#akechi goro headcanon
lyomeii · 1 year
an older sibling figure
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->warnings: yandere themes, platonic relationship, reader is kinda self aware of his behavior, death mentions, spoiler for the original version of the game,
-> request by anon! hi! i really love your writing style! i was wondering if you could do some headcannons or a little one shot of akechi with like a sibling reader. they aren't actually siblings but he kinda met the reader one day and the reader went "bro why r u so polite all the time?". as in reader kinda gets that he's faking it and stuff. He liked that and kinda hangs out with them. sorry for this very messy request lol thank you and have a great day! and another anon! hii, i love your writing so much! can you do a plutonic hc thing for akechi? like either being a good friend of his or like a sibling like thing? thank you!
->a/n: don’t worry anons ;) I had no problem with tu your request, in fact, you have a good english. hope you enjoy it :) and yes I combined these two request since they are quite similar ;p and proud of myself finishing this way earlier than I expected
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-> akechi is an unique person to your eyes. you never met someone so fake like him that manage to entertain you in such way, not even the greatest tv shows nor gossip catch your attention like him. So why not approach him and befriend the famous detective boy?
-> you catch him off the guard with your words, friends and no shame in your voice when reminding him to be the real him whatever you two are alone. How could you discover that? Are you someone hired to destroy him? No? You are trying to know him better? That’s weird, but akechi allows it to happen.
-> quickly befriend with goro, yeah he said to call him that way, you leaned much about his personality and life style ( at least what he let you know about him ). He enjoy the time he spend with you, how he can express himself with no worry to you abandon him, by the opposite, you always looked so proud of him with all those achievements and even give him homemade pancakes! Is that joy he feels? Maybe. He loves knowing that someone cares about him.
-> didn’t took much time you two become closer, you acting like the older sibling that akechi never had, someone to take care of him and be protective of while the detective took the role of the younger and sometimes problematic brother. A great duo, if you think. And he hopes that none will destroy that.
-> when the phantom thieves began gaining popularity, you got extremely worried over akechi’s health, he doesn’t eat as much as before, sleep neither talk with you as used to. Because of that, you’ve to take alternative ways to find a solution and that took you to visit a cafe.
-> there you met ren, sojiro, futaba and a cute cat, morgana if you recall. they looked friendly and seem to know akechi by how you mentioned his name, so you asked them if something had had happened in your friend’s life to he acting this way, but the three don’t know or are too uncomfortable to tell you, making you leave the cafe without answers.
-> the thieves got interest on you, after all, who are you? How you closer to akechi and what are your intentions with him? Could you be a spy? They made futaba search about your past, but nothing special show up, except for you being a closer friend ( and probably the only) that the detective trust and cares about. With that in mind, they start look forward to kno you better, to discover more about akechi and his intentions.
-> he didn’t like that, never in a millions years, goro would let you met and befriended the thieves! You know them for a few days, yet you act they are old friends from school, are you going to replace him for the thieves? He can’t let that happen! He can’t lose against ren and the others!
-> the day you promised to met with yusuke at the cafe, you never show up neither when futaba asked you to accompany her to a game shop and to the little met with ann and ryuji… something bad happened with you and they have a guess who could have been behind it, yet how they are going to get akechi to confess? How they will tell your parents about it?
-> til this happen, you are going to stay at goro’s place where you can’t leave without him neither contact anyone you love or care about. You don’t have anyone to rely one except for me, he says. None one will ever find you, he added. Those words are making you losing hope as days passed and you might start to believing him after all, he is your “ younger brother”, your only family now.
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@lyomeii stuff || don’t repost
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fragmentedstarlights · 3 months
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Shuake to me
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akechisstinkyfoot · 1 year
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nottheeconomy · 7 months
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The beautifully dashing leader of the phantom thieves and the charming detective princess!
My take on fem shuake!!!
I like my toxic doomed yaoi but toxic doomed Yuri hits so much harder when it comes to these two
(Brainrot under the read more!)
If Shuake were girls they would be so much more volatile than canon it’s hilarious
Honestly if Akechi was born a girl instead of a boy his already terrible life would be twice as hard hahahaha
Fem Akechi would have a much harder time willingly refraining from directly murdering shido
Like canon Akechi is this close to just shooting him in the head anytime he sees him but fem Akechi would have so much more temptation to see him dead dead dead
She’s going to have to withstand his disgustingly sexist statements with a bright smile on her face as shido says things like “oh Akechi, you’re not like those other women that only serve to further this country’s great longevity through rearing the young, you’re different, more capable.” And she needs to let those slimy words go in one ear and out if she’s going to be patient enough for him to be elected first
Not to mention she’s going to experience so much more scrutiny as a public idol since she’ll be a girl
Like in canon he already has a questionable fanbase but just imagine the weirdos that’ll idolise her as the detective princess
And she’s definitely not going to be taken as seriously by people for her detective work because people would JUST WRITE HER OFF AS A PRETTY FACE!!!!
She’s going to curate every facet of her image to make sure people takes her as seriously as possible
Her style needs to be trendy but not too trendy or people would call her vain
She needs to be careful of showing too much skin or she’ll be slutshamed
She needs to word her statements more delicately or else people would call her annoying do you see the visionnnnnnnnn
Like canon Akechi’s public mask is already so tightly wound against his face, fem Akechi’s public mask would be a full suit of armour (get it get it? Hahahahhaha)
Meanwhile! If Akira was a girl, the notion of her being a meddler when she tries to stop shido would be much stronger I think
Also I have a feeling she’s going to get harassed at shujin for having her criminal record leaked instead of how in canon everyone left Akira alone due to fear since people won’t take her assault charge as seriously
And then there’s kamoshida…eugh
So in conclusion:
I just think both of them would have so much more pent up rage than in canon hahahahahha
Like I’m sure they would’ve physically thrown hands in the boiler room of shido’s ship, like forget about the personas they’re going to throttle each other as the rest of the thieves watch hahahahahahhaa
On the bright side though I can see fem Akechi being closer to Sae and the detective princess being a role model to little girls
Hm but I have a feeling the rivalry between Akechi and Akira would feel like those early 2010s tabloid articles about how female stars had beef with each other, like it’ll be framed as something super catty hahahahaha
Man these girlies are filled with so much anger, honestly it’ll be so iconic if Akechi and Akira were written as girls but I err don’t have that much trust in Altus!
These are just my silly headcanons for fem Shuake! If you disagree with what I said it’s ok hahahahaha
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taichea · 9 months
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the coffee bfs in college au i guess or maybe it’s just post canon who even knows i don’t even know. anyways. headcanons
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theredcuyo · 2 months
Hey, one of my little cutely hurtful ideas here
Do You guys think Akira just does little daily stuff that he never gives and explanation to but anyone close enough to him understands?
Like keeping a chess piece as a keychan with him all the time?
Trhu the rest of highschool, and college, or work, or whatever he goes to do, it's with him, and it's a black one, the Queen to be precise
And as time goes on it gets old, it has scratches here and there, the paint is off in many parts, but no matter how many times people tell him to replace it, he won't do it and the only time he takes it off is when he visits Sojiro, and plays with the old chess table that's missing only one piece
Other odd thing in his life is that in winter he wears a pair of unmatched gloves, they're both black, but if You look for more than a second, you'll realize they're not the same type of glove at all
Another thing, is that he prepares an extra coffee in the mornings, sometimes he drinks it, sometimes it just becomes iced coffee in his fridge, but only at the end of the day, is almost as if he were waiting for someone to come for it till the last second, isn't?
Maybe he just likes to keep some extra just in case
He has a habit of listening to music whenever he cooks or eats, specially if it's coffee, and he tends to hum over the melodies, seemingly never getting tired of them, even if one in particular keeps apearing multiple times in his playlist, maybe he doesn't really realize it considering he keeps looking at the window, as if he was waiting for something to happen
Maybe, whatever he is missing, will return to him one day, and that day, his gloves will match, the piece will return to its place, the coffee will find someone to drink it and he'll look to someone to his side instead of eyeing the window
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edenfire · 1 year
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NG+ au where akira and akechi first meet here when akira is barely starting the first palace
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afterthelambs · 8 days
I don't know where the "Akechi has freckles" headcanon came from but it's the best thing ever and I am throwing flowers at every fic writer that writes it
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velvet-gloom · 2 days
Why the Phantom Thieves are banned from Dave & Buster’s
(Don’t take these too seriously, I’m just shitposting with no serious thought or edits)
Makoto: Roundhouse kicked a 40-year-old guy who tried to hit on Futaba and sent him to the ER
Futaba: Hacked the speakers and played unhinged nightcore dubstep remixes, was asked to stop, and proceeded to bass boost them
Akechi: Was one point away from setting the record on their DDR machine before he fucked up and proceeded to punch the screen hard enough to break it
Haru: Got WAY too into a game of laser tag, several children left crying
Ryuji: You know that one clip of the dude letting go of the bowling ball way too late and hitting the ceiling and breaking the sprinklers, flooding the whole place? That. He did that.
Ren: Used his third eye to play the rigged claw machines and beat their 1 millimeter margin of error, emptying two full machines worth of prizes before being asked to leave
Morgana: Was a cat
Yusuke: Was so appalled by the food that he snuck into their kitchen to prove he could make something more appetizing and more aesthetically pleasing. Got halfway done before getting thrown out
Shiho, who’s totally a canon member of the Phantom Thieves and always has been: Immediately helped Yusuke break back into the kitchen to finish the food. Also befriended a heard of 12-year-olds and had them distract security to buy more time
Sumire: The only one who’s still allowed in, but hasn’t had much reason to go since Akechi broke the DDR machine
Ann: Tried convincing the manager to let everyone back in, which ended in a shouting match after the manager turned out to be an asshole
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akeppi · 1 year
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Goro posting??? On this acc???? And a bit of shuake,,,,as a treat <3
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let-them-eat-rakes · 3 months
persona headcanon:
after futaba's first mementos trip, she (somehow) makes like a music player that works in the monabus and connects to spotify or whatever. when haru joins (cause they still don't know if they are ever going to stop getting new members at this point) it becomes an initiation rite to show off your playlist during your first mementos trip
and then akechi joins and goes like "oh. haha, i don't have a playlist, i apologize. perhaps i should make one!"
he actually does have a playlist, but it's for his black mask personality. so he literally pulls an all-nighter making a detective prince playlist
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sketchy--akechi · 1 year
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shy boi
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starryoak · 2 months
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Making memes out of my headcanons, part 3, swinging bats at hornets nests edition!
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discotenny · 8 months
Someone you cant have
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HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLO :D god its been so long for me to check ur blog and i have been meaning to send rq form last year but sadly i was to shy for that :,) im so happy ur still uploading and doing well 😭 but may i request a reverse part for "Someone you cant have" now with akechi ?
Goro Akechi x Reader ~ falling for their rivals significant other <Jealousy, mild reference of yandere!Akechi, mentions of murder, etc>
KABDKDBDK thank you for sending in a request!! Sorry to keep you waiting for part two after all this time lolol. Hope it was worth the wait <3 As always I tend to write using they/them pronouns for the reader insert unless requester specifies. Mentions of names will be y/n.
Something about you had captivated him from the first meeting.
A stranger who sat next to him on the train when there were tens of open seats. Who looked at him with eyes that begged for help from a creep following you around. Who whispered a promise of a warm meal once the whole debacle concluded. Who he willingly went into the streets of Shibuya with, against all his mind and stomach's better judgement.
"Thank you," you said to him with the most sincerity he's ever heard from a person. "I couldn't make it up to you enough. Where do you want to go? I’ll pay for everything.”
Sincerity... that's what it was.
You were so open and true to yourself it was almost frustrating. He chalked up your kindness at your first meeting as a one off instance brought about by unsavory circumstance. But even after, at your unexpected dinner for two- you were just so, so honest.
Honest in the way you expressed the troubles in your family life. The difficulty handling the troubles in your school. The troubles of romance you've found yourself in. You were charming. Funny. Interesting.
Which is why he didn’t mind exchanging phone numbers. It’s why he didn’t mind more dinners and more train rides. It’s why he didn’t push away the kindness you’d show him and the gifts you’d give him. It’s why he started reciprocating the acts.
And it’s why a funny feeling started to grow in the hole in his chest- fighting against the urge to put all of his attention into his mission. Interest- is what he called it.
Love, is what it really was.
When you mentioned a boyfriend he was disappointed. He of course saw it coming, after you’ve spent nights complaining over growing feelings and him giving you advice in turn. But Akechi was fine with the disappointment, and he was fine admiring you from nowhere closer than across a table. Akechi would be fine just admiring from a distance.
Coming soon, he’d complete his mission and he would never see you again. Akechi chooses to ignore the bitterness that comes along with that last idea.
The more the dinners and gifts and kindness occurred, the harder his fall was to ignore. His gifts started to get more and more romantic when viewed from a certain lens, his stares started to get more and more longing. But as noticeable as it was, Akechi couldn’t help himself. You, in all of your kindness, funniness, and all of your interest, were a brevity of light in his hell of a life.
One night, you show up to dinner and say you’ve got a surprise for him.
“Oh? What’s the occasion?” A butterfly flies around in his chest and he can’t help himself but smile. Sincerely, he smiles.
“I wanted to thank you, for all the advice and help you’ve given me these past few months,” you look into his eyes and it makes his heart flutter. “Let me go get him really quick.” You stand up so quickly and he doesn’t have any time to register what you just said. Akechi sighs as he watches you leave the restaurant.
You come back and Akechi has to physically hold himself back from lunging at Ren.
Ren, who you hold hands with. Ren, who’s smiling after you. Ren, who looks at him with surprise. Ren, you boyfriend.
“Akechi?” He says, eyes widening.
“Ren.” He replies, gripping the table underneath him.
Of course.
Of course
Of fucking course.
“Oh! I didn’t know you guys knew each other,” you clap your hands with a smile, seemingly not noticing the glares emanating from Akechi.
Ren’s arm finds itself on your waist and Akechi wants to scream. “Yeah, we’re friends,” Ren’s tone is casual as he smiles at you.
“Mmhm, you could say that,” Akechi forces out a smile so insincere you can’t help but question it.
“I didn’t know Akechi was the one buying you all those gifts, treasure,” Ren says.
“And I didn’t know Ren was this boyfriend of yours, y/n,” Akechi sneers.
“Ah, sorry I never mentioned names to you guys,” you chuckle, honest to a fault. Unaware of the smugness growing within your partner. Unaware of the heartbreak that falls upon your friend.
Ren goes onto explain that you wanted to introduce your ‘two favorite boys’ to each other after months of talking about one to the other. That this dinner, which was supposed to just be you and Akechi, was going to be intruded on by Ren. He says it all with a smile that makes Akechi want to throttle him.
What a lovely surprise, Akechi thinks.
He tries to keep his cool despite the anger clawing at his chest. Betrayal from you for not telling him that this piece of garbage was your boyfriend. Envy towards Ren for having yet another thing Akechi longed to have.
Dinner concludes quicker than you pictured as Ren has a curfew to abide by. He leaves the restaurant to wait outside, you wanting to talk to your friend.
“You seemed uncomfortable with tonight, I’m sorry if I pushed this on you Akechi…” one glance at you shows all the truth in your statement and Akechi hates it.
He hates that he’s let himself trust in your honesty, in your gifts, in your dinners, in your kindness- he hates your truth and he hates this clawing in his chest.
But what kind of friend would he be if he left you feeling so guilty? After all, you’d just run into his arms afterwards.
“I was just surprised, is all. I’m sorry that I made you upset,” Akechi smiles, insincere once again.
“Are you sure?” You look at him with the most curious eyes, “I’m sorry if I made things weird by introducing him, really.”
“Please, don’t worry about it,” Akechi attempts to console you by putting a hand on your shoulder. “I’m just happy you’re happy. After all this time of complaining, haha.”
Your hand meets his and squeezes it slightly. “Thanks Akechi, it really means a lot.”
He takes one more look at you, holding his hand and smiling so, so genuinely at him.
“Anytime, y/n,” He says.
You leave the restaurant with Ren and he sees him pull you tight as you walk away. He sees the way you stare at him, lovingly, in a way that you’ve never looked at him. He sees you go to intertwine your hands. He sees Ren hold your chin and bring your face closer. Akechi looks away.
Admiring a distance is bullshit if he’s just watching you be stolen away by him. Admiring from a distance would be fine if it was anyone other than him.
It’s just gonna be one more reason as to why he needs to plant a bullet in your boyfriend’s skull.
Ren's part, it kinda sucks because it was before my writers glow up ehehehhehehe
Hope you enjoyed it! I got so excited writing for my pookie Akechi that I ended up finishing this in an afternoon lolol. Also I ended up placing an order for persona merch because of this JFDSJJKFADSFJ. I just love my baby he's my forever boy &lt;3
Let me know how you guys think I characterized him!! I love my babby rsfwaeajfjrewo
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amiedeselfes · 4 months
I see Akechi as someone very possessive due to his past since he had so little things he could call his and that weren't going to be stolen away. When he ends up caring for something or someone, he has some extreme attachment that could end up with him wanting to get rid of it lol (ren) or grips on it desperately (his revenge).
But I also enjoy the idea that Akechi is also terrified of the idea to "own" someone. He does have intrusive thoughts this way but I don't think he would want to act on it. Him who has so little control of his life how can he do that to another person he would care enough for? (Ren btw, its Ren)
He wants Ren but he doesn't want to possess him. He is a jealous man and doesn't enjoy to share but he won't capture Ren for himself. It's a paradox somehow but I just like the idea of this immeasurable envy/possession feeling within him but that he won't cross the line to take away the choice of someone he cares for (his proposition before 20/11, asking Ren to join him)
Ren comes on his own anyway, by his own terms, with his own will and reasons. (Akechi is always bewildered he can somehow be chosen)
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nightlilly0110 · 1 year
How long I think each Phantom Thief would take to notice that Joker is wearing the Duel Glove
Morgana: Doesn’t even notice Ren changed a part of his outfit because he doesn’t care about clothes since he doesn’t have any of his own besides his collar. Only notices the glove exists because Ren pet him with it on. Unlike some of the others he isn’t oblivious about the implications, he just is unaware of the actual article of clothing.
Ryuji: Notices the glove almost immediately and comments on it but just thinks it’s a fashion thing and doesn’t notice that it’s Akechi’s. Even when someone points out to him that it’s Akechi’s, he thinks Ren stole it. Implications fly over his head and into the trash.
Ann: Instantly and she also instantly is aware of the connotations (she thought it was suspicious that Akechi was missing a glove). Is very annoying (in a loving way) about it.
Yusuke: Instantly but subconsciously he always imagines Joker wearing gloves due to his Metaverse outfit and therefore believes he lost one. Thinks keeping the one glove is symbolic of loss and hardship and thinks Ren is being poetic. Someone clarifies for him and he still remarks about the romanticism of it.
Makoto: At least a month or so. Like Morgana she doesn’t keep track of accessories and things but she also wants to keep track of trends with the student body and did research on if wearing a single glove is a popular look. Haru had to point it out to her.
Futaba: About a week and only because he had to hold her hand to lead her somewhere. Like Ann she is also being annoying about it (but mean annoying).
Haru: Takes a day or two for her to notice he’s not wearing a complete set of gloves and another day to notice it matches Akechi’s.
Akechi: Noticed instantly and is having a gay panic about it.
Bonus - Sojiro noticed about a week after Ren started wearing it and thinks courtship with young people nowadays got really weird.
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