#akari kaito
vocaloid-tunes · 1 year
BAKU☆NEW Yuzuki Yukari | SLAVE.V-V-R feat. Yuzuki Yukari, Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Len, MEIKO, KAITO, Nekomura Iroha, SF-A2 miki, Kaai Yuki, kokone, Otomachi Una, Xin Hua, Kizuna Akari, Ken, Amy, COKO, & KAFU
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vocaloidsongpoll · 9 months
do you like this vocaloid song?
(composed by SLAVE.V-V-R)
submitted by an anonymous user! thank you so much!!!
fun fact: there are so many vocaloids in this song that i ran out of space for tags
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solaredflare · 6 months
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sometimes having a lover that looked just like your old one isn’t a great thing
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gedascrown5768 · 1 month
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Made to Order by Kasamura Tota feat. Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka, Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, KAITO, flower, IA, Fukase, Ken, kokone, Yuzuki Yukari, Kizuna Akari, Luo Tianyi, GUMI, Nekomura Iroha, Mew, and Kaori
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Drabble - To the other world (Project Sekai Timeline)
"Miya...Masu...Zaka... Miyamasuzaka Girls' academy, right?.. Miyamasuzaka Girl's academy, here I come."
Hanaka, now having made up her mind which school she goes is now getting to the interdimensional train that was going to depart to the train station in Shibuya. Once the three were at Lawain's city train station waiting for the train to arrive, Hanaka typed away on her phone in the group chat with her friends including Maroon, Rin, Len and of course Miku.
[Hanaka]: Hey guys! I'm going to go on a mission right now in Japan. I'm heading to Shibuya with MEIKO and KAITO right now and we're riding first class too! [Hanaka]: Since I'm heading to Japan anyway, do you guys want something from there? I can try and get the cash to afford some-- I think thanks to the agreement between Shibuya-- or Japan in it's entirety and Lawain city I can turn some of the credit I have into Yen, right?
Minutes later and they were still waiting for the train, but Hanaka got a couple of notifications back, from many of her friends.
[Tsukine]: Wait-- [Tsukine]: Japan, really!? [Akari]: She did state that on her message so yea-- [Akari]: But hey, if it's possible, maybe some neat little gadgets from there would be nice, [Tsukine]: Awesome! [Akari]: ... [Tsukine]: Ah whoops srry! Σ(・o・;) ハッ! [Akari]: Anyway, have a great trip there regardless. So this means that you're temporarily studying in a different school, right? Which one? [Hanaka]: Miyamasuzaka Girl's academy-- (Edited) [Hanaka]: ARGHSDHS WHY DID IT TAKE ME SO LONG TO TYPE IT RIGHT!? [Tsukine]: F [Akari]: F [Rin]: F [Len]: F [Maroon]: F [Hanaka]: (°ロ°) !!! [Hanaka]: sfhjsfjkhksfhkj you guys!!
Once Hanaka finished typing that text she could feel KAITO lightly tapping her shoulder, before he pointed at the train that was now stationed next to them.
That was the train to Shibuya alright. With that, Hanaka grabbed her luggage and entered the train.
Once the three were sitting in first class, Hanaka once again pulled her phone out, while the two idols were looking curiously at the conversation that already formed when she wasn't on her phone.
[Miku]: You also have trouble typing Miyamasuzaka as well, huh? (Edited) [Miku]: As I was saying.... [Miku]: You're kind of going through the same situation me and the others did-- going to another world. I'm very happy for you to go there, Hanaka! I recall my early school days not being all that eventful. You could say they were... Boring. [Maroon]: But it's not boring in Lawain City now, right? [Maroon]: You've got the twins, Tsukine, Akari and the others you can have fun with! [Maroon]: and of course there is me you're enjoying the most with, amirite? 😏 [Tsukine]: Booty call isn't until midnight y'know!! jskfhjkskhjs [Rin]: AYO-- 😳😳😳😳 [Len]: Rin, [Len]: Did you seriously just try to act like one of those kids? [Rin]: I just wanna be trendy for a bit!!! [Maroon]: Anyway [Maroon]: So about that mission [Maroon]: What's it about? [Hanaka]: My mission is to found out what is causing these recent disappearances and reappearances to happen. [Hanaka]: KAITO and MEIKO told me about this and it got me to think that it there's a slight chance that something about it has to do with these other worlds you guys are checking out.
[Akari]: hold on-- other worlds...? Again!? [Maroon]: ( o_o);;; [Tsukine]: (o_o );;; [Miku]: Uhmmm... [Hanaka]: Akari there's no need to get upset again. [Hanaka]: But yes, they're going there again-- Well, Maroon's going there again but somehow the three got dragged in by accident. [Hanaka]: Right? [Maroon]: Yeah. Though these worlds have to do with other versions of them as these are bubble dimensions. [Maroon]: This one place we're in is a big amusement park weirdly enough-- even weirder is that random floating merry-go-round that is constantly blaring music [Maroon]: Like for fuck sakes can we get some peace and quiet here!? Or some random citizens walking around!? All I'm seeing here are sentient plush dolls and it's weirding me the fuck out!! [Tsukine]: But I think they're adorable! [Maroon]: It reminds me of that time I was in Mapleworld-- specifically in ludibrium where the people are mostly sentient toys! Remember that one pinkette I told you that looks like you, Tsukine? [Tsukine]: Oh yeah-- but you said she wasn't from Mapleworld, right? [Maroon]: True, but she did come from Grandis, basically Mapleworld's neighbor at this point. I should invite Angelic Buster or any of the heroes of Maple or even my old team-- Jack and Oz would surely love a vibrant place such as this! Yamato might not, but oh well. [Hanaka]: gee, mr.unlikable sure does have many friends, huh? ¬w¬ [Maroon]: You'd be surprised how friendly the people in the Mapleworld are. [Maroon]: Anyway, sis. This is your first time willingly going to another world. It's basically a clean slate in your case, with you basically going to a world were don't know about the heroes of Lawain or you or even mom in this case. [Hanaka]: That is true... [Hanaka]: But that means I'm going to be experiencing something new, plus I can potentially make some new friends! I'm going to have a good time here in Shibuya. [Hanaka]: Speaking of places, that amusement park you guys are at-- what's it called? [Maroon]: Ah, yeah-- lemme check [Miku]: Wonderlands x Showtime [Maroon]: Oh, so that's what it's called? [Miku]: Maybe...It just came into my mind, that's all. [Miku]: It's kind of weird to say this, but this is not the first time I'm experiencing something like this where I just know something. Moments ago, I sensed a feeling somewhere. It's weird to say, but maybe it's the other me Zephyr mentioned? [Maroon]: ...Could be. [Maroon]: If that's the case, then it's likely that the other you has been here before and then it's likely the others are here too. Not only that, it's also likely you have a connection with the other you and at the same time she has one with you. Either way, it's best to hide your true identity for the time being [Maroon]: Same goes for you too, Rin, Len. [Hanaka]: Ahah, you all go ahead and enjoy yourselves-- I'm going to catch up with MEIKO and KAITO while riding first class onboard the train to Shibuya. [Rin]: First class, noice~! [Len]: Good luck dealing with MEIKO-san-- [Hanaka]: Len...She can read your messages too. [Len]: ....Shit
And thus, Hanaka was looking through the window she was sitting next to as the train departed.
A new adventure awaits for Nanada Hanaka - the white angel.
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potetopro · 1 year
Kito Akari & Ishikawa Kaito Tanabata Wishes | A Couple of Cuckoos
Watch as Kitou Akari snaps at Ishikawa Kaito for making fun of her as they make Tanabata Wishes!
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ofgravitation-moved · 2 years
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@riotmade​​ said: kaito was always careful of showing his kids' faces on the internet -- - keisuke and kaito's public instagrams never had their faces in them, at least ; just off angles. tiny hands holding theirs, the back of their heads. carefully scrutinized to be sure that they were out of the public eye as much as possible ( especially with how insane dynazero fans could get ). this included paparazzi, of course. part of being a hero was that you could always be caught unawares, and unfortunately, being married to the number three hero didn't make anything easier for the support tech CEO. it's for all of these reasons that kai leans down, adjusts the hood on the stroller that he's currently pushing the one year old akari in so that it's a bit lower than it really needed to be, before continuing on the walk that would take them to the coffee shop, falling in line with ochako once again as they make their way. " -- so, anyways. enough about me, how's your preparations for the hero gala going ? you excited ? i know kei has been going crazy trying to find us some matching outfits or something. " he shrugs.  
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she had one too many things on her mind to begin with, the gala? was honestly the last thing on ochako’s mind. hazel eyes glance down at akari just as kaito adjusted the hood on the stroller, good. the paparazzi were coming out in droves lately as the countdown to the gala drew closer yet with each passing day. the eyes of the world were beginning to center around the heroes as the days got closer-- ochako hated this time of year. 
it was like living beneath a microscope. where each and every move you made publicly was watched and criticized. then judged again, not only by your peers, but also by the rest of the world. no matter how many people she’s saved or defended in the last year, the only thing uravity has been known for lately was being akari’s surrogate. and while that was a blessing and gift she could give to two of the people she cared very dearly about in this world, it’d done horrible for her career as a rescue hero. something, she was still trying to fix.  
her gaze shifts to kaito briefly, and the corners of her lips do turn up into a smile. to see kei and kaito in matching outfits would be a picture perfect moment, surely. but, even though the thought brings a smile to her face, ochako still shrugs a shoulder, stuffing her hands into her jacket’s pockets. “ my manager hasn’t shut up about the gala for weeks now. it’s bad enough i’m already doing so many engagements each day on top of patrols-- ” ochako looks out ahead of them again, eyes constantly darting around, just in case. you never could be too careful, anymore. 
sighing, ochako shakes her head, evenly. “ i mean.. i guess i’m excited? but i just hate all the glitz and glamor that goes along with it! i gave the agency so much publicity last year,  this year they’re going way over the top. ” she thinks back to last year when mina dropped everything to come and make sure a pregnant ochako was literally the belle of the ball. “ i think my agency even hired a makeup team, and i am wearing some crazy expensive dress by an international designer? i’m scared to see the heels they picked out.. they’ll probably cost more than my apartment.. ” wary eyes slide towards kaito, and they soften a fraction when they meet his. and she laughs, genuinely. 
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“ but seeing you and kei all matchy-matchy? that’ll make my night for sure! ” if anything, at least once all the hero duties of the evening were out of the way, it’d be a night they could all enjoy together. something, that due to busy schedules, didn’t happen as much as they all would’ve liked. “ i know deku’s excited! ” 
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sterkeyra · 9 months
KBTBB - Forever a Family with the Baddest Bidder
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Cheers to the 10th anniversary of KBTBB and Eisukes upcoming birthday!
It's been a decade, and he's been one of the faces of Voltage for a long time, so it's like the end of an era now that every bidders story finally reached his conclusion. They are happily married and their children got to see the light of day. In the new story of Eisuke, Eito himself is almost old enough to be a LI himself. (Is this a sign Voltage?)
Even if not everyone was a fan of the series, it does make you a bit emotional if not nostalgic if you think that the title finally reached it's end. In the japanese version at least. It will take a few more months before we'll get the last stories translated as well.
I personally love how Otas, Babas and Mamorus pictures feature the MC as well as she always seems to brighten the images. Especially Otas looks magical with all the flower petals. But it's also hilarious how Eisuke carries his child like a sack of potatoes.
Here's a small compilation of everyones kids:
Eisuke: Eito, Kaito, Yuu (possibly a 4th child in the making?)
Soryu: Ryusei
Ota: Hinata
Baba: Moa
Mamoru: Nodoka
Not in the pictures but Luke, Hikaru, Shuichi and Mad Hatter got kids as well:
Luke: Yuri
Hikaru: Akari
Shuichi: Kikyo
Mad Hatter: Rui & Kai
Anyways happy new year and here's for an exciting journey ahead of us!
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shihomouri22 · 2 months
What would happen if Akako's son fell in love with Kaiao's daughter?
Sadly, I haven't been lucky enough to find many fanfics about Kaito and Aoko's married life, much less with children, and the few I've seen show their children off-screen or as a baby. It doesn't bother me, but I would like to see more and in my crazy head. He has thought about several scenarios for his children, such as:
I like the idea that they have identical twins but with different personalities, like although both children are energetic, one is calmer than the other or that they both admire their father for being a brilliant magician, one of them can't help but want to work for the police like his grandfather Ginzo did, who almost caught the famous kaito kid.
(although we already know who caught him indirectly 🤭🤭)
And the idea that is most in my head is that apart from the twins, some time later Kaito and Aoko have a daughter that is planned or was a surprise, it is in their decision XD
and i have thought about pairing Kaito's daughter with Akako's son like in that kind of strange Eros and Psyche where the boy since he was in elementary school tries to win over kuroba's daughter to cleanse the honor of his mother who, Because of Kaito, he couldn't have all the men in the world at his feet, but Akako's son accidentally falls in love with Kuroba's daughter.
What do others think about this?
Aoko: He takes it as a children's joke but when the children go to high school he supports Ryo 100% (I already named them because it must be tiring to read the son of such a character, I'm sorry 😔)
Akako's son is called Ryuunosuke and Aoko's daughter is called Akari xd
Akako: Although she feels flattered that her son avenges her, the truth is that she stopped caring a long time ago whether she has all the men at her feet or not and is even very good friends with Aoko.
the twins (I haven't thought of a name for these xd): They think that Ryu is a womanizer who only wants to play with his younger sister since since he was little he has been popular with girls although in high school he has become just as vain as his mother and that is why they will always try to interrupt their moments alone.
Kaito: At first he was the most worried since he knew the craziness of Ryu's maternal side and was afraid that he would use his daughter until he discovered that what Ryu feels is love and that his daughter is just as clueless as her mother and the only thing Kaito could do was hug Ryu and say I understand you.
Ryu: As we said at the beginning, Ryu wanted to win over Akari to clear the name of his mother, with whom he has always been very close, but over the years Ryu becomes friends with Akari and falls in love with her, but he doesn't know how to show that his feelings are sincere.
Akari: Well, she met Ryu in elementary school and the first time she met him he had a shy and fearful attitude and that made Akari want to protect him and even though they are already in high school and Ryu has changed, she can't help but see him as that shy boy he knew in elementary school although sometimes he can't help but feel jealous of the girls who approach Ryu.
Thank you for reading the things that I imagine in my weird head and if you have Kaito and Aoko fanfics, don't hesitate to tag me since I will read them by law.
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ashhearthelpsaa · 5 months
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Below the cut will be a list of some of my favorite Japanese names. I like to write a lot of original characters that are based in different animes, so I thought this would be useful to have. These will be placed under a read more, as this post got quite long. There are 70 feminine names, 75 masculine names, and 31 gender neutral names. Please like or reblog this post if you found it useful. Thank you. :)
Feminine Names.
Ami. / Aimi.
Emica. / Emika.
Hatsue. / Hatsu.
Kanna. / Kana.
Masculine Names.
Ryo. / Ryu. / Ryou. / Ryuu.
Gender Neutral Names.
Ren. / Rin.
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blackfeatherdragon · 7 months
I'll Become Your Sword and the Shield to Protect You!: An Aztecshipping Manifesto
Happy III day! I wrote up an entire meta post explaining Aztecshipping and why it's good!
(Also available on Ao3 here)
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The Basics
Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal is one of multiple spinoffs of the Yu-Gi-Oh anime series, produced by Studio Gallop from April 2011 to March 2014. The main character, one Yuma Tsukumo, is a thirteen year old boy who breaks from series tradition by starting the series with very, very little knowledge of how to play the central card game (Yugi, Yami Yugi, Judai, and Yusei all knew how at the start of their respective series), but ends up going through massive character growth to become able to more than hold his own through his interactions with the main cast and his teamwork with the amnesiac alien Astral. Basically, Yuma is a very determined guy who refuses to ever give up or admit defeat, pushes on with his special catchphrase 'kattobingu', but at the same time still misses his missing adventurer parents dearly, to the point of choosing to sleep on a hammock in the attic where the artifacts collected through their adventures are stored. His relationship with his older sister Akari is a bit rocky due to her barring Yuma from playing Duel Monsters at the start of the series, but it's clear they (and their grandmother/guardian Haru) do care about each other.
Once you get past the shock of the Zexal protagonist being a highly energetic but unskilled Duelist of a thirteen year old (especially if you choose to start Zexal right after finishing the previous spinoff Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds), he's actually a really fun protagonist to root for. You want Yuma to succeed and help Astral collect the Number cards needed to unlock Astral's missing memories. You want Yuma to find a way to save everyone in the final stretch, even characters like Vector, who tricked Yuma multiple times.
(That's a great protag right there.)
On the topic of shipping, there are many different pairings involving Yuma in some way. The two most popular by far are Sharkbaitshipping (Yuma/Ryoga 'Shark' Kamishiro) and Keyshipping (Yuma/Astral), with Sharkbaitshipping holding 274 fics on Ao3 and Keyshipping holding 239 fics at the time of writing this. Other ships command varying degrees of popularity too, including Skyshipping (Yuma/Kotori, 45 fics), Seraphshipping (Yuma/Alit, 35 fics), Negativeshipping (Yuma/Vector, 169 fics), and Dokidokishipping (Yuma/Kaito, 144 fics). But there is one that is, in my mind, criminally rare: Aztecshipping, or Yuma/Michael 'III' Arclight. At the time this was written in March 2024, Aztecshipping had a mere 29 fics posted to Ao3. (30 fics if you include this!)
You explained who Yuma is, who is III?
I mean, if you're here you probably know who III is, buuut he's my special little blorbo and I'm posting this for III Day so I get to talk about him.
III (birth name: Michael Arclight) is the fifteen year old youngest son of the Arclight family, a group of four people who acted as one of the antagonist groups of the first half of the series. (The other three members being his older brothers IV and V, and his father Tron.) III is the nicest of the family and is seen to defuse arguments between his brothers, but at the same time has his own problems stemming from his broken family situation.
III is shown to be intensely and unwaveringly loyal to his family, displaying a willingness to both kill for the sake of those he cares about and die for their sake. In fact, during his Duel against Yuma, he deliberately goes out of his way to mentally break Yuma and kill Astral out of jealousy towards Yuma's healthier family and desperation to protect his own, only backing down from his desperate rage when a card he played (Final Prophecy) tried to punch a hole in reality to open a portal to the Barian World.
Tying into this, III puts up little resistance to his father's scheme to get revenge against Dr. Faker, often going along with all but the worst of his family's actions. He delivers a dangerous Number card to Shark at Tron's request, knowing that the card would try to control Shark, but later expresses discomfort when Tron performs a ritual to steal Haruto's power, due to the ritual causing pain to Haruto.
(Remember III's loyalty, it's a surprise tool that will help us later.)
Finally, III has a strong interest in ancient civilizations (with a dash of Ancient Aliens style conspiracies about out of place artifacts coming from other dimensions mixed in), much like how his father was once invested in researching interdimensional portals. This is also a surprise tool that will help us later.
The Ship Summary
To explain Aztecshipping, we have to go back to Yuma and III's fathers: Kazuma Tsukumo and Byron Arclight.
Byron was working with Dr. Faker and the explorer Kazuma on interdimensional portal research, and the three eventually went on a trip to uncover one of these portals. Unfortunately, Dr. Faker ended up betraying both Kazuma and Byron, sacrificing them to open the portal.
While Kazuma ended up trapped in the Astral World after this, Byron ended up stuck in the Barian World, and ultimately struck a deal with the Barians where he was granted power to get revenge against Dr. Faker in exchange for gathering Number cards for the Barians, and eventually returned to Earth as Tron.
As for their families that were left behind on Earth, the Tsukumos were able to stay relatively healthy, with Haru taking over as guardian to Yuma and Akari in the absence of Kazuma and his wife, the severely plot neglected Mirai. Yuma still missed his parents dearly, but his family remained functional.
The Arclights were not so lucky.
With no parents in the picture and oldest son Christopher too young to act as a guardian to his brothers/busy investigating what happened to his father while working for Dr. Faker as an assistant, both Michael and his second brother Thomas were left to an orphanage, only returning to their family when Tron came back and Christopher realized the truth. Tron reduced his sons to mere pawns in his revenge scheme, forcibly renaming Christopher, Thomas, and Michael as V, IV, and III respectively and granting them special crests to give them power, and subsequently allowed his family to fall to dysfunction as he obsessed over revenge.
In this way, Yuma and III are mirrors of each other, both losing their fathers in the same incident but reacting in opposite ways. Yuma is connected to the Astral World from the start with his friendship with Astral and his father's fate, while III is connected with the opposing Barian World due to Tron's deal and the fallout of it.
To that end, Yuma and III initially opposed each other, their first significant interaction being a Tag Duel where Yuma (working with Kaito) Dueled III (working with IV) in a bid to rescue Kaito's younger brother Haruto after his kidnapping at the hands of the Arclights. However, it really wasn't long before III became curious about Yuma and his determination, going out of his way to break into the Tsukumo household to investigate (and was subsequently distracted by the artifacts in the attic/started infodumping about them to Yuma. Nerd.)
(This is actually likely where the ship name Aztecshipping comes from, between Yuma's idolization of his absent father and III's love for ancient civilizations/his favourite card being Chronomaly Aztec Mask Golem.)
Desperate to protect his family from being potentially opposed by Yuma and jealous of the actually functional Tsukumos after meeting them, III challenged Yuma to a Duel, in which he tormented Yuma and killed Astral, before attempting to sacrifice himself in a forced tie just to stop Yuma. The turning point came when one of III's cards, Final Prophecy, started trying to forcibly open a portal to the Barian World at the cost of ending the world, forcing III to share his crest power with Yuma to try to revive Astral and stop Final Prophecy's effect.
The plan was a long shot; there was no guarantee that Yuma would be able to take that amount of power. Yuma withstood it though, and with Astral back, managed to work together to defeat III and stop Final Prophecy. This was the true turning point of their relationship, as III recognized Yuma as his first and only friend and trusted him to be able to save his broken family.
Remember III's intense loyalty? Good, we're coming back to that now.
After this, III vanished from the plot for a while, eventually returning to protect Yuma from being menaced by the Barians Mr. Heartland and Semimaru by way of throwing a sword at Mr. Heartland and outright declaring that he would act as Yuma's 'sword and shield' before teaming up with Yuma to Duel Semimaru. In turn, Yuma trusted III to have his Number cards back, after III willingly gave them up to Yuma after their Duel some time earlier.
It seems that by now III's undying loyalty fully extended to Yuma, as he went out of his way to redirect an attack that would have hit Yuma and his monster to strike him instead, once again showcasing his willingness to sacrifice himself for those he cares about. After the Duel, which ended with III and Yuma working together to combine Yuma's 'Number 39: Utopia' and III's 'Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis' to beat Semimaru, Yuma let III have the new Number card won off Semimaru: 'Number 3: Cicada King'.
III continued to stay with and protect Yuma after this, temporarily living in the Tsukumo household and sticking alongside Yuma at all times to fulfil this. To that end, III calls to mind a knight, someone willing to fight and die for the one he protects without thought for himself. III is also seen to become concerned for Yuma's mental state due to Astral seemingly dying at the hands of Black Mist several episodes prior, and after Yuma returns from a trip to the Astral World to find and bring back Astral, is relieved to see him again.
III sacrificing for Yuma came to a head when he and V went out of their way to stall several Barians to protect Yuma, Astral, and Kaito during the big Barian invasion. III knew going in that he would die doing this, but he didn't care, willingly sacrificing himself to save Yuma one more time.
Initially, III claimed to Yuma that he and V were going to confront the Barians to get revenge for IV's death earlier, saying that he'd grown sick of Yuma's optimism, but this was a lie meant to stop Yuma from following him. When it became clear that the brothers were fighting a losing match against the Barian Mizael, V opened a video link to Yuma to deliver a final message. III took the opportunity to apologize for lying, saying that Yuma was a true friend and say goodbye, before declaring that he'd be with Yuma in spirit as Mizael launched his final attack, killing both III and V.
This sacrifice caused Yuma to break down sobbing at being unable to stop it from happening due to traveling to track down the Barian leader Don Thousand.
Luckily, after the defeat of the Barians, everyone who died in the final invasion came back to life, III included. The final episode reveals that III enrolled in Yuma's middle school, somehow ending up in the same year as Yuma despite being two years older than him. III's literal final scene in the series has him declaring that he'll fight alongside Yuma anywhere, which again. Knight motifs.
Ship Dynamics
Yuma and III start off as enemies, facing off against each other as their goals and family situations clashed. However, it really isn't long before III starts viewing Yuma as a friend due to Yuma's unending determination and aid in preventing the end of the world via Final Prophecy, eventually even extending the loyalty once reserved for family out to Yuma. Once this shift happens, the dynamic changes to that of a knight protecting his charge with the power of his sword and his own life on the line, willing to die to see that charge safe.
In turn, Yuma seems rather okay with III protecting him despite their notable rough start. He allows III to live in his house for a time and even gives III's Number cards back and temporarily shares his school uniform with him just so that III isn't wearing the same clothes the whole time (this is before III joins Yuma's school, by the way). He's distraught when III (and V) sacrifices himself to hold off the Barians, breaking down in tears after watching the final blow.
It's not all III protecting and sacrificing for Yuma, either. They work together very well when Dueling Semimaru, coming up with a plan to join their monsters together via Chronomaly Atlandis's effect to stop Semimaru. Yuma also promises to help save III's family where III could not, seemingly genuinely forgiving III for his actions during their Duel against each other.
They also have a connection via their interests; Yuma idolizes his missing explorer father and has a number of ancient artifacts in his house, while III has a strong interest in ancient civilizations. It's not hard to imagine them working together on explorations and archaeology digs as they get older, helping and protecting each other as needed.
Tldr: Aztecshipping is a very cute ship with protector/protectee themes and two young nerds. They should be together.
-Yugipedia (Crossreferencing canon events and characters) -zexual-shippings (Various ship names) -Ao3 (Fic counts for various ships)
Specific episodes:
-Episodes 41-43: III and IV vs Yuma and Kaito. III starts to become curious about Yuma and his determination at the end of episode 43. -Episodes 46-49: III vs Yuma. III spends most of the Duel proper (47 to 49) tormenting Yuma and Astral, only coming out of his desperation and rage when he realizes what Final Prophecy is doing. III and Yuma work together to stop the effect of Final Prophecy in episode 49, followed by III admitting that Yuma is his first friend and asking him to save his family/giving up his Number cards to Yuma. Episode 46 also contains III nerding out over the artifacts in Yuma's attic. -Episodes 112-113: III and Yuma vs Semimaru. 112 has III throw a sword at Mr. Heartland to defend Yuma and state that he'll be Yuma's 'sword and shield'. Yuma also trusts III to have his Number cards back in 112, followed by trusting III to have the new Number card 'Number 3: Cicada King' in 113. -Episodes 114-116: III continues to stay with Yuma to protect and help him in Astral's absence, including staying over at Yuma's house and borrowing a school uniform from Yuma. III also becomes concerned for Yuma's mental state in the wake of Astral seemingly dying again. -Episodes 126-128: III and V vs Mizael. III claims he's sick of Yuma's optimism to stop Yuma from following him to the Duel, knowing that Yuma needed to go on while he and V stalled for time. III gets the chance to apologize for lying and say goodbye/that he'll be with Yuma in spirit right before dying to Mizael. -Episode 146: III is shown to have enrolled in Yuma's school and is in the same year as him despite being two years older. III later states that he'll fight alongside Yuma anywhere towards the end of the episode.
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voca-song-a-day · 9 months
Hey everyone! So recently I've been going back through my posts in order to make a better ordered list for myself of what songs I've already featured, and because of that, I also started putting together some information about what Vocaloids and Producers have been featured on this blog the most so far! It was fun putting this together, so I figured I'd post the information as a little end-of-the year style thing!
Some of the exact numbers may be sliiiightly off, but they should be pretty close. And the numbers here are up to date through the song posted today (December 31st).
I'm hoping to start doing this as an annual thing, with updates to the rankings at the end of the year.
Also: as a quick secondary update- I have decided that this blog will start to feature songs using vocal synths of any kind, not just Vocaloid-specific songs. I still intend for Vocaloid characters to make up the majority of songs featured here (and I currently have a long queue lined up that still has only Vocaloids in it), but I will start to add other synths into the mix, and song suggestions are now open for solos featuring non-Vocaloid synths!
Anyway, without further ado: the rankings!
By Vocaloid Name: # of songs they're featured in
(note that this isn't just counting number of solos- it also includes duets, trios, and group songs that that Vocaloid shares with others)
The 15 most featured are in bold!
Hatsune Miku: 388
Kagamine Rin: 145
GUMI: 136
Kagamine Len: 120
Megurine Luka: 67
Flower: 64
IA: 61
Meiko: 34
Kamui Gakupo: 22
Yuzuki Yukari: 21
MAYU: 19
Luo Tianyi: 18
Fukase: 16
Otomachi Una: 14
Lily: 13
VY2: 12
Meika Hime, MAIKA: 11
Nekomura Iroha, SeeU: 10
Kaai Yuki, Xin Hua, Oliver: 9 
Meika Mikoto, UNI, VY1, Xingchen/Stardust: 8 
DEX, YANHE, Yuezheng Ling: 7
Aoki Lapis, Rana, Sonika, Yohioloid: 6
Utatane Piko, Merli, Avanna, Kizuna Akari, Miriam, SF-A2 Miki: 5
Tone Rion, CUL, Cyber Diva, DAINA, Galaco, Kokone, Lumi, Kyo, Yuezheng Longya: 4
Haruno Sora, Anon, Kanon, Clara, Macne Nana, Mew, Mo Qingxian, Prima, Ruby, Sweet Ann, Wil, Yuu, Yumemi Nemu, Zhiyu Moke: 3
Hiyama Kiyoteru, ARSLOID, Leon, Lola, Chika, Mirai Komachi, Sachiko, Tohoku Zunko: 2
Azuki, Bruno, Cyber Songman, Gachapoid, Tonio: 1
Also by name: # of songs by them featured
(there's a LOT of producers with only one or two songs featured, so I've shorted this list to just the top 15, including ties)
PinocchioP: 27
CircusP: 25
DECO*27: 21
40meterP: 20
GigaP: 18
Neru: 17
Hitoshizuku & Yama: 16
Rerulili: 15
MikitoP: 14
Niki: 13
Nayutalien, Re:nG: 12
JesusP, GHOST, *Luna, KIRA, MARETU, KurageP, HoneyWorks: 10
Kairiki Bear, Jin, HachiojiP, MachigeritaP, OSTER Project: 9
Sasakureuk, UtsuP, PeperonP, EmpathP, EZFG, Reol, Mitchie M, Hachi, Mothy: 8
Hiiragi Kirai, Tohma, q*left, UtataP & Tory Hitsuji, Kikuo, WhiteFlame, Kanaria, Kemu: 7
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mikunology · 9 months
Locations in Sapporo
things in my personal life has calmed down somewhat for the time being so I figured I'd write up an easy lore post that I completely forgot I could make so here we are
I wanted to list some common locations found in Sapporo as featured in Vocal Android! I haven't actually talked about the setting too much and while I'm kinda bad at designing locations, I figured I could at least talk about them a little
But, yeah, I'll do my best to explain, so some lore under the cut?
Crypton Laboratories HQ/Crypton Towers: The place where the CVs live and where Meiko and Kaito work. A huge white, gray, and cyan building shaped like a C if you look at it from above, it's home to Crypton's various research labs. The building has floors entirely dedicated to be Miku, the twins and Luka's living spaces, and they each have their own color-coded rooms and living areas. There's a recording and dance studio in the building for the CVs to do their idol work and music playing, as well as a virtual reality training room. There's also the CVs' very own superhero base of sorts, which Gumi helped design, and allows the crew to oversee the city in case danger makes itself known (it's also a convenient place to hang out and take a nap). There's also a sizeable garage below the building, where Rin keeps the road roller.
Kenmochi Academy High School: Miku, Rin and Len's school. A large, clean campus made of three V-shaped buildings with their points pointing towards each other and hexagon-shaped windows. A pretty high-bar school with a lot of recent technology, it's one of the more popular and well-known high schools in town (and thus, an excellent candidate for Meiko's goal of having the CVs interact with humans their age). It is headed by Principal Sasaki. (Current Student List: Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin and Len, Kobayashi Matcha, Masaoka Azuki, Yumemi Nemu, Hibiki Lui, Akira Kano/Arsloid, Otomachi Una, Sato Sasara, Suzuki Tsudumi, Kokone Aime, Kizuna Akari, Futaba Minato, Hoshino Ichika, Tenma Saki, Hinomori Shiho, Mochizuki Honami, Koharu Rikka (formerly), Suzune Ring)
Ichikawa Academy High School: Gumi's school, a high school on the eastern side of the city. It's a more "normal" high school, less flashy than Kenmochi and looking more typical, but still has a few good programs to its name, including its science program (which Gumi tries to participate in). (Current Student List: Megumi "Gumi" Nakashima, Kotonoha Akane and Aoi, Tohoku Zunko, Gahata Meiji, Kamishiro Rui, Kusanagi Nene, Tenma Tsukasa, AiSuu, Tsuina-chan)
Utahako Elementary School: The local elementary school a block or two away from Kenmochi. It's a modest little elementary school, having been newly refurbished from an older building. Many of the students that go there end up graduating to Kenmochi later. Kiyoteru teaches here. (Current Student List: Kaai Yuki, Oliver Twitchell, Rana, Macne Petit, Tohoku Kiritan, Otomachi Unagi, Ryuuto Nakashima)
The Macne Cafe: A fresh-looking little internet cafe that sits in the town plaza and is the CVs' favorite hangout spot. Established by the Macne Family, it's become slowly but surely known around town for its delicious green apple cheesecake and desserts. Nana has been trying various ways to spread their customer base further.
The V5: A swanky nightclub and bar that is also in the plaza, run by four friends: Amy, Chris, Kaori and Ken. Many of the adult characters come there to drink and chat a bit.
UTAU Studios: A record label company and radio studio stationed in the industry hub of town, notable for its large staff and loooong list of talents. The studio runs a daily radio broadcast that's fairly popular, and their top talent is Namine Ritsu (or it was, anyway).
Sapporo University: The local college. A bit of an older building since it's been there basically forever compared to a lot of the rest of futuristic city. Has a small, colorful dormitory community next to it where students stay. (Current Student List: Galaco, Po-uta, Tsurumaki Maki, Shirosaki Yuudai; Utatane Piko isn't a student but he lives there)
Kamukura Shrine: A humble shrine that's only a little ways away from the beach, and is where most of the cast goes for holiday celebrations (such as New Years). It's headed by Kigashima Sourin and his protégés, Kurono Takehiro, Wakamatsu Akashi, Aoyama Ryuusei and Shirakami Koutarou, who are training to be proper priests. They also have their shrine maiden, a fussy teenage girl named Lumi who claims to be a jellyfish kami from the sea. Her antics tend to bring a lot of visitors.
SEKAI Auditorium: A venue a few blocks away from Crypton HQ and the main place where Miku and friends perform locally. Very spacious and known to host tons of acts, including smaller ones like local bands, singers and theater shows. Also functions as a sort of convention center at times. However, it's tendency to get raided by supervillains (mostly in pursuit of Miku and co.) has given it a bit of a weird reputation.
The Nebula: A recently-established nightclub in the plaza run by American DJ CYBER DIVA (and her partner CYBER SONGMAN), who is also the headlining act of the place. Used to have a bit of a rivalry with Miku, but they're both over it. Gets a lot of younger customers than the ones at the V5.
Dr. Momone's House: A modern house in a quiet neighborhood next to the industrial part of town where Dr. Momone, Momo and Defoko live. Their neighbors consist of Yufu (who lives down the lane), Eru (who lives at the far end of the lane), Tsukishiro Hakupo and his servant bot Kunishiki (who live next door) and Sensei.
Gumi's Apartment: Gumi, Gakupo and Ryuuto's small apartment in a building not too far from Crypton HQ. Not the nicest apartment that ever was, but it's homey.
Gin no Hana: A old-fashioned restaurant that has reasonable business and is popular due to the comfy atmosphere. Managed by Ginsaki and his wife, Koharu.
The Old Soul Theater: An old theater in town that's mainly still in the city for the sake of preservation, but still has small plays and acts now and again. Has been turned into an acting school of sorts by Miriam Stocks, a theater connoisseur.
Ruko's candy shop: A hole-in-the-wall shop in an alleyway managed by Yokune Ruko, where they sell candy, snacks and cheap cups of drip coffee. Totally not shady in the slightest. Is almost constantly out of coffee-flavored hard candy because Ruko keeps eating it.
Meiko's apartment: Meiko's home, a simple apartment in a simple complex where she crashes after a long day at the lab. The CVs have never been to it.
There's probably more than this but yeah :>
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coopbella · 6 months
little splatoon oc doodle! this is kaito, a member of tikali and akari's professional competitive team and kc's best friend and roommate. he likes astronomy and pulling off cool combos with the splatana stamper. he also likes not having his best friend get herself killed, so he's frequently found putting a stop to kc's shenanigans (along with the rest of the gang).
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