my-friend-meowth · 3 months
Juovaimunuoliainen (Sewellia lineolata) Reticulated hillstream loach
Aksolotli (Ambystoma mexicanum) Mexican axolotl
Madagaskarinsihisevätorakka (Gromphodorhina portentosa) Madagascar hissing cockroach
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nectalinks · 2 months
Etsi aksolotli ja voita 200 euron arvoinen lelupaketti! Arvonta päättyy 31.8.  Arvonnan järjestäjä Toyrock Oy
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gendersanciau · 3 years
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Aksolotligender: a gender connected to axolotls, warm water, spring, and cute reptiles. Etymology: Finnish, “aksolotli” meaning “axolotl”
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animalsmsrket · 4 years
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Recent Client Project #mascotlogo #gaming #esports #logodesign #illustration #adobeillustrator #logoinspirations #designs #designspiration #design #mascot #Esports #sportslogo #graphicgang #sketchbookpro #overwatchleague #league #sports #overwatch #games #players #stream #teams #aksolotl #aksolotli — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2YDcboN
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vittumainennarttu · 7 years
Kysymysmeemu 24
24. Millasen lemmikin haluaisitHaluan lagoton mieluiten semmosen toffeen värisen, sit semmonen kaljukissa (sfinksi jos oikein muistan kirjotusmuodon sille rodulle) ja aksolotli ois kans täydellinen mulle
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burguryteddybear · 10 years
aksolotli replied to your post:.
todellaki pakko tsekata just paras :DD ja se jos mikä on niin homo feels huhhuh
Jep, tähän jää koukkuu:ss muttaku en haluu lopettaa vaa haluun saada tnä tän 1kauden loppuu:s.. +luoja homo feels oikeesti!!!! en kestäääää
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kolmaspersoona · 10 years
aksolotli replied to your post
it's the worst :[ especially when people try to justify not tagging with "the books have been out for a long time you should've read them if you didn't want to be spoiled!"
Indeed! :----( Or the ones who say it's just too hard or that they don't have the time (it takes about two seconds so it's funny to say so). I kinda understand it if you have said that your blog contains spoilers or that you don't tag stuff in your blog's description, because then I know to expect it when I follow someone, but otherwise it's just inconsiderate. It ruins a nice thing that you've enjoyed for someone else and that's mean.
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my-friend-meowth · 9 months
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Juovaimunuoliainen (Sewellia lineolata) Reticulated hillstream loach
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Chantaburinsammalsammakko (Theloderma stellatum) Chantaburi warted treefrog
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Aksolotli (Ambystoma mexicanum) Mexican axolotl
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Namunuolimyrkkysammakko (Epipedobates anthonyi) Anthony's poison arrow frog
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Keltanuolimyrkkysammakko (Dendrobates leucomelas) Yellow-banded poison arrow frog
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Taiwaninrottakäärme (Elaphe taeniura friesei) Taiwan beauty rat snake
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Punahäntärottakäärme (Gonyosoma oxycephalum) Red-tailed racer
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mrasteroidsign · 11 years
Thingy (sorry it's a bit late)
Always post the rules
Answer the questions of the person who tagged you and write 11 new ones.
Tag 11 people and link them.

Let them know that they are tagged.
I was tagged by paskajakoavain
1. who is your closest/best friends and why Shinimango because he's fab. Also paskajakoavain is awesomainauskis.
2. do you play any instruments? I played the violin for seven years when I was younger, but that was a long time ago. I might play the piano every once in a while but I suck.
3. fave song at the moment? Umm something from Artpop. Maybe venus or do what u want.
4. what got you into tumblr? I don’t even remember anymore… I guess a friend of mine was on here so I checked it out
5. latest book you read? Catching Fire
6. first object to your right? Another computer? (I’m doing this in the school computer lab :P)
7. do you like junkfood? It’s ok every once in a while
8. do you cosplay? if yes, what is you fave costume? I do <3 And I think the best cosplay I’ve made was the Suiseiseki costume I made for my sister…but I didn't use it myself so idk. I need to start working on my Princess Zelda costume...
9. tea or coffee and why tea <3 tea is the bestest thing in the world and coffee is eww (except for cappucino and maybe cafe latte sometimes)
10. food you absolutely hate? bananas :(
11. what do you want to do when you grow up? I am going to be a theoretical physicist and win a nobel or something
Summer or winter?
What’s your OTP? (I know you probably have like fifty but you have to choose just one)
How many people do you know that can knit?
Favorite radio station?
Do you hate math? (I can’t really be the only one here who actually likes math)
How many times have you skipped school this year? Or if you’re not in school um how many times have you skipped work idk??
Is your life right now how you imagined it would be five years ago?
Worst movie you've ever seen?
If you don't have glasses and you were told you needed to start using them/If you have glasses and you were told you don't need them anymore how would you react?
Do you believe in magic?
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my-friend-meowth · 3 months
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Aksolotli (Ambystoma mexicanum) Mexican axolotl
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Kekälenuolimyrkkysammakko (Adelphobates galactonotus) Splash-backed poison frog
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Sileäotsakaimaani (Paleosuchus trigonatus) Smooth-fronted caiman
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burguryteddybear · 10 years
aksolotli replied to your post:aksolotli replied to your post:GAME OF THRONES...
HEI OIKEESTI NYT! mä just olin oikeesti vähintää sen 5 min kädet ylhäällä sillee FUCK YEAH FUUUUCK YEEEAAAAH ku kuuntelin GOT musiikkii ja YYEEAAAhaaaaAAAAAyeaAAAHAAAAA.    (+TATTOOOS PERKELE)
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burguryteddybear · 10 years
aksolotli replied to your post:GAME OF THRONES GAME OF THRONES GAME OF THRONES...
kaikki ok? :DDD
Mikään ei oo ok, oon tuskissani! KOEN TUSKAA TUNNEN TUSKAA!!! pelkkää tuskaa!!!! GAME OF THRONES PRKL ja TATUOINNIT PERKELE +äiti tykkäs tosi paljon siitä selkätatuoinnista minkä sulleki sillo näytin et millasen haluisin!!! TArviin vaa rahat!!!! + GAME OF THRONES
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burguryteddybear · 10 years
aksolotli replied to your post “äääää ei ois pitäny ruveta uudellee katsomaa game of thronesia koska...”
mutku ennakkotehtävät :(((((((((
Sit ku oot palauttanu ne, mä niin pakotan sut kattomaa gotin ne loput jaksot!;D
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burguryteddybear · 10 years
aksolotli replied to your post:yhhhh jätin mun kuulokkeet näköjään laivalle-.-
:(( oliko kalliitki?
Ei nyt kovin, mutta ketuttaa ku kaikki muut mun kuulokkeet on rikki... =enpäs sitte kuuntele musiikkia-.-
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burguryteddybear · 10 years
aksolotli replied to your post:Roope pelkää niin paljon koiria, että ei uskalla...
eeeeei :((
jep:/... Ja sitten roope vielä ite haluis meille koiran, ahh tilanteen ironia. No mutta taitaa se nyt onneks sentään sinne synttäreille mennä, mut äiti menee mukaan ja ne yhessä ensin tutustuu siihe koiraan.
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