#akira otori
zippam · 2 months
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HELIOS Rising Heroes 4th aniv🎊
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phantarein · 1 month
Happy birthday Helios!!!!!!!!!!
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bunberrypancake · 6 months
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Bnuuy idols <3
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shinjukusunset · 1 year
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6wash9 · 1 year
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it was a spontaneous desire to draw a baby boy...
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Hi! Can I ask for courting meme number 13, 17, and 22 for Akira? Thank you!
Akira Otori:
13. ♥ Do they sleep in the same bed/room as much as they can or do they sleep separately?
It moreso depends on how much you want to sleep next to the chaotic sleeper that is Akira. You’ll probably get kicked in the night, or at least have no space to yourself in the morning as he tended to cling to the warmest thing in the room when he was asleep. You’ll never have your own side of the bed because Akira naturally gravitated closer to you, even if it was just a leg thrown out over yours; he admittedly like the skin-on-skin contact with you, but he’d try to stick to his side of the bed if it made you upset.
17. ♥ What sort of characteristics or quirks draw them to someone?
A good fighter.
Not controlling over him or his choices.
A good shoulder to lean on.
22. ♥ Tell us about a sacrifice they made for their significant other.
He had finally managed to get Brad in the training room for a one-on-one when he heard from Will that you were injured on patrol. It made him twitchy to think about you hurt and, despite telling himself there’s nothing he could do about it regardless, he knew you’d feel better if he came in to check on you. He can’t make it through the training session without being distracted which had Brad ultimately deciding to reschedule, telling Akira to do what was clearly on his mind rather than wasting both of their times. Brad could tell Akira was serious about whatever his thoughts might have centered on as he didn’t even fight back, simply leaving the room to go about his business since the opportunity presented itself.
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dajaregambler · 2 years
HeliosR - We are GoldenXXsection! (drama track)
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Translation of the drama track "We are GoldenXXsection!" featured on the special disc of the 1st full album from Helios Rising Heroes.
Mostly TL'd it by intense repetitive listening.
I didn't think I'd do an other drama track so soon but I've been in such an idol mood... also I really love Only One, just had to TL the accompaying drama track.
TL note:
The XX is GoldenXXsection is silent(?) but I still wrote it like that because whenever they said the group name, it felt weird to leave it out. The group name also gets abbreviated to GS.
Dino: We are GoldenXXsection!
(Drama track start)
Akira, Dino & Gast: Cheeeers!
Akira: …Puhah! Nothing beats a cold one after work!
Gast: Ahahaha, nice shot there Akira! Even though it’s just juice.
Akira: Heh, might be underage but don’t underestimate me! Gave it my all as much as everyone here. 
Dino: As Akira says, everyone did great work today. I did a bit of egosurfing and the fans seem to have enjoyed it too!
Akira: The live and handshake event was amazing, I wanna sing more~!
Dino: It’s great you’re full of motivation! It’s been exactly one month since you joined GoldenXXSection as a member. The amount of live goers increased too, so let’s put all the energy we can in doing even better!
Gast: I’ve also been seein’ lots of talk ‘bout on social media and television about us being an idol group on the rapid climb to fame. Look, even now they’re mentioning the GS handshake event got sold out on online news. Whatta strange feeling.
Akira: Hehe, obviously they’d go crazy about us. No way that I wouldn’t be in the spotlight!
Dino: Ahaha, that’s the spirit, Akira-kun! Totally what you’d expect from our ace here. Keep it up with going full throttle!
Gast: But y’know, becomin’ popular like this does make all the negative stuff pop out quite a bit for me.
Akira: Huh? What’cha mean with negative, Gast? Is there some kinda punk that got beef with us?
Gast: Man, why’s your bloodlust so high? It ain’t that, I’m talkin’ about how there’s bad comments online and all that. Well, Akira you don’t bat an eye at these things. Since you barely touch any phone or computer.
Akira: W-who cares? The producer said I’m fine the way I am.
Gast: Yeah, you’re fine as is. Though uploading pics you happened to take with me or the other members does get received well on the contrary. 
Akira: Hmph. …Moving on- what kinda stuff are they writing?
Gast: Let’s see… what I noticed a lot recently was.. 
Dino: Ah… “The members of GS don’t seem to get along well” type of comments. I see these often too.
Gast: Yep, exactly that. All sorta things floatin’ around on how we’re on bad terms. To the point of trending the other day.
Dino: On the day we had a live before, right. It looked like a lot of people somehow got the wrong idea after watching our performance on stage. 
Gast: Uuuh… Gottem. These ones right here.
Akira: Lemme see….
“Asch-kun seemed to be in a bad mood again today.” 
“Asch-kun immediately left after the live ended.” 
“Asch-kun’s the only one without a picture taken in the dressing room?” 
“Wonder if GS doesn’t get along after all…” 
What the hell! Everything’s mostly about Asch!
Asch: Haaah?
Dino: Asch… there you go sitting somewhere all on your own again. We’re having a wrap up party after all, so come join in on the fun with everyone.
Asch: Fuck off. Got no intentions to be buddy buddy with any of you. 
Gast: Ahahah…They ain’t necessarily wrong, ‘bout the bad terms.
Akira: Hold on, I’ve been wondering about it the entire time. Ya don’t wanna get along, but why do you bother showing up at every wrap-up party then?
Asch: ‘Cuz it’s my chance to eat, what else. I get hungry doing lives, so I come here to scarf down some food.
Dino: You see, about Asch- he loves the chicken wings they serve at this restaurant. That’s why we choose this place every time for our little wrap up parties too.
Akira: HUH!? That’s why!? And I kept wondering why we’re only coming here, I wanna go to other places and eat something else for a change~!
Asch: Shuddup! Don’t complain about it, you brat. I’ll wreck you.
Akira: Haaahn? Wanna go at it?
Gast: Oi- calm down, Akira! And you too Asch, leave the things Akira says for what it is.
Asch: Hah? The hell do I have to sit back and take whatever this uncourteous brat hurls at me. Don’t fuck with me!
Gast: Sigh… it’s been like this ever since Akira joined. Wasn’t much in the mood to do things normally even before them rumors ‘bout not getting along. 
Dino: I know all too well where you’re coming from, Gast-kun. I feel the same about Asch’s unsociability.
Gast: Well, we’ve been doing this with the three of us the entire time, and then suddenly Akira showed up. 
Don’t really understand the whole feeling of it bein’ unacceptable… but even then this is way beyond saving.
Asch: Oi, Dino. Heard anything from the producer about the next song?
Dino: Huh? Ah, he’s still lost on what direction we should go in though.
Asch: Then let him make a song with me as the focus.
Dino: Eh?!
Asch: And leave the producing up to me since he can’t make up his mind. 
Dino: H-hold on there Asch! You’re going way off the rails, you know we’re on the side of getting things produced for us.
Asch: Off the rails? You idiot. Don’t you get it how goddamn boring it got ever since this brat joined and we’ve been only getting songs we’ve seen dozens of times.
Akira: Ghgh--! Haaaah!?
Gast: Calm down you two! Calm, down!
Dino: If I had to say, Akira joining finally pushed our group in a nice direction. Don’t you see the value of it, Asch? 
Until now we had Gast for visuals, Asch for rap, and I focused on dancing, but then Akira came in with his amazing singing skills, and it was clear as day our group felt complete. That’s how I feel about it.
Gast: All this ruckus in the media did happen after Akira joined as a new member too.
Dino: Mhm. But I can’t say Akira’s the only one doing all the leg work here. Our group name “GoldenXXsection” comes from the golden ratio. By putting all four of us together, we finally achieved an amazing balance for the first time. 
Asch: Tch. None of it makes no sense. Whatever, if he ain’t gonna budge from being the center, then some force will do. 
Akira: Gonna force me? Ya do wanna go at it, huh!?
Asch: Hah, yeah I do. Fights are where your fists do the talking. You lil’ piece of shit brat!
Dino: Wait- wait, wait Asch! Don’t do anything stupid now!
Asch: Stay out of it, Dino! These kinda guys need to know what pain feels like for once.
Gast: Ah… ummm… what we do is idol stuff, don’t we?
Dino: Aaaah! Look everyone! They served us some new drinks! How about we pull ourselves together and have another round of drinks!
Gast: O-oh! Yeah! Let’s do that! Akira, show me what’cha got again! 
Akira: Huhn? Ugh… if I have to. 
Asch: Oi, hold it there you!
Dino: Asch.
Asch: Tch….. Huh…?
Gast: What’s wrong, Asch?
Asch: Oi, who did this. Which fucking guy mixed up grapefruit juice with grapefruit sour!
Gast: Eh?
Asch: This place oughta know how I’d never ask for alcohol. Was it some newbie!? Is there some goddamn useless newbie around here!?
Dino: Oh come on, what are you thinking of doing now?
Akira: *gulp*... Aaaah, grapefruit juice sure hits the spot!
Asch: Haah?
Akira: Mine’s just normal juice. I wonder why Asch’s got messed up. 
Asch: You… why the hell are you drinking MY juice for!?
Akira: Hold on- this is my juice right here. I only drink non-alcoholic ones.
Asch: As if I give a shit! Even then, that grapfruit juice was MINE. 
Akira: Hah!?
Dino: Asch I told you to keep it cool! You’re being way too irrational. We can ask for another juice, and I can drink up that grapefruit sour instead. So let’s stop with causing trouble for this restaurant, okay?
Asch: Kgh…
Gast: …Ahahahah… well, I get why you’re up in arms about it. Pretty surprisin’ that you can’t handle alcohol. 
Asch: Shut it you! I’ll make you pay for it if anyone overhears that. 
Gast: Wha- don’t gotta tell me! I’m not that tactless, your secret’s safe with me. We’re the same in that regard either way.
Dino: Uh-huh. How was today’s handshake event, Gast-kun?
Gast: Guess I did my best more than usual. I reached my limit after 15 mins and was allowed to take a break for a bit, but Asch who was next to me had istened to my favor and dealt with the fans in my place.
Asch: Hmph… Got quite the nerve to be an idol when you’re bad at dealing with women. Get it under control before word gets out. 
Gast: Y-yeah… but today went smoothly ‘cuz of Asch! Thanks for that. 
Dino: That’s it! Exactly just that!!!
Asch: Hah?
Dino: I said it earlier too but GoldenXXsection achieved a great balance for the first time with all of us together. 
Asch follows up on Gast who’s not good with women, I follow up on Asch who can’t drink alcohol, and Gast follows up on Akira who’s bad at using smartphones- just like that, whenever someone falls behind on something, each member can pitch in and help out. 
It’s all evens out nicely, don’t you think? 
Gast: Right… that might just be the case when putting it like that.
Asch: Hmph, you’re reaching way too far.
Akira: Say, now that you mentioned it, what are we following you up with, Dino?
Dino: I get lonely easily, so eating with everyone like this, and hanging out does more than enough for me. Everyday is fun thanks to you guys! 
Asch: Tch, that doesn’t have anything to do with idols!
Dino: Ahaha, yep. Seriously though, after everything’s said and done, this group really is a perfect match. I’m happy I can be an idol with you guys! Love and peace!
Gast: Ahaha, there it is! That trademark love and peace! Since Dino said so, I’ll be stickin’ with you guys till the very end. 
Akira: Me too! I got confidence in my singing, I’mma go all out with hyping it up! Ooooh VOLTAGE MAX! 
Asch: Shut up! Just what part of this made that voltage max! Think before you speak!
Dino: Nihihi~ I’m sure all that stuff about being on bad terms will be gone before you know it! Because we’re GoldenXXsection!
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le0nardos · 11 months
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soleilsketches · 2 years
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joobs (jude boobs) ⁉️⁉️
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chiefuu · 1 year
pack of my recent doodles
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i REALLY like akira's outfit in that halloween union event but. i just have no idea what can i draw with him other than this ...... maybe someday
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perfect--liar · 1 year
Happy Birthday, Akira!!
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zippam · 4 months
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my grandmother
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phantarein · 25 days
Akira wants to be in the spotlight
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bunberrypancake · 1 year
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some kitty Akiras I drew this weekend bc I like his birthday art and I was listening that 'say meow meow' song
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shinjukusunset · 2 years
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beyond-skyfall · 19 days
Sage Skyfall - Hero Story 1 Translation
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I translated Sage's first Hero Story with Bianchi, Akira, and Brad!
Not sure if one already exists out there or not, but I liked the story and wanted to do it regardless.
Tungle wouldn't let me post is as just a post and kept erroring out so you can find it on Dreamwidth here.
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