#aka mr bean on holiday boy
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We're living in a fever dream and I'm so here for it.
(📷: MTV News)
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aaviav · 4 years
🎄HAPPY HOLIDAYS, GUYS!! 🎄 2020 was quite a year for everyone, man. i'm so glad i decided to rejoin tumblr and because of that, i got to meet some super cool people. and i drew a fair amount of handsome 2D boys!! things slowed down in the last few months but i hope i'll learn to juggle uni and personal drawing better soon. fingers crossed 🤞
there was this post where people mentioned the ones they’re thankful for in 2020 and well... i thought it’d be nice to give a couple of shoutouts myself. “you”, you ask, “the one who is terrible at words and also expressing their feelings?” yes, absolutely. (also aaa thank u to @/otonymous @/scummy-writes  for tagging me back then ; ; )
@op-peccatori nanaaaaaaaaaa ;__; 💖 i'm so so glad i got to start talking to you this past year. i feel like we can relate on a lot of things, and somehow a few short sentences always evolve into walls of text???? like. bruh. how. 💀 💀 i know i take a while to respond sometimes but getting to read your replies is a joy every time. hope you're doing ok and please give Theo lots of kisses from me HAHA  💖
@beni-draw-ikemen-please BENIIII you're The Sweetest Ever™ 🥺 i mean it!! you're also so genuine and v v fun to talk to, i hope we get to do that more often in the future! ; v ; thank you for sharing your thirst and wonderful art with us all. ALSO ALSO: don't forget to take care of yourself. OR ELSE 😤 sending lots of virtual hugs your way! 💖 💖
@scummy-writes we're both shy beans but whenever i see you around or on on the occasional messages to eachother, you're The Sweetest Ever™ #2 🥺 for 2021 (and beyond) i wish you more confidence in yourself and your writing, because you're amazing! sometimes u just gotta channel ur inner Shea LaBeouf and Just Do It! i believe in u!!!! 💖
@littlegrrl7 hi! i appreciate you and the things you make!!! a lot!!!! you're a fic writing machine, haha. yours were the first longfics that i read and honestly, your writing is so engaging in that you keep it interesting and it's also fun and easy to read and with a healthy dose of smut cough cough. thank you for sharing! 🥰
@dear-mrs-otome Mrs O! i might or might not have been slightly intimidated at first hahah orz ANYWAY our Best Boi venn diagram might have the thinnest overlap ever but thank you for the support all the same, and i'll also always BE thankful for Drained Dry which feels like a sorta ikevamp themed discord home for me 🥺 🥺
@maanawa HELLO U!! thank u for becoming my first penpal in years!! 🥰 for some reason u always seem like such a unique person to me?? if u put a gun to my head and asked why, i wouldn't be able to answer bc i have no idea, but like. i mean it in the best way 0: 👌  
@hideoutpastel HI PASTEL, i'm glad i get to interact with u a bit more bc of twitter! u are a delight!! 😤 also i think u already know but like. ur art is so ✨ sparkly ✨ and bright and beautiful ok. kthx #bless 
@yenanng i might not always reply or interact, but seeing your twt updates is somehow v cool haha. i hope you get to rest and work on personal art soon! i'm cheering u on!!! \o/ 💖
@nan-chi @weird-profiterole HI HI! 🥰 we haven't talked to eachoter much but you guys seem super genuine and fun, i hope we get to interact more in the future!! also your art is so cute i cri 😭💖
@mikotomizuki LEO HOES UNITE 🤝 🤝 thank you for being hilarious and bringing your tiddy memes everywhere you go LMAO. let's keep our fingers crossed for more amazing Leo content in 2021 🤞💖
@pseudofaux you are delightful!! thank you for all the support always. you're an angel and we don't deserve you 😭💖 (also hello ur writing skills? y e s)
@pickle-scribbles Faa, I LIVE FOR YOUR THIRST COMMENTS. SERIOUSLY HAHA. and i die bc of your masterful smut 😭 just,, thank you 🥺💖
@otonymous i've probably mentioned this before but your fics were one of the first ones i read when i got back into tumblr, and honestly? what an amazing author to start with. #thepowerofthirst 💀 i kinda stopped consuming MLQC content so i haven't kept up w everything you put out but i know that you're still AMAZING and also so funny and just. 10/10 man 
@tacogawa @savourthelittlethings u guys are just. so cool!!!!! that's all thank u for coming to my ted talk 🥰
@akirafanarts ​ hi!! i haven’t forgotten u!! hope you’ve been doing ok!! 💖
@meowlayn-art you are v sweet! your art is gorgeous! and your OCs are amazing!! 🥺 i'm cheering for you! 💖
@incorrect-ikevamp-quotes​ a lil random but like. thank you for your insights on a bunch of idiots under one roof aka the ikevamp boys!! 💖 and also for the Top Notch 11/10 memes. bless  🙏 🙏
special shout out to everyone on Drained Dry that i haven't yet mentioned, u guys are v cool ; v ; 💖
and lastly, thank you to everyone who liked, reblogged or interacted with my posts or just took a second to appreciate my art, really. drawing 2D boys is a joy, and i'm glad if it brings even the tiniest bit of happiness into other people's lives too! you guys are the best 💖💖💖
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dartier · 4 years
QB-E1's [aka Dart (AO3) Dartier (Tumblr)] Master List
This is my very first 007 Fest. Special thanks to the Fest mods, our Team Q-Branch co-captains And my teammates.
If you’re wondering why this post looks like a trainwreck, well, 2020 happened to it. That’s why.
64 comments*1 =64
6 events *1 (craft workshops and art streams) =6
FanFic <5000 words and fanfic chapter <5000 words
19 * 5 points= 95
Grief is a Many-Splintered Bastard of a Goddamn Thing
For my collab prompt table: Linorien's "Picnic on the roof of MI6. Maybe under the stars." and ZephyrFox's "How about a card game between the denizens of MI6? Poker, or something."
The 00Fest 2018 anon prompt "A Double-Oh Poker Night". Since I can only count two prompts, Linorien's and the 2018 prompt are the two I am counting for points.
Damn Homophones ~or~ Pin Me Chapter 1
Fluff Prompt Table: Flare, Komodo Dragon
Who’s Oblivious Now? ~or~ What the What?!
Fluff Prompt Table: Water, orchestrate
Put Me in the Zoo ~or~ That’s Not Ice Cream
SouffleGirl91 gave me a perfectly innocent prompt: “If you are up to it: Q and Bond (and Alec if he wants to be invited!) enjoy a day out at the zoo.”
Bloody Big Cat ~or~ There’s a Special Kind of Leave for That
Prompt from Mely/Celyan: “Could I get your version of Bond as a big cat? How about both of them in the field and Bond has to save Q in his cat form, and then things happen? And by things I mean anything from flirting to cuddling to more, take it wherever it leads you lol. Or even bickering because Q’s happy to be saved but he’s feeling like he’s suffocating under Bond’s cat form? 😆”
Q Considers Villainy ~or~ Avenging Boffin
Fluff Table Prompt: choir and goose
Dress Me Up ~or~ Drop Me Down
Fluff Prompt Table: Fawn and Competence Kink
Bond. James Bond in Harry Potter and the Sheerest and Dumbest of Lucks ~or~ Alec Fucking Trevelyan Will Not Be Denied
Chapter 1 https://archiveofourown.org/works/25507960/chapters/61883608
Chapter 2 https://archiveofourown.org/works/25507960/chapters/61883725#workskin
Chapter 3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/25507960/chapters/61889155#workskin
Dart's Drabble Trailer
Ch. 1 And Strawpenny and Moneyfields Lived Happily Ever After ~or~ James Bond's Ridiculous Ears are Burning
rare pair, Moneypenny
Ch.2 Sweet Somethings ~or~ 007/Q + Coffee/Cake
Fluff Prompt Table: Free Space
Ch. 3 The Not So Secret Secret Class
For the 2017 Fest Prompt: 00QAD - James mentoring Alex by giving him courting and bedroom tips
Polyamory Day, Rare Pair
Ch. 4 4-Way Fluff ~or~ Mr. Mistoffelees‘ Magical Afternoon
2017 Fest Prompt: 00QAD - four-way fluff, maybe cooking together or watching a movie and touching/kissing/etc
Polyamory Day
Ch.5 Easy Killer or the Great “When For the Love of God will 007 and Our Beloved Quartermaster Hook Up Already” Betting Pool
For the Collab Prompt Table prompt from Linorien and Cassie: “write something from the pov of a q branch minion.”
Ch. 6 Love on the Lido Deck ~or- James Bond’s Guide to Creativity in Training
Collab Table Prompt for Ato-the-Bean: “Bond jealous of Q giving a piece of tech to another agent.”
Ch. 7 Use Your Accrued Holiday Time, Kids ~or~ Someone Give Mallory a Biscuit
Use Your Accrued Holiday Time, Kids ~or~ Someone Give Mallory a Biscuit
Collab Table Prompt from Stormofsharpthings: "How about - James and Alec will NOT take a break, so Q, with the help of M, arranges for the three of them to go on a ‘mission’ but doesn’t tell them it’s a holiday until they’re there"
Let Us All Circle Each Other in Confusion Like the Idiot Boys We Are
Collab Table Prompt for bookserdu: "Q is a stripper in a high end men's club putting himself through uni. James and Alec are members/stop by for a drink (and to ogle pretty boys)/are hiding from the bad guys. Then spotlight comes on and hits Q. Dealers choice how/what/where happens."
“Q, Why is James Bond Naked in Your Flat?” ~or~ “It’s Tuesday?”
Nana's Most Excellent Prompt (for my Collab Prompt Table.): "Bond and Q do a strip drinking game and Q appears to be winning! Loser also gets to fulfill a wish from the winner while going around in his bday suit! Whatever will Q make Bond do??"
And this one also counts for ZephyrFox's collab table prompt of "The denizens of MI6 play poker."
Recipe 5 points
Felix Leiter’s “If I don’t eat some whole grains, my wife is going to beat my ass and not even James Bond will be able to save me” Hot Dog Buns
FanEdit 5 points
it's always a 2 mug morning in Q branch
Headcanons (5*3=15)
Damn Homophones ~or~ Pin Me : Chapter 2 "Q Branch Headcanon: Flair "
Felix Leiter’s “If I don’t eat some whole grains, my wife is going to beat my ass and not even James Bond will be able to save me” Hot Dog Buns
Qs Beach Reading
Other Fan Creations (3*5) = 15
Round Robins
007 Fest 2020 Prose Round Robin
A Bad Day Off, The 007 Fest 2020 Poetry Round Robin.
FanArt (5 points)
Team Q Branch Art
Scavenger Hunt item
scavenger = 20 total
#2 (5 pts) anon note
#5 (5 pts) AAR limerick
#61 (10 pts) Art round robin
anon prompts 5*3 = 15
1 2018 +2 points =2
2 2017 +(2*3)= 6
complete prompt tables 2*30=60
7 theme days (Poetry, Characters of Color, Food, Polyamory, Moneypenny, Felix, Crossover) = 21
rare pair 4*5=20
64 comments (31+10)
= 395 points total
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thingsthomaswrites · 5 years
Love Island Winter UK- Episode 1 and 2: The Shaughna Show.
After pleading with myself not to get sucked into Winter love island, I did. Long story short- ITV have expanded my Love Island obsession beyond the Summer Holidays and have now made it into an all year-round obsession that triggers major procrastination from uni work. I am ridiculously invested and its episode 2. Thanks a lot ITV! Also, shoutout to Laura Whitmore for being a presenter that makes me feel more at ease when surrounded by the villas lamps- you’re the best!
Aware that I’ve failed to review the first show I have decided to cram reviews of the two episodes that have aired into a long rambling article putting into words my professional Reality Tv Binger opinion so buckle up buttercup #sorrynotsorry! Nevertheless, don't worry too much as there isn’t a whole lot to say on the first show. The two contestants I initially warmed to were Nas and Shaughna due to their bubbliness! I could go on a night out with both of them without too much awkwardness- Las Iguana’s 2 for 1 cocktails ladies? Regardless, there are a lot of contestants grating on me already, including: Max Branning, Lewis Capaldi’s ex (who she NEVER mentions) and Mr Bean. I’m excited for trophy-hunter Branning to do drugs on the beach and get disqualified on the day off they have quite frankly. I’m also undecided on ‘The Shining’ twins, Siannise (who seems nice enough but fake enough) and Leanne (who I’m certain will grow on me). Roche-Sophie needs to run a mile from The Cheshire Cat...Aka Mr Bean...Aka the owner of the worst teeth in Love Island history. I sincerely hope he kept his receipt from his dodgy veneers that he got off Google. 
Day 2 is ridiculous for various reasons. WHY is Connor being so full on two days in? Shaughna is very full on also but is EXTREMELY likeable somehow- how does she manage being such an absolute queen?! Between opting to “drown” opposed to simply “drowning her sorrows” and retorting the brilliantly overdramatic line: “so basically that’s my man and you’re taking my man” she has gained a supporter in me. Go on you dozy cow! Meanwhile, Mike says that it “must be crazy for you guys [the twins] because you came in late to the party” and it shouldn’t be but it is. This is mainly because of a number of bitchy girls this series… ESPECIALLY Leanne and Paige who moan about the twins for standing upstairs to have a PRIVATE conversation with Mike who- as far as I was aware- isn’t engaged to Leanne after a day of -what I can imagine behind the scenes- consisted of Leanne shutting him down for not being a plumber and Paige shutting down Max Branning for being a class A Tory t- pardon my French. The twins- despite being initially annoying- are delivering in terms of not caring and why should they? Really? Some of these girls are acting as if they’re married!
The challenge was- in typical love island fashion- meant to be sexy but I see nothing sexy about grown adults pretending to be tea bags. Sorry. As Shaughna said “being dunked in a cup of tea…it’s not my thing”. Surprising revelations from the challenge? No. Did Paige mention Lewis Capaldi again? You betcha’. Is Max Branning even more of a c- pardon my Spanish- than previously imagined? Yes- he cheated 8 or 9 times- or so he says. I hardly expected him to be a respectful guy mind you. Is there a liar who says they’ve slept with more people than they actually have? Yes. Connor has fulfilled the role of Love Island douchebag this year very early on! Leanne warmed on me throughout the episode and it appears that she genuinely likes Mike. Shaughna is being desperate but its entertaining to watch her give a cringeworthy parting kiss to ‘mark her territory’- reminiscent of the moment Yewande sat on Danny. Iconic.
Jess and Eve have been briefed to argue. It MUST be fake. Love Island can break a twin bond that has been developed since birth? Nah- they live together for crying out loud! No way! Fake! They chose Callum and Mike, leaving the two girls with the biggest story arc this episode boy-less. “I’ve got a text… Not a man!” is another corker delivered by Shaughna tonight. She’s fantastic- I hope she stays longer! There’s no gifs as of yet so have a picture of our early queen herself! x
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higherfeed · 5 years
What's Coming to Netflix, Amazon, HBO, and Hulu in November
This month all eyes are on The Irishman, Martin Scorsese’s epic gangster drama. But until you can see it on November 27, there’s plenty of other highly-anticipated releases in TV and movies coming to Netflix, Amazon, HBO, and Hulu, including shows like Jack Ryan, The Crown, and Silicon Valley October Streaming Guide: The ‘Breaking Bad’ Movie, ‘Glass’, and More to Watch This Month Along with those new options, movies like Creed II, Step Brothers, The Matrix Series, the James Bond collection, and Rounders will be streaming on various sites. The Best Adventure Movies, TV Shows, and Documentaries You Can Stream Right Now Here’s everything new you can stream in November 2019:
What’s Streaming on Netflix
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the King / The Irishman / NetflixNov. 1 Apache Warrior American Son Atypical: Season 3 Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures: Go Team Roberts: Season 1 Billy on the Street Christmas Break-In The Christmas Candle Christmas in the Heartlands Christmas Survival The Deep: Season 3 Drive Elliot the Littlest Reindeer Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Fire in Paradise The Game Grease Hache Hello Ninja Holiday in the Wild Holly Star How to Be a Latin Lover The King Love Jones The Man Without Gravity Mars: Season 2 The Matrix The Matrix Reloaded The Matrix Revolutions Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans: Seasons 1-2 Paid in Full Queer Eye: We’re in Japan! Rosemary’s Baby Rounders Santa Girl Sling Blade Spitfire: The Plane That Saved the World Step Brothers True: Grabbleapple Harvest Up North We Are the Wave Wild Child Zombieland Nov. 4 A Holiday Engagement Christmas Crush Dear Santa The Devil Next Door District 9 Nov. 5 The End of the F***ing World: Season 2 Seth Meyers: Lobby Baby She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: Season 4 Tune in for Love Undercover Brother 2 Nov. 6 Phillip Youmans Burning Cane SCAMS Shadow Nov. 7 The Body Remembers When the World Broke Open Nov. 8 Busted!: Season 2 The Great British Baking Show: Holidays: Season 2 Greatest Events of WWII in HD Colour Green Eggs and Ham Let It Snow Paradise Beach Wild District: Season 2 Nov. 9 Little Things: Season 3 Nov. 10 Patriot Act With Hasan Minhaj: Volume 5 Nov. 11 A Single Man Chief of Staff: Season 2 Nov. 12 Harvey Girls Forever!: Season 3 Jeff Garlin: Our Man in Chicago Nov. 13 Maradona in Mexico Nov. 14 The Stranded Nov. 15 Avlu: Part 2 The Club Earthquake Bird GO!: The Unforgettable Party House Arrest I’m With the Band: Nasty Cherry Klaus Llama Llama: Season 2 The Toys That Made Us: Season 3 Nov. 16 Suffragette Nov. 17 The Crown: Season 3 Nov. 19 Iliza: Unveiled No hay tiempo para la verguenza Nov. 20 Bikram: Yogi, Guru, Predator Dream/Killer Lorena, la de pies ligeros Nov. 21 The Knight Before Christmas Mortel Nov. 22 Dino Girl Gauko Dolly Parton’s Heartstrings The Dragon Prince: Season 3 High Seas: Season 2 Meet the Adebanjos: Season 1-3 Mon frere Nailed It! Holiday!: Season 2 Narcoworld: Dope Stories Nobody’s Looking Singapore Social Trolls: The Beat Goes On!: Season 8 Nov. 23 End of Watch Nov. 24 Courtesy of Bold Films Shot Caller Nov. 25 Dirty John: Season 1 Nov. 26 Mike Birbiglia: The New One Super Monsters Save Christmas True: Winter Wishes Nov. 27 Broken The Irishman Nov. 28 Holiday Rush John Crist: I Ain’t Praying For That Merry Happy Whatever Mytho Nov. 29 ‘Atlantics’ Courtesy of TIFF Atlantics Chip and Potato: Season 2 I Lost My Body La Reina del Sur: Season 2 The Movies That Made Us Sugar Rush Christmas
What’s Streaming on Amazon Prime
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Jack Ryan Season 2 / Amazon Prime Video / Paramount TelevisionNov. 1: A View To A Kill (1985) Bad Santa (2003) Big Top Pee-Wee (1988) Chinatown (1974) Diamonds Are Forever (1971) Die Another Day (2002) Double Jeopardy (1999) Dr. No (1962) Escape From Alcatraz (1979) Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex * But Were Afraid To Ask (1972) Fatal Attraction (1987) Fire with Fire (2012) Flashdance (1983) For Your Eyes Only (1981) Freelancers (2012) From Russia With Love (1963) Gloria (English Subtitled) (2014) Goldeneye (1995) Goldfinger (1964) Kingpin (1996) LicenceTo Kill (1989) Light Sleeper (1992) Live And Let Die (1973) Moonraker (1979) Never Say Never Again (1983) Octopussy (1983) On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969) Overlord (2018) Reds (1981) Save the Last Dance 2 (2006) Soapdish (1991) Summer’s Moon (2009) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) The Counterfeit Traitor (1962) The Firm (1993) The Living Daylights (1987) The Man with the Golden Gun (1974) The Ring (2002) The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) The World Is Not Enough (1999) Thunderball (1965) Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) Training Day (2001) Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Big Happy Family (2011) Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Witness Protection (2012) Jack Ryan Nov. 6 Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013) Nov. 8 One Child Nation (2019) Nov. 12 Angel Has Fallen (2019) Nov. 13 Anna and the Apocalypse (2018) Romans (2017) Nov. 14 Instant Family (2018) The Souvenir (2019) Nov. 15 Creed 2 (2018) The Man in the High Castle: Season 4 (Amazon Original) Nov. 19 Bottom of the 9th (2019) Nov. 20 The Fanatic (2019) Nov. 22 Brittany Runs a Marathon (2019) (Amazon Original) Costume Quest: Christmas Special (Amazon Original) Nov. 29 The Report (2019) Nov. 30 Low Tide (2019) The Feed: Season 1 (Amazon Original)
What’s Streaming on Hulu
Nov. 1 America’s Cutest: Complete Seasons 2&3 (Animal Planet) Giada’s Holiday Handbook: Complete Seasons 1-3 (Food Network) Holiday Baking Championship: Complete Seasons 1-4 (Food Network) Into The Dark: Pilgrim: Episode Premiere (Hulu Original) Kids Baking Championship: Complete Season 4 (Food Network) Love Island: Australia: Complete Season 1 (ITV) Sex Sent Me to the ER: Complete Seasons 1&2 (TLC) Too Cute!: Complete Seasons 2&3 (Animal Planet) A Fairly Odd Christmas (2012) A Simple Plan (1998) Albert (2016) Big Top Pee-Wee (1988) Chinatown (1974) The Counterfeit Traitor (1962) Dinner for Schmucks (2010) Double Jeopardy (1999) The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill but Came Down a Mountain (1995) Escape from Alcatraz (1979) Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex, but were Afraid to Ask (1972) Fantastic Four (2005) Fatal Attraction (1987) Fever Pitch (2005) Fire with Fire (2012) The Firm (1993) Flashdance (1983) Freddy Vs Jason (2003) Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991) Freelancers (2012) Fun with Dick and Jane (2005) Gloria (2014) Head of State (2003) Home for the Holidays (1995) I Heart Huckabees (2004) In Enemy Hands (2003) Interview with a Vampire (1994) Kingpin (1996) Light Sleeper (1992) Madea’s Big Happy Family (2011) Madea’s Witness Protection (2012) Magic Mike (2012) The Mexican (2001) The Nightingale (2019) Overlord (2018) The Pink Panther 2 (2009) Reds (1981) The Ring (2002) Santa Hunters (2014) Shall We Dance? (2004) Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2002) Soapdish (1991) Spy Next Door (2010) Summers Moon (2009) Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) Terminator Salvation (2009) Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride (2005) Tiny Christmas (2017) The Two Jakes (1990) Under the Tuscan Sun (2003) Undisputed (2002) Waiting… (2005) You Laugh but It’s True (2011) Available Nov. 4 Denial (2016) Nov. 5 Framing John Delorean (2019) Available Nov. 6 Long Time Coming: A 1955 Baseball Story (2017) The Biggest Little Farm (2019) Nov. 7 Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013) Nov. 9 You’re the Worst: Complete Season 5 (FX) Nov. 13 Anna and the Apocalypse (2018) Ugly Dolls (2018) Nov. 14 Instant Family (2018) Veronica Mars (2014) Nov. 15 Dollface: Complete Season 1 Premiere (Hulu Original) Creed II (2018) Wings of the Dove (1997) Nov. 18 Booksmart (2019) The Tomorrow Man (2019) Nov. 19 Apple Tree Yard: Complete Season 1 (Fremantle) Margaret Atwood: A Word After a Word After a Word is Power (2019) The Quiet One (2019) Nov. 20 Some Kind of Beautiful (2015) Nov. 22 The Accident: Complete Season 1 Premiere (Hulu Original) Holly Hobbie: Complete Season 2 Premiere (Hulu Original) Vita & Virginia (2019) Nov. 24 Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas (2010) Nov. 25 Love & Mercy (2015) Nov. 26 NOS4A2: Complete Season 1 (AMC) Astronaut (2019) Nov. 27 Meeting Gorbachev (2019) Nov. 28 Mike Wallace is Here (2019)
What’s Streaming on HBO/HBO Now
Movies Big (11/1) Blindspotting (11/1) Bruce Almighty (11/1) Chocolat (11/1) Crazy, Stupid, Love (11/1) Ernie & Joe: Crisis Cops (11/19) Flawless (11/1) For Love of the Game (11/1) Forget Paris (11/1) Head Full of Honey (11/2) Hope Floats (11/1) Indignation (11/1) Jingle All the Way (Director’s Cut) (11/1) King Arthur (Director’s Cut) (11/1) Lindsey Vonn: The Final Season (11/26) Little (11/16) Look Away (11/4) Mr. Bean’s Holiday (11/1) Nine Months (11/1) Pan (11/1) Reversal of Fortune (11/1) Shazam! (11/30) The Apollo (11/6) The Condemned (11/1) The Condemned 2 (11/1) The Darjeeling Limited (11/1) The Darkness (11/1) The Day After Tomorrow (11/1) The Kid Who Would Be King (11/9) The Town (11/1) True Lies (11/1) Us (11/23) Very Ralph (11/12) Wes Craven Presents Wishmaster (11/1) TV Daniel Sloss: X (11/2) Entre Nos: Erik Rivera: Super White (11/1) Halfway — HBO Access pilot (11/1) His Dark Materials (11/4) Message Erased (11/1) Pajaros de Verano (aka Birds of Passage) (11/8) Papi Chulo (11/15) Santos Dumont (11/11) Sesame Street (11/16) Sesame Street’s 50th Anniversary Celebration (11/9) Sobredosis de amor (aka Roommates) (11/1) Sterling — HBO Access pilot (11/1) Unimundo 45 — HBO Access pilot (11/1) Expiring 11/30 Blackkklansman Breakin’ All the Rules Captivity Crazy Rich Asians Darkman Darkman II: The Return of Durant Darkman III: Die Darkman Die The Darkest Minds Deja Vu The Diary of Anne Frank Disclosure Hop Insidious: The Last Key Legend Lions For Lambs The Lost Boys Macgruber (Extended Version) Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again Manhattan Night My Friend Dahmer Paper Heart Paycheck Peter Pan Pride Ramona and Beezus Robin Hood Steve Jobs Stratton Read the full article
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erickmalpicaflores · 6 years
Erik Malpica Flores Erik Malpica Flores recommends: What is Coming to Netflix in January 2019
UNBREAKABLE KIMMY SCHMIDT’s final episodes are coming to Netflix in January 2019, as are new seasons of FRIENDS FROM COLLEGE and A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS. On the movie side, here’s your chance to stream SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY, INCREDIBLES 2 and ANT-MAN AND THE WASP, as well as all of the INDIANA JONES films.
Related: What is Coming to Netflix Canada in January 2019?
January 1
A Series of Unfortunate Events: Season 3 (Netflix Original): In the series’ third and final act, the Baudelaires will stop at nothing to solve the mysteries of the VFD and end Count Olaf’s relentless pursuit.
Across the Universe
Black Hawk Down
City of God
COMEDIANS of the world (Netflix Original): This global, first-of-its-kind, series will showcase 47 comedians from 13 regions in 8 languages in an unprecedented stand-up comedy experience. The groundbreaking series will feature a range of stand-up specials from comedians diverse in style, gender and ethnicity. Get ready to start the new year off with a laugh!
Definitely, Maybe
Happy Feet
Hell or High Water
I Know What You Did Last Summer
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
It Takes Two
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Jersey Boys
Mona Lisa Smile
Mr. Bean’s Holiday
Pan’s Labyrinth
Pinky Malinky (Netflix Original): Pinky Malinky sees the bright side of everything, including being born a hot dog. With his BFFs in tow, this little wiener takes a bite out of life.
Pulp Fiction
Tears of the Sun
The Addams Family
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
The Dark Knight
The Departed
The Mummy
The Mummy Returns
The Strangers
Tidying Up with Marie Kondo (Netflix Original): In a series of inspiring home makeovers, world-renowned tidying expert Marie Kondo helps clients clear out the clutter — and choose joy.
XXX: State of the Union
January 2
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
January 4
And Breathe Normally (Netflix Film): An Icelandic single mom struggling with poverty and a Guinea-Bissauan asylum seeker facing deportation find their lives intertwined in unexpected ways.
Call My Agent!: Season 3 (Netflix Original): Rising tensions prompt two agents to hatch a secret plot in a new season of showbiz antics with Isabelle Huppert, Monica Bellucci and Jean Dujardin.
El Potro: Unstoppable (Netflix Film): A singer makes a splash in the Tropical music scene thanks to his good looks and magnetism, but must navigate tragedy and the trappings of fame to survive.
Lionheart (Netflix Film): When her father falls ill, Adaeze steps up to run the family business — alongside her uncle — and prove herself in a male-dominated world.
January 9
GODZILLA The Planet Eater (Netflix Original): With the earth alliance weakened, Haruo weighs siding with the Exif, whose death cult is summoning a monster that can destroy the world.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
January 10
When Heroes Fly (Netflix Original): Years after a bitter falling out, four Israeli military veterans reunite and travel to Colombia in search of a loved one they’d presumed to be dead.
January 11
Friends from College: Season 2 (Netflix Original): Mistakes were made. Feelings were hurt. Life goes on. Now, with a wedding on the horizon, the gang tries to put the past behind them.
ReMastered: Massacre at the Stadium (Netflix Original): For years, the murder of Chilean protest singer Victor Jara was blamed on an official in Pinochet’s army. Now in exile, he tries to exonerate himself.
Sex Education (Netflix Original): Meet Otis Milburn – an inexperienced, socially awkward high school student who lives with his mother, a sex therapist. Surrounded by manuals, videos and tediously open conversations about sex, Otis is a reluctant expert on the subject. When his home life is revealed at school, Otis realizes that he can use his specialist knowledge to gain status. He teams up with Maeve, a whip-smart bad-girl, and together they set up an underground sex therapy clinic to deal with their fellow students’ weird and wonderful problems. Through his analysis of teenage sexuality, Otis realises he may need some therapy of his own.
Solo (Netflix Film): In a remote area of the Canary Islands, young surfer Alvaro Vizcaino accidentally falls from a cliff. Seriously injured, he must fight to survive.
The Last Laugh (Netflix Film): Retired talent manager Al reconnects with former client Buddy, a comedian who gave up performing decades ago, and urges him to go back out on the road.
January 15
Revenger (Netflix Film): A former detective hell-bent on revenge infiltrates a remote island serving as a prison for dangerous death row criminals in search of a brutal fiend.
Sebastian Maniscalco: Stay Hungry (Netflix Original): Sebastian Maniscalco takes on life’s many annoyances with his singularly expressive approach in a live special based on his memoir of the same name.
January 16
January 17
American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace
January 18
Carmen Sandiego (Netflix Original): Carmen Sandiego returns in this series that follows her new international capers as well as past escapades that led to her becoming a super thief.
Close (Netflix Film): To protect an heiress from highly trained kidnappers, a lone security expert must unravel a sinister plot — while striving to stay alive.
FYRE: The Greatest Party That Never Happened (Netflix Original): The Fyre Festival was billed as a luxury music experience full of social media influencers on a posh island, but the reality was far from the promises.
GIRL (Netflix Film): In this award-winning drama inspired by a true story, 15-year-old Lara trains to become a ballerina as she transitions from her assigned gender.
Grace and Frankie: Season 5 (Netflix Original): In the return of this Emmy winning comedy, two friends launch a scheme to get their old lives back.
IO (Netflix Film): One of the last survivors on Earth, a teen races to cure her poisoned planet before the final shuttle to a distant space colony leaves her stranded.
Soni (Netflix Film): While fighting crimes against women in Delhi, a short-fused policewoman and her level-headed female boss grapple with gender issues in their own lives.
The World’s Most Extraordinary Homes: Season 2 Part B (Netflix Original): Award-winning architect Piers Taylor and actress/property enthusiast Caroline Quentin continue to travel the globe touring striking homes.
Trigger Warning with Killer Mike (Netflix Original): In this subversive comedy documentary series, rapper and activist Killer Mike and a team of funny correspondents explore socially relevant topics.
Trolls: The Beat Goes On!: Season 5 (Netflix Original): This season, the trolls get lost in wormholes, journey to the Fountain of Glitter, go for a ride in a submarine, play in the snow and more.
January 21
Justice (Netflix Original): Instead of joining her father’s law firm as her family expects, Farah strikes out on her own as a defense attorney after returning home to Abu Dhabi.
January 24
Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes (Netflix Original): Get a unique look inside the mind of an infamous serial killer with this cinematic self-portrait crafted from statements made by Ted Bundy.
Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation
January 25
Animas (Netflix Film): When her best friend starts acting odd after a strange accident, a young woman descends into a living hell where nightmare and reality are blurred.
Black Earth Rising (Netflix Original): A contemporary thriller that follows the difficult journey of a woman, a Rwandan orphaned by the genocide, raised in London by an adopted mother, trying to discover the truth of her past. The series examines the West’s relationship with Africa, set in a world of prosecution of war crimes.
Club de Cuervos: Season 4 (Netflix Original): Chava and Isabel come to terms with their futures and the future of the Cuervos in an all-new season of surprises.
Kingdom (Netflix Original): In a kingdom defeated by corruption and famine, a mysterious rumour of the king’s death spreads as does a strange plague that renders the infected immune to death and hungry for flesh. The crown prince, fallen victim to a conspiracy, sets out on a journey to unveil the evil behind it all and save his people.
Medici: The Magnificent (Netflix Original): He already sacrificed his dreams of being an artist and marrying his true love. Will building and protecting the Medici legacy cost him his soul too?
Polar (Netflix Film): The world’s top assassin, Duncan Vizla, aka The Black Kaiser, is settling into retirement when his former employer marks him as a liability to the firm. Against his will, he finds himself back in the game going head to head with an army of younger, faster, ruthless killers who will stop at nothing to have him silenced.
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Season 4 Part 2 (Netflix Original): As the series comes to a hilarious and moving close, Kimmy has to choose between helping her friends, Titus (Tituss Burgess), Jacqueline (Jane Krakowski) and Lillian (Carol Kane), and helping someone she’s never put first before: herself. This final season includes a double-sized “Sliding Doors” episode exploring how the main characters’ lives might have been different if Kimmy had never been kidnapped.
January 27
January 29
Gabriel “Fluffy” Iglesias: One Show Fits All (Netflix Original): In a new comedy special for 2019, Gabriel “Fluffy” Iglesias discusses his teenage son, encounters with Snoop Dogg and an overzealous fan, and more.
Marvel Studios’ Ant-Man and the Wasp
January 30
Disney•Pixar’s The Incredibles 2
Coming Soon
Marvel’s The Punisher: Season 2 (Netflix Original)
Last Call – Titles Rotating Off the Service in January 2019
January 1
Beethoven’s Christmas Adventure
Blade II
Bram Stoker’s Dracula
Finding Neverland
Friday Night Lights
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
I Am Ali
Interview with the Vampire
Into the Wild
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Kung Fu Panda
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: The Fifteenth Year
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: The Seventeenth Year
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: The Sixteenth Year
Like Water for Chocolate
Love Actually
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
Marie Antoinette
Meet the Fockers
Meet the Parents
Million Dollar Baby
Monsters vs. Aliens
Mortal Kombat
Sharknado 2: The Second One
Sharknado 3
Sharknado 5
Sharknado: The 4th Awakens
The 6th Day
The Godfather
The Godfather: Part II
The Godfather: Part III
The Green Mile
The Iron Giant
The Princess Diaries
The Queen of the Damned
The Reaping
The Shining
January 4
Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World
January 13
January 14
January 18
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
January 19
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
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Da Gals in Da Lat (geddit?)
The time had finally come to leave the home of the SULA ( sweaty upper lip alert) aka Ho Chi Minh city for greener and less sticky pastures.We booked a bus for a next stop, a city called Dalat, which is known for its adventure tours. We weren’t sure what to expect from our bus there but knowing the general hectic conditions of Ho Chi Minh we weren’t expecting much so were pleasantly surprised when we hopped on the bus to find it to be organised into a sleeper bus fashion with two stories of recliner chairs- bliss! We lay back, snug in blankets and gossiped the night journey away like the true queens we are.
After a few stops and some questionable service station noodles for anita (was this a good idea...? Stay tuned to find out!) we arrived in Dalat. As soon as we stepped off the bus we felt the cool air dry our SULAs and we knew we were going to like this place.
We arrived at our hostel called “Mr Peacebacker’s hostel” where we were greeted by none other than Mr Peace himself! (Yes he insisted we called him Mr Peace and also give him hugs on arrival). The hostel came with its own entertainment in the form of his gorgeous daughters 4 years old and 8 months old - Laura and Hannah - who put up with our constant kisses and cuddles , and also his mischievous puppy Viccy.
After a quick dinner we headed to bed for an early night as we had booked into a canyoning tour the next day with our medic boys.
Now we can exclusively reveal that no, those service station noodles were not a good idea for anita. She had an unfortunate 5am wake up call from a bout of D+V. UHOHHHHHHHHH.
However, after much deliberation and quick trips to the bathroom , Anita decided to join everyone on the canyoning trip as there is no better distraction from illness than abseiling down a rock face —right??
The canyon tour included an adventure packed day of 3 abseils, swimming, trekking and jumps amongst a beautiful setting.
After arrival at the canyon we had a quick demo on how to abseil from our lovely guides then headed out to tackle our first abseil! The first was the highest but we all managed to make it down- albeit looking like drunken bambis falling down the side of a cliff (all apart from Alistair who flew down the side in a GI joe making us all envious).
Our tour guides then let us run under the waterfall and swim about in the pools before our second abseil. After the second we could already see a good improvement in our technique and we were just about ready to step in as lara crofts stunt double.
Before our final abseil we were taken to another area of the canyon where we could do a 7m jump into the pools below which was incredible!! The boys managed to do the 11 m jump however we were happy with our humble 7m fall. Even Apoorva overcame her fear and managed to jump without her usual 20 minute panic beforehand!
The final abseil required us to walk vertically down the cliff face until we came into a waterfall in which you lower yourself into in to the bottom so you can swim out. It was all fun and games lowering ourselves into the waterfall until you hit the middle of it and you realise why its called the washing machine waterfall. We went very quickly from lara croft stunt double to drowning cats but we survived to tell the tale and finished a perfect day proud of ourselves and high on adrenaline.
After having pres at our hostel with the other backpackers and the medic boys we moved onto the famous “maze bar”. This was a bar based on the cRaZy HoUsE lol (see next paragraph for reference) a bar that was literally a weird and freaky maze to find the centre of. Everywhere in Vietnam seems to close at 12 - we think there is a law that places can't serve after midnight. However there always seems to be a questionable alternative if you ask around enough. After we all got heaved out of maze bar we were left wanting more and lucky for us there was a drunk American girl ready and waiting for us outside. After very little persuasion we all jumped into the back of a rando jeep and drove away to a strange hostel/house(?) and walked through a mysterious and very sound proofed lift. At the top of the lift the door opened into a medium sized room with scribbles all over the walls - this was appaz a club. No questions asked we beer ponged, rolfed and boogied the night away.
The next day we decided to take a romantic swan pedalo out on the lake .... although when we got closer, we realised the swan pedalos were actually - in true vietnamese style- chicken pedalos. Doesn't get more romantic than chickens. Nonetheless we climbed upon our plucky friend who we named Linda and chilled on the beautiful lake listening to our fave tunes and fantisising about what our dream homes, dreams weddings and dream men would be like. Standard A&A DMC (deep, meaningful convo). Our next sightseeing stop was a place called the “Crazy House” which is -as the name hints- a house with “crazy” architecture, inspired by Salvador Dali, that you can explore. It was indeed pretty crazy.
We finished the day with a visit to the boys hostel for a card game called “ “President” which had far too many rules for our holiday brains to understand and left us feeling sad and confused (we were sore losers). On that dreary note we said fairwell to the boys as we went our separate ways for the foreseeable future.
On our final day in Dalat we signed up to the “countryside tour”. Whilst anita and rachel joined our tour guides on their bikes, Apoorva opted for her own moped and together we rampaged across the rural parts of Dalat. Our first stop was a winery where we had a refreshing 9am wine tasting for only £1.50 each! After some tipsy giggles we hopped back onto our bikes with our guides Micheal and Hung (total babes btw) and continued our rampage onto a noodle factory, the mighty elephant waterfall, a cricket farm, flower farm and best of all, a “weasel coffee farm”. This is worlds most expensive coffee as it is made from the beans that have been eaten and excreted by weasels (yuck) however the coffee was absolutely delish!!! Something to do with the gut enzymes inside the weasels. And also had minimal poo taste (thank god). The scenery during the tour was stunning and we were very sad when it finally came to an end. At least we know if medicine doesn’t work out for us, moving to Vietnam to work on a weasel farm could always be a good back up option.
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happy2bmyownboss · 6 years
We have had quite the week again. Fun and crazy as usual. Keep reading to find out about some of our many adventures here in the little house on the pond. We have included affiliate links to some of the products mentioned in this post. These help to support our blog.
Elephant fuzz here, elephant fuzz there, elephant fuzz everywhere… sounds a bit like a children’s book, doesn’t it? So what is elephant fuzz? I asked the same thing when I first saw this all over the house:
  The kids were quick to reply that it was ‘elephant fuzz’…. ok, but where did it come from? Here is the answer:
It appears that this little pillow has a hole and is leaking elephant fuzz… lol… kids come up with the darnedest things don’t they? Well, I got the hole taken care of and hopefully that’ll be the end of the elephant fuzz.
Afterwards we made some Haystack Cookies or Noodle Cookies as Mr. Awesome calls them. The kids have been eating them up!
That afternoon Jacob put his Kids Cook Real Food skills to work while helping me make a salad to go with our Red & White Pasta.
Monday our regular club dance was ‘dark’ to support a reunion dance that was being held locally. Here is a short video from the event:
  We had a good time and got to see old friends plus we made some new ones while we were there. Afterwards we ate at Texas Roadhouse and an exceptional server named Terrence.
I got a call from the Florida Gardiner Scholarship telling me about a glitch in the system which had caused some of my orders to be denied… this meant I had to go back into the system and resubmit the orders… oh what fun!
I also figured out that I can ‘Air Drop’ pictures from my phone to my tablet… this makes life so much easier!
The kids are loving their new routine chart:
I am working on ordering some different magnets because the stars don’t stick very well. I may also paint or paper the board. There will be a post about this sometime in the future.
We read a chapter from the Laura Ingalls Wilder biography before bed and had a short discussion about the things we learned from the chapter. The kids are super excited about the new school year.
They were also very happy that I had ordered more of their favorite toothpaste:
We all love the lemon flavor and I love the fact that it works so great! I always buy the triple pack and the first time I ordered I bought the multipack so we could try out all the flavors. The kids didn’t care for the peppermint or cinnamon as they thought they was too spicy. Some of us older folks liked the wintergreen flavor but lemon was the majority vote.
I actually found a little time on Tuesday to paint my nails too! Mommas need a little bit of pampering from time to time. 😊
Wednesday morning we changed our breakfast routine a bit. Instead of Muffins the kids had a bowl of fresh fruit and a cup of yogurt.
I’m really loving this new fruit bowl I got earlier this month. It is so much bigger than the one we had, plus it’s not as fragile. The banana holder is a great feature as well. It keeps the kids from dragging out and bruising all of the bananas just to find the ‘perfect’ apple.
While cleaning the bathroom I got a call from Walgreens …. NOT… it was a telemarketer call disguised as a local business. I HATE these kind of calls. They wanted to help me with my interest rate on a card they knew nothing about.
After politely asking a strongly accented Chris Sawyers to remove me from the list I had to threaten to report them to the authorities for FRAUD. He asked me to hold online while he removed me from the list. I did hold, with the phone muted and the receiver set on the shelf, and an hour later I was still on hold… haha Mr. Sawyers from card services you’ve won a mention on my blog. Congrats!
After our morning chores were finished we played one of the new games that we’ve gotten:
  Bugs Building is similar to the once popular Jenga game. They had a lot of fun playing the game but then we had some major midweek meltdowns!
Luckily I still had a hidden stash of FREE chocolates…
Hmmm… Thursday was a kinda gloomy day, very rainy and windy too. We didn’t get our laundry done because of the weather but it got finished up on Friday. We were also without power for a little while that morning.
The kids made the best of no electricity and played some board games. I think they thought they were getting out of chores but everyone had to help finish up the chores when the power came back on. Then it was time for some lunch which was Grilled Cheese Sandwiches.
After I got the kids down for quiet time I got this text message from Mr. Awesome:
Oh boy do I love these kind of messages. I dug my outfit out of the closet and got to work on making some dinner. I had planned to make Spaghetti but opted for Sloppy Joes when I realized I didn’t have any noodles.
Unfortunately I didn’t get any pics of the Pink Cadillac Dance or our super cute outfits because my phone was acting up again.
Friday was Moon Day and we celebrated with some Moon Pies for an afternoon snack. That morning we finished up the laundry for the week and caught up on few things that needed done around the house.
After paying a couple of bills I went ahead and renewed our ABC Mouse that the kids have been begging for. They wasted no time getting on their and taking care of their virtual pets. Joey also made sure to update his avatar:
Those glasses look almost like his and they are just too cute!
That afternoon I went to make some our favorite Cream Cheese Chicken with Rice and Green Beans only to realize I didn’t have any cream of chicken soup… I don’t know what happened when I went grocery shopping last week but I guess I didn’t do a good job. I did finish dinner and it was really good with the substitutions I made so I’ll try to get that updated recipe posted soon.
That evening we went to the square dance. Again I didn’t get any pics because my phone died but I did get that video finished. I’ll have it at the end of the post.
I had planned to get the porch cleaned up a bit but the constant thunderstorms kept us inside. The morning was spent tidying up around the house and then we went out to eat at Golden Corral. It wasn’t the best experience and we probably won’t visit that location again but the kids enjoyed it.
After eating we headed to the movies to watch the new Ant Man movie. It was pretty good and everyone had a great time. All in all it was a good week and we are really looking forward to a great time in the upcoming week.
This week I plan to get some of the lessons entered into the Homeschool Manager app and also set a date for us to start school. I will also be working on a couple of more promo videos for square dancing as many clubs will be starting classes in September.
As far as cleaning the FlyLady missions will be in the Master Bedroom this week. I just need to do a tidying up in there so I’m not really sure how much I will get done in there. I would really like to get the porch cleaned off and have some usable space out there but the weather hasn’t been cooperating.
What are your goals for the upcoming week?
Below are some other things that we’ve done this past week and that video we put out for square dancing.
Other books we’ve read this week were:
Be A Good Dragon is a cute book about a dragon with a cold.
Yum! A Preston Pig Story is a variation of the ‘Three Little Pigs’ that kids enjoyed.
We got lots of goodies in the mail this week:
  Merriam-Webster’s First Dictionary
Merriam-Webster’s Rhyming Dictionary
Circle Time Activities
Social and Emotional Learning in Middle School: Essential Lessons for Student Success
All Thru the School Year: 540 Reward Stickers
Nature Adventures! A Guidebook of Nature Facts, Songs, and Hikes in San Diego County
Animal Tracks: North American Animals A to Z
I was really excited to get these books and hopefully the kids will get to use them some this weekend.
 Dr. Seuss Read-Along Set
This week I also posted these posts here (which may have affiliate links to some of the products above):
One Person’s Boredom Is Another’s Security
Amazon Back To School Lightning Deals: July 20, 2018
Kirby’s Kids: Our 2018-2019 Homeschool Curriculum Reveal
Nanny’s No Bake Coconut Cream Pie
Moon Day
Haystacks aka Noodle Cookies
We are looking forward to a new week with lots of new surprises. So far we have these activities planned.
Upcoming Events/Holidays:
Here is that video I promised:
Elephant Fuzz, Building Bugs, Poodle Skirts and Moon Day; A Week In Review We have had quite the week again. Fun and crazy as usual. Keep reading to find out about some of our many adventures here in the little house on the pond.
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