#akutagawa's trying to be emo but instead he's just being weird
blobwithapencil · 2 years
They're siblings your honor
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+bonus mom friend kunikida taking his daughter, son, and son's boyfriend to get fast food
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drangues · 4 years
Oh yeah definitely!!! Akutagawa hates Atsushi, has since before Dazai came into the picture, and Atsushi... His feelings are a bit more complicated, here? Generally speaking, they have such different outlooks that getting along can be hard- And it doesn’t help that Atsushi manages to maintain a high position while keeping with his kinder or more gentle tendencies, so Akutagawa doesn’t think he deserves to be so high up At All due to his softness. (Nyanon, 1/6)
Atsushi, meanwhile, both loves and hates Akutagawa- On the one hand, his cruelty is the exact kind of thing that pisses him off due to how unnecessary and... Well, cruel, it feels, but on the other hand, even if they don’t get along, and even if his way of forcing him to join the mafia was cruel, he was the only person Atsushi interacted with when he first joined? Since they were partners both before and after Atsushi officially joined the Port Mafia. (Nyanon, 2/6)
Even without that, Atsushi is used to being hated by the people around him, up to that point- The Orphanage and the other kids that came from there after he killed the Headmaster come to mind (and speaking of, orphanage hierarchies are another thing I’ve asked my therapist about- Let me know if you’re interested!). He’s used to being a scapegoat, so cruelty to him alone doesn’t put him off. Then Akutagawa started lashing out at his... Friends? (Nyanon, 3/6)
Inner circle? And suddenly All Bets Are Off. Their partnership goes from “strained, but workable because Atsushi is used to bowing to others when they lash out at him to survive” to “can’t work together without trying to rip each other’s throats out.” Then Dazai comes into play and it spirals from there. Really, just super unhealthy for everyone. Moving on to healthier ideas... Haha, poor Mori really thinks it’s that simple. (Nyanon, 4/6)
“Finally, I have full control,” he thinks, not realizing that Atsushi had inadvertently taken half of the mafia with him when he left... Actually, now that I think about it- Atsushi would definitely be happy that Dazai is making his own choice, but do you think he’d be a bit... Jealous, almost, of Oda for influencing Dazai so much in a good way? Not in a mean way, just maybe he feels like he couldn’t get Dazai to a better place, kind of, and it kinda affects his self confidence? (Nyanon, 5/6)
Poor boy already has issues with himself, after all. Anyways. It isn’t like he chases the animals or anything? Not normally, anyways. Unless he’s like, on a sugar or caffeine high (looking at you, Dazai). But he likes watching them and his eyes go back and forth and it’s cute that he’s so attentive. But! Onto my next Nyatsushi Concept: Atsushi’s tiger fur sheds like crazy. Some people think it’s hilarious, but others take one look at their Emo Coat, covered in fur, and despair. (Nyanon, 6/6)
your take on atsushi and akutagawas relationship is N E A T but i also forgot to add, i feel like instead of dazai just. Taking akutagawas abuse he would also try and fight back?? which makes akutagawa even more mad but at the same time hes filled with twisted Excitement like,,,,wow he has the Spirit,,,,amazing,,,no ones ever been so Ballsy before. yOU FEEL ME??
also i do feel like atsushi would have this bittersweet feeling of him not being able to influence dazai as much as oda did but, the secret as to why dazai never left the mafia before is cus his two most important people in his life were oda and atsushi (also ango) and dazai would wanna stay by atsushi’s side but since oda and atsushi are the only ones who are,,,alike?? in terms of kindness dazai feels like leaving to do Some Good after oda dies because in some complex way hes afraid of witnessing atsushis death as well
bet kyouka will gather tiger fur and auction it off to weird ass rich people being like “the finest of fur from the white tiger itself!!”
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