter. He stands, pacing in front of you as he scoffs.
“Of course you matter, but I finally have the chance to be with her. I can have everything I ever wanted, I can finally settle down and have my own family.” He says, your eyes flicker up to his in disbelief. The Steve Rogers in front of you is not one that you recognise, not the one you had spent your whole life protecting.
“And I’m supposed to do what? Forget you exist? Forget that you’re my best friend?” You ask, the tears no longer kept at bay as they flow freely down your cheeks. Steve swallows before turning away from your gaze, not man enough to meet your eyes as he says the next thing.
“Peggy is all that matters to me y/n. No one is as important to me as she is, not even you.” You blink numbly as your eyes meet the ground, unable to believe the words coming from his mouth. All these years of friendship for nothing? All the times you had laughed together over a stupid dad joke Sam would tell you, all the times you would cover each other’s backs in battle or stop to make sure the other was okay. All the times you held him as he broke down from the pressure being put on his shoulders.  
You don’t say anything more to him as you stand, ready to leave the room and scream. Your eyes meet his, yours filled with tears and rage, a hollow feeling passing through them as you look at the man that you had sacrificed everything for. He doesn’t look regretful in the slightest, his blue eyes just holding the determination that you had admired since you were sixteen.
That exact look is planted behind your own eyes as you watch Sam Wilson approach the bench with a now elderly Steve Rogers occupying it. Your own eyes are hollow and dead as you stare at the pair, the space beside you, although occupied by Bucky, was haunting you. You press your lips together tightly as you turn, not giving a single second of hesitation as you storm to your car. Driving recklessly, you arrive at your apartment in Brooklyn in record time, slamming the door shut behind you.
There’s an eerie silence before you explode, throwing picture frames, tearing old photos and new ones. Ripping apart clothes and over turning the bed. After hours of rage you sit in the centre of the destroyed apartment, listening to someone knock on the front door numbly. Bucky Barnes approaches you slowly, being careful to not hurt himself on the sharp objects and he gathers your broken form in his arms.
When Steve Rogers leaves his best friend behind with no care, she breaks down in Bucky Barnes arms. Crying and gasping for air for hours, clutching his shirt willing him not to leave her. Because Steve Rogers was no longer next to her, and he never will be again.  
taglist: @scarletsoldierrr​
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lady-plantagenet · 4 years
What hasn’t already been said: The Spanish Princess 2
Episode 3: GOOD Grief! (we finally have a good episode on our hands)
To all those of you keen enough to have come back for another segment of ‘what hasn’t already been said: TSP’, as opposed to have just been scrolling when you see this - welcome back! (Scrollers you too <3)
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Drawing of Thomas More’s Son AKA who Margaret Pole at this point wants to be the step baby momma of ;).
To anyone who’s seeing this for the first time: what this is a list of observations, jokes, reactions and criticism which occur to me upon a rewatch. I wait every week until Saturday to do this so that I have had my fill of scrolling through the tag and aggregating what has already been said. I tried doing a whole spoof (here where I gave up 10% in) but tbh a) I don’t know the history well enough b) it’s more time consuming than I thought and c) this series is just not as funny or as crazy as TWQ, so it’s untenable. Having said that: This is not a hatepost. I’m not hatewatching this series and nitpicking on purpose but expressing my honest views and trying to find the good in it as well as the bad.
Without further ado...
First Scenes: 
LMAO the way Wolsey suggests they break their alliance with Spain is freaking hilarious because the actor delivers the lines as if he were a high school girl making a personal attack by suggesting the prom change its theme to 70s disco to the chagrin of the peppy up-and-coming rival.
Also @ Henry VIII looking like the peppy up-and-comer’s bff and shy stan with that pencil bite and small smirk when Catherine loses her cool against Wolsey.
I’m sorry... who is Henry married to again?
Also what is Margaret Pole doing at the council meeting?? I’m not saying I don’t like it.
Margaret Pole warning against certain repetitive thinking creating madness :(((
Attempted Naked Twister:
Oh Catherine, what is with you and all the other STARZ protagonists and that weird politcky bedroom talk? Who actually finds this sexy?
‘Catherine you are unnatural’ ooof that line delivery was somehow haunting.
Was the whole ‘I can’t be rushed you are off-putting with your overpowering’ a callback to Arthur and Catherine? Apparently there’s another writer for this episode so I won’t put all subtly past them. 
‘Shitey men’ asdkjashd
Look I’m tired of all this ‘my children won’t be safe’ line getting repeated. Look mate, murder of royal infants and children was not exactly a common occurence, even in cases of deposition. The Princes in the Tower are an exception to this but a very infamous case for that reason. Child murder was extremely taboo. In situations like this with an infant kid, no one is going to bother murdering the babies and taking their thrones, the lords will just vie for power and make themselves de facto rulers and oust the queen. It’s not a question of safety but a question of holding power. Stop giving all women characters perma mummy brains.
Maggie being all caring:
‘Barnaby’ *scoffs* ‘Such an English name’ - OH MAN 0_0 is Catherine mocking them for trying to adapt ? Like I know it’s meant to show her envy for Lina, but it’s coming out all messed up.
Our girl Maggie’s smile screams I’m beating your ass in chess.
Anyhow this is the least histrionic we’ve seen Catherine so far.
Chaplain vs Catherine:
I’m interested how Catherine will feel at Stafford’s execution given that I have noticed this show build up to a friendship between them.
Why is everyone laughing at the whole ‘will you delight us with new schemes’ line was not that funny?
LMAO at Thomas Boleyn’s attempted brown-nosing. 
You know what? Ruairi is a decent actor. When he says ‘so you admit it? you lost the child because you tried to be a man?” the actor conveys Henry’s troubled mind, lowkey scare towards Catherine and bewilderment all in one. The way his eyes do not move but just widen emotionlessly also gives this sense that he is being manipulated (which I guess they are going for with Wolsey). Then the whole choir music in the background.. I don’t know.. I’m liking this, it’s creating a vibe of a king of haunted and increasingly paranoid Henry. I’m sure they are going for that, so good.
Ursula Pole and Mama:
Maggie Pole say ‘riches don’t keep you safe’ with tears in her eyes :’(. Please tell me how this is not her thinking on her parents and granddad Warwick and what befell them ;’(.
I find Ursula refreshing actually, don’t get those types of heroines often. But they are making her similar to a gold-digger, an exhalted marriage was first and foremost considered a thing of honour. Noblepeople wouldn’t speak in such mercenary terms regarding their marriages. 
Post Mary Defiance:
I love the ‘horse’ nickname from Brandon n’awwww
Also just realised what made TWQ so atmospheric - that wierd ‘oooo’ sound effect in the background when a character was being paranoid or worrying. They are using it during Henry’s ‘How is it that I have no sons?’ and it is just... so effective.
Catherine calling them ordinary children... she just keeps striking me as more and more classist. Like ok, I know every royal was... but still, I thought she was meant to see Lina as a friend and equal despite her race and status. To add the race element, this kind of rubs me the wrong way.
Also it is so clear by the end when Catherine states how the king is upset with her, she expects Maggie to ask her about it.. but she doesn’t lmao.
Back to Scotland until Sexy boy fencing:
I love me this soft boi. Angus <3 <3
I like how they address that some men don’t really like killing and that violence isn’t inherent in a man’s nature.
Oh man, are we supposed to look at Lina’s house and deplore the impoverished conditions? It would go for at least 3,000,000 pounds in today’s property market?
Is Catherine being particularly classist again with ‘Why u not becoming a butcher Wolsey, ey?’. 
Though I will admit the ‘but giving meat to the poor is also good’ was one of her only smart comebacks.
Just realised, Catherine’s pink dress pretty as it is, looks straight out of the 1570s... why?
Montage and After:
You guys are right, there is this weird longing between Henry and Wolsey lmao. It is actually insane.
So basically Catherine is officially depressed
OOOFF we have Stafford as regent instead of Catherine. (edit: I suppose it’s cause they go to France which they didn’t historically? Also if Stafford is at home then what is his son later doing in France, why would he be there without his father. This show didn’t think this through)
Meg Singing:
An impassionate speech is not too anachronistic. But despite the title of this post (what hasn’t been said) I will reiterate that 16th century and Medieval people’s problem wasn’t that they were ashamed of their grief and didn’t cry. In fact, crying was somewhat more socially acceptable then than it even is now! Even manly men like Arthur were written as crying in literature such as Malory’s Morte d’Arthur. Obviously you couldn’t go overboard, but in truth crying was indeed often too performative rather than hidden too much behind doors.
Pole and More UWUWU in France and after:
It’s nice to see a depiction of romantic feelings between mature and level-headed subjects.
God Mary Tudor is so beautiful in this scene jesus. and the music when she was being presented was also very beautiful.
Maggie Pole getting given ‘a modest income’ yeah... she was one of the wealthiest peers of her day.
Also Maggie’s lady cousin not lady aunt Frost!
‘shaking of the sheets’ lmaoooo
William Compton cracks the hell out of me. I love this guy. He is just so creepy and twisted yet super keen and friendly. ahaha He looks like a riot, I hope we see him more. lmao tiles.
Also this palace feels very anachronistic almost 18th century-ish.
I like the Louis and Mary sequence, it’s nice seeing him trying to make her feel less scared, but OMFG when he lay on that chair.. for one second I thought they were trying to kill him off already.
Scotland: ‘Love is an open doooooorrrrr’ + Last Scene:
I ship Meg and Douglas ahhhh this soft boi x strong woman match is everything Henry and Catherine could have been.
I wonder... why is Lina speaking in Spanish more than Catherine. hmmm Are they trying to foreshadow Lina’s eventual return home and how Catherine become a true englishwoman?
I cannot in all fairness believe it. This was actually decent. I’ve given up on historical accuracy long ago so by this point I’m focusing more on how it stands as as drama. I mean, TWQ was also a flop when it came to grasping the complex issues of that era but why do I feel compelled to rewatch it every year? Because it had atmosphere when it came to acting, music, certain aesthetics (though the costumes let me down often). It felt adequately gothic and dark, yet bright and jewel-lish when it had to be, sometimes both at the same time. Some one-liners were also memorable etc...
So far TSP 2 did not have any of this. Everything felt way too off and anachronistic. But not even consistently anachronistic. The music was also often very meh (though I just noted the absence of the spanish stringy theme that kept playing in season 1 - I guess I understand why), the dialogue very clichéd (‘alright lads let’s throw in the words: king, crown, power, fight, battle + other buzzwords and we have ourselves Shakespeare’) and so on... but I saw a change in this episode and I couldn’t initially point out what it was.
Upon rewatch, I identified some of the improvements (noted above) but above all: The producer was different! Boy does it show. Unfortunately, I think she is only for this one episode which really sucks. Come back! There is more chemistry between the couples, less predictable interactions, pervy Compton, cinnamonroll Douglas, better music, more scenic shots (e.g Douglas and Margaret in church) e.t.c. I hope it will match the rest of the STARZ productions in getting better towards the end.
Look it’s no masterpiece. But I’ll give credit where it’s due because at least this time it didn’t leave me feeling wanting and unsatisfied (if that makes sense).
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jasons-exposedspine · 4 years
Prompt list
hey guys so my best friend and i made a long ass prompt list. the rules are that you can only pick a limit of five prompts and send them to me with a ship and OC of mine. like for example Reagan and Negan or Clem and Cas or Destiel or Willow and sam or Laylahni and Dean. i only write for supernatural and the walking dead. so get as creative as you want but i know no one will read this post so if you are reading this please send in a request i am really fucking desperate.
1: Hand holding
2: Hair playing
3: Lap sitting
4: “Friends”
5: Tickling
6: Dancing
7: Cuddling
8: Hugging
9: Character death 
10: Resurrection
11: Date
12: Valentines Day
13: Admitting their feelings
14: Piggy back ride
15: Swimming
16: Teleporting to a different place
17: Carrying the other
18: Sad
19: Comforting them
20: Making out
21: Pulling down by tie, bandana, etc and kissing them
22: Being protective
23: Dying for the other; sacrifice
24: Getting drunk
25: Snuggling
26: Wrapping their arms around the other from behind
27: Cheek kissing
28: Forehead kissing
29: First experience in the love department
30: Yelling at them for not being more careful
31: Showering/bathing together
32: Picnic
33: Cooking
34: Licking food off the other
35: Going on a hunt/run together.
36: Tracing their face
37: Wearing the other’s clothes
38: Braiding their hair
39: Teaching them about feelings
40: Teaching them other things (wink wink)
41: Argument
42: Comforting them after an anxiety/panic attack
43: making them happy when they are down
44: Calming them/sleeping with them after a nightmare
45: Putting their head on the other’s shoulder
46: Treating an injury/kissing their boo boos better
47: Food fight
48: Forehead touching
49: Nose touching
50: Guess who
51: Chin resting on top of head
52: Sleeping on the others’ chest
53: Intense eye contact
54: Being caught staring
55: Playing with their hands
56: Telling them what’s wrong
57: They have to leave to keep them safe
58: Break up
59: Getting back together
60: Pregnancy
61: Miscarriage
62: Normal Birth
63: Marriage
64: Fixing their clothes/hair
65: Driving together in a car
66: In the backseat (wink wink)
67: Snuggling In the backseat
68: Resting their hand on the other’s thigh
69: Sex
70: Watching movies together
71: Cinema
72: Height Difference
73: Annoying each other
74: Stargazing
75. Waking up to them
76. Shelter from the rain
77: ice cream
78: being rescued/saved
79: listening to music together
80: texting
81: falling asleep on the other
82: accidentally kiss
83: being badass together
84: lOsT iN tHe wOoDs!!
85: camping
86: spooning
87: huddling for warmth
88: first kiss
89: first meet
90: one looking schmexy and the other being attracted
91: lip biting
92: wearing the other’s accessories; glasses, jacket, tie, hat, etc.
93: annoying them at work/while they are trying to work
94: making stupid videos together
95: keeping their relationship a secret from other people
96: nearly revealing their relationship in front of other people
97: coming out (if it’s gay)
98: playing with a pet (if they have one). (if they don’t, some other animal)
99: They are forced to be enemies even though they love each other. This could be in a war or sided scenario. Usually a forbidden love. They could also be together in secret. Take Romeo and Juliet for example.
100: corona edition - quarantining together
101: luxurious holiday
102: stuck somewhere together, whether that be locked in a room or lost somewhere, etc.
103: beach
104: watching the other sleep/sneak up on them sleeping
105: backstory
106: childhood friends
107: au
108: crossover
109: SIMPing over them
110: love triangle
111: third wheel
112: having a dream about the other person
113: unbuttoning the other person’s shirt/taking the other person’s clothes off
114: hotel
115: board games/video games
116: chucking paint at each other
117: cheating
118: being annoying and stopping the other person from walking by sitting on their feet and holding onto their legs
119: secret admirer/love letters
120: making hearts with their hands
121: taking selfies
122: singing/playing a song for them
123: Falling asleep on them on a bus, train, plane, etc.
124: Growing old together
125: Widowed
126: Arranged marriage
127: Forbidden love
128: Sitting over the other’s dead body
129: being walked in on doing you know what
130: family’s reaction to the relationship
131: Living together
132: Having a family
133: Senpai/notice me senpai!
134: crush
135: showing off for their crush
136: rejection
137: first date (awkward)
138: first date (normal)
139: painting on each other (for a date night)
140: flirting
141: cringey pickup line
142: Pinning them against a wall
143: sneaking in bed with them when they’re asleep
144: laughing really hard together
145: Under the other’s wings
146: underwater kissing
147: accidentally fall on each other
148: only one bed
149: kissing their neck
150: being awkward around their crush
151: Rich couple
152: Playing in the rain
153: Summer
154: Autumn
155: Winter
156: Spring
157: Walk in the park
158: walking them home
159: Other people/characters also shipping them
160: The cute neighbour
161: putting their hand under the other person’s shirt
162: telling them a story/bedtime story. (If they have a child, that makes it even better!)
163: needy
164: clingy
165: intimate
166: touchy/fondling
167: putting their leg on the other person’s leg when sleeping
168: accidentally falling off the edge of the bed/accidentally pushing the other person off the edge of the bed
167: blanket hogging
168: freezing when they see their crush
169: running away/fleeing when they see their crush
170: surprising/scaring them
171: snow
172: watching fireworks
173: comforting them during a storm
174: divorce
175: homosexual (gay, lesbian, etc.)
176: heterosexual (straight)
177: poly (3+ people)
178: one of them getting an award or something and the other cheering them on and embarrassing them
179: somehow ending up with someone who is way out of their league
180: travelling together
181: weekend of romance
182: act like they hate them but they actually like them, switch between emotions frequently (tsundere)
183: will kill or harm others for their senpai (yandere)
184: ignoring the other person
185: one not messaging the other back
186: pash
187: enemies to lovers
188: friends to lovers
189: watching the other undress
190: soulmates
191: phone call
192: prom/dance
193: highschool
194: riding on bikes (usually as kids)
195: proposal
196: teasing the other
197: watching the sunset/sunrise
198: morning jog/walk
199: waking up but they’re not there
200: waking up to the other one making breakfast
201: sneaking into their house in the middle of the night
202: partners in crime
203: ex lovers
204: crushing on friend’s sibling
205: letting them stay the night
206: accidentally in love
207: coffee shop au
208: when their parents aren’t home...
209: sitting next to them with their arm around the their waist
210: telling secrets
211: fireplace
212: sitting on the floor
213: study buddies
214: flying
215: sitting on the porch
216: see the other naked for the first time
217: double date
218: their crush is upper class but they are lower class or vice versa. eg. rich vs poor, popular vs unpopular, higher social status vs lower social status.
219: One is mature and the other is childish
220: 2 brain cells/both idiots
221: lipstick stains
222: helping the other up
223: Deep conversation
224: meet at a bar/club/pub
225: asking them out
226: being teased by their friend(s) about their crush
227: telling their friend(s) about their crush
228: mistletoe
229: virgin/losing virginity
230: screaming into their chest
231: hand brushing against the other’s
232: soulmates walking past each other in public not yet knowing the other person but still getting some sort of gut feeling.
233: asking if they’re ok
234: handsome stranger
235: a description of the character’s features
236: their scent lingering
237: arriving at their doorstep
238: sleeping on the couch
239: hot night
240: cold night
241: sweaty
242: missing the other person
243: seeing them depart/saying their goodbyes (usually if they’re leaving for a trip for a while)
244: seeing them again for the first time (usually after they arrive back after a trip after not seeing them for a while)
245: looking back after departing
246: not even knowing their name/don’t remember them properly (usually falling in love with a stranger)
247: I kissed a girl (gay)
248: I kissed a boy (gay)
249: the person they like isn’t gay
250: husband energy
251: mum and dad energy
252: wife energy
253: liking a bad boy
254: liking a more mature boy
255: diving off cliffs/waterfalls
256: Comforting the other one when they’re scared
257: hushing them to sleep
258: singing them a lullaby
259: adopting
260: surrogate
261: painting their nails, pamper treatment, etc.
262: posing for photos
263: eating spaghetti together (Lady and the Tramp style)
264: being protective when someone starts SIMPing over their lover
265: holding them tight
266: swears they saw their ex in public but it wasn’t them...
267: sleepover
268: flirtatious bartender
269: helping them
270: stumbling over their words
271: walking in on them showering
272: looking them up and down/checking them out
273: being competitive/friendly rivals dynamic
274: meeting them through social media first
275: tinder/online dating
276: daydreaming about the other person
277: one of them is sick/in hospital
278: doing something embarrassing in front of their crush
279: horseback riding
280: hammock
281: boat
282: taking them to and showing them a place that is special to them
283: dirty jokes
284: making them laugh
285: getting into a fight with each other
286: protecting the other in a fight/from getting into a fight
287: masquerade ball
288: love spell/something or someone casting love spells on people aka Cupid
289: he/she loves me, he/she loves me not...
290: whispering in their ear
291: sitting on top of the car in a field
292: if a character wears some sort of mask/something that covers their mouth/face make the other character pull down/lift it up to kiss them
293: give each other pet names (baby, babe, honey, etc) (be as creative as you want)
294: biting the other’s lip when kissing
295: buying the other flowers/a gift
296: road trip
297: friendzoning
298: Gender Bend
299: saying “I love you” for the first time
300: toxic relationship (physical abuse, mental abuse, cheating constantly, don't love them anymore) be as creative as you want.
@negan-morningstar @savedpeople @you-a-southpaw-doll @smcc212 @gabrielislovegabrielislife @galaxycastiel @winchester-reload @impala-dreamer
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honeycvntcake · 4 years
What You Should Become aware of Texting along with Dating
Within the past few years obviously almost every partnership dilemma I actually hear from my coaching buyers and former mate girlfriends has linked with texting. Texting and online dating services definitely it does not just for 2 decade olds any further. These girls are all connection after 40… some inside their 60s plus 70s.
“Sue” connected with the male on Tinder, they had some emails, after which he started sending text messages. He given her photographs of the soccer game these people attended. They told her about his crappy day at function. She commanded him about her automobile trouble and responded ‘ why did not you ask us to come support? ‘
Chances are they had a new coffee moment. It was well. The particular texting proceeded. They “talked” on and off for hours on end. He complimented her to generate her possess a good laugh. He distributed to her how filled he was and also she inquired about flattered which he was looking to keep in touch.
The following week often the texts tapered, and then this individual stopped response. She requirements me “I thought having been so into me. Exactly what should I accomplish??? ”
“Lila’s” guy informed her all these remarkable things and also poured the actual heart out via texts for two days. But they never applied through having an actual in person date. The lady wants to really know what that means.
“Melissa” stayed until eventually 3 EARLY IN THE DAY texting completely ready dude. That were there one date three weeks prior, and as it’s only been texting. But it is very romantic! She has falling to find him. In excess of wants to know how to stop disquieting over your pet being The primary.
There are noticeable signs if he IS directly into you… CLICK THIS KIND OF and find out exactly how!
Texting boasts certainly difficult dating in addition to relationships. No later than this give you a number of straight information about what text messages really indicates and will never mean. In addition to, most importantly, tips about how to take control of your circumstances – like a grownup!
The only thing you should suppose when you’re looking for a bunch of created word is that the young lady is having exciting flirting along. He’s feeling entertained and also he’s increasing your responsiveness.
1 . Texting is NOT online dating. Never assume that obtaining a bunch of published word from a guy means you will be having a relationship. You’re not quite possibly dating. When a person is selecting to only textual content or primarily text, he has not showing signs of wishing to get to know you really in a important way.
The sole thing you should expect when you’re getting a bunch of messaging text is that ukraine woman the young lady is having entertaining flirting along. He’s encountering entertained as well as he’s enjoying your responsiveness.
Sure, they wouldn’t end up being spending when ever if they wasn’t serious about you, when he’s just texting, they will doesn’t think about you for the potential wife or husband. Expecting the dog to move on something far more serious isn’t normal. In fact , this specific usually means only the opposite. These guys cool.
Why that they can disappear just isn’t going to matter. Whether it is because they located someone else, were just participating in or since they got scared — that is 100% minimal. You know what you must understand: he isn’t a good, older man really worth your time.
There are lots of ways to acknowledge if a man is a serious guy who is thinking about getting to know somebody. He methods up by just calling and also settings in place dates. He or she tries to positive aspects you and your life. He / she makes an attempt to spend time with you. Many people does almost no things to try to make you information.
If you are for example Sue, Violeta or Melissa, here is what you should know: Continuous text messages, when with no in-person visit, creates a false sense associated with connection. A person sense like you get to know another, but that’s not what’s happening.
Just about any text ‘ relationship’ is in fact like being a player within a game. From the type of false connection which often sets up extremely unrealistic presumptions and targets. I’ve discovered countless young ladies create detailed fantasies and obtain drawn in — often before they probably meet adult males.
And the enemy happens also. With no tonality in communications, texting to and fro creates great opportunities to misread and believe wrongly intent. I am unable to tell you the amount of emails We’ve received by way of coaching purchasers with a written text conversation pasted in together with question: Issues you think they will means (aka WTF)????
(Honestly, half time frame I need ideas what a guy means dependant on twelve keywords on a show. And even easily think I know, I’m loathe to think. I suggest in excess of asks your furry friend to call her.
Be aware, keep your thoughts in check and as well stay in fact. You don’t understand him. To have reading in this post to learn techniques for finding the websida to move to the phone and also an real-time date.
(Want to learn more about how you can know whenever a man is absolutely interested? You can view my available webcast How one can Know If He’s In to You. )
2 . A few men make full use of texting to aid string anyone along… time period. If you are acquiring texts combined with calls as well as dates, subsequently excellent! She has interested in observing you in addition to sure looking for a collaboration.
But if there is absolutely no actual real-time contact — beware!
Probably you are aware the guy who texts once in a while like a kind of sign-up. He notifys you how much this individual likes you really and even works super contemplating your life. She / he flirts. They says the way busy one is and how he / she previously really love to determine you rapidly. And it finishes there.
This guy are what I call up a “pinger. ”
Pingers want a good ego enhance. They prepared text you in conjunction with, when you respond positively, have high of while using knowledge that you’re keep a geared up option when (and if) he desires to actually day you.
As well as just a few minutes along with a few properly chosen keystrokes, a good pinger can keep a person interested for ages, even years… without a great deal as one distinct date. (This happens with phone calls too. )
If you are linked to a pinger, girlfriend, you have to end which will so-called romantic relationship right now. You can more about pingers and learn what you can do with them by means of reading this publish: Why Does She or he Keep Evaporating and Reappearing?
3. Sending text messages as a way connected with dating is mostly for males, not adult men. If you have no met your canine friend yet as well as he’s sending texts to see if it is possible to obtain together upon short diagnose, don’t be flattered. He’s both equally impulsive in addition to, more likely, trying you being back-up woman when his or her other packages fell by means of.
If you like often the pup and are able to give the dog a chance, in this case respond getting a positive ‘ thank you nevertheless no thanks a lot. ” It is advisable to say this kind of thing:
“It is going to be great to enjoy you, Greg, but We have plans this evening. Love to gathering with a extra notice while. Enjoy your special evening. ”
Put it out there and see how are you affected. A grownup dude who absolutely wants to recognize you will get often the message and acquire you at a distance ahead of time. A new farmer or purchaser guy will text any individual again in a few weeks attempting to see you in the evening. Take it so it is – he’s most likely not serious about online dating and your puppy is going down their list, in hopes you chew. Don’t reply.
4. Text messaging does have an optimistic place in internet dating. Texting can be a superb complement for you to real dating. For instance, may great way so as to clarify plans or develop last minute improvements to the program.
A man do people want a healthy, more mature connection can easily make every power to show you will he’s curious and to quite simply see you instantly. Why? Mainly because that’s the best way men determine whether they as you. It’s all about how she or he FEELS while he’s to your account, and he is aware of it. Whenever he’s looking for something more than one fun nighttime, a good guy will do exactly what he can to impress you by way of asking you offered, and then use your event.
Texting is usually good for a simple “had a great time” or maybe “sleep well” note after having a nice moment. Or a “looking forward to slurping spaghetti in addition to you Friday. ” Let him know if you are thinking of him / her and valuation him. Make it14972 simple, as well as leave it generally there. If you don’t grab back, proceed.
Here’s what to perform next to ensure you don’t get ensnared on the inappropriate guy again… You can find clear impulses when he IS CERTAINLY into any person… CLICK THIS and see how!
several. If she has a grownup fantastic guy, you are able to kindly purchase him along texting. I will see why perhaps good, reliable, single people love texting. If they sees your overall picture along with profile together with wants to meet up with you, the particular hunter along with him would want to get up on the result: discussion you. This is especially valid of some women I understand. They think chatting 1st just interrupts the routine and will need to skip the unit and/or email.
But No later than this say that again, executing a bunch of texting first can make an naive sense relating to connection. Like a little more, being a phone call at first, it’s your final choice to get over texting treadmill and ask for what you want. So when he is focused on9491 meeting a female for a authentic relationship, he will probably step up.
How would you do that? Just simply say this type of thing if this individual seems to be swept up on sending texts:
“It may be great to listen the modulation of voice connected to all these great written word and email. I’d love a telephone call when you’ve got period. Hope that works for you! 555-1212. ”
“Thanks to get in touch. Allow me to get to know anyone but I find sending text messages isn’t an ideal way. But receiving up with you actually over coffee beans might be; ). ”
So… the bottom line in texting in addition to dating are these claims: use txt messaging sparingly, effectively and, above all, don’t study too much by it. Remember, true and genuine love come about in person, grin to laugh, touch to the touch. Not around the phone or if your computer.
I may LOVE to pick up your sending text messages stories in addition to answer this question about how to really make it work for you though dating or maybe in your marriage. Leave us your responses below.
هذه المقاله مقتبسة من موقع سي في ورلد https://ift.tt/3i57VJm
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awesomecvworldblog · 4 years
What You Should Become aware of Texting along with Dating
What You Should Become aware of Texting along with Dating
Within the past few years obviously almost every partnership dilemma I actually hear from my coaching buyers and former mate girlfriends has linked with texting. Texting and online dating services definitely it does not just for 2 decade olds any further. These girls are all connection after 40… some inside their 60s plus 70s.
“Sue” connected with the male on Tinder, they had some emails, after which he started sending text messages. He given her photographs of the soccer game these people attended. They told her about his crappy day at function. She commanded him about her automobile trouble and responded ‘ why did not you ask us to come support? ‘
Chances are they had a new coffee moment. It was well. The particular texting proceeded. They “talked” on and off for hours on end. He complimented her to generate her possess a good laugh. He distributed to her how filled he was and also she inquired about flattered which he was looking to keep in touch.
The following week often the texts tapered, and then this individual stopped response. She requirements me “I thought having been so into me. Exactly what should I accomplish??? ”
“Lila’s” guy informed her all these remarkable things and also poured the actual heart out via texts for two days. But they never applied through having an actual in person date. The lady wants to really know what that means.
“Melissa” stayed until eventually 3 EARLY IN THE DAY texting completely ready dude. That were there one date three weeks prior, and as it’s only been texting. But it is very romantic! She has falling to find him. In excess of wants to know how to stop disquieting over your pet being The primary.
There are noticeable signs if he IS directly into you… CLICK THIS KIND OF and find out exactly how!
Texting boasts certainly difficult dating in addition to relationships. No later than this give you a number of straight information about what text messages really indicates and will never mean. In addition to, most importantly, tips about how to take control of your circumstances – like a grownup!
The only thing you should suppose when you’re looking for a bunch of created word is that the young lady is having exciting flirting along. He’s feeling entertained and also he’s increasing your responsiveness.
1 . Texting is NOT online dating. Never assume that obtaining a bunch of published word from a guy means you will be having a relationship. You’re not quite possibly dating. When a person is selecting to only textual content or primarily text, he has not showing signs of wishing to get to know you really in a important way.
The sole thing you should expect when you’re getting a bunch of messaging text is that ukraine woman the young lady is having entertaining flirting along. He’s encountering entertained as well as he’s enjoying your responsiveness.
Sure, they wouldn’t end up being spending when ever if they wasn’t serious about you, when he’s just texting, they will doesn’t think about you for the potential wife or husband. Expecting the dog to move on something far more serious isn’t normal. In fact , this specific usually means only the opposite. These guys cool.
Why that they can disappear just isn’t going to matter. Whether it is because they located someone else, were just participating in or since they got scared — that is 100% minimal. You know what you must understand: he isn’t a good, older man really worth your time.
There are lots of ways to acknowledge if a man is a serious guy who is thinking about getting to know somebody. He methods up by just calling and also settings in place dates. He or she tries to positive aspects you and your life. He / she makes an attempt to spend time with you. Many people does almost no things to try to make you information.
If you are for example Sue, Violeta or Melissa, here is what you should know: Continuous text messages, when with no in-person visit, creates a false sense associated with connection. A person sense like you get to know another, but that’s not what’s happening.
Just about any text ‘ relationship’ is in fact like being a player within a game. From the type of false connection which often sets up extremely unrealistic presumptions and targets. I’ve discovered countless young ladies create detailed fantasies and obtain drawn in — often before they probably meet adult males.
And the enemy happens also. With no tonality in communications, texting to and fro creates great opportunities to misread and believe wrongly intent. I am unable to tell you the amount of emails We’ve received by way of coaching purchasers with a written text conversation pasted in together with question: Issues you think they will means (aka WTF)????
(Honestly, half time frame I need ideas what a guy means dependant on twelve keywords on a show. And even easily think I know, I’m loathe to think. I suggest in excess of asks your furry friend to call her.
Be aware, keep your thoughts in check and as well stay in fact. You don’t understand him. To have reading in this post to learn techniques for finding the websida to move to the phone and also an real-time date.
(Want to learn more about how you can know whenever a man is absolutely interested? You can view my available webcast How one can Know If He’s In to You. )
2 . A few men make full use of texting to aid string anyone along… time period. If you are acquiring texts combined with calls as well as dates, subsequently excellent! She has interested in observing you in addition to sure looking for a collaboration.
But if there is absolutely no actual real-time contact — beware!
Probably you are aware the guy who texts once in a while like a kind of sign-up. He notifys you how much this individual likes you really and even works super contemplating your life. She / he flirts. They says the way busy one is and how he / she previously really love to determine you rapidly. And it finishes there.
This guy are what I call up a “pinger. ”
Pingers want a good ego enhance. They prepared text you in conjunction with, when you respond positively, have high of while using knowledge that you’re keep a geared up option when (and if) he desires to actually day you.
As well as just a few minutes along with a few properly chosen keystrokes, a good pinger can keep a person interested for ages, even years… without a great deal as one distinct date. (This happens with phone calls too. )
If you are linked to a pinger, girlfriend, you have to end which will so-called romantic relationship right now. You can more about pingers and learn what you can do with them by means of reading this publish: Why Does She or he Keep Evaporating and Reappearing?
3. Sending text messages as a way connected with dating is mostly for males, not adult men. If you have no met your canine friend yet as well as he’s sending texts to see if it is possible to obtain together upon short diagnose, don’t be flattered. He’s both equally impulsive in addition to, more likely, trying you being back-up woman when his or her other packages fell by means of.
If you like often the pup and are able to give the dog a chance, in this case respond getting a positive ‘ thank you nevertheless no thanks a lot. ” It is advisable to say this kind of thing:
“It is going to be great to enjoy you, Greg, but We have plans this evening. Love to gathering with a extra notice while. Enjoy your special evening. ”
Put it out there and see how are you affected. A grownup dude who absolutely wants to recognize you will get often the message and acquire you at a distance ahead of time. A new farmer or purchaser guy will text any individual again in a few weeks attempting to see you in the evening. Take it so it is – he’s most likely not serious about online dating and your puppy is going down their list, in hopes you chew. Don’t reply.
4. Text messaging does have an optimistic place in internet dating. Texting can be a superb complement for you to real dating. For instance, may great way so as to clarify plans or develop last minute improvements to the program.
A man do people want a healthy, more mature connection can easily make every power to show you will he’s curious and to quite simply see you instantly. Why? Mainly because that’s the best way men determine whether they as you. It’s all about how she or he FEELS while he’s to your account, and he is aware of it. Whenever he’s looking for something more than one fun nighttime, a good guy will do exactly what he can to impress you by way of asking you offered, and then use your event.
Texting is usually good for a simple “had a great time” or maybe “sleep well” note after having a nice moment. Or a “looking forward to slurping spaghetti in addition to you Friday. ” Let him know if you are thinking of him / her and valuation him. Make it14972 simple, as well as leave it generally there. If you don’t grab back, proceed.
Here’s what to perform next to ensure you don’t get ensnared on the inappropriate guy again… You can find clear impulses when he IS CERTAINLY into any person… CLICK THIS and see how!
several. If she has a grownup fantastic guy, you are able to kindly purchase him along texting. I will see why perhaps good, reliable, single people love texting. If they sees your overall picture along with profile together with wants to meet up with you, the particular hunter along with him would want to get up on the result: discussion you. This is especially valid of some women I understand. They think chatting 1st just interrupts the routine and will need to skip the unit and/or email.
But No later than this say that again, executing a bunch of texting first can make an naive sense relating to connection. Like a little more, being a phone call at first, it’s your final choice to get over texting treadmill and ask for what you want. So when he is focused on9491 meeting a female for a authentic relationship, he will probably step up.
How would you do that? Just simply say this type of thing if this individual seems to be swept up on sending texts:
“It may be great to listen the modulation of voice connected to all these great written word and email. I’d love a telephone call when you’ve got period. Hope that works for you! 555-1212. ”
“Thanks to get in touch. Allow me to get to know anyone but I find sending text messages isn’t an ideal way. But receiving up with you actually over coffee beans might be; ). ”
So… the bottom line in texting in addition to dating are these claims: use txt messaging sparingly, effectively and, above all, don’t study too much by it. Remember, true and genuine love come about in person, grin to laugh, touch to the touch. Not around the phone or if your computer.
I may LOVE to pick up your sending text messages stories in addition to answer this question about how to really make it work for you though dating or maybe in your marriage. Leave us your responses below.
from WordPress https://cvworld.io/blog/what-you-should-become-aware-of-texting-along-with-12/
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robbiemeadow · 6 years
5 Reasons Why You’re Not Having Sex
Let’s just get to it. Fellas, it’s kinda easy to get laid. As long as you have your sh** together, it’s generally not hard to have sex with women. You may not get to sleep with that “10” at the bar you saw last night, but, you should still be able to make some connections and in your life…
As hard as it is to believe, not every guy is getting “it.” That’s concerning to me. If you are a hardworking, stable man, and your sex life is lacking, there may be several reasons why. Below are a few items to think about and, ultimately, to work on if you haven’t had sex recently… like at any time in the calendar year.
1. Your Personality
We’re all (hopefully) adult men here, so I can be blunt. Men, if you are an asshole, you won’t win. Well, if you are an asshole and nothing else. Assholes who are rich will have sex. Assholes who are funny will have sex. Assholes who are handsome will have sex. Assholes who are … just assholes will not have sex. Anytime soon.
Women don’t like guys who are creepy jerks. Not to stereotype, but dudes who are mean tend to make women feel uncomfortable. And uncomfortable means no nookie for you. Ever. The moral of this lesson is not to be a “good” guy, but a sane guy. One of the basics of hooking up is to be approachable to women. Not to scare the s**t out of them.
2. Your Mouth
This is the close cousin of the Personality item. Menfolk, you just can’t say anything to women. Well, you can, but you probably won’t get lucky until the Cleveland Browns win the Super Bowl. A guy can say things that are edgy, witty, or risqué to women, and not make things weird. Usually, that’s called flirting. A guy can’t say things that are vile or cruel and hope to be seen as attractive to women. We all know that one guy who can’t stop saying inappropriate stuff in social situations, and he almost never gets laid. He never gets phone numbers. Word of advice, dudes, try not to get your Archie Bunker on around the honeys.
3. Your Grooming
You’d be surprised at how many men neglect to take care of themselves. Not only health-wise but even from a cosmetic standpoint. If you haven’t noticed, American men are living in a kind of renaissance period when it comes to beauty. More than ever, men are joining gyms and going to spas to look their best. This is the era of the Beautiful Man, and if you’ve been having some difficulty getting some action, this could be a huge reason why. Your grooming game might be weak.
Women these days not only prefer that the men they may date be well groomed, some women demand it. Especially in the bigger American cities. The point is, if a woman has to shave “down there.” then she expects a man to manscape.
When I mention grooming, what I mean is: Shaving: Not just your face. Consider your nose hairs, your chest (the ’70s are over), and if you have thinning hair, your head.
Mouth Care: Brushing your teeth and using mouthwash.
Exercise: Toning up your body and watching your weight.
Smells: Using the right amount and kind of cologne, aftershave, and deodorant.
If you don’t believe what I’m writing, and you think I’m full of s**t, just ask a woman. They will tell you the same thing I am. The well-groomed guy pretty much always wins, while Mr. Shower When I Feel Like It nearly always goes home from the party by himself.
If I had to keep it “hood,” wash your funky balls, homeboy. Wash your balls.
4. Your Lack Of Self-Confidence
Self-confidence is huge when it comes to male-female interaction. It could be the difference between getting a phone number and an address. It can change a typical sexual encounter into a threesome. Self-confidence is major.
I can’t tell you how to find self-confidence since it’s called SELF-confidence. The only thing I can pass on to you is: search for something about you that’s special. If you are really smart, show off that big brain. If you are naturally funny, laugh your way right into a woman’s bedroom. You can find whatever makes you unique, and ride the s**t out of that.
Finding self-confidence is a journey, so, for this item, you are for the most part on your own. But, I’ll tell you. Once you get your new-found confidence, rock it. Rock it often. Because ultimately, you want a woman to rock the s**t out of you.
5. Your Lack Of Sexual Skill
One of the worst things that could happen to a single man is the BDR, aka, Bad D**k Report. Fellas, you do not one of these following you around. You don’t want this in the Cloud. A BDR hangs on you like a bad credit score. Especially if you’ve had numerous BDRs.
The best way to avoid the dreaded BDR is to get better at having sex. Once again, this is a section of the list where I can only offer you surface-level advice. Everyone has and sees sex differently. The only thing I can tell you is women love it when you try your best to please them. If a man does his best to make sure the lady is pleased, then he’ll almost never get a BDR.
S**t, guys get recommendations from women when they put in the work.
What I’ve given you are tips. And these tips have been learned from years in the “field.” Those years could give me material for several articles. These items are to help anyone of you good guys out there put it all together, and start having sex. Great sex. Remember that word “great.”
I don’t want any of you getting BDRs.
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Original article: 5 Reasons Why You’re Not Having Sex
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